Open Thread – Christmas Day 2024

Adoration of the Shepherds, Caravaggio, 1609

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Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 27, 2024 12:27 pm

Queue Jacinta going all girly and claiming sexism.

December 27, 2024 12:35 pm

perhaps now there can be some credible opposition free from his petty school-girl tantrums

Pesutto liked to pretend he was a winner because the Allen-Andrew regime was so unpopular the SFLs were leading most opinion polls.

Well, wait until voters have had time to digest the fact that the SFLs are now led by a real winner with experience of running a business — as well as being a former copper.

If Brad Battin can just get the SFL “moderate” faction to put a sock in it, the SFLs will win the 2026 state election in a landslide.

Last edited 1 month ago by Tom
December 27, 2024 12:42 pm
Reply to  Tom

But do they want to?
Whoever wins that election will probably wear the blame for the dire position of the state. Just have a look at somewhere like reddit where everything that’s wrong is the fault of the liberal government from 10 years ago.
I can’t see the squishy liberals of Victoria being willing to make any hard decisions, let alone handle it well enough to be more than a single term government.

December 27, 2024 12:38 pm

The latest commentary from German substacker eugyppius on the Magdeburg Christmas Market murderer:

The dishonesty about al-Abdulmohsen and his motives has been staggering. While those on the German left are sparing no effort to portray the attacker as a right-wing terrorist and “AfD sympathiser,” loud voices on the right have spent days insisting that he was some kind of sleeper jihadist agent.

Neither is remotely true. All the evidence shows that al-Abdulmohsen was a paranoid, mentally unstable and professionally incompetent doctor with a long history of making terroristic threats to satisfy petty personal grievances. Anti-Islam statements from the AfD appealed to him, but beyond that al-Abdulmohsen had no developed political vision, and his self-styled refugee advocacy put him at odds with core elements of the AfD party platform. His entire internet presence is moreover uniformly anti-Islamic; all the tweets cited to support the argument that he was a crypto-Muslim are invariably misinterpreted or taken out of context.

The real story here is the failure of German police and immigration bureaucrats to do anything about this obviously unbalanced and dangerous man. In Germany, pensioners who call Green politicians “morons” get their houses raided by the police, while insane migrants who promise over and over to commit terrorist acts attract no attention. Authorities neglected to deport al-Abdulmohsen even after he overstayed his original visa, then granted and extended new residence permits despite his increasingly erratic behaviour. Al-Abdulmohsen received political asylum in 2016, two years after a court fined him for making terroristic threats. In 2023, as al-Abdulmohsen’s mental state deteriorated and his continuing threats brought him to the notice of the police again and again, he was granted permanent residence in Germany. As late as May of this year, he was even tweeting veiled threats directly at Interior Minister Nancy Faeser.

[Here eugyppius recounts al-Abdulmohsen’s “interesting” history in Germany, which is a history of the failure of authorities to deal with a fellow who engaged in vexatious litigation against his perceived enemies and made several threats against German institutions for their failure to address the needs of ex-Muslim refugees. Somehow in the midst of all this he managed to be granted a medical degree and accreditation as a psychiatrist]

Since 2020, al-Abdulmohsen has lived in Bernburg (Sachsen-Anhalt), where he worked as a doctor at the Bernburg Regional Hospital for Forensic Psychiatry. He treated involuntarily admitted drug addicts and headed three therapy wards. His colleagues report that he did his rounds alone and avoided social contact as much as possible. He soon earned the nickname “Dr. Google,” because he “had to look up every diagnosis on the internet.” Rumours circulated that he was not a real doctor; his German was so terrible that many patients could hardly understand him and his privileges to practice at a neighbouring clinic were suspended because he “repeatedly prescribed medication that could have put patients’ lives at risk.” In October, as his appeal in Cologne was turning sour, al-Abdulmohsen embarked upon an extended absence from his job [I suspected this would be the case; another warning sign ignored – Roger.] via a combination of paid holiday leave and sick leave. His latest sick leave was schedule to expire on 20 December, the very day he carried out the attack in Magdeburg.

Ten years after Martin Place, are Western security agencies capable of leaning anything from such incidents and their perpetrators?

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 27, 2024 1:22 pm
Reply to  Roger

They might be capable, but clearly they are unwilling.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
December 27, 2024 8:24 pm
Reply to  Roger

Forensic Psychiatry – I thought that was more to do with trying to reform murderous nut cases.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 27, 2024 12:42 pm

A read with the afternoon coffee. An excerpt follows.

This year, Israel showed us what anti-fascism really means

In 2024, the Jewish State did more to combat racial hatred than any of its preening critics in the West.

In the future, when humanity comes to its senses, 2024 will be seen as a watershed year in the battle against fascism. More fascist-adjacent killers and loons were bumped off over the past 12 months than in any other year in my lifetime. From the leader of an army of anti-Semites that tells its followers to buy cheap knives and ‘cut off the heads of Jews’ (Yahya Sinwar) to the spiritual head of a self-styled ‘Party of God’ that longs to excise those ‘cancerous’ Jews from the Middle East (Hassan Nasrallah), it’s been a rough year for neo-fascist nuts. And about time, too.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 27, 2024 12:58 pm

Wot the ??? These creatures are dangerous lunatics.

Hochul Signs Bill That Will Fine Fossil Fuel Companies $75 Billion to Pay For Damage Caused to Climate

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a $75 billion climate change bill that will fine fossil fuel companies for the damage caused to the environment.

“With nearly every record rainfall, heatwave, and coastal storm, New Yorkers are increasingly burdened with billions of dollars in health, safety, and environmental consequences due to polluters that have historically harmed our environment,” Governor Hochul said. “Establishing the Climate Superfund is the latest example of my administration taking action to hold polluters responsible for the damage done to our environment and requiring major investments in infrastructure and other projects critical to protecting our communities and economy.”

The Marxist bill was carried by Democrat Senator Liz Krueger and Assembly Member Jeffrey Dinowitz.

“The Climate Change Superfund Act is now law, and New York has fired a shot that will be heard round the world: the companies most responsible for the climate crisis will be held accountable,” said Senator Krueger.

December 27, 2024 1:10 pm
Reply to  Mak Siccar

All the companies need do is refuse to supply NY.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 27, 2024 1:15 pm
Reply to  GreyRanga

From the article.

Fossil fuel companies will be fined based on the amount of greenhouse gases they released into the atmosphere between 2000 and 2018, to be paid into a Climate Superfund beginning in 2028. It will apply to any company that the New York Department of Environmental Conservation determines is responsible for more than 1 billion tons of global greenhouse gas emissions.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 1:33 pm
Reply to  Mak Siccar

Another slush fund to allow the Democrats to retire at 20 with a lifetime pension in 6 figures.

December 27, 2024 1:21 pm
Reply to  Mak Siccar

Unconstitutional, but typical of NY feel-good politicians.

No company will ever pay a cent, except in tax deductible legal fees. NY taxpayers will cop the full freight for theirs, though.

Pete of perth
Pete of perth
December 27, 2024 1:31 pm
Reply to  Mak Siccar

NYC should fined for the CO2 emited making all the concrete in it’s precinct.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 12:59 pm

Smugmobile news.

Musk loses $600 million in Aussie market (27 Dec, Tele, not paywalled)

Elon Musk is officially the world’s richest man.

But while he enjoys global financial success, Tesla’s fortunes in Australia have taken a hit.

The latest figures reveal a concerning 21 per cent decline, equivalent to approximately $600 million, in Tesla sales in Australia.

More indications that the EV market has hit saturation. There are only so many rich greenies in Australia, and everyone else wants a normal car.

December 27, 2024 1:25 pm

Without fleet sales to government agencies and woke companies, sales would be pitiful.

December 27, 2024 1:44 pm
Reply to  johanna

Yes, and novated leases. The four owned by my near neighbours are all on lease.
tesla 3 RWD (about $65k rrp) $252/week
mazda 3 pure (about $32k rrp) $251/week

this is because the federal government has exempted FBT plus a number of other federal and state incentives paid for by you and I.

but really, why wouldn’t you?

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 2:24 pm
Reply to  Entropy

Used prices should be interesting. Once they feed into lease costs things could get interesting.

December 27, 2024 1:40 pm

A Tesla hasn’t changed essentially for five years.
meanwhile all these Chinese companies are allowed to be dump their new design EVs here, most likely below cost as the Chinese government encourages exports. They are a much lower cost and eating Tesla’s market share.
korean EVs are not so much a threat to Tesla as they are similar priced. An Hyundai ionic 5 N is a very exhilarating beast. Well made too.

December 27, 2024 3:35 pm

People buy a Tesla to announce to other drivers “I have too much money”. A relative bought one for his wife yet still has two other petrol cars.

December 27, 2024 1:07 pm

All the evidence shows that al-Abdulmohsen was a paranoid, mentally unstable and professionally incompetent IMMIGRANT doctor with a long history of making terroristic threats to satisfy petty personal grievances.

In other words a nutcase imported from a Sharia fanatic ME nation.

It’s enough to spot the real problem.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 27, 2024 1:13 pm
Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2024 1:13 pm

All the evidence shows that al-Abdulmohsen was a paranoid, mentally unstable and professionally incompetent doctor with a long history of making terroristic threats to satisfy petty personal grievances.

I think it is safe to say that all the evidence proves that al-Abdulmohsen should never have been allowed to reside in Germany or anywhere else in Western Europe or the West.

The West’s tolerance is killing the West, and German tolerance (or woke feebleness) led directly to the murder of a 10 year old German boy visiting the Magdeburg Christmas market with his mum.

When will we wake up?

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 1:37 pm

Cassie, the Jabbering Classes will only start to wake up when their houses are burgled and trashed, their wives and daughters are raped and killed, and they are too frightened to step outside their front doors.
Sad to say, but those are the historical facts.

December 27, 2024 1:59 pm

The Europeans are waking up presently.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 2:26 pm
Reply to  Roger

May be too late? Inside the Gates (of Vienna?).

December 27, 2024 1:18 pm

That’s the SFL “moderate” faction speaking — the same white ants who staged the 2015 SFL party room coup in Canberra that assassinated Tony Abbott and installed Malcolm Turnbull as PM. The same corrupt renewable energy subsidy miners who run the SFL machine in NSW.

They’re the unelectable rabble who got a loser like Giuseppe Proscuitto (h/t Rabz) elected to lead the Victorian SFLs in the first place.

Everything in three sentences.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 2:29 pm
Reply to  132andBush

Which is why you won’t read it in the MSM. The religious right can be an issue for the Lieborals but aren’t the issue here.

Lawgi Dawes-Hall
Lawgi Dawes-Hall
December 27, 2024 1:42 pm

idol curiosity

Queue Jacinta

Top pear.

December 27, 2024 1:45 pm

Security agencies gain a lot from such incidents. 

Insight into their own incompetence?

December 27, 2024 1:47 pm
Reply to  Roger

Expanded powers of surveillance and intrusion. In a word- tyranny.

December 27, 2024 1:54 pm
Reply to  Makka

The tyranny of the incompetent.

We’re already seeing push back against it.

December 27, 2024 1:58 pm
Reply to  Roger

They are reasonably competent at imposing tyranny. That’s how we got here. And the push back needs to wayyyyy further to com close to defeating them.

December 27, 2024 2:05 pm
Reply to  Makka

They are reasonably competent at imposing tyranny. 

Only with a compliant population.

As we see in Europe, that compliance is cracking.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 27, 2024 1:47 pm

Talking to a mate who thought that he was 99% through selling his business.
His co-owner had a workplace accident a few years ago- their insurance premiums went up a bit.
Year on year, their premiums go up a bit.
They work at elevation- their premiums go up a bit.
As part of due diligence by a prospective buyer, their insurer found out that the business might have a new owner-
so their premiums are going up 60%.
For the next five years.
Business is now borderline unsellable. In the building and housing sector, in a spot of massive and growing demand.
He might have to walk away. 17 employees might be out of work.

December 27, 2024 4:58 pm
Reply to  Wally Dalí

If the government wants to speed up residential construction it will have to insure the companies.

December 27, 2024 1:49 pm

If Brad Battin can just get the SFL “moderate” faction to put a sock in it


the various “moderate” media are having “progressive” conniptions

basically complaining that Mr Batten is a right-leaning, god-fearing normal person with common-sense practical approaches to real-world problems

I think people probably want this. No?

December 27, 2024 1:50 pm

That’s the SFL “moderate” faction speaking…

There’s nothing moderate about their hatred of conservatives.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
December 27, 2024 1:53 pm

Scenes of garbage left on beaches by Christmas Day
The issue is really how the money to Councils is structured in NSW. 15,000 people means up to one and a half million dollars are spent. But the Council does not get any of it. If it did the Council could pay for the clean up and employ locals (kids) to do it, then it benefits the locals. I believe the Councils get funding from the NSW government based on population and similar measures. So no one wins except the pubs.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
December 27, 2024 2:01 pm
Reply to  johnjjj

Usual govt brainfart is to slug an ongoing levy pubs in the bush to pay for an operation that benefits at most a half-dozen pubs, & once only, in the metro area.

December 27, 2024 1:55 pm

All out for 474. A good but not great on that pitch? We’ll see.

December 27, 2024 2:03 pm

To celebrate the pusillanimous victoristan lnp here is a cute owl: from outer space, where the victoristan lnp should be sent:

December 27, 2024 2:50 pm
Reply to  cohenite

That is too perfect to be real.

December 27, 2024 2:04 pm

Good heavens.
Where did they dig this stiff up?
Good job liberal morons.
Just what you need after the covid police brutality. Some robotic ex copper spewing pro forma twattery.
Do you have any actual humans in there somewhere?
Moira love, I think they need you more than you need them.

December 27, 2024 2:07 pm

man, at least lose the cop talk and loosen up.
You are a civilian now. And a retail politician. learn how to speak to people.

December 28, 2024 7:55 pm
Reply to  Arky

Sometimes (most times) talking TO people is exactly the wrong thing to do when speaking WITH them is the way to go…

December 27, 2024 2:11 pm

Gorn! Bye bye.

December 27, 2024 2:16 pm
Reply to  calli

Looking forward to Kohli’s reception.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 2:17 pm

Three boys ages 12 to 13 were shot and injured after they tried to rob a man at gunpoint at an apartment complex in Harris County, Texas, early Thursday morning.

According to law enforcement, 4 young boys ages 12 to 14 were involved in the incident.

So what’s Brad Battin’s take on raising the age of accountability here?

December 27, 2024 2:45 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

If it happened here in Victoria the man would have been charged, arrested and his gun confiscated.

December 27, 2024 2:52 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Harris country is a weird place. It is the number one jurisdiction to hear class actions and other varieties of suing corporate giants.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 2:20 pm

Asthmatics must die for the planet! Martyrs for Gaia!

Europe’s Medical Students Being Trained to Consider Climate Impact of Inhalers and “Green Prescribing” (25 Dec, via Instapundit)

… in the United Kingdom, doctors have been told to stop ­prescribing blue asthma ­inhalers under National Health Service (NHS) ­guidance that assert the devices cause ­climate change.

The initiative – overseen by the European Network on Climate and Health Education, which is made up of a group of 25 medical schools led by the University of Glasgow – will bring climate lessons into the curriculum of more than 10,000 students.

…Students will be taught “green prescribing”, in which doctors should encourage patients to take up activities such as community gardening and tree planting. This is alongside “active travel”, which includes walking or cycling rather than driving. Both activities offer health benefits to individuals while being positive for the environment.

Between the Covid fiasco and the ongoing climate hoax the medical profession has really soiled its own nest lately.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 2:29 pm

It looks like a plan to kill off the asthmatics.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 27, 2024 2:40 pm

Yep Winston, it will definitely kill an asthmatic or two.
I myself might have knocked on death’s door once, having copped a deep lungful of gaseous sulphite while making backyard vino on the farm- aerosol salbutamol at one-dose-per-breath for a good twenty in a row, a pseudo adrenaline shot which I happened to have in my pocket, at least kept me conscious. If I had passed out, I don’t think I’d be here now.
Mind you, bad reactive asthmatics are on death watch. A mate’s kid died, in the schoolyard, ten years old.
I’m “proactive” with asthma now, combination of cardio and aerobic workouts and corticosteroids, mind you I’m really only mildly reactive to alchohol, caffeine and tobacco these days. But I can take on surf which I wouldn’t dare to in my teens, I always had a puffer stuffed up the sleeve of my wetsuit.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 27, 2024 2:23 pm
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 2:27 pm

Climate realist Tony Heller took to X to highlight the climate misinformation and disinformation campaigns waged by far-left corporate media on the global public.
Heller referenced a 2007 BBC News article titled Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’,” which warned readers of the supposed threat that “latest modeling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.”

The BBC article’s baseless claim was designed to instill climate fears across the public to ram through a radical de-growth climate agenda across the Western world. 

This year’s minimum Arctic sea ice extent was 26% larger than 2012.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 2:40 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

He’s hitting sixes. An hour or so ago I put this up on his blog:

One for Tony: you’ve featured at both ZeroHedge and Instapundit today. That’s a lot of eyeballs!

Well done that blogger!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 27, 2024 2:39 pm

 December 27, 2024 11:42 am

Critics in the Liberal Party often describe (Rad Battin) as being a leader of the “right-wing, Christian faction” whose politics will not help win votes in the inner-suburban heartland seats such as Hawthorn, Kew and Prahran.

You know what?
They’ll say that at polite dinner parties in the leafy east but, come next polling day they will have to choose between the “Far Right” and more Land Tax.

December 27, 2024 2:44 pm

There’s been unofficial beheadings and lynchings in Syria for weeks, have they now started official ones?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 3:02 pm
Reply to  Rosie

They’re also burning down Alevi mosques and Christmas trees. That is causing some strife in the west, with elements of the old Syrian Army shooting up the new kids on the block.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 27, 2024 2:45 pm

Well, wait until voters have had time to digest the fact that the SFLs are now led by a real winner with experience of running a business — as well as being a former copper.

If Brad Baton (he, he) comes out tommorow and announces something like “adult crime, adult time” his polling will go through the roof.

December 27, 2024 2:50 pm

I’ll also been watching the Vivek wars on twitter.
Lots of complaints about Indian call centre staff, mostly around incompetence, an inability to depart from the script and straight up lying. Interesting not always about bringing jobs home but using call centres in the Philippines instead. .
Not that that is what Vivek was talking about but where the conversation sometimes went.
I thought Emily Zanotti had a couple of sensible things to say on the subject.

December 27, 2024 3:04 pm

Those Indian CEOs of these enormous firms achieved their positions through merit alone as they’re brilliant. There’s no rung on the DEI ladder for Asians.
The problem in the U.S. is DEI. There’s no outcry about Black males being overlooked for programming jobs. The same applies to women and other so-called disadvantaged minorities. Meanwhile, white males aren’t being hired with much enthusiasm simply because they’re white males.

December 27, 2024 3:04 pm

Possibly I am in the minority here, but I think this modern practice of calling batsmen “batters” is bloody awful.

December 27, 2024 3:18 pm
Reply to  Lee

Amen, Lee. Batter is a white paste made of flour and water that you baste fish in. Those who play cricket are batsmen and batswomen. Calling them anything else is an abomination against the English language.

Enough of the language fascism!

Last edited 1 month ago by Tom
John Brumble
John Brumble
December 27, 2024 8:08 pm
Reply to  Tom

No, Tom.

It’s all “batsmen”. A suffix is not a word.

The problem started when stuck up illiterates who thought there needed to be another word for women.. and now we have the same sort of self absorbed illiterates who thought that they need to make up another word, instead of correcting the original mistake.

We have the same problem with toilets because we couldn’t handle the “rudeness” of calling it “the room for

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 4:15 pm
Reply to  Lee

I still call the lesbians batsmen. Frowned upon in polite circles.

December 27, 2024 10:33 pm
Reply to  Lee

nightwatchman has recently morphed to nightwatcher also.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 3:30 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

That may be on purpose.

Elon is a great twitter troll and Vivek is also good at outrageous statements.

What better way to distract from the work of building a serious MAGA team than to have the two of them out in front attracting all the flak?

December 27, 2024 3:13 pm

Oh what’s so terrible about their commentary, Dover? What’s the Russia angle here? 🙂

December 27, 2024 3:36 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Is that meant to be a demand for increased Indian immigration? There must be more overt parts to it.

December 27, 2024 3:33 pm

Ten years after Martin Place, are Western security agencies capable of leaning anything from such incidents and their perpetrators?

What’s to learn. The solution is untenable since it requires the removal of a sub-population that has no interest in behaving themselves. There is no fixing violent retardation and there is no option for excision, at present. These are political and legal problems and it seems optimistic to expect the security agencies to deal with them. Then again, if they wasted a few more miscreants like the Brits do it might slow things down a bit.

December 27, 2024 3:34 pm

The ‘culture of the prom queen and the jock’ was more heavily present in the 1950s and 60s at the end of which the US has reached the moon than the 80s or 90s. In fact, had pretty much died by the 90s.

A side issue: a 3.5 grade average was considered a high score in those years, which has now been inflated to barely be recognizable. A perfect score on the SAT would also have meant that the candidate had their pick of MIT, Harvard, Princeton, etc. These days, if you’re white (or Asian), you’re more likely to be rejected. Prom queens weren’t the ones who sent men to the moon. It was highly trained geeks.

December 27, 2024 3:36 pm

Many comments about US programmers being expected to train their H-1B immigrant replacements who were hired because they were cheaper, sponsored and thus controllable and the law made it easy to pretend it was necessary.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 3:41 pm

Journalism news.

IDF kills PIJ terrorists, including five who doubled as journalists in Nuseirat strike (26 Dec)

Who were the terrorists killed in the strike? 

Ibrahim Jamal Ibrahim Al-Sheikh Ali was a PIJ operative and combat propagandist. Faisal Abdallah Muhammad Abu Qamsan was the head of security for the Islamic Jihad in Nuseirat.

Mohammed Ayad Khamis al-Lada’a was an Islamic Jihad combat propagandist. Ayman Nihad Abd Alrahman Jadi was an Islamic Jihad combat propagandist and former Islamic Jihad naval operative.

Fadi Ihab Muhammad Ramadan Hassouna was a Islamic Jihad combat propagandist in Nuseirat.

That would make it three Mo’s, one Ali and an Ayman. A pretty good bag.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 3:49 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Heh, Ross Douthat from the Slimes.

December 27, 2024 3:43 pm


There are programmers and programmers. Top firms like Google etc hire the best of the best and don’t really flinch in paying up.It’s really hard to make US$16 billion a quarter rain or shine. Unfortunately, these large firms were targeted with DEI since 2010 because most of their employees were white men and Asians, which is why there are lots of minorities now working at these firms who, in a truly merit based system wouldn’t be there.

December 27, 2024 3:50 pm

Here’s the problem , not so much for the US, but for countries like India and China.

The fertility rate in almost all developed and semi-developing countries is well below the replacement level. This is significant because “below replacement” means, by definition, that over time, the population will inevitably decline to a single human survivor.
For example, very simple example.

  • Start with 8 people: 4 males and 4 females. Each couple has one child.
  • The next generation consists of 4: 2 males and 2 females. They also have one child per couple.
  • In the following generation, you are left with just 2 people: 1 male and 1 female.
  • Eventually, this process results in a single individual.
December 27, 2024 3:51 pm

Vivek is 100% right and 100% wrong.
It is culture.
But it’s also what people want for themselves.
In Asia you work. All the time. Japan, Taiwan, China.
The boss is the boss and if you want to keep the job you work. You work the long hours and you do what you’re told.
We don’t want that. Most people don’t want to work 60, 80 hours a week.
Western countries can’t compete on that basis, but we can at least deregulate and fix the energy problem.
Automation has not and will not fix the fundamental problem: there is a gap between what people expect to have and how hard they are willing to work, and for decades companies had an alternative workforce.
If we unf*cked the property and education markets it would help, but those things are the way they are in part because of the lack of productivity. Malinvestment in non productive sectors like real estate and education because they are backed by government mis regulation.
A good dose of austerity to reset the average persons expectations and shake out the stupid stuff.

December 27, 2024 4:54 pm
Reply to  Arky

The most sensible thing you’ve ever said.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 8:21 pm
Reply to  Arky

Arky, sometimes you have to crash into the gutter like Nazi Germany and Japan did, before the society becomes aware of what is important.
What we have to wake up to is the long war against the Socialists.

December 27, 2024 4:02 pm

I remember my missus old boss, a Chinese fellow, sacking a manager who was apparently useless and destroying the part of the business he had been hired to look after.
The boss couldn’t believe when the bloke put in to fair work or whatever claiming discrimination due to his minority status of liking penis or something and disputed the legal basis of the sacking
“But it’s my company. I can sack whoever I like”!
Welcome to Australia pal.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 8:24 pm
Reply to  Arky

Again, until we understand that Socialism is going to kill our country, we don’t even know we are at war with an ideology that is determined to win even if it means filling the mass graves with the enemy.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 27, 2024 4:03 pm

Angela Mollard is upset in the Courier Mail:

My friend, typically a genial sort, has steam coming out her ears.

Her parents, she tells me, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

“Oh, that’s lovely …” I enthuse.

“Yes, it is lovely,” she grimaces, “but they’re going all out. Four months in Europe, first class flights, a cruise down the Rhine and they’ve booked to stay in a castle in France. My dad keeps calling it his SKI holiday …”

My friend drops her voice to a whisper. “He’s telling anyone who will listen that he’s ‘Spending the Kids’ Inheritance’. My brother is apoplectic and together we’ve calculated they’re dropping about $200K on the trip.”

It does not seem the moment to point out that presumably her parents worked very hard for their money and, having notched up 50 years of marriage, have every right to celebrate the occasion. Instead, I promise to send her an article expressing similar sentiments.

“My inheritance is being drunk through a straw in a coconut in the Caribbean,” fumes the writer.

“Yes!” my friend texts back. “Is it really that distasteful to resent my parents for frittering money that should be mine? After all, they inherited money from their parents.”

Oh dear. The great wealth transfer which will see Australia’s over-60s bequeath around $3.5 trillion of their money to younger generations in the next 20 years has been heralded as a financial lifeline for many.

But what few are talking about is the growing conflict and potential implosion within families as generations with different attitudes and expectations wrangle over who is entitled to what. As lawyer and estate planner Brian Herd tells me, throw in blended families, “compactos”, “martyr children” and “FOFO” and the inheritance business is rapidly becoming fraught to the point of toxic.

But first he tells me about “Ken and Barbie syndrome”. As he explains, he’ll have a long-established couple sitting in front of him and they may not have considered what the other might do after they die.

“The survivor could last a long time,” he says. “For instance, the woman might go to a line dancing class at the local RSL where she’ll meet a Ken. She becomes so enamoured of Ken that she races off and changes her will. Or the opposite could happen. He goes to the class and meets a Barbie.”

Brian, who works for Brisbane’s HopgoodGanim Lawyers, didn’t use to raise the issue but times have changed. Couples, he says, generally have two responses.

“Their first reaction is to look at each other simultaneously and say: ‘You wouldn’t do that’. Or the other reaction is the woman looks straight at me and says: ‘Who would want him’?”

And that’s just the couple. Never mind what their kids think when mum or dad refuses to resign themselves to a lonely old age and instead partners up with a potentially younger model.

In the past, an inheritance was often a delightful surprise. It wasn’t something you talked about, far less demanded. But in the age of entitlement everyone has their eyes on, if not their fingers in, the prize. And Millennials, burdened by hefty mortgages and raising children, are the most grasping. Research this year by Vanguard showed 45 per cent of Millennials believed retirees should leave money to their children while 40 per cent said they should prioritise enjoying their own money.

As for those holding the purse strings, for every proud globetrotting, Grange-sipping “SKIer”, there’s another retiree crippled with FOFO – or “fear of falling out” with their loved ones. In the tension over inheritances, they worry about being denied access to grandchildren, gifting money to one more needy child over another, or skipping their children and bequeathing money directly to their grandchildren.

As Brian points out, they might be frustrated by a child on their third marriage and might want to bypass them altogether out of concern about where their inheritance might end up. There’s also potential conflict around what the industry calls “martyr” children – those who step in to care or house an elderly parent to save money on aged care expenses. As he says, it sounds straightforward in practice until the child living in Equatorial Guinea arcs up when the elderly parent changes their will to give more to the child who looks after them.

Oh, and Brian has also dealt with offspring infuriated that a sibling nominated to have enduring power of attorney (EPA) over their parents has used the privilege to plunder the inheritance.

What’s clear is that on focusing on their financial legacy, few are considering their relationship legacy – or what sort of emotional state they’ll leave their family in.

As for my friend fretting about her parents gallivanting around Europe and buying up large in the vineyards around their chateau in Bordeaux, I did offer one consoling comment: “They might bring you back a bottle.”

I mean really? This was published in the paper last year but reheated.
The entitlement these young people feel is extraordinary.
I don’t expect my parents to leave me anything, they have to make sure their last year’s are enjoyable.
Needs to be because the old man has prostate cancer, which is under control now but can become aggressive.
As for the author of the above bilge, FMD

December 27, 2024 5:00 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

Black Ball
If Dad’s prostate cancer is under control, there’s a very good chance it can be managed such that he’ll die with it rather than from it. He had to have expert advice and regular PSA checks.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 8:32 pm
Reply to  Black Ball

I was lucky enough to be one of 14 beneficiaries of an Uncle who never forgot us being put through the NCCH.
The shit that emanated from the nephews and nieces about who ended up with a 7 digit inheritance, instead of an 8 digit inheritance was mind blowing.

December 27, 2024 4:04 pm

Not at all. Vivek thought he was being clever by attacking the culture of prom queens and jocks, which he incorrectly attributed to the 90s rather than the 50s, when the US was its in hey day.

LOl. Yeah the US was in its heyday then, whereas now, it’s competing with Russia, China and that veritable Silicon Valley of the east : North Korea.

No one on either side of this debate thought it was prom queens going to the moon, but I will wager that the men going there wanted to bed their prom queen, if they hadn’t already married here, and loved their football.

Talk about missing the point. Geeks, then and now, were never going to score with the prom queen. That spot has always been reserved for the jocks.
These days, geeks with perfect scores, instead of being begged to attend top universities and colleges, are being rejected in favor of DEI candidates.
In fact, Asians took the matter to SCOTUS and won. If geeks were truly at the top tier of eligibility, we’d see every STEM-based Nobel Prize winner with a couple of Hollywood starlets hanging from his arms. That doesn’t happen—for obvious reasons.

Also, another problem with their argument is that top tier programmers wouldn’t come into the US on a H1B but on the O-1.

What’s wrong with an HIB as that’s how I got in. 🙂 How long have 0-1 been around?

December 27, 2024 4:26 pm
Reply to  JC

O1 is really only for professors, actors, and sports people

December 27, 2024 4:09 pm

Firstly, India’s is above the US.

Momentarily, until it falls over a cliff like everyone else. What’s your point?

And, secondly, the US is 1.66 so below replacement, and the groups stopping it from reaching levels like China are largely Hispanic and Black.

That’s good or bad?

December 27, 2024 4:15 pm

This would never happen because at some stage in the population decline the incentives to above replacement families will kick in.

Oh yeah, what are these incentives?

I’m starting to think the complaints about decline at least in massively populated countries is overexaggerated.

So, you’re a Club of Rome adherent now? There’s no such thing as massively overpopulation. Population is purely a function of technology. Eight billion people couldn’t survive on this planet as hunter gatherers, yet because of technology we do and better off than at any time in human history.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
December 27, 2024 4:22 pm

And the solution to this is importing millions of Indians? That will certainly help white guys being effed over by DEI.

The US rate for legal immigration is around 1 million people a year. That’s not ruinous,and not all those are thems Injiuns. Stop being a drama queen.

December 27, 2024 4:27 pm

More in the annals of we’re fcked.
The Aussie dollar is slow-walking its way to just a few ticks above 62 cents—almost like it’s taking a leisurely stroll to the garbage bin.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
December 27, 2024 4:30 pm

We’re watching Vivek Ramaswamy “primary” himself, in real time.

Maybe this isn’t the most notable unforced error in history, but it’ll do for the time being.

December 27, 2024 4:35 pm


Obviously, there have been periods of population decline throughout human history, but every single one of these was due to tragic circumstances. There has never been a case where the human population declined simply because people didn’t want kids. I can’t believe you’re being so blasé about the current situation, which is truly unique in human history. How do you know it’s going to magically reverse.

There is the possibility of test tube kids down the track, but that’s not now. Tha’ts obviously something you’d be clamoring against though.

December 27, 2024 6:44 pm
Reply to  JC

Google ‘Alexanders Rat Park’

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 8:37 pm
Reply to  JC

Who is going to raise and socialise these test tube kids?
Been there, done that.
It’s a horrifying situation for the children.
They will be predated upon by all the misfits and lunatics with a spare few quid to afford to buy a few.

Last edited 1 month ago by Winston Smith
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 9:08 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Imagine – if you have the emotional capacity to do so – a couple of million children, brought up in State Institutions.
One of them being North Korea, another being the Soviet Union, and yet another the Nazis of Germany.
The last being brought up by a Gates/Bezos State.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 9:09 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

I think I’ve just given myself a nightmare.

December 27, 2024 4:42 pm
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 9:23 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Sorry, Rabz. That was drivel.
This is better, but it’s not the original and I can’t find it.

December 27, 2024 4:44 pm

Oh – and il Prusciutto arrivederci, Gatti! 🙂

Last edited 1 month ago by Rabz
December 27, 2024 8:13 pm
Reply to  Rabz

Double plus ticks but can’t do it on this blog so il Pruscuito, gratti, gratti, gratti!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 4:45 pm

Didn’t Woodstock and the Lunar Landing happen at the same time?

December 27, 2024 4:46 pm

You ” so cute you’ll puke” for the day.

Little bloke left out carrot for Santa’s reindeer, I bit off most of it so he could find it in the morning.
When he saw it I said ” how do you know if it was Santa or the reindeer who ate it”
He picked it up, sniffed the carrot and stated quite firmly ” nope, smells like reindeer breath”

December 27, 2024 5:51 pm

hahahah SWEET!

December 27, 2024 4:48 pm

Didn’t Woodstock and the Lunar Landing happen at the same time?

Woodstock was about a month later.

December 27, 2024 4:51 pm

Pesutto can now ponder shooting himself with a bazooka as he gathers together the $315,000 plus much more for Moira’s court costs. Egotistical, blind and deaf, Pissant was finally mugged by reality. Self preservation and reality caught up with the other wavering Libs and the little Jess “I support the Voice” Wilson also got the heave ho.
Maybe we’ll get some common sense sanity from Brad in Victoria now.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
December 28, 2024 8:52 pm
Reply to  Ceres

I was amazed to discover that P was once a lawyer. If he puts out his shingle again, I wouldn’t be going to him in a defamation suit.

December 27, 2024 4:51 pm

And what a load of shit that the generation of the prom queens and jock culture were what led to the moon landing.

The American space program leading to the moon landing involved a number of influential scientists and engineers who contributed to the Apollo missions. Here are some of the key figures:

Wernher von Braun – Age at the moon landing: 57

A key scientist in the development of the Saturn V rocket and the Apollo lunar landing system. Von Braun was an engineer and rocket scientist who led NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center and was pivotal in developing the rocket that sent astronauts to the moon.

Katherine Johnson – Age during the moon landing: 51

Johnson was a mathematician and physicist who calculated trajectories for the Apollo missions, including the flight path for Apollo 11’s journey to the moon. She worked at NASA’s Langley Research Center and was crucial in ensuring the success of early space missions.

Fred M. Leslie – Age during the moon landing: Early 50s

Leslie was a key scientist who worked on spacecraft design and was instrumental in developing systems for the Apollo missions.

Thomas Paine – Age during the moon landing: 56

Paine was the Administrator of NASA from 1969 to 1970 and played a key role in advocating for the Apollo program and pushing the space program forward.

Jack Garman – Age during the moon landing: Early 30s

Garman was a systems engineer and one of the scientists in NASA’s Mission Control during Apollo 11. He is best known for his role in guiding the Apollo 11 mission through a critical computer malfunction during the lunar landing phase.

Homer Newell – Age during the moon landing: 55

Newell was an influential NASA scientist who was involved in the early space program, particularly the development of space science and the Apollo spaceflight program.

Richard Feynman – Age during the moon landing: 51

Although he wasn’t directly involved with the Apollo missions, the physicist Richard Feynman was part of the Rogers Commission that investigated the Challenger disaster. His work on understanding the physics of space travel influenced early astronautical science.

These scientists and engineers played integral roles in the success of the space program and the Apollo missions, often in their 30s to 60s during the moon landing. Their contributions ranged from calculating orbital mechanics and designing spacecraft to developing the technologies that made the moon landing possible.

If you believe in the American decline, you could argue that it actually began in the 50s and 60s. The space program stopped in its tracks when this generation began its mature years.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 27, 2024 4:52 pm

Possibly I am in the minority here, but I think this modern practice of calling batsmen “batters” is bloody awful

#MeToo- as if too Americanism isn’t enough

December 27, 2024 5:11 pm

IIRC, Mark Taylor (yes, the former Australian captain) was the first person I ever heard who referred to batsmen as “batters” and he seemed to do it all the time as a commentator.

December 27, 2024 5:32 pm
Reply to  Lee

Pretty sure it was Alexander Downer.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 9:27 pm

I’m distressed enough at the “Spectacle” taking over from the ‘professional” of modern sport.
In fact I’m distressed enough that I refuse to watch it.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 27, 2024 4:52 pm

I remember in the late 90’s it was still 40 degrees plus at midnight on New Years Eve. I was staying at a mates place taking solace on the couch and the fan was cranking away …Mate decided to take it it to his room. Fair enough, it’s his home. I decided the sleep on the back lawn with just a sheet.


I wanted to drive to the beach, but I coudn’t because i was pissed as a fart.

A truly horrible night. Good memories though.


More hot weather on the way.

Weather Watch TV:

Australia weather forecast to January 1, 2025

December 27, 2024 4:53 pm

I’ve given the execrable Bob Brown a sad for his birthday

December 27, 2024 4:58 pm

Hawkeye analysis of the Konstas / Kohli incident

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 27, 2024 5:07 pm

I don’t mind Americanisms. And I don’t at all mind new words for new things.
It’s the noise of the Hive Mind which I can’t abide. Hence, i reject batters, transgender and kunyani/Tasmania.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 27, 2024 5:08 pm

Which are more properly called batsmen, trannies, and Fanny Island.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 5:16 pm

I remember in the late 90’s it was still 40 degrees plus at midnight on New Years Eve.

Been watching with interest the AWS nearest to the Cafe today.

Ncl forecast was 40 C.

Highest it got to was 36.8 C.

That seems fairly typical: BoM’s model overestimates by 2 to 3 degrees.

December 27, 2024 6:47 pm

But the report the prediction as fact, and get to print the scary red graphic

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 27, 2024 7:28 pm
Reply to  flyingduk

And never, ever, state openly that the forecast was too high

December 27, 2024 5:21 pm

American workers are the most productive in the world. Compare to China.

As of 2022, the GDP per hour worked for American and Chinese workers is as follows:

United States: $95.1

China: $20.5

This indicates that American workers are approximately 4.6 times more productive per hour than their Chinese counterparts.


In 2024, China’s labor productivity per hour is estimated at $16.1, measured in 2017 constant U.S. dollars adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP).


These figures highlight the significant disparity in labor productivity between the two countries.

It’s not the hours worked, but what happens during working hours and the capital investment standing behind these workers. The difference is staggering actually.

December 27, 2024 5:39 pm
Reply to  JC

The difference is staggering actually.

It is.
I wonder why companies offshored whole industries to China if Americans are almost five times as productive as Chinese?
especially as they already had those industries operating at home, without the extra cost of sea transport, without building new factories and without the geopolitical risk?
Is productivity the wrong measure for that which attracts capital, or is it something else going on with the numbers? Are some sectors offsetting poor manufacturing productivity or is there something wrong with the way the number is calculated?

Last edited 1 month ago by Arky
local oaf
December 27, 2024 5:22 pm

Didn’t Woodstock and the Lunar Landing happen at the same time?
Woodstock was about a month later.

69 was a big year.

The first computers were linked together by phone lines in late 69.

December 27, 2024 5:34 pm
Reply to  local oaf

Balmain won the Grand Final.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 9:55 pm
Reply to  local oaf

I watched Telstar and the Beatles and was amazed.
Telstar by the Tornados.

December 27, 2024 10:03 pm
Reply to  local oaf

69 was a big year.

I was born, so indeed it was.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 27, 2024 5:29 pm

Ayers Rock will always be Ayers Rock..Stick ULURU comments up your arse.

Last edited 1 month ago by Steve Trickler
December 27, 2024 5:33 pm

Correction: Technically, American workers are the 5th most productive in the world. I’d have a few questions on how the rate was calculated for Luxembourg, Norway and Switzerland though.
These countries have a high percentage of guest workers who return to their own countries after work hours. GDP only accrues to the home citizens so it not really a good reflection.

“The most productive workers in terms of GDP per hour worked tend to be in countries with highly advanced economies, strong technological sectors, and high labor efficiency. Here are the top countries based on GDP per hour worked:

  1. Luxembourg: $139.4 (GDP per hour workedLuxembourg consistently ranks as one of the most productive countries in the world due to its highly developed financial sector and small but efficient workforce.
  2. Ireland: $113.5 Ireland’s high GDP per hour worked is driven by its strong technology sector, particularly in software, pharmaceuticals, and finance.
  3. Norway: $105.9 Norway’s wealth, driven by its oil reserves and high-tech industries, contributes to its high worker productivity.
  4. Switzerland: $101.5 Switzerland has a highly productive economy, fueled by finance, pharmaceuticals, and precision manufacturing.
  5. United States: $95.1The U.S. has a highly advanced economy with significant contributions from technology, finance, and high-value manufacturing sectors.
  6. Denmark: $91. Denmark’s high productivity is supported by its well-developed service and industrial sectors.
  7. Sweden: $89.7 Sweden’s economy benefits from innovation and technology-driven industries like telecommunications and pharmaceuticals.
  8. Netherlands: $89.1The Netherlands has a high-tech economy with an emphasis on trade, logistics, and technology.
  9. Germany: $85.9 Germany, Europe’s largest economy, is known for its highly efficient manufacturing sector, especially in automotive and industrial machinery.
  10. Austria : $84.2Austria has a highly productive workforce due to its strong industrial sector and emphasis on high-quality manufacturing.

These countries maintain high levels of productivity through a combination of technological innovation, high skill levels, and well-developed industries.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 5:43 pm
Reply to  JC

Irish GDP figure would be BS. Plenty of “GDP” would be little more than revenue booked to a PO Box for tax purposes. Irish have mode some progress since the potato famine but not too much.

December 27, 2024 6:55 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Yeah. That’s probably true.

December 27, 2024 5:56 pm
Reply to  JC

Could it be that productivity for a country is based on GDP, which includes services within that country, so for example if a lawyer bills the government x dollars to do the legal work opposing, say, a mine, that is itself a service, which is included in GDP?
How about construction? If you include construction in GDP, then if new constructions cost more, that adds to GDP, whether or not more factories and houses are being made is another question.
Is it that not just things which aren’t really “productive” as a business would consider it, included in the calculation of national productivity, but also things which are anti productive, such as lawfare, over regulation, and market distortions?

December 29, 2024 8:17 am
Reply to  Arky


December 27, 2024 5:59 pm
Reply to  JC

Where does Australia fit in?

December 27, 2024 5:34 pm

I fund my travel from my still operating business, my nest egg is for my children.
I guess I’ll only stop travelling when I’m too old to work, or will stop working when I’m too old to travel.
With longevity being what it is these days who knows how long children might have to wait anyhow.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2024 5:44 pm

In Victoria they can now ‘Battin’ down the hatches and let the games begin. Let us hope there is no more wagging of the tail of Victorian Labor from the Victorian Liberals.

As idiotic Pesutto was with Deeming, the whole time he was egged on and supported by the likes of bully boy Jeff Kennett, thin-lipped two time electoral failure Matthew Guy, useless Crozer, stupid Southwick and other dripping wet Liberal lettuces.

Why, oh why did they go down the Nazi route with Deeming? I shake my head in disbelief.

Here in Sydney, after a gloriously hot dry day and a gorgeous swim, the weather has turned and there’s been a storm, with big gusty winds. And now the humidity begins. I’m going out for Shabbat dinner and I’m going……drum roll…..braless…….because the humidity is already strangling me. I hope no one notices, at least it isn’t the rabbi’s home. Going braless would have appalled my late mother! She’s probably looking down on me in fury! Sorry Mum. My God how I miss her.

December 27, 2024 5:52 pm

Would that be termed “going commanda”?

December 27, 2024 6:01 pm

that’s not very Sydney

why aren’t you going in a sarong, bikini top and thongs?

December 27, 2024 8:08 pm

Ok now you’ve got us wondering ….

December 27, 2024 5:47 pm

It is.

I wonder why companies offshored whole industries to China if Americans are almost five times as productive as Chinese?

especially as they already had those industries operating at home, without the extra cost of sea transport, without building new factories and without the geopolitical risk?

Is productivity the wrong measure for that which attracts capital, or is it something else going on with the numbers? Are some sectors offsetting poor manufacturing productivity or is there something wrong with the way the number is calculated?

Return on capital. In a peaceful world with well intention-ed players, you focus on where and how you can achieve the highest return on capital. We don’t have a well intention-ed world now, or it doesn’t appear to be the case any longer. The US did what economics dictates in that world, which is why the S&P has the highest return on capital deployed. Focus on what you;re really good at and palm off the low return production elsewhere.

December 27, 2024 6:06 pm
Reply to  JC

Return on capital.

So raising productivity was the wrong thing, mainly because it is calculated per man hour, so I should have said

If we unf*cked the property and education markets it would help, but those things are the way they are in part  because of the lack of productivity return on capital.

In particular, return on capital in sectors I consider worthwhile, those that produce stuff, be it mined, farmed, or manufactured.
I take your point on productivity.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2024 5:52 pm

A week after my mother died, on the Shabbat I was invited to the rabbi’s home for dinner. I dressed very respectably, a nice demure and chic frock. Walking back from shul with the rabbi and some other invitees, it bucketed down with rain and I got completely drenched. By the time I arrived everything was dripping wet, my dress, my shoes, my hair…..and another invitee told me I looked like the winner from a wet t-shirt contest. The rabbi laughed! Just as well I wore a bra that night!

Last edited 1 month ago by Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2024 5:56 pm

I’m guessing it wasn’t a see-thru bra. 😀

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 27, 2024 7:33 pm

Good to see the return of perky breasts to the blog

December 27, 2024 5:55 pm

I wonder why companies offshored whole industries to China if Americans are almost five times as productive as Chinese?

Environmental/employment/whs regulations, energy availability/reliability/cost. On costs of employment(ie employer pays for health insurance), etc etc.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 27, 2024 5:56 pm

Black Ball at 4:03.
I smell a yuuuge clickbait article here, written in mid November for publication about now when it might spark family stoushes over Christmas.
Let’s break it down.
$400k on four months in Europe with Luigi class flights.
Let’s say they spend $60k on flights.
Then they spend $1,000 a night on accommodation x 120 nights … $120,000.
That leaves $220k to spend on meals, drinks and plastic Eiffel Towers … $1,800 per day.
But highly improbable.
Someone’s taking the piss.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 6:06 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Let’s not worry too much about Boomer bashing. Always well deserved.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 27, 2024 5:58 pm


The History Guy:

Mmmmm. Bacon.

December 27, 2024 6:00 pm

Always fly First Class*.

If you don’t your children will.

*or at least somewhere in the pointy end

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 6:03 pm

Boland!!!! Indians making a mess of things.

December 27, 2024 6:07 pm

**Summary:** In this episode of “Honestly with Bari Weiss,” guest Kemi Badenoch, the newly elected leader of the UK Conservative Party, discusses her unique background, political beliefs, and vision for the party in the context of the UK’s current challenges. Badenoch reflects on her upbringing in Nigeria, her migration to the UK, and her journey through various professions leading to her political career. She emphasizes the need for a cohesive national identity amid rising ideologies such as identity politics, and critiques the Conservative Party’s recent leadership failures. Badenoch tackles pressing issues like immigration, economics, and social values and advocates for a return to fundamental principles that foster a strong society. Throughout the conversation, she is compared to Margaret Thatcher, revealing both admiration and acknowledgment of the different challenges she faces as a leader. — **Key Points by Section:** 1. **Introduction to Kemi Badenoch:** – First black woman to lead the Conservative Party in the UK. – Non-traditional background: born in the UK, raised in Nigeria, worked at McDonald’s. – Holds a master’s degree in computer engineering. 2. **Current State of the Conservative Party:** – Inherits a party facing severe economic and identity challenges. – National issues: high debt, shrinking GDP, immigration challenges. – Comparison of the UK’s state to “national suicide” by historian Niall Ferguson. 3. **Badenoch’s Childhood in Nigeria:** – Grew up during economic instability; understanding of the volatility of wealth. – Family history shaped her views on socialism and identity. – Experiences with government control and education impacted her political philosophy. 4. **Political Awakening:** – Resistance to identity politics; promotes colorblindness in society. – Became a Conservative at 25 due to dissatisfaction with race-based politics. – Influential texts include works by Thomas Sowell and Roger Scruton. 5. **Transition into Politics:** – Desire to fix “broken” systems led her to politics. – Early roles involved campaigning and community engagement. – Characteristics of the Conservative Party that she entered post-Brexit. 6. **Reflections on Brexit and the Conservative Party’s Direction:** – Transition challenges within the party; need for strong leadership. – Discussion on compromises made with the left and the impact on party identity. 7. **Recent Election Context:** – Voter dynamics and discontent with the Conservative Party played a role in election outcomes. – Discussion on the rise of the Reform party as a factor in Conservatives’ defeat. 8. **Critique of Current Political Leadership:** – Starmer’s leadership characterized as bureaucratic with no clear vision. – Criticism of managerialism in politics leading to voter dissatisfaction. 9. **Immigration and Economic Challenges:** – Record high net migration numbers impacting culture and economy. – Advocacy for managing immigration to ensure compatibility with British values. – Identification of cultural cohesion as essential to national well-being. 10. **Cultural and Social Issues:** – Response to problems of anti-Semitism, free speech, and cultural identity. – Stance against critical race theory and political correctness. – Importance of restoring confidence in liberal values and citizenship. 11. **Reflections on a Crisis of Meaning:** – Increased malaise in society despite material abundance. – The search for meaning beyond economic indicators. – Call for a return to foundational principles that promote societal strength. 12. **Lightning Round:** – Personal preferences (tea, music, food). – Views on faith, free speech, and the influence of her identity on her political stance. – Acknowledgment of comparisons to Margaret Thatcher while emphasizing her unique challenges as a leader. Overall, the discussion emphasizes Kemi Badenoch’s vision to reshape the Conservative Party while addressing urgent national concerns related to immigration, economic policy, and social cohesion amidst modern challenges.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 6:13 pm

I go out to feed some birds and to scowl at the local tomcat, and come back to find three quick wickets have fallen!

Grey tomcat is looking pretty good since my neighbour has been feeding him. He rather likes her elderly lady cat.

Whenever he arrives, though, the noisies go nuts, so I go out and scowl and gesture at him. It’s a psychological warfare: that way he knows not to trespass into the Cafe yard. I think I might’ve hosed him once too. Death ray!

December 27, 2024 6:16 pm

LOL. The Orange oaf is going to go after the crims and ne’er-do-wells. The wall will be built but nearly all the rest are staying. I think that if you have a job, stayed out of trouble appear to be productive… you’re not going to get bumped.

These MAGA farmers could be ruined if Trump follows through with mass deportations

SACRAMENTO, California — California farmers could soon enjoy bumper crops thanks to President-elect Donald Trump’s pledge to lift water restrictions. But who will pick them if he follows through on his deportation threats?

The country’s largest agricultural constituency backed Trump in November, bucking California’s deep-blue electorate over his campaign promises to “open the faucet” and deliver more water to the state’s parched, conservative-leaning Central Valley. But now it’s reckoning with an uncomfortable contradiction: Trump also campaigned on mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, who make up at least half of the state’s agricultural workforce.

That’s left California’s agricultural barons, who employ the most farm workers of any state in the nation and grow half the produce consumed in the United States, nervously parsing Trump’s rhetoric.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
December 27, 2024 11:12 pm
Reply to  JC

The key point is that California’s agricultural barons are..barons.

Corporate agriculture feasts on subsidies meant for the little guy.

December 27, 2024 6:23 pm

The late wickets were unexpected but very pleasing. Hope we can knock them over quickly tomorrow.

December 27, 2024 6:28 pm

Correct response when someone references Uhluru?

”In my language we say ‘Ayer’s Rock’”

December 27, 2024 6:37 pm
December 27, 2024 7:17 pm
Reply to  Indolent

Which means they lied to everyone including their boss President Trump.

December 27, 2024 6:39 pm
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2024 6:55 pm

Brad Battin.

Preface: I have no dog in this fight.

Hopefully his experience in running a small business, and being the president of his local CFA stands him good stead with the punters. However – my hair’s not being blown back by his apparent expertise in law enforcement. From his bio:

Before running a small business Brad was a Senior Constable with Victoria Police specialising in local youth issues and liquor licensing

This (allegedly) screams of a very limited career of not working the hard yards in a divvy van – let alone anything else involving actual crooks – but busting out at the first opportunity into a career of lecturing schoolkids, followed by a stint of wandering around pubs checking staff numbers with RSA certificates.

And then deciding that was too hard and going into politics.

December 27, 2024 7:24 pm

I have no dog in this fight

what, not even a hot-dog?

how is the smallgoods business treating you?

… and when are you making the move to politics?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2024 7:32 pm

how is the smallgoods business treating you?


… and when are you making the move to politics?

I’m not. I am, however, waiting to see the first and only pollie get elected on an ‘easier switch-flicking’ platform.

December 27, 2024 8:06 pm


haw haw

be funny if it had context

Salvatore - Iron Publican
December 27, 2024 8:04 pm

I stand with Knuckle Dragger.

December 27, 2024 8:20 pm


the Libs just got rid of a perfectly credentialled utter toss-pot who cocked everything up horribly

Batten was both elected to his seat and selected by the party

and Moira’s a school-teacher

the pair of them are making more sense right now than every other clown in the party has for a decade

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 10:00 pm

And that was my position from the word go…

December 27, 2024 7:02 pm

Hard to get one’s head around these sorts of numbers.

Apple Stock Hasn’t Had a Streak Like This Since 2010. Value Nears $4 Trillion.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 7:30 pm
Reply to  JC

Apple have basically got a lock on price insensitive customers who are happy to pay premium prices. Telecoms are happy to finance customers. Nice work if you can get it.

December 27, 2024 7:04 pm

I fly economy. That’s fine for me.
It’s all about the destination.
If I need to, I’ll start to take an overnight hub break.

December 27, 2024 7:13 pm
Reply to  Rosie

That’s what I do Rosie. It’s better if you travel Premium Economy.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 7:18 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Real men fly economy. And not in pajamas.

December 27, 2024 7:20 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Bear, aussies spell it “pyjamas”. 😀

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 7:21 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Well that’s just dumb.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 7:23 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Dopey foreign muck word.

December 27, 2024 7:28 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

hehehehehehehe Lol!

December 27, 2024 10:20 pm
Reply to  Rosie

Emirates Premium economy is as good as business. It just doesn’t have the lie flat beds. Worth the extra as far as I’m concerned.

December 28, 2024 11:44 am
Reply to  Megan

Lie flat beds are useless if they are too short. I am 193 cm tall and many Business beds are short and narrow in the foot area. I sat up all night rather than use Singapore airlines flat bed as it was too short for me. Slept better anyway. (Paid for by someone else).

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
December 27, 2024 7:29 pm

H B Bear

 December 27, 2024 6:06 pm

 Reply to  Sancho Panzer

Let’s not worry too much about Boomer bashing. Always well deserved.

Or proven to get Generations X through to Z clicking to read the full article (which may contain traces of truthiness).

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 7:32 pm
Reply to  Sancho Panzer

I just skip ahead to the bit where they die.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 7:36 pm
Reply to  H B Bear

Good news if you’re in the market for a lightly used 300 series Landcruiser.

Last edited 1 month ago by H B Bear
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 27, 2024 7:37 pm

For absolute clarity, I hope Battin does well.

But if you’re going to stake your claim on, for example, being an AFL player, don’t lead with ‘I played in the magoos for the ‘burbs’.

Dutton, to my mind, is in the same boat.

I have heard that the jacks don’t get pensions any more, and haven’t for some time. Perhaps that’s behind it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 8:06 pm

Ex coppers and ex army plays pretty well with branches for preselection, for what it’s worth. Well that’s my understanding. Think we’ve got an ex army dude as a State Lieboral candidate for the next one. Baz running next door.

December 27, 2024 8:05 pm


This creature “won” third place as AP’ FEMALE ATHLETE OF THE YEAR.

Knowing this, would you ever believe anything the Associated Press has to offer going forward?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 27, 2024 8:09 pm
Reply to  Indolent

He’s a man.

December 27, 2024 8:13 pm
Reply to  Indolent

I suspect all the males at AP are attracted. Do they realise what that means?

December 27, 2024 9:41 pm
Reply to  Indolent

That ain’t no Woman, it’s a Man, Baby!

Salvatore - Iron Publican
December 27, 2024 8:12 pm

Knuckle Dragger @ 6.55pm:

However – my hair’s not being blown back by his apparent expertise in law enforcement. From his bio:

Before running a small business Brad was a Senior Constable with Victoria Police specialising in local youth issues and liquor licensing

Without knowing how the VicStasi operate, all I can say is that in mighty Qld, Liquor Licencing police officers usually have prior service in Traffic Branch*, or rather were ejected from Traffic Branch because they were so “ticket-happy” the Traffic Branch coppers couldn’t stomach them.

(* I believe the current title is “Road Policing“)

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 8:29 pm

The entire liquor licensing regime struck me as a kabuki theatre with everyone playing their part thus allowing the magistrate (or judge, I can’t remember which) to reach whatever decision could probably have been predicted at the outset, with some allowance for current political fashions. But that might just be my tired cynicism in effect.

December 27, 2024 8:17 pm

their insurance premiums went up a bit.

Year on year, their premiums go up a bit

Insurance is basically extortion.

Levied by the most useless evil parasites to have existed in human history – f*cking lawyers.

Opt out wherever and whenever you can, Cats – for example, I’ve saved tens of thousands by opting out of home contents insurance over the last few decades.

F*ck them.

December 27, 2024 9:46 pm
Reply to  Rabz

I am seriously considering it.
If I set up a decent Container, place all my books and photos in there, apart from my animals, I won’t grieve anything else.
You never hear of containers going up in flames.
Because they are airtight, you only hear of people dying in them because there wasn’t enough air.

December 28, 2024 2:47 am
Reply to  Rabz

I stopped paying H&C many years ago, had never made a claim. Spent money on home security instead – much less. Saved tens of thousands.

Also, once I retired the risk plummeted because I was home most of the time and didn’t live in Alice Springs.

December 27, 2024 8:18 pm

Brian, who works for Brisbane’s HopgoodGanim Lawyers, didn’t use to raise the issue but times have changed. Couples, he says, generally have two responses.”


Is this what passes for journalism these days????

December 27, 2024 8:18 pm


This is an historic moment.

The youngest political party in British politics has just overtaken the oldest political party in the world.

Reform UK are now the real opposition.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 8:35 pm
Reply to  Indolent

When political parties (or religions) cease to work for their adherents they are replaced by one that does. See: all history.

Last edited 1 month ago by H B Bear
Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
December 27, 2024 8:20 pm

So, the Bronte/Backpackers/Bikini’d Girls Boxing Day Bash is the new Schoolies Bender.

December 27, 2024 8:21 pm

This would never happen because at some stage in the population decline the incentives to above replacement families will kick in.

There is no evidence for this whatsoever. Female educational level is inversely correlated to fertility rates. This is consistent across all cultures and wealth levels. Do the research.

The current global decline is purely a function of incentivising women to focus on themselves instead of making babies, by way of over-educating them and herding them into the workforce.

Kicking them out of higher education and the workforce is the only way to return to replacement birth rates.

December 27, 2024 8:22 pm
December 27, 2024 8:23 pm
December 27, 2024 8:25 pm


Aluminum is toxic at around 100 mcg (0.1 mg) per liter. Most vaccines have between 125 and 750 mcg per dose. For reference, a baby has about 70 mL of blood per kg of body weight, approximately 240 mL (0.24 liters) of blood at birth. Babies and children often receive multiple doses, and get roughly 10x to 30x the toxic dose of aluminum, which when injected, has direct access to the blood supply. The infant blood brain barrier (BBB) is not well developed, and polysorbates, also in vaccines, increase permeability at the BBB. They have even been used to target the central nervous system for drug delivery in pharmaceuticals. Aluminum deposition has been shown in the brains of autistic patients, and in Alzheimer disease, is neurotoxic, and causes neuroimflammation. This isn’t rocket science.

Here is a list of aluminum content in vaccines.

DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and acellular Pertussis) Vaccine:

Infanrix (GSK): 0.625 mg per dose

Daptacel (Sanofi Pasteur): 0.33 mg per dose

Tripedia (Sanofi Pasteur, discontinued): 0.33 mg per dose

Hepatitis A Vaccine:

Havrix (GSK): 0.5 mg per dose for adults, 0.25 mg for pediatrics

Vaqta (Merck): 0.45 mg per dose for adults, 0.225 mg for pediatrics

Hepatitis B Vaccine:

Engerix-B (GSK): 0.25 mg per dose for pediatrics, 0.5 mg for adults

Recombivax HB (Merck): 0.25 mg for pediatrics, 0.5 mg for adults

Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) Vaccine:

ActHIB (Sanofi Pasteur): 0.6 mg per dose

PedvaxHIB (Merck): 0.225 mg per dose

HPV (Human Papillomavirus) Vaccine:

Cervarix (GSK): 0.5 mg per dose

Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV13):

Prevnar 13 (Pfizer): 0.125 mg per dose

Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) Vaccine:

Boostrix (GSK): 0.39 mg per dose

Adacel (Sanofi Pasteur): 0.33 mg per dose

Meningococcal Vaccine:

Menveo (GSK): 0.5 mg per dose (for the MenACWY component)

RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Vaccine:

Arexvy (GSK): 0.575 mg per dose (for individuals 60 years and older)

COVID-19 Vaccine:

Sinovac-CoronaVac (Sinovac Biotech): 0.025 mg per dose

They cannot silence us. We will burn down their entire corrupt, diseased, demonic system.

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
December 27, 2024 8:30 pm

Monty must be too quiet if Dover has to troll his own blog.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 8:32 pm
Reply to  Bungonia Bee

Blame Snic. He started it.

December 27, 2024 8:36 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 9:06 pm
Reply to  Miltonf

From the link

Obama was never meant to be anything more than a transitional candidate from America to post-America, and while his legacy may be in tatters, his mission has been accomplished

How does this follow given Tump’s win?

December 28, 2024 6:17 am
Reply to  H B Bear

I hope he’s wrong on that count

December 27, 2024 8:40 pm

You are a civilian now. And a retail politician. learn how to speak to people

Allegedly sound advice from a carbon based lifeform known as Arks Shelby.

Not that anyone should give a womanage’s backside about matters opined on by the personage Arks Shelby.

Given that he is Arks Shelby.

December 27, 2024 8:53 pm

Sybil Fawlty and her Hollyweirdo squeeze, livin’ on the wild side circa ’72.

Before hotel management in Torquay became her calling. 😕

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 27, 2024 9:09 pm
Reply to  Rabz

70s was a bad time to be a hairdresser or in bra sales.

December 27, 2024 10:19 pm
Reply to  Rabz

comment image?resize=600%2C338

Yeah the old “cruising Van Nuys boulevard” photos are epic.

December 27, 2024 11:43 pm
Reply to  Rabz

comment image

Dig it.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 27, 2024 8:57 pm

Was down the Railway Hotel for a couple of ales.
Bob The Shearer had several caustic words about the lack of rain.
I suggested we should bulldoze a fifty mile gap of the Great Dividing Range somewhere between Rocky and Cairns.
“That should let the rain through”, said Paul.
The consensus was that this was the correct way to deal with the problem.
Someone came up with a timescale problem.
I suggested a few – about 8 – 1 Mt nukes along the GDR, would solve the problem overnight.
Des the Builder and Concreter, had doubts.
Pauline, mine host – had concerns about beer deliveries from Rocky.
I’ve managed to get her concerned about getting her grand nephew to fling on a skirt and becoming Barcaldine’s first Transgender Skimpy.

I’ll let you know what the outcome is.

December 27, 2024 11:51 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Went through there a few years back. Took some photos of the poisoned Tree of Knowledge.

Bloke in my room at Kapooka came from Barcaldine. Harvey. Can’t remember his first name, or if I even knew it. Salt of the Earth type bloke. He chose Grunts, I chose Artillery.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 10:35 am
Reply to  Zafiro

The poisoned Tree of Knowledge:
They concreted around the base and wondered why it died.
Had it been poisoned, no clones/grafts of the tree would have been possible.
It’s the wrong tree anyway. The men would get off the train at the station 300 odd meters down the track. The station was moved at the beginning of the last century. The original tree of knowledge is still next to the road and hospital.

December 27, 2024 11:57 pm
Reply to  Winston Smith

Other two blokes in the room got sent to the Blanket Folders. One chose it. one didn’t.

December 27, 2024 8:58 pm

Dickless uptick for Rabz

December 27, 2024 9:04 pm

Speaking of young womanages … 🙂

December 27, 2024 9:57 pm

I’m watching Return of the King. It brought to mind this small truism;


December 27, 2024 10:06 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Bugger it. I’ll try again tomorrow.
I am replete with fine pork sausages and a whole bottle of decent bubbles.

December 27, 2024 10:03 pm

Let’s try this again!

comment image&pivotparams=insightsToken%3Dbcid_SykB667CbukHqxcxoNWLuD9SqbotqVTdP-s

December 27, 2024 10:07 pm
Reply to  Pogria

I repeat what I said in previous post’s reply. 😀

December 27, 2024 10:41 pm

I’m going out for Shabbat dinner and I’m going……drum roll…..braless…….

I was going to say “photos or it didn’t happen”, but thought I shouldn’t be so crass.
It’s not that sort of blog.

Bruce in WA
December 27, 2024 11:07 pm
Reply to  132andBush

Why, yes … yes, it is!! 😀

December 28, 2024 12:14 am
Reply to  132andBush

It’s certainly heading that way.

December 28, 2024 9:16 pm
Reply to  132andBush

It’s not the lack of bra that’s interesting, it’s the size and shape of what’s underneath it.

Cassie of Sydney
December 27, 2024 10:57 pm

My father adored this Two Ronnies’ skit…..

Ronnie Barker wasn’t just a comedic genius, he was a genius with accents.

December 27, 2024 11:15 pm

Quite so.

“I’m gentile, please! I’m as goy as they come.” ROFL

Anyway, it’s goodnight from me and …………….

December 28, 2024 9:20 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Nonsense. All animals reproduce until the cost becomes too great.

December 28, 2024 12:17 am

Bugger this. I’m off to my Tartarian research.

December 28, 2024 12:48 am

We’re almost a quarter of the way through the twenty-first century. And the world isn’t ended yet. Despite global warming and our shocking behaviour with respect to fossil fuels.

Last edited 1 month ago by DrBeauGan
December 28, 2024 1:52 am

Finally and belatedly, I caught up properly with my cousin for XMAS lunch.

In the true-and-tested tradition of The Cat, an abridged description of the full 3-course meal follows.. Starting with a proper antipasto of Montasio cheese, Prosciutto di San Daniele and Salame Lovisan, which were unfortunately NOT washed down with some local Prosecco or Merlot, since my cousin is abstemious. However, the apple juice was tolerable.. just.
Home-made gnocchi and frico (a Divine, melted cheese-potato frittata, a local specialty) preceding the traditional Milanese panettone, the “Tre Marie” brand being the alleged best.. something I could easily be convinced of. All completed with a caffettiera-brewed espresso.

NOTE: In contrast to the Oz tradition, where panettoni magically disappear off the shelves well before XMAS eve, here they are seriously plentiful, ubiquitous in all, and I mean “ALL” shops. So pervasive these delicious things are, that there is no chance that they be completely sold by the Big Day. Although some discounts are offered, these exquisite things will still be available until the end of January. Of course, I didn’t find out about this until well-after XMAS lunch, so my supermarket raid, late on XMAS eve was anything but The Clever, Cunning Plan.

My cousin, who is recently divorced, is a true Friulan, proud of her heritage (in a non-251 way), who even (unsuccessfully) ran for Local Parliament in 2014 on a platform of popularising the Regional language and.. cough, cough.. saving the local trees.

The whole XMAS lunch was almost completely derailed, at one stage, due to an injudicious meander into politics (a really stupid idea.. I know..). She can best be described as a strong Nationalist, as well as a self- identifying Socialist.. wait for it.. in the Mussolini model of Socialism, without the “Fascist” bit, ie. without the unholy alliance with the large corporates which, as well as protean other sins, are intent on destroying the local environment, especially the trees. This can indeed be seen today, especially in the countryside between Udine and the Adriatic.

In her view, Mussolini was a true Patriot Nationalist who lifted Post-WW1 Italy out of the cesspit it was cast into by the Monarchy and the wealthy pseudo-Catholic Laity. There is plenty of historical support for this idea. Il Duce’s lethal mistake was in allying Christian-Fascist Italy with the evil Austrian who, my cousin maintains, was no Socialist at all.
After my earlier faux pas, I dared not pontificate on the meaning of the “S” and “A” in NSDAP..

On more recent politics, she is strongly supportive of both Trump and Putin, who she sees as sane, common-sense, Christian alternatives to the Democrat Satanists and their Ukranian puppets. Even Komrade Stalin gets some brownie points by way of his early monk-ness and saving-of-Europe in 1945.

The “Satanist” bit was an interesting language choice by my cousin who, previously a rabid atheist, is now deeply pious, after an allegedly Epiphanic spiritual experience some years ago..
To be further investigated…

December 28, 2024 7:08 am
Reply to  Gilas

Gilas, your description of your cousin is amazing. My mind is scrambled trying to untangle the directions her mind must go. I have a cousin the complete opposite, never had a thought in her life, sat smiling while those around left wondering if it was happiness or wind. Her claim to fame was the playing of the accordion of which her repertoire of three pieces soon wore thin at family gatherings.

December 28, 2024 10:11 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

don’t dish happy people, the world needs more of them

December 28, 2024 2:03 am

Don’t you think that some point between a population being 1B and 0 that people will begin to realize that larger families may be advantageous? 

Why ask me? Ask the Japanese losing 1 million people a year if they’ve come to that realisation.

If population is purely a function of technology then declining populations don’t present a problem.

Sure it does if there’s no counter.

December 28, 2024 7:20 am
Reply to  JC

The problem as I see it JC is populatio growth is in the wrong demograph. Africa and muzzies. Neither of which have developed. African population has doubled in 40 years, I believe, only due to the West feeding them. A self inflicted famine as agricultural practices are still centuries old and will not change.

December 28, 2024 4:00 am
December 28, 2024 4:01 am
December 28, 2024 4:02 am
December 28, 2024 4:03 am
Reply to  Tom

This one doesn’t work for me

December 28, 2024 4:03 am
December 28, 2024 4:04 am
December 28, 2024 4:05 am
December 28, 2024 4:05 am
December 28, 2024 4:06 am
December 28, 2024 4:07 am
December 28, 2024 4:18 am

Thanx, Tom.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
December 28, 2024 4:39 am

Dice is spot on with this monologue.

Looking into his eyes, he is NOT reading a prepared script. The info just flows from his brain and converted into voice.

He’s unique. NO one in legacy media could challenge this bloke …not that he would accept the invitation in the first place.

Why bother with them?

On the flip side, I would like Rita from Sky News attempt to get him on. It would be ” Hello, welcome to program” …after that it would be, kaboom! You would just have to shut up and listen.


Mark Dice:

Are Americans FINALLY Fed Up Enough To Stop It?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
December 28, 2024 6:56 am

Discussion of the H1-B visa imbroglio involving Musk and Ramaswamy.

Bungonia bee
Bungonia bee
December 28, 2024 7:10 am

Monica Showalter has a dig at Vivek as well, over at American Thinker. But I think Dover’s “suicidal” jibe was a tad harsh.
American culture has certainly a lot to answer for in the decline of that great nation. And if the merits of importing foreigners with skills is such a hot potato that it can’t be discussed in a rational rather than offended manner, we had better watch out too. We are regaled daily with “the need to import skilled workers”.

December 28, 2024 7:23 am
Reply to  Bungonia bee

Instead we import skilled bum wipers. We are lazy.

December 28, 2024 8:02 am
Reply to  GreyRanga

Speak for yourself

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 28, 2024 8:30 am
Reply to  Bungonia bee

To cover the desperate shortage of fingernail technicians.

December 28, 2024 9:14 am
Reply to  Bungonia bee

Both Vivek and Elon have just sidelined themselves from American voters. Didn’t they notice one of the biggest issues during the election was immigration? Sad how the smartest can be quite stupid.

December 28, 2024 9:27 pm
Reply to  Bungonia bee

Where are all the ‘skilled’ Muslims?

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
December 28, 2024 7:25 am

There may be plenty of people who want to take Vivek down, but I thought he made more sense more often than most people during the campaign. The USA can’t afford to keep trashing “skilled” people like him, but we know there is a lot of nonsense spoken about political matters.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 28, 2024 7:32 am

JJ Sefton and his morning report:

Funny how Trump and we are labeled as deniers, and a hell of a lot worse for objecting and protesting what we now know, with mountains of physical, statistical, forensic and eyewitness evidence that at the barest of bare minimums showed that the integrity and validity of the 2020 election was seriously compromised.

Despite none of this in 2000,2004 and in 2016 each of the Democrat candidates as well as their entire party went on for years insisting that they were robbed and that Dubya and Trump were illegitimate. Recall that in 2016, there were indeed violent protests at and near the White House that resulted in the firebombing and destruction of an historic church. This of course an extension of the wave of burning and looting and murdering that ravaged American cities and towns in the summer of 2020, in the wake of the George Floyd dying while resisting arrest, again as a pretext to try and derail the election.

That and unleashing a Chi-Com and Fauci created/US Taxpayer funded Franken-virus as the pretext to lock down the world and cancel or otherwise give cover to legalized election-rigging.

And as for labeling Trump and those who came to DC on 1/6/21 as insurrectionists and terrorists intent on overthrowing the government to prevent the Electoral college from certifying the results, it will go down as one of the most vicious libels that resulted in the perversion of the justice system as a means for the Democrat Left to persecute and silence all opposition.

We know what Democrats and Leftists are capable of when they are denied power. The attempts on Trump’s life are just the latest example, as are the threats against individuals such as Justice Kavanaugh and the infamous Chuck Schumer’s thinly veiled threat about how the Intel community has 9 ways to Sunday to get at Trump, and on and on and on for over 200 years.

Can they actually pull this off and you can likely guess the media’s reaction to both a successful coup and a failed one.

We’re on a knife edge as it is, but this garbage is murder. And yet, that is the state of play 248 years out from the American Revolution. A republic if we can keep it. And the jury is out on that one. Are we really going to make it to the 250th: “Semiquincentennial.” Especially as even a shadow of what the American nation, society and government are supposed to resemble. As Trump himself would say, we’ll just have to wait and see. As always, hope and pray for the best, but prepare for the worst.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 11:20 am
Reply to  Black Ball

Remember how Democrats were outraged — Outraged! — that some Republicans objected to the counting of the Electoral College votes back in 2021 over concerns that voter fraud tipped the election results to Joe Biden in key battleground states? The very idea of disputing the election results was seen as blasphemy and anti-democratic.

Yet the left is once again pushing for Congress to block Donald Trump from taking office, despite his overwhelming victory in 2024.

We need to remember that the Left are – first and foremost, Communists.
They believe in rule by divine right – not by God, but by Marx.

Black Ball
Black Ball
December 28, 2024 7:36 am

Sefton wrote in response to this article. Get the feeling that Trump isn’t over the line yet.

December 28, 2024 10:30 am
Reply to  Black Ball

Lord I despise academics

December 28, 2024 8:20 am
Reply to  Indolent

It’s most likely where the Gimp is hiding.

December 28, 2024 7:52 am


It’s A Pirate’s Life For Me!
Tina Toon
We saw some fireworks yesterday and it’s not related to New Year’s Eve. Social media star Catturd criticized Dan Crenshaw. He called him an “America-last, Ukraine-first war pig” and accusing him of making money from stock trading since joining Congress.

Debate is healthy in a free society, but some people are lousy at it and therefore tend to become snowflakes when they are called out for their misdeeds.

Crenshaw began threatening Catturd with his cutlass and libel suit and claimed the accusations against him were completely made up. One-eyed Pirate Dan got himself a case of cat scratch fever and it went overboard from there. Crenshaw got totally roasted on X and the backlash was bad enough to sink his pirate ship. Even his own parrot was bad-mouthing Crenshaw.

more of the funny post at the link in replies !

December 28, 2024 8:02 am

As far as I’m concerned he’s malignant.

Keep Bill Gates far away from The White House

December 28, 2024 8:23 am


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development reports that homelessness is up 18% this year.

California is of course #1.

Great job Democrats!

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 11:42 am
Reply to  Indolent

Hopefully it will be funded by confiscation of the assets from certain people.

December 28, 2024 8:29 am
December 28, 2024 8:29 am

There is no evil that the American left is incapable of so agree Trump is not over the line. I think this time though Trump and his guys know this.

December 28, 2024 8:36 am

I would also not blame women entirely for current fertility rates also. You might want to ask who materially gained from increasing female participation in the workforce. I dare say there is a correlation between them and those that welcomed mass immigration.

I actually didnt point the finger at anyone for the refocusing of women away from motherhood. However there are toxic female characteristics which have really been unleashed in the modern era with notions of “equality”.

Until we reject this idea of “equality” and allow women to focus on they are biologically designed to do, which is make babies and raise them, we are in for a terminal downward spiral.

What will happen though is that cultures that don’t over educate their women and herd them into the workforce will over time swamp cultures that do. Its no different in the animal kingdom, species that for whatever reason can’t maintain a healthy fertility rate will be replaced by ones that can.

December 28, 2024 8:47 am

This is an important article from Flopping Aces. The deep state seems to have finally found a wedge to use against MAGA.
Immigration or Infiltration? The H1-B Debate and Deep State Influence

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 28, 2024 9:03 am

The deep state seems to have finally found a wedge to use against MAGA.

Easy answer. You can have one H1-B visa for every 100 illegal immigrants you successfully deport.

This way you get the corporations to fund the deportation costs. No deportations, no visas. Simple.

December 28, 2024 9:30 am

Whatever happened to training your own people to take up the jobs?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 28, 2024 10:04 am
Reply to  Crossie

The problem is both high school and the university system is broken. And the kids want to be lawyers not STEM. STEM is hard.

High school is filling their heads with mush, and not with the essentials that allow them to do STEM. So when they get to uni they drop out because it’s too hard.

Result: no Americans able to do the jobs.

What these corporations have to do is bite the bullet and set up their own private universities. But that is spectacularly unpopular with the Left, so they’re between a rock and a hard place. H1-B is the compromise, since it’s liked by the Left and they can save some money on salaries, even if the immigrants aren’t the best (which in my personal experience they tend not to be.)

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 11:59 am
Reply to  Crossie

Or even letting the white/Asian boys into the interview process – which is where the main gripe is at the moment, from what I’m hearing.

December 28, 2024 9:13 am

toxic female characteristics which have really been unleashed in the modern era with notions of “equality”

Schrödinger’s woman is both “empowered” and “oppressed” until anything changes

December 28, 2024 9:37 am

Its no different in the animal kingdom, species that for whatever reason can’t maintain a healthy fertility rate will be replaced by ones that can.

Zippster, I failed an exam question in high school based on that premise. The question was “Which is more advantageous for a specie survival, one fit and healthy offspring or many but not terribly fit or healthy offspring?” Being young and stupid I chose the one offspring. The teacher was happy to explain it to me and the entire class, the sole offspring can be killed by a predator thus leading to extinction while enough of the mediocre offsprings would survive to continue.

It has also been pointed out many times that a welfare mother with six kids to different fathers is doing more for humanity’s survival than a couple of university lecturers with one child.

December 28, 2024 9:52 am
Reply to  Crossie

One of the factors contributing to white supremacy is the medical advances of the 19th century which allowed more offspring to survive, and women to survive childbirth. In fact there was so many that the whites needed to emigrate to the new world and Australia, as the opportunities in the Mother country were limited.

The other factor was capitalism, the economic and political freedom to accumulate capital and wealth to enhance human productivity.

In the late 20th century the population exploded in moslem countries for the same reason (availability of modern medicine) paid for with oil money. You can guess the rest.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 12:02 pm
Reply to  Crossie

It has also been pointed out many times that a welfare mother with six kids to different fathers is doing more for humanity’s survival than a couple of university lecturers with one child.

Not if their main aim in life is to be a drug seller or gangbanger.

December 28, 2024 9:38 pm
Reply to  Crossie

A wallaby with a pouch young will ditch it if she is in danger. That’s not survival of the fittest, it’s survival of the mother.

December 28, 2024 9:43 am

 We are regaled daily with “the need to import skilled workers”.

I’m so old I remember when Albanese was promising to cut immigration and skill up Australian workers.

Way back in 2022 I think it was.

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
December 28, 2024 9:46 am

Matrix, that’s a gem.
Though in the final analysis, 99% of wimmin will grasp for the opression narrative- see PM Gillard, Senator Abdel-Mageid, Professor Langton, etc

December 28, 2024 9:48 am

We are regaled daily with “the need to import skilled workers”.

Taliban and Hezbollocks demolition experts.

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 28, 2024 10:21 am
Reply to  alwaysright

While importing illiterate, unteachable, unassimilable, welfare drones.

December 28, 2024 9:59 am

FBI ‘found evidence Covid was lab leak but was not allowed to brief president’

Jason Bannan, a doctor of microbiology and former senior scientist at the FBI, has dedicated more than a year of his life to discovering the origins of Covid.

But despite being the only U.S. national intelligence agency to conclude that a lab leak was likely, the FBI and Mr. Bannan were snubbed from a National Intelligence Council briefing with Joe Biden [in August 2021], it has been claimed.

Mr. Bannan, who joined the FBI as part of the agency’s efforts to bolster its expertise in germ weapons, toxins and biological warfare post 9/11, has since retired, but is calling for the evidence backing a lab leak theory to be reassessed.

“What ended up on the intelligence community’s cutting-room floor needs to be re-examined,” he said.

The conclusion from the U.S. review published in August 2021 was that it would be hard to confirm the origin without cooperation from China.

China’s only cooperation has so far been a joint report with the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2021 which said the virus most likely moved from bats to humans via another animal.

The Telegraph (UK)

I note word is about that Trump is going to defund the WHO.

Last edited 1 month ago by Roger
December 28, 2024 10:02 am

It has also been pointed out many times that a welfare mother with six kids to different fathers is doing more for humanity’s survival than a couple of university lecturers with one child.

See the beginning of “Idiocracy”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 28, 2024 10:13 am

Good morning from Chemtrail Territory.

Pissweak start to the proper Wet. Almost at the end of December, no rain of substance forecast until next weekend at least, and at 150mm for the month we’re about 100-130mm light on. The ‘extreme weather event’ count is, of course, zero.

Hasn’t stopped the grass though. It’s been so humid it doesn’t need to actually rain, as the grass etc just inhales water vapour from the air. Weeds have also gone kaboom, in the same manner.

Weeding (i.e., Roundup) will be conducted at intervals during the crikkit, with lawns to follow.

December 28, 2024 10:24 am

I love Roundup.
After the wheel, man’s greatest invention.

December 28, 2024 12:07 pm
Reply to  Pogria

Zero Rapid 1hr for my paths and edges.

December 28, 2024 10:51 am

Yep KD – same in the NSW Central Western Tablelands. However, arrived back from Sydney yesterday to find a significant browning off of the green paddocks. House grounds and lawns, in particular, had gone from picture perfect to “where’s the sprinklers?????!!!!”

December 28, 2024 10:17 am

It has also been pointed out many times that a welfare mother with six kids to different fathers is doing more for humanity’s survival than a couple of university lecturers with one child.

This is why we need a viable middle class.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 28, 2024 10:20 am

One of the features of low fertility rates is politics. Lefties tend not to breed.

comment image

Add to that that about half of all young lefty women have been diagnosed with a mental illness.

Much as I go on about the global warming hoax I think that has a significant impact, since the Left has been terrifying young people for several decades. So they are afraid to have kids.

December 28, 2024 9:44 pm

Has anyone asked the kids whether they would have preferred to be born into a small or a large family?

Cassie of Sydney
December 28, 2024 10:28 am

UK Youtuber Andrew Gold (and his stuff is good) decided to visit his alma mater, Leeds University, to interview woke students. Leeds University is perhaps the most woke university in the UK……

I Investigated the UK’s Most CENSORIOUS Campus

I would urge everyone to watch it. It’s only about 25 minutes.

The video is both sickening and frightening. If you’re Jewish, if you’re pro-Israel or if you believe in gender reality, you will targeted for cancellation and worse. The threats of violence permeate through the university. Earlier this year a rabbi, who’s job was to administer to Jewish students, was forced into hiding because of threats of Nazi Islamists. The students are no different to Mao’s violent thugs during the Cultural Revolution.

As for the hideously ugly fat lunatic in the purple puffer jacket, watching her I was reminded of that hideous character from the 1971 film, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the character called……’Violet Beauregarde“.

This is the West in 2024.

December 28, 2024 11:59 am

I couldn’t watch it through to the end. Complete incoherence coupled with belligerence.

I found the accusation of “lack of empathy” amusing amongst the first year psychobabble. She might want to look up “projection”.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 4:43 pm
Reply to  calli

They have no idea they are in fact, fighting for the very thing they profess to hate.

 Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend.

December 28, 2024 10:29 am

Steve Kirsch, the US millionaire whose famous discussion with evolutionary biologist Bret Weinstein and the lipid technology pioneer Robert Malone virtually started the backlash against the mRNA Covid technology, offered $2 million to anyone who could prove them wrong.

He has finally received a challenger in Israeli tech entrepreneur Saar Wilf. I can’t print off their lengthy and amazing submissions – but you can obtain them by going to the sub stack of Steve Kirsch.

A HUGE lot of technical reading. Not looking forward to it – but it is a MUST for those who feel vindicated by what has (sadly) eventuated. I still worry about long effects of the vaccines re my family.

December 28, 2024 10:34 am
Reply to  Vicki

BTW you may have trouble connecting with his sub stack. I have used it for a long time – but noticed that it now hard to access. Cant imagine why…..

Cassie of Sydney
December 28, 2024 10:31 am

It has also been pointed out many times that a welfare mother with six kids to different fathers is doing more for humanity’s survival than a couple of university lecturers with one child.

Nup. Across the West chronic welfarism is now intergenerational. Those six kids are likely future welfare bludgers whereas the one child is likely a contributor.

December 28, 2024 1:10 pm

and the little shiites will be demanding he look after them in the manner they’ve been accustomed to. He’ll have no say in it as the welfare class is outnumbering the productive.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 28, 2024 10:37 am
December 28, 2024 10:39 am

Lloyd Doggett – Wikipedia

Another old congress kunt

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 28, 2024 10:40 am

Following on from the briefly touched on previous-employment-of-politicians discussion yesterday, this is pretty good from Barnaby’s current squeeze (the Tele):

If you were picking our parliament like a football team, most would not have their job.

A winger has to be fast, a prop has to be big and scary, and a halfback has to be cheeky and co-ordinated to win the game. Players are chosen on their skill sets, and there has to be a broad range to make a winning team.

The problem is we are picking a parliamentary team from players who have never played the football of life before. They have merely watched on the sidelines, got coffee for the players, and wished they were the players but merely mimicked.

In our parliamentary team, we have not a single plumber, sparky, and only a couple of carpenters, yet they all have the grand elixir to fix the housing crisis.

There are just a couple of accountants, but if you listen to them, they are all experts on budgets and economics. There is not one genuine atmospheric scientist but they are all beaming with expertise on climate science.


H B Bear
H B Bear
December 28, 2024 11:26 am

Staffers and “professional” politicians are a big part of the problem. Few of them have either the understanding, experience or skepticism to challenge the Swamp dwellers.

December 28, 2024 9:51 pm

Many people more knowledgable than I have pointed out that not one prediction of imminent doom has ever been accurate. In my lifetime of 80+ years.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 28, 2024 10:42 am


Parliament is dominated by the team mascots, the person who dresses up, prances around the sideline cheering but has never kicked a goal – the staffer, who can dress up to anyone they need to be.

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen likes to dress up as an electrical engineer, nuclear physicist, infrastructure tsar and all-round clever guy.

Example 1. Chris Bowen whose occupational history is staffer, union official, staffer, staffer, city councillor and, now, cabinet minister who can dress up as an electrical engineer, nuclear physicist, infrastructure tsar and all-round clever guy.

Example 2. Jim Chalmers, who went from cabinet staffer to ALP party staffer, to political staffer to consultant, PhD scholar and now Treasurer, who can dress up as a senior economist in permanent disagreement with the RBA.

Example 3. Pat Conroy, whose former jobs were working in Albo’s office, union staffer, senate staffer, a union staffer and then back to a ministerial staffer, who now dresses up as crucial to the defence of our nation.

Or the PM himself, who went from bank officer to staffer, ALP party official to staffer, and now dresses up as Julius Caesar, the great leader.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 28, 2024 10:44 am


If every parliamentarian is a preselector-schmoozing, university-educated, city-dwelling party apparatchik turned staffer, you don’t have diversity; you have a cloning machine pumping out politicians who all think alike no matter which party they belong to.

Cultivated in the same clique, this is why they are so easily led by the bureaucracy who want to shut down our primary industries, like fishing, forestry, farming, coal and gas, and so easily swallow this net zero rubbish, because they don’t know any different and wouldn’t know who to ask if they did.

Nice. And accurate, to boot.

December 28, 2024 10:45 am

Good summary of the media vermin:

Hypocrisy, bad taste and other follies of 2024
Gerard Henderson The Australian December 27, 2024

On New Year’s Day 2024, morale was relatively high since the Year of the Dragon was expected to usher in a time of professionalism and rational thinking. However, that we live in a continuing vale of tears was evident as narcissism, anger, false prophecy, hyperbole, rudeness, intolerance, bad taste, double standards and ignorance prevailed over the land. On a monthly basis.

Leftist author Jane Caro welcomes the new year with a post on X declaring she is “blocking sanctimonious, creepy, misogynistic, human joy hating Christofascists on sight” and recommends all others “do the same”. There is no discernible change, probably because few, if any, know what she is on about. Nine columnist Jacqueline Maley enters 2024 declaring that Twitter “increased my contempt for humanity”.

The Australian Financial Review’s Rear Window column claims “spies in Canberra tell us (former Labor minister Stephen) Conroy has been an omnipresent odious smell wafting down the halls of parliament under the Albanese government”. Not to be outdone, Crikey contributor and non-funny comedian Tom Ballard asserts that “the Albanese government appears to have achieved the impossible: successfully polishing a turd”. The reference is to abolition of the full stage three tax cuts. Asked on the ABC TV documentary Nemesis what word springs to mind after “Peter Dutton”, Malcolm Turnbull replies “thug”.

The Monthly publishes its profile on newly appointed ABC chairman Kim Williams. Interviewed for the article, Phillip Adams opines: “I prefer Kim Jong-un to Kim Williams.” But Adams remains a resident near Scone, which is a long way from North Korea. ABC presenter Jonathan Green suggests a taxpayer-funded public broadcaster is a “voice for immutable truths”. Really. Crikey politics editor Bernard Keane writes that Donald Trump’s “cognitive decline makes Joe Biden’s look benign”. Enough said.

Former BBC Washington correspondent Nick Bryant comments in Nine newspapers that since Trump stands a good chance of returning to power, “the question of whether the United States is headed towards Civil War 2.0 no longer feels hyperbolic”. ABC television’s Compass highlights what turns out to be a soft profile on Antony Loewenstein, who presents as a Jewish atheist and critic of Israel. Titled Not in My Name, it covers Loewenstein’s claim that Israel was responding to Hamas’ attack on October 7, 2023, in Loewenstein’s name. And should not be doing so. Somewhat narcissistic, don’t you think?

ABC TV 7.30 political correspondent Laura Tingle advises the Sydney Writers Festival that Australia is “a racist country”. Tingle, however, rationalises her comment claiming she did not have the opportunity to put her remarks in context. At the same SWF, David Marr tells writer Melissa Lucashenko off stage that she is rude for having suggested, perhaps unfairly, that Marr should forward the royalties from his most recent book as reparations to Indigenous Australians.

Costa Georgiadis, the presenter of ABC TV’s Gardening Australia, tells Nine newspapers’ Good Weekend magazine “gardening is sexy … (it) is the ultimate release”. Thus joining the gardening band of hortosexuals. Former NSW Liberal Party energy minister Matt Kean links the challenge of climate change to the threat of Nazism during World War II and communism during the Cold War (in which nuclear war was a possibility). Kean is now chairman of the Climate Change Authority.

Commentator Quentin Dempster posts a warning on Elon Musk’s X. To wit: “With Trump/Project 2025 our American friends are at grave danger of turning their Country into Gilead (of The Handmaid’s Tale fame). Women will have no rights over their own bodies. Hope the women of America take a stand in November election.” Clearly most American women, who voted for Trump, do not follow Comrade Dempster. Nine journalist Maher Mughrabi criticises his colleague Peter Hartcher for condemning senator Fatima Payman’s decision to quit the Labor Party. He says Hartcher’s argument has disappeared up his own bum.

Nine columnist Niki Savva, a Dutton antagonist, writes in Nine newspapers about “Dutton’s clumsy dance of the seven veils on nuclear power”. Meaning he had not released details of his policy. Savva forgets that the original Dance of the Seven Veils was a strip tease act, which does not apply to someone who is allegedly without policy in the first place since they have nothing to take off.

Guardian Australia’s Amy Remeikis, who has since moved to the leftist Australia Institute, condemns landlords on Network 10’s The Project. Asked as to whom the anger of renters is directed, she blames capitalism, mostly, and those who uphold capitalism. It is later revealed that Remeikis herself rents out a property she part owns. Suggesting, perhaps, that capitalism is not so bad after all.
Melbourne media identity Jon Faine appears on the ABC’s Q+A playing down the extent of crime in Dandenong. He lives comfortably in inner-city Melbourne, about 35km from Dandenong.

The Saturday Paper (publisher Morry Schwartz, editor-in-chief Erik Jensen) supports independent senator Lidia Thorpe’s confrontation with the King during his recent visit to Parliament House. The paper editorialises: “Nothing Thorpe said is untrue; Charles sits on a throne of stolen land.” As the year ends, there is no evidence that Schwartz Media has returned its “stolen land” in the Melbourne inner-city suburb of Collinwood. On ABC Radio Sydney, Richard Glover suggests of a bad taste Puerto Rican joke told at a Trump rally in New York that “maybe this is the joke that changed history”. Meaning Trump might lose the election because of a bad joke.

7.30 presenter Sarah Ferguson is one of several ABC journalists who have headed to the US for the presidential election, most of whom speak to other Australians and none of whom anticipates Trump’s substantial victory over Democrat candidate Kamela Harris. On the eve of the election, Ferguson tells RN Breakfast she would be “listening” to Ann Seltzer’s polling in Iowa that favoured Harris. Seltzer was hopelessly wrong. In the aftermath of the election, Nine columnist Hartcher prophesies: “The American people are now abandoning it (democracy) as a failed experiment.”

The year ends with a sense of bewilderment following reaction to ABC chairman Wil­liams’ late November appearance at the National Press Club. Following his criticism of US podcaster Joe Rogan, Williams is criticised by, among others, billionaire Musk. Fair enough, it may be thought. But Williams describes the criticism as “demonic”. Which leads to discussion about whether the ABC chairman really believes in the Devil. Paul Barry concludes his decade-plus time as ABC Media Watch presenter by showing highlights of his Media Bites segment including footage of him presenting as an ageing clown at a six-year old’s birthday party.
And so, the media year ended on a somewhat unprofessional and irrational note.
1/ The ABC’s Laura Tingle at Sydney Writers Festival this year described Australia as “a racist country”.
2/ Nine’s Nikki Sava twists her metaphors when writing about ‘Dutton’s clumsy dance of the seven veils on nuclear power’. Picture: Chris Pavlich.
3/ Bernard Keane for Crikey opined that Donald Trump’s ‘cognitive decline makes Joe Biden’s look benign’. Enough said.
4/ Jewish atheist and Israel critic Antony Loewenstein appeared on an ABC episode of Compass entitled Not in My Name, about how Israel should not have responded to the Hamas atrocities ‘in his name’. Somewhat narcissistic, don’t you think? Picture: Alan Place
5/ Independent senator Lidia Thorpe treated King Charles to her own personal Get Out of Country tirade, an action supported by The Saturday Paper. Picture: Reuters

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 28, 2024 11:28 am
Reply to  cohenite

Hendo puts it in the stands.

December 28, 2024 1:36 pm
Reply to  cohenite

Is Slowinspleen alive?

December 28, 2024 10:45 am

Much as I go on about the global warming hoax I think that has a significant impact, since the Left has been terrifying young people for several decades. So they are afraid to have kids.

While this is true, affluence also has encouraged smaller families – a different trend to that in past generations. No doubt the fact that women work to support a more affluent lifestyle is contributory.

You know, it is a real conundrum. Our very smart granddaughter who is excelling at university, has several P/T jobs and is enjoying life, has announced her desire to be a “stay-at-home” mum. It surprised all of us. And while I applaud the idea of staying at home till the kids are at school, I suspect that she has a longer period in mind.

And there it is. Despite conservative desires for a sound family life, we all want our girls to be able to fulfil their potential as citizens of the world.

I am bemused, I confess, when faced with this problems at a personal level.

December 28, 2024 10:59 am

Despite conservative desires for a sound family life, we all want our girls to be able to fulfil their potential as citizens of the world.

To be a Somewhere or an Anywhere, that is the question.

December 28, 2024 11:16 am

I note word is about that Trump is going to defund the WHO.

This is why so many of us love this bloke.

December 28, 2024 11:35 am
Reply to  dover0beach

So, the belief that Elon Musk has developed a prototype of a hypersonic jet called X1 is false, then?

December 28, 2024 11:23 am

This is why so many of us love this bloke.

Donald Trump has the one thing Australia craves but doesn’t have: political leadership.

Most of our political leaders are stranded in the political opposition because of the incompetence and cowardice of the main opposition party (the SFLs).

December 28, 2024 11:24 am

Elon and Vivek completely exposed themselves, and failed to read the room politically. And we are still haven’t reached inauguration day.

I guess if MAGA destroys itself it’s good for Russia, right? Keep high fiving yourself.

Vivek didn’t say anything any decent thinking person would disagree with. He’s been a great advocate for the campaign, and Trump won because of Musk.
Both have been in strong support for the top 1%.
Russia, Russia, Russia.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
Cassie of Sydney
December 28, 2024 11:25 am

Former NSW Liberal Party energy minister Matt Kean links the challenge of climate change to the threat of Nazism during World War II and communism during the Cold War (in which nuclear war was a possibility)

Ahhhh, the hypocrisy of slimy leftists trivialising Nazism. But we all know how there’s one rule for the left and another rule for the rest of us. I remember how, prior to the 2022 May election, Garden Slug Kean joined in a the furious denunciation and condemnation of Katherine Deves all because, in unearthed tweets, Deves had compared the transgender community and Nazism. She was forced to apologise.

December 28, 2024 12:22 pm

What I’d like to know is who is responsible for advancing this far-left Manchurian candidate so far in the Liberal Party?

Cassie of Sydney
December 28, 2024 12:30 pm
Reply to  Lee

Photos, Turnbull, Harwin, Baird.

December 28, 2024 12:38 pm


December 28, 2024 1:41 pm

Harwin has always reminded me of the obese Cow, sitting on a giant platter imploring those seated at the table to “eat me”.
From Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

December 28, 2024 11:30 am

One of the factors contributing to white supremacy is the medical advances of the 19th century which allowed more offspring to survive, and women to survive childbirth.

One of the prevailing ideas of the current generation is that medical advances have led to better health and longevity.

This is being increasingly challenged by epidemiologists and others who believe that technical advances leading to modern sanitation and clean water supplies etc have most likely had a greater contribution.

They argue that while advances in medicine – especially antibiotics – have undoubedly prevented countless deaths, the civilisational and technical advances which have spread to non western countries have slowed premature deaths.

It should be noted that people have smaller families when they are more affluent and better fed.

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 4:56 pm
Reply to  Vicki

…as well as access to birth control regimes that are effective.
Without them, money is of no use, and either abstinence or sterilisation is the only answer.

December 28, 2024 10:05 pm
Reply to  Vicki

Large families>survival of the fittest.

December 28, 2024 11:33 am

I don’t know a huge amount about Brad Battin but the removal of the salami and the thwarting of his wishy-washy lawyer opponents has to be a big big plus.

December 28, 2024 10:08 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Any tech who has worked in an infectious disease lab. would tell you that a lab leak was almost certain.

December 28, 2024 11:37 am

Geez Wilson and what’s his name represented everything that’s wrong with the Liberal Party. As do Speakperson and Keane in NSW.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 28, 2024 11:42 am

Tim Blair on Sky News.

Tim Blair reacts to controversial author awarded with taxpayer grant (28 Dec)

The Daily Telegraph’s Tim Blair has reacted to a controversial author receiving a $42,000 taxpayer grant.

Author Matt Chun received the grant to write a children’s book about the police.

When asked how to get paid for writing a book, Mr Blair said to aim for the “sort of lefty” market.

“You’ve got to aim for the youth terrorist, crazy, sort of lefty, save whales, climate change market,” Mr Blair joked with Sky News host James Macpherson.

“Back your truck up and get all the moolah.”

The Left just loves giving each other taxpayers’ money.

Delta A
Delta A
December 28, 2024 11:53 am

And while I applaud the idea of staying at home till the kids are at school, I suspect that she has a longer period in mind.

I don’t see this as a problem, Vicki.

Talented, clever granddaughter has expressed the same sentiment, with the idea of home schooling, then permanently staying at home as her mother has done in the past.

These are the women who volunteer at schools, charities, nursing homes etc. They cook meals for the homeless, raise money for worthy causes and work tirelessly for their church’s outreach programs.

Then they take pride in a well-kept house, healthy meals for their families and time to spend on their children and their interests.

They’re certainly not wasting themselves.

December 28, 2024 1:44 pm
Reply to  Delta A

x 1,000’s

Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 4:59 pm
Reply to  Delta A

Damn Straight, Delta A.

Boambee John.
Boambee John.
December 28, 2024 12:31 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

Depends if you count the by-blows with the local village lasses.

And the adage “The heir and a spare” doesn’t suggest an ambition for a large family.

Last edited 1 month ago by Boambee John.
Winston Smith
Winston Smith
December 28, 2024 5:01 pm
Reply to  dover0beach

The only birth control they had available was abstinence, which takes a lot of the joy from marriage.
The husbands, of course, had multiple mistresses.

December 28, 2024 12:01 pm

Elon and Vivek were never MAGA. That is the point.

Yeah, you’re right. Vivek’s campaign wasn’t 100% MAGA and Musk didn’t sign on to the campaign handing out several hundi towards Trump winning. Secretly though, they were really in the Mitt Romney camp.

MAGA 2024 is not MAGA 2016. In many ways, MAGA 2024 is corporatized MAGA. It isn’t just me saying this, and this has nothing to do with your monomania about Russia.

LOl. At least you’re consistent as all roads lead to Moscow, Beijing and Pyongyang. The misunderstood good guys in all this.

Last edited 1 month ago by JC
December 28, 2024 12:07 pm

Did nobles, gentry, and upper middle class have fewer children before 19th C?

Sounds like it.

Yes, nobles had high childlessness rates before the 19th century. In the 1600s, about one-third of married women in the peerage were childless. This threatened the survival of aristocratic dynasties. 

To address this, aristocratic families used settlements to reduce childlessness. Settlements were signed at the heir’s wedding and established provisions for widowhood and entailed land. Signing a settlement was also a social convention.

Except Russian nobility. 🙂

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  2. What do these morons think the country, industry and business is going to run on? Renewables (LOL) and unicorn farts?

  3. Article on how Israel is replacing health and education services previously provided by UNWRA in East Jerusalem.

  4. Lambie hit with unfair dismissal case from staff member reprimanded over nail paintingBy Olivia IrelandFebruary 5, 2025 — 8.22pm Listen…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x