Open Thread – Weekend 11 Feb 2023

The Shipwreck on Northern sea, Ivan Aivazovski, 1875

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February 13, 2023 6:43 pm

Rhetoric works on the dim. Who would you prefer on your side, a hundred credulous nongs or ten thoughtful ppl concerned with truth?

FMD. It’s this feckless, naive nonsense that’s led to our teenage daughters cutting their breasts off.

Just tell the truth. You’re too scared to do what’s needed to save civilization and you’ll pretend your cowardice is actually coming from a place of principle.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 6:44 pm

Lowe might be the last RBA Governor publicly speculating about interest rates 24 months out.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
February 13, 2023 6:44 pm

The Super Bowl should have hired Chad Morgan.

February 13, 2023 6:45 pm

Rihanna apparently went for a scratch and sniff as part of her “sultry” attraction.

Front and rear.

February 13, 2023 6:46 pm

I love Rita Panahi – a self-made woman in the opinion business who has risen through the ranks of Australian journalism purely on the back of her talent as a migrant in expressing what the Australian silent majority – unrepresented in 99% of the media – is thinking.

Panahi is currently the temporary silly season host in the 5pm weekday hour at Sky News. She is very good.

But, like The Australian, Sky News after dark doesn’t do any actual meat-and-potatoes journalism – finding out what happened. It just retails non-left opinion, a clever marketing strategy for Australia’s biggest media company, News Corp, which is virtually alone in providing a platform for the half of the population who don’t vote Labor-Green.

In the next few weeks, the new permanent host of Sky’s 5pm hour, Sharri Markson, will take over from Panahi – and it can’t come soon enough.

As The Australian’s investigative reporter, Markson was one of few journalists globally who investigated the Kung Flu outbreak from a Chinese government biological weapons research laboratory in Wuhan.

Sky News after dark has a set journalistic formula like all of News Corp’s most popular news programs around the world: an opening monologue, followed by an opinionated discussion about what is being reported.

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight is the gold standard as most of his hour breaks news stories upon which daily opinions of news consumers are based.

Sharri Markson is the only Australian TV journalist who understands the importance of breaking stories – and her background as a Jew gives her a unique understanding of the political cost of unpopular opinions.

The racist left hates Markson because she is a Jew and wants to punish her for her courage as a news-breaker.

The 21st century left doesn’t just hate the working class: it hates the human race, especially the aspirational middle class, for whom the left’s mad Marxist ideology is the enemy of human civilisation.

I can’t wait for Markson to start in the 5pm slot because I’m hoping that, unlike Credlin and Bolt at 6pm and 7pm, she will be breaking stories – the lifeblood of actual journalism.

February 13, 2023 6:47 pm

I wouldn’t be sorry to see Lowe go but no doubt someone equally crummy will pop up.

February 13, 2023 6:49 pm

Pedro- Dont knock the Chadster – my first ever musical purchase was one of his takes.

Apparently still performing- aged in his 90s.

February 13, 2023 6:51 pm

House prices will go back up. Of course paying 2000 a week for groceries won’t be much fun.

House prices are headed down, to somewhere between 15- 25% peak to trough. Finding money for the mortgage payment when it steps up 300 basis points will be the bigger issue.

February 13, 2023 6:51 pm

I wouldn’t be sorry to see Lowe go but no doubt someone equally crummy will pop up.

Come on down Reserve Bank Governor Swan

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 6:54 pm

Seems there is speculation the next RBA Governor will be an outsider, which is a real break from the past. With Albo and Dim Jim in charge I am not filled with hope.

February 13, 2023 6:56 pm

The Super Bowl should have hired Chad Morgan.

The old bugger turned 90 this week — magnificent!

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 6:57 pm

Come on down Reserve Bank Governor Swan

I guess if Lionel Murphy can be appointed to the High Court it can’t be ruled out. Short the AUD.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 6:57 pm

February 13, 2023 at 6:46 pm”

Agree Tom.

February 13, 2023 6:58 pm

Interesting how the old Gates stinker has come back on the scene- seemed to withdraw into shadows for many years.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2023 7:01 pm

Proper captains like Allan Border and Steve Waugh are furious, and rightly so, that this bunch of effete quickly-going-over-the-hill dilettantes
Alan Border wasn’t a Captain’s arsehole, he’d win the toss, send the opposition in, and play for the draw.
He failed until Mark Taylor, a real leader, finally got selected, about 4 years late.
Steve Waugh was over the hill as a batsman by the time he was made captain, the highlight of his tenure was a run in with Curtly Ambrose.

February 13, 2023 7:02 pm

Far-left Antifa radicals clashed with protesters outside a performance of Drag Queen Story Hour for small children at the Tate Britain museum in London on Saturday.-the sharp end of the establishment- unreal that this evil muck is even entertained

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 13, 2023 7:03 pm

Women like to infiltrate formerly “Men’s Only” institutions for a very simple reason – they’re more fun and more interesting.

Old man who plays bowls here, just on 94 years of age. Was an MCC member and frequented the Long Room in the Members at the MCG.
Then ladies were admitted and after they asked the men to move aside so that they could see the football, he and the others haven’t been back since.

February 13, 2023 7:07 pm

Women like to infiltrate formerly “Men’s Only” institutions for a very simple reason – they’re more fun and more interesting.

No. It’s part of the war on men and boys. The Lez-fem branch of cultural marxism.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 13, 2023 7:08 pm

Rosie – I’ll wave if I see her if I go past, since her business is on the shared path I ride along. Although I haven’t been doing much riding lately as I’ve been walking instead lately.

Interestingly I ran into my old hairdresser on Friday in Coles, and said hi. Patronized her business for a decade or more, she’d had her salon in our local mini shopping centre, but closed up for some reason before the Covid thing. Possibly rental costs, as other shops have closed in it. That’s why I’d shifted to the new hairdresser.

February 13, 2023 7:17 pm

I’m feeling somewhat bereft …… the weekly ‘The Week That Perished’ column in Taki’s Mag hasn’t appeared, for the first time in the 6+ years that I have been reading Takimag.
Truly a disturbance in the Force.

Robert Sewell
February 13, 2023 7:22 pm

Doc Beaugan:

Who would you prefer on your side, a hundred credulous nongs or ten thoughtful ppl concerned with truth?

Unfortunately, if we’re in the polling booth, I’ll take the Hundred Credulous Nongs, thanks Doc.

February 13, 2023 7:23 pm

No. It’s part of the war on men and boys. The Lez-fem branch of cultural marxism.

Okay. Fellows aren’t more fun and more interesting.

They make better victims. 😀

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 13, 2023 7:26 pm

Rihanna apparently went for a scratch and sniff as part of her “sultry” attraction.

Front and rear.

dover: being young and naive I have no idea what this means, but you should probably ban mole just as a precaution.

February 13, 2023 7:32 pm

House prices are headed down, to somewhere between 15- 25% peak to trough.

No 1 son is watching local prices like a hawk . He says locally like for like has dropped @100k from the high of around 850k. On the flip side his borrowing limit has dropped around 120k.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
February 13, 2023 7:32 pm

Well not to impinge your logic, but wheres the Roman Empire now, eh? EH?!!!

It’s still there. Operating as ever.

Haven’t you seen Executive Orders #25543, #25685, and #25698 with blue cheese dressing?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

In fair dinkum “Chocolate ration has been increased from thirty grammes to twenty grammes” news, Tanya Plebsox has retweeted her appearance on this morning’s Channel 7 Sunrise.
With a straight face she announces that policies of the Anal govt have lowered electricity prices.
When Barnaby Joyce shames Natalie Barr into questioning whether prices going up is actually a reduction, Plibersek does not miss a beat.

Robert Sewell
February 13, 2023 7:33 pm


A minuscule and possibly useless stand I suppose. But it gave me a sense of solidarity with guys like Bruce. We could both look like scarecrows and scare small children. ?

No stand is useless, Calli.
Even if you’re the only one making the stand, it’s a gift to yourself that no other person can take from you.

February 13, 2023 7:34 pm

but you should probably ban mole just as a precaution.


Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 13, 2023 7:35 pm

The V-word has only been mentioned in relation to Japanese travel – at the Japanese end before our antsy limey gets started.

LOL. Limey is the USA’n term for the English/British. You are not a USA’n so please use the correct term here. Pom. Mind you, I could be Scottish in which case you cannot call me a Pom. And I do so like Convict’s Paradise.

And I have already posted info about the new rules. As you were obviously asleep at the wheel or on a bender you missed it. Caught up with the Super rules yet?

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Dr Faustus says: February 13, 2023 at 7:26 pm

Rihanna apparently went for a scratch and sniff as part of her “sultry” attraction.
Front and rear.

… I have no idea what this means

I’ve no idea what it means. I’m pretty sure we’re both better off not knowing.

Robert Sewell
February 13, 2023 7:41 pm


Covid was a test for many of our institutions- media, parliament, the executive government, the courts and academia. Few emerge with their reputation enhanced.

…and didn’t some fail spectacularly! The above institutions were – I felt – a bit dodgy, but the one that shocked me was the police.
It was like a revelation to me that they could behave like such automatons.
My screensaver is the two coppers spraying that poor woman on the ground.
I have NO intention of forgetting that.

February 13, 2023 7:42 pm

So full of shit.

Lizzie … does this unwarranted and vicious attack enrage you ?

Why not?
ok fine … I’ll help … cos, your’e a hypocrite with an axe to grind

oh my.
I said something about Lizzie … about now, JC will whip his cock out and start typing for sure

Laughably full of it.
I can reel off three within my “two degrees of separation” circle who dropped dead in their 40’s in the last ten years BC.
Did I imagine their funerals you idiot?

see, this is how rhetoric works.
sancho, includes his backward conclusion in the argument
and it is fallacious and infantile; it does not follow

as was rosie’s ‘factoid’ the other day.
though rosie’s, was bordering on an outright lie
at the very least, a misrepresentation by omission

the trick is to form yr gibber from a half-truth
that way you can defend the idiot-position by reaching for absolutes
while proceeding to tangle everybody else up with with relativistic crap

like a child
even if I’m half-right, then you’re still all wrong
like listening to 15 yo’s complain about Cpt Cook landing in Botany Bay with the first Fleet.

and nobody really engages because it all smells like so much crap

lizzie, sancho, JC, mUnty and of course rosie, dear rosie
the noises that raise repeated, specious and fallacious claims to a post-truth art-form

a mountain of bullshit

at least mUnty has the grace to accept the slings and arrows that are returned after his stupid statements instead of whinging like the others do

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
February 13, 2023 7:45 pm

With a straight face she announces that policies of the Anal govt have lowered electricity prices.

If that is true then everyone should send their electricity and gas bill to the Feral Guv’ment and have them redo the bill with the lowered price. Obviously the Electricity and Gas Companies did not get the fictitious memo from the Feral Guv’ment outlining the lowering of prices. Blackout Bowen can now manage the mess especially when Liddell goes off line in April 2023.

February 13, 2023 7:45 pm

Thanks Winston. I was overcome with a sense of both grief and guilt and also horror at what our society had become. The horror remains.

On the singer, I presume she stuck her digits into her nether regions, had a good wipe and then sniffed them. Like a dementia patient only fully aware.


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 7:48 pm


February 13, 2023 at 6:14 pm

.2 To engage in a glorious, highly theatrical (but ultimately futile) martyrdom, after the style of The Judean Peoples Front crack suicide squad?

Well not to impinge your logic, but wheres the Roman Empire now, eh? EH?!!!

Bwah ha ha ha.
Well, yes, the JPF might have worn them down, I suppose, but I’m not giving you that one.

February 13, 2023 7:49 pm

Seems there is speculation the next RBA Governor will be an outsider, which is a real break from the past. With Albo and Dim Jim in charge I am not filled with hope.

I think we know where this is going.

Must be a female.

February 13, 2023 7:50 pm

But that’s a big part of marxism- make the innocent and fun things ugly

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 13, 2023 7:50 pm

I believe this to be the scratch and sniff

February 13, 2023 7:52 pm

I remember one Reg Livermore’s obscene alter egos brandishing a tennis racket.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 13, 2023 7:56 pm

Salvatore, Pogria – I hadn’t heard of Yeonmi Park and thank you both for introducing her here. I was intrigued, so I looked up this video, an hour and a half long interview from around two years ago, in which she speaks to her escape from North Korea and the way in which the total life management she endured as a child had to be revised and mentally changed when she came to the West. She had to ‘learn’ to be free. She is fiercely anti-communist, is alert to the fact that China facilitates the continuing existence of North Korea, and her story rings true to all that we heard in South Korea about the ‘brokers’ who managed defectors’ escapes into China. Her account of the physical darkness of NK also rang true; Hairy and I had thought that was a deliberate policy, to keep the population compliant, and as she stresses, to keep them just one step away from starvation, so that food rather than anything else is their concern.

Obviously human sexual trafficking is part of this system, providing sexual partners for China’s food-producing peasantry, as women are scarce in China due to the ‘one child’ policy’s unintended effect of producing mainly male children. Yeonmi was raped by a man who purchased her as a virgin, but who had a wife already, and who eventually helped her to escape to South Korea. She has since helped him, having forgiven him. This is a typical story that we heard in SK. Clearly, the ‘broker’ system is more or less allowed in China and has all of the payments and kick-backs such systems develop. Yeonmi didn’t find life easy in SK as a defector – there are over 30,000 of them, they are generally cared for well, but old attitudes towards raped women can still exist plus there are fears of a flood of defectors via China, working to pay back ‘brokers’, as most aim to get to South Korea rather than other Nations. The pull of the Korean culture and language is still strong. One suspects that it is the children of the traditional middle classes who try to make the break from NK, with underground contacts, and I would say that Yeonmi’s family, although often starving, likely had that familial heritage. She knows what has happened to her wider family – probably shot – because she has spoken out, so she must have some networks of information coming out of NK, which our SK guides said were unusual, for news was very hard to get – though he did tell us of the four teenagers shot for having K-pop DVD’s or USB’s recently. As Hairy put it, North Korea is ‘beyond evil’ as a whole-of-life totalitarian system providing a good living for an elite supported by a working population kept silent and scared. The use of religious fervor for the Kims as gods, as Hirohito once was seen in Japan, complicates it all after several generations now know nothing else but this sort of cult propagandising.

Worth the time it take to view this most interesting woman and admire her fortitude, intelligence and beauty.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 7:57 pm

Esther Krakue would have to be one of the most beautiful women to ever front a camera. I put her in the same league as Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Adjani and Julie Christie.

February 13, 2023 7:57 pm

BB I’m impressed that you avoided the fizzer assault and still kept your job. I held out as long as I could until I had my boss and the HR bimbo ringing me up.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 13, 2023 7:58 pm

Good gracious. I don’t know what went wrong with the link there, but all of my comment has been included in the linkage.

Hope it still works and people can still read it in blue.

February 13, 2023 7:59 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
February 13, 2023 at 7:35 pm

Dr Faustus says: February 13, 2023 at 7:26 pm

Rihanna apparently went for a scratch and sniff as part of her “sultry” attraction.
Front and rear.

… I have no idea what this means

I’ve no idea what it means. I’m pretty sure we’re both better off not knowing.

Watch Rihanna Super Bowl Halftime Show: Humps, Grabs Crotch, Smells Hand

Not everyone was pleased with the singer’s behavior during her halftime performance on Sunday.

“Everything has to be sexual. Can’t even take your kids to the Super Bowl or let them watch the halftime show,” one Twitter user reacted.

Another Twitter user pointed out that the pop star appeared to “grab her junk and then smell it and taste it.”

“So is it me or did Rihanna just grab her junk and then smell it and taste it? Way to stay classy!” the individual tweeted.

February 13, 2023 7:59 pm
February 13, 2023 8:00 pm

I think we know where this is going.

Must be a female.

In which case…

UP (Unreservedly Proud) Asst. Gov. Luci Ellis must be a shoo-in, surely (try saying that quickly).

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 13, 2023 8:02 pm
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 13, 2023 8:02 pm

Whenever Esther Krakue comes on in any TV show, Hairy gives her his full attention. 🙂

She is also one of the smartest women around.

February 13, 2023 8:03 pm
February 13, 2023 8:05 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 8:06 pm

When Barnaby Joyce shames Natalie Barr into questioning whether prices going up is actually a reduction, Plibersek does not miss a beat.

I don’t think that would bother Plibbers. As Minister for Finance, kd wrong gave us tax increases as savings. Humpty Dumpty hasn’t got anything on this lot.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 8:06 pm


February 13, 2023 at 6:26 pm

Speculation in financial circles is that Lowe will announce his resignation shortly.
At this stage it’s now a big feedback loop.

It needs a circuit breaker.
They were late in on the way up, and I reckon they will overcook it at the top.
They think the Average Joe reads RBA decisions on the day and carefully factors it all into their family budget spreadsheet. It takes 2-3 months for it to filter through.
They should never have gone as low as they did at the bottom. If 0.75% isn’t going to do it, 0.25% isn’t going to make much difference.
And, sure as God made little green apples, they will overcook it.
And I say that as someone who earns interest rather than pays interest.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 8:07 pm

“She is also one of the smartest women around.”

Absolutely, Lizzie, I should have added that. It’s just that whenever she comes on I am gosmacked and overwhelmed at how beautiful she is.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 13, 2023 8:07 pm

Ooops sorry – this?

February 13, 2023 8:09 pm

Tom says:
February 13, 2023 at 6:46 pm

Great comment Tom – fully concur !

February 13, 2023 8:09 pm

Yikes, Tinta. Crazy eyes!

February 13, 2023 8:10 pm

“Everything has to be sexual. Can’t even take your kids to the Super Bowl or let them watch the halftime show,” one Twitter user reacted.

True; but if you haven’t realised that by now you haven’t been paying much attention.

And I’ve never even watched a Super Bowl.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 8:10 pm

Fixed rates are the big unknown this time around. They haven’t really been a big part of the Australian mortgage market. And mortgage brokers. Lots of icebergs out there.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 13, 2023 8:12 pm

UP (Unreservedly Proud) Asst. Gov. Luci Ellis must be a shoo-in, surely (try saying that quickly).

She also has a marked facial resemblance to Uncle Luigi.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 8:12 pm

Don’t forget the Premium Subscriber offer.

February 13, 2023 8:12 pm

Well I’m now sitting in the single carriage train regionale.
Was wondering what platform ‘1o’ was.
It’s I west (ovest in Italian) hiding on the end of platform one.
So far, so good.

February 13, 2023 8:13 pm

rosie says:
February 13, 2023 at 7:59 pm
a thread on apotemnophilia

Recommended reading. Thanks rosie.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 8:14 pm

The left have Stephanie Corpse Campbell.

We on the right have Esther Krakue.

Enough said.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 13, 2023 8:15 pm

Australia’s Ambassador for Gender Equality

Our Ambassador for Gender Equality is Mz Stay Puft.
Cross the streams now.

(She’s attracted international attention btw, and not in a good way. 😀 )

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 8:15 pm

Mother Lodesays:

February 13, 2023 at 7:32 pm

Well not to impinge your logic, but wheres the Roman Empire now, eh? EH?!!!

It’s still there. Operating as ever.

Haven’t you seen Executive Orders #25543, #25685, and #25698 with blue cheese dressing?

Executive Order #25685 deals with Aqueduct Maintenance Inspection Schedules.
You’re off the pace.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 8:18 pm

Vladimir Titsoff at 7:42.
Is English your first language?

February 13, 2023 8:18 pm

Yikes, Tinta. Crazy eyes!

Erm…if I’m not mistaken, that’s Gen. Angus Campbell’s wife.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
February 13, 2023 8:20 pm

Thank you to everyone who clarified Rihanna situation.
I hope you all enjoy dinner too.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 13, 2023 8:20 pm

Absolutely, Lizzie, I should have added that. It’s just that whenever she comes on I am gosmacked and overwhelmed at how beautiful she is.

Yes saw her yesterday on Outsiders, I did not hear a word she said, but was mesmerised by her beauty. Will watch again tomorrow just to catch up.

February 13, 2023 8:20 pm
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
February 13, 2023 8:21 pm

Erm…if I’m not mistaken, that’s Gen. Angus Campbell’s wife.

. Hmm, indeed.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
February 13, 2023 8:22 pm

Erm…if I’m not mistaken, that’s Gen. Angus Campbell’s wife.

Bummer. Mr Stay Puft was a sailor not a soldier.

February 13, 2023 8:24 pm

She also has a marked facial resemblance to Uncle Luigi.

Didn’t I say? A shoo-in.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
February 13, 2023 8:26 pm

Townsville private school teacher charged, blares the ABC in its headline:

Of course. Had it been a government school teacher, they would never have reported it.

February 13, 2023 8:27 pm

Yay! I’m in the clerb!

“The longer you can be without being infected, the better chance of new antivirals and vaccines. All of these are being developed as we speak.”

Seriously? Who cares? If I haven’t caught it yet, why would I be tonguing for “new antivirals and vaccines”?

Also…my vaxx status is seriously out of date. And I’m sooooo vulnerable. Just go away you stupid, stupid people.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 8:28 pm

I hope you all enjoy dinner too.

Bolognese it is. Marinara’s off.

February 13, 2023 8:28 pm

Sancho Panzer says:
February 13, 2023 at 8:18 pm

Vladimir Titsoff at 7:42.
Is English your first language?

Obviously there no meditation today. His Most Serene Oracle appears angrified for some reason.

February 13, 2023 8:30 pm

there was

February 13, 2023 8:31 pm

Bear, are you living at home these days?

February 13, 2023 8:31 pm

Train about to leave and someone with an Aussie accent wants them to wait a minute.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 8:31 pm


February 13, 2023 at 8:24 pm

apparently the ABC forgot to pay their domain bill.
Now I don’t feel so bad about missing mine several years ago.

That sums them up.
Lots of gender and diversity and Da Voice chatter but the basics don’t get done.

February 13, 2023 8:32 pm

What Can We Learn From The Biggest Lies People Believed About COVID?

At the very beginning of the covid event in late 2019 to early 2020 the public had little to no information on the details surrounding the outbreak in Wuhan, China and what kind of virus the world might be facing. The virus was coming to western shores and so the public had to prepare for the potential consequences.

People were supposedly dying en masse in China, but the communist country refused to give accurate data on the situation and to this day their reported covid death rate is highly suspect. After a period of uncertainty, suddenly, there was a rush by the media and by government officials to predict the worst case scenario. The WHO was calling for a SARS-like death rate of at least 3% or more – That would mean a global tally of over 240 million+ fatalities.

For those of us in the Liberty Movement, this was seen as the “big one”; the kind of event that crashes economies and leads to an authoritarian society. It almost became that…

From the very beginning certain narratives being promoted in the mainstream did not meet logical or scientific standards. It became obvious that fear was the goal, rather than safety. But in order to create fear, establishment elites and governments had to LIE BIG.

Here are some of the biggest lies told to the public about the pandemic:

– Wuhan Wet Market Bat Soup Ground Zero?
– The Pandemic Was Unexpected?

I also pointed out in 2020 that a little over two months before the pandemic the WEF, Bill Gates and Johnson and Johnson held a “simulation” of a viral pandemic called “Event 201.” The outbreak they were simulating? Coronavirus. What a coincidence.

The one thing that I believe was unexpected for the globalists, the thing that derailed a large part of their agenda, was the low Infection Fatality Rate of covid. The Event 201 simulation predicted a minimum of 60 million deaths from a coronavirus outbreak in the initial stages of the crisis. This obviously did not happen. They seemed to be operating on the assumption that many more people were going to die than actually did.

– Covid Death Rate Of 3% Or More?

The manner in which the media, CDC and the WHO exaggerated the threat of covid cannot be forgiven. There was no evidence whatsoever to support the original claim that covid’s death rate would be 3% or more, and these organizations continued to lie about the threat covid presented long after numerous contrary studies were released.

As early as 2020, data showed that the median Infection Fatality Rate of the virus was a mere 0.23% (officially). Our government REFUSED to mention this number to the public and I do not think I have ever seen it mentioned in the media.

That’s right – The official survival rate for covid was always 99.8% or greater. Yet, people were led to believe that there would be bodies piled in the streets because no official agency and no mainstream journalists were willing to report on the real IFR. They WANTED people to remain afraid.

– Millions Died In The US From Covid
– Masking Works?
– Masking And Social Distancing Outside Is Necessary?

One thing that I thought was utterly mind boggling was the implementation of mask mandates, distancing and lockdowns in outdoor places like beaches and parks. This defies everything we know about virology. UV light from the sun is a natural disinfectant and transmission of viruses in open air is incredibly low risk. Basically, it’s not going to happen.

I don’t think I saw a single doctor or scientist in the media bring up this fact, which has been known for decades. Some media outlets even lied about the effectiveness of sunlight in killing viruses like covid, arguing that the idea was false.

Why did governments and the media want people to believe that wearing masks outside was necessary? It makes no sense, unless you understand that it was not about science, it was about control. If you spent your days jogging, bike riding and walking in the park wearing a mask, you were well and truly duped.

– Large Scale Lockdowns Work?

– Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated?

There was never a pandemic of the unvaccinated, this was leftist media and White House hype. Breakout cases, meaning deaths of vaccinated people, have been present ever since the vaccines were introduced. In fact, studies now show that the vaccinated make up the majority of covid deaths.

– The Vaccines Reduced Infection And Death Rates?

There is no concrete evidence that the vaccines made any difference in the spread of the virus or in saving lives. The most aggressive infection and fatality rates from covid plunged in early 2021, months BEFORE the vaccines were widely distributed to the public. This suggests that the population was already developing herd immunity before the vaccines were introduced.

The majority of covid vaccine studies do not use the unvaccinated as a control group to show the effectiveness of mRNA products. So, vaccine efficacy is nothing more than a guess based on incomplete data. Studies outside of the pharmaceutical industry continue to show that natural immunity is far superior to the vaccines.

– Covid Causes Heart Failure?

Covid Causes Heart Failure?

This is a lie spread by the mainstream media through their “covid heart” narrative. There is no such thing as covid heart and studies prove this claim to be false.

What Can We Learn?

The hailstorm of lies surrounding the covid pandemic teach us a number of things – We now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that future crisis events will be used as an excuse for the erasure of our freedoms.

We have seen it first hand. The insidious measures we witnessed in western countries in response to people who refused to comply with mandates or vaccination on scientific and moral grounds showed us how precarious our civil stability truly is.

We learned, in the US at least, that conservative states were willing to stand up to the federal government and defy lockdown policies. This was after millions of people (mostly conservatives) put pressure on states to act, but we did prove that the public still has influence and that some states are willing to defend our rights.

To be fair, no one knew for sure what danger covid presented in the early days of the outbreak, but after it became clear it was a nothing burger, any political leader that continued to fear monger should be watched carefully.

Sadly, we also learned that there are millions of people who are willing to believe anything the government tells them as long as that government is aligned with their ideological biases.

In America the majority of constitutional violations occurred in leftist controlled blue states and cities. Red states were mostly free, blue states were not. Red states abandoned mandates quickly while blue states tried to keep them permanently. This is just a cold hard fact.

By extension, while some people have expressed regret, it has become clear that a large number of leftists STILL refuse to admit they were wrong despite all the evidence that debunks their covid beliefs.

In the end, for them, covid was about “winning” rather than being factually right.

The truth is, there is a sizable percentage of people who live vicariously through tyranny. They feed on scraps from the tables of authoritarians.

These are the useful idiots we have long warned about in the liberty movement, and they were definitely on parade during covid, applauding the end of our country as we knew it and joyfully embracing Big Brother.

When the next crisis erupts it’s not just the globalists we have to worry about, it is also the horde of leftist cultists and Karens anxious for another taste of power and willing to do anything to get it.

February 13, 2023 8:33 pm

Erm…if I’m not mistaken, that’s Gen. Angus Campbell’s wife.

. Hmm, indeed.

I won’t reveal how I know this…even under torture.

And can I just say Angus did a splendid job with Operation Sovereign Borders.

So there is that.

Top man.

February 13, 2023 8:34 pm

The ABCD – perhaps the D isn’t for Defamation after all.

A much shorter word comes to mind.

February 13, 2023 8:35 pm

I hope Campbell sleeps with one eye open.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 8:37 pm

“that’s Gen. Angus Campbell’s wife.”

Yukky, they could be brother and sister. Our very own Targaryens.

February 13, 2023 8:37 pm

OK…I had to look up Esther Krakeu:

“If you’re offended by a statue, see a therapist.”

She’s now on my to watch list.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 8:39 pm

H B Bearsays:

February 13, 2023 at 8:10 pm

Fixed rates are the big unknown this time around. They haven’t really been a big part of the Australian mortgage market. And mortgage brokers. Lots of icebergs out there.

Good point.
As I was saying, people don’t check and adjust based on the latest RBA announcement, and certainly what might be coming down the pipeline.
So a bunch of people aren’t going to get the boiling frog treatment, and adjust slowly to each rise.
As soon as they come off the fixed rate it will be a 3% rise.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2023 8:40 pm

I hope Campbell sleeps with one eye open.

Well, at least he didn’t marry a dude.
Though he went close.

February 13, 2023 8:41 pm

Escobar: The War Of Terror Of A Rogue Superpower – Cui Bono?

Authored by Pepe Escobar,

Everyone with a brain already knew the Empire did it. Now Seymour Hersh’s bombshell report not only details how Nord Stream 1 and 2 were attacked, but also names names: from the toxic Straussian neoliberal-con trio Sullivan, Blinken and Nuland (There’s That Lady Again) all the way to the Teleprompter Reader-in-Chief.

Arguably the most incandescent nugget in Hersh’s narrative is to point ultimate responsibility directly at the White House. The CIA, for its part, gets away with it. The whole report may be read as the framing of a scapegoat. A very fragile, shoddy scapegoat – what with those classified documents in the garage, the endless stares into the void, the cornucopia of incomprehensible mumbling, and of course the whole, ghastly, years-long family corruption carousel in and around Ukraine, still to be completely unveiled.

Hersh’s report happened to pop up immediately after the deadly earthquakes in Turkey/Syria. This is an investigative journalism earthquake in itself, straddling over fault lines and revealing countless open air fissures, nuggets of truth gasping for air amidst the rubble.

But is that all there is?

Does the narrative hold from start to finish? Yes and no.

First of all, why now?

This is a leak – essentially from one Deep State insider, Hersh’s key source. This 21st century “Deep Throat” remix may be appalled at the toxicity of the system, but at the same time he knows that whatever he says, there will be no consequences.

Cowardly Berlin – ignoring the nuts and bolts of the scheme all along – will not even squeak. After all the Green gang has been ecstatic, because the terror attack has thoroughly advanced their medieval de-industrialization agenda. In parallel, as an extra bonus, all the other European vassals receive further confirmation this is the fate that awaits them if they don’t follow His Master’s Voice.

Hersh’s narrative frames the Norwegians as the essential accessory to terror. Hardly surprising: NATO’s Jens “Peace is War” Stoltenberg has been a CIA asset for perhaps half a century. And Oslo of course had its own motives to be part of the deal; to collect loads of extra cash selling whatever spare energy it had for desperate European customers.

A little narrative problem is that Norway, unlike the U.S. Navy, still does not have any operational P-8 Poseidon. What was clear at the time is that an American P-8 was commuting back and forth – with mid-air refueling – from the U.S. to Bornholm island.

A positive screamer is that Hersh – rather, his key source – had the MI6 completely vanish from the narrative. SVR, Russian intel, had focused like a laser on MI6 at the time, as well as the Poles. What still cements the narrative is that the combo behind “Biden” provided the planning, the intel and coordinated the logistics, while the final act – in this case a sonar buoy detonating the C4 explosives – may have been perpetrated by the Norwegian vassals.

The problem is the buoy may have been dropped by an American P-8. And there’s no explanation of why one of the sections of Nord Stream 2 escaped intact.

Hersh’s modus operandi is legendary. From the perspective of a foreign correspondent on the ground since the mid-1990s, from the U.S. and NATOstan to all corners of Eurasia, it’s easy for someone like me to understand how he uses anonymous sources and how he accesses – and protects – his extensive list of contacts: trust works both ways. His track record is absolutely unrivalled.

But of course the possibility remains: what if he is being played?

What will Russia do?

Arguably the whole planet is thinking what will be the Russian response.

Surveying the chessboard, what the Kremlin and the Security Council see is Merkel confessing Minsk 2 was merely a ruse; the imperial attack on the Nord Streams (they got the picture, but might not have all the insider details provided by Hersh’s source); former Israeli PM Bennett on the record detailing how the Anglo-Americans killed the Ukraine peace process which was on track in Istanbul last year.

So it’s no wonder that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made it clear that when it comes to nuclear negotiations with the Americans, any proposed gestures of goodwill are “unjustified, untimely and uncalled for.”

The Ministry, on purpose, and somewhat ominously, was very vague on a key issue: “strategic nuclear forces objects” that have been attacked by Kiev – helped by the Americans. These attacks may have involved “military-technical and information-intelligence” aspects.

When it comes to the Global South, what the Hersh report imprints is Rogue Superpower, in giant blood red letters, as state sponsor of terrorism: the ritual burial – at the bottom of the Baltic Sea – of international law, and even the Empire’s tawdry ersatz, the “rules-based international order”.

As kinetic responses go, facts on the battleground show Russia further crushing the American/NATO proxy army in full Strategic Ambiguity mode. The terror attack on the Nord Streams of course will always be lurking in the background. There will be blowback. But that will be at a time, manner and place of Russia’s choosing.

February 13, 2023 8:43 pm

South China Sea: Philippines says China used ‘military-grade’ laser against boat
The Philippines has accused China of shining a “military grade” laser light to scuttle a resupply mission to a disputed shoal in the South China Sea.

The laser glare temporarily blinded the crew of the Filipino coast guard boat, forcing it to retreat.

The vessel was headed to a marooned navy vessel that Manila has used for years to claim the Second Thomas Shoal.

China has in the past used water cannon and sirens to enforce its claim to much of the South China Sea.

February 13, 2023 8:47 pm

She was pregnant, apparently. Does that change your criticism? Or is just being black enough.

Really? She’s black? I never noticed!

Black Ball
Black Ball
February 13, 2023 8:47 pm

Tim Blair points me to this article. Begins:

When the mist lifts and we can see clearly the carnage caused by the trans madness, and we blink and wonder what in God’s name we did to our kids, I hope we recognise the true heroes of the saga. By this I don’t mean the Jordan Peterson types or even J.K. Rowling, so much as the parents who somehow found the courage to stand up to their own children.

And as Blair often does, please read on

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 13, 2023 8:48 pm

Another Twitter user pointed out that the pop star appeared to “grab her junk and then smell it and taste it.”

“So is it me or did Rihanna just grab her junk and then smell it and taste it? Way to stay classy!” the individual tweeted.

m0nty=fa thinks that criticising this is waaaysssist.

February 13, 2023 8:49 pm

H B Bearsays:

February 13, 2023 at 8:10 pm

Fixed rates are the big unknown this time around. They haven’t really been a big part of the Australian mortgage market. And mortgage brokers. Lots of icebergs out there.

Last week, one of the Aussie banks reported earnings. I’m pretty sure that these days, banks are forced to be forward-looking in their assessment of problems on the asset side of the balance sheet. It was notable that execs didn’t feel like they needed to overprovision, and write-offs were within the normal bounds. It’s early days yet, of course, but they didn’t appear concerned about what’s heading their way down the track.

Also, since the GFC, Australian banks have had to now make provisions for future expectations, and the regulators are right on top of this.

February 13, 2023 8:51 pm

US public life know seems to be like the orgy scene from I Claudius. Give me Russia any day.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 8:51 pm

JC – Yep. Moved back Sept last year. Have a support worker come in a couple of times a day for meds and PEG feed at night (around MAFS time). Generally buy something for lunch while I’m out for coffee. Expect that will be it going forward.

February 13, 2023 8:53 pm

Putin set up a false flag attack with the FSB to get into power in the first instance through the initiation of the Second Chechen War. He’s unrepentant KGB scum.

He’s not better than our leaders. He is what they would become without restraint.

February 13, 2023 8:53 pm

Good for you Bear. Good to hear. I’ve been meaning to ask.

February 13, 2023 8:53 pm

I agree Putin’s time at the KGB makes him partly responsible for the decrepit state of the west though. The Soviets may have been hopeless at economics but they were masters of propaganda and whiteanting.

February 13, 2023 8:54 pm

Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf

The Pain of Listening To Twitter Censorship Testimony

Nasty, Ill-Dressed Technocrats, I Want My Life Back

So I finally am seeing them — up close, in real life, in person. I am finally able to look at the faces of the heretofore faceless technocrats who took it upon themselves to try to destroy my life and ruin my name.

Here at last are the very people who took it upon themselves, or who oversaw their colleagues, to single me out, to collude with the White House, and with Carol Crawford of CDC, and with DHS perhaps, to suspend me — following an accurate tweet of mine that warned women of menstrual harms following mRNA injection.

The positions of these people, the views of them — their self-regarding, self-satisfied, smug certainty that their rightness is the only rightness that could ever be — do not remind me of the testimony or views of actual Americans. They remind me rather of the affect of functionaries in a Stalinist show trial, or of the nameless bureaucrats in Kafka’s The Trial.

It is so painful for me to see these faces. I have a very intimate relationship to these people.

They tried to destroy me, and did a fair job of it, by some measures.

These are the people — “my”people, paradoxically; people educated like me, people who shared my political views until 2020; these are people who vacationed where I used to vacation, who hang out with people I know — who were the agents behind full- on Stalinist-type persecution of innocent Americans; of me; these are the people who ruined my life, or sought to do so, and destroyed my career, or sought to do so. These emotionally ugly, these nasty, self-satisfied folks, so sure that they are right, so very, very wrong; are here at last; right here on C-Span.

They persecuted not just me but Dr Martin Kulldorff; Dr Jay Bhattacharya; Dr Paul Alexander; Dr Peter McCullough. So many others. They scrubbed and manipulated the discourse of a platform that has no right to be any more censorious than a telecom company, because they were willing to collude illegally with the government to decide what can be said in America.

The messaging from the FBI via “the super-secret James Bond tele-portal”, as Rep Jim Jordan so brilliantly and rightly put it, reached into the voices of Americans and strangled Americans’ rights; but Twitter and the company’s political friends went further than mere silencing. These smarmy people ultimately hurt, and may have helped to injure and kill, many thousands.

These are the people who decided to remove the accurate tweet of mine about menstrual symptoms subsequent to MRNA vaccines, that could have saved millions of women from the current agony and infertility that they now endure.

These are the people who obeyed the instructions of their colleagues in government to censor me.

I looked at the bios of the people cc’d on Twitter’s communications with the White House about attacking my accurate tweet; they were a lot of young functionaries at the US Bureau of the Census, at least two of them, oddly, educated at the University of Delaware. These low-level Gen Z apparatchiks, and their incompletely articulate bosses, thought it was fine to destroy the career and try to shred the reputation of someone who had written eight international bestsellers, who had been a Rhodes scholar, and an advisor to a Presidential campaign and to a Vice President; who had gone back to school at midlife and had worked for seven years successfully to complete a D Phil at Oxford University; who had been invited onto every major platform and written for every major newspaper and was a commentator on every major news network for 35 years, and who, for those decades, by those same platforms and news sites, had been identified as a global leader in the feminist movement.

I cannot believe that “my own”people, my former tribe on the elite left, are joining forces with the government to violate the First Amendment rights of all Americans and then, worse still, to justify having done so. I can’t believe that Democrat after Democrat, liberal after liberal, is on C-Span singing the praises of censorship and inventing imaginary roles for government officials and social media platforms to keep Americans “safe” from the “threats“ of discourse and ideas. We used to be the side of Howl and Lady Chatterley’s Lover; of The Well of Loneliness. Heck, of the Free Speech Movement! What happened to us?

I can’t believe that people I thought were hostile to America’s interests — in this case, the Republicans demanding answers from the hacks and flunkies of Big Tech — are the allies in this hearing’s case at least, of truth and the Constitution and freedom of speech.

And I can’t believe that the forces who tore my life apart, temporarily half-destroyed my business, ended any hopes of my realizing my one life’s best dream, and set a match to my reputation, turn out, now that the curtain has been pulled back, as at the end of The Wizard of Oz – to be such small, small, sad, petty, miserable, mediocre people.

The larger issue is not the damage these smirking, small-minded people did to me. The larger issue is what the experience I underwent at their hands, represents for our culture.

February 13, 2023 8:54 pm

US public life know seems to be like the orgy scene from I Claudius. Give me Russia any day.

Just don’t get on Vlad’s wrong side, or you might find yourself defenestrated from a Moscow hotel.

The line between good and evil doesn’t run between countries.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
February 13, 2023 8:54 pm

Steve Trickler can explain everything.
I would like to hear his explanation for this co-incidence.
1. Movie
2. Reality

February 13, 2023 8:56 pm

Have a support worker come in a couple of times a day for meds and PEG feed at night (around MAFS time).

Dang…ain’t it always the way?

February 13, 2023 8:56 pm


February 13, 2023 8:58 pm


The US is not the same as here. State governments wield far more power and can govern in either a left or right-wing fashion. Take California, for instance. It’s a very blue state that’s not dissimilar to living in Melbourne. Then look at Texas and Florida as the other sides of the coin. Texas is introducing a voucher system for schools, and Florida is going apeshit against wokism. 

February 13, 2023 8:59 pm

US public life know seems to be like the orgy scene from I Claudius.

I want to see death by rose petal.

February 13, 2023 9:00 pm

US public life know seems to be like the orgy scene from I Claudius.
this of course is quite deliberate- demoralize the population

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 13, 2023 9:00 pm

Ant Cats looking for a job?

Permanent replacements sought for top Correctives Services positions amid WA’s prison turmoil
Rebecca Le MayThe West Australian
Mon, 13 February 2023 3:12PM

Permanent replacements are being sought for two of the four most senior Corrective Services positions under commissioner Mike Reynolds at a tumultuous time in WA’s prisons system.

Job ads simultaneously posted recently showed salaries of $185,558 for the deputy commissioner of adult male prisons role and also for the deputy commissioner of operational support position — which Mr Reynolds respectively held in 2019 and 2020 before taking the top job.

A Department of Justice spokesman said the roles had been filled in an acting capacity, with assistant commissioner of custodial operations David Brampton now handling adult male jails and security and response services director Kama Connolly heading operational support.

“A merit-based selection process has commenced to substantively fill the two positions,” he said.

Both roles were described in the ads as having “a transformation agenda” at an “incredibly exciting time for hands-on, high performing, senior executives” to join the department.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 9:01 pm

Still can’t bring myself to pay for television. I might be the last person with a fat back TV in WA. I see newer TVs thrown out for verge pick ups. So FTA it is.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 13, 2023 9:02 pm

Ed Casesays:
February 13, 2023 at 8:40 pm
I hope Campbell sleeps with one eye open.

Well, at least he didn’t marry a dude.

Are you absolutely certain of that?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 9:03 pm

H B Bearsays:

February 13, 2023 at 8:51 pm

JC – Yep. Moved back Sept last year. Have a support worker come in a couple of times a day for meds and PEG feed at night (around MAFS time). 

Oh, right.
I assume one of the advantages of PEG feeding is that you can watch MAFS and keep your dinner down.
Small consolations.

February 13, 2023 9:04 pm

this of course is quite deliberate- demoralize the population

The chief aim of the Soviets vis a vis America from the 1960s onwards.

The Soviet Union collapsed but the program continued as if under its own momentum.

February 13, 2023 9:05 pm

Last month, we found out that the Biden administration was considering banning gas stoves because they’re allegedly bad for the environment and also kinda racist for some reason. After outrage seemed to cause the admin to back down, it looks like the plan is still on.

Joe Biden Is Still Coming for Your Gas Stove

Even though about 40% of homes (including mine) have gas stoves,

the administration claimed that Biden’s best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who read a study that claims that these appliances are silent killers because of the pollution they put out.

I guess it’s pretty serious.

Curiously, the Biden administration refused to cite any specific studies to back up its claim.

But it did add that the alleged environmental impact of gas stoves allegedly disproportionately affects minority and low-income groups more than other demographics. So don’t question the narrative, you racist!

The plan to ban gas stoves was widely mocked, and the Biden administration quickly backtracked. But a month after the proposal was first revealed, Washington is trying to move it forward.

Last week, Biden’s Department of Energy proposed new regulations that would create stricter efficiency standards for gas stoves. The DOE acknowledges that more than half of gas stove models on the market today wouldn’t comport with the proposed standards. but the department insists it’s not pushing a ban.

The head of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) claims that the agency had no plans for a ban, and the White House says that Joe Biden doesn’t support banning gas stoves.

“We are not proposing bans on either,” the DOE said in a statement. “Every major manufacturer has products that meet or exceed the requirements proposed today.”

But according to Americans for Tax Reform, the DOE’s new standards would actually block as much as 95% of gas stove models — which sure feels like a ban to me.

It’s not surprising that the Biden administration wasn’t going to give up after the backlash. In fact, Rep. Shontel Brown (D-Ohio) admitted that despite claims to the contrary from the administration, an all-out ban on gas stoves was still very possible.

And it seems they’re following through with it, and they couldn’t care less what the public thinks.

“This approach by DOE could effectively ban gas appliances,” Jill Notini, vice president at the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, told Bloomberg News. “We are concerned this approach could eliminate fully featured gas products.”

Does that mean the restriction of gas stoves is inevitable? Not necessarily. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) have filed bipartisan legislation to ban the federal government from using public funds to regulate gas stoves. This legislation would effectively prevent the CPSC from enforcing any rule that would “result in a limitation on the use or sale of gas stoves in the United States or would otherwise significantly increase the average price of gas stoves in the United States.”

Will there be enough bipartisan support to block the Biden administration from effectively banning gas stoves?

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 9:06 pm

$185k pa would barely keep you in Panadol.

February 13, 2023 9:07 pm

Still can’t bring myself to pay for television. I might be the last person with a fat back TV in WA.

At least the sound is better on those pre-flatties. These days, you have to spend money on buying a sound bar because the raw sound coming from a flat screen is freaking terrible. Just terrible. We had to have English subtitles because you can’t always understand what is being said.

February 13, 2023 9:09 pm

apparently the ABC forgot to pay their domain bill.

Thats because the f*ckwit regulator forbids domain providers in this country to auto-renew domains.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 9:10 pm

H B Bearsays:

February 13, 2023 at 9:01 pm

Still can’t bring myself to pay for television. I might be the last person with a fat back TV in WA.

Ha ha.
We had a Loewe fat-back which I couldn’t get rid of because it cost a bomb.
Finally chucked it out after enduring the shame of being the only fat-back owner in Victoria (apparently).
Still worked fine.

H B Bear
H B Bear
February 13, 2023 9:11 pm

JC – it’s a conversation piece. An object d’art if you will.

February 13, 2023 9:12 pm

Yale professor: “Mandatory euthanasia” will be on the table

I hadn’t actually run across this character before so I thought perhaps some of our readers might not have had him on their radar either. His name is Yusuke Narita and he’s a professor of economics at Yale with a very large social media following in both the United States and his native Japan. But his theories on debt, inflation or interest rates aren’t what draw so much attention.

Though his specialty is supposed to be economics, Dr. Narita seems to spend a great deal of time pondering the issue of falling birth rates and increasing life spans, particularly in Japan. And he seems to believe that he knows the answer. That would be “mass suicide and mass seppuku of the elderly.” And he talks about it a lot.

This guy is so far out there on the fringe of this topic that even the very liberal New York Times described him by saying “his pronouncements could hardly sound more drastic.”

In interviews and public appearances, Yusuke Narita, an assistant professor of economics at Yale, has taken on the question of how to deal with the burdens of Japan’s rapidly aging society.

“I feel like the only solution is pretty clear,” he said during one online news program in late 2021. “In the end, isn’t it mass suicide and mass ‘seppuku’ of the elderly?” Seppuku is an act of ritual disembowelment that was a code among dishonored samurai in the 19th century.

Last year, when asked by a school-age boy to elaborate on his mass seppuku theories, Dr. Narita graphically described to a group of assembled students a scene from “Midsommar,” a 2019 horror film in which a Swedish cult sends one of its oldest members to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.

In another interview, Narita suggested there might be an alternative for those without the will to take their own life. That would be euthanasia.

And if the elderly person in question is still being stubborn? No problem. “The possibility of making [euthanasia] mandatory in the future will come up in discussion.”

February 13, 2023 9:22 pm

Still can’t bring myself to pay for television. I might be the last person with a fat back TV in WA.

I have my late parents’ 1960s TV in a stained, polished American cherry wood cabinet.
It’s in mint condition and weighs a ton.

File these in ‘the absolute state of conservatives in this country…’

Paul Murray praises Peter Dutton for apologising for doing the “wrong thing” re Kevin Rudd’s apology. As Windschuttle, Bolt and others have established, there were no “stolen generations.”

The Persian Princess ??: ‘I supported same-sex marriage but trans mutilation.’

No no, Rita. You quit the truth and we’re now paying the price.

February 13, 2023 9:28 pm

The Climate Crusaders Are Coming for Electric Cars Too

A new report makes clear the ultimate goal: tiny, uncomfortable apartments and bicycles for all.

Replacing all gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles won’t be enough to prevent the world from overheating. So people will have to give up their cars. That’s the alarming conclusion of a new report from the University of California, Davis and “a network of academics and policy experts” called the Climate and Community Project.

The report offers an honest look at the vast personal, environmental and economic sacrifices needed to meet the left’s net-zero climate goals. Progressives’ dirty little secret is that everyone will have to make do with much less—fewer cars, smaller houses and yards, and a significantly lower standard of living.

Problem No. 1:

Electric-vehicle batteries require loads of minerals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel, which must be extracted from the ground like fossil fuels. “If today’s demand for EVs is projected to 2050, the lithium requirements of the US EV market alone would require triple the amount of lithium currently produced for the entire global market,” the report notes.

Unlike fossil fuels, these minerals are mostly found in undeveloped areas that have abundant natural fauna and are often inhabited by indigenous people. “Large-scale mining entails social and environmental harm, in many cases irreversibly damaging landscapes without the consent of affected communities,” the report says. Mining can be done safely, but in poor countries it often isn’t.

Problem No. 2:

Mining requires huge amounts of energy and water, and the process of refining minerals requires even more. According to the report, mining accounts for 4% to 7% of global greenhouse-gas emissions. Auto makers have made a priority of manufacturing electric pick-up trucks and SUVs because drivers like them, but they require much bigger batteries and more minerals.

More mining to make more EVs will increase CO2 emissions. It will also destroy tropical forests and deserts that currently suck CO2 out of the atmosphere, the report says.

Problem No. 3:

“Producing EVs and building and maintaining roads, highways, and parking lots are energy- and emissions-intensive processes with high levels of embodied carbon,” the report says. “Electrification of the US transportation system will massively increase the demand for electricity while the transition to a decarbonized electricity grid is still underway.”

The report concludes that the auto sector’s “current dominant strategy,” which involves replacing gasoline-powered vehicles with EVs without decreasing car ownership and use, “is likely incompatible” with climate activists’ goal to keep the planet from warming by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius compared with preindustrial times. Instead, the report recommends government policies that promote walking, cycling and mass transit.

Governments, the report says, could reduce “financial subsidies for private vehicles,” such as on-street and free parking. They could also impose charges on pickup trucks and SUVs (including electric ones) and build more bike lanes.

Urbanites who suspect the expansion of bike lanes in their cities is intended to force people to stop driving aren’t wrong.

But what about suburbanites who need cars to get around? Reducing “car dependency” will require “densifying low-density suburbs while allowing more people to live in existing high-density urban spaces,” the report says. Translation: Force more people to live in shoe-box apartments in cities by making suburbs denser and less appealing.

All this may sound crazy, but it isn’t a fringe view on the left. A Natural Resources Defense Council report last year on lithium mining also concluded that the government needs “to reduce long-term dependency on single-passenger vehicles.” The Inflation Reduction Act included billions of dollars to promote bicycling and so-called livable neighborhoods.

California’s Democratic Legislature last year even passed a bill creating a $1,000 tax credit (originally proposed at $7,500) for households that don’t own cars. “We can invest in the future by providing financial incentives for Californians to transition from vehicles to more sustainable options,” state Sen. Anthony Portantino said.

Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed the bill, citing its budget cost, but he said he supported “approaches to incentivize a transition from vehicles to more sustainable transportation.” Eliminating cars—not only gasoline-powered ones—is the left’s ultimate goal. This is why progressives have mobilized against nearly every mineral mining project in the U.S.

The looming shortage of minerals will cause prices for EVs—the only cars Americans will be allowed to buy if Mr. Newsom and his green friends have their way—to rise inexorably.

Soon Americans may not be able to afford to buy a car even with a government subsidy. Then they will have no choice but to use mass transit or dust off their old 10-speed bike.

Note, too, that there won’t be nearly enough minerals to make the massive batteries necessary to back up an electric grid powered by unreliable wind and solar. So Americans will have to consume less energy—for instance, by setting their thermostats to 80 in summer and 65 in winter—and pay more for it.

Progressives’ ultimate goal is to reduce consumption—and living standards—because they believe humans are a menace to the Earth.

February 13, 2023 9:28 pm

H B Bear says:
February 13, 2023 at 9:11 pm

JC – it’s a conversation piece. An object d’art if you will.

We’re close to having that.

I hope it never gives way. We have plasma TV in the bedroom. I like the visual far more than the most recent tvs. It’s not clear like the lastest HD, but it has depth.

February 13, 2023 9:33 pm

Russia’s Wagner Group Claims Gains Near Bakhmut in Eastern Ukraine

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed the deputy commander of the National Guard of Ukraine on Saturday. In addition, four deputy ministers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, plus the first deputy minister of economy, were dismissed on Friday, according to Taras Melnychuk, the government’s representative to the Ukrainian Parliament.

No reason was given for the dismissals, but in his nightly address the same day, Mr. Zelensky said an effort to weed out corruption was continuing.

“The state will continue modernizing the institutions, their processes and procedures,” he said. “The clarity in the work of the public structures should be guaranteed not only by what depends on the people but also by the creation of transparency and accountability functionality.”

February 13, 2023 9:35 pm

It’s no secret that I think Peter Dutton is not worthy of leading the Opposition. He confirmed it today by apologising for his walkout of Kevni’s Sorry Spectacle. It’s only a matter of weeks before he is all for Tha Voice. If he is still the leader at the next election Liberals will lose even more seats regardless of how badly Labor screw the country.

February 13, 2023 9:37 pm

13 Feb, 2023 – Musk explains purpose of Starlink in Ukraine

SpaceX will not allow its system to be used to start World War III, the CEO has said

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has revealed the rationale behind the company’s decision to restrict the use of its Starlink internet system by the Ukrainian military. He doesn’t want the conflict to escalate into World War III, he said.

The explanation was part of Musk’s response to astronaut Scott Kelly, who is a vocal supporter of the Ukrainian cause. Kelly urged restoration of full functionality of the system.

The restriction announced last week bars the Ukrainian military from using Starlink to pilot drones, which SpaceX President Gwynne Shotwell described as “weaponization” of the product.

Musk said Kelly was “smart enough not to swallow media & other propaganda bs” and pointed out that Starlink remained available for military communications in Ukraine, even though as a private company SpaceX had the right to switch the terminals off.

“We’re trying hard to do the right thing, where the ‘right thing’ is an extremely difficult moral question,” Musk stated.

The Starlink system was hailed by US officials as a gamechanger for the Ukrainian military, providing a reliable communication system that Russia allegedly could not disrupt through hacking. But Musk has provoked the ire of Kiev on several occasions, including by proposing a peace plan in October that would have required Ukraine to make concessions to Russia. He faced criticism and insults from Ukrainian officials in response.

Responding to the Starlink change, Mikhail Podoliak, an aide to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, declared that Musk and Shotwell had only two options: they could either be on Ukraine’s side and not seek “ways to do harm” or be counted as pro-Russian.

The same official previously claimed that the Musk-owned social media platform Twitter was limiting the reach of Ukrainian government accounts and helping “Russian propaganda.” Podoliak offered no evidence to support the claim, but threatened regulatory action.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 9:41 pm

H B Bear says:
February 13, 2023 at 9:11 pm

JC – it’s a conversation piece. An object d’art if you will.

Please tell me it’s sitting on a Sony Betamax.

February 13, 2023 9:42 pm

And if the elderly person in question is still being stubborn? No problem. “The possibility of making [euthanasia] mandatory in the future will come up in discussion.”

These monsters need to be exiled from our world. I hope one of Elon’s rockets can be used for that purpose. These people can then set up their own system on their new world.

Boambee John
Boambee John
February 13, 2023 9:42 pm

Via OldOzzie

The Climate Crusaders Are Coming for Electric Cars Too

A new report makes clear the ultimate goal: tiny, uncomfortable apartments and bicycles for all.

Replacing all gasoline-powered cars with electric vehicles won’t be enough to prevent the world from overheating. So people will have to give up their cars.

Lead by example, Klimate Krusaders. You first.

February 13, 2023 9:47 pm

I didn’t think much of David Littleproud when he took over the leadership of the Nationals but he is doing the right thing by supporting Jacinta Price in her opposition to Tha Voice. He has definitely grown in office unlike Dutton who has shrunk. Funny how things turn out.

February 13, 2023 10:04 pm

Read the bombshell letter Colombian student wrote describing the ‘night of madness’ where he allegedly killed a sex worker after learning she was transgender

He. After learning that he was transgender.

February 13, 2023 10:08 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2023 10:09 pm

What’s Jacinta Price’s grounds for opposing The Voice?
She started out touring with Labor renegade Warren Mundine, now she’s switched camps.
What’s Price’s claim to fame?
Has she any achievements to her name?

Real Deal
Real Deal
February 13, 2023 10:10 pm

Ha ha.
We had a Loewe fat-back which I couldn’t get rid of because it cost a bomb.
Finally chucked it out after enduring the shame of being the only fat-back owner in Victoria (apparently).
Still worked fine.

We inherited a Loewe fat back from my M-I-L when she bought a plasma in the late noughties. Wonderful bit of kit with great sound. When we finally upgraded to LED in about 2014 we passed it onto a lady who lost everything in a house fire. It was then lost in her next house fire. She was discovered to be a nutty firebug.

We didn’t pass on any more TVs and turned down her offer to rent our house when our family moved for work.

Ed Case
Ed Case
February 13, 2023 10:16 pm

It’s no secret that I think Peter Dutton is not worthy of leading the Opposition.

It’s no secret that you’re a Labor Party shill, either.
He confirmed it today by apologising for his walkout of Kevni’s Sorry Spectacle.
The Walkout was an embarrassing stunt.
He’s apologised.
It’s only a matter of weeks before he is all for Tha Voice.

That would be a stunning turnaround, and the end of his leadership.
If he is still the leader at the next election Liberals will lose even more seats regardless of how badly Labor screw the country.
Depends how he emerges from the Sofronoff Inquiry.
If he interfered in the Prosecution of Bruce Lehrmann while Home Affairs Minister, he’s political crow bait and Labor are home.
If he emerges undamaged, Labor will hafta move on Albanese, since he’ll never beat Dutton.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 10:18 pm

Glad to hear the Loewe didn’t burn the house down.
I predict around 2035 kids will be buying up retro Loewe tellies.
They were good kit.
I’ve also got a Nakamichi sound system packed away somewhere.
It was the goods back in the day too.
Shit, I was worth burgling back then.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 10:24 pm

“Read the bombshell letter Colombian student wrote describing the ‘night of madness’ where he allegedly killed a sex worker after learning she was transgender”

I’ll just rewrite this so that it’s more accurate, “killed a prostitute after learning HE was transsexual.

Describing a prostitute as a “sex worker” demeans sex and work.

February 13, 2023 10:24 pm

U.S. shoots down fourth aerial object in two weeks | Latest News | English News | Top News | WION
U.S military shot down a mysterious object to have appeared in the skies of Lake Huron close to the Canadian border. This is the fourth flying object that has been taken down over North America in two weeks.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 10:25 pm

February 13, 2023 at 10:04 pm”

Snap C.L.

Cassie of Sydney
February 13, 2023 10:26 pm

“I didn’t think much of David Littleproud when he took over the leadership of the Nationals but he is doing the right thing by supporting Jacinta Price in her opposition to Tha Voice. He has definitely grown in office unlike Dutton who has shrunk. Funny how things turn out.”

Whilst I’m still not writing Dutton off, I do agree with you about Littleproud.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 13, 2023 10:26 pm

Gender equality envoy Stephanie Copus Campbell attacks ‘offensive’ remarks

Political Correspondent
8:44PM February 13, 2023
No Comments

Australia’s new ambassador for gender equality has hit back at ­“offensive” comments about gender diversity and her appearance after a video she tweeted promoting her job went viral in the US.

A defiant Stephanie Copus Campbell, who is married to Defence Force chief Angus Campbell, said the reaction was proof her ambassadorship was needed and she vowed to use the platform to “proudly promote Australia’s strong commitment to gender equality”.

Donald Trump Jr retweeted the video – in which Dr Copus Campbell also promised to advocate for people with diverse gender identities and said gender equality was central to Australia’s diplomatic, economic development and regional security – with the comment: “It’s always the eyes that give it away before they say a word. Australia’s new ambassador for gender equality.” There have been more than 6000 comments and 2000 retweets of the video, which also ran on American television.
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“The fact that many of the 6000-plus comments about my first tweet either related to my appearance or made offensive remarks on gender diversity demonstrates why my role as ambassador is so important,” Dr Copus Campbell told The Australian.

Her comments about gender equality boosting regional security also were endorsed by former Liberal Pacific minister Alex Hawke and experts in the field, though 2GB host Ben Fordham rubbished the idea.

“Does she think that China is worrying about gender quotas in Australia? If so, tell her she’s dreaming,” Fordham said.

Dr Copus Campbell, who was appointed to the role by the Albanese government in December and who has worked extensively in Papua New Guinea, said there was no way any country could meet its economic, social or development goals when women and girls were unable to meet their full potential.

NSW Liberal Party Vice President Teena McQueen says the Ambassador for Gender Equality Stephanie Copus… Campbell’s video on gender equality is “scary” and we have “no need” for this in Australia. “The whole video is scary – this is an ambassador we have no need for in Australia,” Ms More

“Women and girls experience far greater barriers across most sectors,” she said.

“When barriers are removed and women prosper, children, families and communities are healthier and better educated, GDP increases, conflict decreases and everyone is better off.”

Mr Hawke, also an immigration minister in the Morrison government, said it was his strong view that empowering women in the region had a big impact on security and a broader benefit for everyone.

“Australia strongly supports individual and human rights, which are central to our own security, and this includes gender equality,” he told The Australian.

“We need as many like-minded partners with rights respecting democracies in our region and beyond.

“It is why as Australians we so strongly oppose the Taliban and their horrific treatment of women and girls in Afghanistan. But also Australia works hard to promote women’s rights throughout our region, where women need security and equality to make Pacific societies more resilient.”

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
February 13, 2023 10:47 pm

The Chunks are taking the piss with the balloons.


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
February 13, 2023 10:48 pm

Comments over on “The Age” – we are solemnly assured that Aborigines were “Flora and Fauna’ until the 1967 Referendum…. Words fail me, they honestly do..

February 13, 2023 10:49 pm

Dear friends and I mean that most sincerely as each of you have a bearing upon the way I look at life whether good or bad but mostly good. I’m in NZ visiting my only real friend of 58 years. We enjoyed life over a beer or 20. Giving advice when none was required and the probably the wrong advice when needed but wouldn’t be in the position we are happy with today. Tonight I knew why we are happy with our long relationship. After a discussion about Sagan and Erlichs book Cold and Dark. He told me about a talk he gave to some school students about life, history and the future. He used an onionand some rocks. The onion as a metaphor for time. The students laughed. Where do you want to start with the truth of life. On the outside, where time was today, yesterday, or 200 years ago or the next layer 2000 years ago to 100,000 years ago. They laughed. How about you start with the core in the Devion period when we were 60 million years old as fishes and produced a rock with a fish in it. Maybe you want to start with a newer one with scales heavier making it harder to eat, producing another rock with a fossil ecapsulated. His lecture was about the local museum of the last 200 years but the time period of the last 60 million years was to show the students the insignificance of yesterday is compared to today and tomorrow. We only know what yesterday bought but have no idea what tomorrow will bring. After the lecture although not supposed to be a lecture the teacher told my friend he did his head in. All the things he said were about today but coloured by the past which we cannot ignore. I don’t think I’ve ever had a philosophical discussion the likes of. The beer was dispensed with and the Port Charlotte flowed freely. If I only have one friend I’m glad it is him.

February 13, 2023 10:50 pm

“When barriers are removed and women prosper, children, families and communities are healthier and better educated, GDP increases, conflict decreases and everyone is better off.”

gaslighting on an industrial scale

February 13, 2023 10:54 pm

On board. It’s the catamaran Saint John Paul II built by incat Tasmania in 2019, the sea is calm and I feel fine.
Train trip never got closer to the sea than one or two kilometres, pretty obvious why when I bothered to look at a map.

February 13, 2023 11:15 pm

I don’t even know how to say hello in Maltese.

February 13, 2023 11:16 pm

After travelling today and catching up with my mate who I discovered is a lefty wit his second wife around and a conservative when se can’t hear I am scrolling back so only catching up slowly. The he’s a she or is it a she’s a he I do not know. I have only known 3 prostitues in my life and not in the Bibliacal sense. The first one a friend from a broken home with Daddy issues and a Mother who showed far too much to the male friends of her daughter. A young lady I worked with who had no skills but an immaculate body who thought that being paid for being laid was pretty good as she never got enough anyway. Don’t ask me. And a family member that was going bankrupt and her degenerate husband thought that would save their lifestyle and she couldn’t face the humiliation he was a bi sexual. As far as she was concerned it never happened. I no longer have anything to do with them. I’ve never understood this prostitution thing. Some guys I’ve known get off on it and some women can’t wait to give it away. Just seems strange to me, but that’s me.

February 13, 2023 11:29 pm

Pozzallo apparently has a few points of interest but on the trek from station to ferry only the abandoned remains of a castle a local noble family started building in 1930.
And the footpaths have all been turned into little front porches so you have to take your chances on the road.

February 13, 2023 11:37 pm

My mates granddaughter visited recently, she spouted all the marxist bullshit a 14 yr old can. Taken to task over anatomical differences on the dog and the bitch he has, she could not distinguish that they didn’t choose their gender but accepted that the male couldn’t produce a pup. Did you notice that only the male lifts his leg and the female squats. Yes. Why do you think this happens. Reality hit the road. Next day, he produces a picture of a young girl. Granddad, why do you have a picture of me when I was little coz I never had a dress like that. See that picture of the room my great grandfather is in. Yes. Is that the same room your photo is in. Yes. That photo of you is over 120 years old and I don’t know who she is. Granddad you’re spooking me out. He doesn’t know who it is but its definitely his granddaughter 120 years ago. Amazing. My niece is the spitting image of my grandmother.

February 14, 2023 12:03 am

Dover, thank you for Twitter link to Claes G. Ryn’s Hubris Kills Diplomacy.

This is the finest exposition of the Ukraine situation I’ve read.


February 14, 2023 12:57 am

C.L. says:
February 14, 2023 at 12:03 am

Dover, thank you for Twitter link to Claes G. Ryn’s Hubris Kills Diplomacy.

Same here a great read.

February 14, 2023 5:01 am

An observer can be deeply suspicious of Russia and, most recently, greatly bemoan its invasion of Ukraine and still regard U.S. policy toward Russia as a tale of arrogance and missed opportunities.


Boambee John
Boambee John
February 14, 2023 7:20 am

Ed Casesays:
February 13, 2023 at 10:09 pm
What’s Jacinta Price’s grounds for opposing The Voice?
She started out touring with Labor renegade Warren Mundine, now she’s switched camps.
What’s Price’s claim to fame?
Has she any achievements to her name?

What’s your claim to fame?
Have you any achievements to your name?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
February 14, 2023 9:17 am

Happy Valentines Day to all lovers past and present.

February 14, 2023 10:27 am

Got to start valentines by swapping spit with 13 nubile ladies (Uni girls) and 5 hairy miners.

Minesite D&As, you filthy perverts…

February 14, 2023 7:53 pm

At a bar, Tony’s, using WiFi because my Italian windtre refuses to work. I even tried turning it off and on.
First task will be a new sim, I have directions so there’s that.

I’m near the ferry port for Sliema to Valletta ferry, a mystery solved.
Everything is in English, there is even a Mark and Spencer shop next door
Also the Maltese word for Queen is Sultana.

1 7 8 9
  1. Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x