The Quest
Thinking of my boy who now has the requisite 2 kids and a mortgage and yesterday’s constrained xmas visitation to the new flat which they’ve just taken possession of. We had to do the Rapid Antigen tests which were mandated or else we’d be the ones that ruined xmas. Of course, both the missus and…
Covid madness in a single moment
Delta flight from Tampa to Atlanta got crazy?? pic.twitter.com/I9BZUKv3LB — ATL Uncensored (@ATLUncensored) December 25, 2021 This has gone round the world a hundred times already but just in case you missed it. An astonishing confrontation between a crazed [maskless] woman and some male trying to get through a flight while drinking [and therefore also…
A Christmas Message from Zemmour
Here is a translation of Zemmour’s Christmas message completed by malmesburyman here. He’s well worth following on Twitter. The video appears at the end. ___________________________________________ My dear countrymen, my friends:Tonight, Christianity celebrates Christmas. But not only Christianity. For one need not be Christian to celebrate Christmas. It suffices to love the West in general, and…
WolfmanOz at the Movies #1
Well with Christmas upon us it would be a good place to start the Weekly Film Thread for Cats to post their most memorable Xmas movies, to get their minds off the insanity of the world today. To start things off I’ve always had a soft spot for the 1970 musical Scrooge starring Albert Finney in the…
Government abuse
It is frightening just how accurate the parallels are. It says something about the kinds of people who are attracted into politics, especially on the left.
Confessions of a white oppressor
I’ve put the video up before, but thought I would couple it with this article by Ammo Girlll at Powerline: meditating on the MARGINALIZED AND UNDERSERVED. Read the whole thing, but this will give you a sense of what you will find if you go to the link. A few weeks ago, Ann Coulter did an…
Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – The wokewashing of woman/ women/ girl/ female
We now live in a society in which a war is being waged against the female of the sexes. Before I continue, let me state the following facts: I use the word “sex” deliberately, I loathe the word “gender”. There are only two sexes, male and female. There aren’t fifty-two sexes or genders nor are there…
Bev Macarthur is pretty good. A few of the vicco liberals are ok. Can’t think of any in new at…