• Mater’s Musings #41: CU in the NT

    Late in joining the latest trend, where Politicians and senior public officials feel virtuous by insulting their constituents and those they are appointed to serve (think Lush Lambie and Planet Cornelius), Michael Gunner shows a touch of the ‘troppo’ (or should that be Commo?). Here’s a tip, Michael, some of the Aboriginal communities don’t want…

  • Weekday Reading #10

    Martin Lichtmesz on the Dystopic Vaccinator Dictatorship of Austria (eugyppius) Unfortunately, there can be no talk of any “Corona twilight” in Austria right now. Our government, under the leadership of the unelected shadow chancellor Alexander Schallenberg, has now ordered, in rapid succession, an escalating series of “tightened measures,” and their repressive character dwarfs all that…

  • Melbourne Freedom March, 20 Nov 2021

    Here is my perspective of the March on Saturday. I joined the march at roughly 12.15pm on the corner of Russell and Bourke St having parked at QV. Parking was busy. Traders must be loving the numbers coming into the city at the moment in order to protest.

  • Calling Paul Kelly and Greg Sheridan

    Why are supposedly quality journalists so misguided on climate change? Paul Kelly and Greg Sheridan have clearly taken on board the alarmist global warming narrative. Never mind the performance of the hacks, what has gone wrong at the top of the profession and the once-were reputable newspapers? Global warming and the reduction of CO2 emissions…

  • Where’s the evidence that these vaxxines are actually safe?

    From Melbourne’s ‘freedom’ protest fever spreads across the country but I want you to notice this passage in particular. “No matter how much misinformation and propaganda you put out there, Victoria is going to win.” Dr Cumming has appeared regularly at the anti-government protests and has been promoting them online. She railed against the vaccination of…

  • When hope is lost, comes hope

    Hair-sniffing senile Joe Biden called him a white supremacist. Against the clear evidence of self-defence, a political trial was staged. The mainstream media in the US piled on: racism, white privilege, white supremacism; day after day, month after month, they lied and they lied. No black man would get away with this they whined; forgetting…

  • Dealing with self-serving socialist nonentities

    Two related stories about the phenomenal incompetence of the Andrews Government. First this: Victorian living standards fall for two consecutive years. Victorians’ living standards have fallen for two consecutive years, suffering the hardest hit in the country through the coronavirus recession, with signs it could take another year to get back to their pre-COVID levels. From…

  • Guest Post: mem – Are young women bearing the brunt of the vaccine mandates?

    Watching footage of the demonstrations against the vaccine mandates over the past few weeks, I was amazed at the number of young women participating. To my knowledge this is unprecedented. No wonder many women in their child-bearing years are tentative about getting the jab. There has been little evaluation as to the impact of the…

  1. Actually doing something and teaching in a classroom or lecture theatre are separable. Only on-the-job do they come together.

  2. Teachers in Year 10 made us parrot off Newton’s Laws of Motion without ever explaining how they might be applied…

  3. He has quite a story to tell: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-21/new-zealand-pilot-phillip-mehrtens-freed-from-captivity-in-papua/104380250 19 months in the jungle with separatists! Wow! Armed pro-independence rebels in…

  4. We really are living in the midst of administrative incompetence. This afternoon the NSW RFS began a hazard reduction west…