The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883
Triples, trailers are about another 1700 each
Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…
Bearcat v a few rebirthed VN Commodores.
The source of the gossip, Oriolt
Nothing controversial here, Catholics have never stood on street corners and harangued people.
Catholic evangelisation has always been by example.
Don’t shoot the messenger.
Mon 11 Mar 2019
(I had school English assignment work once in HS where they quoted 170,000 years.)
The result of 11 years of research suggests that human habitation could stretch to 120,000 years
Not political – ideological. Every step forward that isn’t matched with a step back is the ratchet effect in motion.
Even if each step forward is matched by half a step back, the momentum remains with implementing the goal of socialism.
This is how we are now in this position from the days of Menzies.
From “The Forgotten People” to gaoling fathers who object to the sexual mutilation of their children.
Rosie, I’d agree with you except he proselytizes green propaganda like a druid.
Which neither Benedict nor Pell did, for which I am thankful to them.
The 3 waves idea is not widely accepted and contradicted by virtually every genetic study done to date. Nor am I convinced that geneticists from countries like Denmark give a hoot about the always will be narrative.
If there were 3 different migrations I’d expect to see that reflected in haplotype distribution and mitochondrial DNA.
As for Manning Clark, too old, too much new data.
“(I had school English assignment work once in HS where they quoted 170,000 years.)”
Clearly a printing error.
What if they had the same ancestors though?
January 19, 2023 at 8:45 pm
Don’t shoot the messenger.
Too late; there’s a .357 hollow point on its way now. Only the best for you..
From the article:
“In summary, although no single line of evidence precludes natural fire, taken
collectively the case for exclusion is strong. Humans are obviously capable of these
processes, of carrying fuel to a cliffed shoreline and repetitive burning at the same
place,” the article concludes
Sounds like the Pell Victoristan SC majority Judgment.
Anyone that sez we shouldn’t have skin in the game with the Ukes and the Russkis is a total dance.
If one has a grasp of History ont is well aware it isn’t Slav on Slav.
Russia under Poostain is trying for another Russian Empire. That’s what you get for putting a mid level beaurocat anywhere near the leavers of power.
The Moscow Mindset is as baleful as the Beijing Mindset.
Anyway I am busy following the progress of the three day Special Military Operation when I have time to spare.
All the best. Particularly the Pure Bloods.
No. They were balls deep. 170,000 years. Repeated many, many times.
If there were 3 different migrations I’d expect to see that reflected in haplotype distribution and mitochondrial DNA.
We’ve had this conversation about the mingling of DNA. You were wrong; but let’s do it again.
“maybe but there is evidence of human habitation of up to 170,000 years.”
Yes, in Africa.
Well, if that’s so, then there must be evidence of human habitation in the Eurasian Landmass even earlier.
Gemma Tognini on Sky tonight explained that Prince Harry will need to come to his senses and apologise first to his father, King Charles, and then the rest of the family if he wants to be accepted back.
This is the parable of the Prodigal Son in real time. Will Harry do it? Not yet, he hasn’t lost everything and been reduced to a swineherd at present but his time is coming.
Thank you sir, 10 mm auto JHP +P+ is what I really wanted.
What if they had the same ancestors though?
Or they just didn’t eat each other but interbred.
While silly people are obsessing over Harry Hewitt, death rates have skyrocketed in the UK, there’s a bloody but pointless war in Ukraine, and Libraries and other public spaces have been designated Heat Hubs so the elderly can avoid freezing to death.
By the way, Chris Kenny is still in the wrong time slot and on the wrong network. He belongs on their ABC.
By the way, Chris Kenny is still in the wrong time slot and on the wrong network. He belongs on their ABC.
Apart from being deranged about the bloody voice he’s ok; or have I missed some other woke manifestation from him?
“Apart from being deranged about the bloody voice he’s ok; or have I missed some other woke manifestation from him?”
No, he’s good on everything apart from the Voice and canines.
Quick response, Bob, as it’s passed my bed time 😀
Australians at heart are not ideologically inclined (although we’re moving in that direction thankls to the left’s grasp of education).
Further, constitutional niceties aside, they’d interpret such action by the states, or the federal parliament, as a betrayal.
their rock finger paintings have been around for 50000 years
I gotta get me some of that paint. Would be good for fences.
Davos is really an insidious place, group and philosophy. Everyone I mentioned it to in the last two weeks had no idea who or what they are. Only a small number of us conservatives around the world are aware but we have no power to stop what the Davoisie have in store for the world.
If there was no Sky News even fewer people would know anything about the Davos crowd so I will continue to subscribe and watch the programs on it which are reporting the facts.
Staffed by ChatGP, because why pay a human for the same thing.
Probably quite effective at drafting legislation too come to think of it.
Miss Anthropistsays:
January 19, 2023 at 8:55 pm
So glad to see you back here, Miss A. I was getting a tad worried about you.
That’s enough as far as I am concerned. If he gets his way we will have huge problems for the foreseeable future.
On Jacinda.
I watched a doco recently on the White Island disaster.
A couple of private helo tour operators launched as soon as they could, got out there, initially just to support the search and rescue operation. In the midst of it all they found out that the rescue helicopters had been ordered to stand down, because safety. So these blokes became the only search and rescue effort and picked a few injured off the island. Half way back they were told to drop the injured at the airport. To their credit, the private pilots basically said, “F*ck that! We’ve had to do it all on our own so far. We’ll take them straight to the hospital.”
Next they cut to Jacinda’s presser. Knowing about the private rescue effort, she just blurts out “There was no-one left alive after the initial evacuation and further search and rescue operations were too high risk.”
Err, what?
There is no way she could have known that. It was pure spin to cover for the decision to stand down the rescue helos.
But not one j’ism challenged such an obvious lie.
It then occured to me that the attempted diversion to the airport had zero to do with patient welfare and was designed to control unsavoury pictures of the injured.
I commented on this some time ago, why does ochre paint remain in place while the elements erode rocks?
“But not one j’ism challenged such an obvious lie.”
Unsurprising. The NZ media has operated as a tool of Ardern’s government. Was this the Netflix documentary?
Jacinda’s future, would go well as UN general secretary. In particular because it would enrage Rudd to the point of stroke.
I failed in academia | The unexplored steps to academic failure!
2 weeks ago
I’ve been in Academia for 35 years (after grad school) and am 55. About to get myself assessed for ADHD. Whatever the outcome of that, I’m strongly of the opinion that academia = lots of mostly undiagnosed neurodivergent people trying to pass as neurotypical in a system designed by, and for, performative narcissists. How’s that for a definition of hell? Not blaming the ND Nation at all, btw. That’s all about masking and surviving … or not. You’re heroes. And maybe I’m one too. “
Sancho – On that one I can’t see how anyone could’ve done that much better. I watch Geonet and the White Island webcams regularly. The volcano is quite dangerous. Even Geonet haven’t dared return to repair the crater rim webcam and seismometer station after that short eruption – which appeared out of nowhere. Sometimes shit happens.
It just leapt out at me.
“How could she possibly know that?”
That is what I meant by lying.
Maybe everyone left there had been killed in the initial explosion.
But there is no way anyone could say that with any certainty.
Just an arse-covering guess.
And, like Gillard, the tame press were never going to ask the obvious.
For those who missed it the 746 other times I had to say it: the vax is not and has never been mandatory, anywhere at any time. No one is held down screaming while they are injected against their will. Also, slowing down the rate of transmission is itself a public good, as it allowed the health system to keep pace with cases and not explode until such time that the vax rollout was finished.
What rick is whinging about incessantly is that he was denied the opportunity to endanger other people who, at the time, had not been vaxxed due to a tardy rollout (thanks Morrison) even though they were willing. Nothing more. He has proven himself to be a selfish dickhead through his actions in a time of need, and deserves to be shunned by society.
Please stop lying.
It just leapt out at me.”
Thanks SP, it’s on my list.
You refuse to address the fatuous reasons why Novavax was held up.
Is wearing car seatbelts not mandatory because at no point will anyone ever hold you down and belt you into your seat?
I think you need to rethink your definition of mandatory.
“Please stop lying.”
He can’t. He’s a serial liar.
So if the woman doesn’t scream it can’t be rape.
Holocaust, baby murdering and now rape.
You love it all don’t you?
You don’t get fined or gaoled for not getting vaxxed. Stupid analogy. Just about all COVID analogies are not worth using, tbh.
There were awful penalties for many people for being unvaccinated.
Including not being allowed to travel and losing work.
Just because you want to ignore what was done in the name of getting these bloody useless vaccines into every possible arm doesn’t mean those it was done to will forget.
In NSW the State could make you unemployable and put you under terms equivalent to house arrest or parole and Parliament wasn’t even sitting to scrutinise the regulation the Health Minister made.
Undemocratic, unconstitutional tyranny.
A slow morning just walking around, then I went back to the apartment to get my washing out of the machine, there was an old man walking with two sticks ahead of me so I walked out on the road to get by him, though to be honest on side streets using the footpath seems optional anyhow, five minutes or so inside the apartment then I put in the directions for the restaurant I plan to pranzo at on my phone, crossed the piazza then waited for the three trucks marked Polizia Cavalli to pass me, they live in what I am guessing used to be the grounds of the former Franciscan monastery. I crossed the road then, because mixing it with trucks seemed foolish to a footpath and caught up with the old man on sticks again, no chance of ducking around him this time, not unless I wanted to climb over cars parked bumper to bumper but he turned into the doorway of a Community of St Giles home and saved me marching on the spot for a while, I wasn’t in a hurry, it was just a bit awkward. This part of Trastevere isn’t as busy as on the other side of Viale Trastevere, but still a lot to look at, another basilica, this one dedicated to St Celicia, a church dedicated to Our Lady of the Garden, a 17th century hospitale that for €6 I can visit, I might do that after lunch, if I can work out how exactly to get inside, as the gates are locked, it claims it is open for visitors every day so in theory possible.
Today the sun is shining and Rome at it’s glorious best.
That wasn’t really the point I was making. If I had been running SAR operations I would probably pulled stumps as well. Even watching the doco I remarked to Mrs P, “They must have been shit-scared that the engines might quit in that environment.” We all know how much turbine engines love the gases spewed out by volcanoes.
The problem was the renegade private retreival operation presented a political and PR problem, not an operational problem.
A true leader would have simply acknowledged the bravery of the voluntary actions of the private operators but said it was too high risk to direct people into harm’s way.
A tough, but reasonable call.
It was the arse-covering which annoyed me, not the decision to stand down.
Pity Jacinda is just resigning instead of her reign being ended by a one way helicopter ride.
For those who missed it the 746 other times I had to say it: the vax is not and has never been mandatory, anywhere at any time. No one is held down screaming while they are injected against their will.
It’s pretty clear that you spent most of the past two years in your basement, with your head inserted in your rectum. It’s also clear that you have ignored the many reports of those who had no choice but to take the pox, or lose their jobs and probably their homes. Not everyone is able to work in a fantasy world, nor did everyone marry into the upper middle class.
Being around other people involves certain societal responsibilities. If you reject those, society rejects you. Simples.
Now you are changing your argument from “it wasn’t mandatory” to “you shouldn’t have a problem with it being mandatory”.
Which argument are you settling on before we continue?
Arky, I think you are hung up on an incorrect definition of mandatory. No, the government did not have a mandate to force you to get jabbed. Yes, the government (or some instrumentality of society) did decide in some areas of work and travel to exclude those who showed by their inaction that they did not want to participate in society. The latter does not equate to the former.
You were perfectly free to reject society if you wanted to live a certain solipsistic way. You were merely excluded from those parts of society in which people could be endangered by your inaction. This does not mean that the jab was mandatory.
You choose the wrong argument.
Of course it was mandatory, and there were penalties.
Wearing a bike helmet. Mandatory. Penalty: $40.
Getting a vaccine. Mandatory. Penslty: loss of income, loss of travel privileges.
In California at the height of the stupidity, they sure weren’t shy about calling them mandates.
Here’s what the US equal opportunity commission called it when they did the hard work of making sure employers could ditch dissenters:
That speaks to the authority, moral or legal of a body to act or legislate, not to whether or not it was mandatory to take the vaccine.
We have established it was. People who did not want to, and would never have gotten vaccinated, did so because it was mandated that they do in order to continue in employment or to travel to see sick relatives etc. many were directly given ultimatums: get vaccinated or get fired. MANDATORY.
Of course it was mandatory. People in work were unable to continue working in Victoria past Oct 15 2021 without having had the first shot and 2-3 weeks later without the second.
How could you argue this when vaccine coverage was already over 80% when the mandate came into effect? People can isolate when infected. The vast vast majority of people are never hospitalised so the overwhelming of the hospital system in late 2021 was implausible given the above.
How was rickw endangering other people who are themselves vaccinated? What tardy rollout, as I said above, the mandate came into effect when all at risk age groups had already been double vaccinated and hand been so for over a month.
cilantro/coriander tastes soapy
I would be one of them, hate the stuff with a passion.
Strange actually bc I like parsley.
The problem is many genetic studies point to a 50,000 year origin. Population displacement typically involves killing the men and taking the women, which is why genetic signatures can be found for the original hunter gatherers of Europe. That is also true for the long extinct Neandertals and Denisovans. The 4,000 language\technology event is intriguing but only that and a recent study noted that but curiously found only the slightest genetic trace. If there was a complete displacement at 4,000 years we could reasonably expect to find what has been found throughout Europe, mass graves of people obviously violently killed. Y chromosome studies point to the Sahul and PNG populations becoming distinct at circa 50,000 years. I also find it very hard to believe that negritos could have migrated from the Philippines to Australia.
Regarding the teals, supporting a legislated voice, if it’s rejected at referendum. Fine, the voice will be funded by a tax on ash blonde hairdo’s, palliates exercise classes, EV’s, SUV’s that never leave the metro area, and water front mansions in capital cities. Kitteh’s naturally, will be exempt.
Cheer up.
Jacinda has a long, enjoyable, and lucrative career ahead of her – on the international public teat.
UN Sec Gen material if ever there was…
Someone earlier* made a fine point about mass Covid vaccination as a public health strategy: transferring risk from those in God’s Waiting Room to the young.
But unsuccessfully.
* 3G prevents me reaching back.
you should speak your mind openly freely in public and private
instead of wanking yourself stupid here
but you wont
mUnty, your’e nothing but a shit-talker
What wanker said that?
A quick opinion please;
Shoppers could mingle, shake hands & walk around a supermarket all day, queue at the same register, buy identical grocery items, but if among the bottles of worcestershire sauce, sunflower oil, balsamic vinegar etc, there happened to be a bottle of Angostura Bitters, the person who was unvaccinated had to put it back on the shelf & go home without it.
… because “social responsibilities”.
Only people who were vaccinated could pop a bottle of bitters into their trolley.
Others deserved to have their right to buy Angostura Bitters revoked.
I’ll check back periodically to see this one explained.
And all the lockdowns did was move the risk from the young to the old.
The problem being the young were not at risk.
you see, mUnty is so in-the-know and righteous and just … he’s deffo gonna stand in the isles at IGA and check your vaxx-pass before you can purchase some HP.
what a posturing toss-pot he is.
I also find it very hard to believe that negritos could have migrated from the Philippines to Australia.
Because of their short legs?
Have you read the 47000 year study? The lead author was professor Chris Turney, then professor of climate change at the Uni of NSW. Imagine his disappointment.
The 3 wave theory was generated by Tindall and Birdsell. Consequent studies like Ingman and Gyllensten’s suggested that the mitochondrial genetic diversity of Aborigines was high, similar to that found in Asia. They supported the notion of multiple waves of migration. Getting here was easy. Apart from the Wallace line, which protected the Mega Fauna from other animals, it was one long walk. With the various distinct groups outside of Sahul in fact the outlier is just one group getting here.
I don’t pretend to have a scientific background, but how do you explain the photographic evidence?
Difficult because they would have to battle through other tribes and being so short would have been easy prey. The highest genetic diversity is in Africa. So what? That some authors support the multiple migration while others don’t is not an argument.
If there was a complete displacement why were the aborigines regarded as the most primitive of peoples? A more recent displacement would have resulted in a more developed culture. Even in the Americas with a founding population of ~12,000 years ago there were much more advanced civilizations. How did the subsequent populations completely displace the former? How many canoes did they have to bring enough people to do that? By 4,000 years ago agriculture was very well established yet not here. Are you arguing that the wave left behind all their technology and agriculture?
compelled action is apparently the cornerstone of a free society. who knew?!?!?!
Greg Sheridan on the “Dreadful Prime Ministership” of Jacinda Ardern
There was nothing dignified or moral about her appalling reaction to the Christchurch massacre.
Her first comments were as stupid & weird as anything Kamala Harris has ever said.
She rushed to hug anything clad in drapes, forced female cops to wrap their head in bandages or something when on duty, & went knee-jerk for NZ’s law abiding hunters & gun owners.
Her performance was disgraceful, appalling, unstatesmanlike & cringeworthy.
Oh no, is this missive from the NSW Government directly contradicting Mutley?
16 December 2021
Mandatory vaccination requirements will be extended to all primary care and other private sector health service providers across NSW, with these workers required to have had two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine by 31 January 2022.
These changes are consistent with requirements in other states and territories, including Victoria, Queensland, and Western Australia.
NSW Health earlier this year introduced mandatory vaccination for its healthcare workers to help protect patients, visitors, other health staff and the wider community.
Yes, I do believe the lying lier has been found to lie. Again.
FFS Dover, can’t you give this idiot a month’s break from the Cat?
This logic doesn’t fly: “I agree with it being mandated so it isn’t really a mandate”.
“It isn’t mandatory to wear a bike helmet, you can just walk instead”.
“Seatbelts aren’t mandatory, no one is going to hold you down and strap you in”.
The vaccines were in all practicality to a large proportion of the population, mandatory. They couldn’t avoid getting them without severe penalty. And if they had insisted on turning up unvaccinated after being dismissed, the full force of the law including incarceration would have applied via trespass laws etc.
It is left to you to justify the mandate. You can’t deny it was indeed a mandate.
All going off in south Qld lately:
A man has been shot dead by police in a town just below the Queensland border after he pointed a firearm at officers.
Police allege the 48-year-old man attended Tenterfield Police Station about 5.45pm and pointed the firearms at officers from New England Police District before he was shot.
oh yeah, how do you know they had canoes?
… maybe they had oil injected outboards
A pooncey small bar in Toowoomba did not check the vaccination status of people who came in.
Everybody who entered the bar knew they may be mixing with unvaccinated.
Police SWAT-raided the homes of the bar’s owners, after midnight, and arrested them.
This is more than the police went to for the Train brothers, for whom the cops waited for hours outside, until the Trains got bored & came out.
How America surrendered to marijuana: KAYLA BRANTLEY reveals how pot became ubiquitous across the US because it rakes in billions in tax dollars despite concerns about impact on health
Within a decade, the U.S. went from cracking down on marijuana use to becoming a $47 billion industry.
But the road to having dispensaries on every corner, the smell of weed smoke freely in the air and criminal records expunged didn’t happen overnight.
It took a couple of states leading the charge – Colorado and Washington in 2012 – to then ripple into near nation-wide legalization.
There are now 21 states where cannabis has been legalized for recreational use. Every corner of New York City, for example, is an assault on the nostrils with people lighting up a joint as early as before or just after their morning commute.
However, not everyone is on board with the marijuana revolution. Doctors and advocates have highlighted concerns about excessive use of cannabis in high risk groups, especially the youth.
DailyMail.com has examined when exactly America’s war on drugs changed, the challenges the industry faces and the future of the billion-dollar business.
Certainly was the case when we were there a few months ago. Yet cigarette smoking is not allowed in many venues that say yes to marijuana.
Daily Mail
But they weren’t held down or anything like that…
Blandito M0ntellini pretends the later spiteful actions of others were the original intentions of the hesitant. All remaining blather built on that falsehood can be safely ignored.
with the whole Davos thang going on and the WEF wankery
and with this stupid forum chock-a-block with tossers and for the most part, boring as bat-shit
I decided to watch Kingsman: The Secret Service again.
glad I did too.
a joy from the beginning to end
I might watch ‘Nobody’ now … just because it resonates
I put up a sign saying “70 person limit”
This was based on the size of the room (in sq metres)
Nobody every surveyed or measured this room, except me.
Police did not survey or measure this room.
Bored police did a head count a few days later, coz “rules”
They counted 69 people. They weren’t bored anymore.
Now electrified & as alert as hunting dogs, the two officers counted the people three times, just as you’d count a drover’s mob.
69 people.
After that, Three times each day, for weeks, Two police officers attended the premises to count how many public were inside this room. They did the same to every liquor licence in town.
They never counted staff.
If there were 70 people in the room + 5 staff, no problem.
If there were 70 people in the room + 2 police officers, no problem.
If they’d ever counted 71 people + 1 staff, I would have been fined near Ten Thousand Dollars.
Please explain the “social responsibility” aspect of me being fit to be “rejected by society” for having 72 people (71 public + 1 staff) but not for having 75 (69 public + 6 staff).
After that, please explain the rationale for me being “rejected by society” for there being 71 members of the public in the room, but it being okay if two of the 71 are police officers.
After that, explain the above again, this time explaining why case (A) is hygienic, but case (B) means I should be “rejected by society”
I’m keen to know, coz my livelihood & life’s work hung on this string for months.
As did the jobs of several people.
After all of that, tell me how big the room actually was, coz nobody ever bothered to measure it.
Great flick. I also enjoyed The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Good fun.
Latest Club Grubbery featured two stood down firemen from Australian Firefighters Alliance. One VIC and one Qld.
Hoody mentioned a terminated unvaxxed Qld traffic cop who is now a volunteer firey and does not have to be jabbed. He can help an accident victim as a volunteer but not as a cop.
VIC guy talked about having to drop mandate for CFA as would lose 50%.
Also had on a very impressive NSW LNP MP Tanya Davies. Very anti mandates etc and one I would support big time if in her electorate.
Overnight reminder-
Don’t say “vaccine” when you know it’s just an ineffective injection of dodgy stuff. See: any hard copy dictionary or med textbook printed pre-2020 to learn what a vaccine is and does and the how and why.
Don’t say “pandemic” when you mean to say “lockdown”. See: Sweden if you’re unsure of the difference between the two words.
And don’t say “First Nations” because t’s just ditzy bad language and bogus history.
Just be on the lookout for neologisms, too many otherwise clever people seem to swallow them whole and never realize that they’re drinking Kool-Aid. A neologism is usually a sign that either a bad old idea needs to be re-packaged to take another birl at the dance of credence, or a new idea is being dressed in bright packaging with the hope that it’s mistaken for having a bit of exotic history.
As per the comment way above, the 8 hours sleep in the night-time ‘norm’ may have something to do with the needs of farming and industrial work, but I can attest that it is not a universal truth. Here I am, awake and alert.
In fact, when I was working office hours, I was constantly at war with my body clock. I was awake when I should be sleeping, and vice versa. At weekends or when I was on leave, a lot of time was spent sleeping to catch up.
In John Le Carre’s The Honourable Schoolboy, there is a vivid description of a bank building (probably based on the HKSB) in the early 1970s. All marble and granite and majestic halls downstairs, but upstairs the deeds were kept in old wooden apple boxes, in what he describes as ‘the cheeseparing tradition’ of Chinese businesses.
From a different cultural perspective, one of the great Parkinson’s laws is that once an institution gets a flash building, it is on the way down. In the case of grandiose start-ups, it certainly holds true.
Who decides what those responsibilities are?
The CMO. Appointed by the Premier and can and will be fired if they say anything the Premier doesn’t like.
If the CMO (actually the Premier) decide that you personally must get 10 vaccines or be locked out of work or shopping is that ok Monty?
What about 100 vaccines?
The terrifying thing is that Premiers now have this right to engage in what would be extra-judicial murder. And Monty agrees that they should have this right.
And every judge in Australia agrees with Monty.
Another sign that correct speech and opinions are being determined by governments here:
Now, I have no time for these dickheads. But, being a dickhead should not be a crime. Indeed, it is not a crime, except for certain types of dickheadery that are currently out of favour.
As for ‘highly offensive imagery’ – sez who? I am very offended by images of sleazy drag queens with little kids, but unfortunately that doesn’t count.
Johannes Leak.
David Rowe. *vomit*.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Henry Payne.
Bob Gorrell.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Tom Stiglich.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Alec Baldwin has vowed to fight the involuntary manslaughter charges announces today by prosecutors in New Mexico, calling them a ‘terrible miscarriage of justice’.
He and Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed are to be charged with involuntary manslaughter in the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies and Rust Special Prosecutor Andrea Reeb announced the charges in a written statement today.
Both Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed face a maximum of 18 months in prison if convicted. Dave Halls, the Assistant Director, has pleaded guilty to the charge of negligent use of a deadly weapon.
Prosecutor says ‘if Alec had done his job Halyna Hutchins would be alive today’
Daily Mail
Celebrity idiots such as Baldwin live in the fantasy world they work in. A world where personal responsibility and accountability for unwelcome outcomes of their play acting don’t matter. Vile and depraved behaviour…and it’s leaking through broader society thanks to the likes of Baldwin. See also: The Shmarkle duo.
Thanks Tom.
A family of farmers, Ma, Pa, and their son Jim, take a trip to the city and walk into a shopping mall for the first time. They gape in awe at all the shiny surfaces and gleaming store windows full of fancy objects. Before long, the boys wander off and leave Ma ogling a kiosk of crystal jewellery. Pa and Jim find themselves in front of the elevators, having never seen such a thing before, they stop and stare, wondering what sort of strange city doors these be. A little old woman, wrinkled and bent, slowly taps her way into the elevator with her walker. The doors close with a DING, and the lights above the elevator flash. A moment later, the doors open with another DING, and a tall, gorgeous twenty-something blonde saunters out into the mall. The country boys gape at the sight for a moment, mouths open wide. “Boy” Pa gulps “go getcha ma”.
Living well is the best revenge.
George Herbert
New Zealand. Schwab’s Prize Student Resigns
From Armstrong Economics –
“Last month, Jacinda Ardern confidently said bring it on. Schwab’s prize student progressive was confident about reelection. Even last January’s poll rating saw her drop to a new historic low of 35%. It appeared in December she was living in denial. But her polls were dragging down the party and there was no way she would win in an election. Her COVID-19 draconian politics most assumed were at the direction of Klaus Schwab who thought lockdowns were fantastic with this video, the population has a different perspective. Her sudden realization that being Schwab’s prize student for a young leader was not a guarantee to stardom.
When we look at the computer timing arrays for the New Zealand dollar, we see January as the major target in 2023 followed by August. January was also a Directional Change. But look at the Weekly. Jacinda Ardern has announced she is resigning and stepping down as of February 7th. This was also a Directional Change for this very week. The weekly turning point is her last week. Notice there is a Panic Cycle the week of February 27th.
The interesting aspect when we turn to the Share Market, once again we see January as the major turning point for the year with a Directional Change. However, May is a Panic Cycle that aligns with what we see in Russia and Ukraine. The West is pushing Russia into a corner. This is not some border skirmish, this is an attempt to actually invade Russia and destroy it once and for all. They say a third time is always a charm – Napoleon, Hitler, and now NATO. This makes for very interesting markets post-2024. Here May is showing up around the world.”
Maximum 18 months. Which means they’ve chosen that charge so they can slap him on the wrist and let him out after the tiniest stretch they can get away with. And that’s even if he’s found guilty.
Meanwhile righties are doing 4 and 5 years in the Rikers Island hell hole for parading.
You must realize we are the largest forecasting firm in the world. We cover more than 1,000 markets ever day. When the surge of millions of people tries to get in at one time, the system is designed to … so that when tens of millions trying to get into the basic level, it does not bring down all levels.
It appears that this message is nothing more than a confidence trick by an operation that is run on a shoestring budget. Because:
In October 2021, years after first launch, not enough money to even fix the bugs?
Thank you for visiting Ask-Socrates.com. We are in the process of updating our site, migrating data, and transitioning to a new infrastructure.
You may experience delays and discrepancies during this time. We appreciate your patience and understanding.
And in case you wondered who is behind this outfit, click on the button “Learn more About Us” – it leads nowhere. But wait. I can tell you where this shady operation resides. Offshore in the UAE. Proof:
Look how big they are:
Forecasting & Political Correctness
The problem stems from the fact that I am INDEPENDENT and we are not a one-man-band newsletter. We have the resources and are global and have always been. Therein lies the distinction. Because we are global, we have to monitor the world. We have been the LARGEST institutional adviser with more than 25,000 institutions stemming from back in the 1990s.
Martin Armstrong never advised institutions as he claims. The proof is here:
Which Institution was ever advised by Martin Armstrong?.
Another lie: he does not even have a permanent office outside his Florida home.
And he IS a one-man-band newsletter. Given the time he is spending on one-man-band marketing, posting on internet bulletin boards posing as his own clients, it is hardly surprising that there is no time left for even writing quality reports and books let alone providing specific advice.
Again, I provide the proof here:
Martin Armstrong’s Informant Behind the Curtain
Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?
Like some others here, never vaxxed, never tested, never installed the Q-code app.
Given my knowledge of Clinical Immunology and corona-viruses in general, I went out of my way to catch COVID, in the wild, since the start of this societal clusterf@ck.
Eventually managed one day in bed, with unusually heavy lassitude, with increased atrial ectopic beats (AEBs) ? spike protein effect on atrial endocardium?
Notable only because these were not my usual viral URTI symptoms.
Also had another 2, barely noticeable episodes of increased awareness of AEBs, lasting a few hours.
That’s all… so not quite the threat-to-life that the “experts” promised.
The George Santos drag queen story has now made it to the mainstream media.
The first I saw it was via Iowahawk yesterday.
It’s hilarious.
Strange one! .. the LIV Golf (Greg Norman’s mob) have signed a TV broadcast agreement with CW Network with lotza hype .. Unfortunately, they forgot to mention CW is only available in the USA ……. If you live elsewhere you ain’t watching CW .. LOL!
You must realize we are the largest forecasting firm in the world. We cover more than 1,000 markets ever day. When the surge of millions of people tries to get in at one time, the system is designed to … so that when tens of millions trying to get into the basic level, it does not bring down all levels.
He has a Bloomberg terminal ?
the LIV Golf (Greg Norman’s mob)
Same mob that own Newcastle.
I don’t normally bother watching such tripe but last I night I succumbed and watched the video of the bangarang between Clarke, Yarbrough and Stefanovic. It didn’t take me long to regret it. I viewed the video after I’d watched on Sky the footage of what’s happening in Alice Springs. Quite frankly, the behaviour of so called “celebrities” wasn’t much better than the delinquent indigenous teenagers in Alice.
VPN shatnerzzz
Government introduces laws to protect Australians from online misinformation
So who decides what misinformation is? The Guv’ment Agency? No thanks.
An interesting history article from the Express:
See harrowing unearthed photos of the day Germany blitzed UK’s East Coast in WW1 (19 Jan)
The star of the story are all the archival photos, including some of the unexploded Zeppelin bombs. I don’t know if there’s a paywall, I’ve never encountered one.
They also show the Express front page from 20 Jan 1915, the day after that attack: the second biggest headline says “Stop This Rise In Food Prices!” As they say history surely rhymes.
Monty, look up Backpfeifengesicht
Even der Kaiser hated TOWIE.
And more for Dotty Dot and Fwends,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The Coming Wealth Tax – Pocahontas’ Dream Come True
From Armstrong Economics –
“Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax is now moving forward in the leftmost Democratic States – California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Washington state. Naturally, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey are paying very close attention as they lick their lips at the thought of untold billions in new revenue to cover faltering government employee pension plans caused by artificially low interest rates. Even federally, the US has bumped its head on the debt ceiling. Without question, the ceiling will have to be raised again but with a lot of pomp and circumstance and perhaps a few fistfights on the floor. Yet the primary dealers cannot handle all the debt pouring out and there is a declining appetite for anything long-term as the Bide Administration wages direct proxy war against Russia until the last Ukrainian falls on the battlefield and NATO troops then revenge their deaths.
Socialism is collapsing and governments will fight to their last breath until the politicians are dragged out and hung on the streets as is typical in such cases of economic malfeasance. What is emerging at the state level is simply versions of Warren’s Wealth Tax which will be applied to WORLDWIDE assets. The hated rich policies, who have provided all the jobs over the centuries by creating industries, are to be stripped mined.
Once these Wealth Taxes enter the game in 2024, that will be the peak of the ECM and only a braindead person would want to buy your house in those states! The Year 2024 will be the Decline and Fall and you better pay heed to what is unfolding on this level. The Wealth Tax will be a permanent property tax you will pay even when you are losing money. It will NOT recognize a decline in the value of assets until they are sold.”
Davos 2023: Referring to The Great Reset is out but censorship, hypocrisy and god complexes are still in
Martin Armstrong repeatedly claimed that the US Government was interested in the forecasting capability of his computer program and that it requested from him the source code of it.
He also claimed that the CIA requested from him he build a forecasting model for them.
He wrote that he declined in both cases. Instead he claims that his computer model has self-awareness which allowed it to self-destruct when the hardware was physically moved by court order.
See: Sorting the Nonsense & Prejudices from the Truth of Reality
Posted Mar 27, 2020 by Martin Armstrong
Money cannot buy everything in life. I turned down $500 million for Socrates where it would have just provided analysis for a single user. I rejected the request of the CIA to build a version for the US government. I offered to run any study they asked and was told they “had to own it.”
This is a ridiculous lie, a type of lie familiar to those dealing with charlatans. He might have gleaned it from other fabrications such as from the imaginary owner of his free energy scooter. See:
Armstrong’s Ignorance on Perpetual Motion Machine?
He uses these fabricated stories for multiple purposes:
to distract from the real reason why the Government requested turnover of computer assets
to conceal the fact that the court ordered him to turn over 15 million worth of assets stolen from investors
to distract from the fact that he most likely deleted files manually (files that the Government requested for different reasons), to conceal information about his crimes and about the stolen assets
to enhance his clients’ perception of the capabilities of his computer (artificial intelligence, self-awareness)
to enhance his own status with heroism based on the false claim that he remained in prison for the sole reason that he refused to turn over his computer code to the court
Following are some links to documents with discussion of the topics above.
Deletion of Files
A forensic computer expert testified that (1) one of the four returned computers had its hard drive removed, (2) on the morning before another computer was turned over to the receiver, more than 500 files had been erased from its hard drive, and (3) on the same day that a third computer was turned over, software was installed enabling the deletion of computer files and the computer’s internal clock was reset in an effort to mask the destruction of files.
In It’s just Time he writes:
I can confirm, that the system was laced with a virus. If it was ever removed from the office, it would know and self-destruct. That I believe took place for it appears the Government seized the computer, took if to a lab at the World Trade Center, ironically where it was destroyed in the attack. The Government seized the computer, but it self-destructed when moved.
This is consistent with a user installing a bulk erase software on a computer (as observed by the forensic expert) and executing it. There is nothing that indicates that a system was in place that could execute such a task when required, such as one that would detect a change of location. A forensic computer expert would have certainly detected such a system, including a virus (as Martin Armstrong claims) that could have executed it.
Even more so, if such delete action had been planned and built into the system, the discovery of 500 deleted files would have been prevented by removing / replacing the more than 500 file entries entirely. This is another proof that this story is a desperate excuse and smokescreen, after-the fact propaganda for the consumption of naive observers who know as little or less about computers as Armstrong himself.
Claims of superior Performance based on Computer-based Self-Awareness
Martin Armstrong likes to claim that his computer model has abilities exceeding contemporary AI (Artificial Intelligence), based on self-awareness, backed up by his claims that it erased the files under threat as described above.
In Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence he writes:
It achieved self-awareness. It immediately knew the government was trying to take it to its secret computer lab in WTC building 7 that mysterious collapsed even though nothing struck the building. They were angry when they realized it had self-destructed. It was aware of its surroundings and it took all but 7 seconds to self-destruct overwriting all code 7 times and shifting around so they could never un-erase and put him back together again. The Global Market Watch is running. It is being tested live and seems to have handled these turning points rather well. Reassembling something of this magnitude is truly an awesome project. It is time consuming to say the least. What is at stake is the creation of an artificial being that monitors the world around it. This is beyond creating a mere drone that people control from a distance. This is something that thinks on its own and tells you what it has explored.
In The Reversal System – Engineering Background you can discover how embarrassingly trivial the Socrates system really is. There is also evidence that he does not even know what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is.
See also:
Baldwin has been Formally Charged.
This could turn out to be interesting.
Ex-Socialist MEP Admits Guilt in Bribery Scandal, Promises to Share ‘Revealing’ Details of EU Corruption (19 Jan)
Going to be a lot of pressure from Eurocrats to shut this guy up, or at least prevent named names from being publicized. But if those names should get out I suspect it’ll be quite a larger list than we’ve seen hitherto.
Top o’ the mornin’ Cats and greetings from Kingscliff. Raining.
And that’s about the extent of my travelogue. 🙂
Wow, one thing that you have to say about the current ‘small mens” collective in Canberra they can implement stupid at light speed.
These clowns have brought in censorship even more quickly than TLS attempted to do so.
All those public servants who were working for Labor during SCOMO’s vacuum must have shelves of prepared legislation to feed the wombats.
Enforcement is going to be fun to watch and will further alienate plod from the people.
Catturd ™
Heartbreaking to see these all day, every day.
Especially being so young.
Martin Armstrong likes to claim that his computer model has abilities exceeding contemporary AI (Artificial Intelligence), based on self-awareness, backed up by his claims that it erased the files under threat as described above.
Delusional. It is so flawed it cannot even add up correctly.
2.09 + 0.01 = 3
As per Marty Armstrong’s “sentient AI soopacompoota”.
‘Inside Job’? Mystery Woman Who Moved Biden’s Classified Docs Gave ‘Treasure Trove’ of Intel to Hunter Biden
There’s a good case to put Armstrong in prison again for fraud.
Yes, because above all we must control the flow of information.
Climate misinformation ‘rocket boosters’ on Musk’s Twitter
January 19, 2023 at 9:53 pm
There were awful penalties for many people for being unvaccinated.
Including not being allowed to travel and losing work.
Being around other people involves certain societal responsibilities. If you reject those, society rejects you. Simples.
With the growing potential threat from Chainerr, m0nty=fa now supports universal (all genders, all ages) conscription to defend the nation.
2024: Republicans on Course to Get Blown Out by Phantoms
Whistleblower Reveals What is Behind the Mass Attacks on US Food Facilities
Plus unvaxxed pilots. Strange, isn’t it. They seem genuinely concerned about their own safety. Never mind ours.
VIP driver at Davos says he’s not allowed to drive elites in electric vehicles, reveals why
MORE EVIDENCE: FOIA Requests Reveal There Were No DOJ Investigations on Election Fraud After 2020 Election as Bill Barr Claimed
Whatever happened to droughts and wildfires?
Warming to make California downpours even wetter, study says
Satirist slams ‘woke culture,’ wins over left-wing Oxford crowd — and tells Tucker Carlson adults must persuade young people instead of being ‘afraid’ of them
He was great. We could use a few more like him, especially in places of higher learning.
What tardy rollout, as I said above, the mandate came into effect when all at risk age groups had already been double vaccinated and hand been so for over a month.
m0nty=fa has, just has, to believe that everything was the fault of the unvaxxed. The alternative is to accept that he was taken in by an hysterical government over-reaction, particularly in Victoria.
To accept that TaliDan did not have m0nty=fa’s best intersts at heart would destroy his world view. For leftards, everything is about politics.
This is not a joke.
Staring can land you in prison as police crackdown on ‘unhealthy sexual behaviour’
Choice quote:
New World Odor™
They will keep pushing climate change in order to put you in climate chains.
Apparently, every country is heating up faster than the rest of the world. LOL
Clown World
Her performance was disgraceful, appalling, unstatesmanlike & cringeworthy.
And those are Horse Face’s good points.
CDC passes the point where malfeasance can be mistaken for incompetence
Imagine you’re an NZ small or medium business owner hearing Ardern saying she’s got nothing left in the tank.
Ardern has had the biggest PM’s office in NZ history part of which is the biggest media management team in history.
She’s had guaranteed income & a guaranteed pension at some stage.
If Ardern has nothing left in the tank, imagine what the punter with real skin in the game has gone through since the start of 2020.
Where is their champion?
You’re a.
Not an.
I seem to recall that at the beginning Ardern, despite the teeth, was reasonably attractive. Just look at her now. The Portrait of Dorian Grey in reverse. Plus she has the ugliest NZ accent I’ve ever heard.
Nowhere is the White Saviour Complex more cancerous than at the World Economic Forum.
Just catching up on some reading – Cannot guess (maybe C.L.) who penned as guest author the Flat White article on Me-Again and the Half-wit Prince but is was a beautifully written so if I can share it and apologies if it’s been shared before:
Spare … us all
Flat White
9 January 2023
10:00 AM
They were the Fakawi tribe.
January 20, 2023 at 7:10 am
The George Santos drag queen story has now made it to the mainstream media.
The first I saw it was via Iowahawk yesterday.
It’s hilarious.
This will cause great mental confusion among leftard mongs (BIRM).
Santos is a Repub who (like many DemonRats) fudged his cv. Baaaaad.
Santos also plays the Drag lime. Gooooood.
What to say? Difficult. LOL.
It’s an Armstrongathon!
Seems obvious that the media have been forwarded a proforma media release with space to fill in the dots to customise scare campaign to individual country. It’s a global scam promoted by activist media.
Where’s woddney woddenhead, the former Rolls Royce senior executive to explain.
A lot of it has to do with signalling virtue.
The collectivist mindset at work and all evidence to the contrary be damned.
As Dover pointed out, the vulnerable had been jabbed before mandates were brought in. Once the vulnerable were “protected” the rest of society was under no obligation to take concoctions that are to this day still not fully tested.
Yet in order for a certain cohort to feel virtuous and walk around masked up with their hollow chests out that’s what happened.
Let them not eat cake.
British Food Tsar Hints At Cake Ban At The Office, Compares Health Harms To Passive Smoking (19 Jan)
Bringing a kale salad to office morning tea might not be particularly popular, one thinks. Typical pom though, the British Empire was founded on the wretchedness of English cuisine as diners fled to tastier places.
The mysterious detention of aboriginal Greens member in Japan:
Zempilas cancels Australia Day fireworks because two years of knobbling has knobbled it.
Fireworks being replaced by Celestial Kingdom drones and First Nationses moans.
From Dad’s Deadpool Blog.
Prescient, no?
John Cain arena.
Still makes me laugh.
Will it go bust & Magda do Joan Kirner impersonations out the front?
I tried the find the Magda/Kirner busking on the streets of Melb skit.
Most recent pic of Munty.
Which reminds me of this legendary example of idiocy from Goose Morristeen: “We haven’t mandated vaccines, except when we have.”
Knuckle Draggersays:
January 20, 2023 at 8:30 am
It’s an Armstrongathon!
Got to keep Dotty Dot, Jerkoff Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and other ‘fwends’ well briefed.
On this day, 20 January 1942, the submarine I-124 was sunk in combat outside Darwin harbour by the corvette HMAS Deloraine.
Four boats of the Sixth Submarine Squadron of the Imperial Japanese Navy had laid mines and were attempting to torpedo shipping. On the afternoon of the 20th, vessels of the RAN were hunting for the attackers.
I-124 tried to torpedo Deloraine, and the warship attacked her with depth charges, with the submarine half-surfacing in front of the Australian vessel, perhaps to fight it out with her 4-inch deck gun. She lost the engagement, and was sent to the seabed below, where she remains with her 80 crew to this day.
Rest in peace Lieutenant-Commander Kishigami and his ship’s company where they lie inside their submarine outside Darwin today.
It’s a lot funnier when can just turn the TV off and it goes away. Cain/Kirner wasn’t as funny when you were there. Nobody reinvents history like the Liars.
Those who object to Australia Day will be turning up for work, right?
Can’t really blame St Jacinda.
Her options were, fight a losing election and get the gloss burned off under the magnifying glass
or, bow out with no further questions, land on a feather bed of book tours and sinecures.
… I know which one I’d choose, if I’d never had a productive job in my life…
For those with an interest in Stephen Crowder, Tim Pool and Daily Wire.
Tim the other day mentioned Crowder had gone off about a contract he had rejected for future podcasts as he had left Blaze.
A YouTube video popped up on my feed from Jeremy Boring of Daily Wire. Says they are the company Crowder not happy with.
Then then goes through the contract in great detail and it is a great insight into how those guys are valued.
The contract was $12.5m per year but with Crowder covering expenses. Goes into how many episodes, working days etc.
One clause was if Crowder lost half his (ie DW) advertising revenue then after 90 days his payment from DW would drop by 25%. Crowder seemed to think should be paid even if he caused the loss of income.
Interesting insights into podcast world.
Can’t really blame St Jacinda.
Typical gutless cowardly leftie. Screw things up royally and bug out before facing the music.
She’s got a kid about to go to kindy and primary school. Take pity on the people at the local P&C meetings.
Fact check – true:
Martin Armstrong is a dead ringer for Billy Bob Thornton in Bad Santa.
Cars have an obesity problem.
British Parking Association: Weight of electric cars causes collapse of parking garages (19 Jan)
Add that parking garages are all going to want EV chargers which will add another weight to stress the supports. Plus massive electricity supply feeders and transformers. Which all means um, heavy increases parking fees.
Let’s fudge the stats
Perf’s poor man’s Kochie. Even I can’t defend this one.
The funniest thing was when Basil upset Perf trannies and could hit reverse fast enough.
By 4,000 years ago agriculture was very well established yet not here. Are you arguing that the wave left behind all their technology and agriculture?
No; unless you’re bruce pascoe who basically thinks the 3rd nations had a space program, the reality is the waves brought limited technology because they were hunters and gatherers. There’s also the issue of stagnation. The 3rd nations got stuck into this country, exterminating the Mega Fauna, burning the place down and changed things to the limit of their sparse technology. Then they spent centuries unchanging and were in a rut. The Maoris were similar and basically starving when Cook turned up.
Dot at 7:28 on Armstrong-Fraud.
Bwah ha ha ha.
Although his compuda might have more self-awareness than some of his disciples.
Hi, Wodney Wottenhead.
“There’s some woman called Hillary on the phone.”
Thank god for working from home. I simply don’t have the energy levels to cope with going to the office 5 days a week. I can barely work from home thanks to sarcoidosis, diabetes and chronic sinusitis.
Sorry all, just having a bitch and moan. Still enough energy for that!
Just last month a man was sentenced to 22 weeks in prison after a woman reported him for “continuously staring” at her on a train in Berkshire.
Unless he was masturbating like a meth fueled marmoset or a Monty on a Bidens 9″ hog bender his offence is – Public looking.
Dont worry
there will be no cars
Will Commander Zap Montygen be here to run his classic tactics of flinging pixels of poltroonery in mimicry of a Chinese human wave attack?
Hes willing to send wave after wave of idiocy at us until we reach our limit and shut down.
Beer Whisperer,
apology not necessary. I would venture most, if not all of us here have been or still are in the physical doldrums. I’m glad I don’t have to work away from home also. Bitch away mate. 😀
Peter Dutton reveals concerns about Alice Springs as government knocks back support
Opposition leader Peter Dutton has revealed his dark fears for one NT town besieged by a crisis of youth crime.
Peter Dutton says he worries that the unfolding events in Alice Springs will soon “turn to tragedy”.
The Opposition Leader has criticised the government’s refusal to send Australian Defence Force personnel to the town, besieged by a crisis of youth crime spurred on by the reintroduction of alcohol.
Buildings are being destroyed, healthcare workers are being attacked, cars are being stolen, and elderly people are being accosted while out grocery shopping by out of control youths.
Statistics show property offences have risen by almost 60 per cent over the last year.
The town’s Woolworths was forced to close on the weekend after a 13-year-old-boy entered the store, brandishing a machete.
Mr Dutton said it was “a national disgrace”.
“The mayor up there has called the Attorney-General asking for additional Federal Police resources, the Albanese Government has refused that,” he told the Nine Network.
“I worry we’re going to see tragedy in Alice Springs.
“It’s already been a very difficult situation there for families, for kids, for business owners, for just elderly people who want to go to the shops without being accosted.”
Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus and Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney met with the mayor of Alice Springs, Matt Paterson, on Thursday.
Mr Paterson told the ministers crime had reached “crisis levels” and wanted the help of the Australian Defence Force and Australian Federal Police.
A spokesperson for Mr Dreyfus ruled out sending federal authorities, saying it was a matter for the Northern Territory government.
“The Attorney-General met with the mayor to discuss the situation and hear his concerns,” the spokesperson said.
The Albanese government has $14m allocated in federal funding for crime prevention and community safety, including support services in Alice Springs and surrounding town camps.
Mr Paterson told Sky News on Thursday the town had become “chaotic” since legislation banning the sale of alcohol in some camps was revoked.
“We’ve seen crime through the roof, we’ve seen domestic violence through the roof, the children are committing just senseless destructive damage,” Mr Paterson said.
NT News complete article – no comments allowed
What have the Romans ever done for us?
Biden State Department Bans Times New Roman Font. Really. (19 Jan)
Crowder wants a guaranteed contract.
Apart from some Fox subsidiary, it’s hard to see anyone giving him what he wants.
I watched the DW response which seemed reasonable.
The only thing DW didn’t mention was the equity value they were building using Crowder (and other on-air talent).
One of the reason Barstool has been relatively successful is they’ve taken punts on new talent.
Some have gone parabolic.
Some have been dusters.
I don’t think that’s DW’s business model.
Leak’s cartoon this morning was a corker.
The invasion day crowd are spot on regarding treaties.
The Voice is a managed, distilled approach to selective, managed, distilled outcomes in-line with policy positions from the “Green-Left” establishment.
Start talking treaties (read property settlements), the Voice would seem redundant.
Time to introduce a littler anarchy.
Introduce a little anarchy.
Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.
h/t pale chap with green hair.
Leak’s cartoon this morning was a corker.
Establishment types hate that shit.
They would prefer to eat a dog turd than be ridiculed.
Imagine Channel Nein having this reaction to Pauline Hanson.
The aboriginals didn’t develop past the hunter gatherer stage because their culture wouldn’t allow it. There was agriculture on the Torres Strait Islands, the Indonesians would visit, the aborigines were exposed to new ideas and ways in these areas, yet they didn’t adopt anything. The way their cultures worked was that their belief system was essentially static, and as a result so was their society. If say a young man came up with a new way to hunt with a bow and arrow. What would’ve happened? Would the elders praise him and encourage the rest of the tribe to adopt the new tech? No, there was no room in their dreaming for bows and arrows, they would’ve punished him harshly, maybe even hunted him down and killed him.
There were no new ideas in their system and no way for new ideas to be accepted. It wasn’t till white settlement and the obvious benefits of food and clothing were accepted, the elders had no choice as the temptation was too great and they couldn’t get rid of the whites who were here to stay. Funny but the warmer the climate the less adoption of white practices, I guess the warmer weather made the need for warm clothing and rugs not as strong.
Their culture and beliefs are the reasons why their society never advanced.
I can’t pass up this one, it’s fun.
Biden Orders a Bacon Burger, Washington Post Wets Itself (19 Jan)
Confected photo op as you might expect, all organized to the nth degree beforehand. But the funniest thing is the photo. Couldn’t they find a longer table? And I can here the cackling through my ears all the way from the White House.
Sadly Mr Green, who wrote this story, missed the obvious counterstrike photo.
ACCC says gas giants’ record profits should pay for investment despite price caps
So presumably Ms Cass-Gottlieb is going to indemnify directors who cause shareholders funds to be reinvested at marginal returns approaching zero, because Bowen Social Credit Score.
And stiff shit for those gas producers not selling into the LNG export market.
Luckily the ACCC is full bottle on the geological, reservoir engineering, and operational issues of gas production:
Although possibly not aware that marginal gas production from a fully equipped CSG well in areas of the Surat and Bowen basins with low gas saturation and unfavourable permeability costs around $12/GJ.
Or that workover decisions to restore, or increase production from individual wells require an IRR of greater than zero.
But it’s only other people’s money, after all.
A yuuuge shout out to Dot for pulling the wings off that blowfly, Martin Armstrong.
God’s work.
The self-aware Big Website.
The torrent of ever-changing failed predictions.
Has anyone seen Armstrong and Faulty in the same room?
If Armstrong suggests putting someone up for a Senate seat so he can use electoral funding to “advance the cause” it will be confirmed.
Now this I can get behind. This place needs to lift its game.
The torrent of ever-changing failed predictions.
Penny dropped.
Was Faulty using the dates from self-aware Big Website with his terrible predictions ?
Four guys have been going to the same fishing trip for many years.
Two days before the group is to leave, Ron’s wife puts her foot down and tells him he isn’t going.
Ron’s mates are very upset that he can’t go, but what can they do?
Two days later the three mates get to the camping site only to find Ron sitting there with a tent set up, firewood gathered, and dinner cooking on the fire.
“Shit Ron, how long you been here? How did you talk your missus into letting you go?” “Well, I’ve been here since last night. After dinner at home yesterday evening, I was sitting in my chair and my wife came up behind me and put her hands over my eyes and said ‘Guess who?’
I pulled her hands off, and she was wearing sexy brand-new lingerie. She said she had been reading ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and she had a devilish look in her eyes!
She took my hand and led me to our bedroom. The room had candles and rose petals all over.
On the bed she had handcuffs, and ropes!
She told me to tie her up and cuff her to the bed, so I did.
And then she said ‘Do whatever you want’.
So here I am!”