The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
Have you heard of Rheimetall, Saab, and the like? They could certainly could service their requirements.
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might…
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in…
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of…
Slumming it this afternoon in a penthouse overlooking the Noosa River and the heads.
The many shades of azure are mottled by passing clouds, tiny dots of people out on the sand spit enjoying the low tide. The distant ocean a dark blue with a small surf running.
It will soon be G&T and bickkies time as I enjoy this little bit of Australia in all its laid back, holiday glory.
Someone has to do it. 🙂
From student loans to masks, why does Biden want to keep us in a perpetual ’emergency’?
It’s long past time for Biden to end the national emergency and give up the tremendous powers that go along with it.
We’ve made it to 2023, nearly three years since the pandemic hit the United States in full force. The virus is less deadly, we have effective vaccines and life is pretty much back to normal for most of us.
If you’re President Joe Biden, however, the COVID-19 “emergency” is still front and center.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think Biden actually believes we are still in a state of emergency. He admitted as much in September when he declared the pandemic was “over.”
Yet the president and his administration have enjoyed the extra powers that have accompanied the national emergency declaration. And they are working hard to cling to this authority, which has granted the executive branch broader control over our lives.
“Someone has to do it. “
True, but no-one needs to hear you gloat about it 🙂
Calli. Very noice indeed. Tis nice up here.
Shortly I’m off for a swim at the beach at Bribie Island. Followed by bevies with family and friends.
Some one has got to do it.
calli says:
January 20, 2023 at 4:09 pm
Slumming it this afternoon in a penthouse overlooking the Noosa River and the heads.
Younger Daughter, Som-in-law, 3 Live-in Grandkids joined Friends & Families from Sydney in Townhouses overlooking Noosa River over Boxing Day/New Year
We got to look after/(me sleep on couch alongside) 18 Month Old Nuerotic Female Beagle while they were away – just survived.
Calli – enjoy G&T – I will raise a glass of Pinot Gris and watch more Netflix Wednesday while Wife watches Tennis
Oops Link – PS – Biden nominates son of top union boss to oversee Consumer Product Safety Commission
Biden’s drive to tap ‘earnings potential’ led family to China-backed university, energy deal
Memos tell tale of how Hunter Biden and his business associates focused on father’s “wealth creation.”
Two articles on Yellowbacked Horsefarce in the Oz – one has over 2000 comments the other over 1100 comments – very few in support.
Pfizer, Fauci staffers sign off on research finding mRNA COVID vaccines produce worse antibodies
Second study in a month to find “class switch” to so-called IgG4 antibodies, known for their mild immune response, in mRNA recipients alone. Future of Johnson & Johnson’s traditional vaccine unclear as demand craters.
Less than a month after the CDC marked the two-year anniversary of the first administered COVID-19 vaccine by telling Americans to get a bivalent booster, two peer-reviewed German studies have found that mRNA vaccines — the vast majority of the U.S. market — induce worse antibodies compared to traditional adenovirus vaccines.
The first paper, published in Science Immunology Dec. 22, focused on mRNA boosters, while the second, published in Frontiers in Immunology Jan. 12, found the same association with the two-dose primary series.
The Frontiers paper has the added distinction of a Pfizer scientist serving as its editor and one of Anthony Fauci’s staffers at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as a peer reviewer, suggesting the mRNA vaccine maker and feds were aware of a potential antibody problem around the time Omicron-targeting boosters were authorized.
The findings call into question the government’s promotion of bivalent boosting even while regulators admit that newer COVID variants are evading vaccines.
New York City’s Department of Health told residents Friday the XBB.1.5 Omicron subvariant now comprises three-quarters of documented COVID infections in the city.
It is “the most transmissible form of COVID-19 that we know of to date and may be more likely to infect people who have been vaccinated or already had COVID-19,” the department tweeted. It didn’t answer Just the News queries about the evidence for its claims about vaccination or prior infection.
The CDC said XBB.1.5 accounted for 43% of documented infections nationwide last week, with under 3% from BA.5, which is part of the bivalent cocktail. University of Tokyo virologists shared research Sunday that found XBB.1.5 exhibits “profound immune resistance” and “augmented ACE2 binding affinity,” and hence “increased transmissibility,” due to specific mutations.
. I wish ’twere me but glad ’tis you, calli. Cheers
Perth Trader – I know you’re reading this. GET BACK TO WORK or it won’t be this Cat you’ll be thinking of…..it’ll be the the cat’o’nine tails coming your way. We have bills to pay over here.
And the cat of nine tails has now been outlawed along with a ration of rum for the plebs. And you are so right. We do have bills to pay here. Big bills sent to us by those BiG Marxist Ducks (Dicks). Elbow, Blackout Bowen and the apprentice Treasurer. Has your electricity bill been reduced by $235 or so as per the General Erection promise. No fear.
Get working WA or secede or succeed or suck seed or whatever……………………….
does that make the gnome the wife? I am so confused…
Nuh, not up to speed with the latest helos.
Elon Musk chose us to report on the Twitter Files. Here are the disturbing things I learned about the FBI
It’s time to investigate the FBI’s role in the Hunter Biden laptop disinformation campaign
By Michael Shellenberger | Fox News
Over the last month, a team of journalists that includes me has enjoyed extraordinary access to the internal emails and other documents of the social media platform Twitter.
As part of that investigation, I discovered that the FBI and intelligence community discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings both after and before The New York Post revealed them to the world in October 2020.
The story begins in December 2019 when a Delaware computer store owner named John Paul (J.P.) Mac Isaac contacts the FBI about a laptop that Hunter Biden had left with him.
On Dec 9, 2019, the FBI issues a subpoena for and takes Hunter Biden’s laptop.
It likely would have taken a few hours for the FBI to confirm that the laptop had belonged to Hunter Biden. Indeed, it only took a few days for the journalist Peter Schweizer to prove it. (See video from the tweet below.)
And yet the FBI did nothing to investigate the many signs of criminal activity revealed by emails and other documents on the laptop.
Notably, then-FBI General Counsel Jim Baker was himself investigated twice, in 2017 and 2019, for leaking information to the news media. “You’re saying he’s under criminal investigation?” asked a congressional investigator. “That’s why you’re not letting him answer?” To which Baker’s attorney said, “Yes.”
Ultimately, the FBI’s influence campaign aimed at executives at news media, Twitter, and other social media companies worked: they censored and discredited the Hunter Biden laptop story. By December 2020, Baker and his colleagues even sent a note of thanks to the FBI for its work.
The FBI’s influence campaign may have been helped by the fact that it was paying Twitter millions of dollars for its staff time. “I am happy to report we have collected $3,415,323 since October 2019!” reports an associate of Jim Baker in early 2021.
In response to the Twitter Files revelation of high-level FBI agents at Twitter, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said, “I have concerns about whether the government was running a misinformation operation on We the People.”
Anyone who reads the Twitter Files, regardless of their political orientation, should share those concerns.
January 20, 2023 at 4:09 pm
Slumming it this afternoon in a penthouse overlooking the Noosa River and the heads.
The many shades of azure are mottled by passing clouds, tiny dots of people out on the sand spit enjoying the low tide. The distant ocean a dark blue with a small surf running.
It will soon be G&T and bickkies time as I enjoy this little bit of Australia in all its laid back, holiday glory.
Someone has to do it. ?
Yes, and that’s what LSD can do to you……………….lol
Poll over at the Adelaide Advertiser – Do you understand why Australia Day is painful to Indigenous People? Yes – 40%, No – 60%
I thought LSD would have one flying, Timothy Leary style, out along the breakers.
Sancho Panzersays:
January 20, 2023 at 12:47 pm
Get back on your tricycle with training wheels and stay in the slow lane on the pavement where you belong Mrs Stencho Pantyhose.
Back in Oct:
Complex cases because something could go wrong other than killing something that now ‘looks like a baby’. The absolute state of Western culture.
January 20, 2023 at 4:40 pm
I thought LSD would have one flying, Timothy Leary style, out along the breakers.
But then you may well crash and burn.
So have another G & T…………………….
I’m still trying to work out the lure of the paddle board. It looks like a hell of a lot of effort for little gain. Swimming would be faster, but the paddle might be useful to bop a stalking shark.
Socialism always ends up eating the seed corn.
It’s what happens every. bloody. time. the mugs get their hands on the Treasury keys.
Except this time, they are assuring us they are doing it right. ? ? ?
And this time it’s different………………….Yeah Baby…………………………
A job is a contract between two legal people, one undertakes to do work that the other wants done, usually in exchange for money. It clearly is not the property of the first person.
Poll over at the Adelaide Advertiser – Do you understand why Australia Day is painful to Indigenous
YES: For the ‘wukkas” it’s a day off .. For 251s it’s business as usual ….. LOL!
Winston Churchill had the right idea.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery”
Analogies are central to science. The fact that water waves, sound waves and electromagnetic waves have something in common gets abstracted to a wave equation which describes them all. The “analogy” gets turned into an abstract description of what things have in common.
January 20, 2023 at 4:44 pm
I’m still trying to work out the lure of the paddle board. It looks like a hell of a lot of effort for little gain. Swimming would be faster, but the paddle might be useful to bop a stalking shark.
You are supposed to look cool and ignore the shark. Kayaking up the river is a better option.
This Tucker monologue is fire. The best in the business.
In WA, when a SoE is declared, the government can indeed force you to have a vaccine: to be restrained, transported, undressed (if necessary) and forcibly injected.
158 . Enforcement of requirement to undergo medical observation, medical examination
(1) If an authorised officer gives a direction to a person under section 157(1)(j) to undergo medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated, an authorised officer or police officer may use reasonable force to ensure that the direction is complied with, including, if necessary —
(a) to apprehend and detain the person to whom the direction applies (the relevant person ) and take the relevant person to a place where the person is required to undergo medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated in accordance with the direction; and
(b) to detain the relevant person at the place where he or she is required to undergo medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated in accordance with the direction; and
(c) to restrain the relevant person —
(i) to enable a medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment to be carried out; or
(ii) to enable the relevant person to be vaccinated;
(d) to remove anything (including underwear) that the relevant person is wearing, if —
(i) the removal of the thing is reasonably necessary to enable a medical examination or medical treatment to be carried out or, as the case requires, to enable the person to be vaccinated; and
(ii) the relevant person is given a reasonable opportunity to remove the thing himself or herself, and refuses or fails to do so.
That’s why I said the employee doesn’t ‘own’ it. They can’t, for instance, pass the job on to someone else, but they do ‘possess’ it for the term of the contract.
abortion doula
Because calling them a poisoner or fetus murderer doesn’t sound as new age and nice.
A Doula, is a (usually) lady who assists a woman leading up to, and sometimes during childbirth. In the bad old days they were probably referred to as “the pregnant ladies mother/grandmother”.
In todays debased times its referring to a person assisting an abortion, a 180 degree perversion of its original meaning.
They seem to look like you would expect as well.
I memed, pray i do not meme again.
Heres the link to the lovely Australian abortion doulas page.
Hang on. All those photos are of live babies.
I suppose photos of the reason to engage an “abortion doula” would be a bridge too far.
Try Gary’s Meats at the Prahran market. Known as the celebrity butcher. I tiny hunk of steak will set you back $30 million.
The badges on the bag are awesome, you know every opinion the person will ever have just looking at 2 of the badges on the bag
Obligatory BLM badge.
Abortion is normal.
So the ABCess is going after Advance Australia. They do whatever the hell they feel like and we pay for it.
I can actually imagine them getting hold of a membership list and sicking their feral rabble onto them.
This happened in Victoria in 2020. This is without any mandate (source: Monty)
If anyone is able to find an uncropped version, please share, for it has far more impact than this up-close clipping.
Fun article in Phys.org yesterday, that electrons really do actually spin. So not just a convenient analogy. Or at least their electric field does, since the radius of the electron is so small that if it actually spins it does so faster than the speed of light.
Researcher posits that electrons do spin, thanks to their fields (18 Jan)
In this I thought to myself ok, why shouldn’t electrons spin faster than the speed of light? It’d be a fun question. Or are electrons actually singly charged quantum black holes, which would stabilize them by relativistic time compression – whereupon their surface (if such existed) could spin at the speed of light, and time would slow to a stop. I should study physics more. 😀
EXCLUSIVE: Proof the BBC is trying to gaslight the UK
January 20, 2023 at 5:16 pm
A job is a contract between two legal people, one undertakes to do work that the other wants done, usually in exchange for money. It clearly is not the property of the first person.
That’s why I said the employee doesn’t ‘own’ it. They can’t, for instance, pass the job on to someone else,
IIRC, certain jobs in workplaces controlled by some unions (eg, MUA) are indeed “owned”by the occupant, and can be passed on to family members.
Chinese Authorities Block Foreign Journalists From Reporting on COVID-19 | China In Focus
00:59 Chinese Authorities Block Foreign Journalists from Reporting on COVID-19
05:21 Reopened Borders: No Virus Impact on Countries Without Restrictions on Travelers from China
06:28 Health Workers in China Protest Unpaid Wages
08:35 Virginia Governor on China-Partnered Ford Plant Decision
09:44 U.S. Urges Netherlands to Join Chip Ban on China
11:03 Researcher Avoids Prison After China Espionage Probe
12:02 Marvel Films to Premiere in China For First Time in Three Years
13:00 Australia ‘Deeply Troubled’ Amid Delays to Espionage Trial Verdict in China
14:05 ‘Recession’ in China? Experts on China’s Economy Post-‘Zero COVID-19’
Here’s a better angle.
Yes, but we’re talking about different things. It’s right to demonstrate similarities in the example you presented. But argument by analogy isn’t valid. We all do it, but it’s invalid. A strong analogy may be able to persuade but that doesn’t mean it’s not fallacious. In fact, there is a case to be made that argument by analogy is a fallacy.
Jobs on the Fremantle waterfront have been passed on to family members since 1949.
January 20, 2023 at 5:08 pm
This Tucker monologue is fire. The best in the business.
Yes and while unjabbed migrants pour across the USA/Mexico border, I cannot visit my USA friends as I have not been jabbed. Maybe I should cross that southern border and say FU.
Where is the Venn diagram that you offered to produce? Too hard?
Re the Tucker monologue, I had no idea Bob Woodward was a former Naval Officer that only had recently resigned and been hired by WaPo, before he was briefed by Mark ‘Deep Throat’ Felt, the deputy head of the FBI and the head of COINTELPRO. The coincidences don’t end there either, 4 of the 5 burglars at the Watergate Hotel worked at the CIA. I mean, really. What actually happened with Watergate was a successful coup undertaken by permanent Washington, aka the Deep State. Just incredible.
Put the shovel down, JC.
Nixon’s threat to Helms to blow the lid on JFK’s assassination is what did him in. Helms had to finish Nixon off.
Nixon to Helms: “I know who shot John.”.
Put the shovel down, JC.
I disagree. Let Jerkoff Cretin keep digging that hole. And then bury him/her/it/whatever in it.
Monty is still working on a sane rationale for why;
Crowds of hundreds of people could sit shoulder to shoulder in a packed food court inside an enclosed shopping centre, gorging food & panting all over each other.
While simultaneously Two people could not sit at either end of a table on the footpath of a cafe & nibble a biscuit, (“rejected by society for non-compliance with safety“)
While simultaneously Ten people could stand in a tight circle beside that cafe table & swig coffee & eat sandwiches as messily as they cared to.
Venn diagram please Monty.
State mandated legalities aside. It is as Doc B said. It’s a contract, where a person provides the service of labor and the employer pays for the service. You have no claim or ownership to the job in a moral sense in a free market where the employee is an employee at will.
In this situation and this alone a person has no right to claim the job if the employer decides everyone should be vaxed.
However, that didn’t occur in Australia. The state forced employers to fire people or disallow them from associating with other employees through compulsion.
Will Our Population Collapse By 2030?
I don’t think I even own one.
You need to elaborate.
Woddney Woddenhead, do you believe Marty- that he saw a perpetual motion machine that needed only one charge for eternity? You told us you were a big time exec at Rolls Royce Engines, so you should answer if you believe him. Or not. 🙂
I think she likes gorillas more than humans.
Flashback: Jane Goodall at Davos: We can solve climate change by returning the earth back to population levels of ‘500 years ago’ — Depopulating of a mere 7 billion people (19 Jan)
Incredible Dover, people have to know.
Dover it is incredible about what happened in the US 1972 to 74. That new information explains so much.
Not so straight forward if the employer is changing the terms of the contract mid-stream. Also, employees, lawyers, or the public at large, are perfectly entitled to dispute the relevance of the employer needing to know someone’s vaccination status compared to, for instance, whether or not they’re actually infected. An employer might be within their rights to request that an employee stay home if they’re displaying COVID symptoms, or to take a PCR test to exclude the likelihood of a COVID infection, but requiring them to take an experimental vaccine is another thing entirely, particularly when it doesn’t prevent infection or transmission.
I wonder if they tried to go after Reagan?
Can someone explain the latest story coming out about JFK. If the suggestion is that Men in Black killed him instead of Oswald then that’s just crap. There was an extremely convincing doco in this subject and the host clearly showed there was one shooter and it was Oswald.
I have a Venn diagram of a Krispy Kreme, a Basement and Wife support. To all budding experts, what is at the centre?
What Christopher Wray Said at the WEF Raises More Questions
January 20, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Can someone explain the latest story coming out about JFK. If the suggestion is that Men in Black killed him instead of Oswald then that’s just crap. There was an extremely convincing doco in this subject and the host clearly showed there was one shooter and it was Oswald.
No need you Jerkoff Cretin. That gap between your right ear and left ear just keeps getting wider………
Why is the FBI head Christopher Wray even at Davos?
Read what I said. We’re not talking about contract clauses. There are ‘contracts’ that mean crap in other countries like the US where you receive an employment “contract” but you’re still an employee at will.
In any event you appear to be curveballing this to suggest that you really do believe employees have ownership to a job. If you believe this then the state would have to have intervened with the mandates because the employer has no rights to decide.
You don’t have to give a reason to fire someone if they’re employee at will. You do where there are state based mandates restricting an employer.
I think the Deep State got a table.
Okay, so you don’t believe Marty then – that he owns a perpetual motion machine. You freaking moron.
Words fail.
????? ??? ?????? ???????? ???????
? ??????
Jamie Lee Curtis had this up on her instagram a few days ago. When people took notice of the photo hanging up on her wall, concerns started to arise. Is this a child stuffed in a box?
dispute the relevance of the employer needing to know someone’s vaccination status compared to, for instance, whether or not they’re actually infected.
IIRC, the Privacy Act (Cth) has a bit to say on this subject. Oddly, the ‘Ooman Rites activists had nothing to say on this subject, despite usually getting hysterical.
Matt Walsh makes a statement that doesn’t need an analogy to defend it.
Not a single human on Earth sincerely believes that this person is a woman
Get a load of the vid, just get a load of this fat idiot claiming he’s a sheila.
There was an extremely convincing doco in this subject
More crap grammar from Jerky Cretin. ‘in this subject’ should be ‘on this subject’. Just like Dotty Dot not knowing the difference between desert and dessert. And she/it/whatever got a first. But not in spelling or English. FMD.
I think it is simply the waveform and mathematics is the same everywhere simply for v = lambda.f
That’s where the similarities end.
E = hv, E = 1/2mv^2 and so on.
The water pressure analogy for EMF is limited to anything less complicated than RLC, it simply cannot work with MOSFET etc.
See my earlier responses.
There’s something in the privacy act, especially regarding an individuals medical information that makes it extremely difficult for most employers to actually verify any information that is given to them.
If an employer were provided with fraudulent information regarding vaccination status or other medical data, it is illegal for a company to call up Medicare or a doctor to independently verify that information (not without a court order anyway)
You have written pages and pages using awful grammar, please exhibit some degree of self reflection please, at least for your own good.
Does anyone (Top Ender I’m kind of looking at you) know what the story is with our Taipan helicopters. They’re being retired 10 years ahead of schedule with big maintenance problems so there appears to have been a major procurement blunder here. I’m just wondering who made the decision to buy them (and why) and who should have but didn’t, step-up to say they were a piece of crap. I must confess, I didn’t even know we had them; thought we were still flying the Blackhawks.
Yes the Taipan aka NRH90 aka MRH90 is another piece of Eurocrap. Like the ARH Tiger. The competition was with Blackhawk in the first case and Apache in the second and we are now getting the Blackhawks and Apaches we should have had 20 years ago.
The Taipan has terrible engines which have only 2 bearings. They left out the center bearing but when shutting down the shaft bends so you have to take a startup slowly. No easy way to fix that. There were terrible problems in Europe with that helo. German combat boots went through the floor and the Norwegians put one on a ship for 3 weeks (nice non corroding composites you know – hah!) and were horrified at the condition of the thing when it came back. They are demanding their money back on their whole order.
We bought Tigers instead of Apaches because the Tiger didn’t carry as many Hellfires which was thought to placate out neighbours to the north (I want them to be terrified of us and what we might do if they piss us off). We already flew Blackhawks, had pilots and maintainers and were plugged into the Pentagon spare parts system.
But no, for the sake of a few jobs in Brissy assembling the things we got duds.
You can blame John Winston Howard for the whole fiasco.
We’ve had a medical doctor here explain why that’s complete crap.
Anyone who believes an exit wound is smaller than an entry wound with a centre fire 6.5 mm rifle doesn’t know what a firearm is or what they do.
The back of Kennedy’s head was blown apart, his face fared much better.
Would that be the same Jamie Lee Curtis who was gushing proudly a year ago about her son Thomas turning into her “daughter” Ruby?
I don’t know what it is about Hollywood, but it does seem to send the inhabitants mad.
Thread. Pretty frightening because it’s so plausible.
Gonzalo Lira
The US/NATO realizes the Kiev Regime forces are done—they bet everything on Bakhmut, but it’s only a matter of time before the Russians break the Kiev Regime’s army there.
After that, the colossal defeat of US/NATO will be plain to see.
So they WILL escalate—into war.
No background in journalism, straight from Naval Intelligence to the Washington Post.
But no, for the sake of a few jobs in Brissy assembling the things we got duds.
You can blame John Winston Howard for the whole fiasco.
The blame more correctly lies with the Project Managers in Defence, who might have been “persuaded” by the prospect of having jobs located in Europe to organise/supervise the contract, rather than in the US, possibly in those awful “Red” states.
Neither Howard nor whoever was Defence Minister at the time had the technical knowledge to overrule the advice of the technical “experts”.
Socialism always ends up eating the seed corn.
Mrs Eyrie didn’t used to be political and had trouble remembering Democrats vs Republicans in the US.
I quoted her a line out of a quirky SF novel “The Moon Goddess and the Son” by Donald Kingsbury. Our hero, Byron (he commutes to the Moon) says to his lady love – “the Democrats would feed to seed corn to the hungry children”.
Sums it up perfectly.
BTW, dated now but fun read. Fun characters you’ll fall in love with.
Anyone who believes an exit wound is smaller than an entry wound with a centre fire 6.5 mm rifle doesn’t know what a firearm is or what they do.
If it wasn’t Oswald, then the murder weapon probably wasn’t a Mannlicher-Carcano 6.5 mm
Will Our Population Collapse By 2030?
I think she likes gorillas more than humans.
To be fair, if there were 2 glass boxes, one with a naked Monty in it and another with this wookatwiddleface it would be bad news for the postmans kids.
January 20, 2023 at 11:54 am
The Maoris were similar and basically starving when Cook turned up.
I’d have to disagree with this comparison, somewhat.
Maori inter-tribal warring seems to have accelerated their development much more than the Australian indigenous peoples. They also had agriculture (as per. their Polynesian forebears).
The 3rd nations did nothing else other than inter-tribal warring! It didn’t help their development. The Maoris were also hunters and gathers and burners. They destroyed the forests of the South island and a lot of the North island. They made extinct dozens of the fauna, especially the large or Mega Fauna. Their agriculture was limited to spuds and roots. If the 3rd nations were 99% primitive than the Maoris were about 90%. But because New Zealandstan was a much smaller country with limited resources and a colder climate, I repeat, they were on their last legs. In short both the Maoris and the 3rd nations were saved by Cook and English society.
I’m not curveballing anything. I’m saying that if the employer can’t demonstrate the relevance of knowing my vaccine status then they have no business requiring it.
Sure, but justifying either arrangement requires a seperate argument.
Say G’day to Pup, Carl, the celebrity accountant and the two Insta-grifters if you see them.
Neither Howard nor whoever was Defence Minister at the time had the technical knowledge to overrule the advice of the technical “experts”.
The buck stops at the top. Blackhawks and Apaches was a perfectly defensible choice but as usual, Howard was a gutless coward.
I don’t know the science of bullet wounds Doc, but the claim the assertion that the wound – entry and exit- didn’t conform to expectations is bullshitting.
Watch the doc. I forget who made it but it likely to be the last one done and it’s pretty good..
I believe Igor Girkin more than I do Gonzo Lira, although I think a lot of what Girkin writes leans towards psyop stuff. It’s fun though. He’s the epitome of a morose Russian.
I’m not seeing any collapses by anyone. Just the usual misery and blood and shelling.
This is a bit silly cohenite.
They had plenty of freshwater and could just go fishing in the ocean.
Their path was very slow development.
You obviously do own a shovel.
Future COVID-19 variants and outbreaks would be best managed by ongoing vaccination and the quicker scaling up of restrictions, according to new research.
Shorter version.
Experts agree all their mongloid actions during covid were 100% correct, but should be done more and quicker next time”…
“What we found in general was that having slightly more stringent public health and social measures, or having lower thresholds for increasing restrictions slightly, did perform better on average across these scenarios,” lead author Joshua Szanyi said.
In shocking news mafia experts researching protection rackets say their studies have proven paying more, faster is better.
For your kneecaps.
The bullet is innocent, saying it went backwards is the crime!
Who cares, Cronkite.
Calli, it’s only northern NSW-southern QLD, but too much travelogue is barely enough. Ta.
it’s a small club and you’re not in it
Nixon’s threat to Helms to blow the lid on JFK’s assassination is what did him in. Helms had to finish Nixon off.
Nixon to Helms: “I know who shot John.”.
No, that’s crap you just pulled outta your arse.
Yeah, Nixon knew the full story.
No, he wasn’t going to blow the lid, because:
#1. There was nothing in it for him politically, and
#2. There was nothing in it for him politically
There is a segment on that very topic. The host clarified it. Watch the doco.
Oswald killed JFK and there were no men in black.
Perhaps Woddney’s man crush has an opinion.
Hey woddenhead, has Marty expressed an opinion on who killed JFK. Please , can you ask him to ask his sentient AI (Socrates)?You perpetual clown.
The only thing I have to say about Defence helicopters – and any other bits of kit – is just to regard ourselves as a state of the USA, and therefore buy all their stuff.
Yeah, but the CFMMEU working men smashed in the front window of their union office in Elizabeth St. in protest (Direct action, you might say )
I drove down Elizabeth St the other day. The front window looked like it was covered in black plywood with their CFMMEU initials displayed.
January 20, 2023 at 6:40 pm
In short both the Maoris and the 3rd nations were saved by Cook and English society.
Who cares, Cronkite.
Not you of course you Jerkoff Cretin. But lots of other people have cared and still do so. You don’t seem to have a caring bone in your body. Maybe you have no bones and are a jellyfish. Slimy and slippery.
Was it dot who mentioned the freshfit vids? So I watch a couple and jesus f.me dead, talk about utterly delusional. It’s an order of magnitude worst than I could even imagine. west civ is doomed.
A Venn diagram of COVID.
The MWD is back and Quentin Dumpster gets a guernsey. Woof woof.
They had plenty of freshwater and could just go fishing in the ocean.
Yeah; using their Evinrude outboards and longline, nylon fishing nets.
Their path was very slow development.
And weight loss due to starvation.
The point is 2 primitive, stagnant and, by modern standards, abhorrent cultures were enriched by Western culture.
Jetstar, where the airline and the passengers despise each other equally.
Wow, they were disgusted. Why didn’t they wait for the next flight then?
JC, I do, but that isn’t an effective response.
So they want to lockdown harder, quicker and for longer (oh my) despite Sweden not doing lockdowns or mandatory masks?
Who had the best outcomes?
Anyone want to buy an Ostrich farm with me.
Who cares, Cronkite.
Cares about what head prefect?
Groogs Spidey senses working overtime.
According to Fatal Shore, abos had a better diet than the average Englishman at the time.
Seriously, why are you so concerned about this. Stick to book titles.
Zap Montygen shows he doesnt know what a venn diagram actually is, and draws a doughnut instead.
There’s a good explanation of the evidence in Vincent Bugliosi’s book on the Kennedy assassination. Be warned – it’s 1600 pages.
Oh dear, mole. Did you really make such a fool of yourself? Of course you did.
Well it’s a change from sitting in a puddle of your own vomit on the way back from Bali (another reason to life in Perf, if one was needed.)
According to Fatal Shore, abos had a better diet than the average Englishman at the time.
Don’t pretend you’ve read anything other than a stock market report and the David Jones catalogue.
Seriously, why are you so concerned about this. Stick to book titles.
Why am I concerned about it: FMD. Rub and tug is going to use this noble savage BS to justify the fuc.ing voice, altering the constitution and introducing communism. Wake up man! This is end of times crap.
There’s a good explanation of the evidence in Vincent Bugliosi’s book on the Kennedy assassination. Be warned – it’s 1600 pages.
What page is this compelling evidence on, Zulu?
Three shipwreck survivors were on a lifeboat.
After several weeks stranded at sea, they’d nearly run through their supplies. Now that they were down to a single can of ham, they decided that to have the best shot of one of them surviving, the ham should go to the person who still held the most hope. So, they decided that they would all go to sleep that night, and whoever had the most pleasant dream would get the can of ham.
The next morning, all three awoke.
The first survivor said “I dreamed that I died in my sleep and went to the gates of heaven. The gates were made of gold and pearls, as magnificent as anything I’ve ever seen. Then the gates swung open for me, and I was greeted by Saint Peter and a choir of 100 angels”.
The second survivor said “I also dreamed that I died in my sleep and went to the gates of heaven. They were made of platinum and diamonds, ten times as magnificent as anything I’ve ever seen. Then, the gates swung open for me, and I was greeted by Jesus, and an orchestra of 1000 angels”.
They looked to the third survivor, who sat silent for a few seconds. “I dreamed that you two died in your sleep and I ate the ham”.
It has been explained to monty by several people MULTIPLE TIMES that the States made regulation mandating mandatory vaccinations which prevented people from working or put them under conditions akin to parole a convict might be subject to.
Drawing a child’s explanation of “but only Drs and nurses needed the jabs” is puerile, infantile and quite frankly insane.
The regulations were made without legislature oversight and were an anathema to our supposed constitutional law system.
Furthermore – and again for the SLOW CHILDREN like monty;
1. The mandates ramped up around 30 months after COVID 19 was in the west, as per PCR analysis.
2. Novavax was capriciously and without proper explanation delayed.
3. It was better as a vaccine, safer, did not require multiple doses and was/is ethically produced – unlike the AZ and mRNA vaccines, also;
4. NSW did not allow for any exemptions outside of the guidelines they made, which made no sense at all and were as callous as to cheerfully proclaim you would be monitored for at least 15 minutes in case of anaphylaxis. (Did people die from this from AZ/Pfizer? – Yes).
Even people in the NSW Health system who VOLUNTEERED to be Novavax test subjects could not get an exemption to be jabbed with AZ and Pfizer.
January 20, 2023 at 6:24 pm
Yes the Taipan aka NRH90 aka MRH90 is another piece of Eurocrap……………
Thank you Eyrie. I really find this stuff to be so terribly depressing. Monumental waste, the troops get second rate gear and nobody responsible. Poor fellow my country indeed.
Rub and tug is going to use this noble savage BS to justify the fuc.ing voice,
The implication of The Voice is that Abos are stupid and ignorant
and the Constitution needs to be changed to help them out.
Albanese bringing up the Nobility of Savagery isn’t a winner out here in VoterLand.
It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.
– William Shakespeare
Dot, what is so good about Novavax? It hasn’t been around long enough for proper testing either.
None of the regulations prevented people from working or forced them into parole conditions. They prevented people from endangering others by their reckless selfish decision to free ride on others’ collective actions. The unvaxxed were perfectly able to work in fields not requiring vaccinations, i.e. the blue area in the Venn diagram. Do you understand now, or are you going to stubbornly deny that the blue area ever existed?
The Novavax stuff is irrelevant and shows the unserious nature of your argument. The timing was not vital to the issue we are arguing, either.
You cannot explain away physics.
Desperate, hysterical nonsense.
Lindley: You explain how the “Magic Bullet” wounded both JFK and Governor Connally.
Bugliosi: These conspiracy theorists not only lie when they’re controverting documentary evidence, but they also lie when there’s actual photographic evidence disputing what they’re doing. In their sketches, they place governor Connally [directly] in front of President Kennedy in the presidential limousine, and then they argue that a bullet coming from the right rear, passing through Kennedy, from right to left, would have had to make a right turn in midair and then a left turn to hit Connally.
If you start with an erroneous premise, everything that follows makes a heck of a lot of sense. The only problem is that it is wrong. There’s no question that Connally was not seated directly in front of Kennedy in the presidential limousine. He was seated to his left front. I have a photograph in Reclaiming History showing exactly where they were seated, and right along side of it I show sketches that they put in conspiracy books, [with Connally] right in front and the bullet is making a right turn and a left turn. But he was seated to [JFK’s] left front in a jump seat a half-foot in so the orientation of Connally’s body vis a vis Kennedy’s was such that a bullet passing on a straight line, through Kennedy, would have no where else to go, except to hit Governor Connally.
At the trial in London Jerry Spence asked [forensic pathologist Dr.] Cyril Wecht to characterize this bullet and he said, “It’s a magic bullet.” Bullets don’t even do this in cartoons, make right and left turns. On cross examination, I said “Dr. Wecht would you concede this bullet passed in a straight line through Kennedy’s body, soft tissue, if it did not go on to hit Governor Connally, as you claim it did not, how come it didn’t tear up the interior of the limousine, or hit the driver?” He said, “I don’t know. I didn’t conduct the investigation in this case.” I said, “Dr. Wecht, it sounds like you have your own magic bullet, because if it did not hit Governor Connally, did not tear up the interior of the limousine, did not hit the driver, it must have zigzagged to the left.” He said, “No, it may not have zigzagged to the left.” I said, “Well, did it hop, skip and jump over the car?” He said, “No, it did not have to perform any remarkable feat.” Then I said, “Dr. Wecht, what happened to that bullet after it exited the president’s throat,” and he said, “I don’t know.”
If we are to believe the conspiracy theorists, after this bullet exited the president’s throat, apparently, it vanished, without a trace, into thin air. They’re the only ones that have the magic bullet, and they’ve taken this magic bullet and wrapped it around the neck of the Warren Commission for all these years.
Lindley: And you discuss the headshot and the snap of the president’s head to the rear, as stressed in Stone’s movie.
Bugliosi: Millions of Americans thought that the shot came from the right front [with] the head snap to the rear. People saw this [in the Zapruder film] for the first time in 1975 on national television on ABC’s Good Night America with Geraldo Rivera. And millions said there must have been a conspiracy. The head snapped to the rear, the shot came from the front where the grassy knoll was, not from the rear where Oswald was, and that certainly is understandable.
At the trial in London, Jerry Spence showed that segment of the Zapruder film five times. I didn’t object, and I let him do it. And he said to the jury, it looked like Babe Ruth struck the president from the front with a bat. He said, “Mr. Bugliosi is trying to convince you folks that what you saw with your very own eyes never happened.”
If I never had an answer to that I think the verdict in London would have been not guilty. It would have created a reasonable doubt. But here’s the answer. You can’t see it by looking at the film; you have to look at the individual frames—which I showed the jury in London on a screen. At frame 312, the president’s head is okay. At frame 313, which is 1/18 of a second later, you see the president struck in the head, the explosion to the head. (There are 18.3 frames per second in the Zapruder film.) In frame 313, the President’s head [is] not pushed backwards, which would be consistent with the head snap theory, but it’s pushed slightly forward, 2.3 inches forward, indicating a shot from the rear, where Oswald was. This all-important moment of impact is much more important than what you see on the film: [in frame 313] the president’s head is pushed forward, indicating a shot from the rear. That is very clearly shown in the photo section of Reclaiming History. Also, a high-contrast photo of frame 313 [shows] this terrible spray of blood and tissue all to the front, indicating a shot from the rear.
The head snap to the rear [was from] nerve damage caused by the bullet entering the President’s brain causing his back muscles to tighten, which in turn caused the head to snap to the rear.
It sounds like boasting, but all the answers are in my book. The LA Times said that finally someone put all the pieces together, that Reclaiming History is a “book for the ages.” They said that nobody can possibly read this book without concluding that Oswald killed Kennedy and acted alone. The Wall Street Journal said it is unlike any other book ever written on the assassination. I have to make this choice of speaking candidly about it and coming across as boastful, but if I don’t speak candidly about it then they think it is just another book. It’s not just another book on the assassination.
cohenite says:
January 20, 2023 at 6:58 pm
I’m not pretending. I did read it and it was quite good.
And the noble savage crap isn’t mentioned every day, which most Australians realize is laughable crap. The ref won’t get through Cronkite.
Stop panicking.
The point is 2 primitive, stagnant and, by modern standards, abhorrent cultures were enriched by Western culture.
Abo.s and the Mouli were Savages, still are.
As far as the Mouli go, this is the worth of whatever culture they had:
The last Full blooded Mouli died 50 years ago.
What will always stop Abo.s from raising themselves up off the economic garbage tip of Australia is 2 things that are unalterable.
#1. Average IQ of around 58
#2. 16% are Psychopaths.
Thank you Eyrie. I really find this stuff to be so terribly depressing. Monumental waste, the troops get second rate gear and nobody responsible. Poor fellow my country indeed.
In the case of the Seasprites we spent north of 1.4 billion dollars and got zero helicopters.
Originally meant to have a 3 man crew but Australia knows better. We’ll save the cost of a third crew member and fly with two. Meant total redesign of cockpit (for all of 11 helos). Right at the end someone noticed that the autopilot was single channel and if it failed the helo wasn’t mission capable at night or in bad weather. So we demanded a dual channel autopilot whereupon Kaman said fine, that’ll be x dollars thanks. We said, no, no it should be in the contract price. Kaman said “read the contract” It said single channel. In a huff, we ditched the whole project. It’s only taxpayer money after all.
Novavax has had how many adverse effects and how many boosters?
Note I implied the vaccination mandate was so far behind the situation at hand it probably had a negligible effect at best.
What page is this compelling evidence on, Zulu?
Read the book and you will find out. BTW there are no pictures like in the comics that you look at so you may well struggle a little bit.
This is complete BS! The back of his head was obliterated!
Vids aren’t made to lie? Really?
Monty, you are free riding on the health system because you are too weak and ill disciplined to regulate what you put in your pie hole. Because you like donuts too much. Pathetic.
Does anyone recall the doco I’m talking about? I’m pretty sure it was the latest on this subject and in the last decade. I forget the name.
Novavax has had how many adverse effects and how many boosters?
Dunno. You tell us. You are the one keen on that shit.
I did read a while back that it was no better than any other of the clot shots.
Yes they did.
Since the government is STILL advising boosters, do you think the vaccine mandates ought to come back.
Your diagram is puerile, juvenile, asinine…etc. You don’t mention at all what proportion of the economy was not subject to these rules.
No it was not. It is a far more effective vaccine and is a lot safer, this is undeniable. It was held up for no good reason other than to punish enemies of the political elite.
Eddles, how about spooks and flamers? You forgot!
Denninger no doubt.
I was keen on none of them. It was the least worst option, why are you being such a prick about this?
Complete nonsense.
BJ earlier.
I think we are seeing the same thing re the subs contract.
Imagine some mid-ranking RAN engineer coming home to tell his bride that the posting is now to Swampville GA, rather than the Atlantic coast of France, with short breaks in Wimbledon, Paris, Barcelona and Burgundy.
Amazing how Ed Case and Johnny Rotten seem to avoid each other.
I must have missed all those gulags filled with unvaxxed convicts. Dot, you have nothing, no argument. That is why you are reduced to childish nyah nyahs.
No. The vax roll-out has been completed now, if you’re still unvaxxed that’s your choice but you’re not endangering anyone else who doesn’t want to be endangered.
If you want to go there… remember how many people were able to work from home during lockdown? Basically everyone except essential services. You know how many people lost their jobs to being unvaxxed, among 25 million Australians? It would be measured in the tens of thousands at most (very generously), i.e. a minuscule, tiny fraction. This is just not a major issue at all.
January 20, 2023 at 7:24 pm
Amazing how Ed Case and Johnny Rotten seem to avoid each other.
You are obviously not paying attention as per usual. I have hammered Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment about as many times as I have hammered you Dotty Dot. So you got a first in wot’? Not in paying attention in class that’s for sure.
I was keen on none of them. It was the least worst option, why are you being such a prick about this?
So, is it “safe and effective” and what evidence do you have for that? Who says so?It hasn’t been around long enough for proper testing by pre covid standards. What makes it better/different?
Certainly variants of the S70 (Blackhawk, Seahawk etc) are regarded as something akin to a Toyota Landcruiser.
Solid and reliable.
You’re ignoring reality. You were excluded from society. You couldn’t even give someone else a lift if you had both been quarantined and tested negative for 14 days prior and the other person was double vaccinated.
Is that stupid?
Have zero public benefit?
Significant private costs?
This is brainwashed bureaucratic nonsense. 30 months of exposure meant nothing, but vaccinations with vaccines so poor they can never reach herd immunity?
That’s not true at all!
Not only is this wrong, you seem to assume all doctors etc wanted to be vaccinated.
If that’s true, why were they prohibited from speaking their minds? It also belies the intellectual weakness of the health fascism you are excited by.
And the noble savage crap isn’t mentioned every day, which most Australians realize is laughable crap.
The abc runs continuous excerpts from dark Emu and Gammage’s bullshit. Every news outlet runs permutations of how great the 3rd nations were in managing the land and how things have gone to shit since the old, glorious ways were contaminated by whitey. A simple majority in every state will do the trick; and all for that to happen is for the same idiots who gave 54% of the popular vote to the liars, filth and the teals to repeat that idiocy for the voice.
Something Marty Armstrong doesn’t have a degree in.
Novavax uses the same immunological basis as the Hep B vaccine. I had that prior with no issues.
If you try to look this up, you have to use the academic sources.
Clinical Trial
N Engl J Med
. 2021 Sep 23;385(13):1172-1183.
doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2107659. Epub 2021 Jun 30.
Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine
Author list..
PMID: 34192426 PMCID: PMC8262625 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2107659
Free PMC article
Background: Early clinical data from studies of the NVX-CoV2373 vaccine (Novavax), a recombinant nanoparticle vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that contains the full-length spike glycoprotein of the prototype strain plus Matrix-M adjuvant, showed that the vaccine was safe and associated with a robust immune response in healthy adult participants. Additional data were needed regarding the efficacy, immunogenicity, and safety of this vaccine in a larger population.
Methods: In this phase 3, randomized, observer-blinded, placebo-controlled trial conducted at 33 sites in the United Kingdom, we assigned adults between the ages of 18 and 84 years in a 1:1 ratio to receive two intramuscular 5-?g doses of NVX-CoV2373 or placebo administered 21 days apart. The primary efficacy end point was virologically confirmed mild, moderate, or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection with an onset at least 7 days after the second injection in participants who were serologically negative at baseline.
Results: A total of 15,187 participants underwent randomization, and 14,039 were included in the per-protocol efficacy population. Of the participants, 27.9% were 65 years of age or older, and 44.6% had coexisting illnesses. Infections were reported in 10 participants in the vaccine group and in 96 in the placebo group, with a symptom onset of at least 7 days after the second injection, for a vaccine efficacy of 89.7% (95% confidence interval [CI], 80.2 to 94.6). No hospitalizations or deaths were reported among the 10 cases in the vaccine group. Five cases of severe infection were reported, all of which were in the placebo group. A post hoc analysis showed an efficacy of 86.3% (95% CI, 71.3 to 93.5) against the B.1.1.7 (or alpha) variant and 96.4% (95% CI, 73.8 to 99.5) against non-B.1.1.7 variants. Reactogenicity was generally mild and transient. The incidence of serious adverse events was low and similar in the two groups.
Conclusions: A two-dose regimen of the NVX-CoV2373 vaccine administered to adult participants conferred 89.7% protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection and showed high efficacy against the B.1.1.7 variant. (Funded by Novavax; EudraCT number, 2020-004123-16.).
Apparently this address is Klaus Schwab’s; it’s all over space chook.
KLAUS SCHWAB’S HOME ADDRESS: 70 Chemin De Ruth, Ch-1223, Cologny
How come Maldives is in the intersection?
You need to worry when research is funded by big Pharma.
No. The vax roll-out has been completed now, if you’re still unvaxxed that’s your choice but you’re not endangering anyone else who doesn’t want to be endangered.
How do you know that when the Federal Minister for Jabs is still waiting on ‘advice’ as to whether more boosters are required. Of course, as being ‘Unjabbed’, I am not endangering anyone. I never have. It was the Guv’ment BS and Big Pharma BS that was endangering everyone. Scaring people. That’s wot’ they did and they still cannot let go.
Now with all these excess deaths and adverse effects they are running for cover. BUT that cover is fast evaporating………………….
Calm down buddy. There’s no draft legislation yet, right?
It has to pass both Houses and there’s no draft.
One myth the left love is the indigenous Australians are homogeneous. They certainly were and are not.
This will cause a huge problem. There will be articulate, indigenous people against this with a lot of clout.
Statement from the Heart? People walked out on that.
But there’s also no draft for the amendment either!
Only if the government is lying!
I credit honesty.
Ed Casesays:
January 20, 2023 at 6:44 pm
Nixon’s threat to Helms to blow the lid on JFK’s assassination is what did him in. Helms had to finish Nixon off.
Nixon to Helms: “I know who shot John.”.
No, that’s crap you just pulled outta your arse.
Richard Cranium recognises this technique, because it is his standard technique.
Here it comes. Broad scale censorship of any opinion the Government doesn’t like.
See how quickly you lose your rights when you don’t bother to defend them?
Dot at 7:09.
I don’t know if it is the same book, but I remember reading a similar exhaustive explanation some years ago.
….. and another thing …..
The fact that there is a greater proportion of Aboriginal Members of Parliament than the proportion of Aboriginal people in Australia is not a valid argument against the Voice.
Every MP has a responsibility to represent all of their constituents – not just the non-Aboriginal (or the Aboriginal) ones – so if MPs do their job, no Voice is necessary.
If Aboriginal Australians need a special Voice to the Parliament, the logical extension is that every MP with constituents who are Aboriginal (which is probably all MPs) is failing those constituents.
Therefore, every MP who supports the Voice is admitting to their own failure as an MP and should resign immediately and fund the resultant by-elections.
January 20, 2023 at 7:37 pm
So you got a first in wot’?
Something Marty Armstrong doesn’t have a degree in.
You don’t need to have a degree to know the difference between desert and dessert. You must have a degree Centigrade, Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin. Certainly not in English Grammar. And a first? Don’t make me larf’…………………………….
That seems like a weirdly specific example. Did you get stood up on a date, Dot? Poor dear.
Your nonsense comes from message boards on the Internet filled with randos like you who think they know better than the vast majority of doctors. You have spent too much time on the Cat, Dot: you think the smartest people in the world are con artists who deny science with snake oil solutions to complex problems. The people whose opinions you respect are the Marty Armstrongs of the miasmic medical underworld.
You are a mark.
Seeing we’re taking about Blackhawks I’ll add this one from today.
China issues message to Australia and United States after federal government’s announcement on Black Hawk helicopters (Sky News, 19 Jan)
Quite amusing that China should chastise us for buying some helicopters. Maybe they’ll ban Aussie wine again in retribution or something.
January 20, 2023 at 6:47 pm
A Venn diagram of COVID.
LOL, it becomes easier to understand why m0nty=fa failed Economics 1.
“It has to pass both Houses and there’s no draft.”
Read my lip, under this current government, it will pass. The Greens and that moron Pocock will side with Labor to pass the “Voice” legislation. Despite the Greens’ bluster and rhetoric, at the end of the day, if there’s legislation put up to pass a Voice, the Greens will side with Labor.
It is patently ridiculous and specific. No pathologist let alone doctor will agree with it.
January 20, 2023 at 7:50 pm
….. and another thing …..
The fact that there is a greater proportion of Aboriginal Members of Parliament than the proportion of Aboriginal people in Australia is not a valid argument against the Voice.
Every MP has a responsibility to represent all of their constituents – not just the non-Aboriginal (or the Aboriginal) ones – so if MPs do their job, no Voice is necessary.
If Aboriginal Australians need a special Voice to the Parliament, the logical extension is that every MP with constituents who are Aboriginal (which is probably all MPs) is failing those constituents.
Therefore, every MP who supports the Voice is admitting to their own failure as an MP and should resign immediately and fund the resultant by-elections.
That will never happen as you are so right. Big 100 upticks from me.
Which could be anything from Architecture to Zoology.
Along with the perpetual motion machine. How would Dot not know such a thing exists and Marty owns one? You filthy primitive moron, wodney.
Blandito M0ntellini said:
This information could cause harm if someone believed m0nty and become suicidally depressed because of potential job loss. m0nty’s comment may need to be “dealt with” by Dover and reported to the government under new “misinformation laws”:
Journo says there will be fines for companies who do not comply. So the internet comms applications are supposed to be finding and mitigating “misinformation”, not the government, except it is the government telling them what to do and fining them if they don’t.
So in other words it is government censorship by alternate means, in a similar way that the GST turned every company into a tax collector by alternate means.
This planed regulation must be pretty bad because the ABC News has not covered it at all during the last 24 hours.
They prevented people from endangering others by their reckless selfish decision to free ride on others’ collective actions.
That’s it, no more driving on roads that you did not build yourself, lest you endanger others by free riding on their roads.
To repeat, on Oct 15 2021 vax coverage was above 80%. All at risk groups had been vaxxed. You have just undermined your own argument.
Is hospitality an essential service? Is retail? Even within the ‘essential’ category, distribution, manufacturing, maintainance and repairs, etc., these aren’t small sectors.
So if tens of thousands of people are stiffed by their insurers that isn’t a major issue either. Good to know.
“The fact that there is a greater proportion of Aboriginal Members of Parliament than the proportion of Aboriginal people in Australia is not a valid argument against the Voice.”
I agree with that. I also believe that opposition to the Voice should focus on the fact that any “Voice” written into the constitution is fundamentally racist and and will render non-indigenous Australians second class citizens in their own country.
no monty think of a carer in an extended family who has a history of anaphylaxis and would want to reduce their risk. Perhaps it is a father who has the same medical condition and is amicably divorced from his wife due to her childhood trauma.
The vast majority of doctors agree with me, read the AMA website where only doctors are allowed to comment.
You are denying science, I have posted evidence and you ignore it.
??? I wasn’t aware the articles I have linked to on Pub Med or the Lancet were written by unqualified people guilty of fraud. Perhaps you would like to name them?
You would know, you do run an underage betting forum.
Anyone know what date the first Aboriginal and Torres Straights Islander warship made its way up the Thames?
Sancho Panzersays:
January 20, 2023 at 7:24 pm
BJ earlier.
The blame more correctly lies with the Project Managers in Defence, who might have been “persuaded” by the prospect of having jobs located in Europe to organise/supervise the contract, rather than in the US, possibly in those awful “Red” states.
I think we are seeing the same thing re the subs contract.
No doubt scurrilous gossip at the time of the previous (Swedish) subs contract was that many high up in the project team drove Saabs.
The people whose opinions you respect are the Marty Armstrongs of the miasmic medical underworld.
MontyPox Virus, you really are a T.W.A.T. doing a post like that. Wot’ ave’ yer’ been smoking or drinking today? Mary Wanna and Meths? Dotty Dot doesn’t like Mr. Armstrong……………………….
Please refrain from lecturing us about spelling and grammar. You have made countless egregious mistakes yourself, civility dictates not to bring it up.
Sleeping in a Glass Igloo. These are on the site of the Ice Hotel 25km from Rovanieme, in forested land. Pictures taken from the air show it looks like a small army camp, with a series of geodesic domes set out in a field of snow. You arrive, they give you your key, and you trundle your own luggage through the snow and ice, in the dark for our group. There are deliberately no lights to keep the viewing good for the Auroras and the only signage is numbering on the igloos. We stumbled around in almost no light clutching the map we were given, which was small and difficult to read. It was lightly snowing and Hairy’s glasses were fogging with it. I couldn’t find mine. So I am ducking between the igloos say this is 18, and we’re 15, so it should be nearby, but Hairy disagreed, saying it was somewhere near 25. After some more stumbling we realised we had missed the row on the outside perimeter, and fifteen was in that on the edge of the forest just across from 18.
There were steps up to it and a motion-sensitive outdoor light lit up the steps. We went in turned on the low lighting inside, as we noticed others had done, providing shadowy outlines of the top halves of guests moving around in their domes providing sporadic patches of light, for the domes were of framed specially heated glass to melt snow and keep the igloo warm, with a base wooden frame about four foot high. The entrance door was low at the top of the steps in order not to impede the glass much, resulting in Hairy cracking his head on it as he hauled in our suitcases. Much cussing and blinding about that, as I comforted his bruised ego as well as his satsfactorily solid temple. Thus we’ve both cracked out skulls on this trips with my skid and his failure to duck.
Inside there is a double bed with the pillows set not at the wall end but at the feet end, so that you may lay in bed and see straight up through the glass at the middle of the dome, and through all the side glass frames of the dome too. There is no TV, for the Aurora is purportedly the entertainment on offer. You have to switch on an Aurora Alarm when you enter so that at any time in the night, should an Aurora begin, the Aurora Watch at reception will buzz you awake to see it. The beds are twin ones that you can raise and lower individually should you wish to Aurora watch in a more chairlike position – rather like the beds in Business class on flights: dead flat or in various easy chair positions. The ensuite is small and thankfully has an opaque privacy screen around it. On the whole, it felt rather like being in a domed caravan. Sadly, as it snowed heavily we didn’t get to see any Aurora, but it was still fun staying a night there. With an Aurora running it woud have been – absolutely fabulous!
Something for the bucket list, Cats? Not too difficult to get to from Helsinki and an unusual experience. Pics taken from inside the igloos during a big Aurora are remarkable, and you could get lucky. Hairy had to dig us out as our steps had disappeared the next morning for breakfast. The provide toboggans for pulling luggage and children around the ‘camp’, but we managed to haul our luggage into an area where a bus had made a track.
That’s a horrifying picture painted there.
2 minutes later …
what a tosser
It also belies the intellectual weakness of the health fascism you are excited by.
m0nty=fa is excited by all forms of fascism.
That was the situation facing Mrs D and I when we moved to Qld .
Now explain to me why it was better for Mrs D & I to spend an hour travelling with 20 other people, to the only station we could get to, by bus, spend a night in a hotel in Sydney so we could catch the single daily flight to Brisbane vs neighbours (vaxxed & isolating) driving us to a station 5 minutes away, but outside “Greater Sydney” so we could catch the train straight to the airport. Especially when the nearest Covid case was 50km away!
There was no way, using the bus we could get the airport the same day, yet if the neighbours had been able to drive us. Our car was on the Sunshine Coast before we arrived in Sydney
There was a window of time late in the vax roll-out when not everybody who wanted to be vaxxed had been able to access the jab, mainly due to Morrison’s incompetence. In that short-term scenario, mandates in specific industries were agreed upon by all sensible people to protect those who were vulnerable through no fault of their own. Everyone was “at risk”, since the ‘rona tended to expose those seemingly healthy younger people with undiagnosed conditions.
Do I still support mandates, now that that window has closed? No, as I said above.
Hospitality and retail were closed so the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike were out of work, nothing to do with jab status. You idiot.
Ah, another COVID analogy that fails if you think about it for one second.
Only stands if you assume government can solve peoples’ problems.
Which is the basic assumption of the Voice.
Just sayin’.
We shouldn’t get too bogged down on the vax mandates in particular. It was the lockdowns which were the real incursion against our rights and freedoms.
The Gucci bag reference is a simile, not an analogy.
I don’t blame you for not knowing the difference, MT. It’s a tricky thing to remember.
Lizzie – That’s one of your best ever. Having an alarm that alerts you to the Northern Lights is cool.
And I suspect wars have started because people have gone to the wrong igloo.
On the plane from Rovanieme to Helsinki I was seated next to a young man and, as you do we got chatting about experiences in Rovanieme. He was keen to talk and show me pics and videos of his great time dog sledding, reindeer sleigh rides (us too, I nodd) and then snowmobile riding and skiing (not us, I say). It was his first time skiing and we laughed together at videos of him and his friends, further up the plane, falling about. Turns out he was ‘Palestinian’. Where in Palestine? I enquire. Hebron, he says. Umm, troubles there in the past, I say mildly and he says not now. How do you come to be in the group and here? I enquire. He tells me he belongs to an ‘activity group’ who tour the world together, becoming a sort of family, and doing exciting things for young people. The things they do were the things rich kids the world over do. He showed me pics of three young girls seated further down the plane, all modern European girls, no hijabs etc. He then asked if he could ‘take my picture’ to show them his friendship with me. So he did, he sent it down to the girls, and they responded with a pic of the three of them all making V for Victory signs. You’d better tell them I am a grandma, I said, for the pic of me was very flattering. I think they’d been teasing him about girls, and maybe I was the joke. I don’t know, but it was interesting talking to him. He wanted to know what his group could do in Australia and what sort of animals we had.
Hairy later told me he thinks they were children of the Hebron wealthy, and maybe the groups was also to include kids who had lost parents in the troubles, with Palestinian supporters’ guilt money the source of their funding. I couldn’t really say, but it was great to see such normal young people coming from what was once a hellhole. I didn’t mention Fauda though.
January 20, 2023 at 8:02 pm
Please refrain from lecturing us about spelling and grammar. You have made countless egregious mistakes yourself, civility dictates not to bring it up.
Too late Dotty Dot. Please point out my mistakes then if you wish to. I don’t care if you do but you seem to care now about yours and I wonder why. Are you being Armstronged at all?
Old Ozie:
You missed the fifth Condition: Having a treasonous bastard like Milley in charge of the US defence forces.
FFS, why hasn’t this piece of shit been put against a wall and shot?
Hospitality and retail were closed so the vaxxed and unvaxxed alike were out of work, nothing to do with jab status. You idiot.
For what period of the lockdowns were Bunnings, Woolies, Coles, Big W, K-Mart, Maccas, KFC and similar outlets closed? To the nearest week would be an adequate response.
Indeed. Five months of house arrest in Melbourne.
Sweden did not lock down.
There were no analogies used in any of my arguments above.
There were concrete demonstrations as to how the word “mandatory” is used.
As a dictionary does. To show the meaning of the word through usage.
To demonstrate that the word mandate does NOT mean that the thing being mandated must be enforced under any and all circumstances in order for it to be a mandate.
“Mandate” does not mean “do x or be physically forced to do x”.
“Mandate” does not mean “under all and every circumstance you must do x”.
Mandate means that under the circumstances you are required to do x, if you don’t do x there will be a penalty or consequence (such as a fine or, I don’t know, say, losing employment or being restricted in travel).
A bicycle helmet mandate doesn’t have to apply to anything other than the time, place and circumstance under which the person is using a bicycle in order for the situation to BE a mandate.
A vaccine can be mandated even if a person may avoid the mandate by taking the penalty of resigning from their job.
That IS the mandate. That IS the circumstance being mandated.
You don’t get to weasel out of it being a mandate situation because an individual can avoid the thing being mandated by volunteering for the penalty before the penalty is enforced upon them. OBVIOUSLY.
You can’t avoid the reality that people were mandated to be vaccinated by saying “Oh well, you could have avoided the mandate by resigning from that employment”.
That’s just silly.
Why would someone avoid the penalty of a mandate by volunteering for that very same penalty?
It a situation like that line from the movie “Resign or be prosecuted” when the hero hands the villain a loaded pistol while holding a gun on him. Now THAT is an analogy.
Funded by Novavax; EudraCT number, 2020-004123-16
Whole thing reads like the Pfizer trial report. Only that was meant to be 95% effective.
Let me guess – Dot took the Novavax and is now desperately trying to convince him or her self that it wasn’t a dumb move.
Klaus has mail, a lot of mail. Much more than ever before.
Being suckered in by that fraudster Martin Armstrong would have to be high on the list.
My choice was that or the bread line, but there’s no need to be a prick about it.