Cassie, over on Michael Smith’s blog, some idiot called “Mungrel truth” is citing some guy called Max Blumenthal (who I’ve…
Cassie, over on Michael Smith’s blog, some idiot called “Mungrel truth” is citing some guy called Max Blumenthal (who I’ve…
Palmer hates the LNP because Campbell Newman would not agree to special legislation for his mine and train line to…
The Arab states, let alone the Palestinians themselves, will notagree. Then Bad Orange Man can then say “I offered and…
Well, it saves on cockroach control in the kitchen.
Yep, I’ve got no idea what Trump is up to here but sending the troops into Gaza isn’t gonna happen.…
As I recall it was mostly lefty nationalists, often literary types boosting Australian culture, criticising the middle classes for being pro-British and later pro-American.
It is as divisive as the White Australia policy
The White Australia Policy wasn’t divisive, any impact on Aborigines was positive, since the policy kept cheap labour out, which was it’s intention.
Keating still exhibits some of these traits.
That being the case, Peter Dutton should have no trouble saying that as much as the Liberals want to close the gap, …
The huge gap in intelligence can’t be closed, and everything else flows from that.
March 25, 2023 at 10:13 am
Careful not to dissolve in the gloatation tank, m0nty. There is a safe time limit to such things.
He’s copying George W Bush (“Mission Accomplished”), and is too stupid to realise it.
George dubya montypox
There is a lot of further play left in the Voice debate. I find something to agree with on both BBS’s piece and the counterpoints to it made by John H. A lot will depend on how quickly any referendum is put. In my view, the more time for doubts to bubble up, the better. I think Albo will be going for broke as soon as he can. If the Libs can stall him, that would be good. Even better would be if they came out against. I can’t be certain about making any predictions.
A lot depends on how they take the trouncing they will get today.
Don’t disagree about the feelz. With SSM most people know a number of gay people and IMO there would have been a wider degree of sympathy in the wider community. I’m not sure that is the case on aboriginal matters. Most people in the major capital cities would be lucky to have even met an aboriginal beyond the ones they see wandering around. Personally, I haven’t spoken to one for 30 years when we used to stop at a neighbouring station on the way to Port Hedland on a gap year. Hardly a widespread experience. The maths on referendums (particularly ones put up by the Liars) says it will struggle. Albo isn’t helping. I expect Dutton will stay on the fence.
Without the rudimentary cultures of the hunter-gatherers, we would be here at all; eaten long ago by lions on the African savannahs, as a non-surviving type of ape that never became Sapiens.
That is their true value. And for Aust Abs, it is time to move on.
You appear to be saying that Aborigines are a type of Ape.
And also saying that Homo Sapiens descends from Apes, which is unsupported by any research.
The Annunciation of the Lord – 25th March – Luke 1:26-38
Garden in Bloom at Sainte-Addresse reminds me that roses were associated with Mary from early times.
Abortion is a form of birth control, it stops a live baby being born.
A lot of people confuse birth control with contraception which stops fertilisation. It is far more acceptable as there is no baby to be destroyed.
March 25, 2023 at 10:37 am
I see Posie Parker has not even spoken at her Auckland rally since two thousand counter protestors showed up to shout her down. Not even the presence of skull-masked goons in support of the TERFs helped them.
M0nty=fa goes full fascist. Freedom of speech is only for those he supports, shouting them down for those whose opinions he doesn’t like, enforced by Black Shirts. (Or was it Black Shorts in NZ also?)
If Ed Racist Case was speaking here about the issues arising from alcohol fetal syndrome and similar things, I’d have some sympathy with his views. Sadly, in his universal application of such views to a whole category of people he is just an old-fashioned racial supremicist spouting discredited a raw and outrageous nineteenth century genetic evolutionary theory, not allowing than anyone less white than he is can have a good intelligence. Content of character, Ed.
Ever heard of that? Yours here is sadly lacking.
I’m sure Mencken and Twain expected the media to be champions rolling back the veil of ignorance.
“The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars, the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. ”
“The newspaper is a device for making the ignorant more ignorant and the crazy crazier.”
“If you don’t read the newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read them, you are misinformed.”
The problem is that it has always been difficult to get at the truth. Nowadays, with social media becoming the main source of news for the young, that problem is hugely elevated. There are some very good journalists trying to get across the message but the very medium makes that so difficult. Keep it simple stupid, aim for a grade 8 vocabulary. Don’t be sesquipedalian! Sheesh, even here that is verboten.
My point was that contradicts Catholic doctrine.
And to recall what North Vietnamese Gen Giap told US Gen Westmoreland after the war:
(Westmoreland) – you never once defeated us on the battlefield, not once…
(Giap) – True …. but irrelevant…
The Iraqi army was always going to lose to a next gen Western force with air supremacy, and they did. Then, the Iraqis fell back on the tried and tested solution for that overmatch, irregular warfare…. and 20 years on, tell me who won?
That’s outright trolling. There should be limits on people who obviously are engaging in egregious and vacuous rhetoric designed to derail a forum.
Groogs training video,
Indeed. And exemplified by the media’s smearing and lies about Kellie-Jay, Moira and women such as myself, since the very strange appearance of Nazis at the Let Women Speak rally last Saturday. Nazis, I might add, that were ushered through by Victorian police.
Were the Fake Nazis attendance arranged by Kelly-Jay’s organisers to embarrass the Liberal Party?
That’s the explanation that makes the most sense in light of how it played out .
Well, I did read that former Labor Minister Ian MacDonald had his appeal against his sentence denied this week. He is in gaol for many years, and he is about seventy now. For readers outside NSW, he and a union crony and various other unsavoury figures conspired to grant lucrative coal mining licenses to each other when he was the relevant Minister.
I knew him quite well when I worked at The Australian Union of Students in Melbourne in the early 1970s. He was then the Education Vice President, IIRC. Came from La Trobe, I think. Always affable, politics moulded to suit the occasion. He was allegedly a Maoist in those days. I never believed it, any more than I believed most of the rhetoric of the careerists in the student movement. They just followed the fashion, like wearing bell bottoms and tie dye T shirts.
Re traditional Aboriginal culture. It was extraordinarily rigid and resistant to change. For example, Aborigines in north Queensland and the NT had trading relationships of long standing with people from PNG, the Torres Strait and Indonesia. Yet, there is no evidence whatsoever that they picked up on any of the potential improvements to their existence from these more advanced cultures. They simply weren’t interested.
A culture like that is doomed, it is only a matter of time. And that is exactly what has happened. It’s ugly, but inevitable. Any Aborigine who uses a Toyota 4WD is permanently estranged from the old culture, which wouldn’t even consider better canoes.
John H @ 11:51am:
I’d love to agree with you but you are recapitulating the mistake conservatives make all too often. They did it with SSM and they are going to do it here. It isn’t about logic, it is about the feelz. Without the combined support of a large segment of the MSM , the support of at least one major political party, and the support of some major corporations, the NO vote is going down.
I beg to differ on SSM. It was a plebiscite, not a referendum.
The requirement of the double majority leaves the Yes case looking tenuous, especially with the amount of Aboriginal criminality/violence being experienced across QLD, the NT and, to a lesser(?) extent in WA, now in places like Ceduna in SA.
Regarding support, or not, from the MSM, the No case for the republic referendum had no MSM support, yet it won.
I’ve already made the point that the Coalition must not support the referendum for the electorate – those voters who haven’t been taking notice – to understand that the change is not benign, as Luigi is arguing. Add to the Jacinta Price-Lidia Thorpe match up and it is more likely than not that any support currently out there will fall away the closer we get to the date when the vote must be cast.
Finally, on the opinion polls – at this stage supposedly every state is in favour except for QLD – unless you’re a “heart on your sleeve lefty” who would inform a pollster their opinion on the voice? “Deplorables”, anyone?
Oops. Forgot it’s Saturday.
Posie Parker was literally driven to and from the Auckland rally in the back of a cop car.
Cassie of Sydney says:
March 25, 2023 at 11:44 am
If Labor wins in NSW today (and I suspect they will), watch ICAC go to sleep, just like it did for sixteen years under Carr, Iemma, Rees and the Skank of Scotland Island.
Down here in the Democratic People’s Republic of Victoriastan we had two senior retired Supreme Court judges and IBAC chairs (one a founder) go public last week with concerns about government corruption. Our dear leader claimed not to have read letters sent to parliament by one of them because they were not addressed directly to him and he “wasn’t in the business of reading other people’s mail”. The SFL opposition tried to get the various crazy crossbench members of the upper house to open an inquiry and claimed they were negotiating with the greens and the legalise cannabis parties among others in order to do so.
Of course, the govt did a deal and with the crazies and there will be no inquiry. The left wing media loves it.
The thought of anti-corruption commissions of any sort actually exposing government corruption is a complete fantasy. They exist purely to harass and discredit oppositions.
Silly me, I forgot about the referendum percentage requirements. That does offer us some hope. Dutton needs to get off the fence. That will make a huge difference. I like Dutton as a person, I’m not confident his rhetorical skills are up to the task. That’s more a reflection on the forces against him than a criticism of him.
Trump Exploits Little-Known Legal Loophole Where You Avoid Indictment By Not Committing A Crime
he is just an old-fashioned racial supremicist spouting discredited a raw and outrageous nineteenth century genetic evolutionary theory,
That was quick.
You went from supporting Evolution to disavowing it in the space of 15 minutes.
Is this a new Lizzie record for backpedalin’?.
As usual, complete misinterpretation. I am saying that aborigines had a culture common to all human hunter-gatherers. All humans are a type of primate, the hominidae. Lines of evolution are not unilineal from that original base and we are a long way removed from failed branches of homo line (those who died out on the savanahs), let alone the current day ‘great apes’.
I think you should stop commenting on things you know nothing about and can only misrepresent.
Which means perhaps you should get out of here for you’ve nothing left. lol.
Put money on that.
Ex-NSW Labor minister Ian Macdonald gets 14-year jail sentence for corruptly awarding mine licence
It appears that Maitland was an innocent victim of horrible corruption. Or something like that.
It’s not immediately clear how awake ICAC is under a Liberal government.
Pilot Welcomes Passengers Aboard And Reassures Them He Was Not A Diversity Hire
Labor will just aim it at Liberals or even minor parties.
Thank you, John H. I sometimes feel like I am crying into the wilderness when I tell people that the ‘golden age’ of journalism never existed.
Chinese Military To Just Shout Wrong Pronouns At American Soldiers – 2 ~Mins 26 Secs
Sums up America perfectly!
Ed, I have a reasonable background in evolutionary genetics; you have none. Butt out.
As evinced by your further misrepresenting statement re me and what I have said.
You happily make truly racist statements here and I won’t rise to your bait any further.
I don’t argue with racists. I despise and ignore them.
Consider yourself despised and ignored by me from now on. On everything you say.
Lizzie, you should know that Liberals will take the wrong lesson from today’s loss. Like Victoria Libs they will see it as a signal to go even further left and more green. We will also be blamed for being far right and leading well meaning people astray.
Like listening to monty, found a new waste of time.
Hong Kong has a land bridge to China. What exactly do you think the Brits could do to stop the Chinese blockading or invading it? They couldn’t hold a fortified Singapore from Japs in 1941,
lol Old Ozzie. Thank goodness for the Babylon Bee.
Always so well done and a good upcheering laugh.
Ah well, Crossie. I guess I am a fan of statistical outliers. Expect the unexpected.
Call me an optimist. But I suspect you are right, and the Libs will never learn.
Liberals will take the wrong lesson from today’s loss
They’re gutless idiots.
Dutton needs to get off the fence.
Dutton has been the only one standing up to Albanese.
Taking the No position before Albanese releases all the details, Solicitor-General’s advice, etc. is just asking for trouble.
We’ve just seen what happened when one novice backbencher attended a dodgy rally.
The Liberal Party was smeared and on the defensive all week.
Dan of the Big Build is Big Bust.
Slashing budget spending in the upcoming budget.
Is it possible to spend less on third world country roads?
Watch Dan go!
Fair enough Diogenes.
Voted, no democracy sausages available at the booth. No local PHON candidate, so I voted LDP Lower house. Local Lib will be returned. Told the Animal Justice boy that his party needed to learn up a bit about koalas and kangaroos. Had a long and excellent conversation with rep handing out Riccardo Bosi’s pamphlets. Voted One Nation Upper house.
Dan could murder people on the street and dumb cnut victorian would still vote for it.
Beautiful, Calli. It reminds me of a Rosetti.
1) Population averages are not deterministic for individuals, but they most certainly are for populations – there being *no* sustainable democracies with population IQs under about 95.
2) The brain is a *very* expensive organ to operate – consuming 20% of cardiac output. Buying too much brain in an environment that doesn’t reward it (eg in a calorie scarce hunter gatherer world) means your character loses in the game of life. If the environment demonstrable affects other bodily attributes (skin colour, limb length, fast v slow twitch muscle fibre ratio, fat content and distribution), why would IQ not ?
Until we accept that there *are* differences between asian/caucasian genetics, and hunter gatherer genetics, we will never solve the ‘gap’ problem with regard to IQ.
Funnily, no one seems to deny there is a ‘gap’ in Athletic prowess between races, nor advocate for its closure – here is a simple test – if you had to pick, randomly, one person to run the mile for your life, would you chose
a) a runner with central african genetic stock
b) an eskimo?
I’ve always considered de Maistre’s observation that a people get the government they deserve to be overlyu cynical. Victoria might be an exception.
He’s looking fairly like John Hewson. “I challenge the Prime Minister…” LOL.
Johanna, I believe they also have no problem with owning and using mobile phones. And let’s not even mention the western foods which form a major part of their diet no matter how much they profess or genuinely try to consume traditional foods.
Continuing with Watching Netflix Korean Series
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim (2018)
Your Rating: 0/10
Ratings: 8.5/10 from 84,317 users
# of Watchers: 154,689
The series revolves around the narcissistic Lee Young Joon, the vice president of a company run by his family. He is very self-absorbed and thinks highly of himself, so much that he barely acknowledges the people around him. Lee Young Joon has a capable and patient secretary Kim Mi So who has remained by his side and worked diligently for 9 years without any romantic involvement. However, Mi So now wants to set her life & focus on herself so when she decides to resign from her job, hilarious misunderstandings ensue. After 9 years of their strictly-workplace relationship, can it now develop in something more?
My No 7 Grandson (11Years) who lives with us, asked why I watched them?
During the 90s I did busimess in Korea over 35 Trips & really enjoyed my time in Korea, especially a Joint
Korean/Japan/Singapore software development and it was interesting watching Korea emulate Japan approaches – Linousine Bus from Airports, Cars, Ship Building etc
23 years later the changes in Korea are amazing, they have caught up to Japan – the series that I have watched encapsulate the Korean people I worked with, their attitudes and way of living have not changed
I tried watching with English Speaking with Korean Sub Titles but you lose the emotion – much more enjoyable with Korean Speaking and English Sub Titles, I explained to my Grandson
Another one. A person about to be sentenced discovers that they are a woman. The good “doctor” that leaves the first reply is who the post is initially in reference to.
It occurs that the whole “I feel like a woman therefore I am” is a non starter since “I think you’re not a woman therefore your not” is equally as valid in some ways. My assertion is as good as yours. Obama started all this crap when he needed a distraction that allowed him to troll the christian right, flood the zone with trannies in every toilet. Human suggestibility is a fearsome thing.
What an absolute tragedy. The people that morally and practically blackmailed the young to get jabbed have blood on their hands. Make no mistake.
Ed, I have a reasonable background in evolutionary genetics;
There’s no such thing.
And, I caught you out on your racism regarding Aborigines.
That’s gotta sting, being a person prone to screeching “”Raaacism”” at the drop of a hat.
Dan of the Big Build is Big Bust.
Slashing budget spending in the upcoming budget.
Don’t worry, the ROI on level crossing removal is 200 years!
Because of the obvious threat to her person by all the caring, understanding, sympaths currently goose stepping their way to any location she may be speaking.
What an absolute tragedy. The people that morally and practically blackmailed the young to get jabbed have blood on their hands. Make no mistake.
When will there be justice?
Rough or otherwise.
Was any of those mentally ill freaks arrested for assault?
Real Rukshan:
Posie Parker Assaulted in New Zealand by Trans Rights Activists during Women’s Rights Rally
Women’s Rights advocate Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker) attacked by Trans rights activist in New Zealand with an unknown substance. Will NZ Police, Government and Media condemn this atrocious behaviour? Or are they going to stand by and watch the result of the mob they’ve helped riled up to surround and antagonise women trying to speak?
In some backwards countries tribal leaders and men publicly pour acid on women who speak to silence them.
In New Zealand right now Trans rights activists are celebrating their attempt at the ritualistic humiliation of a women’s rights activist by throwing a substance at them in public and taking over the platform on which she was about to speak as a win for decency.
The only thing different in the examples provided is the substance used, the intent is the same. #LetWomenSpeak
I think the jig is up for Teflon Dan.
The balance sheet finally calls the tune and he’s been unable to set up a ‘Joan Kirner’ quick enough to take the fall.
Please feel free to kick the slimy prick while he’s down.
The kairos was never there.
Even if the Chinese could have done it logistically, they knew the political cost was too high.
Peter Dutton bears no resemblance to John Hewson, for 20 years Labor have tried to dislodge Dutton from his marginal seat, and despite throwing buckets of dosh and resources trying, they have failed everytime. Oh and just like Dutton isn’t anything like Hewson, Albanese is no Keating.
Shania Twain said it better.
I don’t understand why all the lights at the Gabba went out just because one bulb blew. As someone who has been involved in lighting design for theatres, I just don’t get it.
Very poor design, IMO. As for safety, plunging thousands of people into darkness in an enclosed venue seems like a pretty major safety hazard to me.
On a lighter note:
After voting, the other half was waiting for me out the front and the Greens bloke handing out the how-to-vote cards asked him if he wanted to help him. (Why?, I don’t know, given the other half hasn’t got a pony tail, and wasn’t wearing a paisley shirt, WWF baseball cap or cross-over bag).
He replied that he wasn’t going to take away the bloke’s job they way the Greens are trying to take away everyone else’s job.
Caused a major short Johanna and tripped the safety switches.
This is a good thing to happen as it avoids all the other towers popping their lights.
The Voice in his head. lol. A very clever way of putting it, Crossie.
Hairy and I think that the reason Kenny was suddenly resurrected as a mainstream Sky commenter while Rowan Dean was axed, was purely because he was pro the Voice. The Big Wigs had spoken. Before that Kenny had lost his media show to a younger man, with Sky seeking a younger hip audience for things media. Hence, although Kenny fits in well with the general tenre of other experienced commenters such as Bolt and Murray on the climate policy disasters, he has to stick firmly to being pro Voice (his income depends on that), indeed he has to point out following on timewise from Bolt’s show that he differs to Bolt and others re the Voice.
That huge gap is not nearly innate as the likes of Lynn(not Flynn!) argue. In his time there was no consideration of developmental trajectories because the research was very preliminary. Marian Diamond was a pioneer in that field. Brilliant woman, pioneered research in the 60’s that took decades to mature. It is only in this century the full implications are becoming obvious. She was the first to show that immunological factors play an important role in cerebral structure and behavior, a finding most people today are still ignorant about. I don’t blame them, it’s like really hard and not worth their effort.
We’re spending three weeks in Greece in September.
Gonna be hard reminding myself that all cultures are equal. and that one which invented central heating, lighthouses, catapults, musical instruments, chewing gum, cranes, syringes, and more is not as good as 60,000 years of Oz stuff.
This is not to say that Kenny doesn’t genuinely support the Voice. He does. And it is convenient for Sky that he does.
John H
PS: reports suggest the new Russian subs are top notch and present a very serious threat to US naval assets. But all this is based on publicly available information. Who knows!?
On matters like this, it is reasonable to assume that those who comment either don’t know, or have an axe to grind.
Those who really know tend to keep quiet.
Do people know that Sammy the Bull Gravano (underboss in John Gotti’s gang) is doing YouTube videos about life in the mafia and talking about the 19 murders he committed? How is this douchebag not doing life without…
And no, I’m not linking the swine.
She was the first to show that immunological factors play an important role in cerebral structure and behavior, a finding most people today are still ignorant about.
Even if that’s true, it still doesn’t change the fact that African – American IQ is at least a full SD [15 IQ points] below average White IQ..
We’re talking about Australia though, Diamond didn’t research Australian Aborigines, whose average IQ is about 64, compared to White Australians average IQ 98.
Our current technology and way of life differ more from that of the eighteenth century than the eighteenth century’s did from that of the time of the pharoahs.
But, all the other towers did pop their lights in practice. The place was plunged into darkness.
Crappy lighting design. That tower should have been wired separately from the others, which should also each have been separately wired. That’s what we do in theatres, but apparently squillion dollar sports venues are designed by expensive consultant electricians, maaates, with predictable results.
The NZ Immigration Minister, whose hands were tied by the High Court in regard to her entry to the country, has condemned Posie Parker for her “incorrect views.”
You only get correct information from the government, Kiwis.
In his [Richard Lynn’s] time there was no consideration of developmental trajectories because the research was very preliminary. Marian Diamond was a pioneer in that field. Brilliant woman, pioneered research in the 60’s …
More of your BigWordy BaffleGab, John H.
Richard Lynn published The Bell Curve in 1994, his most recent publications are 2020 & 2021.
See: here
Australian government biodistribution data
Dr. John Campbell
Just blame the fake Nazis. The dumb cnut victorians will believe it.
Ed Casesays:
March 25, 2023 at 12:22 pm
Indeed. And exemplified by the media’s smearing and lies about Kellie-Jay, Moira and women such as myself, since the very strange appearance of Nazis at the Let Women Speak rally last Saturday. Nazis, I might add, that were ushered through by Victorian police.
Were the Fake Nazis attendance arranged by Kelly-Jay’s organisers to embarrass the Liberal Party?
That’s the explanation that makes the most sense in light of how it played out .
The only explanation that really makes sense is that the pseudo-Nazis were organised by VicStasi on the orders of Talidan to discredit both the women speaking and the Liberals. If you weren’t a shill for Labor, you would recognise that reality.
I watched a Stanflix show about him a couple of weeks ago.
The master of rationalisation.
Societal collapse continues .????
Fleccas Talks:
This Week in Culture 141
Do people know that Sammy the Bull Gravano (underboss in John Gotti’s gang) is doing YouTube videos about life in the mafia and talking about the 19 murders he committed?
Yes. Absolute scum.
This poor father:
That’s interesting.
Minshull’s backers were able to get a N.Z. High Court ruling in their favour in the space of 2 days, mighta taken some serious political clout to make that happen.
It easy for you Japs to criticise from other side of world.
Those 4 ???? should have been a faceplant emoticon. No biggie.
Bar Beach Swimmersays:
March 25, 2023 at 1:02 pm
On a lighter note:
After voting, the other half was waiting for me out the front and the Greens bloke handing out the how-to-vote cards asked him if he wanted to help him. (Why?, I don’t know, given the other half hasn’t got a pony tail, and wasn’t wearing a paisley shirt, WWF baseball cap or cross-over bag).
He replied that he wasn’t going to take away the bloke’s job they way the Greens are trying to take away everyone else’s job.
I pointed at the HTV cards being handed out by the young and naive Slime volunteers and commented “A few more trees died for the cause”.
Has anyone got actual fillem of AEC officials dancing around a bonfire of Fat Cloive ballot papers?
Apparently it happens.
US Due Diligence Firm Raided in Beijing | China In Focus
U.S. Due Diligence Firm Raided in Beijing
Is Vanguard Investment Group Exiting China?
China Fines Deloitte $31M, Pushes to Abandon ‘Big Four’
Gen Z Would ‘Riot’: Youth on TikTok Ban
‘Moms Against TikTok’ Protest Outside Congress
‘CCP Can Demand Silence from Those They Request Info From’: Thornebrooke
Air Force Commander Warns China on Taiwan Invasion
U.S.-China Standoff in South China Sea Enters Day Two
Philippines: 42 Chinese Ships Seen near Disputed Island
Chinese Property Giant to Enter Restructuring Process
‘China Wants to Be the Leader in the Fourth Industrial Revolution’: Goldman
Is the pendulum swinging back, or is it just slowing over a piece of grit in the machine?
I don’t know, but unless we start putting the lunatics back into asylums where they can get treatment, they will destroy us in the same way that a mouldy potato destroys an entire crop of food.
Correction required…the Minister followed the advice of his department on her entry despite his opposition to Parker. Trans activists took that decision to court and lost.
Of course it is true. What, you think you know better than a woman who spent her whole career studying the subject!? I’m not arguing for an equal potential of intelligence. I am confident that the gap is much smaller than IQ studies suggest. Most psychologists wouldn’t know that the key inflammatory mediator, interleukin 1, consolidates fear conditioning in the amygdala. Not their job, not their fault. What is the fault of some is to make claims relying solely on statistical data. I am arguing that relying on IQ studies without any understanding of neurodevelopmental trajectories is the wrong way to think about the issue. I’m not going to elaborate on that. You’ll have to learn a huge amount of material for yourself. Most people need formal instruction to get a handle on it. This comes back to a failing we can easily commit: not contextualizing the data. Have you read any critiques of IQ studies?
Posie Parker was literally driven to and from the Auckland rally in the back of a cop car.
Bullshit dickless; the new zealandstan wallopers ride sheep, they don’t drive cars. Idiot.
Latest from Pauline:
The Oz front page story about Pfizer Vax death victim Amy, 23, is racking up the comments.
Would love to see all the ones they reject.
Meanwhile Chip Le Grand of the Age made a big mistake on his Twitter. Said he went to get latest Vax at his pharmacy and then encouraged all who have not been vaxxed for 6 months to get theirs.
The feedback has been incredible and his Tweet been shared a lot. Major self inflicted wound.
Parker could have got security assistance from the Action Zealandia thugs in skull masks who turned up.
Why do all these Nazis keep supporting her?
ITV has remade Van Der Valk.
Alas, they didn’t see fit to keep or even update the striking original theme music.
Doesn’t augur well for the remake.
The second link is very informative:
So the guy intimately involved in trans groups:
Sure, nothing to see here.
AFR reckons this apartment on Bondi was sold for around $26 million.
Is there any place in the world that beats harbor-side or Sydney beaches for living? I can’t think of any place.
Bondi apartment
It certainly is not something I want to see.
Video from New Zealand… They clearly want to kill her:
John H:
You have inadvertently missed my point. Modern warfare uses up modern weapons and munitions very quickly. This is why there is a shortage of 155mm artillery shells. This will quickly translate to a shortage of 105mm shells as their usage increases to make up the shortfall in 155’s.
The US is rapidly running into shortages of its own munitions, and is digging into war stocks. So far I’m unaware of any realistic effort of catching up with the shortfall.
Correction required…the Minister followed the advice of his department on her entry despite his opposition to Parker. Trans activists took that decision to court and lost.
In practice though, the Minister coulda denied Minshull a visa and strung it out, she and here entourage can’t afford to hang around in Australia for 3 months, can they?
I see the resident Jew hater doesn’t mind some violence towards women. Punch a Nazi, punch a woman.
Literally everywhere else on the beach.
I suppose she had to have a police escort…unless Kiwis are quite happy to watch a woman attacked on the street right in front of them.
Oh…that’s right. It happened anyway.
Another lawless place to remove from my travel plans. Hobbiton with the Ruffians still in the ascendant is unappealing.
In addition to being the Solemnity of the Annunciation (Lady Day), today is International Day of the Unborn Child (instituted by Saint John Paul II). The Telegraph reports that there will be a march by Christians in Sydney to honour this cause and that police have warned participants they could be attacked.
It’s no exaggeration to say that the Labor Party has given a green light to left-wing terrorism against Christians.
The scene in Auckland is truly disgusting and disgraceful. But, as someone in the comments said: Where are the men. It’s Yeat’s The Second Coming made flesh.
I can and I live in it. You don’t need to live in human warehouses and battle traffic to enjoy it either.
The local polling booth is just up the road from a little reserve – tables and chairs, a bit of play equipment, single level or two storey houses on either side. With a view out across the bay and dolphins playing in the shallows around the moored boats. A little slice of heaven.
One of those houses might set you back a few million, depending on age and quality.
AFR reckons this apartment on Bondi was sold for around $26 million.
Is there any place in the world that beats harbor-side or Sydney beaches for living? I can’t think of any place.
Bondi apartment
Damn. I used to own a nice apartment around the corner from there. Sold it in the early 90s. Girl involved. The memories are nice though.
Possibly an understatement, though.
You aint seen nothing. That is plain english. Find me a detailed account of neurodevelopmental dynamics in The Bell Curve. I’ve read it, can’t recall the same. Note the conclusion, from a 2021 study. You are on the wrong end of Dunning-Kruger, assuming the science is settled. This is bigwordybafflegab … .
Other connected guys reckon he also bullshits a lot. He actually doesn’t snitch or rationalise much at all because the only scoop he’s giving you is half a tonne of manure. That’s why he doesn’t get popped or locked up.
Ahaha! I got a zero for my comment! My very first one.
C’mon guys, surely we can head into minus territory!
On the absence of men, feminists have told men to eat sh*t for way too long. Why would they bother? Anyone would be excused for imagining the movements of the past forty years have been well and truly orchestrated – we are back to the type of pushback pounded out in the first wave back at the turn of the last century.
I am confident that the gap is much smaller than IQ studies suggest.
You’re an authority, John H?
Ever thought of publishing a rebuttal to Richard Lynn?
You’ve had 29 years now since The Bell Curve appeared.
I asked this question here after the Melbourne fiasco –
Where are the self-proclaimed “feminist” men?
Look out, here comes the BaffleGab!
Okay, John H.
Here’s what you’re saying, in plain words.
Those IQ scores for African Americans would match White American IQ,
except that they weren’t fed very well as infants and schoolchildren.
That’s from Diamond, writing in the 1960s.
Guess what?
Since then, food stamps, Medicaid, 3 school lunches a day and the [average] African American IQ is still where it was 100 years ago.
They’re a different kind of “feminist” man.
Maybe we should call them Trans Feminists.
2.1 million people live in Paris, what do you think?
If nearly half the population protested, central Paris would have been insane, in other words most able bodied adults over 18 would have choked the streets; 800,000 or 119,000.
I’m plumping for 119,000 being far more accurate.
The CGT union estimated up to 800,000 people were protesting on the streets of Paris, however police have since put that number at 119,000
Trans ‘women’ is the final iteration of toxic masculinity.
The scene in Auckland is truly disgusting and disgraceful. But, as someone in the comments said: Where are the men.
Minshull has a large group of goons surrounding her at all times.
Will they do?
Are you sure?
The scene in Auckland is truly disgusting and disgraceful. But, as someone in the comments said: Where are the men.
These are not pro trannie thugs but typical lefties. The left designate victims whose sole purpose is to be used to attack Western society. So 3rd nations are used to establish Western racism; trannies various sexual phobias and alarmism to denigrate Western economics. People who oppose these canards will suffer the full load of leftie violence because the purpose of the violence is not to solve the problems of the victims but destroy Western society.
Poor old Posie has learnt a valuable lesson: you have to out thug the left.
As a former once News Corp employee, that’s not the way Ruperdink Mudrock works.
I think it’s far more likely the pressure on Chris Kenny to support holy leftwing causes like the Voice is coming from his children, not Mudrock.
On the other hand, I believe Joe Hildebrand probably agreed about two years ago to become News Corp’s media advocate for the ALP in the 2022 federal election and the 2023 NSW state election– the company’s official left-wing idiot for the “intelligentsia”, a role for which Hildebrand is a natural.
James Joyce foresaw the advent of the feminist man one hundred years ago.
Bloom was described as the “new womanly man.”
The non-leftist entity formerly classifiable as “Western society” no longer exists.
This isn’t an assault. It’s mopping up.
People have been living in multi story apartments since at least the Roman era.
Personally I think apartment living has many pluses.
My observation in Europe is that is is very communal, people greet each other, chat across balconies etc and I’m sure look after each other, plus there is the advantage of having all your shopping needs and usually a church or three within a short walk, as long as there are decent shared indoor and outdoor spaces to socialise, it’s not mere human warehousing.
Certainly if I didn’t have family commitments I’d love a year or two warehousing in a bigger European city.
Posie Parker’s Wellington gig cancelled.
The sum total of the violence towards her in Auckland was… an egg. It got all over her bleached hair and Spanx. Poor luvvie.
The chant of “you can’t run, you can’t hide, you’ve got Nazis on your side” was proven right again today. Action Zealandia are some very bad operators.
Seems things are heating up in Syria.
Chris Kenny is yet another ‘conservative’ goofball who doesn’t get it.
He thinks it’s clever to be pushing nuclear power because it’s zero emissions and therefore wedges the left. This is called yielding the premise. There is no need to ‘achieve’ zero emissions and no need to stop using fossil fuels. That is the battle, not outflanking the left from the left. You cannot win a war by conceding every battle.
It’s Street Theatre, Trots on both “sides”.
Here’s the reality:
Very few people think about Trans people, stunts like this raise awareness, and a normal person would think
Intersex people and similar have a hard row to hoe as it is, so why is Kellie Jay Minshull and her entourage flying to Australia at vast expense and staging a series of Women Only stunts?
It doesn’t add up.
Thousands rally against crime after Darwin bottleshop worker Declan Laverty’s alleged murder
Participants arrived at Parliament House holding homemade signs with messages such as ‘#justiceforDeclan’, ‘make Darwin safe again’ and ‘get tough on crime’.
Some participants arrived holding homemade signs with messages such as “#justiceforDeclan”, “make Darwin safe again” and “get tough on crime”.
Many in the crowd sported yellow and black in honour of the slain bottleshop worker’s favourite AFL footy team, Richmond, while a Tigers jersey lay among dozens of bouquets of flowers placed on the steps of parliament.
Coby Campbell, a mother of six and one of the rally’s organisers, was the first to address the crowd, some of whom were visibly emotional during the speeches.
“Tragically a young man lost his life at work for us to stand as one and demand action from the government,” she said.
“We stand with you as regular Territorians, fed up with uncontrolled crime. We have no political affiliation.”
Addressing the Territory government directly, Ms Campbell said “please, stop deflecting and start giving answers, we want to see results”.
“I used to have more hope and joy before my family was affected by crime and I had to litter my house with weapons in order to defend them if necessary,” she said.
“Samara and Damian, Declan’s parents, used to have more hope before their son was killed at work.”
Ms Campbell thanked parliamentary speaker Mark Monaghan for approving the rally, but told the crowd the Darwin council had knocked back approval to march through the CBD.
“I don’t know about you, but I will be taking a leisurely stroll with my family down Mitchell Street today,” she said.
“We will walk in complete silence.”
Widjabul woman of the Bundjalung nation, Cindy Roberts, also took to the microphone, saying drugs and alcohol were “out of control” in the NT.
“I’ve just seen a government that does not care about you, your family, or our communities,” she said.
“We have lost so many lives in the NT through drug and alcohol consumption, our kids should be able to walk the street and come home to their parents.”
Ms Roberts also called for the age at which alcohol can be purchased to be raised from 18 to 21.
Shortly before 11am, the march began moving down Mitchell Street, turning left at Daly Street and ending at Bicentennial Park on the Esplanade.
Organisers’ requests that the crowd stick to the footpaths and follow traffic rules were largely adhered to, with police positioned along the route to ensure compliance.
At the same time, a sister rally was being held in Katherine, starting at the town square next to the public library.
NT News
I like my bit of garden, rosie. And I like my neighbours neighbourly…but not too close.
With respect, ma’am, that’s your job – not the government’s.
Calli, can you explain how living near a “local polling booth” has an insurmountable advantages compared to living in Bondi with a view of the beach? Sure, it’s an opinion but I’m interested in the reason.
“Daily Mail”
Pinched this from SHY TED over at the other Catallaxy ..
As a bike rider I luv it .. LOL!
Are you sure?
Yeah, I’m sure.
They get Brekky, Lunch and Tea at School, have done since the 1960s.
Average IQ is still lower than 80, which means a substantial number are in the Moron category [IQ 51–IQ 70].
Arthur Jensen did point out the reasons for that:
[From Wiki]
John H says it’s 100% due to environmental influences, which sounds a bit batty, considering the evidence.
Regarding Alice Springs, Aboriginal culture has been and always will be savage and uncivilised. Don’t see what the left are complaining about, that’s the culture they put on a pedestal.
Oh, JC, I passed the little park on the way to vote this morning. Went the scenic route.
My point was that the place is dotted with small pocket parks that are easily accessible for people other than the super wealthy. And they get the bonus view out across Port Stephens, as beautiful in its own way as either the harbour or the Sydney beaches.
Every time I go overseas to “resorts” covered in people on deckchairs I’m a bit like Dorothy – there’s no place like home, and for me home is here. I sit at the local café and watch the whales migrate, or children and beach fishermen on an almost empty shoreline and thank my lucky stars.
And the coffee’s good too. 😀
Gustavson told media that he executed the procedures using a Burdizzo, an instrument for removing the testicles of livestock. He admitted that he kept the amputated appendages in his freezer and preserved them in alcohol in his basement apartment.
Paging Jeffrey Dahmer…..Mr Dahmer to the front desk. A Mr Gustavson is on the phone.
Parker could have got security assistance from the Action Zealandia thugs in skull masks who turned up.
Why do all these Nazis keep supporting her?
Try not to show your gross ignorance of leftard politics, you know, the politics that you follow day in, day out.
PS: Action Zealandia? Are they like Antifa?
This is hilarious. Matt Gaetz is fast becoming one of the most potent, “I don’t give a shit” members of congress on the Right.
He is here questioning what appears to be an affirmative action army general hire. Gaetz wants to know why the US is training African military personnel, and then a disturbing number of these trainees turn around and stage coups. This has happened in Guiana (Guyana?) and Burkina Faso.
Lord, the Americans really screw things up at times.
You’re lying. I wrote the gap is much smaller than suggested by IQ studies. I’m in your head. Obviously you think I deserve your attention. The feeling is not mutual.
The place isn’t a well kept secret any more either. Had a chat to one of the volunteers this morning – he said they were run off their feet with absentee voters. The place is pretty much full of visitors every weekend these days, and holiday rentals are very high.
The Beloved thinks it would be a nice little earner to let the place for the three months or so we are away each year.
But then we’d have to kick the kids out! 😀
March 25, 2023 at 2:17 pm
Video from New Zealand… They clearly want to kill her:
The fascist pig m0nty=fa supports these actions.
Kellie-Jay was assaulted today in broad daylight but clearly the resident Jew hating, misogynist, pervert apologist does not mind violence towards women whose views he doesn’t like. Good to know. Women should be warned before being in his presence.
I just think Sydney is incomparably beautiful. Nothing compares.
Australia is the world capital of top-quality expresso coffee — Italy included. And it’s now generic even in the bush (in which we find modern civilisations like Calli’s Port Stephens).
I shudder to think of the dishwater they were drinking in the USA as recently as a decade-and-a-half ago when I lived there briefly.
Surely even America must eventually discover top-quality street coffee.
I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together.
– Queen Elizabeth II
March 25, 2023 at 3:03 pm
Posie Parker’s Wellington gig cancelled.
The sum total of the violence towards her in Auckland was… an egg. It got all over her bleached hair and Spanx. Poor luvvie.
What an utter, grotesque, lie. She was pushed and shoved, and had the police not been there, would without doubt have suffered a far worse physical assault.
If you are going to lie, m0nty=fa, try to pick an event where there are no cameras present.
Aussie’s appear to have broken into the coffee scene at least in NYC. There are numerous coffee joints on the upper east side owned by Australians. And the places are doing really brisk trade. I’ve heard Ozzies own the coffee trade in Crooklyn.
There’s a hole on the wall where we go where the joint is owned by Ozzies but there’s an Italian bitch who runs it for them. She’s so freaking rude I dunno how they tolerate her. The barista is Italian too.
The scene in Auckland is truly disgusting and disgraceful. But, as someone in the comments said: Where are the men.
Where are the men?
Selective Policing.
If you turn up on the side of Munty’s fascist mates you can do pretty much whatever you like. See protest video.
If you turn up on the side of Right and Good you will be arrested and dealt with. See Dr Duk and the arrested of Maronite Christian Lebs.
That’s where The Men are. Most are not yet ready to chuck it all away for a society that has them designated as Public Enemy #1.
What an utter, grotesque, lie. She was pushed and shoved, and had the police not been there, would without doubt have suffered a far worse physical assault.
If munty was placed in the same situation he would be squealing like a stuck pig. The ultimate keyboard warrior.
My position on this crystallised from seeing a photo after the Jan 6th episode.
Trump is in the background watching Pence and Pelosi and a few others laughing like old mates as the ploy to accept the votes from the states is trashed. (Pence was in a position to accept the Governors vote lists, or reject them. The call by Pelosi has just negated that power and put Biden in the Presidency.)
President Trumps mouth isn’t quite wide open as he sees the treachery of Pence and Pelosi exposed for what it is.
When I say Trump is now aware of the duplicity of the Washington machine, this is the picture that comes to mind. The moment that changes the struggle from a purely intellection one to a visceral challenge for revenge.
De Santis hasn’t yet had that experience – he will, as VP, but needs mentorship from Trump and another term in Florida.
You gotta love the name. What a great name for a short seller.
Block is the company in which Jack Dorsey has a significant stake, and the short seller believes it’s crap.
The name of the short selling firm is Hindenburg.
I’m pretty sure Block/Dorsey purchased Afterpay for a huge sum, and according to Hindenburg, it’s a pile of shit. I’m not sure who to believe because “Hindi” would make a fortune if holders panicked.
You’re lying. I wrote the gap is much smaller than suggested by IQ studies. I’m in your head. Obviously you think I deserve your attention. The feeling is not mutual.
Okay, John H?
Care to put a figure on the Genetic /Environmental factor that causes average African American IQ to be more than 1 Standard Deviation below the average for White America?
Jensen said it was 80%/20%, at best.
What’s your call, Professor BaffleGabber?
Whoops. Not Barron’s , it’s the AFR.
Monty fat shaming a woman.
Did Posie Parker sustain any injuries with all that unbelievably “violent” jostling and buffeting? No?
Give me a spell. That is not violence. You get more contact on a crowded peak hour train.
The whole Australasian hate speech tour has been a shemozzle from anonymous start to disastrous finish.
I just think Sydney is incomparably beautiful. Nothing compares.
Some spots on the shore of Lake Mac are pretty good
Bill Clinton and the Pope both died on the same day. Due to a minor clerical error, the Pope went to Hell, while Clinton went to Heaven. When the Pope arrived in Hell, everyone realised the mistake. Due to an issue with the union, they couldn’t swap the two until the next day, and the Pope had to spend the night in Hell, while Clinton spent the night in Heaven. The next day the paperwork got worked out. On his way up to Heaven, the Pope ran into Clinton. Clinton asked the Pope “How was your night in Hell?” “Very educational” responded the Pope. “I’ve learned a lot from the experience, but now I’m glad I’m going to Heaven. I’ve been waiting all my life to meet the Virgin Mary”. “Ooh, sorry” said Clinton “you should have been there yesterday”.
Let Women Speak was Women Only, wasn’t it?
Just like the Reclaim The Night March is Women Only.
Cassie of Sydney was there at a few, she may be able to enlighten you?
One very clear method of development is from power prices. High prices flow through an economy and stifle growth and productivity. Low prices attract industry and growth.
Chances of our power bills being halved? Nil.
Why? Taxes and tithes to the green renewable monster. The pigs are at the trough and they refuse to give up their positions even if it kills the country.
Bob, did you think a Ben Garrison toon was a photograph?
Give me a spell. That is not violence. You get more contact on a crowded peak hour train.
It was attempted violence dickless by dickless lefties. Naturally it was lacking a bit. But without the wallopers they would have killed her. That’s what dickless lefties do.
I’m a Sydney girl, JC. Lower North Shore, but made my way slowly but surely out onto acreage in Dural. I love Sydney, always have, even when it was grimy and down at heel in the 70’s.
When my daughter’s new house is (finally) built, they’ll have a view from Darling Point right around to Bondi. The only thing in the way will be the great mass of Dover Heights. I can hardly wait to enjoy a G&T on the rooftop terrace with her.
I’ll have to earn it though…she’ll want a garden consultation on what will survive up there! And, like me, she likes her little bit of garden too, that’s why they’ve opted for a detached house and not an apartment or villa.
CNN is dying.
Hopefully, all of the World’s MSM goes the same way.
Looks like Covid is over in Auckland too.
Just melted away.
With Rupert up to the aged apricots with his new missus, I fear The Australian’s drift to the left can only accelerate. This comment just rejected fo no reason I can grasp:
It’s not Ms Deeming who needs to be shown the door, it’s Pesutto. Do you remember Vic election night in 2018, when Pesutto was on ABC TV’s expert panel and watched as his own blue-ribbon seat went to Labor? Asked what the Liberals should do, he replied along the lines that the party needs to be more pro-active about climate and renewables (because his young daughter told him it was ‘the most important’ issue of all all), women’s issues (because abortion is terrific) and a whole bunch of other fashionable preoccupations with stuff the ABC loves.
Look, given Daniel Andrews grubby little regime, the current Premier should be a sitting duck. Instead he hands the useless Pesutto his backside on a plate. Boot Deeming and not only will I never vote Liberal again, I’ll contribute financially to Lib Dems or One Nation. Someone has to stand up for conservative values. Someone has to take the fight to the Left — and that person sure ain’t the member for Hawthorn
Enjoy your honeymoon, Rupert. The kiddies are wrecking the house while you slumber and snore in post-coital bliss.
Confirmed…..the Jew hating misogynist pervert apologist approves of violence against women. What a creep, what a disgusting hypocrite. Does his wife know?
If governments would stop trying to “help” indigenous folk she might have a chance.
actually what is with Rupert and marrying women?
a: he is surely too old to be doing too much in the bedroom
b: they are after his money, because a.
Just a point, the Chinese don’t have to use naval power to block the sea lanes – it’s the insurers who call the shots.
No ship owner is going to put their 100 million dollar ship and cargo in harms way without insurance. And it’s a very large step for a government to take over this policy.
Tom, from what I observed in the States, most places haven’t got past the Kona coffee maker. Drip, drip, drip…boil, boil, boil. For hours on end. No wonder it tastes like greasy mud.
They even have mini versions in the hotel rooms.
And don’t get me started on that “whitener” abomination.
They can send Man into space but can’t do coffee. It’s a mystery.
Anyone know if the South Americans can do a decent coffee? They have the beans for it.
I don’t deign to answer Ed Racist Case in his beat-ups.
But for those interested – the field of Evolutionary Genetics:
I summarise this here as being useful in human populations re inherited diseases and also for long-term tracing branches of population migration – all based on the principle of using the slight naturally occurring processes of genetic shifts which demonstrate the time-drift of distances away from a series of named ancestral lineages for human populations. In hospitals, trained geneticists consult down to the level of individual families on such matters.
If they’re shitty coffee beans, it’s going to crap coffee through a drip, press, “perked” or sending the water through an espresso machine. Drip coffee is okay.
dunno what the real reason was … but it probably wasn’t because a bulb blew
it doesn’t work that way
or at least it shouldn’t
if it was a single fault that took out upstream breakers then some dumb-arse design engineer got his selectivity and cascade tables bass-ackwards
I’m calling bull-tish on the single bulb theory
Haha you total clown, cohenite.
I know what you’re doing Ed. It’s very amusing.
They can’t do tea either.
Several transformers blew, the light that ignited was a secondary effect.
It was a blackout. Probably a local failure. I doubt very much if the towers were connected in series. Judging by the drawdown, they’d each have their own dedicated circuit.
Would that be about right, Matrix?
what evs
dont listen to the Elec Eng … the retarded ex-j’ismist knows how things really work
The Chook’s government is using it as justification for a new stadium.
Because if you trip a circuit at home you decide you must rebuild the house, right?
My guess would be that the influence comes from his wife. I understand that is his second marriage and she is younger.
‘Chairman Milley Crossed The Line’: GOP Rep Rips Milley’s ‘White Rage’ Comments, Slams DEI Training
That is a potential problem but I am struggling to believe that USA would leave itself in a chronic ammunition shortfall position. Contrary to the popular joke about military intelligence there are very smart people in the military. Even the cartoon Roger Ramjet had a good joke about that. “The general, who hadn’t had an original idea since joining the military …” Something like that. Sorry! It just popped into my head!
Economics alone indicates that a full scale modern war could devastate national budgets in a week. For example, the USA hypersonic missile costs ~100 million dollars! The F35 costs about 45,000 per flight hour.
I can’t find any data on AMRAAM availability and that might be moot because new air to air missiles have been tested(eg. peregrine missile by Raytheon) and probably are already going into production. One of those doesn’t have a warhead, pure kinetic weapon. Surprising because most missiles have proximity fuses so they must have great faith in the maneuverability, speed, and range of that missile. Russia has the same problem with depleted stocks. Retrofitting tanks designed 60 years ago points to that and it has at best one squadron of SU-57s. The much bigger problem is China’s very rapid buildup of weapons.
A potentially bigger problem is insufficient numbers of pilots that the USA has reported and that probably exists in other countries, including Russia. It takes a few million bucks and at least a couple of years to train a fighter pilot. One former F15 fighter pilot stated that even if the Ukrainian fighter pilots were skilled in MIG-29s it would take 3-6 months of training in the F16 to enable them to fully utilize the capability.
It is unrealistic to engage in a full scale war against Russia. Ukraine serves the West’s goals very well. Depleting their reserves at a greater rate than ours. Also, field testing our new toys as a prelude to war with China. Russia doesn’t have to worry about us invading but we have to worry that in a war with China Russia will probably support China at least indirectly and probably directly.
Gosh you’re devious Roger. Never thought of that.
Several more attacks on U.S. bases in Syria
Tomorrow I expect Australia to be as red as the blood-soaked fields of the Revolution.
Those bright, flower strewn, sunlit uplands will just have to wait a while.
H/t John Constantine
attempted violence
Haha you total clown, cohenite.
Sorry dickless. I forgot the left don’t do irony; or humour; or sense.
John H
Really, a hyper-sonic missile costs the US $100 million and the F35 $45K per flight hour? Just wow.
A few years ago I read that even in peacetime the US military consumes about 3.5% of the world’s oil supplies. That’s on hungry entity.
March 25, 2023 at 3:53 pm
Did Posie Parker sustain any injuries with all that unbelievably “violent” jostling and buffeting? No?
Give me a spell. That is not violence. You get more contact on a crowded peak hour train.
Is Ante-fa doing “punch a Nazi” violence?
Was the attack on Tony Abbott violence?
Was the attack on Andrew Bolt violence?
Is it only violence when a leftard is lightly touched in any way?
Are you a grotesque liar?
This is what we’re up against, fellas.
Personalised medicine is becoming a reality and that is very much about genetics. Some years ago a group released a gene screening that claimed to determine the optimal diet for an individual. I haven’t heard anything about it since then. It probably died but the idea is conceivable and will become practical.
I don’t understand the details of those drift calculations but the concept is obvious enough. It seems to require good computing power and software, probably mostly software reliant now rather than some poor human crunching all that data. It’s fascinating stuff and will be even better when they can start incorporating epigenetic mediated inheritance factors.
Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel and the Moore’s law guy is cactus at 94.