The Siesta, Camille Pissarro, 1899
The Siesta, Camille Pissarro, 1899
“Build coal plants”.. (which they wont) .I was thinking the government are a bunch of sociopaths. How could you not…
And it looks as if in future if anyone wants to avoid being interviewed by police they can simply refuse.…
Hopefully, Lebanon.
Is that like SGDS? That where a Muslim dirtbag refugee drives a vehicle through a crowd of infidels. Happens all…
The hate speech laws are working well. Good job it’s nothing serious, perhaps not wearing a mask while less than…
didn’t that mediocrity from military ‘intelligence’ who’s now in parliament dress up as a nazzie at Duntroon? Can’t think of the creep’s name.
Tales of insects and arachnids within the last week:
Case study one: Massive black wasp with the very fashionable bright orange appendages discovered on the lower window frame in the garage one morning when checking if the bin had been emptied (i.e. didn’t notice it until it was almost under my nose). Solution: Gassed and then dumped outside into the gutter.
Case study two: Massive tarantula noted lurking in the bathtub at about 6:00am. Solution: Clubbed to death with a handy blunt instrument and then flushed down the toilet.
It pays not to think too hard about how to deal with these creatures, Cats. 🙂
Love to know what the others questions are?
They did actually ask Parrot if he did the Nazi salute, the other two I made up but they would have been smoking gun questions.
Andrew Wilkie?
Please please please let Kean take over as Premier up to the pasting in March.
I would just love to see his face after the debacle on election night.
Yep Z2KA- a tenth rater with a BA of course
Elvis was a dog for the Federal Bureau of Incompetence getting the low-down on John Lennon for his peace activism. Hence a spook. With Ed you’re a spook or a flamer or both but can’t be neither.
All those reporters are able to recall in exhaustive detail, every arm movement & gesture they made at their 21st birthday party.
… hence they expected Dominic the Dominator to give a serious reply.
Wow…. just … wow.
During the months we spent at Evans Head I walked the breakwater daily hoping to catch one of the annoying, huge school fish that taunted me*. No luck. But on one occasion I did see a monster python soaking up the sun with a black snake curled, asleep, on top of him.
*Grigory #1, the real Grigory, identified these fish first time I posted about them, and he suggested the best way to catch them. He has been gone for a very long time. I hope he survived the cancer.
How did a hothouse flower like him ever make it to LTCOL?
Matt Taibbi
1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14
He was a company commander in 6RAR, at one stage, and the ouens there didn’t regard him as any military genius.
Just about. Every time I try to be a decent person, some monstrous example of inhumanity attempts to belt me in the face.
It is all getting rather tiresome …
Pretty tame affair if you can remember your 21st party.
All these tough Aussies bellyaching on about how hot it gets here. Go to the Middle East. And report back.
Bruce O’Newk:
The third observation is that the Left believe ‘might’ will correct their mystification, but it never does, nor can it do so. All it can do is create the mountains of skulls that attend their inability to understand their ignorance.
Have you attended an Oktoberfest?
Once at Mornington racecourse 2018. Sneaky Sound System played and were good. Shannon Noll was going ok before he wanted to blue a bloke spraying everyone with what Noll thought was beer from glass, which of course wasn’t glass, rather water from a plastic bottle.
And glass was prohibited of course.
1. Have you ever dressed up as:
Genghis Khan,
Charlie Chaplin,
Fool Mi and/or Fook Yu,
Death Vader (including Anakin Skywalker), or
Emperor Palpatine?
2. Have you ever used shoe nugget for anything other than to polish leather shoes?
3. Have you ever eaten a raw vegetable, or worn red speedos?
2017 sorry
You think that I’m going to disclose shocking details of abuse shared by three of my siblings, in rural Queensland, because you demand it? I have never sworn on this site, but you’re pushing me very close.
Dover Beach:
The ability to even think of denying a newly born human assistance to live shows the perversion of Leftist thought.
I was on my best behaviour at mine. Some of the others not so much. A big year.
Oh – and in gerbil warming klimate katastrophe news, it was 28 degrees today here in Sydney blessed with 91.3% humidity – as (especially) enjoyed after this morning’s run. 😕
A Summer, this is not (again)*.
*Third in a row.
January 13, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Matt Taibbi
1.THREAD: Twitter Files #14
m0nty=fa will be here soon to assure us that this is only another “nothingburger”, and that the walls are closing in on Trump, any day now, tick, tick, tick.
So best man caught the monster using the Bruce Technique, then, with the girls dogging his footsteps, he carefully carried the glass outside to the garden and flicked that lucky huntsman onto the lawn… where a roving chicken spied him and pounced, gobbling him up in an instant.
Much unhappiness all round.
If it wasn’t the Chicken then the Raven or the Magpies would have done the job.
Wilkie is the local member here, like Albo but with more prominent ratlike characteristics. The local press and many Tasmanians love him, he hired a token tranny. I saw him fondling the produce in the local fruit and veg barn once, he looked guilty. Disconcerting to ponder where something that goes in your mouth might have been.
His sons, sadly, are potatoes.
The quality of the fresh produce (not from their own farms) on offer of late at Spudshed is appalling- Cheap, but often has been cold-stored for a long time and thus freezer-burnt, half-rotten or just poor quality in general.
Having said that, much of the rest of the stuff they stock is pretty good. And 24hr opening at places like Jandakot is remarkably convenient for shiftworkers.
Before we start calling people “idiot” let’s review this:
< < < Careful, Sal. You lose what little remains of your credibility* with glib statements like the above. > > >
*citation needed.
(phew, glad that one was cleared up)
My Sydney correspondents are sounding increasingly despondent. All residual traces of superiority were lost some time ago.
Ed Casesays:
January 13, 2023 at 5:48 pm
you’re only as old as the woman you are feeling
And in your Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. Join the Navy and feel a Man……………….lol
Revolver – Eleanor Rigby would be my top Beatles number.
Playing now as I tidy up for the day – thanks for the reminder.
37 in Adelaide.
The poor school kids.
They don’t get a day off unless it’s 40+.
Kean makes me think of a poached egg with eyes. With all the appeal.
On Mr Tarantula. They eat mozzies, therefore are my friends. I once had one land on my face shortly after the lights went out. Unpleasant, but better than a mozzie welt.
Channel 7 news did report that classified documents were found in Joe Biden’s garage but managed not to mention that more were found in the Penn Biden offices at the University of Pennsylvania. They also managed to not mention how much Chinese money has been flowing into the Uni. after the Penn Biden institute was established nor how much Joe was paid to teach there, despite not actually doing any teaching.
Minor oversights I know; I’m sure they’ll be on to it tomorrow.
Dr Faustussays:
January 13, 2023 at 6:56 pm
Revolver – Eleanor Rigby would be my top Beatles number.
Playing now as I tidy up for the day – thanks for the reminder.
Nice one.
And for Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment the best Beatles song is – The Fool on the Hill…………….
And his Missus was a general!
The flaccid members of the Australian Services Union demand that every hour they have a paid break of 60 minutes duration, should the temperature rise above 36C
Fruit and veg usually has a pretty direct price/quality trade off. I used to shop at an ex-markets Vietnamese place. Great prices but anything you couldn’t pick up to inspect was a complete not so lucky dip. Their interpretation of “marketable quality” was certainly wider than mine.
4. Have you ever owned, driven or been given a ride in a VW Beetle?
They breed ’em tough in West Oz:
Couldn’t have built Australia without blokes like them.
I joked here yesterday that Biden’s Corvette Trove of stolen classified documents was hoarded away for Hunter to access.
The period between a joke and reality is now 24 hours:
January 13, 2023 at 6:13 pm
Sweden discovers huge deposits of rare metals, a potential step to ending Europe’s dependency on China
The report only notes their use in ruinables and batteries not their real use, computers, medical equipment which will be constrained because of ruinables.
In any event the greenies with typical consistency will stop any mining.
I always liked Bill.
After all, based on the unadulterated meh! Bombardier have been trying to put out under his name since 1990, the poor man’s aeronautical legacy will always be more sinn’d against than sinning.
Regardless of what the enviro-scolds on Twitter say…
who” I don’t feel sorry for them, self absorbed lot that they are, but the silver lining for Sydney people is they are not from Melbourne.
Stonefruit is a complete lucky dip. Buy a few rocks and wait. If you find a good one go back 2 weeks later and it’s a different hybrid. Repeat Step 1.
Sounds like Trades Hall are busily on the grift again. I wonder what the latest ‘cosy arrangement’ being cooked up with
Spring StreetUncle Mark’s caucus will feature?Would take (pre Andrews) Melbournibad over Sydney in a heartbeat, unless yachting. Describing Port Phillip Bay as the beach is just wrong.
“Could someone go and smash a bottle of Grange on his bonce before this becomes even more embarrassing (if it could).”
No, when it comes to this I’m on Perrottet’s side. He shouldn’t have grovelled. He was right to apologise and then just say to MSM scum…MOVE ON.
A few points…
Dominic Perrottet has been a disappointment as premier of NSW. Why? Well, because he’s simply a supine puppet of Green Kean and various other NSW Liberal scum. But the issue here is that the Liberals have been effing useless for years, well before Perrottet. The Liberals, after twelve years of doing nothing in NSW, will lose bigtime in March 2023. All they’ve done since 2011 is pursue and implement progressive hard left policies, in other words a Labor lite party. The NSW Liberals are pointless and need to be obliterated, wiped off the face of the earth. It’ll be good riddance to them in two month’s time. However, and it’s a big “however”, I find this jihad against Perrottet for wearing a Nazi uniform to a party when he was 21 to be both ridiculous and smelly, for a number of reasons.
Perrottet has been set up, probably from within his own party, and the tawdry leftist MSM have jumped on the bandwagon to target him because he’s a Liberal premier and they want him gone. I strongly suspect the culprit for the leak is that disgusting effwit David Elliott, former police minister, the same effwit who helped lock up this state during Covid, the same effwit who described protesters in July 2021 as “boofheads”, the same hypocrite who refused to act on the BLM protesters in June 2020 until it was too late.
Perrottet was 21 years old when he donned a Nazi unform. So what if he put on a Nazi costume at that age and went to a party. I DON’T CARE. I remember going to a fancy dress party and seeing someone arrive in a Nazi uniform, yes I found it offensive but also ridiculous and I remember the man being taunted and joked about. Perrottet didn’t join the Nazi party (and the closest party to the Nazi party in this country is the Greens, oh and they don’t even hide their Jew hatred, but but you know, progressive Jew hatred is quite kosher).
There wouldn’t be one person here on this blog who didn’t do something stupid when they were 21 years old, or even when they were 30 or 40 years old, in fact I would hazard a good guess that some here have done stupid things even in middle age. Oh and our very classy (sarcasm) current PM, at 21, was a paid up Trotskyite who engaged in some very unsavoury activities at local ALP branch meetings. Albanese was known to be a well known loudmouth thug.
You know the whole thing stinks when you get real Jew haters like a former premier of NSW and the Greens join in the pile on of Perrottet. I find the MSM beat-up and the reaction from the Greens interesting, very interesting. Many on the left, particularly the Greens and their advisors, have been caught out for making anti-Semitic remarks, remarks made not when they were 21 years old but when they were older and actually involved in politics. I also note that Green scum such as Bandt, Faruqi, Hanson-Dung and others have attended anti-Israel demonstrations where banners have been waved with swastikas superimposed over Star of Davids (now that is offensive), where there have been posters calling for “Jews to be shoved in ovens”, yet these Greens have never had to face any accountability for attending such demonstrations, and let me tell you here and now, as a Jew, I find those actions from the left far more concerning and far more serious for the Jewish community than some snotty, pimply boy from Sydney’s north-east attending a party in a Nazi uniform when he was 21.
I’ll leave it at that, and whilst I’m not into conspiracies, I believe this ludicrous screeching by the MSM about Perrottet is yet another attempt by the left and their servants in the MSM to gaslight, dog whistle and screech about how those of us who refuse to kowtow to the leftist progressive narrative, are Nazis. NO. Dominic Perrottet is not a Nazi and has never been a Nazi, not even when he was 21 years old and he put on a stupid costume. But there are modern day Nazis, and they’re found in the left of Labor and in the Greens…end of rant!
Having now been to Athens, Dubai, Singapore and Bangkok, it certainly gives one an appreciation of the destruction that Dickhead Dan wrought on Melbourne.
SA can certainly be unbelievably hot but it’s generally dry and tolerable, but not so great for hard work.
Before Dad bought the place on the Darling Downs we had a standard wheat, barley and sheep place in SA.
During one school hols I was piloting the old tractor dragged header. It was scorching.
Dad brought out my lunch. He had slipped a beer into the cool box. The world spun and I was flat on my back.
Each evening , Mum and sister would drop the boat into the river and we would picnic and ski until it time to get back onto the tractor for the night run. Good days.
Bons, why’d your dad opt for the Darling Downs when there is so much better & cheaper country, in larger parcels, further north & west?
Allsorts of villins get represented at fancy dress party. A Nazi is no big deal.
Sydney chicky babes certainly put in more of an effort because there were used to dealing with guys who were gay, merchant bankers or both. Unfortunately they were usually so ambitious you soon found yourself in the discard pile. In my limited experience.
Hasn’t gone unnoticed, Cassie.
The MSM wants Perrottet out, and out he shall go. That they had to scratch around for something from his 21st tells you all you need to know.
Carr is a disgrace. A chinless hollow man of the first water, supping from the public tit for the rest of his miserable, useless life.
I lived in Riyadh for a couple of years. 52c outside my front door. IMO the Pilbara is worse with the high humidity over the summer.
Anybody who talks about the “good old days” in farming was never there…
This triggers a response I meant to write to Robert Sewell (& deepest apologies I forget who else) re a recent discussion on tractors vs horses for farming.
A spinoff of a discussion on Germany, mechanisation & farm production in WW2.
“Carr is a disgrace. A chinless hollow man of the first water, supping from the public tit for the rest of his miserable, useless life.”
Yep, an utterly putrid disgrace. A maggot who’s never ever had to account for the fact that he was Obeid and co.’s big sponsor. The corruption began in earnest during the Carr years, oh ICAC was AWOL and did nothing, only reappearing when the stupid Liberals were elected in 2011.
Funny that.
Beautifully nailed, Cassie. Nuked, in fact.
It is a set-up.
Cassie on Nazi Dom-gate.
Carr is a disgrace. A chinless hollow man of the first water, supping from the public tit for the rest of his miserable, useless life.
Yes, second hand Carr was never that good. Along with his useless Treasurer. All talk and no action.
What sort of Nazi uniform was it?
If it was one of those drab olive things with the swastika Armband, so what?
However, Parrothead strikes me as a bit Reynhard Heydrich-ish, so I’m thinking it was an SS Uniform, far more dashing, and an entirely different kettle of Mein Herring [ for the perpetually offended].
They were all designed by the same man, gypsum-snorter…
Have worked in central SA in January years ago in the ’90’s and know daytime temperatures were 50deg there. Have been to the ME but it was Autumn & winter at the time that I found the climate pleasant.
However also worked for 6 weeks on Lao-Thai border, May with 42-45 deg days with 90% humidity just before the northern monsoon broke. There is no escape from humidity, it is insidious. Locals weren’t even breaking a sweat.
Ed Casesays:
January 13, 2023 at 7:37 pm
What sort of Nazi uniform was it?
If it was one of those drab olive things with the swastika Armband, so what?
However, Parrothead strikes me as a bit Reynhard Heydrich-ish, so I’m thinking it was an SS Uniform, far more dashing, and an entirely different kettle of Mein Herring [ for the perpetually offended].
Stop asking your Stupid Questions on this Blog and do your own Homework for a change. You Tosser.
My grandfather had the first tractor in the district, in the 1920’s. When the Great Depression began to bite, he returned to horse teams – the banks would lend money to pay for horse fodder, but they saw tractors as an extravagance. He commented that he had forgotten how much extra work was involved with horse teams…
Did 46oC and 90% humidity one day in Port Headland. Could wring out your shirt and it was utterly useless. The winters (all 3 months) couldn’t really make up for it.
100%. The whole feigned outrage is so asinine, it defies belief.
By all accounts, it wasn’t even specifically Hitler.
To deny they existed, is to deny history.
Are we to swab the AWM of any trace of the Nazis, lest it be seen as celebrating them or polluting the memory of our servicemen?
Anyway, Grigory-
Given that all your attempts in the last 24 hours to mangle German, implicate Germans a la the Dreyfus Affair, mangle Yiddish (which derives in part from German) and now trying to join in on another ephemeral leftist fad referencing Germans, all I can say is,
Fich dich, kartoffelkopf.
Yes, Bill Lear was brilliant. Self-taught, I think
Johnny Rottensays:
January 13, 2023 at 7:42 pm
Ed Casesays:
January 13, 2023 at 7:37 pm
What sort of Nazi uniform was it?
If it was one of those drab olive things with the swastika Armband, so what?
However, Parrothead strikes me as a bit Reynhard Heydrich-ish, so I’m thinking it was an SS Uniform, far more dashing, and an entirely different kettle of Mein Herring [ for the perpetually offended].
Stop asking your Stupid Questions on this Blog and do your own Homework for a change. You Tosser.
Every time that Richard Cranium tries to do his own research, he buggers it up. See the confusion between Emile Zola and Victor Hugo yesterday.
Try not to uptick your own comments, Grigs.
It’s embarrassing.
The set up of parrot is nothing compared with what the demorats are now going to do with creepy old joe for having the temerity to announce he was going to run (sic) again, thereby impinging on the pure ambitions of cameltoe, obama’s hubbie and the male whore from californication.
January 13, 2023 at 2:33 pm
Forgive me Driller, but pretty much everything about you is grating. Even the fact that you breathe is grating. Stop telling people who is and isn’t correct as a inbred redneck like you is in no position to judge and certainly not judging his betters. . Zip is correct but he doesn’t require a basically out of work dickhead like you telling him his right. Just STFU and go clean that rat infested motel, you moron.
Jerkoff. You really are a piece of shite and are a Blot on the Landscape and this Blog. If you cannot say anyfink’ nice. Then Fark Off………………….
Don’t mind the old Spud Shed, Rex. It might have been reorganised and got worserer, but I get my shopping at about 60% of what I would have spent at Woles. Or rather, 66% more food for my money.
The hardest part is climbing over the mounds of cheap Indonesian chili sauce, chocolate-coated dishwasher tablets and Fake Banana-flavoured Jatz to reach the real food and the checkouts.
Cue Game of Thrones theme…
In Cry Me A River Dickface (HT Not Another Teen Movie) noos, Hun:
Having been told he was close” to selection for the Test tour of India dejected spinner Adam Zampa has fired a shot across the bow of selectors unsure if he’s keep playing red ball cricket.
Zampa, Australia’s leading white-ball spinner, made a late push to be including in the 18-man squad returning to Sheffield Shield cricket for the first time since 2019 last year.
He snared three wickets for NSW at the SCG against Victoria in December and in conversations with selectors and national coach Andrew McDonald was told his style of leg-spin could be “handy” in India.
But the 30-year-old was left “flat” when he wasn’t one of the four spinners named in the squad, including leg-spinning rival Mitch Swepson and uncapped Victorian Todd Murphy, hinting selectors changed their mind on Zampa.
“I was close. I got told from George Bailey and Andrew McDonald that it was one of the toughest (decisions) they had to make for the tour. I’m very disappointed, I would have loved to be on it,” Zampa said on Friday.
“I thought with the way I’ve been going in international cricket in particular this was going to be my opportunity.
“That was the messaging I got six weeks ago, this could be a very good chance I could be on it. Now I’m not I’m very flat about it.
“I was really excited to be on this tour. I thought I’d give it a crack and the messaging was my style of bowling might have been handy over there.
“But potentially last minute there was a change of mind.”
With no subcontinent tours again until 2025, Zampa didn’t know if he’d keep playing red ball cricket with his Test dream seemingly dashed.
“I don’t know what’s next for me. It’s two and half years until the next subcontinent tour,” he said.
“Sri Lanka in 2025, or even West Indies in 2025, and that’s a long way away, and I have two white ball World Cups to concentrate on before that. I don’t know what is in store for me red ball wise. I’ll get through this Big Bash and reconsider.
“I’m not going to close the door completely. Life is always about balance and I have a family … I have to think about what’s best.
“I’ll have those chats to see what the next little bit look likes for me, what’s best for them and myself as well.”
Zamps you moron, the hint may well be the first Sheffield Shield game in 3 years. Stick to Mankading.
Indeed, Bear. So off to the discard dump, I goeth.
as a inbred redneck like you is in no position to judge and certainly not judging his betters. . Zip is correct but he doesn’t require a basically out of work dickhead like you telling him his right.
And learn to type proper you dildo. ‘as a inbred’ should be typed and written in English (obviously not your local language) as – ‘as an inbred’……….Get it. Wot’ Farking Skool did you go to? You T.W.A.T.
The bread and frozens are pretty good. The Angers just tend to find that the fruits, veg and meat are better at ALDI.
But minimising the wallet-gouging of Colesworths is always worth the endeavour
Science used to be run by scientists, who a) knew something about how the universe works and b) were concerned with the pursuit of truth, understanding and insight. In recent decades it’s been run by bureaucrats who a) know nothing about the universe at large and b) are concerned with rule following, conformity and power.
This accounts for everything that has gone wrong with science. It’s finished.
I went visual on some kind of Borat-esque spandex horror.
Please never mention that word again…
Sovietisation ruins everything.
Look out!
Franger is tooling up for a 48 hour Bore-a-thon!
like you telling him his right.
I could go on you Jerkoff but I will stop there. Bad English again. You T.W.A.T.
John Knee Rotten
I got out my very best diamond-tipped holesaws for you tonight, Grigory.
Now bend over, and don’t you dare flinch…
Daily Telegraph:
The NSW opposition has broken its silence, lashing the Liberal Party as a “government that seems to be intent on destroying itself” after Dominic Perrottet made the startling confession that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st uniform-themed birthday party.
Deputy Labor leader Prue Car said it wasn’t up to her or the party to “absolve Dominic Perrottet”; however, the latest incident revealed a “government in chaos”.
“We have another internal Liberal Party brawl playing out in the public,” she said.
“This government cannot govern itself, how can it govern the state in 71 days time?”
The comments refer to revelations that Liberal Transport Minister David Elliott contacted Mr Perrottet on Tuesday evening and spoke to him about the Nazi uniform. On Thursday, Mr Perrottet said the call with Mr Elliott caused him to reflect and realise he “needed to tell the truth and not someone else”.
Making the comment while announcing Labor’s commitment to upgrade Darcy Road Public School in Sydney’s west, Ms Car highlighted the Liberals’ bitter preselection battles and said the Nazi admission was evidence of further “internal brawling”. She also criticised the party politics occurring at a time while NSW was still grappling with recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Now they seem to be threatening each other with photos from 20 years ago,” she continued.
“Is this a sort of government that the people of NSW deserve? They’ll have their chance to better have a say on that in 70 days time,” she said.
I gotta hand it to George RR Martin. He rode the wave of JK Rowling as other SF authors like David Drake attempted to. And he surfed the wave! I never really liked his SF, read a couple, and I tolerated the first GoT novel until the last ten pages: where it got too naughty even for the ex-miner and ex-infantryman that I am. I couldn’t finish it. I admire that he has just kept on surfing, and the GoT phenomenon is a fine thing.
Sacré bleu, Eddles – one of two* likely possibilities, given the lack of photographic evidence.
Black (SS)
The nayzees didn’t wear olive drab. That was the western allies.
Anyway, FFS, who gives a rodent’s? However, if this does bring down parrothead, then it’s bottles of grange, gone ecckee thump on various thick gliberal bonces all round and NSW is gifted with a bunch of staggeringly stupid and utterly corrupt labore imbeciles (BIRM) for anything up to the next twelve years.
*The ginger wore a desert sand Afrika Korps uniform.
STD latest on America’s diverse tapestry.
Worth keeping in mind, Franger?
Wow – I wasn’t expecting to be dining on such tastee treats until I finally reached Hell, Cats. 🙂
They don’t like it up em’ Mr Mainwaring……………….LOL. Ben Dover Head Case……………..More LOL
Yes, sadly. In my forty years in the business I’ve watched it die. Nearly dead now. I look at Phys.org each day and it’s like kindergarten. The only remaining sector that is at all real is astronomy.
Ed Casesays:
January 13, 2023 at 8:21 pm
STD latest on America’s diverse tapestry.
“Having an untreated STD can make you two to five times more likely to contract HIV,” Llata says. But she also points out some good news: STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis are curable.
Worth keeping in mind, Franger?
Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. You are first in line…………………….
Black was also the chosen uniform colour of the tank crewmen of the Panzerwaffe. Both Heer and Waffen-SS.
A bloke told me that Elvis died because he couldn’t do a shit. Elvis I mean, not the bloke.
You didn’t stop to think that the ‘Franger’ is a known protective measure against such things before you wrote that, did you Grigory?
Now, do the thing that is 100% protective against publicly embarrassing yourself, and abstain…
Rex – have you ever seen a pimply yoof turn up at a fancy dress party in a panzerwaffe outfit?
I certainly haven’t, given my limited experience of such things.
I blame Sarah Jessica Parker (amongst other things).
On the throne, his drug crazed bowels clogged with a substance that had all the consistency of clay*.
Although you could observe, the King departed his earthly realm, not giving a shit.
*According to the Coroner’s autopsy report
I call Mutt Kean “Shitlips” for reasons that are obvious if you’ve ever watched the creep’s lips. Eeerrrk!
Bear – La donna è mobile
Until I made the drive to the Grampians everything I knew about Nazis came from Hogans Heros and The Blues Brothers.
No. Which means 1 of 2 things:
1) They went for the lazy, easy route of edginess or shock value over historical accuracy, and
2) Real panzer-men wear pink piping on their dress uniforms.* And the average pimply yoof isn’t yet certain enough of themselves and their masculinity to even risk it…
* That’s a real thing, Cats. The postwar German Bundesheer hold to that tradition even to this day. And I think the East German Volksarmee did during the Cold War, too
A bloke told me that Elvis died because he couldn’t do a shit. Elvis I mean, not the bloke.
The Autopsy found 60 pounds of waste matter coating his Colon.
John Wayne had 40 pounds, he died at 73, though he had a lung removed at 58.
Lisa Marie, she is a Vaccine Death.
H B Bearsays:
January 13, 2023 at 8:39 pm
Until I made the drive to the Grampians everything I knew about Nazis came from Hogans Heros and The Blues Brothers.
That was humour. The Nazis were pure evil.
The broad church is working out so well, eh John?
Carr is, and has always been, the four-letter C-word of Australian politics
Anyway, enough of these Nazi musings.
According to ZeroHedge, AG Merrick Garland has appointed a Special Prosecutor to Nixon Joey ShitPants outta the Oval Orifice.
Here we go.
Grigs hasn’t beclowned himself enough tonight, folks…
The corruption began in earnest during the Carr years, oh ICAC was AWOL and did nothing, only reappearing when the stupid Liberals were elected in 2011.
ICAC of that era was a waste of time I went to them about the plod involvement in drugs in this “houso” estate and their answer .. “Sorry, we aren’t allowed to investigate anything involving plod .. you need to go to the plod integrity unit” .. plod investigating plod .. what a laff .. FFS!
Because she didn’t have at least 18kg (40 pounds, for those dear readers not conversant in Moon Landing Units) of compacted faecal matter in her digestive tract at time of death, Grigory?
What remarkable archives you have- The complete, unexpurgated and unredacted French courtroom transcript of the Dreyfus case from 1894, Parliamentary CCTV of Marise Payne’s office and now the itemised, volume-corrected contents of a famous person’s colon, caecum and rectum…
Oh, and I forgot the British Government reporting and paper trail that linked their Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy outbreaks to a Warble Fly vaccine in the late 90s.
I’m inclined to believe Gargooglery when it comes to a coated colon. It’s his stock in trade.
Next thing you know, he’ll be breaking out Theodor Detmers’ Captain’s Log and charts to demonstrate that he was indeed liaising with Japanese subs in the Indian Ocean around the date of 19 November 1941, was surprised by HMAS Sydney during a routine resupply of said boats, and it was a crash-diving Japanese fleet boat which killed the Australian cruiser. And not a confused and pyrrhic action at close quarters between Australian warship and German merchant raider…
Coprolite is as coprolite does, eh? 😉
Yeah, a Warble Fly Vaccine, when administered to Cattle, caused Mad Cow Disease in 100% of cases.
Unvaccinated cattle on neighbouring farms were unaffected.
But, y’know, for some reason, perhaps since the Vaccine Industry is the world’s 4th largest industry, everyone either went back to sleep or never woke up.
Y’know, Franger, someone recently compared Sancho’s presence to a mound of shit topped by ejaculate, sitting in a pool of piss on a vinyl floor.
I think even Sancho himself would agree with that comparison.
But, it could just as easily describe you.
Richard Cranium
Your obsession with bowel contents and other bodily functions suggests that you might be a Flamer. Can you confirm this?
I did see a maybe 15yo kid turn up to the launch of the newest call of duty game at Chadstone EB Games dressed as an SS officer. Was politely asked to leave, but didn’t understand why. Ancient history you see..
I’m sorry, Grigory, have I triggered you?
Remarkable Grigory, that just like Heinz’ HP recipe, you can never tell us your source…
And while we’re at it, Grigory,
There is no such thing as a preventative vaccine against warble flies in the UK. And never has been.
Farmers subcutaneously apply doses of IVERMECTIN to their animals as a prophylactic.
When do you plan to let the entire world’s agricultural authorities and farming groups, the WHO and the (rightfully) Covid-skeptical Internet know that Ivermectin, a stable, safe and reliable broad-spectrum anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial and counter-inflammatory drug causes BSE in animals and kuru in patients?
London SS to London Calling
She’s Black Friday alright.
The manner in which I run a pub today became the subject of a government investigation.
Just before Christmas I was given a heads-up on this, though no clue as to the nature of my infraction.
Today I was issued with official questions & had to provide a response, and prove my response.
It was not easy, the matter is far from over. Thank heavens I get a weekend of respite. We’ll see what happens over the next few weeks.
I feel sorta drained & empty.
Christians & other religious are free to pray for me if they are so inclined.
This is at least the 4th such investigation I’ve been subject to in the past decade or so.
Today I was issued with official questions & had to provide a response, and prove my response.
Sitting in our Copenhagen hotel reading the Christmas edition of the Speccie, catching up on some reading. We met up with Danish friends last nite in an excellent steak restaurant. These seem to be the coming thing amongst middle-class Europeans and in Britain, in spite of the ‘eat bugs’ prescription and looming veganism elsewhere in food provision. Cognitive dissonance much? It is costly, so they’re doing it just because they can? It was certainly a top meal for Aussies missing home. Now we’re off for lunch, these friends have invited us to their home for something traditionally Danish. No wine, they say, but lots of beer which must be taken with Schnapps. And pickled herrings, plus other fishy things.
Denmark is so relentlessly ‘progressive’ I doubt if I could ever live here. Only BBC and CNN on the tele in English. A few other boring shows. We ended up after dinner back in our very Scandinavian hotel room (think hard-to-fathom plumbing and lighting and a ‘double’ Nazi bed with separate bedding like a kids summer camp) watching a couple of CD re-runs of Little Britain on my portable CD player that Hairy said we would never use. A great send-up of Brits as they used to be. Refreshing.
Dressing up as a Nazi generally means nothing anbout you personally…unless you live in the Grampians.
If you are going to a dress up party where the theme is; “People I admire”, a Nazi uniform is probably a poor choice.
If you are going to a dress up party where the theme is, “Tyrants in History” or “Evil Bastards”, it would appear highly appropriate.
Without the opposition, a WW2 themed party would be a pretty uninspiring event. Those dressed as Russians would need to invade Poland two weeks early…and from the West!
Unless the Premier was dressed up and marching in support of Nazi ideals, this whole thing is asinine political puppetry at its finest. As is most of the outrage about dress up, blackface, etc.
Dominic Perrottet made the startling confession that he wore a Nazi uniform to his 21st uniform-themed birthday party.
What exactly is the mental defect that see’s the current crop of “elite” with a history of either Nazi uniform wearing or black face?!
I’ve never seen these types of get up’s in the wild, nor has anyone I know.
Sitting in our Copenhagen hotel reading the Christmas edition of the Speccie
Sitting in Rajawongse waiting for a shirt fitting.
rickw, wait’ll year learn of my offence against society:
An anonymous report has been made to the government (not to the cops) that Eighty-Three days ago, at Two hours prior to closing time, two people each quaffed a neat whisky in my beer garden.
This anonymous “tip-off” has triggered a government investigation into “the incident” & by extension the manner in which I handled it.
I am not making this up.
Hairy has gone shopping in the main drag here for some snowboots, ready for Lappland, leaving me time to relax and recover from overeating last night. We are due for this vast luncheon at 2pm in about an hour and a half’s time. Taking a taxi into suburbia for it. The taxi will be fully electric, of course, as was the one from the airport. I guess with only seven million in population the Danes can manage to persuade most to convert, especially by adding inducements like free parking, free charging and no road taxes. ‘Convert’ is the right word for it. They are all believers here, including our friends, which means we skate around certain topics rather delicately, although I think they get that we aren’t exactly keen on blackouts and the lack of a baseload power in Australia.
I always used to think that Princess Mary did quite well for herself marrying the Danish Crown Prince, but now I am not so sure. She had to learn Danish, a brute of a language, and live in Denmark. All kudos to her for making such a success of it – she is very well loved here, so I guess that’s something.
Black was also the chosen uniform colour of the tank crewmen of the Panzerwaffe. Both Heer and Waffen-SS.
You forgot Vikpol.
An anonymous report has been made to the government (not to the cops) that Eighty-Three days ago, at Two hours prior to closing time, two people each quaffed a neat whisky in my beer garden.
My comment stands:
They’re in a big club and we’re not in it.
Interesting contrast is that every American hotel we stayed in during our recent car trip had Fox News as a choice for watching. Their customers demanded choice. Europe really does seem so univalent in its thinking. At least Brits can now select GB News and get something else. Maybe Europeans have their own non-woke media but it isn’t apparent to the visitor.
Vast luncheon * snort *
It’s Denmark Lizzie, the tucker will be strips of salted herring + some fermented onion or similar.
Suck several Cepacol right now, to numb your taste buds – Vicks (x lotsa) under your nostrils will also help.
Jesus Christ this kayfabe character of yours is nuts, Gargooglery.
Is Biden Being Blackmailed To Send US Combat Troops To Ukraine?
Hunter Biden Lived at Biden Home Where Classified Documents Were Stashed, Records Show
It’s not “Week in Pictures” however this thread on Powerline has some first class memes on “Banning Gas Stoves”
Wish I’d thought to bring some CD’s of Father Ted and Black Books and some other favoured series of times past. However, The Palace Papers is also keeping me busy with reading. It is very thick and has good coverage of the Epstein period in Prince Andrew’s life and much on the Maxwells too – the author was married to the editor of The Times so has good inside gen there. It is also just the right size for putting under the little electric kettle here because the cord won’t reach the power point. A multi-tasking book, and I can enjoy making a cup of English Breakfast Tea from my stash of it. They only provide coffee here but I came armed against that from prior European experience.
Why do I keep seeing a comment about Nazi uniforms and the Grampians?
Because nazis like to go camping in the Grampians.
LOL , really?
It’s usually a choice between frikadeller and kartofler or frikadeller and kartofler.
CIA Shill Sean Penn’s EMBARRASSING Spectacle At Golden Globes
The Jimmy Dore Show
Yes really.
Pardon my ignorance, but is there some obscure rule somewhere that dictates only beer is permitted to be consumed in a beer garden?
Where the hell is one supposed to drink spirits under Queensland law? A witchery?
And what of all those (apparently, then) illegally consumed al fresco parmigianas and steak sammiches?
We went to out for dins to our friends farmhouse in Flinders this evening. I never saw the freaking thing, but I almost hit a roo crossing the road. I braked in time. There were about a half dozen of the grey bastards hanging around the roadside.
It’s become a humorous cliche. Usually tongue in cheek.
Can a Nuclear War Be Avoided? — Scott Ritter
Schiller Institute
It was all The [r]Age about this time a year ago, when it was found out that a certain subset of edgelords, oafs and yobs were known to goose-step by candlelight on their weekend camping trips into the hills. They are the easiest, lowest-hanging and most politically acceptable boogeymen of all the potential covert threats Australia faces from without and within to publicly protect we poor plebs from.
You’ll probably hear about them and their garage-dwelling fellow travellers again when ASIO and Fedpol’s budgets are up for renewal later this year, JC. 🙂
And I’ll get to start making cheeky and subversive model train jokes again.
Rex the offence is allowing someone to quaff a neat spirit (i.e. no ice, no coke) after midnight.
I’ve drawn an investigator who joined the public service later in life, in their late 40’s or early 50’s & who joined as a clerk, and does not relish the unwanted & unsolicited occasional role of an investigator.
They’re smart enough to grasp that it is unreasonable to expect me to have any idea what someone slurped down their neck at a random point in a Seventeen hour long trading day on the 22nd of October.
I’d be properly rooted if it was a typical obtuse public service wanker. I’ve had similar investigations where they flatly refuse to countenance any scenario other than I have full clear sharp recollection of “the incident” & was in fact choreographing the outlaw conduct.
There were 250 people in the lounge bar & beer garden between midnight & 2am on the 22nd of October last year. Two of them are alleged to have tossed down a neat whisky.
I’m expected to explain what happened. Summary regulatory penalties or even judicial penalties are not ruled out at this stage.
Thanks guys.
Where’s Eddles. I want to ask him if they’re flaming in the Grampians as he should know.
Oh my aching sides, that ABC article linked by Mater is funnier than an entire season of “The Goodies”
I may have to call triple zero myself, I’m risking a hernia from uncontrollable laughing.
WTF, are you expected to warn anyone who buys a neat whisky, not to skoll it?
Oh my lord, Mater’s link to the ABCess has more: (I was laughing so much I musta missed this bit):
Only at Their (it’s not ours) ABC.
You could not make up this sort of stuff yourself.
Allowing the whisky to be quaffed is the alleged offence. This is serious enough.
I’d be in twice as much trouble if there was an allegation that one of the staff had actually knowingly supplied a neat whisky to someone between midnight & 2am on the 22nd of October.
I’ve spent much of the day attempting to prove (seriously) that nobody was provided such a whisky.
(I am not making this next bit up) Currently I have tendered to the investigator a copy of my multi-page spirits management plan (yes, I have such a booklet, I wrote it myself) along with evidence that the plan is easily accessible for all staff at all times, & that all staff had read, understood & signed the multi-page plan prior to the 22nd of October 2022.
Based on past experience, I expect next week the investigation will revolve around how often I hold formal staff meetings to reinforce this spirits management plan. And how forcefully I reinforce the details of the plan.
I am not making this up.
Not that such a ruling has stopped any glassings, coward-punchings or crappy nights out since whatever miserable year it was introduced.
the administrative state is completely out of control. it needs to be dismantled. australia over the last 50 years has been turned into the worlds biggest nanny state. the stupid f*cking liberals have done nothing to slow the fascism and are useless to roll any of it back
I stopped off at the Halls Gap YHA on one of my bike trips. Don’t recall sharing the dorm with any Nazis but they could have been out on manoeuvres. Seem to recall it wasn’t bad.
“I’m sorry, sir. We don’t serve neat spirits after midnight.”
I’ll bet a bottle of single malt, you could hear the outraged screams on the moon.
Made a side trip to the Royal Mail hotel in Dunkeld which would have to be one of the most incongruous restaurants in Australia. Again, no Nazis from memory.
About 20 yrs ago at 20 minutes after closing, except for staff the place was empty & we were sweeping out & packing up.
A bloke walked up the street from god knows where – we hadn’t seen him before & he hadn’t been in that night.
He stepped across the threshold, the bar staff (all Maori) gave him a most heated glare, he turned around & left. He was holding a can in his hand.
Three months later, without any warning, two investigators from the Dept of Treasury flew by commercial airline from Brisbane, then hire car to town, and spent one week in the district investigating this “incident”
I was taken to the Police Station & subjected to several hours of recorded formal interview with these two investigators.
Transpires the bloke who leaned on the door was Seventeen. After being rissoled from my place he’d been intercepted by the cops & told them he’d been in my place “all night” & had only just left. I & all staff were totally unaware of this development.
The cop who stopped him did not walk the 20 or so paces to our door & ask/verify anything. Not even to tell us to “remember tonight, coz you’ll be asked about it”
She made a report up the chain.
Every staff who was working that night was tracked down by those two investigators and interviewed at length. They had to drive clear to Townsville or somewhere to find one of them.
I am not making any of this up.
(The administrative state has been out of control for a long time.)
Six months. Unfond memories of open skips emptied when they filled and in the heat, they stank.
Poor bloody cats living on the scraps, many with cancers. Dirty unwashed Arabs spitting in the streets. The Souks. Cammed up grasshoppers. Mutawa – Religious Police lording it over the poor bastards trying to make a quid.
Gay Westerner nurses making a fortune selling their arses.
Shithole. I couldn’t get out of the place quick enough.
Probably along the lines of the money and resources Germany put into rearming and prosecuting WW2 would have solved their food and resource issues. Mechanisation of the farms alone would have doubled production.
But that assumes the war was about resources, which it wasn’t. It was about ideologies.
Banana flavoured Jatz?
Be still, my beating heart!
From where can I purchase these delectable provisions?
Bruce O’Newk:
Don’t be too sure, Bruce.
I understand NASA has put out a contract to determine the gender of White Dwarf Stars. It ain’t looking too good for them…
Ummmmm I’m calling bullshit. Especially when someone tells you in 4 comments it’s not made up. It always is.
I think it was about the logistics of farm mechanisation, with a subset on the allocation of mechanical resources, i.e. to the armed forces, or to farmers?
What the Hell have they found out?
Will there be desklamps shining in your eyes and bamboo slivers under the nails?
Do you need an alibi? I provide them at quite reasonable cost – currency or hard liquor/slabs XXXX.
There was speculation/discussion about the amount of time required.
Tractor: start ‘er up & “Vroom” you’re instantly ploughing.
Horses: Gotta harness ’em, etc, takes longer.
As it turns out, that ain’t the half of it.
There’s lived experience of farming with horses at my place. Dad farmed with horses (as a nipper, under command of his father & grandfather) & one of my uncles who farmed with horses (sugar cane).
Tractors in the 1940’s weren’t the electric start marvels of today. However they were miles ahead of horses.
Essentially you did just go & start up a tractor, yeah, got the gas-axe out, heated the bulb for several minutes, gave yourself a hernia cranking the brute, eventually getting it firing.
If you were late getting to the tractor for some reason, you just lost a bit of time.
Then you really did just keep on ploughing.
Horses: You started at Two o’clock in the morning, and fed the horses lotsa grain & goodies to give ’em strength.
Then at Seven o’clock you went & got the neddies from their yard/paddock & brought them to where you wanted them (this is not necessarily a swift process)
Then harnessed them, making sure it is all correct.
Then walked to where the plough was waiting, hooked up.
Then started ploughing – a the speed a horse can pull a bloody heavy load.
Two hours later you stopped work, to give the neddies a blow, for say an hour or so.
Then ploughed again for a couple of hours.
Then another hour or so of rest.
At the end you unhooked in plenty of time, marched them home, unharnessed & washed each horse.
Then the horses would go & have a good roll etc.
Give ’em another bloody high value feed, about now it is dark, so that’s it.
…. until Two o’clock in the morning, when you got up & started all over again.
So yeah, tractors rendered a lot of human labour to be unnecessary. They were more efficient with the use of human hours, releasing a lot of human labour for other tasks.
However, tractors required a service supply chain, and creation of a fuel supply infrastructure.
Farms at that time did not use a lot of fuel.
As an example, my great-grandfather, (dad’s grandfather) never had an internal combustion engine on the farm, ever.
Nor did he ever have electricity.
He farmed & ran a reasonable engineering & repair business, totally without electricity or internal combustion engines, or any outside fuel or energy source being brought onto the farm.
They get to pretty near that point.
Thanks, but she’s a “strict liability” case.
I don’t even have to be in the country. It is my licence, I’m to blame.
Doesn’t matter if I was there or not, that it is even alleged to have happened is enough.
I would understand your rage if such a scandalous falsehood was presented as truth.
However I believe* we were having a discussion at my place in the Grampians about Bohemian Folk Dancing and this could not have happened.
(When backing the semi into my driveway to deliver the not-yet-disclosed amount of alcohol, do not run over the Dahlias.)
*I have evidence in multiple formats. Out of focus, and scratchy, but nevertheless credible evidence.
Did this really happen?
(That I or anybody would even entertain the possibility this might not be a mickey-take, illustrates how far we’ve fallen)
Without doubt, the most insightful comment seen on a blog in the last decade. Masters level economics? Naaa, Phd for certain.
I have to prove it is not true, Eighty-three days after the (alleged) fact.
The govt takes this sort of thing very seriously.
Grannies being threatened or bashed, not so much.
Tragically, the cops take this sort of allegation (someone drank a whisky) very seriously. Grannies being threatened or bashed, not so much.
This has been my recent lived experience.
Years ago we had friends visit the country estate.
Their young girls spied a medium sized huntsman on the wall.
Mrs Panzer, to her credit, simply said, “Oh, that’s just Harry the Huntsman. He is here all the time.”
So the little girls accepted Harry as part of the household.
And every visit after they would look for Harry.
It is an oasis of fine dining in a desert.
We sometimes stop there for lunch on the way to the Big Smoke.
But, alas, no hopping into Mr Myer’s big cellar with three more hours driving in front of us.
Ed Casesays:
January 13, 2023 at 8:50 pm
Anyway, enough of these Nazi musings.
And so says one of the T.W.A.T.S. who wanted to know more Nazi stuff. Sicko…………..
“There’s no place for violence … no community should be treated that way.”
Says Desperate Dan the Con Man of Sicktoria. Hmmmmmmmmm. So what were VicPol doing at your biding during the Lockdowns? Talking to the People nicely? LOL.
Au contraire, Salvatore, our hostess had pulled all stops out to give us a true Danish feast. Two courses, fishy things first, then meaty things second. Five different types of fishy things in cold sauces, two of them made from smoked salmon, one of them from eggs and pickled herring with chopped onion, and another from prawns with crisp young chopped asparagus, with two different types of bread belonging to the different dishes. Grim’s Christmas Beer in small bottles through the glass darkly, and regular interspersed declarations of knives and forks down, schnappes glass up, and a hearty scholl delivered with good cheer. Resumption then of more eating. Second course roasted bacon and apples, and lump of roasted pork with crackling, plus a curious brown sauce that was quite pungent. We’d kicked off with some Greek Ouzo with water in memory of shared times in the Greek Islands in Hairy’s youth.
I first met this Cambridge College friend of Hairy’s thirty years ago when we visited them in Copenhagen with our young children, who got on well with theirs. All are now grown, and providing grandchildren, shown in an appreciative exchange of photographs this arvo. As with many of the yoof they are still all in touch via Facebook or Instagram. I reminded our hostess of how adept her grandmother had been thirty years ago aged eighty at downing the Schnapps by the shot glass full at least seven times in a riotous group of neighbours who joined in the spread put out for us. I’ll never rival that, I said, and which led her to comment that I’d never rival grandma doing it with a cigar in her mouth either. Sadly, grandma is now no more and here we all are, the older generation now ourselves.