Open Thread- Monday 27 Sept 2021

Forest Sunrise, Albert Bierstadt, late 19th Century

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September 30, 2021 10:36 pm

Arabs are just angry people. You could feed them solely on a diet of bromide-fortified hommus, ketamine, tofu and kale. And you’d not do a single thing to calm the place down.

I have been binge watching the memes of MEMRI TV.

By Allah, Rex, I will give you a taste of my shoe.

But let me continue, as I do.

This is a cooking show, you people really are scum.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 30, 2021 10:38 pm

We shall lavash our bounteous harvests upon the misbegotten, the desperate and the merely hungry…

Only those with the capacity to pay to purchase said bounteous harvests….

September 30, 2021 10:40 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 30, 2021 10:41 pm

He can’t let a interviewee get more than 15 seconds in before he wuffles and snuffles like a pre orgasmic walrus to ejaculate some flaccid “wit” or anecdotage over the poor victim.

Mole, you horrible man.

I went visual. And there is no eye-bleach within easy reach.

Some things that are seen, can never be unseen…

September 30, 2021 10:42 pm

I do not give a fuck.

The movie “Fury” was and is another piece of Hollywood filth.

Brad Pitt is filth personified.

Prove me fkn wrong.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 30, 2021 10:44 pm

liquid rape juice

I found out today from a CBH loadout operator, that canola seeds actually heat up when sufficiently wet.

I kept my inner pyromaniac in check (He’ll get a run at the end of October, when we steam up the Leschenault Lady again in Boyanup).

But I was morbidly fascinated by ideas…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 30, 2021 10:45 pm

By Allah, Rex, I will give you a taste of my shoe.

With sauce? 🙂

September 30, 2021 10:45 pm

P says:
September 30, 2021 at 9:59 pm
In present times I oft revert to those years in the ’50s when I sang with gusto those old hymns which today come to me so often.
It wasn’t an old country church, just a suburban one. Those years, esp during my teens, have stayed with me throughout my life. I’m now 81yrs.
Shall we gather at the River
In the sweet bye and bye
Leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms

Speaking of Hymns including rivers – this never fails to move me, and the voice, heavenly –
Down to the River to Pray by Alison Kraus from O Brother Where Art Thou

September 30, 2021 10:48 pm

Brad Pitt is filth personified.

Sure, even when he’s in on the joke and being funny he’s still a shithead:

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 30, 2021 10:49 pm

Got my Vax certificate in PDF on my ‘puter ready to print now.

What a performance to get it. You have to create an link to Medicare via myGov and go through two major levels of authentication stuff – email, name, password, DOB, Medicare and DOB of anyone else on the card; they send a code to your email, they send a code to your phone via text, they send another code to your phone via text, they send you an email, you have to create three questions that only you know the answer to, they give you hints about what they could be, and then, and ony then, will they let you in.

OK says Hairy, who is guiding me through this nonsense. Pity any slightly older ladies who don’t have Hairy handy nearby. What was the name of your first pet? How the hell would I recall which one I would put down for that, I say. What is your favorite food? Could be anything depending on the day, I say. What is the name of your primary school? Which one? I ask. So we give up on the prompts.

We make up three questions to which I will give only one constant answer, and then we’re away!
Except we’re out of printer ink and I can’t print the damn thing so unless we can buy some within 5km I will have to brave going through the log-in if they ever let me go to the hairdressers and they require it. Or we can try Officeworks at the 7km level and buy a new cartridge, I boldly declare.

September 30, 2021 10:56 pm

Got my Vax certificate in PDF on my ‘puter ready to print now.

What a good little German you are.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 30, 2021 10:57 pm

those years in the ’50s when I sang with gusto those old hymns

I learned my gusto songs at Sunday School aged 11 in the UK for 18 months living with my nana.

She sent me to Sunday school so she could have a rest.

Onward Christians Soldiers – I could really belt that out; also Jesus Loves Me, and There is a Green Hill Far Away, and especially I loved All Things Bright and Beautiful. At Christmas, the well-known carols.

I’ve learned other hymns since, but those childhood ones are entrenched. And still magic.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 30, 2021 10:58 pm

Just sidle up to the screw at the gateway and say out of the side of your mouth-
“My cat Bundle sure likes to eat his custard after getting home from Eppingstone Primary...” and a wink.
They’ll have the app mainlined in through their neck microchip, you’ll be through the queue and on your way with nothing to declare.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
September 30, 2021 10:59 pm

OK says Hairy, who is guiding me through this nonsense. Pity any slightly older ladies who don’t have Hairy handy nearby.

My stockbroker, and financial adviser, advertised for a new personal assistant. It was found necessary to explain to some of the applicants that there were those of their customers who had neither mobile phones, or E-mail addresses……..

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 30, 2021 11:02 pm

What a good little German you are.

I want to be sure that it was there. I intend to go to the US in March and will need it.
So that’s one thing.

Also, I am vaxxed to protect myself not others. It it helps me get a haircut, so be it.

The idea of a vaxx passport won’t stick in daily life, so you’re safe.
Thus you can lay off me, you little Hitler.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
September 30, 2021 11:08 pm

Mine wifey said something interesting today.
“Where do I report my adverse “vaccine” reaction to?”
(Vertigo and nausea- no other episodes in the fifteen years I’ve known her.)
My blink reaction was, to your GP who waved you through the doubts and into it. Reporting to the authorities, website, AIRC, will just see it memory-holed after you waste an hour on loginorrhea.
GP might try to wave it away, or call it psychosomatic, but at least she’ll have to enter it into clinical records, and take it on board personally.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
September 30, 2021 11:11 pm


Brilliant. I suffer a lot from this.
Muddy, here’s one for the Catictionary. Wally Dali will have to give you the gen on it.

And now it’s bedtime, betimes. Late again. Trying to stick to a routine.

September 30, 2021 11:12 pm

The idea of a vaxx passport won’t stick in daily life

Really? And you know this how?

I linked this interview with Ricardo Bosi above. It is long and informative but what he says is that the only way out of this is for people simply not to cooperate.

September 30, 2021 11:13 pm

I will give you a taste of my shoe

sole food

September 30, 2021 11:21 pm

Trying to stick to a routine.

will you be cruising or flying to the US, do you think?

Harlequin Decline
September 30, 2021 11:35 pm

I keep hearing of and personally experiencing delays in mail/parcel deliveries especially by Oz Post. I’m currently waiting on a letter from Canberra for 10 days plus a small parcel stuck in the Chullora centre for a week.

At the other end of the spectrum today I ordered a delivery of 3 items from JB HiFi. I placed the order at 4PM. Delivery options were the usual postal services plus a new one-

‘Place the order by 5PM and deliver by 7PM for $5’

With deep suspicion I chose the $5 option. At 512PM I received a text advising the package would be delivered in 9 minutes. I clicked on an enclosed link and a live map with the delivery vehicle was shown ( like the Uber app).

At 521PM it was delivered to the door.

I’m still in shock, this is Australia after all, isn’t it?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2021 12:43 am

The big blue flash in Geelong?
Odds on it was someone’s meth lab in Norlane blowing up.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 1, 2021 3:54 am

This thing is telling people who own businesses that if their employees aren’t vaxxed, they will “go backwards”.

What the hell does that even mean? Does it mean that they can’t operate? What legal right does she have to threaten businesses about their employees’ private health decisions?

Hi calli just catching up a little on yesterday’s comments — I see you feel exactly as I do about the ‘leader’ of NSW – I have some terribly terrribly uncharitable thoughts about the ‘leader’ of NSW and your use of the word ‘thing’ is spot on because what is a thing: soulless. The statements she made are reprehensible and as you say – what is the authority on which these pronouncements are made? there is no law mandating vaccinations just a reliance on businesses to do their dirty work for the craven vile ‘leaders’.

Small business is the largest employer of Australians are they out to make everyone unemployed and reliant on the beneficence and generosity of our ‘leaders’?

Retribution awaits our ‘leaders’.

October 1, 2021 4:01 am
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Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 1, 2021 4:30 am

For: Harelquin Decline – chitty faced, gubber-tushed?

October 1, 2021 4:45 am

Wally Dalí says:
September 30, 2021 at 11:08 pm
Mine wifey said something interesting today.
“Where do I report my adverse “vaccine” reaction to?”

In NSW, you get an email after your first shot with a questionnaire.
You’re meant to get one after your second shot, but it’s been over a month since mine with nothing received.
Spidey senses are tingling.
Or that might be an adverse reaction from the Pfizer.

October 1, 2021 5:14 am

Interesting comment at Adam’s from a criminal lawyer firm saying that NSW Plod have no right to do the things they are doing, like demanding your ID, ordering you to go home and so on.

Posted yesterday.

October 1, 2021 5:53 am
October 1, 2021 5:54 am
October 1, 2021 5:55 am
October 1, 2021 6:03 am

Top o’ the mornin’ UnPersons!

October 1, 2021 6:31 am

Hey, calli, this unperson is staring them down in NSW.

There is not much appetite for screening and banning people in this country town. As I have mentioned before, the cops have been invisible for the last few months.

A lot of businesses have a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. I don’t expect that to change.

But, the technocrats are devising all kinds of digital silken restraints for us, like the latest notion that people wanting to wander around across jurisdictions will have to have their vaxx status on their phones. Otherwise, they will have to apply well in advance and have the necessary paperwork on them at all times.

Think back to the carefree times only two years ago!

This is (segue to

David Bowie.


Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 6:38 am

“In NSW, you get an email after your first shot with a questionnaire.
You’re meant to get one after your second shot, but it’s been over a month since mine with nothing received.
Spidey senses are tingling.
Or that might be an adverse reaction from the Pfizer.”

Bern I didn’t receive an email after my first shot…and that was back in mid August.

October 1, 2021 6:41 am

Tintarella the last time I saw a face like that was when I was a kid, Mr Ed. My granddads favourite program, a dour Scotsman. Never laughed but when the show finished he always said “that was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2021 6:44 am

And people say you can’t enjoy yourself in the desert. The NT News:

POLICE are investigating a bold break-in at an Alice Springs residence, where $2000 worth of vibrators, ­dildos, lube and lingerie was reported stolen.

Among the booty taken were eight 18-carat gold vibrator necklaces worth $125 each.

Gillen resident Dianne McRae, who runs a part-time business selling adult toys and lingerie, said that the sex toy swindler smashed through her front window on Tuesday morning and packed a pink suitcase with the adult arousers.

I am extremely confident that ‘pink suitcase’ is a metaphor.

Ms McRae, who has lived in Alice Springs for 13 years, said the lingerie lurcher had left her “a little bit speechless”. “I’ve always known that my products are good, but I’m seriously baffled as to what this person is going to do with a suitcase full of dildos,” she said.

What Ms McRae fails to realise is that you can’t buy a hammer after hours in Alice.

October 1, 2021 6:47 am

I am not the person I was. I am different to others.

I do not have “papers”.

At the whim of a disgrace I once called “government”, my status as a free citizen has changed. My rights to movement, hospitality, family gathering, commerce, even worship have been curtailed. I have committed no crime.

Apparently, I am dangerous.

October 1, 2021 6:48 am

Warren Brown’s depiction of Turdbull says it all.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 6:58 am

October 1, 2021 at 4:02 am
Warren Brown.”

Brown forgot one…malice. Malturd has basically come out and revealed he’s going to campaign against the Liberals next year. We all know his, he did this back in 2019 against the Liberals, but it was more subterfuge, through his grotesque son. I have no doubt they poured money into Steggall’s campaign along with Julia Banks and Phelps campaigns.

As bad as Rudd is, he doesn’t dump on Labor the way Turdbull dumps on the Liberals.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2021 7:02 am

Malturd has basically come out and revealed he’s going to campaign against the Liberals next year. We all know his, he did this back in 2019 against the Liberals, but it was more subterfuge, through his grotesque son.

Serious question. It’s been asked before by others.

Is this pompous, effeminate, pinstriped milquetoast still a member of the Liberal Party?

If so, why?

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 7:05 am

“Is this pompous, effeminate, pinstriped milquetoast still a member of the Liberal Party?”

Apparently yes, which tells you everything you need to know about the Liberal party…a party of wimps and quislings. The Labor party would have expelled him by now, removed his picture from their pantheon of leaders and completely disassociated themselves from him…which is exactly what Labor did to Mark Latham.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 1, 2021 7:06 am
October 1, 2021 7:07 am

Bern I didn’t receive an email after my first shot…and that was back in mid August.

Jeebers, it’s like they don’t want to know.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 7:07 am

Email from my pilates studio to advise that they’re reopening on 11 October…..when you arrive at the studio you will have to show proof of vaccination.

It’s starting.

October 1, 2021 7:12 am

Jimmy Dore & Glenn Greenwald discuss Russell Brand getting cancelled.

Both off the long run up.

October 1, 2021 7:12 am

It used to be called “discrimination” and was outlawed. For obvious and righteous reasons.

Now it is a virtue.

The big question is…who will participate?

October 1, 2021 7:14 am

Came across a show on youtube ‘Sharpes Rifles’, it’s pretty good, a bit like a land based Hornblower. Seems to have been made in the 90’s, never heard of it before. It would be impossible for a series like that to be made now.

October 1, 2021 7:14 am
Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2021 7:16 am

Geez. Apologies for stinking the joint up even more, but the very thing I look at (the NT News, again):

FORMER Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the federal government should keep its hands off the Northern Territory government’s Darwin Port agreement with ­Chinese company Landbridge.

The controversial agreement, inked by then NT chief minister Adam Giles with Landbridge officials in October 2015, granted the company a $506m, 99-year lease and committed the company to $200m in investments over 25 years.

The NT’s Belt and Road.

“We’ve got to be very careful to be seen as a trusted, reliable partner and going back in time and trying to break a lease and that would not be legally straightforward, it could open up a whole Pandora’s box of problems that probably could be best avoided.”

Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 1, 2021 7:17 am

the very *next* thing I look at.


October 1, 2021 7:23 am

Got my Vax certificate in PDF on my ‘puter ready to print now.

Of course you do.

October 1, 2021 7:24 am

Rushkan – Shrine Protest:

October 1, 2021 7:28 am

It was said six months ago that under these conditions accepting the vaccination meant accepting everything.

Oh the protests, I’m doing it for me!!

Prove you’re not doing it just to comply, boycott the government license.

We will! They cried.

Day one:

it helps me get a haircut, so be it.

October 1, 2021 7:31 am

What a good little German you are.

Never let principles get in the way of convenience and compliance!

October 1, 2021 7:37 am

I don’t recall Lizzie offering to not get her vaxx certificate as a gesture of solidarity, and she’s only one person, out of quite a few here that are vaccinated.
Are Queenslanders forgoing shopping , dining out , gyms and haircuts as a gesture of solidarity with lockdowned Mexicans?
Thought not.

October 1, 2021 7:37 am

What a good little German you are.

And here’s me thinking at least the people here are all for freedom of choice.

October 1, 2021 7:42 am

And here’s me thinking at least the people here are all for freedom of choice.

Some people need to calm down lest they turn into that which they despise.

October 1, 2021 7:42 am

Came across a show on youtube ‘Sharpes Rifles’

Based on Bernard Cornwell’s books. They have done an adapation of each book.

Rollicking good yarns

October 1, 2021 7:43 am

There are healthy 18 year olds in NSW locked up and banned from life rotting away while old crow medicine show Lizzie goes and gets a well deserved blue rinse in preparation for a day trip around the universe.

The violent conversion of NSW into an open air retirement village is complete. Young healthy and independently minded old people are not welcome and must remain inside at all times while official NSW Green Acres pass holding residents are going about their business.

October 1, 2021 7:46 am

Notafan everyone knew you and Lizzie would immediately get the passports.

Nobody believes the bullshit you both post to pass the time away here pretending you aren’t covid Karen’s.

October 1, 2021 7:48 am

The violent conversion of NSW into an open air retirement village is complete. Young healthy and independently minded old people are not welcome and must remain inside at all times while official NSW Green Acres pass holding residents are going about their business.

We will get power of attorney. We will not stop. We will not rescucitate. We will contest wills. We will stop speaking to you. You won’t see the grandkids.

Nah, who am I kidding, gen Z are brainwashed like Soviet kids in the 1960s.

October 1, 2021 7:50 am

It’s an interesting conundrum, isn’t it?

I have chosen a particular path (how long that lasts under the pressure I’m getting atm is anyone’s guess). So you could say that I have brought exclusion upon myself. I am my own worst enemy. That might be true.

The argument has moved on to discriminatory practice by businesses and active participation in that. I’m old enough to remember South Africa, and the abuses of the American South. And the sectarian shyte of Northern Ireland. Whether medical discrimination is comparable to race or religious discrimination could be an argument worth having.

In Mississippi, at least blacks were allowed to board the bus, even if they had to sit down the back. So there was that.

Soon for NSW – No papers = no ride.

October 1, 2021 7:51 am

In matters farming, the canola price blew through the $900/t mark yesterday (local delivery site), driven by the falling Aus dollar.

Have just had a great “rain event” (TM) which will finish all crops off to their maximum.

Just hope the MJO stays away for harvest.

October 1, 2021 7:51 am

I wanna see the urban bugmen admit that “uRbAn SpRaWl”!!1 has actually helped stop pandemics in the late 19 th century to present day

October 1, 2021 7:53 am

Say what you like about ol’ Jo Stalin, he did have a commendable way with public servants. A model for future generations to follow.
When the 1934 annual census in the Ukraine revealed that Jo’s induced famine had reduced the population by 15%, he had the censors shot.
“Bugger that”! “You go and tell Morrison that the sub price has doubled”.

October 1, 2021 7:54 am

But, the technocrats are devising all kinds of digital silken restraints for us, like the latest notion that people wanting to wander around across jurisdictions will have to have their vaxx status on their phones. Otherwise, they will have to apply well in advance and have the necessary paperwork on them at all times.

They seem to have learned a lot from the Soviet experience. Your local apparatchik may have been a bit lax and not have oppressed the people as elsewhere but you still couldn’t go into another area without his permission. Oh, how we laughed in the gulags.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 7:57 am

“Notafan everyone knew you and Lizzie would immediately get the passports.

Nobody believes the bullshit you both post to pass the time away here pretending you aren’t covid Karen’s.”

I have had my first jab. I am not a “Covid Karen”. I respect the decision of each individual here to either have the jab or not to have the jab. I also am resolutely opposed to Covid passports and Covid papers. However there are a few here who seem to be very righteous about not getting jabbed…which is fine and I respect their decision but at the same time they are very judgmental about those who’ve made the decision to get jabbed.

October 1, 2021 8:01 am

Cassie of Sydney says:
“Is this pompous, effeminate, pinstriped milquetoast still a member of the Liberal Party?”

Apparently yes, which tells you everything you need to know about the Liberal party…a party of wimps and quislings. The Labor party would have expelled him by now, removed his picture from their pantheon of leaders and completely disassociated themselves from him…which is exactly what Labor did to Mark Latham.

This is why LibNats are losing members and all the minor parties, particularly UAP, are scooping them up. Where do they think their votes are coming if even the membership is fleeing?

October 1, 2021 8:03 am

Twostix says:
October 1, 2021 at 7:43 am
There are healthy 18 year olds in NSW locked up and banned from life rotting away while old crow medicine show Lizzie goes and gets a well deserved blue rinse in preparation for a day trip around the universe.

My 19 year old granddaughter was moaning yesterday that she has now missed out on two years of clubbing. In her words, Instagram is not the same.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 1, 2021 8:04 am

The prophet TaliDan producing more miracles.
– supermarkets closing- lack of staff
– suppliers can’t supply – ditto
– factories reduced output – ditto

Maybe they can build a ration card feature into the Covid Passport.
We’re at war after all.

October 1, 2021 8:05 am

Lionesses Calli, P and Tinta, even Johanna Vs self serving Lizzie and Nota.

Wheat being separated from the chaff comes to mind.

Which are you?

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 8:08 am

“Which are you?”

So who’s engaging in dividing people now? How very totalitarian.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 1, 2021 8:09 am

My 19 year old granddaughter was moaning yesterday that she has now missed out on two years of clubbing.
That’s only the clubbing she’s telling the old folks about, Crossie. There was probably some bangin’ nights out in 2017.

October 1, 2021 8:10 am

Don’t get vaxxed, or else we’ll be nasty!

Get vaxxed, or else we’ll be nasty!

Same side of the coin.

October 1, 2021 8:11 am

Turnbull proselytising on how to win friends .Really ? And why is he still in the Liberal party well probably at least a million reasons along with a piece of paper demanding that money be paid back if he was ever expelled.

October 1, 2021 8:12 am

Thanks to both Tom and Will for the morning ‘toons.

(Dilbert has always been a favourite. There was an animated series available on DVD, which was interesting, as when reading it in the traditional form, everyone probably imagines the characters with a different type or tone of voice).

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 1, 2021 8:13 am

I have had my first jab. I am not a “Covid Karen”. I respect the decision of each individual here to either have the jab or not to have the jab.

I’ve been double jabbed for a couple of months now. That was before all the mandatory and passport crap.
I thought it would help with access to see my mum in aged care…it didn’t.

October 1, 2021 8:13 am

Which are you?

Pragmatic. At the moment my risk/reward calculation still says – “wait”. Mrs Diogenes is different and she has an appointment to get jabbed next Friday.

As restrictions/ rate of infection/ requirements change the balance changes.

October 1, 2021 8:14 am

I’m on Martin Geddes’ mailing list. He has released a copy of the letter he wrote to his parents and it seems quite apposite to the current discussion –

Dear Dad and Mum,

I hope you are both well, and deeply miss our usual family interaction.

For the last month I have been staying with old friends and making new ones up here in Teeside/Tyneside/County Durham. During this time I have met and talked to whistleblowers exposing the deep corruption in our healthcare and legal systems; continued to research the absurd lies we are being fed by the mass media; and seen our innate freedoms of association, travel, commerce, speech, and bodily autonomy chipped away.

Meanwhile, my younger daughter is at school in a country with one of the most draconian medical apartheid systems in the world. Apparently she is the last pupil in her class who is uninjected for Covid, as she has so far resisted the fear-based social programming. Due to my concerns about what is happening I wrote to her headmistress to challenge her policies and actions, as is my right as a father.

In return I got a litany of unlawful, unethical, and unprofessional (non-)responses. No good father stands by idly and leaves his daughter (or any child) in the care of a liar and criminal. My daughter — your granddaughter — deserves better than this farcical fraud based on falsehood. The “pandemic emperor” has no clothes!

I have studied the Covid subject science in detail, spent years understanding propaganda and social engineering, and taken time to know the relevant law. I am a widely admired professional at deconstructing false belief systems. I look at original evidence, respect longstanding moral philosophy, and question the motives of all mortal authorities. Seeking verifiable knowledge and asking hard questions, so as to make up your own mind, is a righteous endeavour.

Having applied all my skill and integrity, this is my conclusion: my daughter is being groomed into a neo-Marxist ideology which substitutes mass conformity for personal conscience. The end game is grim: sterilisation of children by psychopathic eugenicists posing as healthcare saviours. If adhering to Biblical principles of right and wrong about the institutionalised abuse of children makes me a “cult member” in your view, then you may wish to reflect upon the solidity of your own ethical beliefs and moral authorities.

These injections are not working as vaccines. They demonstrably are a multipart bioweapon system. Several were provably developed in communist China as part of transhumanism research, and delivered to the West via a war of infiltration and deception. The Book of Revelations (18:23) warns of this EXACT strategy of wickedness. “Sorcery” is a synonym for “pharmacy”. Please pay attention to your own chosen sources of spiritual guidance!

The hard data is in, and this “vaccine” programme 100% certainly is not healthcare, since it kills more than it saves — by a large margin.

Never in my adult life have I had reason to not talk to you for this long, nor to feel such deep anger in your direction. My child is being psychologically, physically, and spiritually abused every day she is at school. The illusion of normality will be maintained until enough have fallen into the deadly trap; then the horror and nightmare becomes visible to all. Complicity in this evil puts you on the wrong side of history and is unacceptable to me.

You are tacitly supporting the abuse of your own granddaughter, and encouraging her to remain in the hands of child abusers — and thus at risk of serious injury (or worse). Wearing a face mask is a humiliation and submission ritual historically used for slaves, and is deeply harmful to the human psyche. The genocidal bioweapon injuries are piling up, and deaths mounting, and more people are awakening to this diabolical deception.

My daughter already faces exclusion from nearly all public facilities due to the Orwellian “freedom pass”, and prospectively will be subjected to shaming by being forced to “mask up” to reveal her noncompliance with the “clotshot”. At some point her school will inevitably close as the parents realise they have been played in the worst way possible. Her headmistress will not be able to show her face in public (presuming she is not in prison for her own safety).

There is a hard objective reality of events; the truth of it is coming out despite the censorship; and there is a global mass uprising against this medical tyranny. Lawsuits are being filed for war crimes, and there is unprecedented military activity at present. A season of sorrow is coming for us all, as many of the deceived fall ill and die.

I plan to use the full force of law and every resource I can access to bring children out of the path of such harm. I have tens of thousands of supporters, and will not back down on this matter of conscience and principle. My chosen life path is as a warrior for truth and justice, and nothing in this material world will deflect or halt me. Nothing.
I choose not to live by lies, and this is the value system I wish my daughters to live by too. If you continue to encourage her (and her older sister) to participate in this lie, then that has consequences for us as a family. I will not tolerate cruel lies and hazardous liars who endanger the innocent. This is not me “going crazy”; it is a mass psychosis of normalised wrongdoing — that I am calling out and rejecting.

In the fullness of time we can talk through our positions, and see whether there is more common moral and factual ground that can be discovered. I cannot in good conscience be part of any abuse of any children, nor will I associate with those who knowingly condone it in any way.

Dutifully and lovingly yours,

October 1, 2021 8:16 am

I’ve lost track.
Which purity test does one have to pass this week?

October 1, 2021 8:16 am

Roars the safe in Queensland and fresh from the barber lion.
I didn’t say anything about myself, just Lizzie never making any commitment, which she has the right to do.
But as usual you assume.
Incidentally the castigating from Queensland about what everyone who’s most affected has to do is! is wearing rather thin.
Actually telling us to incure $5462 fines.
What a bunch of wankers.
And don’t worry as Cassie and others have stated here too, first opportunity to get on a plane, I’m off to Europe, as I’ve always said.

October 1, 2021 8:17 am

“Don’t get vaxxed, or else we’ll be nasty!

Get vaxxed, or else we’ll be nasty!

Same side of the coin.”

It’s working , the angry society begins December 1st 2021 dawn of the righteous.

October 1, 2021 8:19 am

I’m no lioness. I’m just a cranky, stubborn old lady keyboard warrioring when I should be doing something useful with my sewing machine. I hate being told what to do, and especially by mediocrity politicians and their lapdogs.

However, I do think that we need to work out quick smart where we are heading with our “papers” and what we are endorsing. It may be that very soon I will be amongst them.

Will we fit seamlessly into the “new normal” or will we reject its baubles, the baubles that we considered to be our rights just 18 months ago? What are we prepared to trade? Who are we happy to trample to get what we think we deserve? Do we look the other way when the “paperless” are refused service?

October 1, 2021 8:19 am

It took Martin Geddes til now to know his daughter was being educated by UK Marxists?
Better late than never

October 1, 2021 8:20 am

I thought vaccine passports in NSW ended on 1 December?

October 1, 2021 8:20 am

who am I kidding, gen Z are brainwashed like Soviet kids in the 1960s.

been saying for years that, ‘the kiddies are gonna kill us in our sleep’

the missus is usually horrified when I do

let the struggle sessions begin

October 1, 2021 8:20 am

Which are you?

GFY is the short answer.

October 1, 2021 8:22 am

I don’t think the argument here is about getting jabbed or not.
That’s a very personal decision based on personal health circumstances, and viewpoints. It should be respected as such.

I think the issue here is the use of the associated higher status to get/experience that which is forbidden to fellow citizens.

Is not using the certificate to get a haircut, in a shop that discriminates, validating the two tier system? This is no longer a personal health decision, this is about principle.

Would you have entered a shop with “No Jews” or “No Blacks” on the front window? Would you have moved into an apartment which had recently been forcibly vacated by a Jewish family? Are you happy to indulge in things prohibited to others based on a spurious premise?

I’m not making judgements here, just pointing out the two different issues which seem to have been conflated here. I am genuinely interested in this discussion, but let’s at least understand what we are talking about.

October 1, 2021 8:23 am

I thought vaccine passports in NSW ended on 1 December?

Then why is the government spending millions to set up the system?

I might win the Lottery on December 1 too. But I doubt it.

October 1, 2021 8:28 am

Then why is the government spending millions to set up the system?

I might win the Lottery on December 1 too. But I doubt it.

Precisely. Remember the saying “nothing is as permanent as a ‘temporary government measure.’”

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 8:28 am

I don’t recall Lizzie offering to not get her vaxx certificate as a gesture of solidarity, and she’s only one person, out of quite a few here that are vaccinated.
Are Queenslanders forgoing shopping , dining out , gyms and haircuts as a gesture of solidarity with lockdowned Mexicans?

Indeed, Rosie.

I would happily use providers who proudly state Everyone Welcome Here. And I will not be asking anyone their vaxx status before I come near them or invite them in. I don’t believe in a two-class citizenry. Nor do I expect any of my friends to be little Hitlers towards me, as above, because I’m vaxxed. Guess I’m the lightning rod around here for that. Hugs all round as far as I am concerned.

I think the whole Vaxx passport thing will disintegrate after December 1, though there will be a level of hysteria prior to that. Happy to do my bit to pull it into ridicule due to its inoperability asap. As for the US, we are still hoping to fly out to a cruise there at the end of March 2022. Airlines will insist on vaxxes as they have in the past depending on arrival requirements. Weather eye on the March date of course because you can’t always rely that lunatic lockdowns still won’t happen. Once we get away, if the Premiers continue the elimination path we will be citizens of the world again, living independently in the US or Britain until Australia implodes under its own isolation.

ScoMo too busy on the UN Net Zero dinner party circuit to care so far.

Cassie, for neither of my AZ jabs have I received any questionnaire re side-effects.
I only had the usual day-after tiredness anyway.
Perhaps they were only doing it for the Pfizer jabs, over a shorter period, paid by Pfizer.

October 1, 2021 8:29 am

Thanks, Mater.

We’ve both reached the same point via different routes of thinking.

What exactly are we, as individuals, prepared to accept? Does being inoculated prepare you subconsciously for the next step, or do you say “this much, and no more”? Is it just a little bite, or a mouthful? Or do we go full utilitarian and accept the lot as the new order of things?

These are all questions I ask myself as I constantly make mistakes and reach for the seam ripper.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 8:29 am

October 1, 2021 at 8:22 am”

Superbly said Mater and thank you. I’m very uncomfortable checking into my pilates class and showing them my “vaccination papers” before I do.

I will wait until December and see what happens.

October 1, 2021 8:30 am

People who aren’t facing those kind of pressures have an absolute gall to gibber at people that do.
I’m not saying what I’m dping because I’m sick of being called evil etc and I don’t care a fig for certain people’s opinions.
I’ve said many times I don’t qr code and only mask in the supermarket and have done other things that in breach of lockdown rules but it’s never good enough for the covid free Queensland is for Queenslanders.

October 1, 2021 8:32 am

However there are a few here who seem to be very righteous about not getting jabbed…which is fine and I respect their decision but at the same time they are very judgmental about those who’ve made the decision to get jabbed.

The issue is not so much around getting it (although, with all we now know that is an enormous, and in my opinion unjustified, leap of faith) the real issue is WHY. If it’s genuinely for medical reasons then, naturally, that is for each and every individual to decide for themselves. However, if it’s because they’re sick of the current restrictions and just want to grasp the carrots being teased which like mirages keep disappearing into the distance, then they are actively helping to create this monstrous techo-tyranny that is quite deliberately being imposed on us.

The fact that doctors have been bullied and compromised into towing the party line instead of giving genuine, independent advice certainly does not help the situation.

October 1, 2021 8:32 am

I don’t accept the slippery slope argument.

October 1, 2021 8:34 am

The inanity of modern Western politics in a nutshell:

UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer told his party conference the next James Bond should be a woman.

Trouble is he can’t/won’t define what a woman is.

Perhaps that should be the insanity of modern Western politics…

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 1, 2021 8:39 am

Remains to be seen what happens in sunny Busselona – Dunnybrush. I’ve been fibbing my way thru the new made-up flu jab req at aged care… but just about every two bit cafe forcefully informs the punters of their fairtradeness and organicity, and the other end of town is big box warehouses and Colesworth who will lead the charge for any winnowing measure which will raise compliance costs for their smaller competitors.
In particular, there’s a marine theme hipster bar with glass floats, jute rope and a boat, real ales and spiced rums and sea shanty-off nights. It’s a cougar trap, but worth a visit in my Vyvyan from the Young Ones outfit, with my newly arrived (3 weeks from US- pretty good unna?) “They Live” shirt for detail.
I need a pithy plan to go into some of these shops with an “acknowledgement and respects to elders and traditional owners” and work an angle that they should acknowledge and respect my traditional medicine and pre-existing right of entry.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 8:40 am

“UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer told his party conference the next James Bond should be a woman.”

Oh the priorities of modern Labor/Labour.

October 1, 2021 8:41 am

I don’t accept the slippery slope argument.

Many didn’t accept it in April 2020…but they are still sliding down it.

October 1, 2021 8:41 am

What’s this ‘Queensland is for Queenslanders’ business?

We are a friendly, welcoming, generous population up here. All we ask is that you leave a full can of Glen 20 for us to cover your stench after you’ve slinked away again.

October 1, 2021 8:41 am

Gotta go off to the Lotus Eaters for day three of the post match review of the UK Labour National Conference. Best comedy of the year.
‘Freak show’ doesn’t go close. I particularly liked the Chair(man’s) opening. “There are too many white males at Conference; if you raise your hand you will not be acknowledged by the Chair’.
Notable was the rant calling for bike paths to be banned. It appears that only whites have hobbies therefore blah blah.
A shoe-in for the next election, just look at Scotland.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 1, 2021 8:42 am

All depends on whether the Chief Protector of Natives, Danny Sneakers, wants to “go there”.
After the shocking and selfish breach of restrictions around the AFL GF, and heading into summer, I think not. The Dec 1 “freedom day” is burrowing into subconciousnesses, because the proles couldn’t get there without programming, at long last.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 8:42 am

I’d advise anyone here who is vaxxed to check their vaxx certificate online. Would you really trust the government to get it right? The last thing you need is to find out they’ve buggered it up just as you are about to board a plane to the outside world. That’s why Hairy insisted on walking me through mine.

October 1, 2021 8:44 am

I think the issue here is the use of the associated higher status to get/experience that which is forbidden to fellow citizens.

Snap, Mater.

October 1, 2021 8:44 am

It’s bad enough getting on mygov to do my tax stuff, I’ll link Medicare only when I absolutely have to.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 8:46 am

Any female over sixty who wants to ‘borrow’ my papers for a night out will find them ready on my desk. 🙂

October 1, 2021 8:48 am
October 1, 2021 8:48 am

First they came for the unVXnated, and I did not speak out—because I was double VXnated.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the HairDressers, and I did not speak out—because I had a certificate

Then they came for me—and my corpse looked like shit without the haircut

October 1, 2021 8:48 am

Nor do I expect any of my friends to be little Hitlers towards me, as above, because I’m vaxxed.

As many others have also pointed out, not because your vaxxed but because you’re proudly displayed your proof of conformity and raring to use it’s privileges.

October 1, 2021 8:48 am

“UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer told his party conference the next James Bond should be a woman.”

LOL. The Bee is straight onto it:

‘James Bond To Stay Male, Will Be Played By Elliot Page’

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 1, 2021 8:48 am

The fact that doctors have been bullied and compromised into towing the party line instead of giving genuine, independent advice certainly does not help the situation.
That’s bang on Indolent, and ironically understated.
I’ve got first-hand experience with a GP altering clinic records to toe the line, after being monstered by the DPP admittedly, but shocking corruption is what it can only be described as. And still just last night I was unconciously thinking that GPs would honestly consider the first-hand evidence that’s coming their way about “vaxx” reactions, and change their opinions… who am I kidding? Oz Medicine, like Oz democracy and the ABC, is corrupted for a generation.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 8:51 am

I’ll link Medicare only when I absolutely have to.

You’ll never get around to it if it’s left up to you, those were Hairy’s exact words to me before doing it for me on his ipad, asking relevant questions. What’s your Medicare expiry date? he asks. I’ve just put the card away, I panic, for it is back in my study way down the hallway. Hurry up, he says, because these things can time out. It was a horrible half-hour till completed, and then he made me sit at my computer and log in and download the PDF’s.

I have loginorhhea (h/t Muddy). I hate logging in. It gives me the shits. 🙂

October 1, 2021 8:51 am

“UK Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer told his party conference the next James Bond should be a woman.”

This is 2021 UK Labour.

October 1, 2021 8:51 am

ScoMo too busy on the UN Net Zero dinner party circuit to care so far.

Nonsense. He outed himself totally in his response to Governor DeSanto. Apparently, we have different cultural values here, with freedom being less important than being kept “safe” by the nanny state.

October 1, 2021 8:51 am

Well that’s alright then indolent.
Seig heil!

October 1, 2021 8:53 am

In the back screens, all your government data is already linked.
Do you honestly think that these data projects would rely on punters getting around to linking their own data?
People. Please.

October 1, 2021 8:55 am

Diogenes says:
October 1, 2021 at 8:13 am
Which are you?
Pragmatic. At the moment my risk/reward calculation still says – “wait”. Mrs Diogenes is different and she has an appointment to get jabbed next Friday.

As restrictions/ rate of infection/ requirements change the balance changes.

Tanya Davies, my NSW rep, told Alan Jones some time ago that she was getting emails from voters telling her that they had to decide which one of the spouses will get the jabs in order to work so the other one is there to look after the kids if anything happens. Our governments are pushing us into something akin to Sophie’s choice.

October 1, 2021 8:55 am

Yesterday Twiggy received a dividend of $A2,387,180,150.00.
Not bad for 6 months.

October 1, 2021 8:57 am

I believe the only reason Gladys is backing off is due to the international opprobrium and ridicule. Both Gladys and Dan have appeared in overseas cartoons which must sting though it looks like Dan is perfectly happy with the infamy.

October 1, 2021 8:59 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 8:59 am

you’re proudly displayed your proof of conformity and raring to use it’s privileges.

Bullshit. Since when was this the anti-vaxx hub of the universe? Plenty of Cats are getting vaccinated yet like me respect those who for whatever reasons are not. I mentioned getting the certificate as an example of how much government bureaucracy was involved in getting it. Most people may not bother. And yes, I am raring to have a haircut, and I doubt if I’ll get one till December if I don’t use the vaxx cert because haircuts are going to be high priority for everyone. Maybe I’ll continue to grow it long. Is Cassie not going to go to her pilates? Will Hairy not go to his gym? I know they will both register a protest at the desk, and that may be the best people can do for a while until the hysteria dies down. December 1st, watch this space.

October 1, 2021 9:00 am

believe the only reason Gladys is backing off is due to the international opprobrium and ridicule.

How is she backing off?

October 1, 2021 9:01 am

I’m aware that government and other data is linked, I was only talking about doing what is required to have that vaxx passport to wave around.

October 1, 2021 9:01 am

Ah well, met coal couldn’t hold onto the $US400/t, now back at 388.
But thermal now going nuts at $US218/t.

How do all the deep green parts of the NSW public service reconcile their incomes are in part (this year a large part) due to the black stuff ?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 9:02 am

Both Gladys and Dan have appeared in overseas cartoons which must sting though it looks like Dan is perfectly happy with the infamy.

Dan is impervious to infamy. He models himself on Xi.

October 1, 2021 9:02 am

Indolent says:
October 1, 2021 at 8:51 am
ScoMo too busy on the UN Net Zero dinner party circuit to care so far.
Nonsense. He outed himself totally in his response to Governor DeSanto. Apparently, we have different cultural values here, with freedom being less important than being kept “safe” by the nanny state.

These different cultural values must only be evident in Canberra and state governments. But then again, how would they know any different? It’s not like they read their emails from voters.

In the end, the emperor is not naked, he wears jackboots.

October 1, 2021 9:03 am

What exactly are we, as individuals, prepared to accept?

Instead of playing the Crocodile Gambit (feeding the bastard in the hope you’re eaten last), just go along with what ever idiotic gibber they have constructed.

don’t accept … comply.
no entry? … fine

just let them go full-totalitarian.
they’ll need to choose every time and the circle of consequences will begin to strangle them.

The daughter’s boyfriend who went to grand final party, got drunk and stayed overnight is now apparently, saying that he doesn’t feel comfortable with my missus visiting unVXnated.

I say that the missus should simply comply (there will be a personal cost), but what will happen is that the daughter will be vewy vewy grumpy and he BF’s life will turn to shit.

Same goes for my customers. Go on you dumb fuckers, put up your hand and say unVX’d not allowed.
I’ll say sure, no prob and then won’t answer any calls for help.

When you’ve found another contractor (good luck with that) and the they need admin access or passwords or software support … I send you a quote for $186k

“are you VX’nated?
“Nah mate, I keep lining up and they keep asking if I consent …. and I don’t”

October 1, 2021 9:03 am

LEAK. Buddha as a cheerleader. His sense of the ludicrous is brilliant.
He has her vacuous face and unfortunate proportions perfectly depicted.

October 1, 2021 9:04 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
October 1, 2021 9:06 am

Yesterday Twiggy received a dividend of $A2,387,180,150.00.

No wonder he turned himself inside out to avoid issuing equity.

October 1, 2021 9:07 am

Indolent says:
October 1, 2021 at 9:00 am
believe the only reason Gladys is backing off is due to the international opprobrium and ridicule.
How is she backing off?

Dates are suddenly being brought forward, saying the government will not police the no-jab-no-service rule and the end of restrictions on 1st December. Particularly after all the threats of eternal lockdowns before the international publicity.

October 1, 2021 9:07 am

The Darwin Port deal should be, as the chinks do, there is a problem with the agreement, wasn’t given the proper authorisations. You leave now. Put them on a plane out of here. Give it to an APS 4 to sort out like all the permissions for Roy Hill. Stuff them around like they do.

October 1, 2021 9:09 am

Dates are suddenly being brought forward, saying the government will not police the no-jab-no-service rule and the end of restrictions on 1st December. Particularly after all the threats of eternal lockdowns before the international publicity.

I thought the police commissioner said they would not police it at all.

October 1, 2021 9:10 am

October 1, 2021 at 9:03 am
LEAK. Buddha as a cheerleader. His sense of the ludicrous is brilliant.
He has her vacuous face and unfortunate proportions perfectly depicted.

I thought he used her press promotion photo. Well blow me down it was a drawing.

October 1, 2021 9:11 am

In the back screens, all your government data is already linked.
Do you honestly think that these data projects would rely on punters getting around to linking their own data?
People. Please.


Boambee John
Boambee John
October 1, 2021 9:11 am

October 1, 2021 at 8:11 am
Turnbull proselytising on how to win friends .Really ? And why is he still in the Liberal party well probably at least a million reasons along with a piece of paper demanding that money be paid back if he was ever expelled.

It’s indicative of his political incompetence that the deal wasn’t that the money must be paid back if he was ever removed from the party leadership/PM position.

October 1, 2021 9:11 am

I thought the police commissioner said they would not police it at all.

Yep. They’re just co-opting businesses to do the dirty work for them. Everything old is new again.

October 1, 2021 9:12 am

We are a friendly, welcoming, generous population up here

Generally true. However, we still get an involuntary flinch when we say we moved up (back) here from the Central Coast 2 months ago.

October 1, 2021 9:12 am

In a big city like Sydney and after months of lockdown only the zealots are going to enforce vaccine passports and those refusing to show one are going to find an alternative business, most of time.
Family member in regional Victoria told me popular local eatery has voluntarily made itself vaxxed only, sadly for them there are plenty of other venues in town and they are now losing some regular customers permanently. I’ll never go there again either.
call the police

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 9:12 am

He outed himself totally in his response to Governor DeSanto.

That’s a non-sequitur. DeSanto is hardly a poster boy for the UN, he’s our next Trump. ScoMo simply ridiculed himself and Australia with that tired old ‘keeping us safe’ mantra.

If ScoMo goes to the Glasgow Net Zero Talk Fest then that’s proof he’s in the pocket of the UN.
So far, with his stupid statements about how we’re on the Zero 50 bandwagon, he’s totally captive to the UN party-set already, hobnobbing with the Soros crew and our next King. God help us.

October 1, 2021 9:13 am

No, a transformer near the substation in Cox Rd did not cause a blackout all the way to the surf coast but it doesn’t matter, the clearly descriptive eye witness reports & clear videos of the ‘thing’ travelling in the sky are mostly gone, with only a few scrambled, contradictory posts videos remaining.

Anyway, in the first video in this post you can make out the ‘thing’ in the sky coming out from behind the rooftop towards the next house before it ‘explodes’ blue (again, these aren’t arching, crackling, booming explosions, they are silent), but then they instantly loop the video back so you can’t see the blacked out houses.
In another post they claim it came from the ground even though that can’t be seen to be so in that video.

It was the ‘thing’ in the sky ‘exploding’, that first got the media attention, then by the end of the day it was your stock tale of a ‘transformer’.
When they stretch things this far they’d be better off going with St Elmo’s Fire, at least that’s usually silent and can pass through things without damage.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 1, 2021 9:13 am

October 1, 2021 at 8:13 am
Which are you?

Pragmatic. At the moment my risk/reward calculation still says – “wait”.

Ditto, though that Times article about a 25% increase in heart attacks after arterial clogging is a bit of a red flag.

Delta A
Delta A
October 1, 2021 9:17 am

Flying Pigs at 10.08 pm and 10.32 pm:

That is not acceptable language in a respectable forum such as this.

Continued use of these obscenities will drive decent and valued contributors from the Cat.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 1, 2021 9:18 am

Russia to host first royal wedding in more than a century
By Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber
October 1, 2021 — 5.58am

Moscow: Russia’s former Imperial capital is set to play host to the wedding of a descendant of the Romanovs, the country’s royal family, in the first such event in more than a century.

Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov will tie the knot with Italian fiancée Victoria Romanovna Bettarini at St Isaac’s Cathedral in St Petersburg on Friday in an elaborate religious ceremony with hundreds of foreign guests in attendance.

Russia’s last tsar Nicholas II, his wife and five children were killed by a revolutionary firing squad in July 1918 in the cellar of a merchant’s house in Yekaterinburg, a city 1450 km east of Moscow, where they hid.

The traditional Imperial ceremony is tipped to last two days, with the catering for the banquet provided by Yevgeny Prigozhin, also known as “Putin’s chef”.

“This was the first place in Russia to which we returned,” George Mikhailovich, 40, told news website about the choice of St Petersburg for his wedding. “This is very, very close to the family.”

George Mikhailovich was born in Spain to Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia – the self-proclaimed heir to Russia’s imperial throne – and her husband Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich of Russia. He lived in France and Spain for most of his life.

The Romanov dynasty ruled Russia for 300 years before Nicholas II abdicated in 1917, setting Russia on course for the Bolshevik Revolution, civil war and 70 years of Communist rule.

Mikhailovich’s great-grandfather, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich, managed to escape Bolshevik violence during the 1917 revolution to Finland. He and his family later relocated to Western Europe. He was a first cousin of Nicholas II and proclaimed himself emperor-in-exile after the slayings.

Mikhailovich visited Russia for the first time in 1992, and now lives in Moscow where he works on a number of charity projects.

Bettarini, 39, a writer, converted to the Russian Orthodox faith last year and took the name Victoria Romanovna.

Russia’s Orthodox Church canonised Nicholas II in 2000, after being portrayed as a weak leader by Soviet authorities.

October 1, 2021 9:19 am

Kind of crazy how poorly BHP & Rio have been run over the last 50 years.
Apart from Kloppers, BHP hasn’t had anyone decent.
Apart from Walsh, Rio hasn’t had anyone decent.
Kind of funny how many insiders Walsh pissed off when he took over.
That’s why there so many singing canaries trying to dump the coal in Mozambique disaster on him even though the decisions were made while he was running the iron ore division.
If you’re not pissing of the shiny bums, you’re not doing your job.

October 1, 2021 9:23 am

If ScoMo goes to the Glasgow Net Zero Talk Fest then that’s proof he’s in the pocket of the UN.

I’d suggest he’s aiming for a comfy sinecure on the international scene after he loses the next election…but what exactly does he have to offer?

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 9:26 am

Tanya Davies, my NSW rep, told Alan Jones some time ago that she was getting emails from voters telling her that they had to decide which one of the spouses will get the jabs in order to work so the other one is there to look after the kids if anything happens. Our governments are pushing us into something akin to Sophie’s choice.

As I’ve commented here, Britain and other countries have an indemnity system for those rare vaccine deaths – 125000 pounds in Britain, straight off from Govt coffers in the sad event, so that families are not left absolutely stranded. We have nothing, which is a huge mistake. Legal recourse is beyond most people and even the no fee no pay guys are shy of it re the vaxx.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 1, 2021 9:28 am

Of course, when you accept anaesthesia with certain products you also accept, without indemnity unless they are misused, the risk of death that accompanies them; same for various other medications where you accept the risks if you have been informed of them. But this is rather different to mandating the use, as with the vaxx, thus I am very much in favour of people making their own decisions to not vaxx without incuring any social penalty for it.

October 1, 2021 9:28 am

I’d suggest he’s aiming for a comfy sinecure on the international scene after he loses the next election…

After the US defence contractor deal, ScoMo never has to worry about what happens if he burns through his tax payer funded, indexed pension for life.

Just like KK will find a job with a Lend Lease related business post the Barangaroo transaction.

Just like BOF will be part of the Packer universe forever.

October 1, 2021 9:30 am

Diogenes says:
October 1, 2021 at 9:12 am

Sorry, Diogenes. I was trying to be a smart**se. I might have to leave that to the experts.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 1, 2021 9:30 am

Case numbers in Victoria could soon hit 6000 per day as talk turns to an extension of the state’s lockdowns, an expert has warned.

Victoria’s roadmap to freedom may need to be paused or modified due to yesterday’s record-breaking numbers, with 1438 new infections recorded.

GP Dr Mukesh Haikerwal said cases will “probably double and double again”.

Piss off Doctator.
The Poms had 80% vaxx on freedom day. Cases in the mid thirty thousands each day and with ten times our population that would be sixty thousand per day if he is to be believed.
Allowing for the far lower population density and Summer on the way, this is wild eyed crap.

October 1, 2021 9:31 am

straight off from Govt coffers in the sad event

We really need to enforce a standard here at the Dove Cat, that we never use the incorrect term “government spending”.
It is tax payer funded or some derivation of that.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2021 9:31 am

but I’m seriously baffled as to what this person is going to do with a suitcase full of dildos,” she said.

Has m0nster got an alibi?

October 1, 2021 9:31 am

After the US defence contractor deal, ScoMo never has to worry about what happens if he burns through his tax payer funded, indexed pension for life.

Scott who?

October 1, 2021 9:32 am

Has there not been a change to N.S.W. legislation in the last few days regarding compensation for those who have suffered damage due to the Covid-19 vaccination?

October 1, 2021 9:34 am

Has Victoria delayed their numbers this morning?

October 1, 2021 9:38 am

Public Health Amendment (Vaccination Compensation) Bill 2021?
Overview: “The object of this Bill is to amend the Public Health Act 2010 to provide for the payment of compensation to workers who suffer injury, loss or damage as a result of a requirement to be vaccinated.”

Note: I have not accessed the details, so I could be quite wrong with this.

October 1, 2021 9:40 am
October 1, 2021 9:40 am

LOL. Palantir has released a big on-line campaign about how they’ve worked with the NHS for the past 18 months.
Guess what, it aint about anyone’s health!

October 1, 2021 9:43 am

Email from my pilates studio to advise that they’re reopening on 11 October…..when you arrive at the studio you will have to show proof of vaccination.

It’s starting.

It started at the start, when you couldn’t travel from one motor trader in a country town to a motor parts trader in another country town without the paper work to justify sending the two workers on the job.

Don’t comply, you say.
Spend the day driving on the bosses money & come back without the parts and a hefty fine for the boss to pay?
Nah, the bosses call is to not draw extra negative attention from the Jacks all over those country roads looking for ‘people unnecessarily driving’.

But all those Jab Pushers just kept telling working men to suck it up and wait for, “The Jabs To Set Us Free!”, yeah, ‘free’ to have mobs of unsackable, Govt employed Karens (with no actual work to do), looking out to Unperson everyone they’ve ever felt offended by.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 1, 2021 9:44 am

In Work Optional news:

4 in 10 workers are ready to quit their jobs, as the ‘Great Resignation’ comes to Australia

Australians are fed up with their jobs and looking elsewhere as the disruption of the pandemic forces workers to re-evaluate their careers.

More than six in 10 prospective jobseekers said they were primarily motivated to leave by a lack of career opportunities or no payrise. A lack of recognition from their bosses and poor company culture were also identified as contributing factors.

But it’s clear that for many, money remains the number one driver. Almost half said they would stay in their current position if they were offered an elusive pay rise, while just one quarter would be swayed by a promotion.

Pro Tip: Be on the lookout when hiring: a larger than usual tidal wave of zombies and dreadnaughts is on its way.

Delta A
Delta A
October 1, 2021 9:44 am

Have just had a great “rain event” (TM) which will finish all crops off to their maximum.

Excellent news, Bushie.

Will you have enough workers for harvest?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2021 9:46 am

, dining out , gyms and haircuts as a gesture of solidarity with lockdowned Mexicans?
Thought not.

Report comment



October 1, 2021 at 7:37 am

What a good little German you are.

And here’s me thinking at least the people here are all for freedom of choice.


October 1, 2021 at 7:42 am

And here’s me thinking at least the people here are all for freedom of choice.

Some people need to calm down lest they turn into that which they despise.

Damn straight.
Demanding people rigidly follow my directions lest they succumb to TyRanNy.

October 1, 2021 9:47 am

Don’t get vaxxed, or else we’ll be nasty!

Get vaxxed, or else we’ll be nasty!

Same side of the coin.

Little lies people tell themselves.

On the one hand is people being imprisoned without trial and run out of society.

On the other is people endorsing and accepting a new social order that bans those people from society.

And you’re worried about the first group being ‘offensive’ for pointing out the obvious?

You know what’s offensive? An 80 year old talking about engaging in the new social order – going out on the town and traveling overseas again while a young family next door is banned from society without trial exclusively for that 80 year olds benefit.

It was observed: if you get the vaccine because you want the ‘freedom’ you are endorsing the new social order, the vaccine begets support for the compliance passport. Day one: 100% true.

October 1, 2021 9:49 am

He outed himself totally in his response to Governor DeSanto.

That’s a non-sequitur. DeSanto is hardly a poster boy for the UN, he’s our next Trump. ScoMo simply ridiculed himself and Australia with that tired old ‘keeping us safe’ mantra.

My point was that he showed that he was totally on board with what was happening, that it wasn’t a case of the premiers getting the better of him, as some have suggested. He is the instigator of it all. And net zero too, of course. A total traitor in other words. Preventing people from leaving the country was a good indicator that this whole thing was planned.

One thing that has been disturbing me somewhat (perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised) is the utter silence of former prime ministers. John Howard only seems interested in cricket. Even Tony Abbott only said that the police were too heavy handed. Do any of them actually believe in freedom and democracy?

October 1, 2021 9:51 am

Thanks for posting this.
It’s right that the full, true picture of what went on that day keeps being shared around –

October 1, 2021 at 7:24 am
Rushkan – Shrine Protest:

Real Rukshan
25.4K subscribers

This video of the protest at the Shrine of Remembrance (22.09.21) is from my on the ground perspective while reporting. It’s a chronological highlight of key moments that made up the totality of the incidents at the Shrine that day, incidents which have since polarised and divided parts of the nation.

I filmed non-stop for around 4 hours since the moment protesters arrived at the Shrine to the moment police fired on the last remaining groups of protesters to clear the site. Although much has been said by leaders and media personalities in the community that were not present on the day, including our Prime Minister, I’m still not entirely sure what informs their opinions on what took place.

There seems to be a disconnect between the reporting in the mainstream media, and the simple realities on the ground that day. The media have taken isolated incidents that may or may not have even occurred in some instances and then exaggerated them to represent the character of all that were present. Some of the misinformation about people trashing the site, are totally inconsistent with what occurred on the day.

Watch this highlight and if need be the entire livestream for full context: and then compare it to the reporting by the msm and comments made by those that were not present.”

October 1, 2021 9:52 am

I have not accessed the details, so I could be quite wrong with this.

Fred Nile’s Bill.

Still before the parliament.

Funny how only an oft maligned Christian gentleman is concerned about workers’ rights in all of this. The unions just waved mandatory vaccinations without compensation for injury through. Now I see Sally McManus is concerned about union members leaving to join “anti-vax” workers’ associations. Pay attention folks, there’s a lot of realignment happening in the real world.

October 1, 2021 9:53 am


That’s one for the Catictionary.

October 1, 2021 9:54 am

Do any of them actually believe in freedom and democracy?

After 233 years you need to ask?
Clearly not.

October 1, 2021 9:55 am

I thought it would help with access to see my mum in aged care…it didn’t.

Yep, submit to them in the hope of getting something sensible in return and you are rewarded with nothing.

No one should be submitting to this shit in the hope of getting something in return.

October 1, 2021 9:57 am

Thanks for the clarification, Roger. I was only sent a screen shot of the title page of the proposed Bill, and haven’t had the opportunity to follow it up yet.

October 1, 2021 9:58 am

A couple of days old.

New Zealand Offers One-Off Resident Visa to 165,000 Migrants

New Zealand will offer a one-off resident visa to as many as 165,000 migrants after delays in processing residency applications during the Covid-19 pandemic threatened an exodus of skilled foreign workers.

October 1, 2021 9:59 am

That’s one for the Catictionary.

Keep an eye on AdamCat. I’ve sent him a post for new Catictionary contributions, so when he has the time, hopefully he’ll put it up.

October 1, 2021 9:59 am

Except there is no evidence that the young family next door is being ‘banned from society’, for the benefit of an 80 year old (not even a boomer!) .
More than fifty percent of children* aged between 12 and 15 in NSW have been taken by their parents to get vaccinated when whether those children are vaccinated or not makes zero difference to the vaccinated percentage lockdown end.
(That’s parents exercising their parental rights btw)
*I wouldn’t but that’s beside the point

October 1, 2021 10:05 am

Quite amazing how NZ has just committed to a 3.3% bump in their population.
The Gerry Harvey’s & Harry Triguboff’s of NZ will be cheering the news.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 1, 2021 10:07 am

Chris O’Keefe@cokeefe9

International travel to resume by December, for whichever state is willing to take flights. No travel bubbles, no red, yellow, green zone countries. Vaccinated people will be free to travel from anywhere in the world and do 7 days home quarantine. @9NewsAUS

Note: for whichever state is willing to take flights”. The Commonwealth appears to have ceded control of entry to Australia to State CMO’s.

We live in a Doctorcracy.

October 1, 2021 10:10 am

Tanya Davies, my NSW rep, told Alan Jones some time ago that she was getting emails from voters telling her that they had to decide which one of the spouses will get the jabs in order to work

In our case it is not this. Mrs D has been spooked by the NSW (!) relentless drum of vaccinate or be a non-person. When the border reopens she wants to visit her mother in Tweed Heads & regardless of what any government says, the nursing home says she must be vaxxed to do so.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 1, 2021 10:10 am

Mater at 8:22.
It seems the problem is that some people (“vax holdouts”) want to curtail the rights of others so that the vax holdouts will not be subjected to pressure.
Hard to believe that square-jawed, flinty-eyed, sun-bronzed Queenssslanders need to hide behind the skirts of Southern ladies, without whose protection they will wilt and fall.

Cassie of Sydney
October 1, 2021 10:15 am

“It started at the start, when you couldn’t travel from one motor trader in a country town to a motor parts trader in another country town without the paper work to justify sending the two workers on the job.”

What a load of rubbish……more nongery from the Nongbat.

October 1, 2021 10:18 am

Funny how only an oft maligned Christian gentleman is concerned about workers’ rights in all of this.

He’s in excellent company. Shaftesbury and Wilberforce come to mind, but there are many…many others.

October 1, 2021 10:20 am

7 days home quarantine?
While Gladys building a 500 bed quarantine station at Toowoomba and irrc Dan building another in Melbourne.
It might be ceding responsibility, or it could be putting the pressure on.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2021 10:21 am

I have noted before that a lot of people who have been vaccinated will feel inclined to insist other people be vaccinated.

Part of it might be the slightly childish feeling that if they have taken a risk then it is not fair that other people do not – not that they would put it that way because their grown up selves recognises how churlish it sounds, much less actually it, but it can provide motivation for them to grope about for other ‘arguments’ so they can release some of their pent up resentment.

Some might have done it because they have been so browbeaten by politicians, jumped up CMO’s and CHO’s, and the MSM into seeing vaccinations as the only way out of their hostage existence and, being double-dosed, have done all they can and are impatient for other people to take that last step to win blissful freedom. A little short-sighted but desperation can blind a person to less immediate realities.

And some are just dicks. Teacher’s pet tattle-tales who derive a sadistic pleasure from seeing other people tormented. Taking a risk with their own health would be an acceptable price just to see other people forced to take the same risk against but their will – such is their pathology. At school it is the harsh teacher they court. Now it is the state.

There are more varieties of course, but these are just examples for a wider point.

Now of these the first two might feel that they have reached an end point – now that they are jabbed they are jabbed forever. But that is the thing. They aren’t. I suspect that they lose sight of that because it is not talked about. Anyone jabbed in June will be due a booster in the month following ‘freedom day’. And every six months after that. (Freedom day. Remember, it is freedom from government, not from the virus.)

And that is just for Covid. What about every new virus that emerges, as they do regularly ever seven or eight years. Each of these will need new shots, each with its booster shots stretching into futurity. Is that what they want? Because they are voting for it with their rolled sleeves right now. When will it be enough? Have they ever considered what will be too many shots and too many boosters? And how will they argue against the logic then when they have already accepted it now?

That is what I am telling people. Accept mandatory vaccination now and you accept it for ever, for new diseases and treatments we have not even heard of yet, but without the right to question.

I gave three examples of ‘types’ above. The argument I think can apply to the first two and a host of related species. But of the last? The Karens and Kens? Mock them. Laugh at them. Invoke them as types for jokes. Make them cautionary tales for children. If we ignore them rather than engage they will rot in a puddle of their own impotence.

The sweetest rot there could be.

October 1, 2021 10:22 am

Victoria’s daily coronavirus numbers are in.

The state has recorded 1143 new, locally acquired cases of COVID-19 and three deaths.

Today’s tally is down from yesterday’s record 1438 new cases. The Department of Health has not said how many cases are linked to known outbreaks or how many people were already in isolation when they tested positive.

Does anyone believe these numbers?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 1, 2021 10:22 am

Bugger, my post is about to disappear in the page turn over.

October 1, 2021 10:22 am

It seems the problem is that some people (“vax holdouts”) want to curtail the rights of others so that the vax holdouts will not be subjected to pressure.

Perhaps. For my own part, people can do as they please, think as they please, ignore as they please.

They are unanswerable to me. And anyone could be here pretending one thing or another meanwhile having a little laugh up their sleeve.

I don’t want to curtail anyone’s rights. I just don’t want mine curtailed.

October 1, 2021 10:23 am

I don’t want to curtail anyone’s rights. I just don’t want mine curtailed.

Well said.

Delta A
Delta A
October 1, 2021 10:26 am

October 1, 2021 at 8:22 am

Very well said, Mater.

Certainly, I am wary about having an experimental gene therapy injection. But I’m more worried about the manic push to have everyone vaccinated against a virus that is far less lethal than the annual flu.

I’m worried that the media are so intent on pushing “deadly covid”/”safe vaccine” down our throats day after day, with no respite.

I’m worried that governments (state and fed) have stolen so many of our basic rights, then hint that a few might be restored, provided that we are vaccinated. I’m desperately worried that so many Australians think that this is okay.

I am fortunate that my children and grandchildren are close geographically and emotionally, and that they respect and heed my opinions. We talk regularly and share local and overseas videos and articles about the ‘pandemic’ and treatments, vaccines and side effects. All share my decision to refuse the experimental gene therapy injection until a) a fully tested, safer (proper) vaccination is available, or b) we are held down and forced to submit.

PS: Best Man is anti-experimental gene therapy, too, but is not as vocal as I am on this, or politics, or everything in general. Or perhaps he just can’t get a word in. 🙂

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  1. The blokes a loose cannon for sure but there are plenty of stupid people in this world. What I don’t…

  2. Thats what I don’t like about AI, Helen. Its an amalgam of whatever crap has percolated to the surface. Remembering…

  3. I wake up to this…. NSW Minister Jodie Harrison apologises for Iran event in which Fatima Payman praised regime MOHAMMAD…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x