• Mater’s Musings #58: Does the Guardian write for the AMA?

    Or do they receive the same talking points?Or are they one and the same? The Guardian – 16 Feb 21 – Just days before the first vaccine was administered in Australia AMA’s Submission to the Independent Review of Australia’s COVID-19 response from 31 July 2022, a whole year and a half later and, one would…

  • Mater’s Musings #57 – Bing-Bong, You Were/Are Wrong!

    So lacking ‘fully approved’ vaccines, you happily started stabbing the community with a ‘provisionally approved’ version? Did you even inform them that was the case? Seriously, two peak professional bodies for the healthcare sector weren’t au fait with the approval process the vaccines were going though? No wonder I had stand up fights with several…

  • Weekday Reading #22

    Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Aris Roussinos discusses the mythic power of monarchy and the field of action available to King Charles III. Michael Anton looks at the The Godfather with the eyes of The Prince. Helen Andrews on Why Women Can’t Have it All. Edward Feser reflects on the political disorder that…

  • Don’t judge our performance, we’re central bankers

    I see Philip Lowe didn’t resign. Said he’d no intention of resigning. Claimed credit for low unemployment. I would have thought Morrison might claim credit for that? In any event, whatever the Reserve Bank’s total mission in life we all know that keeping inflation in check is its raison d’être. All else is embroidery. Could…

  • Roundup 13 Sept

    Wind at 7 this morning. Across the NEM the wind is delivering 8% of demand at 20% of capacity (the average is 29%.). Victoria and Tasmania are deep in drought with practically no wind and Tasmania is burning diesel to protect the level of water in the dams. SA is exporting power to Victoria while…

  • Rafe’s Roundup Returns

    Rafe’s Roundup appeared in the quarterly Policy magazine from the Centre for Independent Studies in the 1990s and surfaced again in the old Catallaxy where the idea was to remind readers of the range of liberal/conservative organizations in Australia with links to their sites. This morning, James McPherson on the hypocrisy and divisiveness of “reconciliation”.…

  • Wind watch 10 Sept 2022

    While the transition from coal and gas in the western world, including Australia, has hit the wall, all the talk in progressive circles is about accelerating the transition with massive expenditure on intermittent generation, transmission lines and storage. Parallel worlds in collision! Trillions of dollars spent over 20 years have shifted the needle on the…

  1. Saw Beetlejuice 2. (Don’t. See Beetlejuice again instead.) Keaton can act, and lip sync, but demasculates his old original character…

  2. As with all of the claimed “genocides” of Australian indigenes, the (fairly weak and generally unorganised) attempt was a failure.

  3. Change the caption to ” genocided” numberwang. Ironic the ” survivors” are only around because the noble savages sold their…

  4. It was men who worshipped comparative advantage and sold off the country. It is still predominantly men doing that. It…