Open Thread – Tue 13 Dec 2022

The Census at Bethlehem, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1566

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December 14, 2022 12:07 pm

Any comment on his bravery under fire? Or are you just going to target the female.

Should Ashli Babbitt’s murderer be imprisoned, Monty?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 14, 2022 12:08 pm

The police woman was best to hide from the killers who it appears had rifles.
Any decent calibre of long arm is deadly at a hundred metres whereas a pistol is fairly useless.
I’m glad she survived by whatever means she used.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 12:10 pm

She was – and that is really the point I’m making.

Prior contact between local police and these guys is certainly a legitimate question. The initial police response provides no indication that they were expecting any form of trouble.

December 14, 2022 12:14 pm

Attacking the officer who was hunted down by three domestic terrorists is low form for the Cat. Not unusual, but low.

You forgot to add a “you lot.”

Not only is nobody “attacking” said officer, there are different views being expressed on her actions, most of them erring on the side of them being reasonable under the circumstances.

Just once, monty, try not to read the world through collectivist lenses.

December 14, 2022 12:14 pm

When you’ve got nothing left to lose, well apart from the Hartley. How soon after Christmas does the road rager develop a limp in anticipation of ANZAC Day. Hurt himself in the Great Hay Truckstop Wars when he tripped on a log.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 14, 2022 12:16 pm

Any decent calibre of long arm is deadly at a hundred metres whereas a pistol is fairly useless.


Unless you’ve had extensive SF training, a pistol is useless at more than 20 metres – and that’s not taking into account moving targets, whether you’re moving at the time and the effects of adrenaline.

‘But, but they do it all the time on TV.’

December 14, 2022 12:17 pm

I think raising the alarm and feeding back information about what the responders will face, was probably a more prudent move than drawing attention to herself, and dying valiantly. Probably saved lives.

That said, if a coup de grace was indeed delivered on her colleagues, it would have been very traumatic to witness, and not respond defensively.

It goes without saying, an extremely shitty event all round.

Excellent points, Mater. I’m angry she was sent there at all but that’s a more generic issue.

The protocols for these sorts of interventions will now be re-written (per reports). I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

December 14, 2022 12:17 pm

As has been said upthread by multiple other Cats, police attend these sorts of locations all the time on what are usually routine check ups, and it just so happened that these four kids drew the short straw. Blaming the victims because they are young or female is stupid. Two cops were killed, one male one female. Two survived, one male one female. Gender did not come into it.

Don’t project your bigotry onto the situation.

December 14, 2022 12:22 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

Ooh, popcorn time.

December 14, 2022 12:23 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally.

OK, as long as we do the same thing for alcohol, cars, pointy sticks….

December 14, 2022 12:29 pm

Knuckle Dragger says:
December 14, 2022 at 12:16 pm
……. a pistol is useless at more than 20 metres – and that’s not taking into account moving targets, whether you’re moving at the time and the effects of adrenaline.

SF? Pfffttt. I’ve seen movie stars make ‘between the eyes’ shots from 25-30 metres whilst rolling across the floor. Movie stars!!!! Oh wait…..

December 14, 2022 12:29 pm

The initial police response provides no indication that they were expecting any form of trouble.

Reports on that seem to be a bit sketchy, Bear.
I read a report last night (News) that Train was known to be a police-hater and had been aggressive when visited by officers (probably to check his gun safe). The reporter’s source said a contingent of four was considered full-on for this type of job in the country. Not sure if that is founded or journalistic colour commentary.

December 14, 2022 12:31 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

How about you get fucked.

A country who’s degree of freedom is driven by what the lowest scum will do, great.

December 14, 2022 12:37 pm

Don’t project your bigotry onto the situation.

Big call from someone who prefaces pretty much every comment about someone with a rundown on their race, gender and sexual orientation.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2022 12:38 pm

We agreed that there did seem to have been something learnt from the Man Monis incident in that there was no messing about by the police SERT in the end.

Media reports of “Heavy firing” before the end of the incident.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 12:40 pm

Reports on that seem to be a bit sketchy, Bear.

I would not be surprised about that. The world generally has gone a bit weird in the last few years. Certainly I expect recruiting to be much easier for conspiracy groups now. Got to try and operate on your bit of the spectrum.

December 14, 2022 12:43 pm

December 14, 2022 at 10:29 am
They recommended a return to “community policing” to de-escalate tensions and rebuild trust with communities.

Not possible when people make excuses for the nutters.

They could start by not assuming every citizen is a nutter o rpotential criminal and tailor their dealings with them accordingly.

The real barrier to this happening is reactionary Commissioners who think the citizenry is the enemy backed up by governments with a taste for authoritarianism.

The more they go down this path the worse it gets, I’m afraid.

No argument from me just trying too point out that both feed the paranoia.

If reports are correct they were doing “community policing” a welfare check.
When officials talk of “community policing” is code for turning cops into social workers. That is not there job.

December 14, 2022 12:45 pm

Last night, in an interview with the Qld Police Commissioner, she said the reason there were four officers was because they were all young and relatively inexperienced. One officer (one of the girls) was only about eight-nine weeks out of the training academy.

According to the Commish, a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the officers leaving the station and no red flags were raised. The risk assessment was, according to the Commish, also reviewed by an experienced officer who saw no problems.

The Commish emphasised, twice, this was a routine BAU event – at least it started out that way – in the same manner as conducted by every police dept across the country on a regular basis.

If the Commish is to be believed, this effectively became a ‘black swan’ event. It remains to be seen what the enquiry will report.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2022 12:48 pm

WA News
Geraldton 13-year-old boy granted bail despite being charged with 92 crimes in WA in 2022
Lachlan Allen Geraldton Guardian
Wed, 14 December 2022 2:00AM

One of Geraldton’s most prolific young offenders, who committed more than 90 offences in 2022 ranging from stealing to burglary, has been granted bail.

The 13-year-old boy appeared in Geraldton Children’s Court via video link from Banksia Hill Detention Centre for a bail application on several charges.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Paul Birkinshaw opposed bail, stating that the boy had been charged with “92 separate offences this year”.

The court was told he was previously released on bail on November 14 and committed further offences only two days later.

Magistrate Angus Hockton highlighted the boy’s age and his prospects for rehabilitation in accepting the application for bail.

Mr Hockton said there was an action plan in place through the Department of Communities to support the boy and his family.

The court was told the plan involved engaging the boy in Clontarf next year, a special children’s doctor, Geraldton Streetwork Aboriginal Corporation and a youth and family support worker.

“If you do come back before the court with new charges, you will end up spending your Christmas in Banksia Hill,” Mr Hockton said.

Under the bail conditions the boy will be subject to a curfew.

“The police know you, they will come looking for you,” Mr Hockton warned him.

The 13-year-old boy will reappear in Geraldton Children’s Court next week.

December 14, 2022 12:48 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

Ffs! C.L
Stop watching CNN.

December 14, 2022 12:50 pm

If the Commish is to be believed, this effectively became a ‘black swan’ event.

Don’t worry, black swan or not, we’re all going to pay for it. This is Australia! See CL’s comment for for further details….

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 12:51 pm

People are complex. One guy from school actually got murdered by neoNAZIs in Perth during the 80s. He was a bit weird at school and weird people tend to attract other weird people. If you went off media reports at the time there was a strong race hate element to their activities but in reality they were just a very dangerous group of criminal misfits and ultimately murderers. All before Al Gore invented the Internet.

December 14, 2022 12:52 pm

Media reports of “Heavy firing” before the end of the incident.

police decided it was payback time

December 14, 2022 12:52 pm

Way back when, a neighbour’s kid joined the Qld polis.
His firearms training sounded like a negligent discharge enquiry waiting to happen.
Absurd scenarios even Audie Murphy would run from.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 12:54 pm

I’m starting to think the heart attack in Aug 2021 is actually the key datum in this whole thing.
The date is interesting, and if it was vaccine-related it just might cause someone to go completely postal if he already was pissed off with government.

You will of course not hear anything about such a motive in the MSM. Maybe I’m just getting too conspiracy theoretical myself, but as I said the date is interesting.

December 14, 2022 12:55 pm

A country who’s degree of freedom is driven by what the lowest scum will do, great.

You’re assuming guns are a sine quo non of freedom.
I’m not seeing a lot of “freedom” these days in the US.

All my life, I’ve heard 2A enthusiasts in that country say their guns are the only thing standing between the citizenry and tyranny. That theory has been blown out of the water.


Bear, I apologise. My initial point was clumsily made and you rightly reproached me for it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 12:57 pm

No worries. The Internet is not great for nuance.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

bons says: December 14, 2022 at 9:01 am
When you fly over the brigalow scrub where the shootings took place it reveals as desperately marginal country.

Crikey bons, brigalow grows in what is some of the best soil in Australia. It is superior to just about every other soil Australia has.
Desperately marginal” is not something that could even be twisted into applying. In fact use of that term is an obscenity if describing brigalow country.
Tara district has plenty of first class brigalow/belah.

‘Fringe’ country physically and probably socially occupied by small holders scratching a living somehow.

Well yeah, the blockie country is mostly buloke & other infertile rubbish. Photos of the crime scene show some of the most infertile country you’d ever see. Such that it is a struggle to imagine there ever being any “long grass” (as was supposed to have been set afire)

It is telling that this was an area where the Greens were very successful with their “shut the gate” anti-CSG campaigns.

From the aerial photos showing the area peppered with CSG wells it would seem there wasn’t much success in actually stopping any wells.

December 14, 2022 1:03 pm

Elsewhere, Old Dixie gets drove down a little bit more.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 1:06 pm

Just started rereading Taleb’s “Antifagile”. He is certainly no fan of forecasts and predictions. There was the case of a grandfather around Margaret River who killed a heap of people, albeit in a family situation. I expect, like with Muslim terrorism, there will be numerous “warning signs”, present in hundreds of people. All of whom manage to go from day to day without the need to kill their fellow humans.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 14, 2022 1:10 pm

December 14, 2022 at 12:01 pm
Attacking the officer who was hunted down by three domestic terrorists is low form for the Cat. Not unusual, but low.

How about the (male) cop who sped away and left her three against one? Any comment on his bravery under fire? Or are you just going to target the female.

That would have been the wounded (male) cop?

December 14, 2022 1:10 pm

All my life, I’ve heard 2A enthusiasts in that country say their guns are the only thing standing between the citizenry and tyranny. That theory has been blown out of the water.

No reports of atifa activities in open carry towns. Plus it’s only one aspect for enthusiasts. It is just a hobby or lifestyle for most.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 14, 2022 1:12 pm

in other words she was useless under pressure

That was pure speculation on my part. Others have pointed out that she was severely outgunned in terms of numbers and weapon type, which makes a lot of sense.

And as far as panic goes I am not sure that rookie blokes would be much better.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 14, 2022 1:12 pm


Just once, monty, try not to read the world through collectivist lenses.

Not. A. Hope. m0nty=fa just regurgitates the (rapidly changing) leftard talking points as he receives them.

December 14, 2022 1:15 pm

Real Mark Latham @RealMarkLatham
My interview on SkyNews tonight has just been cancelled by the station.
Andrew Bolt’s commitment to free speech, a million teary, pleading editorials?
Like everything else about the guy: A complete and utter fraud!!

fite fite fite

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 14, 2022 1:17 pm

Did monty get something right with saying BLM adherents are domestic terrorists? Does he apply this to the Summers Of Love in America since St George Floyd left this mortal coil?

December 14, 2022 1:18 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

Hard cases make bad law.

December 14, 2022 1:18 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws

I would also like a review of gun ownership laws, ie same as Switzerland every household should have a firearm

December 14, 2022 1:22 pm

same as Switzerland every household should have a firearm

But no ammunition or is that a myth?

December 14, 2022 1:23 pm

And as far as panic goes I am not sure that rookie blokes would be much better.

we know how it works, when they come across some violent perp they crumble and call for male backup. what are young women doing there beside being cannon fodder for virtue signalling woke bureaucrats

A 26-year-old female constable has been attacked at a Franston shopping centre after approaching a woman and asking why she was not wearing a face mask. The woman allegedly lashed out and pushed the policewoman to the ground, before repeatedly hitting her head into the pavement.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 14, 2022 1:23 pm

A white Christmas in Australia?

I love this global warming.

Just a bit jealous…

December 14, 2022 1:31 pm

I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

CL, my entire family enjoys target shooting. Even my wife, who is not a gun lover at all, but does enjoy the challenge (occasionally handing my arse to me) and appreciates the skill involved.

Who decides the ‘need’? Monty in his metropolitan basements, or we who live rural for the lifestyle (including these pastimes)?

Everyone will have a different definition of need and want.

Besides all that, nothing has been said about the firearms involved. The absence of the traditional squealing of the anti-gun crowd, could indicate that the weapons involved were outside of current laws and licensing. The description of ‘a hail of bullets’, also gives that impression. I am awaiting further information on this aspect, it could be a completely wrong assumption.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 14, 2022 1:31 pm

Front page of the Hun. Picture of the 4 coppers first on the scene. No mention of the neighbour who paid the ultimate penalty. That’s beyond the pale Hun.

December 14, 2022 1:32 pm

compare level of crime in Switzerland vs UK

our “lawmakers” prioritise criminals above law abiding citizens. crims don’t break into homes where they know guns are available. of course our corrupt polies dont want us to either protect ourselves or crime to go down.

December 14, 2022 1:40 pm

Elsewhere, Old Dixie gets drove down a little bit more.

Bit of selective memory at play here by the City Council .. Richmond’s “heritage protected” Hollywood Cemetery has dozens of Confederate statues/memorials around the grounds and is Richmond’s no.1 tourist attraction! .. but, of course, City Council has no jurisdiction over federal CW “heritage sites” so conveniently ignores them .. Richmond is, also, home to the “Confederate” White House as well as the Tredegar Iron Works .. both Federal ‘protected” CW heritage sites ..

December 14, 2022 1:40 pm

“…I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally…”

Completely backwards – it should be up to the state to prove I am not a fit person, not up to me to prove I am. For the same reason as the presumption of innocence – it is presumed I am a responsible, sane and reasonable person, more than able to make my own choices as to what I require to protect and defend myself.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Black Ball says: December 14, 2022 at 1:31 pm
Front page of the Hun. Picture of the 4 coppers first on the scene. No mention of the neighbour who paid the ultimate penalty. That’s beyond the pale Hun.

The QPlod Commish, in a press conference yesterday, took great care to mention in reverent terms the murdered neighbour.

My radar said this was driven by blowback from the genpop regarding the caste system of mourning & remembrance.

December 14, 2022 1:43 pm

Salvadore. The Greens were very successful in the lock the gate campaign. What they didn’t understand was that in many instances all they achieved was to facilitate an increase in the amount that many ‘lockers’ demanded to overcome their commitment to Gaia.
If you look at a map you will discover that Brigalow is a town nearby that is serves as a shorthand name for the district.
Aerial photos notwithstanding, there are many gates that remain locked.
I do know this area very well, my daughter is a landholder near Jondaryan and owns and leases out a couple of blocks in the scrub, so I don’t require a boorish lecture about district fertility.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Kneel says: December 14, 2022 at 1:40 pm

“…I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally…”

Completely backwards – it should be up to the state to prove I am not a fit person, not up to me to prove I am. For the same reason as the presumption of innocence – it is presumed I am a responsible, sane and reasonable person, more than able to make my own choices as to what I require to protect and defend myself.

Quite so.

December 14, 2022 1:45 pm

Just started rereading Taleb’s “Antifagile”. He is certainly no fan of forecasts and predictions.

I used to be a great fan of Nassim Taleb – principally because he has been such an original thinker – even though he is a beyond conceited. When Covid first appeared he had a tremendous row with John Ioannidis, one of the most celebrated and published (or at least was once!) mathematicians alive today. I initially thought Taleb had to be right in his insistence that “the precaution principle” must prevail & we must assume the virus was of pandemic capability. Ioannidis, who had already calculated the numbers coming out of China & the first western countries affected, was not convinced it had an Infection Fatality Rate for all age groups that would warrant the extreme measures being suggested. He was lampooned by Taleb, as he was by all the medical bureaucrats and others who refused to actually analyse the data. Exceptions were, of course, Prof Norman Fenton of the UK, and Dr. Jessica Rose of the the US.

BTW John Ionnidis is rarely heard these days. I think he suffered a great deal from the pile on he experienced.

December 14, 2022 1:47 pm
December 14, 2022 1:52 pm

I would not recommend making any laws with Tara Blockiest in mind. As a collective group, I would classify them as nut jobs. Back in the day they rocked up for ultra cheap small blocks of land offered by the then failing Tara Council. Small blocks in the scrub with no services.
As an example of their nutbaggery, the new western downs council decided the population density was sufficient to introduce a garbage collection service. Protests ensured because it was thought it enabled what the blockies knew what it was really about: surveillance. So they didn’t get a garbage service.
I would also observe that Tara Blockies were the lead Qld representatives of the Lock the Gate idiots.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 14, 2022 1:53 pm

or crime to go down
Exactly what I was thinking reading Zulu’s cut n paste of the Feralton magistrate who put the offender back on the street despite 90 odd charges in 12 months… with a pathetic threat about Christmas in Banksia Hill, as if the kid would know a single carol, or the date Father Christmas comes… or who his father is. They could only be willing and actively working towards the perp escalating the offence to where a prole might get seriously disembursed of their property or safety, and then the freshly street credentialled child would go to the Bog House to be gifted a roof, a bed, three meals and a shower every day… and whole new family who share his interests.

December 14, 2022 1:54 pm

BoN – husband and I were only this morning discussing this flagrant use of “conspiracy theorists” by governments and the media – particularly of the Left variety. My God, the Left are masters of using (or should I say, converting) language to suit their agenda. Sadly, they are unrivalled in this by Conservatives.

So – in their view, anyone who debates or opposes the government “line” or media interpretation of events – is very often labelled a “conspiracy theorist”. It is staggering! The most flagrant example, of course, is the labelling of the world class epidemiologists and virologists, who disputed the conduct of the pandemic & the mandating of mRNA vaccines, as “conspiracy theorists” – including winners of Nobel Prizes!!!

These days, as soon as I hear this term applied, I am suspicious of the motivation or intellect of the source.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

I don’t require a boorish lecture about district fertility.

Accurate. Not intended to be “boorish”
Briglaw (the town) is a hamlet (though it does rate a police station) named for the tree (naturally). It may be a shorthand name for the district, though I have to ask how such an insignificant little dorp became the default descriptor.
Neither the cops nor the media seem to be using this shorthand name, preferring for some reason “Chinchilla” or “Western Darling Downs” or laughably; “West of Brisbane”

The jury is still out on who punked who when it came to the “Lock the Gate” alliance between agriculturalists & greens. As you say, it is looking very like the main achievement of the Greens was to enrich farmers. There is quite some schadenfreude to be derived from that outcome.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 14, 2022 1:57 pm

*big house
Tho it’s not too bad, remembering Rumpole’s reflection on the realities of fate

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2022 2:02 pm

The vicarious blood-lust from a couple on here over the last couple of days has been something to behold.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Entropy says: December 14, 2022 at 1:52 pm
I would also observe that Tara Blockies were the lead Qld representatives of the Lock the Gate idiots.

Crikey Entropy, what should the Blockies have done? Allowed the gas company assholes to walk all over them?
It’s a helluva unhappy position to be in when those bastards turn up & want to run amok on your country. I’ve seen what bending over & letting them have their way unhindered does for the landholder.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 2:16 pm

Vicki – especially as some conspiracy theories are turning into fact in under 24 hours these days.

December 14, 2022 2:17 pm

You’re assuming guns are a sine quo non of freedom.


See comments on the “need” to regulate cars, alcohol, sticks, rocks etc. etc. if you go this route.

You want a society where you ability to own firearms, use vehicles, drink alcohol, fly a drone, throw a rock is entirely dictated by what lunatic scum might do with any one of these things.

This is why Australia is fucked. The minds of most Australians are fucked.

There oughta be a Law against…..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 2:19 pm

Crikey Entropy, what should the Blockies have done? Allowed the gas company assholes to walk all over them?

Do they pay more or less than what wind turbine erecters do?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Do they pay more or less than what wind turbine erecters do?

With the Blockies it is likely a matter not of money, but destruction of privacy and ongoing destruction of their quiet enjoyment of life.
Plus some prick coming onto your place all the time may restrict your ability to grow dope without hindrance by the fuzz. This is important to some.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 14, 2022 2:24 pm

when they come across some violent perp they crumble and call for male backup.

But this was not a matter of physical strength. It was shoot and risk being shot – with the preponderance of likelihood being you being shot. So a bit different to the stories where a slight young thing picks a fight for some bigger bloke to come in and do what’s necessary.

I am not one of those people who think women have no place on the force but that it is more likely a matter of their being better suited for certain roles than men, and vice versa naturally. I would hazard a guess that women might be better dealing with victims of most sex crimes (female empathy and relatability for the victim) and crimes against children (reflecting the difference in the way kids interact with mothers and fathers and hence women and men) for example. These examples are only means as illustrations of what such specialisation may look like, rather than as asseverations of what they will be.

I would also note that the numbers for these roles may not be 1:1, so there is no basis for thinking the force should be 50% male and 50% female. Trying to reach quotas should not be allowed to deny advancement for a man into more senior roles merely because he is also good at his current role while a woman might be at a dead end.

As it is all sorts of fluff and nonsense has been carved in stone on the basis of social and political expedients, particularly treating woman police officers as if they are in every way equal to men and thus putting women in harm’s way and leaving a man without back up. That is just the unintended consequences of listening to columnists in the Snidely Moaning Haemorrhoid, angry feminist academics mimeographing their reports and studies which all make the same claims about matters they have no experience in, and shouty lady politicians wanting to be seen as a champion of wymmins no matter how women might suffer.

December 14, 2022 2:24 pm

All my life, I’ve heard 2A enthusiasts in that country say their guns are the only thing standing between the citizenry and tyranny. That theory has been blown out of the water.

It’s a last resort, not a first option.

US citizens are generally treated by their government with respect. Australian citizens are generally treated by their government with contempt.

I think that’s enough in itself.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 2:29 pm

With the Blockies it is likely a matter not of money, but destruction of privacy and ongoing destruction of their quiet enjoyment of life.

So they’re allowed to say no to wind turbine developments then?
Haha, didn’t think so.

December 14, 2022 2:33 pm

Well the price cap legislation will pass tomorrow, that Lambie idiot has backed the plan.
Her support guarantees that this is bad legislation.

My prediction for the near future (say 18 months plus) gas shortages slowly getting worse and the price skyrocketing. Between this legislation and the Plibbers environment rule changes nobody will bother to do gas exploration or development in Australia.
It becomes more and more clear that Elbo and co are hell bent on destroying Australia as we know it. Learn to eat bugs and fake meat, learn to cook on wood fires, buy lots of warm cloths, and throw away your aircon. Life under Elbo and Bowen will not be fun.

December 14, 2022 2:33 pm

I don’t know who else should do a welfare check, other than police.
Iirc there is a specialist unit for them in Melbourne, somewhere near Dandenong.
I once went looking for someone and it ended up a police matter.
No answer despite knocking several times and asking a neighbour.
I did not feel at all entitled to attempt to break in, and in any case as I had dreaded and been praying that I was wrong , the person was deceased and had been so for several days (in above 30 degree temps).
So yes, welfare checks, police.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

So they’re allowed to say no to wind turbine developments then?

Landholders have pretty much zero rights. The only rights a landholder does have are the right to pay rates & the right to fund a mortgage.
That’s about where the input of the landholder ends.

December 14, 2022 2:39 pm

Your arguments against guns does not hold CL.

The only reason the entire west is now not completely under communist one world government is because the yanks have guns and the yanks have a more decentralised power structure
The fact that gun ownership is all the left go on about tells you how much it worries then.

And there is a lot of freedom still in the USA and never were they imprisoned and tyrannised the way we were…..and still are.
The reason Australia has not completely fallen to the WEF is precisely because the left fear the gun owners of America are as willing to be as violent as they are.

December 14, 2022 2:42 pm

For Women Scotland lose legal case over definition of ‘woman’
A JUDGE has ruled that transgender women with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) can legally be defined as women when it comes to legislation that aims to ensure gender balance on public boards.

December 14, 2022 2:44 pm

That’s pathetic Sancho.
Pathetic and sad.

December 14, 2022 2:45 pm

Sal upthread:

The jury is still out on who punked who when it came to the “Lock the Gate” alliance between agriculturalists & greens.

I believe it may have been around this time I withdrew any further donations to the Red Cross. If my memory is correct, the Red Cross were all over the LTG mob with free food and beverages.

December 14, 2022 2:49 pm

December 14, 2022 at 1:22 pm
same as Switzerland every household should have a firearm

But no ammunition or is that a myth?

Myth, Bespoke.
The Swiss conduct regular checks on every household that has a gun to see if it maintained correctly. If not maintained to the standard expected, the gun owner is fined.

December 14, 2022 2:51 pm

Bugger, forgot to add “that includes ammunition”.

December 14, 2022 2:54 pm

Panic buying of Panadol and other medicines in mainland China now starting to ensue due to restart there.
Queries spotted being made in Chinese language local forums about shipping said from Australia to mainland.
If it follows the same pattern as the PPE in the early days of 2020, you might want to make sure you have sufficient personal supplies of such if you depend on it due to chronic pain, migraines etc.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 2:54 pm

I withdrew any further donations to the Red Cross.

Likewise, and also the Salvos who cooked for the greenies at the G20 in Brisbane.
I now donate to unwoke causes. I wonder when these charities will twig?

There was a World Vision desk at the shopping centre this morning with a bored guy in attendance. No interest at all from anyone.

December 14, 2022 2:54 pm

Let’s have a mature look at the reasons the shooters did what they did.
For whatever reason they obviously feared and loathed the police.

Who the fuck could blame them after the last few years?
I do as well.
But the jabbed who empowered tyranny and the compliant empowered the cops and government and therefore we must ask….before they cry their crocodile tears….those that empowered tyranny might want to look in the mirror before tisk tisking and pointing the finger at others who they called conspiracy theorists and loons…who held the line.

December 14, 2022 2:58 pm

I had started stocking up on Aspirin, Paracetamol and Ibuprofren a month ago. Our Nanny Government is already discussing a ban on Paracetamol because a couple of teenagers had or tried to commit suicide by Paracetamol.
You will own nothing, you will eat bugs and live in pain and dammit, you will be happy!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 14, 2022 3:01 pm

This may sort of pop the balloons of some of the armchair generals here. Turns out this skank and pair of retards were just your ordinary, everyday, garden variety trash ( and the NZ Herald):

The two brothers who were shot dead after killing two police officers and a neighbour in cold blood had reportedly been taking ice and bragging about their “fortified house” in the lead-up to the horrific attack.

The “murderous trio”, Nathaniel Train, his brother Gareth and sister-in-law Stacey, were all killed in a shootout with police at a rural Queensland property on Monday afternoon.

Not only were they iced-up freakshows, but:

Now, claims have surfaced that the trio were engaged in a bizarre love triangle, with the Australian reporting Nathaniel may have been married to Stacey before she was with his brother.

One source told the publication that they were involved in a “love tryst” and police are now trying to understand the dynamic between the brothers and Stacey in the lead-up to the bloodshed.

Hahaha aaahahaha. Every time.

Wishful thinking on the part of comfy chair cowboys about ‘oh no but false flag’ and ‘there is much more to this’ and ‘Last Holdouts Standing Against The Man’, and especially ‘yeah but other cops on the other side of the country two years ago’ just went plap.

In the end, after all the conclusion-jumping and excuses are stripped away, they’re just another pebble on the giant pile of inbred fuckwits that infest this country.

December 14, 2022 3:02 pm

I had started stocking up on Aspirin, Paracetamol and Ibuprofren a month ago

I try to get through most things without it, but if the sinuses flair up I might as well shoot myself if I can’t get a Panadol and an antihistamine.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 14, 2022 3:04 pm

Right on time:

Let’s have a mature look at the reasons the shooters did what they did.
For whatever reason they obviously feared and loathed the police.

Who the fuck could blame them after the last few years?

No, that’s a cover for being methed-out iodine-hoarding conspiracy-site surfing freak shows who are or were both porking the same toothless crone in a rural backwoods barbed-wire shack, thus demonstrating their inability or unwillingness to interact with normal people.


Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

If my memory is correct, the Red Cross were all over the LTG mob with free food and beverages.

I have no such recollection. Then again, I’d switched off the Red Cross long before that time.
Wish I’d known they were doing it, I’d have written them a very nice letter enquiring just how the heck Lock-the-Gate could possibly qualify as a charity case.

I’ve doorknock collected for the Red Cross (long ago) quite some of the donations come from little old ladies, pensioners & others who don’t have much. It is quite humbling when they rattle a piggy bank or dip into a purse which hasn’t much in it.

It is an obscenity for their donations to then be used to feed & water a bunch of frolicking swampies up from the big smoke & likewise able-bodied landholders who’re well able to bring their own thermos & sandwiches to a public gathering.

December 14, 2022 3:11 pm

Switzerland thus has a relatively high gun ownership rate. There are no official statistics, and estimates vary considerably.

The 2017 report from Small Arms Survey has estimated that the number of civilian-held firearms in Switzerland is of 2,332,000, which given a population of 8.4 million corresponds to a gun ownership of around 27.6 guns per 100 residents.[14][15] Other estimates place the number of privately held firearms upwards to an average of 3,400,000, giving the nation an estimate of 41.2 guns per 100 people in 2017.[16] The International Crime Victims Survey conducted in 2004-05 reported that approximately 28% of all households in Switzerland owned guns, giving Switzerland the second-highest percentage of firearm ownership in Europe.[17]

December 14, 2022 3:12 pm

In the end, after all the conclusion-jumping and excuses are stripped away, they’re just another pebble on the giant pile of inbred fuckwits that infest this country.

Why does it happen here only once in a blue moon, though? Why isn’t it much more common, like in America? Honest question.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2022 3:13 pm

Wieambilla murders a wake-up call on the dangers of sovereign citizen cults Jack the Insider Follow @JacktheInsider

12:25PM December 14, 2022
1 Comment

Four young police officers ambushed, two of them shot dead, one wounded, the other, who can only be described as a hero, left in a world of pain and trauma, and a neighbour executed, shot in the back.

Three innocent people dead. The three perpetrators, also dead, got what was coming to them.

The term that hasn’t been used by police or media to date is domestic terrorism but that is surely what led to the deaths of three innocent people. The incident also stands as a warning on the dangers of cult behaviour and the rapid radicalisation of individuals amplified by disinformation associated with the pandemic.

Queensland Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll says she is “eternally grateful” two police officers escaped… the Wieambilla shooting and has rallied the community to support them as they process the deaths of their friends. Police officers Rachel McCrow and Matthew Arnold were killed by two gunmen in an ambush.

There has been a media focus on Gareth Train and his online conspiracy laden rants. Whether it’s the Port Arthur massacre as a false flag or babbling about the “Luciferian agenda”, 5G, Bill Gates, the CIA as a “Jesuit cabal”, freemasonry, and secret government depopulation policies through vaccines, it is mere wallpaper.

The belief systems of conspiracists are an intellectual cul-de-sac for rational people. There’s no point trying to comprehend them or seek some truth from them.

After reviewing several of Gareth Train’s posts, I would identify him as a sovereign citizen aligned conspiracy cultist. This mentality, reinforced in social media echo chambers, led to his radicalisation. In turn, it would appear that his wife and brother were radicalised. In the case of the brother, Nathaniel, it seems his radicalisation occurred in the space of just a few months.

Sovereign citizens, sometimes known by their Canadian nomenclature as Freemen on the Land, believe the state and its law enforcement arms have no authority over them.

It’s an amorphous collective. Some sovereign citizens spend their time attempting to find holes in Australia’s constitutional framework. Others engage in doomed but exhausting legal battles with the state or individuals unfortunate enough to have crossed their paths. Some engage in taxation fraud which is how the movement first started in the US in the early 1990s. Many drive the roads unlicensed, their vehicles uninsured and unregistered.

All are living on the fringes of society — geographically, ideologically and culturally. Their numbers are hard to discern but there are various state and federal reports that put the figure at somewhere around 100,000 in this country alone. Not all are dangerous, but many are.

It is only a matter of time before sovereign citizens come into contact with police. That’s where the problems begin. In the US, routine traffic stops have escalated into shootouts. At a routine traffic stop in Arkansas in 2010, Jerry Kane grappled with a police officer before his 16-year-old son, Joseph emerged from the vehicle and opened fire, killing both officers. The father and son sov-cits went on a spree thereafter shooting and wounding two more police officers before they were shot to death by police.

Kane had outstanding warrants, an expired driver’s licence and uninsured vehicle. He and his son had been touring the country holding seminars where Kane would lecture participants on bogus legal pathways to avoid paying creditors or tax.

Sergeant Brandon Paudert was the first cop killed by Joseph Kane. He was shot fourteen times in the head, neck and shoulders by Joseph Kane bearing an AK-47 variant. Paudert’s father, Bob, was chief of police at West Memphis, Arkansas.

Bob Paudert now travels the US speaking to other law enforcement officers to educate them on identifying sov-cits and taking steps to reduce risk. He speaks of practical measures for cops on the beat, calling for backup as a rule.

Jerry Kane was in the FBI database as a red flag, but this was not known to local police. Two weeks earlier, Kane had been arrested and held in custody for two days in New Mexico for failure to produce a driver’s licence. By the time Bob Paudert’s son and his colleague approached the vehicle in Arkansas, Kane and his son were itching for a firefight.

Intelligence that could have been shared was not and a routine traffic matter became a murder scene.

The outpouring of grief over the murders of two young police officers, and the murder of a civilian in the Western Downs of Queensland needs to find form as a wake-up call for law enforcement across the country.

There was clearly a failure of intelligence that led to the ambush. Gareth Train had firearms on the property and licences to possess them. Not unusual in that part of the world. But he had a long history of social media engagement in the conspiracy theory alternative universe. And in 2020, he posted what stands as an ongoing threat to police.

“I have directed law enforcement to leave my premises over the last 20 years, having no reason or grounds, and at times have also asked them to remove their hands from their weapons or pull their pistols and whistle Dixie. Fortunately for me they have all been cowards,” Train wrote.

Had this information been made available to Queensland Police — and it was not hard to find, it is difficult to understand why four young police officers on general duties were dispatched to the property.

Wisdom in hindsight, perhaps.

Two weeks ago, I watched a video filmed by a sovereign citizen. He’d been pulled over by a single highway patrolman for driving an unregistered and uninsured vehicle. The sov-cit refused to show his licence and cited laws and associated nonsense. These are the language triggers that should inform police of what they are dealing with. The police officer was patient and stood his ground. There was no physical altercation and the video ended with the outcome unclear.

I got the distinct feeling that the police officer had no experience in dealing with sovereign citizens and was unable to identify the immediate risk he was facing.

That needs to change across the country with training made available to all police officers so they can quickly identify risk. In the US, the standard response is to withdraw and call for back up.

Intelligence and security agencies need to share information across all law enforcement. Similarly, senior police need to do their homework before they send young officers off to enter the premises of a sovereign citizen. This means doing some deep digging into a suspect’s online posts, devoting time and manpower to monitoring conspiracy cult groups and seeking advice from experts in this field.

We simply cannot allow young police officers to walk into these situations without an understanding of the risks they will encounter.

As a society, we need to properly understand the nature of the threat. And that takes me back to my original point, that what occurred in Wieambilla this week was domestic terrorism.

December 14, 2022 3:13 pm

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward

December 14, 2022 3:13 pm

I try to get through most things without it, but if the sinuses flair up I might as well shoot myself if I can’t get a Panadol and an antihistamine.

Arky, have you tried the salt water inhalers up your nose? I’ve had that work a treat.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 14, 2022 3:20 pm

Why does it happen here only once in a blue moon, though? Why isn’t it much more common, like in America? Honest question.

Yes. Democrat voters in the US inner cities are definitely an issue.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 3:22 pm

Fly on wall in editorial conference room at random MSM office.

Reporter #1 – We’ve found out they were aboriginals from Dubbo.
Editor – No, can’t included it, BLM is on our side.
Reporter #2 – Well one guy had a heart attack after being made to take the vaccine to keep his job.
Editor – Nooo, not that either.
Reporter #3 – Maybe there’s a Voice angle? They were black nationalists…
Editor – Ah, when is your next performance appraisal? Just asking.
Reporter #4 – I hear they had some amphetamines. Ice maybe.
Editor – Yay, you get a bonus miss, um… What’re your pronouns again? Iceheads is it! Paranoid crazies that are most certainly not vax-injured black-armband abos from Dubbo (and whatever you do don’t mention the Voice.)

December 14, 2022 3:23 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 14, 2022 at 2:54 pm
I withdrew any further donations to the Red Cross.

Likewise, and also the Salvos who cooked for the greenies at the G20 in Brisbane.
I now donate to unwoke causes. I wonder when these charities will twig?

Yes, the RSPCA is also off my list because of wokeness.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Why does it happen here only once in a blue moon, though? Why isn’t it much more common, like in America? Honest question.

Which part of America?
Mexico, which has supertight gun control & thus obviously no gun crime or gun murders. Brazil, which has supertight gun control & thus obviously no gun crime or gun murders, Chicago/N. Orleans/DC/NYC which have gun control & thus no gun crime or gun murders, or Podunkburg Iowa, which has no gun controls & thus the local farm boys, when not driving a John Deere plowin’ up the acres, are slaughtering each other at the auction barn in disputes over hog prices, or murdering each other over who grew the best corn crop?

It is cultural. More than anything else, gun crime is cultural.

December 14, 2022 3:26 pm

Drug fueled paranoia and everything else an excuse, not a reason.
Colour me shocked.
Thanks for the update KD.

December 14, 2022 3:26 pm

Customer shot St. Louis KFC employee after being told store ran out of corn, police say

Police said the customer came up to the drive-thru window with a handgun and then shot an employee outside the restaurant.

December 14, 2022 3:29 pm

Who to believe?
The dismissive collectivist brain farts of a vicpol arsewipe pontificating from the front bar at the skimpies…..or Jack the jerk off’s collectivist left wing generalisations.

Fuckwits all.

No one knows the real story out there at all but lefties like KD are sure they have it covered.

In fact all we really do know is that after the behavior of the police after the last few years. ..whose surprised?

It won’t be the last time either as more relatives die of the jab and the anger rises to the surface….as they get sick and finally the denislism can’t hold back the truth.

It’s only the start and yet all could have been avoided.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2022 3:29 pm

Likewise, and also the Salvos who cooked for the greenies at the G20 in Brisbane.
I now donate to unwoke causes. I wonder when these charities will twig?

Yep, me too. I donate to a few charities every month, mainly unwoke animal charities, however I don’t donate a cent to the RSPCA which is now fully ideologically woke.

December 14, 2022 3:30 pm

I don’t know who else should do a welfare check, other than police.

What is a welfare check who authorizes them and for what reason ?
I’m a 74 years old OAP, live alone, don’t get visitors or even speak/see other folk for weeks on end but no one from “authority’ ever turns up at my door to “check” on me! .. my rent is several months in advance and, unless family worried, I could drop dead and no one would be any the wiser until a gummint computer flagged “arrears” .. never got the BAT FLU jab or the dozen or so “boosters” either but no one ever from gummint ever follows thru on my health even tho I’m an automated hospital Cancer check short for the year …..
Then again, I iz white sooooooo! .. duuuuuuh!

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2022 3:30 pm

“Yes, the RSPCA is also off my list because of wokeness.”


Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
December 14, 2022 3:31 pm

Based on FBI statistics the most likely gun homicide in the US is a young black man killing another young black man. Since blacks vote Democrat at around 80% to 90% then I would summise that most would be Democrat voters.
The underlying cause of this violence are not guns but about 75% of African Americans being born out of wedlock. With no stable homelife these young men when they hit puberty take a bad turn.

December 14, 2022 3:35 pm

St Ruth should concentrate on the vaxx being the reason that Geelong won the 2022 flag. If he can convince me of that, I might join him.

December 14, 2022 3:36 pm

Struth, the Qld Police Service is nothing like VicPol. qOS were much more accommodating of say, antivax protestors than VicPol. There were no arrests of pregnant mothers at the kitchen table for Facebook thoughtcrime one Queensland.

These Tara blockies were not upstanding salt of the earth citizens. They were nut job arseholes who unfortunately took out some decent people before the QPS SERT took them out.

What IS impressive is how quickly the SERT got there.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2022 3:37 pm

It is cultural. More than anything else, gun crime is cultural.

Agree. There are lots of guns everywhere in Israel. It’s safe. You sit on the bus next to a soldier who has a gun.

December 14, 2022 3:37 pm

Welfare checks aren’t random shatterzzz.
It’s where reliable people don’t turn up for work or appointments, can’t be contacted over the phone, neighbours haven’t seen them etc and there are genuine concerns for their welfare.

I had to do a little bit of jumping up and down to get one.

December 14, 2022 3:42 pm

Jack the insider doing the governments bidding.
You do realise you will all be considered sovcit terrorists just by being conservative?
It should be very insightful for many of you today as we see the true bigotry and collectivist generalisations of KD on display.
He WANTS to believe they are what he is frightened of and can’t stand. …individualists.
It’s so obvious one wonders if these people he fears so are the reason he finds himself a failed vicplod public servant hiding out in Darwin.

Here’s the bigotry and ignorance exposed.

Once somebody rightfully mentions the government have put themselves above the constitution. …then KD assumes they are a 5g denier of the moon landing and claiming they have no name etc.

This is a blatant and obvious left wing tactic and you may also notice that on this subject he and monty act and speak in exactly the same fashion.

December 14, 2022 3:45 pm

According to the Commish, a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the officers leaving the station and no red flags were raised. The risk assessment was, according to the Commish, also reviewed by an experienced officer who saw no problems.

just goes to show how useless these risk assessments actually are. and they are everywhere now. mere paperwork for butt covering from over reaching legislation. society has gone off the rails.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
December 14, 2022 3:46 pm

Police welfare checks can be a great comfort to worried family members.

Going back a few years now, but I had a workmate who for some unknown reason became suicidal, disappeared from his home and went bush.

Worried family called police and they conducted a huge search operation in the WA Goldfields to find our man and talked him out of ending his life. There would have been twenty or more officers involved and many hundreds of man hours.

Our man today is happy and healthy, and all because of the concerted efforts of a “welfare check” by police.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

According to the Commish, a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the officers leaving the station and no red flags were raised.

“Job calls for two cops. Oops, the two we’ve got are greenhorns.
So send Four greenhorns & that’ll be the same as sending an experienced officer.”

Wonder who was behind that nugget of command skill & ability?

December 14, 2022 3:50 pm

Miltonf says:
December 14, 2022 at 8:50 am
Australian Toyotas were very good too

The massive improvement in Camrys once they were imported (from Thailand, FFS) over locally built says you are wrong.

December 14, 2022 3:52 pm

“Which part of America?”

Typically where gun laws are strict, as you note – Chicago, LA, NY, Philly.

And, of course, such gun laws do NOT preclude career criminals from obtaining firearms – a criminal record already precludes you from being able to purchase a firearm from a Federal Firearms Licensed dealer, regardless of how long ago it might have been, or whether it was for violent or non-violent crime.
Much like a lock keeps out honest people, a law only stops the law abiding – the lawless care not that they will be adding “illegal firearm” charge to murder, assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery and so on. That’s just the “cost of doing business” as it were.

December 14, 2022 3:52 pm

Stands to reason the only reason the Train trio were ‘brave’ enough to shoot unsuspecting police was because they’d fortified themselves with their drug of choice.

December 14, 2022 3:53 pm

Agree. There are lots of guns everywhere in Israel. It’s safe. You sit on the bus next to a soldier who has a gun.

I agree, Cassie. I travelled to Israel on my own many years ago and I felt completely safe. They are a nation of no nonsense people who can maintain control without invoking discomfort. I’m sure the Palestinians don’t agree, but that is what I felt.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2022 3:54 pm

The “stand or fall if necessary” iodine hoarders are spinning this one hard.

December 14, 2022 3:55 pm
December 14, 2022 3:55 pm

Wasn’t one a visiting school principal who went silly after a jab induced heart attack.

They weren’t all “blockies”
In the sense you want to believe they are..

And boy, don’t a few want to lap up the left wing narrative.

What do you really know, denialist retards?

Johnny Rotten
December 14, 2022 3:55 pm

A teacher goes around her class asking each of the kids what they need at home? First kid says “A computer”. Teacher replies “That’d be very useful, every family should have a computer”. The second kid says “We really need a lawn mower” and the teacher responds by saying “That’s an excellent choice”. Little johnny pops up saying “At my house we don’t need anything”. The teacher asks him to think again carefully because everybody needs something. Little Johnny replies “Nope I’m sure. When my sister started dating a Muslim, I remember Dad saying, Well, that’s the last fucking thing we need”.

There was a baby born in the hospital and he weighed ten pounds. The odd thing about him was his body weighed five pounds and his balls weighed five pounds. All the nurses and even the doctor didn’t know what to do with him. Then, the chief surgeon walked in and asked what was wrong. The head nurse replied “We don’t know what to do with this baby”. So the chief surgeon took one look and said “You should put him into a mental institution”. “Why?” asked the head nurse. “Well” replied the chief surgeon “take a look at him. The boy is obviously half nuts”.

A man got in a taxi to be driven to work. They were about to turn a corner, but had to wait for the light. The taxi cab driver wasn’t sure his blinkers were working so he said to the man “Will you look out the window and make sure my blinkers are working?” As requested, the man stuck his head out the window and responded “Yes, no, yes, no, yes, no…”

A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with three young mothers and their small children. “You all have obsessions” he observed. To the first mother, he said “You are obsessed with eating. You’ve even named your daughter Candy”. He turned to the second mum “Your obsession is money. Again, it manifests itself in your child’s name, Penny”. At this point, the third mother got up, took her little boy by the hand and whispered “Come on, dick, let’s go”.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 14, 2022 3:56 pm

Daily Mail.

EXCLUSIVE: Female cop killer is unmasked as anti-vaxxer school principal: Teacher murdered two cops and an innocent neighbour with her husband and his headmaster brother who were ‘in a love triangle’

First picture emerges of evil cop-killing mother of two and school principal
Stacey, husband Gareth, and brother-in-law Nathaniel Train all worked with kids 
Nathaniel and Stacey used to be principals at primary and high schools in Qld
She quit her job in December 2021 due to mandatory Covid vaccine policies
Family of ‘paranoid’ conspiracy theorists who thought vaccines were dangerous
It is understood the married couple had children, who are now in their 20s
A former neighbour said the family were ‘aggressive’ and had security cameras
Do you know more? Email [email protected]

Johnny Rotten
December 14, 2022 3:57 pm

The single most powerful thing I can be is to be myself.

– Dwayne Johnson

December 14, 2022 3:57 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
December 14, 2022 at 3:49 pm

According to the Commish, a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the officers leaving the station and no red flags were raised.

“Job calls for two cops. Oops, the two we’ve got are greenhorns.
So send Four greenhorns & that’ll be the same as sending an experienced officer.”

Wonder who was behind that nugget of command skill & ability?

As I wrote yesterday, up-the-chain at Chinchilla (or whichever local station overseeing the operation, have some serious questions to answer. You can’t tell me these arseholes were not known to police. If Gareth had ranted about ordering cops off his property previously, then surely, that would be flagged. Arse-covering, indeed. Too bad we will never learn the truth.

December 14, 2022 3:58 pm

Crikey bons, brigalow grows in what is some of the best soil in Australia. It is superior to just about every other soil Australia has.
“Desperately marginal” is not something that could even be twisted into applying. In fact use of that term is an obscenity if describing brigalow country.
Tara district has plenty of first class brigalow/belah.

The Tara blocks are built on black soil brigalow though. It is much lighter country, and I would describe it as dry, shitty scrub.

Cassie of Sydney
December 14, 2022 3:58 pm

“And, of course, such gun laws do NOT preclude career criminals from obtaining firearm”

I suspect there are quite a few illegal guns in south-western Sydney.

December 14, 2022 3:59 pm

You are infinitely ignorable You sad fuck Sancho.

What you are doing is very sad.

So much effort.
I live in your head.
What a shit hole.

December 14, 2022 4:00 pm

Let me fix that:
The Tara blocks are not built on black soil brigalow though. It is much lighter country, and I would describe it as dry, shitty scrub.

The intent was that the people buying these blocks would work in in Town, not agriculture, and certainly not engage in cash crops and isolationism.

December 14, 2022 4:00 pm

There is zero evidence of a jab induced heart attack, that is mere speculation.
All that is known for certain is that there was a heart attack in the middle of a row about NAPLAN cheating.
Cop killer Nathaniel Train was a popular primary school principal before his mental health spiralled downward following a heart attack that struck while he was campaigning for action over a cheating scandal at his school.

December 14, 2022 4:03 pm

Stopped giving to the Red Cross after they published a photo showing a big hole through the top of one of their aid vehicles in the Middle East about fifteen years ago. They claimed it was caused by an Allied Missile. bwahahahaha! If a missile had hit the vehicle, the hole would have been the only thing left. Most of us at Blair’s Blog were chatting about it. It happened around the same time that Flat Fatima was showing a handful of very large bullets that were supposed to have gone through her family home.
Trouble was, those particular bullets had never been fired.
Dissident Frogman produced an excellent video at the time about Flat Fatima called “Shooty, No Shooty”. I haven’t time to look for it right now, but his blog is up and running brilliantly as before.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 4:04 pm

I used to be a great fan of Nassim Taleb – principally because he has been such an original thinker – even though he is a beyond conceited.

He is certainly bombastic. I don’t always agree with his point of view and find myself skipping chunks of his books from time to time. I suspect he would approve. Best to read widely but do your own thinking.

December 14, 2022 4:04 pm

Sancho is the same collectivist bigot as all in the little gang of sneerers.

A true conservative sees them for what they really are and why I have always called them out.
They are naturally left wing collectivist bigots.
Take a second to think about it and it’s as plain as the nose on your face.

December 14, 2022 4:11 pm

The truth is that out here in the country the blocks and acreages have been snapped up by city slickers escaping city tyranny.
You can’t get a decent block for love nor money.
They think if they grow a row of carrots they’ll insulate themselves from what’s coming.

December 14, 2022 4:13 pm

FMD it’s just getting worse and worse, Bowen and Bandt are going to subsidize people and business to get off gas and onto electricity!!!!!
AEMO has said that we are looking at electricity shortages for the foreseeable future and we already don’t have enough in the pipeline to charge large numbers of electric cars.
These people are barking mad and just don’t care we are totally fucked.

December 14, 2022 4:14 pm

I miss iampeter.

December 14, 2022 4:20 pm

And here’s more truth
They don’t have to worry about anti vaxxers. (Which they are not)….they have to worry about the jabbed.
The jabbed with dead jabbed relatives.
The sick from the jab with sick jabbed relatives.

They have more to worry about when denialists can’t hold the truth back anymore……and accept what has happened.
That may be some of you.
Or you may decide to die off without raising a fuss like Calli’s family.

It’s not going to be pretty either way.

But we who ignored orders will be blamed and hunted.
Thanks for that you shit heads.
All you had to do was not to comply.

December 14, 2022 4:21 pm


On Tuesday, Daily Mail Australia revealed the Trains had spent years fortifying the wooden home into a makeshift bunker to try to fend off an assault by police which they had long anticipated.

The coppers rocked up to a known fortified property and jumped the fence.
Sounds like amateur time.
The questions that really need to be asked need to be asked of command, who are ultimately responsible if they sent those young men and women into a shitfight without proper planning and or training.
There is a lot of anger out there right now. You can see it every day on the roads and out and about. You can even see it here on this blog.
How much did police command know about the situation beforehand?

December 14, 2022 4:21 pm

Family of ‘paranoid’ conspiracy theorists who thought vaccines were dangerous

Some vaccines are dangerous. Note they’re all prescription medication you don’t give to yourself.


The gaslighting is off on the charts.

December 14, 2022 4:22 pm

off the charts

Smarted once more by autocorrect.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 4:23 pm

I miss iampeter.

That’s an exclusive club.

December 14, 2022 4:23 pm

They are not dumb.
They are not barking mad.
They are the enemies of this nation.

They know what they are doing.

December 14, 2022 4:23 pm

Let’s have a mature


Johnny Rotten
December 14, 2022 4:25 pm

They Lie Just About Everything

From Armstrong Economics –

“Gary Gensler, the Chairman of the SEC and, of course, a former Goldman Sachs executive, has been exposed to keeping two separate calendars of meetings. This may sound shocking, but it is pretty standard in our nation’s capital. Remember Hillary also used a private server. A Freedom of Information Act request will typically seek the calendar of meetings and address documents in the official capacity of their target. So if they keep a side venture personally, they get to hide that from 99.9% of FOIA requests.

Gensler learned these tricks since he was an Obama administration official, but also was Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign CFO. And let’s not forget he was an FTX associate. Then again, the head of the CFTC had nothing but praise for FTX removing all middlemen and effectively all regulatory supervisory in the process. Yes, you read correctly. CFTC Chair Rostin Behnam said at the Financial Markets Quality Conference at Georgetown University.

“This is a unique intersection of the crypto space and traditional finance.” “I think this is potentially – and I emphasize the ‘potential’ – another phase in the evolution of market structure, innovation and disruption.”

The world seems shocked that Gensler essentially had two calendars where he hid meetings with George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi. The private calendar revealed these discrepancies when it was obtained by the energy watchdog group Energy Policy Advocates after filing a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the SEC. The destruction of evidence by the CFTC and SEC is not a rare event. In my case, I had the standard phone recording in the financial industry and the tapes I had given for safekeeping to two law firms. They were enough to put all the top bankers in prison in a real land of law. I supposed there were looking for them to protect the bankers. There were tapes inviting me to join market manipulations. They went after my lawyers and threatened them with contempt imprisonment if they did not turn over the tapes. The one NY firm, Tenzer Greenblatt, perhaps informed the government they were holding tapes for me.

I stood up and objected to the turnover of the tapes for they had nothing to do with my case. When I told Alan Cohen that the bank stole the money, he simply said he believed the bank. NOT one mainstream press bothered to ask how could $1 billion vanish from a bank and they had no idea where the money was. It is impossible. There would have to have been a wire, a check, or some evidence of a withdraw. Not one journalist asked that simple question. In the end, when I asked for copies, suddenly the SEC claimed they were all destroyed in the World Trade Center and the bankers were protected, the receiver Alan Cohen miraculously became a board member of Goldman Sachs, and the court then allowed him to remain as the receiver running my company from the boardroom of Goldman Sachs.

Why anyone thinks that any agency in Washington actually cares about what is right or wrong is seriously out of their mind. Once government grabs power, it becomes absolute. We are merely the grains of dirt beneath their feet. The banks have blown up the economy numerous times. They will pay $100 million fine to the SEC, which is really just their piece of the action. Nobody ever goes to prison. They bailed out AIG, and the insurance company, but let Lehman Brothers collapse. Why? AIG would have taken down Goldman Sachs. Lehman was a competitor of Goldman. The entire system is so corrupt and the press will never report the truth. They might lose advertising revenue from the big banks in NYC.

When I got out, I found one copy of a tape I had stashed in my mother’s basement. They withheld this from the courts and the press because it showed it was the bankers moving money around which I came to believe was actually money laundering. The Forensic Accountant never saw so many errors. Bad trades were stuffed into my account and then removed. If the money did not go back to the same place, they were using my accounts to launder money as was suggested to me they had been doing in Madoff’s accounts for the Russian mafia and their own nefarious attempt to take over Russia itself. And now they want us to die on the battlefield all for their lies about just about everything.”

December 14, 2022 4:26 pm

The dirty media of course will concentrate exclusively on “weirdos” “preppers” and “anti- vaxxers”.
No questions about how we got here or the actions of the top brass, both during the Covid and during this little adventure.

December 14, 2022 4:26 pm

December 14, 2022 at 4:14 pm
I miss iampeter.

For the full iampeter simulation please try having intercourse with a retarded sloth after a frontal lobotomy.
Then describing the event to a kindergarten class through the mediums of “finger” painting while engaged in interpretive dance.

December 14, 2022 4:31 pm

The Deep Thoughts of Kamala Harris Stun Audience into Silence During U.S-Africa Summit
December 13, 2022 | Sundance

Once again Kamala Harris delivers an oration that leaves the audience speechless in conclusion. “The ability To See What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been” 40 seconds, WATCH

December 14, 2022 4:35 pm

The protocols for these sorts of interventions will now be re-written (per reports). I would also favour a review of gun ownership laws vis-a-vis anybody who doesn’t need one professionally. “Blockies” with guns “for snakes ‘n such” should be required to prove the need for them; otherwise, they lose them.

Spoken like a person who has not yet learned that the State is a far bigger threat to its citizens than any number of ‘gun nuts’.

Exhibit A: Death Toll by Democide in the last 100 years

Hitler: 21 million
Stalin: 62 million
Mao: 35 million
Pol Pot: 2 million

+ add in the still unknown death toll, world wide, by governmental responses to COVID … and thats if you are charitable and don’t blame them for causing the ‘pandemic’ as well


December 14, 2022 4:35 pm

Since then, a close family member told one local they had set up elaborate defences, and moved it off the grid, installing solar panels, satellite dishes and rainwater and septic tanks.

Gee, news media, they sound like Nazis.
I’m sorry, I’m confused. I thought we were supposed to be going solar and shit like that. Didn’t governments around the country subsidise exactly all those things?
Maybe the media can do a public service announcement on how to differentiate good, environmentally and politically sound rain water tank and solar panel owners from the bad, Nazi prepped anti- vaxx variety.

December 14, 2022 4:36 pm

On Tuesday, Daily Mail Australia revealed the Trains had spent years fortifying the wooden home into a makeshift bunker to try to fend off an assault by police which they had long anticipated.

Didn’t seem to work that well considering how they ended up.

December 14, 2022 4:37 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
December 14, 2022 at 3:54 pm
The “stand or fall if necessary” iodine hoarders are spinning this one hard.

Don’t forget the Panadol hoarders too.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 14, 2022 4:40 pm

Daily Mail Australia revealed the Trains had spent years fortifying the wooden home

After the great trucks vs trains war that’s not altogether surprising.

December 14, 2022 4:40 pm

Maybe the media can do a public service announcement on how to differentiate good, environmentally and politically sound rain water tank and solar panel owners from the bad, Nazi prepped anti- vaxx variety.

Indeed Arky. My boss has all should I be worried?

December 14, 2022 4:42 pm

All my life, I’ve heard 2A enthusiasts in that country say their guns are the only thing standing between the citizenry and tyranny. That theory has been blown out of the water.

It all depends on the motivation. In both Iraq and Afghanistan, I saw ‘concerned local citizens’ armed with nothing more than personal weapons and home made explosives defeat the mightiest fighting force in the world, the combined power of the US and NATO.

December 14, 2022 4:43 pm

Talking about Panadol. I brought back the American flu with me. I’ve been flattened by it. I was listening to the news over there and they were saying that hospitals are filling up because of it. I’ve been taking Tamiflu which appears to kick in.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 14, 2022 4:43 pm

I don’t know if you saw it, P, but there was a comment in there with a Babylon Bee clip about Kamala’s 6 year old speech writer.

It is perfect.

You can see it here.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 14, 2022 4:45 pm

St Ruth has finally found some Trains he likes.

December 14, 2022 4:46 pm

The jabbed with dead jabbed relatives.
The sick from the jab with sick jabbed relatives.

Well you will take great comfort when all of Vicplod start carking it in the next(how many was it?) because they had to be vaxxed to retain their jobs.

Meanwhile NOBODY, except perhaps the dickheads who invented disposable bamboo cutlery, and cardboard bread ties, deserves to shot like a dog.

December 14, 2022 4:46 pm

Using a Carriage Service to Threaten Serious Harm is an offence

well today the irony is pretty thick.

JC spends a lot of time simply antagonizing people.

these days every utterance from that character is little more than a stream of provocation and humiliation.
he exists well on the wrong side of the line even for this rowdy joint

its pretty clear, nah its obvious, that his intention is provoke an outburst, something to twist
he calls it ‘saving the forum’

It might be news to JC, but his behavior is illegal
covered by the Online Safety Act 2021

the irony is that, while certain ‘concerned voices’ mouth off about ‘saving the forum” … they are probably the ones who put it most at risk.

and the reason why is that any of us on the receiving end JC’s stream of invective could simply go to the Polis or the the eSafety Commissioner then its on like Donkey Kong

in my opinion, dover should have a read of Part 4—Basic online safety expectations

this is for the provider of the social media service … . what’s that ? … like a $90k fine?

53 Compliance with determination
A person must comply with a determination under subsection 52(2) to the extent that the person is capable of doing so.

Civil penalty: 500 penalty units

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Since then, a close family member

“Close family member” Right.

told one local

“one local said” – Riiiiiight.

…they had set up elaborate defences,

please detail “elaborate” in this context. Be sure to note if these “defences” elaborate or otherwise, are greater or lesser than that to be found on any journalist’s urban dwelling, for deterrence of burglars.

…. and moved it off the grid

“Moved” it off the grid. Lol, it is 100 acres up the scrub, miles from town. When was it ever on the grid?

installing solar panels

this is supposed to be a sinister act?

satellite dishes

It would help if Jimmy Olsen or whoever wrote this could give a quick opinion on how many houses, if any, in the Tara district do not have satellite dishes.


Jimmy Olsen could also give a quick opinion on how he thinks people outside the metro areas get their drinking water.

and septic tanks.

… likewise Jimmy Olsen could give a quick opinion on how he thinks pooh is handled by people who do not live atop an urban sewerage system.

December 14, 2022 4:47 pm

This is how mOron’s lot roll.

CNN exec caught trying to get at the kids pleads guilty. The other day Biden did his bit for grooming kids, inviting them into the WH for playtime with a drag queen.

What a wholesome leftard bunch they are, right mOron.


Former CNN producer John Griffin, who worked ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with Chris Cuomo, pleaded guilty on Monday in federal court to using interstate commerce to entice and coerce a 9-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity as his Vermont ski house.

This is the charge info;

Absolutely disgusting. I hope he meets with some jail justice.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 14, 2022 4:48 pm

St Ruth has finally found some Trains he likes.

They seem to have graduated to smoking meth from smoking bong bongs.

December 14, 2022 4:52 pm
December 14, 2022 4:52 pm

Expressing sympathy for people murdered in cold blood appears to have resulted in a torrent of abuse.

Those weren’t “crocodile tears”. Anyone paying attention would know I have a family member in Qld plod. I spent Monday night waiting for the dreaded phone call. Relief at it not being him after all.

As for the armchair general-ing, how many here have actually experienced a riot or two? Been in the middle of one? Been fired at or threatened? I have, and it’s terrifying.

December 14, 2022 4:53 pm

struth says:
December 14, 2022 at 9:19 am
Sancho of the slip lane trying to blame the killing of cops by two left wing Christian hating , aboriginal identifying sickos on me.

Almost worth a trip down to Victoria to sort him out.

Forgive me, stuphid, you sound just like them. In fact your comments are about the same and someone mentioned you likely knew them.

After two years of almost daily haranguing folks here, it appears you’ve fallen deeper into mental instability. Frankly you should be looked at.

December 14, 2022 4:54 pm

No questions about how we got here or the actions of the top brass, both during the Covid and during this little adventure.

After the mandatory outpouring of copious amounts of very public and institutional grief will follow the indignation then anger , followed by retribution. Then our law- making masters will get around to turning their attention to the great unwashed (us) and find new ways to impose more onerous surveillance and rob us of even more of our freedom.

December 14, 2022 4:55 pm

Maybe the media can do a public service announcement on how to differentiate good, environmentally and politically sound rain water tank and solar panel owners from the bad, Nazi prepped anti- vaxx variety.

Its easy Arky.

The nazis also have gas installed.

December 14, 2022 4:59 pm

On Tuesday, Daily Mail Australia revealed the Trains had spent years fortifying the wooden home into a makeshift bunker to try to fend off an assault by police which they had long anticipated. ….. Didn’t seem to work that well considering how they ended up.

Oh I don’t know – historically, irregulars generally take 10x the casualties that their governmental opposition take (and still win – because they are prepared to take such losses to do so).

In this case, the score was 3 all, and that’s if you include the neighbour as one of the government forces.

December 14, 2022 5:04 pm

In this case, the score was 3 all, and that’s if you include the neighbour as one of the government forces.

Why would you do that?
Why would you even say that?
Poor bloke went to help with what he thought was a bushfire and they cold bloodedly murdered him for nothing.
All those defending the Trains because jacksbad something something cannot possibly defend the killing of Alan Dare.

December 14, 2022 5:06 pm

After the mandatory outpouring of copious amounts of very public and institutional grief will follow the indignation then anger , followed by retribution. Then our law- making masters will get around to turning their attention to the great unwashed (us) and find new ways to impose more onerous surveillance and rob us of even more of our freedom.

I would expect at least QLD, and possible the whole country to announce tighter gun controls (which are no doubt already drafted and ready to go) within days…

December 14, 2022 5:07 pm

So let’s change topics to electricity availability?

Who will face the first big blackout? [somewhere in Danistan is my tip]
Will extended periods of blackouts be blamed on
[wait for it]
We know that the grid is in trouble and we will have blackouts. It is just a matter of when.

December 14, 2022 5:09 pm

Don’t forget the Panadol hoarders too.

Silly. We can all grow or make better stuff at home.

December 14, 2022 5:10 pm

Why would you do that?

Fair point – I should have included him as a bystander, making it 3:2 + one neutral civilian. I didnt mean to imply he was in any way culpable. I apologise.

December 14, 2022 5:11 pm

Smash hits here, despite the tragedy.

*Nazis have gas installed.
*Finally found a Train he liked.

Brutal, Norm MacDonaldesque comedy.

December 14, 2022 5:12 pm

Family of ‘paranoid’ conspiracy theorists who thought vaccines were dangerous

safe and effective!! fajkenews media always on narrative

December 14, 2022 5:12 pm

Who will face the first big blackout? [somewhere in Danistan is my tip]

I have just rebooked an electrician (for the 3rd time – the others never turned up) to install a generator transfer switch. They are all so busy wiring up their 3D printed suburbs that they have no time for domestic odd jobs.

December 14, 2022 5:13 pm

flyingduk says:
December 14, 2022 at 5:06 pm

I would expect at least QLD, and possible the whole country to announce tighter gun controls (which are no doubt already drafted and ready to go) within days…

Shouldn’t the legality of the guns used, be established first?
If they were illegal, then any new legislation will only punish the law-abiding, as always.

December 14, 2022 5:14 pm

Shooters on ice playing blood sports.
Ice pretty much the go to scene in the regional areas.

December 14, 2022 5:17 pm

The nazis also have gas installed.

A sis bought a house on Lamb Island with gas lighting.
Should I be concerned?
Come to think of it, they’ve also got 500ac out Gatton way with a “feral deer problem”.

December 14, 2022 5:19 pm

Stacey Train was also principal at Herberton, Mitchell and Proston State Schools and others in far north Queensland around Mount Isa, before taking up a post as head of curriculum and a teacher’s aide at Tara Shire State College in 2019.

But the staunch anti-vaxxer quit that job in December rather than take a Covid vaccine.

there it is. was given the choice of submit to a genetic experiment or fuck off. so I am calling it, government is ultimately responsible for this.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 14, 2022 5:20 pm

Puglisi sez that the said that the Trains were a “throuple”.
Got to admit I hadn’t put that one on my bingo card.

December 14, 2022 5:21 pm

If they were illegal, then any new legislation will only punish the law-abiding,

That is a feature, not a bug.

December 14, 2022 5:23 pm
December 14, 2022 5:23 pm

I brought back the American flu with me

Err no it’s recurring swine flu. Seek help.

December 14, 2022 5:24 pm

I see the southlander (Magic Marvin) the self proclaimed god is a lawyer now.

95% of fuckface’s comments are invective against others. The other 5% is him telling us he’s godlike and doesn’t need to capitalise sentences.

Dickhead, try your hand at lawerying. See where that gets you, you mental case.

You can also choose the following conditions.

1. No more invective against anyone on this board and I mean anyone.

2. Don’t ever talk to me again you worthless cunt.

See how that works out for you and I may then forget what a mentally incapable dickhead you are.

Magic Marvin the Vijaya Gadde Of the Car. The health and safety commissioner.
I heard it all.

December 14, 2022 5:25 pm


December 14, 2022 5:29 pm

there it is. was given the choice of submit to a genetic experiment or fuck off. so I am calling it, government is ultimately responsible for this.

Many have lost more then a job and not gone on a killing spree.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 14, 2022 5:29 pm

Yeah, he’s prolly a cat, too.
Well spotted.

December 14, 2022 5:30 pm

Libel is libel JC.
You’re a fuck wit of the highest order.

Oh and isn’t it convenient how the tearful over a couple of deaths arent the least perturbed by the 500 a week killed by cops actions over the last few years.
And it’s never brought up while they weep their victimhood at being picked up about it….that part is conveniently left out.

I’m an old fashioned bloke and I don’t need the government to fight my battles.
I don’t threaten anyone with lawfare while what you are doing in suggesting I know these people or as sancho said I influenced them into killing cops….

Pretty fucking wild stuff.
Libel is only one option available.
However you do know I’d rather just come down and sort you out myself.
Whatever you take “sorting out “to mean.

December 14, 2022 5:30 pm

Stacey Train was also principal at Herberton, Mitchell and Proston State Schools and others in far north Queensland around Mount Isa, before taking up a post as head of curriculum and a teacher’s aide at Tara Shire State College in 2019.

But the staunch anti-vaxxer quit that job in December rather than take a Covid vaccine.
there it is. was given the choice of submit to a genetic experiment or fuck off. so I am calling it, government is ultimately responsible for this.

And how much will we hear about this from the MSM? In any case, this will just confirm – for them – that he was a nutter.

Nothing, nothing excuses the cold blooded murder committed – but it this may provide some background.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 14, 2022 5:30 pm

Many have lost more then a job and not gone on a killing spree.
Gee, the Presumption of Innocence didn’t last long, eh?

December 14, 2022 5:31 pm

Trains were a “throuple

HTF would they know that ? Or was it just gossip, rumour, staff room scuttlebutt ?

December 14, 2022 5:32 pm

Arky says:
December 14, 2022 at 4:21 pm
On Tuesday, Daily Mail Australia revealed the Trains had spent years fortifying the wooden home into a makeshift bunker to try to fend off an assault by police which they had long anticipated.
The coppers rocked up to a known fortified property and jumped the fence. Sounds like amateur time.
The questions that really need to be asked need to be asked of command, who are ultimately responsible if they sent those young men and women into a shitfight without proper planning and or training.

How much did police command know about the situation beforehand?

That’s interesting because according to the Commissioner, (as per my earlier post) “a risk assessment was undertaken prior to the officers leaving the station and no red flags were raised. The risk assessment was, according to the Commish, also reviewed by an experienced officer who saw no problems.” The Commish emphasised, twice, this was a routine BAU event …… Ergo, police claim to have known nothing of the potential risk.

It appears that the most experienced officer of the four had about 2.5 years on the job (one of the police had only eight weeks) and the more experienced officer should have been prepared for ‘most things’. But psychologically, if the officers were not anticipating any trouble, their mindset would have been relatively relaxed. Even if the occupants were known to be unhappy or distrustful of police, that’s still a big step away from anticipating a lethal greeting! I think we can reasonably presume that the officers weren’t approaching the house with guns drawn, so the offenders opening fire would have been a complete shock (with the resultant initial fear, adrenalin, fight/flight impulse etc. by the young officers.)

I think all of us will be very interested to learn the report details in due course. If the outcome was a consequence of devil-may-care negligence by senior/experienced police in the risk assessment, then those responsible should lose their jobs and potentially face criminal and/or civil proceedings. Alternatively, this may be just one of those ultra rare circumstances where four young police were unfortunately met by whacko nutjobs who were either drugged, drunk or just insane.

December 14, 2022 5:33 pm


Go and have a cigarette!

December 14, 2022 5:34 pm

You have doubts they didn’t kill, Ed?

December 14, 2022 5:35 pm

Oh and isn’t it convenient how the tearful over a couple of deaths arent the least perturbed by the 500 a week killed by cops actions over the last few years.

Striphid, would you mind explaining in which parallel universe are there 500 people being killed by cops. Is it the universe next to us or a couple of doors down! Help us out here old buddy.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 14, 2022 5:35 pm

The Guardian is full of shit.
Nathaniel Train was married to Stacey in their late teens and early twenties. She left him to shack up with his brother, much to the disgust of their Baptist preacher father.
Nathaniel was married and left his wife last year then he suffered a heart attack at work. Stacey left work for two weeks to help him recover as he had no other support. Her work colleagues poured cold water on the threesome story as they thought she was far too religious and moral to have engaged in anything like that.
It’s possible that the three lived under one roof without any bed hopping as they were brothers and the marriage split was over twenty years ago.
What they did was bad enough without making up tales without evidence.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 14, 2022 5:36 pm

HTF would they know that ? Or was it just gossip, rumour, staff room scuttlebutt ?

NewsCorp filth.
They’re past masters at it.
Bottom line:
What can the Train family do about it?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 14, 2022 5:38 pm


Well I’ve learned something. That’s me done for today. Clearly it’s not just Jack Thompson living his best life (up to a point).

December 14, 2022 5:38 pm

Our Nanny Government is already discussing a ban on Paracetamol because a couple of teenagers had or tried to commit suicide by Paracetamol.

What you end up with when you try and legislate against every possible bad outcome is Australia.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 14, 2022 5:38 pm

Of course it is
That’s why I’m always careful to say
Only a leftbot site can be morally flexible enough to pivot from condemning them as anti-vaxxers to praising them for challenging the cisnormative conventions of marriage.

December 14, 2022 5:39 pm

Libel is libel JC.
You’re a fuck wit of the highest order.

Very hurtful.
That’s a reportable offence Struphid. I’m reporting it to Magic Marvin- the heath and safety commissioner of the Cat.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 14, 2022 5:40 pm

Any proof they did, Bespoke?

Sure, they’re brown bread now, but who’s to say they weren’t deceased when the 4 victims showed up?

December 14, 2022 5:42 pm

Trains were a “throuple”.
Pretty sure that’s not the innie to outie ratio recommended by Foxfire.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 14, 2022 5:42 pm

St Ruth has finally found some Trains he likes.

Right this second in The Last Holdout, empty Dark ‘N’ Stormy cans are rattling down the front verandah stairs.

Turns out this wasn’t actually the beginning of the revolution St. Ruth wanted others to fight for him. It was just typical iced-up angry loners with shooters, who were or are or intend to be banging the same tart.

Must be awfully disappointing for him.

1 4 5 6 7 8 15
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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x