Open Thread – Tue 10 Jan 2023

The Siesta, Camille Pissarro, 1899

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January 12, 2023 6:01 pm

When you think you have seen the most beta-male/Anorak thing in the universe the gruiaid digs deep and toppers everyone..

I present to you the single most pitiful letter ever written and published in any newspaper…ever.

An early fan of East German feminist writing
Tim Bradford on how his flatmate eschewed the pub night after night to diligently translate Brigitte Reimann’s work

Click through for the full story…

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
January 12, 2023 6:02 pm

Top Endersays:
January 12, 2023 at 5:07 pm
…..Is this anything more than a scheme to get governments to invest – and lose – money?

Don’t underestimate how stupid Albo and Bowen are. They’ll just be itching to put their names to something really, really big. And as far as cluster-f**ks go, this will be right up there with the best of them.

January 12, 2023 6:05 pm

The son of former NSW Premier Kristina Keneally is facing a lengthy legal fight after he was charged with faking evidence that led to a man’s wrongful imprisonment.

Police allege Daniel John Keneally fabricated evidence while he was working as a police officer in Sydney in 2021.

The 24-year-old allegedly falsely accused a member of the public of threatening to kill a police officer during a phone call to Newtown police station in February.

A very serious offence with a lengthy gaol term.

He’s toast. I do not understand how it will get past committal if the case has no substance.

January 12, 2023 6:06 pm

I think what it’s doing is grammatical inference at the sentence/ paragraph level. The machine can decide for a sentence if it is generated by the same process as a corpus of other sentences, and it can generate new sentences that match a given source. There are french philosophers who do this. None of this has anything to do with what, if anything, the sentences mean.. They can be semantically void and the inference machine knows nothing of this aspect.

January 12, 2023 6:07 pm

I’ll just add to my comment about my son and the Nazis, just in case you think he’s an a-historic dumb dumb.

Firstly, as a grown up, he’s more than capable of distinguishing between the music hall “nazi” and the real thing. While appreciating the lampooning, his other favourite movie was Schindler’s List. Under no illusions about what they did. And that other animal who slips under the radar every single time – Stalin. The New Broom also was a bit of a nerd on Russian history, always fascinated how they went from feudalism to totalitarianism in a generation.

And now I see that the Perrottet story is the lead on Seven News. That tells me everything I need to know.

January 12, 2023 6:08 pm

Jes Staley, the former boss of Barclays, has been accused of having such a “profound friendship” with Jeffrey Epstein that it could “even suggest that Staley may have been involved in Epstein’s sex-trafficking operation”, according to documents filed in a US court.

Suggests also implies reasonable doubt. Any prosecutor making these claims needs to put forward a better case.

Anything else means we in the west have chosen guilt by association as a legal standard.

January 12, 2023 6:10 pm

I’m waiting for the Keneally story to surface on Seven.

Bent coppers clearly aren’t as interesting as dress-ups.

January 12, 2023 6:11 pm

Dems should just concede the 2024 election now, they can’t fight that quality of argument.

In a just world abortion would apply retrospectively to dickless creeps who look after the milko’s kiddies.

January 12, 2023 6:11 pm

Did I mention I got yuuuge BHP dividends last year?

Did I mention that I keep on doubling down AMI when I should have bought ILU, NHC, WHC & WDS?

January 12, 2023 6:12 pm

Flying to BKK for a meeting.

No masks, no vaccine evidence. No one gives a shit.

FU Australian Government imbeciles, now everyone’s shot up with experimental shit that doesn’t work, it’s all OK?!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 6:13 pm

He’s toast. I do not understand how it will get past committal if the case has no substance.

I think he is in a world of pain.
NSW has already apologised to the guy he had locked up for three weeks.
It would be interesting to know what his motivation was.
Either way, a vindictive liar.
The apple don’t fall far …

January 12, 2023 6:14 pm

Thanks Kneel.

I’ll keep checking.

January 12, 2023 6:16 pm

Been doing As-Builts using Draftsight, haven’t used it before.

Interface is interesting, like doing CAD when you’re drunk.

I’m clearly missing something. I do something to modify the drawing, but when I attempt to repeat, same actions result in something different!

January 12, 2023 6:16 pm

The New Broom also was a bit of a nerd on Russian history, always fascinated how they went from feudalism to totalitarianism in a generation.

Some might say they simply went from one kind of authoritarianism to another.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 6:16 pm


January 12, 2023 at 6:10 pm

I’m waiting for the Keneally story to surface on Seven.

Difficult to find on Their ABC too.

Cassie of Sydney
January 12, 2023 6:18 pm

Correction calli….”Bent coppers who are sons of Labor party royalty clearly aren’t as interesting as dress-ups”.

Now just imagine if his surname was Howard or Abbott or Morrison or Dutton.

January 12, 2023 6:18 pm
Anchor What
Anchor What
January 12, 2023 6:19 pm

We are toast if aliens come here.
With or without smashed avocado.

January 12, 2023 6:21 pm

What’s worse is that he had warning that this was coming, so he wasn’t caught off guard.

By getting in first he’s neutralised it. It’s a non-issue now.

That being said I don’t think anything is going to save him bar a Labor self-immolation during the campaign.

January 12, 2023 6:21 pm

Further to the Paris stabbings; still no clue as to motivation:

France: Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ stabs six people at Paris train station

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 6:23 pm

33 minutes ago
Australia commits to invest in women in PNG
Amaani Siddeek

Albanese vist to PNG has ‘strengthened’ an ‘incredible partnership’

Australia will commit to a five year investment into Papua New Guinea’s women empowerment program PNG Women Lead in order to support women leadership and combat gender-based violence.

After a historic meeting between the two nations’ leaders it was announced in a joint statement today that Australia would continue to invest in women empowerment in the PNG.

“Leaders welcomed the recent election of two women to the Papua New Guinea National Parliament but agreed there was a need to accelerate progress,” the joint statement reads.

“Especially in the areas of increasing women’s leadership, expanding women’s economic empowerment and combating gender-based violence as priorities.

“Prime Minister Albanese announced Australia would continue to support gender equality and women’s empowerment efforts in Papua New Guinea with a new five-year investment, PNG Women Lead, to support the expansion of women’s leadership in PNG and combat gender-based violence.”

January 12, 2023 6:24 pm

To err is human, but to really foul things up you need a computer – Paul Ehrlich

And he should know.

Having never needed such a device to make the most preposterous doom laden predictions by a “cognoscenti” in human history, which subsequently proved to be “wrong, wrong, wrong – and wrong, again”.

His distinguished, unblemished record of absolute failure may never be bettered, although we do have local equivalents such as Perfesser Dim Flummery – whose glorious predictive idiocy is unlikely to be bettered in any Ozzie’s ‘umble lifetime(s).

January 12, 2023 6:38 pm

monty, what is your argument against treating children that survive an abortion?

The same as your side’s argument against funding proper government services for mothers.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 12, 2023 6:38 pm

Between Dick Pratt flying the Aardvark of Beaconsfield around and swinging his little legs under the table at Raheen and Albo passing another Fox Victoriastan billionaires like to stay close to their Big Government mates.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 12, 2023 6:39 pm

The story I read was crowing “they must be running out of ammo” (which might be correct), but I was thinking it could be a little more sinister than that, and possibly they are stockpiling for an offensive spearheaded by mass bombardment.

Not an unreasonable assessment to make.

However, when Russian accounts from folks at the tip of the spear have been publicly claiming shell hunger (of all things) in an army whose entire schtick (with at least a century-long pedigree of same) is based on having all the guns and using them to freely compensate for every other shortcoming in their tactical doctrine and battle plans, one is wont to wonder.

(Just ignore that the complainant here is from the Nazi-avowed Rusich subunit of Wagner- Pointing out the irony of anti-Nazi folks supporting the use of Nazis to De-Nazify the other side’s alleged Nazis is literal Nazism. You Nazis…)

January 12, 2023 6:40 pm

proper government services for mothers

Husbands and caring family structures in a community where one wage can support a family?

January 12, 2023 6:41 pm

I presume that’s the Paul Ehrlich of “The Population Bomb” fame.

I have the first impression paperback on the bookshelf. All you have to do is flip over to the final chapters and you find…religion. It’s stark, and frankly, embarrassing.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
January 12, 2023 6:41 pm

The British experience:

1. Strikes – we’ve already experienced the train strikes. Yesterday, flying down the doomsville of the M1 after the M11 and the M25 horrors, we passed an accident marked off by quickly placed witches hats blocking a lane, creating as fast moving traffic maelstrom. As we passed by it was clear a bad accident had just occurred. One car had been stoved in completely on its front and was spun in the opposite direction. There was an NHS Blood Delivery vehicle ‘in attendance’. No ambulance. Then I remembered that yesterday was a day-long strike of all ambos. It looks as though in some cases that meant of ambulances also. Recalling that just enhanced my entreaties to Hairy to slow down, although he, and later in discussing this, his brother, declared that to move out of the two fast lanes into the two or three slower ones meant you would spend the journey in a miasma of trucks. Nurses still striking and teachers next. The public sector is up in arms about inflation, but there is as yet no sheeting home of the issue to the energy policy madness. It’s all Ukraine, Ukraine, with the media doubling down on the climate ’emergency’.

2. Inflation. We took the opportunity after leaving Saffron Walden to do a small tour of Thaxted, Barsfield and Fitchingfield for lunch before hitting the motorways. At Thaxted we stopped to admire the old medieval Guild Hall with the covered marketplace underneath, and in the only gift shop open I purchased some French-milled Marseilles soap (black, and called Opium) as a present for Hairy’s brother and sister-in-law for their hospitality. The owner of the shop told me that the price of the soap from her suppliers had gone up over a third recently and that people were buying less ‘optional’ things as inflation was hitting everyone (in this prosperous area, we may note) quite hard. Meanwhile her prices and expenses just kept on going up, she tried to keep prices low, but there was a limit to what she could do given the energy costs.

Two small examples of a much bigger story.

January 12, 2023 6:41 pm

The same as your side’s argument against funding proper government services for mothers.

That you can have all the unmarried mothers you can afford to pay for?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 12, 2023 6:41 pm

The same as your side’s argument against funding proper government services for mothers.

The proper funding for mothers is husbands.
Works well for the kids too.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 6:41 pm

The Pell affair, just like the Dreyfus affair in France, will forever taint this country’s reputation, and leave a doubt about whether we are really the land of the fair go.

Dunno about that, but go on?
There can be little doubt that Dreyfus, a Jewish army officer, was persecuted because of his religion

That is absolute crap.
Captain Dreyfus was charged with providing Germany with the French Order of Battle.
After the hoo hah had died down, it turned out that he was Guilty as Charged.
That happened on the other side of the planet. But more than a century later, the Pell case shows that little has changed.
George’s problems had to do with corruption in Victoria and the Vatican.
Trying to pin it on sectarianism is just BullShit.

January 12, 2023 6:42 pm

The same as your side’s argument against funding proper government services for mothers.

Typical dickless leftoid trying for some non-existent equivalence. Anyway that’s not the issue: the issue is proper government services for dickless dickheads. Funding that would remove 99% of leftoids.

January 12, 2023 6:43 pm

moozley imbecile (BIRM) screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ stabs six people at Paris train station

Very old news, Cats (again) …

January 12, 2023 6:47 pm

Rex Anger

I hadnt seen that term before.
It could be their supplies just arent keeping pace with use.

A lot of pundits keep making WW1 comparisons, are we at the WW1 “shell crisis” (which hit every belligerent when the war kept going past 6 months) stage, or just prior to the “3 weeks of 24/7 heavy shelling before we go over the top” stage?

January 12, 2023 6:47 pm

The same as your side’s argument against funding proper government services for mothers

Define proper.
Free maternal health care, free public hospitals, single parents and a host of other benefits, child care benefits.
It’s a specious claim and you know it.

January 12, 2023 6:48 pm

As least Prof. Flim Flammery has largely retreated from public life, even though he still harbours his delusions.

Paul Ehrlich has never shut up.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 12, 2023 6:48 pm

It won’t be Rex. he’s been too busy darning his socks.

Only because one jammed my Swearing Unit.

Darn it, darn it, DARN IT!


Delta A
Delta A
January 12, 2023 6:49 pm

Thank you, Gab, for all your input on the sad passing of Cardinal Pell. So good to see you here.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 12, 2023 6:50 pm

H B Bear says: January 12, 2023 at 6:38 pm

Victoriastan billionaires like to stay close to their Big Government mates.

Just don’t use the F-word.

Big_Nambas says: January 12, 2023 at 4:58 pm

An Aussie and a Maori walk into a bakery.

Sam Bankman-Fried and Nancy Pelosi walk into the Treasury…

January 12, 2023 6:51 pm

Captain Dreyfus was charged with providing Germany with the French Order of Battle.
After the hoo hah had died down, it turned out that he was Guilty as Charged.

Before or after he was smuggled in a white suuuuub to rendezvous with the Emden where they provided naval bombardment of the Alamo to help defeat General Custer?

Provide your ed-vidence* ed-mong.

*post bucket bong water drinking hallucinations.

January 12, 2023 6:51 pm

Isn’t the word “mothers” misplaced? They want to be anything but.

Next you’ll be calling that monster in utero a “child”.

January 12, 2023 6:51 pm

For those with a penchant for diving into the Hollywood cesspit, there is an article in the Speccie on Elizabeth Taylor.
I ignore actors and everything Hollywood but read this because it was the Speccie.
It’s a shocking history of a putrid, characterless creature pursuing a purposeless life while trashing every value that makes us civilised – and murdering babies along the way.
Despite spending decades pouring every imaginable dangerous substance down her repulsive throat, she made it to 79 yo. There is no justice.
And these pond scum dare to lecture us – still.

January 12, 2023 6:52 pm

The Born Alive bill is a stunt, pure and simple. The basis of the bill is bipartisan agreement, which was reached in 2002 and is still the law of the land in America – and would pass again if brought again today. The new bill repeats the core of that old bill then adds restrictions on abortion providers, specifically adding the prospect of lawsuits to put them out of business. That is all this is about, attacking abortion providers. There is no principle here.

Thankfully, the extremists controlling the House Republicans don’t have enough power to enact their agenda. Which is kind of why they are doing it: it’s signalling to their base. Everyone knows it’s just performance art.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 6:53 pm

January 12, 2023 at 6:38 pm
monty, what is your argument against treating children that survive an abortion?

The same as your side’s argument against funding proper government services for mothers.

But, but, but, pro-abortion campaigners frequently attack services provided to assist expectant mothers.

Or does “mothers” in your mind equate to “women seeking abortions”?

January 12, 2023 6:53 pm
January 12, 2023 6:53 pm

Prof. Flim Flammery

Stocks dodger! Whatever will we do with all the rotten cabbages?

January 12, 2023 6:54 pm

Husbands and caring family structures in a community where one wage can support a family?

It’s not 1957 any more, mole.

January 12, 2023 6:55 pm

Monty believes extremists are those not wanting to expose a baby and leave it to die once its left the womb.

Ok then.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 6:55 pm

H B Bearsays:
January 12, 2023 at 6:38 pm
Between Dick Pratt flying the Aardvark of Beaconsfield around and swinging his little legs under the table at Raheen and Albo passing another Fox Victoriastan billionaires like to stay close to their Big Government mates.

Big Government and Big Business are both keen on actual fascism.

January 12, 2023 6:55 pm

Australia will commit to a five year investment into Papua New Guinea’s women empowerment program PNG Women Lead in order to support women leadership and combat gender-based violence.

having f*cked up the country, marxists move on to the next one

January 12, 2023 6:55 pm

I meant I was breaking off discussions of who done what on a long dead blog.

sancho, you one trick pony

pretty much all you do every day is bring up gibber from either the past or, your own imagination.

you silly mole, as far as I can tell “discussions of who done what” was started today by yourself.

… it’s like having an on-line wife

January 12, 2023 7:00 pm

Husbands and caring family structures in a community where one wage can support a family?

It’s not 1957 any more, mole.

Its political decisions which have caused the bulk of the changes fat boy.
Equalideee means 2 parents working for a wage to support the family instead of one.
Yay- how good!

Heres a challenge for you, and anyone else with a contrary view.

Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australias tax mix?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 12, 2023 7:02 pm

I hadnt seen that term before.
It could be their supplies just arent keeping pace with use.

Pro-RUS folks in the online space were very confidently using the term to refer to such problems adversely affecting or even crippling Ukrainian defensive operations up until around August-September.

Which was about the point where Russian shell dumps started exploding en masse behind their own lines in the East and South. And enough internal Russian sources were pointing out the utter dearth of domestic 122 and 152mm infantry gun ammunition production (Up to Battalion and Brigade-level weapons) affecting Russian troops (Their Ukrainian proxies’ 122mm guns appeared to have been dry for some time by this point thanks to logistical prioritisation), the emptying of Belarus’ available ammo stocks and revelations of Russia’s attempts to buy rounds from North Korea led to said online voices becoming very quiet on the matter.

January 12, 2023 7:03 pm

Greetings all, after a bit of absence.
I was lucky enough to be flying out to a new job yesterday when I saw the ABC on TV in the Virgin terminal.
A second’s attention showed they were slandering Pell as fast and hard as they could, now that they were let off the chain by his death.
Never mind abolishing the foul coven of false accusers. Its playtime! Bring the portable branding race and a woodchipper.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 12, 2023 7:03 pm

Just to show there are no hard feelings towards conservatives, m0nty will now sing his own rendition of “Born in the USA”.

January 12, 2023 7:04 pm

Human Rights Watch has officially jumped the shark and deserves no attention whatsoever. We should ignore it as another teenage TikTok performance. They are now accusing Australia of abusing human rights by using and mining fossil fuels.

January 12, 2023 7:04 pm

Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australias tax mix?

Because the canbra pubic parasites are waging war against male breadwinner families as well as with irrigators, miners, farmers and productive people in general.

January 12, 2023 7:05 pm

… it’s like having an on-line wife

Without cooking tips.

January 12, 2023 7:06 pm

Human Rights Watch is now another organisation that once had noble aims but is now just a leftie toy. It has suffered the same fate as almost every humanitarian organisation and charity. Pity.

January 12, 2023 7:07 pm

Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australia’tax mix?

Damn straight.

January 12, 2023 7:09 pm

You can only giggle at Big Tony’s snuggling up to PNG to finance a women’s empowerment program.
You would think that Foreign Affairs would have learned by now that the PNG’s are the world’s most expert grifters.
They will be taking money for the same scam from the Chunks.
No doubt Foreign Affairs do understand but Dan directed Tony operates strictly on the ‘a headline a day principle’. Implementation success is irrelevant and review is treasonous.
I imagine that Calli also indulged in a knowing smile.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 12, 2023 7:10 pm

It has suffered the same fate as almost every humanitarian organisation and charity. Pity

Almost inevitable.

January 12, 2023 7:10 pm

miltonf says:
January 12, 2023 at 7:04 pm
Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australias tax mix?

Because the canbra pubic parasites are waging war against male breadwinner families as well as with irrigators, miners, farmers and productive people in general.

Not just male breadwinners but intact families. Divorced and single women with children tend to vote Labor while married people are more conservative. Conservatives must be punished.

January 12, 2023 7:12 pm

Canbra is a contemptable, despicable and pernicious place that Australia would be better off without. It has done so much harm.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 7:13 pm

This guy charged with a Rape in Toowoomba in October 2021.

We all know who it is, but let’s be circumspect.

I’m buggered if I know how he coulda dunnit, since wasn’t he holed up in some Private Psych Hospital the whole of 2021?

Delta A
Delta A
January 12, 2023 7:14 pm

Took a little road trip to check out the flooding in Mannum and Murray bridge; a once in a lifetime event, apparently.

Took the same trip in 1956 when Mum and a few kids travelled by steam train from QLD to visit her rellies in SA. Uncle drove us up to Mannum in his Bentley to view the inundation. “A once in a lifetime event,” the papers squawked, as they do now. (So, that’s two lifetimes I’ve enjoyed to date. 🙂 )

The water was not so invasive this year, thanks to tons of sandbags forming levees along the river. The park adjacent to the Murray Princess is under water, along with the picnic areas and rotundas where, in the past, almost-aspy grandson practised (again and again) his Fireman Sam leap over the ‘humungous’ wall, impressing a little dolly girl in a pink tutu.

Still an awesome sight, one which we are not likely to see for another ‘lifetime’.

January 12, 2023 7:15 pm

No doubts Hugh and Deb are committed climateers.

January 12, 2023 7:15 pm

Abortionists can’t be normal people.

January 12, 2023 7:16 pm

You can only giggle at Big Tony’s snuggling up to PNG to finance a women’s empowerment program.

He’s not the brightest but he hasn’t survived this long in politics without learning a few things.

It’s basically an old DFAT program with continuing funding renamed for the announcement.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 12, 2023 7:16 pm

Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australia’tax mix?

I doubt the country could afford it now, if it ever could. The family trust is as Australian as the Hills Hoist but not much use the PAYG wage slave (of which I was one and lacked a suitable low marginal rate in any event). SMSF is about as groovy as you can get now.

January 12, 2023 7:16 pm

January 12, 2023 at 6:12 pm
Flying to BKK for a meeting.

No masks, no vaccine evidence. No one gives a shit.

FU Australian Government imbeciles, now everyone’s shot up with experimental shit that doesn’t work, it’s all OK?!

I’m told masks are still required in some settings, I think they’re still supposed to isolate on a positive test, and the recent Chinese outbreak is concerning many Thais.

That said, pretty much.

January 12, 2023 7:19 pm

I can understand the furore over dressing up as a Nazi for a fancy dress event but why is it OK to dress like Che and Mao? Communists of all sorts killed millions more people and yet no such stigma. Why not?

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 7:19 pm

The reason Income Splitting isn’t allowed is for the same reason
that you can’t pay less Tax every week on account of having a wife and chilluns:
It forces women into the workforce, Labor and Liberal Policy for 45 years.

January 12, 2023 7:20 pm

Can we blame Perrotets wearing of inappropriate uniform on the school curriculum ?

My kids are 32 and 30 and youngest did history in last two years of high school. I went through the 2 year curriculum schedule and was not impressed. Two months on conflict on the Australian frontier and Mandela, Martin Luther King and the Burmese lady for example. Churchill did not get a mention so why the others who had far less impact. Oh wait, Churchill was white ! I cant say for sure but I doubt the N…’s and the 6 million was ever mentioned at school.

Some may recall there was a bit of a hoo hah last year about the fact Clive Palmer might have bought Hitlers car. The relevant board of deputies and others expressed outrage. He subsequently denied having it and have no idea if he does. However my view is that is a highly significant historical item. Whilst some, a nutter minority, might be impressed with the former owner the great majority would not. If it was displayed with suitable educational text beside then it would serve as a reminder of the atrocities committed.

Top Ender
Top Ender
January 12, 2023 7:21 pm

there is an article in the Speccie on Elizabeth Taylor

Good book review, that one.

The reviews are one of the best things about The Spectator. The best magazine in the world, and the oldest.

January 12, 2023 7:23 pm

Can we blame Perrotets wearing of inappropriate uniform on the school curriculum ?

Surely this is a political hatchet job? Perrotet was never going to win the coming NSW election.

Suspect Kean. But, in any case, NSW Libs are in a hopeless position.

January 12, 2023 7:24 pm

The Perrotet uniform story is giving the guys on Sky the perfect segue to move on to Prince Harry. Heard it done twice now in last half hour.

January 12, 2023 7:24 pm

Communists of all sorts killed millions more people and yet no such stigma. Why not?

Probably because most people are ignorant of that fact.

January 12, 2023 7:25 pm

It forces women into the workforce, Labor and Liberal Policy for 45 years.

Congratulations, Ed…you’ve finally got something right.

January 12, 2023 7:28 pm

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is facing questions over a private lunch in Victoria with one of Australia’s richest men.

Mr Albanese was flown in Lindsay Fox’s private helicopter for a meeting at his Portsea mansion on Saturday, which was also attended by Victorian Labor Premier Dan Andrews, Nine newspapers reported.


m0nty says:
December 21, 2022 at 7:32 pm

Singer has been sucking up to billionaires recently as part of this “effective altruism” movement which is thinly-veiled reheated Reaganite trickle-down rubbish. Coddling the idle rich is not the pastime of a progressive.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 12, 2023 7:28 pm

Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australia’tax mix?

Why stop there?

Hungary Exempts Mothers Under 30 from Income Tax, Seeks to Boost Births Instead of Migration (2 Jan)

Orban is attempting something no one else is even trying. I remember when Costello brought in the $5000 baby bonus. There was an actual baby boom. Incentives do really work.

January 12, 2023 7:29 pm

Once about 33 years ago, an intact family could claim a rebate the equivalent of a second tax-free threshold, for a spouse full-time caring for children.
They abolished it in favour of an equivalent direct Government payment to the mother. It may have been called ‘Family Payment Part B’ and paid with the Family Allowance system, renamed to Family Payment Part A. I saw an economist refer to it as a ‘wallet to purse transfer’ and say the intention was to help because some families have controlling husbands who don’t give the wife power over any money.
Those of us who deliver the pay packet untouched to the family are not of interest to the avenging feminists.

January 12, 2023 7:30 pm

No doubts Hugh and Deb are committed climateers.

Of course they are. But doing without (h/t Neil Oliver) is for the Great Unwashed like us.

Inside the main home, there is a gourmet kitchen with Gaggenau appliances and a dining room featuring a hand-carved walnut dining table.

Whoops! Hasn’t His Bidenship just banned gas? Probably not in the Hamptons.

Also…that walnut table. Tree killers!

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 7:33 pm

Those of us who deliver the pay packet untouched to the family are not of interest to the avenging feminists.

It’s not the feminists who destroyed Australia, Chris.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 7:33 pm

Richard Cranium

That is absolute crap.
Captain Dreyfus was charged with providing Germany with the French Order of Battle.
After the hoo hah had died down, it turned out that he was Guilty as Charged.


Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 7:37 pm


That is all this is about, attacking abortion providers. There is no principle here.

There is a principle here. It is the principle of the sanctity of human life.

January 12, 2023 7:38 pm

Get f… urther down the road Ed. You are the kind who hands out pies to orphan children in railway stations, pies actually being made out of their parents.

January 12, 2023 7:38 pm

This is a disingenuous answer. You simply can’t articulate a defence of denying medical care to children that survive abortion without appearing a monster.

Once the child is out, and they can no longer hide behind the “her body, her choice” shtick, that thin dusting of faux compassion looks pretty f**king thin.

January 12, 2023 7:39 pm

Without cooking tips


AI can’t cook

…it’s a high-speed idiot

January 12, 2023 7:39 pm

Hungary Exempts Mothers Under 30 from Income Tax, Seeks to Boost Births Instead of Migration

This is an incentive for potential mothers to work more!

It won’t work, it will backfire.

Of course there is an income and substitution effect. I am saying the latter will dominate the former.

Regardless of that more detailed analysis, it has incentivised working over childbirth and child rearing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 7:40 pm

January 12, 2023 at 6:55 pm
Monty believes extremists are those not wanting to expose a baby and leave it to die once its left the womb.

If you re-define “baby” to mean “overweight, pathetic, middle-aged man”, then there could be an argument for exposing some of them naked on a snow-covered mountain.

January 12, 2023 7:41 pm

Once the child is out, and they can no longer hide behind the “her body, her choice” shtick

That garbage died with 3D imaging. You can’t call a baby sucking its thumb and smiling a “clump of cells”.

January 12, 2023 7:45 pm

Orban is attempting something no one else is even trying. I remember when Costello brought in the $5000 baby bonus. There was an actual baby boom. Incentives do really work.

Bruce, Costello’s baby bonus was welfare with predictably mixed results, sometimes disastrous.

Income splitting allows working familes to keep more of their own hard earned, a different proposition entirely.

January 12, 2023 7:46 pm

Inside the main home, there is a gourmet kitchen with Gaggenau appliances and a dining room featuring a hand-carved walnut dining table.

Gaggenau? Mine are Breville and still work.

January 12, 2023 7:50 pm

GOP’s First Bill Would ‘Repeal 87,000 IRS Agents,’ McCarthy Says

If Republicans take control of the House in 2023, they will support the addition of 200,000 police officers nationwide, a 50 percent cut in permitting times for energy development, and full funding of border enforcement.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 7:51 pm

SpongeBob squeaks:
Dreyfus was Guilty.
He was working for the Germans.
Ever heard of propaganda?
Well, it worked for Dreyfus.
Try to learn something in your declining years, rather than jump on every bandwagon going?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 12, 2023 7:54 pm

And more insight for Mrs Stencho Pantyhose, Jerkoff Codswallop, Dotty Dot and others……………………

The Real-World

From Armstrong Economics –


Your point about foreign money buying US assets and then adding back money to domestic circulation is quite profound. The inflows from Asia, the Middle East, and Europe are enormous. These monies had to come from somewhere. They were a result of globalization, accumulating dollar assets offshore, or having to convert their currencies into US dollar assets. This was never taught in any of my economics, trade, or finance classes back in the 1970’s. Then, the US economy was still a manufacturing-based one and the concept of money taught then was still the Fed and how it conducted OPEN MARKET OPERATIONS. Today, the Fed competes with so many forces it can’t possibly do the job it was designed to do, which was to make the money supply elastic across the US…forget about international money flows, which today are so large, their vast team of financial experts can’t possibly measure much less track them.

The money supply and what is taught in schools are the problem. They have these terms for it: M1, M2, and M3…when in fact in a debt-based economy, money is debt, not paper. What gives it utility is the ability to facilitate exchange, But at its core, the key is confidence in the country that issues it and the citizens who produce the wealth that backs it. The politicians in the US have worked to destroy the currency by consistently abusing it, by spending money without limit, and by convincing people, there is no cost in doing so as long as the US fights every war and defends open markets.

I agree with you that the US dollar will be the last man standing. Because every other country’s currency is simply inferior and the countries that issue it don’t produce enough wealth to consistently make it competitive in world markets.


REPLY: I know. People want to argue with me based on what they read in school or what the press reports. I have been taught by my clients. Being called in to solve problems around the world, I have been fortunate to see how capital really moves. I have met with many central banks, and the IMF, testify before Congress on these subjects, and even attended an OPEC meeting and was called into China for the Asian Currency Crisis. I have been called in by heads of state and summoned by Presidential Commission investigating Crashes. I was even asked if I would teach at one of the most prestigious universities in the world and when I asked why I was told that they “know what they teach doesn’t work.”

Our major clients know this. It takes perhaps someone with experience like you to grasp the reality of the world economy and how it truly functions. We are plagued by Marxist ideas for every economist then thinks that their job is to manipulate society to create the perfect world. Here is Larry Summers saying you cannot predict the economy and if you could, then everyone would follow it and make it so. This is the problem with academics. It is all theory and no real-world experience. This is why they have accused me of manipulating the world because if the forecast is correct, then it’s because I influenced it with our clients. That is why the bankers told the CFTC I had to be silenced. They wanted to manipulate the world, and when they lost, it was always my fault.”

January 12, 2023 7:54 pm

It forces women into the workforce, Labor and Liberal Policy for 45 years.


January 12, 2023 7:56 pm

C.L. says:
January 12, 2023 at 6:53 pm
I have a feeling this place will be to JC’s liking:

Hugh Jackman and wife Deborra-Lee Furness put their $5million Hamptons holiday home up for rent for a whopping $240,000 per MONTH.

We spent Thanksgiving out there in Sth Hampton. Our old house out there is available for rent 320k from July to Labor Day.


You’d like it CL Just rent it and be done with it. Either Jackman or our old one.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 7:57 pm

Dreyfus was Guilty.

Which was why he was exonerated in 1906?

January 12, 2023 7:58 pm

Idjit ed, the moron you have when you haven’t got munty.

January 12, 2023 7:59 pm

Why is income splitting for families not considered a part of Australias tax mix?

So as to speed up the crushing of the bourgeoisie between the twin mills of taxation and inflation?

As for Parrothead being busted wearing an ‘itlerist uniform, it might just be because (and not wanting to go out on a limb here or harsh anyone’s vibe, Cats) but, cue spookee muzak … he is one 😕

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 8:00 pm

I’m so old I can remember when senior politicians got into big trouble for taking a helicopter ride.

January 12, 2023 8:01 pm

As his political form in late 2021 amply demonstrated …

January 12, 2023 8:02 pm

So as to speed up the crushing of the bourgeoisie between the twin mills of taxation and inflation?

I’m the pubic parasites in canbra study the Cloward-Piven strategy while doing their bludge courses at the ANU.

January 12, 2023 8:02 pm

I’m sure

January 12, 2023 8:05 pm

Thailand COVID regs.

Masks required indoors, public tpt/private airport transfers and Gov buildings. Didn’t see it enforced however. A lot of tourists ignored it.

When I landed in Dec no PCR or proof of vax required but saw on news a couple of days ago due to the Chikoms sending out their diseased proof of vax & neg test is being reintroduced.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 8:07 pm

Victor Hugo also concluded that Dreyfus was guilty.
Unfortunately, he died of asphyxiation before he could publish his change of heart.

January 12, 2023 8:10 pm

I find it odd that billionaires seem to be having lunches and dinners with Labor politicians and hardly ever with Coalition ones. I thought it was the other way around some time ago. When did it change and why?

I’m just going to guess that Labor pollies are easily impressed and want to be with the in-group.

The possibility is that they all went to uni together and ended up on supposedly opposite sides but actually have the same philosophies regardless of the labels.

January 12, 2023 8:11 pm

Crossie – or they’re just blatant monstrous hypocrites.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 8:13 pm

Rex Angersays:

January 12, 2023 at 6:39 pm

He lives!!

January 12, 2023 8:14 pm

See for example, Teats Peanuthead, who’s currently gettin’ it on with [Rabz – enough, Dover].

January 12, 2023 8:15 pm

dover0beach says:
January 12, 2023 at 8:07 pm

320K for 9 weeks. Property really is another level in US at the high end.

I think it’s the rental market as a lot of NYers want to spend a month or two or three on the beach after some brutal winters. I don’t think the capital value is that much different to here. In fact I actually think it’s possibly cheaper in the US. A house sold in Palm Beach Sydney for $US40 million recently. Sure the choices a limited here though.

January 12, 2023 8:16 pm


Did you go to Jones Beach in the summer?

January 12, 2023 8:20 pm

I find it odd that billionaires seem to be having lunches and dinners with Labor politicians and hardly ever with Coalition ones. I thought it was the other way around some time ago. When did it change and why?

The Libs are even more perplexed about the lack of invites as you are.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 8:20 pm

Unfortunately, he died of asphyxiation before he could publish his change of heart.


January 12, 2023 8:20 pm

than you are.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 8:21 pm

I find it odd that billionaires seem to be having lunches and dinners with Labor politicians and hardly ever with Coalition ones. I thought it was the other way around some time ago. When did it change and why?

The Liberal Party were never the Party of the Big End of Town and the Labor Party never represented the working class either.

January 12, 2023 8:21 pm

Leftist Activists in France Requisition House Belonging to Elderly Couple to House Refugees
Grandson of homeowners wonders if rule of law still exists.

short answer: NO

January 12, 2023 8:25 pm

Thailand COVID regs.

Masks required indoors, public tpt/private airport transfers and Gov buildings. Didn’t see it enforced however. A lot of tourists ignored it.

When I landed in Dec no PCR or proof of vax required but saw on news a couple of days ago due to the Chikoms sending out their diseased proof of vax & neg test is being reintroduced.

I think you meant to say “Thailand COVID theatre.”

January 12, 2023 8:25 pm

Rabz, the more I think about it the more I am convinced that so-called Labor are the natural allies of billionaires as they’re all fascists. They believe in their own supremacy. They are the state, we are the serfs. But as Nigel Farage said earlier today on Sky, the correction is coming but we don’t know in what form.

By the way, Elon Musk is still one of them, he is not with us. He may fancy himself as a man of freedom and a free thinker but his efforts still lead away from us and to the technology that will make humans obsolete or at least the majority of humans.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 8:26 pm


Victor Hugo’s son had a visit from the son of the chimneysweep who blocked up the chimney.
Deathbed confession, he was paid for the deed, consumed by guilt.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 12, 2023 8:27 pm

I find it odd that billionaires seem to be having lunches and dinners with Labor politicians and hardly ever with Coalition ones.

‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.’

(Not my aphorism, but I can’t find whose it was.)

January 12, 2023 8:28 pm

Look who are having a little Twitter chat.

Tony Windsor
Jan 11
I also think of @JuliaGillard for having the guts to carry out a RC into Institutionalised Child http://Abuse.No other PM in our history would have stood up for the children.Remember well the pressures she endured to maintain the circle of silence.Respect.


…pressure you also endured Tony. Respect also to you on holding truth as a more important value than careerism.

All the best to you, Lyn and family.

The sheer pressure, it’s a wonder he’s still alive.

Robert Sewell
January 12, 2023 8:29 pm


Define proper.
Free maternal health care, free public hospitals, single parents and a host of other benefits, child care benefits.
It’s a specious claim and you know it.

It’s just Monties way of refusing to answer the question, and redirecting it back at the questioner. It’s about 7 year child argumentative level.
He can’t lie straight in bed – why expect him to do it here?

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 8:30 pm

Richard Cranium

Try to learn something in your declining years,

Good advice, you should take it.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 8:33 pm

Victor Hugo’s son had a visit from the son of the chimneysweep who blocked up the chimney.
Deathbed confession, he was paid for the deed, consumed by guilt.


Victor Hugo died, aged 83 from pneumonia.

Emile Zola died from asphyxiation, from a blocked chimney.

January 12, 2023 8:33 pm
January 12, 2023 8:34 pm

We spent Thanksgiving out there in Sth Hampton. Our old house out there is available for rent 320k from July to Labor Day.


Lush and poofy head prefect; like a prim grandmother’s fart after plums and muscat. Still, I can see you draped over one of the beds with a quilt wrapped around your toned bod.

January 12, 2023 8:35 pm

I’m watching a rain cell almost stationary over Gulgong and Mudgee. How is that even possible? Isn’t it that a cell has to move or dissipate unless fed by onshore winds?

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 8:36 pm

Ed Casesays:
January 12, 2023 at 8:07 pm
Victor Hugo also concluded that Dreyfus was guilty.
Unfortunately, he died of asphyxiation before he could publish his change of heart.

Richard Cranium used his Ouija Board to confirm this point with Victor.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 8:37 pm

Victor Hugo’s son had a visit from the son of the chimneysweep who blocked up the chimney.
Deathbed confession, he was paid for the deed, consumed by guilt.

How many times have we heard that one?

January 12, 2023 8:38 pm

Sure, you don’t have to like it. It’s a typical Southhampton house set close to the township.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 8:39 pm

January 12, 2023 at 8:10 pm
I find it odd that billionaires seem to be having lunches and dinners with Labor politicians and hardly ever with Coalition ones. I thought it was the other way around some time ago. When did it change and why?

Around the Hawke/Keating era?

Modern Labor has long ceased to give a rat’s about the working class. These days, they are well on the way to being a true fascist/corporatist party, teaming up with Big Business to work to their mutual advantage, and the disadvantage of the working and middle classes.

They still lurrrrve the welfare class, but strictly for their value as a vote herd.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
January 12, 2023 8:42 pm

More of the same Cowbell year after year

When will Hollywood get that most of the US can’t stand them or their movies.

January 12, 2023 8:42 pm

They still lurrrrve the welfare class

AKA “the non working class”

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 8:43 pm

Crossie at 2025

Great minds ….

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 8:43 pm

Around the Hawke/Keating era?

Process that started with the election of Gough Whitlam.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
January 12, 2023 8:47 pm

When I think of Harry’s book ‘Spare’ I think of the saying:

He is as useful as a Spare dick on a honeymoon.

I don’t he was intending that to be the meaning but it fits better to his current situation.

January 12, 2023 8:48 pm

Just started watching Austin Powers, The Spy Who Shagged Me, and I realised.

It’s an American’s idea of what the Poms are like. Pretty much like Harry’s Ghost Writer.

No wonder it reads as rubbish. Unless…

January 12, 2023 8:49 pm

Rabz, the more I think about it the more I am convinced that so-called Labor are the natural allies of billionaires as they’re all fascists.

Name calling only gets us so far.

I’ll leave you with this question, which might lead to some answers as to why there is a decades old friendship between big business and Labor:

Who financially subsidised Bob Hawke -paid his mortage,a kid’s school fees, etc., and why?

What do you suppose was the quid pro quo?

Bill Shorten learned these lessons well.

January 12, 2023 8:49 pm

Is it really true that Dan Andrews’ kids go to Catholic schools? If so then he is the lowest form of life on earth. He is never backward in expressing his disapproval of the Church yet he still thinks its schools are better than the government’s, he is admitting that he is a failure.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 8:53 pm

Who financially subsidised Bob Hawke -paid his mortage,a kid’s school fees, etc., and why?

Paid his gambling debts, too, if my memory serves me correctly.

January 12, 2023 8:53 pm

When will Hollywood get that most of the US can’t stand them or their movies.

When they go bankrupt. That tends to clarify things.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 12, 2023 8:55 pm

re: ‘Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.’

It comes most directly from a line spoken by Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part II (1974), written by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola. –

Cassie of Sydney
January 12, 2023 8:56 pm

“Who financially subsidised Bob Hawke -paid his mortage,a kid’s school fees, etc., and why?”

Peter Abeles.

January 12, 2023 8:57 pm
January 12, 2023 8:58 pm
Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 12, 2023 8:58 pm

re: dover0beach says January 12, 2023 at 8:47 pm

The blog’s owner visited a non-Dover beach, but only once and didn’t inhale.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 9:00 pm

I liked upstate NY a lot. Would have liked to drive around Long Island though.

Best I can do for you is an Adirondack chair.
From K-Mart.
In plastic.

January 12, 2023 9:01 pm
January 12, 2023 9:03 pm

Ahahaha! “You are hairy, like animal!”


“Spare” is the third instalment of Austin Powers.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 12, 2023 9:06 pm

Colonel – I saw that, and also attributions from Sun Tzu and Machiavelli. Which given the meaning was fine by me. 😀

January 12, 2023 9:10 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 12, 2023 9:17 pm

Ahahaha! “You are hairy, like animal!”

Oi! I have a lot of trouble with this. Last several days I’ve been getting a young noisy miner to sit on my arm with some success, but he doesn’t like perching on a forest of hair.

Humans Still Have The Genes For a Full Coat of Fur, Scientists Discover (10 Jan)

Me more than most, except a patch on the top of my head. I miss Stimpy and his pattern baldness.

January 12, 2023 9:21 pm

This breed should be banned. The owner should be up on attempted murder charges.

Boy, 11, is left with 70% of his scalp missing after being attacked by three pit bulls who bit his leg and dragged him off his bike into a ditch a year after both his mom and neighbors first complained about dogs

January 12, 2023 9:26 pm

Cardinal George Pell, RIP
Written by Michael J. Matt – The Remnant

I think it is more than appropriate for us to remind our readers that one of George Cardinal Pell’s last public acts was to let it be known that he’d accepted an invitation from Notre-Dame de Chretiente to offer the Traditional Latin Mass in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Chartres on Pentecost Monday for the close of the 2023 Pilgrimage to Chartres, France. Given the controversy surrounding Traditionis Custodes and the Vatican’s attempted suppression of the Latin Mass, this was indeed an act of courage and fidelity to Tradition on the part of His Eminence.

There was to have been a meeting in Paris with the heads of foreign chapters, myself included, and the Cardinal after the Mass in Chartres. I very much regret missing the opportunity to thank him for his support and generosity where the Latin Mass community was concerned over the past decades. Cardinal Pell suffered much for his fidelity to Christ’s Church, even enjuring unjust imprisonment with Christlike resignation.

January 12, 2023 9:32 pm

Cannon-Brokes n Twiggy probably shit themseleves about the cost of SunCable and knew even they couldn’t grift that sort of money back from the government….they would become paupers.

Cassie of Sydney
January 12, 2023 9:34 pm

“This breed should be banned.


The owner should be up on attempted murder charges.


January 12, 2023 9:35 pm

This dude could knock out an elephant with a single punch and then the covid shot killed him in 2013 with a massive heart attack.

Tommy Morrison

January 12, 2023 9:36 pm

mOron going hard to ensure all those abortion survivor babies get what’s coming to them. Go you good thing.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 9:37 pm

Tommy Morrison was a Flamer with a nasty drug habit.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 12, 2023 9:41 pm

Bull Terriers were bred for Bull Baiting.
Pit Bull Terriers were bred for Dog Fighting.
Since both activities are illegal in Australia, why aren’t all these dogs collected and culled?

January 12, 2023 9:42 pm


Was George Foreman one of his lovers?

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 12, 2023 10:01 pm

Having thoroughly beclowned himself about Dreyfuss, Richard Cranium changes the subject to Flamers. Surely Spooks will appear soon?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 12, 2023 10:03 pm

Sliante – Santa brought me some very fine single malt, and a set of Glencairn crystal whisky glasses. Life is good!

January 12, 2023 10:04 pm

I want to apologise for building Airfix models of German planes in my youth , I was naive ,the glue made me do it.
Dom Parrot apologises for wearing N azi uniform at his 21st……I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry…..I laughed.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dom Parrot apologises for wearing N azi uniform at his 21st

Softcock, he deserves to lose government.

If anyone doesn’t like what I’ve worn to any shindig, they can just go and have a drink of cement to harden the far cup.

January 12, 2023 10:09 pm

It’s now about him. Driller, go clean the pool you dickhead.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Aaand Shantastruth chimes in, with a (as usual) stupid & pointless comment.

January 12, 2023 10:15 pm

It’s not pointless, you clown. It’s relevant to your own irrelevant blowhard comment. Seriously, just go clean the freaking pool, you blowhard.

One other thing, I’ve noticed of late that outbacking is starting to creep into you useless comments. Don’t let me catch you again, you worthless clown.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 10:15 pm

just go and have a drink of cement to harden the far cup.

One doesn’t drink cement.
Cement is a powder.
(Yes. Google an American reference which says otherwise).

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
January 12, 2023 10:17 pm

At the moment an article generated from ChatGPT can be automatically rephrased to dodge AI plagiarism detector services.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 12, 2023 10:18 pm

Having thoroughly beclowned himself about Dreyfuss, Richard Cranium changes the subject to Flamers. Surely Spooks will appear soon?

Did someone call for a Flamer-werfer?

A Heavy. Flamer-Werfer?

Werfers gonna flamm, Cats…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 10:20 pm

Are you communicating via Prince Harry’s medium?
Or are you still with us?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Shantastruth: STFU you degenerate sack of faeces.

Serious question, have you ever done anything of any value to society? Or have you always been a useless mouth, too gutless to back up that mouth?

You contemptible swine, you have no place on a blog which has decent people on it.


January 12, 2023 10:21 pm

Yeah, we can all imagine the funky costume hiring stores in the middle of the jungle in FNQ. World renowned. FMD.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 12, 2023 10:22 pm

I find it odd that billionaires seem to be having lunches and dinners with Labor politicians and hardly ever with Coalition ones. I thought it was the other way around some time ago. When did it change and why?

My redpill moment was when some industry body who pushed Howard into poor Workchoices changed their mind at the 11th hour and supported KRudd when it became apparent Howard was dead in the water.

The entire principle/pragmatism construct was revealed in all its inglorious bastardness . Now neither Labor or The Gliberals can fool me, and all the other pretenders.

Billionaire have bigger fish to fry than mere principle, and will wine and dine deluded politicians of any stripe.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Yeah, we can all imagine the funky costume hiring stores in the middle of the jungle in FNQ.

Go & play in traffic.
The world will be a much better place. Much better.

We don’t need degenerate sacks of faces like you in it.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
January 12, 2023 10:24 pm

Oh, and because it’s thematically appropriate to both me and the conversation at hand,

Here’s my best girl, Matilda. When she’s in the throes of a redheads bender.

Get FROG-ged, Grigory…

January 12, 2023 10:24 pm

You contemptible swine, you have no place on a blog which has decent people on it.


Decent? You’re counting yourself as decent, you filthy lying pig? Go on, you blowhard, you bugger off and stop coming back here. You’re not even original, you clown. You plagiarzed the “Go” from Leadership. Moron.

Oh ho ho… You should see what I wear at parties ho ho ho. You laughable shithead.

January 12, 2023 10:26 pm

Go & play in traffic.
The world will be a much better place. Much better.

We don’t need degenerate sacks of faces like you in it.

You laughable blowhard.

Ho ho ho,, you ought to see what I wear at parties.


The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 12, 2023 10:27 pm

Bull Terriers were bred for Bull Baiting.
Pit Bull Terriers were bred for Dog Fighting.
Since both activities are illegal in Australia, why aren’t all these dogs collected and culled?

Staffies were bred for fighting too, but turned out to be exceptional at protecting infants. Should they be culled for intent alone?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
January 12, 2023 10:27 pm

January 12, 2023 at 9:21 pm
This breed should be banned. The owner should be up on attempted murder charges.

BS! I disagree. Many people buy such breeds and let them dwell in the backyard all day whilst at work. Yes they can cause damage, but with adequate training they can be the ultimate family protectors. They have to be trained….people do not do it. They get the dog, put out a bowl dog food and come home thinking all is well. That is not how it works. Do not get a dog unless you can train it.

One click of the fingers and they will obey. It is training.


Joseph Carter the Mink Man:

Mink Man’s Mini Muscle.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 10:28 pm


January 12, 2023 at 10:21 pm

Yeah, we can all imagine the funky costume hiring stores in the middle of the jungle in FNQ. World renowned. FMD.

A fancy dress party in Queensssland.
Guaranteed 93.1% of those flinty-eyed, square-jawed tough Queensssland men turn up dressed as scantily clad women.
Why is that?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

You’re counting yourself as decent

Bloody oath I am.

you filthy lying pig?

That would be you.
You left out gutless.
You’re a gutless piece of manure. You amount to nothing as a man.

I get emails & congratulations for halting your bigmouthing. You haven’t bigmouthed since you folded like a cheap suit in front of me.
Fair enough too.

The Beer whisperer
The Beer whisperer
January 12, 2023 10:28 pm

Are you blokes drunk? If so, change drinks. Rum and Tequila can make idiots out of anyone. I’m being nice assuming it’s the shit you’re drinking.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Guaranteed 93.1% of those flinty-eyed, square-jawed tough Queensssland men turn up dressed as scantily clad women.
Why is that?

Victorians who’ve moved north for the sunshine.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 12, 2023 10:29 pm

What is a sack of faces?

January 12, 2023 10:29 pm

Staffies were bred for fighting too, but turned out to be exceptional at protecting infants. Should they be culled for intent alone?

No one here has mentioned “intent”. You’re just dreaming the accusation. Pit bulls attack humans and other dogs by orders of magnitude. It’s an extremely dangerous breed.

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  1. And if that were true, the South would have won the civil war, Ford wouldn’t have built the River Rouge…

  2. If you think Trump believes that the USA is now a diminishing power, then you have no understanding of him…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x