Well thanks be to Allah that he handed himself in at the station.
Well thanks be to Allah that he handed himself in at the station.
Ex 6PR dude. Got the arse there after a couple of decades. Just another j’ismist.
The last time prices spiked to this level was following the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which led to bills…
The spanking continues. https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1897087980566884597?t=KWFZ1T5CKKDnmqgRWJVRGg&s=19
With the whole Aussie MSM polishing his boots with their tongues I suspect his chances are better than you believe.…
The protests are growing, that’s the main thing.
When Dan Jong Il could pretend that there were no protests, he could pretend that everyone approved. The more people realise that other people are objecting, the more they think that their own objections might be reasonable.
Gez… October stats from Britain are apparently showing that roughly 80% of those hospitalised and 80% of deaths are amongst the fully vaccinated.
We ain’t buying no black pills here, Sir:
Didn’t Geoffrey Blainey cop an earful from the usual suspects for saying just that?
Saturday night ‘Stones
The song was recorded in ’69 during the Let it Bleed sessions. For some strange reason, it was never released on a that or any of the following ‘official’ ‘Stones’ albums. Dunno why, it’s a great track, and could only improve any album it appeared on. It was eventually released on Metamorphosis, which was former manager Allen Klein’s way to squeeze some more money from ‘Stones songs that he had rights to.
Apparently Jagger never finished the lyrics and was just making it up as he went along on this recording. But who cares, for the majority of rock songs, the lyrics are the least important part. Should have polished it up a bit and put it out as single in the early ’70s. Whatever, it still kicks arse.
Here’s a Norm McDonald compilation:
And we can be very sure they did, which would also describe how all nomadic groups have behaved in human history.
No, because he never said that or even anything remotely like that.
Yeah PeterW.
That’s why I’m highly suspicious of the German Covid crisis.
The big cover up is probably the failing effectiveness of vaccines.
The booster narrative is found in all the media accounts.
Those billions for biotech don’t come without a little concoction and coercion.
Have had my eye on a Seiko dive watch. Has gone from $1,500 to $1,800 in less than a month. Time to find all those economic textbooks from the 80s.
There has been a boom in watch prices over the last two or three years which is probably unrelated to inflation. Watches are becoming increasingly popular.
I always compare to high school assemblies. That crowd was easily 50k.
Some Saturday Night Stones (from 3:04)
I’m gunna tells ya how it’s gunna be! 🙂
This is great news. There are now six MPs with principle and two of them are Libs! SloMo can’t afford to kick them out like he did to Kelly. Suck shit.
The story is accompanied by a snap of the ‘indigenous’ shrink. No discernible touch of the tar brush whatsoever
Back around the 1970s/1980s, anti-apartheid campaigners statred spreading allegations of miscegenation between Boers and blacks in South Africa. They dropped the campaign quickly, perhaps realising that claims that the Boers were part black actually strengthened their position.
Reversing that, I think that a reasonable case can be made that anyone descended from inhabitants of rural areas of Australia before around the 1930s would probably have aboriginal ancestors, at least as many as the “indigenous” shrink you mention.
When everyone claims indigenous ancestors, the specialness disappears. Get the campaign started!
Some Saturday Night Cocteau Twins … 🙂
That cannot be Bill Wyman on bass. I’m thinking Ronnie Lane. At the longest stretch, Ronnie Wood.
As Mater witnessed – crammed in like sardines – or words to that effect.
Next week could be a doozy if that repugnant ‘Pandemic Bill” is passed this week!
I suspect that Maximum Leader has stood down the psychopathic thuggery till the Bill gets passed.
Not that Patten, Ratnam and Mednick (let alone any Liars Party apparatchnik) could care less about ordinary citizens being beaten to a pulp for disagreeing with the approved narrative, but even they might realise that it’s a bad look to hand untrammelled power to someone while that person is in the very process of imposing violent totalitarianism.
So, if the Bill does pass, next week will be a potential moment of truth.
But beyond that, whatever Palmer’s personal attributes he’s our only hope of bringing about a major shakeup of the status quo, which is what is needed most. A good old fashioned clean out.
And even as a backroom Svengali, as I asked earlier, can he be any worse than the likes of Photios?
They’re a useful anachronism in an increasingly insane world.
Forget about having to consult your stupid phone. Just briefly look down at your wrist.
So, Geoffrey Blainey never said that inter tribal warfare amongst Aborigines probably inflicted a casualty rate similar to that suffered by the first A.I.F?
Brian Jones calling Jagger a homo then playing two harmonicas. Funny as.
Anyone got any other evidence to suggest otherwise? 😕
Nope, never said that.
Another thing Abbott had to cope with.
The Mos Eisley cantina.
An Aboriginal approach could help Australian children emerge from the global pandemic, according to an Indigenous child psychiatrist who has become a world authority on childhood trauma.
Nothing like getting a sexually transmitted disease in the anus from being sodomised at six or seven years of age to help a kid adjust to the vicissitudes of life.
jupes – the Stones are the best (as you well know).
Good ol’ Keef. He’s been quoted as saying he’d rather kill someone than damage a Stratocaster.
So Blainey never said that Aborigines faced greater threats from other Aborigines, through inter tribal violence then they ever faced from the European settlers?
I don’t think you’ll get that one past the moderators at the Oz, somehow.
Bluddee Hell – Miss PJ Harvey, doing her best to prove Patsy’s offhand adage that “the whole world is your gynaecologist” … 😕
This is not that sort of a blogue, Bleeples! 🙂
Why would you say that? It is Bill on bass.
Our Rosary group got on the news! Our Lady’s statue carried on high and over 800 Catholics processed around St Patrick’s Cathedral (after the Archbishop of Melbourne told us not to) and then processed onto Parliament House, praying the Rosary. Catholics from Ballarat drove down as well. Glorious.
Reversing that, I think that a reasonable case can be made that anyone descended from inhabitants of rural areas of Australia before around the 1930s would probably have aboriginal ancestors, at least as many as the “indigenous” shrink you mention.
Nah, he never said that.
Meanwhile, Norm MacDonald’s dirty uncles.
What a wonderful turnout in Melbourne today. Traffic lights, road construction and full car parks conspired to make us late, but we got there eventually. I was worried that the weather forecast would have kept people from attending, but Melbournians rocked up and the rain stayed away.
The lady who was violently assaulted by Vicpol at the Richmond protest was also there. I had a quick chat to her. A lovely lady.
Looking forward to next week.
Good for Senators Antic and Rennick, it’s good to see that there are some honourable senators in the Senate. I vote below the line on the Senate ticket and although my first preferences go to minor parties, if there are decent people in the Senate I’ll also number them individually above their party’s preferred voting order. Unfortunately, none of the W.A. senators are worth voting for.
Because it doesn’t sound like him. At all. And it does sound like Ronnie Lane – a lot. Much busier than Wyman usually is, and more guitaristic, and to my ears at least a bit heavier on the treble and mids. I like both players, but there’s a difference. If I’m wrong, which is always at least a 51% possibility, it’s because Bill’s playing quite differently than usual on that track. (Which is a cracker.)
This video discusses new surprise discovery (yet to be confirmed by other scientists) that SARS-CoV-2 full length spike protein can enter human cell nuclei and interfere with fixing of broken DNA damage. Authors of the study propose this might have been evolved in order to prevent genetic recombination required to produce antibody variety to successfully attack the virus. If true, and if this could have important implications for potential negative health outcomes and might require reconfiguration of vaccine design.
Suggest you read either “Triumph of the Nomads” or the first volume of “The Story Of Australia’s People.” You’re welcome.
just gets better and better
Wouldn’t it have saved a lot of time if you’d said that at the start?
This is why a downvote buttin is sorely needed.
Why? It was fun watching you beclowning yourself….
There are nano wrigglers in the latest Bond movie. Watched it this afternoon. Entertaining though a tad long. A few cringe sentimental scenes. Now that the missus has seen her choice… I can book in Dune in Dec. Hesitant in bringing the missus as I would have to spend half my time explaining the storyline.
There used to be a foolproof method for avoiding Genetic Diseases.
It was called:
Don’t procreate with close relatives.
From memory, Fifth Cousins are too close.
Ed Case:
Farmer Gezsays:
November 13, 2021 at 9:02 pm
Reversing that, I think that a reasonable case can be made that anyone descended from inhabitants of rural areas of Australia before around the 1930s would probably have aboriginal ancestors, at least as many as the “indigenous” shrink you mention.
You are missing my point. Make the argument, put them in the position of attacking it. After the Pascoe shambles, they will be tied in knots trying to attack without being called Waaaaysist.
Sal, the price of fish in Japan? Fisherman mate in 84 caught a tuna off Kalbarri, put it in the back of his Falcon ute covered with ice, drove straight to Perth airport, on the next plane to Japan. It was in the market less than 24hrs out of the water. $14,000 in 1984.
And yet Channel 7 had no problem stating there were only a thousand people there. Kerry Stokes is paying his news division too much.
Mr Ed
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
November 13, 2021 at 9:09 pm
Nah, he never said that.
Suggest you read either “Triumph of the Nomads” or the first volume of “The Story Of Australia’s People.” You’re welcome.
It was pretty obvious from Zulu’s line of questions that he knew that answer, and you fell into the trap.
After the coming Northern Hemisphere winter with deliberately imposed energy shortages there won’t be much need to worry about Covid-19 and booster shots.
A butt-in button is perfect for you.
Make me smile, peoples … 🙂
So it can be “accidentally” lodged in the fundament of the next imbecile who suggests it. 🙂
Thanks Rabz, that song always lifts my mood.
I think the 70s were a decade of musical riches.
Can Ed make a bold pronouncement then blame the person he’s arguing with for not stopping him flicking himself in the nuts?
I think he can
Seriously, peoples – all this talk of buttons, does it really matter?
Trying to accumulate the transient favouritism of (presumably) carbon based life forms you’ve never actually encountered in the meat space is a worthwhile activity?
The constant burden of making sense. Show some respect and take my advice, after twenty beers, it’s no longer an issue, I tells ya. 🙂
Indeed. Pure pop at one end, punk and new wave at the other.
“This is great news. There are now six MPs with principle and two of them are Libs! SloMo can’t afford to kick them out like he did to Kelly. Suck shit.”
Yep…just remember Scumbag Morrison, back in February this year, sided with Labor, the Greens and MSM scum to censure and backstab Kelly. Kelly rightly said to Scumbag Morrison….fuck you….and walked. Says a lot about the character of Scumbag Morrison that he’ll side with the left against those in his own party…..and he did it again a few months ago against Christensen.
Special Ed’s theme song
Pity Hutt River Province is gone. They could have issued letters of marque and we could have been privateers.
Me I love 70s music… 13,14,15,16,17, and 1870s. The 1970s, an abomination! 🙂
I noticed some of us like Frangipanis.
Have a look at these.
If you wanted to destroy the Liberal Party what would you do differently than ScoMo is doing now?
Nice. Frost damaged my pink frangipani this winter though the yellow one has come through unscathed.
“Sliante” to all you horrible mob.
Wiki lists the bass players for Let it Bleed as Bill and Keef. The two Ronnies don’t get a look in.
People in power,
they’ll do anything to keep their crown
Wash your mouth out.
There are two types of music;
1/. Slim Dusty
2/. everything else.
You didn’t like the Bay City Rollers? No, me neither.
Slainte Mhor
Bowmores #1 here
There is no foolproof method. Genetic diseases can be de novo and are not uncommon. Even at birth there are already mutations in the genome.
I drink
An excellent choice. Good Scotch whisky is an after dinner drink, partaken of by gentlemen.
Been black as a dog’s arse on one side of the sky for a couple of hours, with the sea breeze pushing the storm back. Now the wind’s changed and it’s starting to move over the town.
Knuck’s miss the build up in the tropics. Been stormy in NSW but not in the same way (caveat January in the Hunter Valley can be very tropical). Nice enjoy.
The Piano has been drinking – not me.
He looked a lot like Che Guevara …
With the Ronson providing the mighty growly guitar licks.
I do hope so.
The Left’s Bungled Revolution
as long as I get my money next Friday
For those of us that had the misfortune to have existed through it.
Funnily enough, the only one among us who loved that decade long time, was (cue spooky muzak …) poor ol’ Arks.
Zipster says:
November 13, 2021 at 9:13 pm
@ Zipster. Would be nice if matey boy said what paper he was talking about. Obviously not this one comparing the publication date versus the video posted over two weeks ago.
Well, if there are still cells producing exosomes four months post gene therapy, then that is an indication that the (supposed) intended goal has not been achieved. There shouldn’t be any cells producing franken-spike four months after an adaptive immune response was supposedly instigated. There certainly should not be any still circulating. Cells should have no reason to communicate spike protein to other cells if all modified cells have been killed. Unless there’s been more jabbing since or the chemotherapy/ lipid nanoparticle mRNA delivery mechanism is still circulating and still in the process of releasing the cargo. Or the product is “not as described”. To the public that is.
What a pitiful “failure” of a product – BNT162b2 – in inducing immunity. It is hard at this time to say just how successful a product it may be in regard to other likely intended goals. I agree with this man.
I thought I was pretty much across those sessions, but (on this track, at least) my ears tell me different. I’ll do some digging. Am curious now.
When it was still possible to be paid in cash, and live without Karens roaming the earth.
I am not among them, Squire. Been plotting for almost five years as to how I can finally be rid of the last one blighting my backyard. The other one was violently rendered dead about three years ago :).
for rabz
cigarettes & alcohol
err, having said that, I would never advocate uncontrolled violence, preferably with a chainsaw, be visited upon those stupid ugly and useless native trees, I tells ya. 🙂
If you wanted to destroy Australia what would you do differently?
Never forget “Scommo” might have an unshakeable bitterness and malice in his heart towards the Australian for the treatment he got during and after the bushfires.
Much of history was made by things as simple and pathetic as leaders, brittle egos and their issues towards the populace.
Thanx, Matrix. What an anthem. 🙂
Absolutely brilliant presentation. Could not be clearer. The virus is the vector for the poison – the spike protein.
thankyou … I like biases confirmed
Hardly. This is much bigger and probably far longer in preparation than any offence he might have taken. Don’t forget, politicians generally have a pretty thick hide. I don’t think this is a reaction to anything. It is a total sellout of this country.
Rittenhouse is fucked:
Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Judge Allows Jury to Consider That Teen Provoked Attack
American Thinker
The 5th Circuit’s brilliant opinion staying OSHA’s vaccine mandate
Let’s have some Elvis …
Time for the ultimate music quiz, Cats.
Your favourite song, ever.
Must have been released after December 31 1959.
Hop to it! 🙂
I know mine.
Voices Carry by ‘Til Tuesday.
Honourable mention to Whole of the Moon by the Waterboys.
UK person shows signs of visual/ perceptual decline and confusion post mRNA intervention.
This unfortunately, is not it.
This one’s for military type Cats – Patrick Bishop’s book on “Operation Jubilee” – the Dieppe Raid, of 1942 makes damn fine reading.
After the setting up of the “Commandos” – based on the Boer Commando’s 0f 1899 to 1902, the first raid on the German held coastline took place three weeks after Dunkirk. A hundred men, in four groups were dropped south of Boulogne to capture prisoners, and seize documents from a military HQ, set up in a requisitioned seaside hotel. One group was strafed from the air, by the R.A.F, who were not warned of the operation, another ran aground, the hotel was empty, so no prisoners were taken. Many of the party arrived back in England, insensible, after having got to the rum ration on the return journey. (Page 37.)
KD is in the register.
Going straight to the devil … 🙁
I maintain this is why this farce of a Petition needs serious investigation.
This simply can’t be a true reflection of the number who have tried to sign but it can be explained by Daniel Andrews fiddling the numbers to give him the [false] claim that ‘hardly anyone’ is against giving him these dangerous powers –
E-petition Number
Reject the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that the community opposes the Andrews Government’s Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.
The Bill hands enormous power to the Premier of Victoria, possibly perpetuating a pandemic dictatorship. It is undemocratic and a complete tyrannical overreach of political power. It inhibits proper Parliamentary scrutiny, transparency and potentially impacts scheduled state elections.
The Andrews Government has not consulted with the public on its powers.
The community specifically objects to the Bill granting the Premier wide sweeping powers to declare a pandemic despite low case numbers in the state of Victoria and potentially in the absence of cases, issuing pandemic orders for a period of time without the support of state parliament, and having the power to apply pandemic orders to classes of persons who can be identified by their characteristics or attributes, including but not limited to race, gender, religious, political belief or activity.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council reject the flawed Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.
Closing Date
Not tabled signatures
Total signatures including previously tabled
Click here to sign
Contact principal petitioner
[email protected]
Ms Melina Bath
If we can choose only one, then it is;
“Where do you go to my lovely?” (Peter Sarstedt)
Honourable mention must go to;
“Seasons in the Sun” (Terry Jacks)
Denouncing communist pooftahs.
Thanks Sal.
We now have three votes. R, KD, SUMBBC …
Kool thang …
I’ll buy you one more frozen orange juice” runs a close second, followed by “Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven’s Door.”
err, ZK2A – have you nominated a song?
Please name it if you have …
No. I loved the ’70s. I was a teenager for most of it. Had a great time and the music was the best. Had a great time in the ’80s too but the music was shit.
Bull in the Heather.
A window into the commencement of the insanity.
New England.
Gee, thanks jupes …
So what’s your favourite song ever?
“Knock, knock, knocking on Heaven’s Door.” – the Warren Zevon version.
fave song evah … Whole lotta Rosie
my uncle is only 8 years older than me and he’s a bit of a muso.
well a lot of a muso.
anyway, way way back when I was like 12yo or something he took us to Festival Hall and acca dacca
fuck me … how good was that?
jupes – you’re preaching heresy, Squire.
The seventies were monstrous (apart from some notable exceptions) the eighties were magnifique … 🙂
yessss !!
Don’t have one as such. I change what I listen to each week or so. Here’s a classic from the ‘7os.
The high point of human civilisation
Superb. Even better live.
Sorry, multiple link fail. You’ll just have to guess.
70s .. iggy
“Just One Of Those Tragedies”
Nov 13, 2021
Tony Heller
Nothing to see here, move along.
Originally uploaded to twitter.com/i/status/1459375262714322945 by Banned Dot Video
Favourite song depends on my mood.
Currently it’s Elvis singing Marty Robbins’ song (Lord) You gave me a Mountain
November 14, 2021 at 12:10 am
So what’s your favourite song ever?
Don’t have one as such. I change what I listen to each week or so. Here’s a classic from the ‘7os.
That is a great album.
An English Rose, letting loose … 🙂
what a hottie
‘Ridiculous’ to cancel Jeremy Clarkson over column slamming Greta Thunberg
Nov 10, 2021
Sky News Australia
The Australian’s Sophie Elsworth says it would be “ridiculous” for former Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson to be cancelled after he said Greta Thunberg deserved a “smacked bottom”.
Mr Clarkson has been criticised for the comment in his Sunday Times column in which he slammed Ms Thunberg for a lack of manners and lack of knowledge about how the world works.
“If we’re going to cancel him over that, how ridiculous,” Ms Elsworth told Sky News host Rita Panahi.
“Saying a smacked bottom – I mean he’s saying it in jest.
“But he makes some very good points, I’m sick and tired of this Greta Thunberg going on and lecturing the world.
“I actually think it’s quite sad … I think she’s just being used as this pawn in this climate change debate and I don’t like it.”
“kaysee says:
November 13, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Parents warned they may soon need a ‘license’ to raise their own children
A senior contributor at the Federalist, Stella Morabito, has published a warning to parents that if leftists are not stopped in their agenda, moms and dads soon could need a “license” to raise their own children.
“Licensing of parents might still sound fringy, but it’s an old social engineering dream that dies hard. And they’re busily building the road to get there. Unless there is aggressive and sustained pushback, you can count on the idea invading the mainstream,” she explained.
“So parents can’t let down their guard. They hold the key to getting through this wild ride.””
“mh says:
November 13, 2021 at 6:58 pm
Greg Reese latest on what Pfizer is adding to the children’s vaxxx
https://reesereport.com/ “
mh says:
November 13, 2021 at 7:36 pm
Not saying you’re wrong (you rarely are) but that would be ironic given the people he’s targeting for destruction are the people who stood up for him. He’s doing the bidding of the people who attacked him.
Week In Pictures.
YouTube Ditches Dislikes
[Dissent Will Not Be Tolerated]
Nov 14, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
This isn’t speculation it is reality. When a grandparent has to do a Cert on parenting to gain access to the grandchild it can happen to anybody.
The 1970s – when paedophilia was chic.
Dude, sheilas began to go topless on the beaches in the 70s.
Alongside blokes with Dick stickers so it kind of cancels it out.
Fresh via instapundit.
This is just a ploy to see how old we are.
Mater’s Musings #38: Is the Ethical High Ground now just a Sand Castle at high tide?
Re earlier post on Scummo & the bushfires-
I reckon this city boy had a tin ear when it comes to the bush. It was the same in the Drought. He just never seemed “to get it”, what it was like to see your breeding herds struggle to survive, to be told by Ag suppliers that they couldn’t get any more hay bales ( not even straw bales) & to wait, wait for rain. And the latter doesn’t go near to express what croppers, and all the rest went through.
Other urban PMs like Howard & others seemed to have greater understanding. Same during the fires. The TV screen never conveys the terrible fear when you set the alarm for midnight to wake up & make sure there are no spot fires in your paddocks from the mountains around you on fire. This PM seemed to have no real connection with any of this.
Maybe I am wrong but that is what it seemed to me. And I was a supporter of Morrison when he took the race from Dutton. Mea Culpa.
Melbourne protest made it on Zero hedge
An interesting comment, Vicki. Morrison as the gormless, disconnected city slicker. I had never thought about him in that light.
One of my favourite sayings was, “Cometh the hour, cometh the man”, and it has been true in so many crises, until now. Retail politics has replaced politics of conviction, and nothing casts into such high relief as our own PM, one among a throng of world leaders of similar emptiness.
Such people are barely acceptable when things are going fine. Give them a crisis and they are lost, simply because they had no compass in the first place. Events overtake them and they, along with the people who entrusted them to govern, are lost too.
WATCH: Biden’s Banking Nominee Calls to Eliminate All ‘Private Bank Accounts’
All in the name if equity, of course.
Anyone who doubts the numbers yesterday, watch this.
Do note the street running left and right cannot be seen by the drone either. As for density, where I was (Bourke St), we were easily 7-8 to the square metre. My chest was rubbing the backpack of the bloke in front, and the bloke behind me was involuntary rubbing my arse. You could not move through the crowd, it was that tight. Many tried, and failed.
Be interesting to know how many at the rally yesterday voted for the hunchback? To be honest they are just as culpable as danothedead. Enablers.
Only if they haven’t learnt the nanny state isn’t there to help only control, GreyRanga.
Be interesting to know how many even asked the question? Certainly not the MSM.
Once you accept that government is there to keep you safe you have already opened Pandora’s Box.
“Such people are barely acceptable when things are going fine. Give them a crisis and they are lost, simply because they had no compass in the first place.”
Well said, the problem with Scumbag Morrison is that he also has no courage whatsoever. He’s an appeaser on a scale that puts Chamberlain to shame….he avoids confrontation so that when he is confronted with a problem, a scandal or a crisis, Scumbag Morrison simply appeases or capitulates. In reality all he cares about is “perception”……what the MSM and the left think of him…he doesn’t give a rat’s arse about what the conservative voter thinks. It makes for disastrous leadership. We’ve seen how he dealt with the bushfires but also with how he handled the laughable “sexual scandals”…..involving Higgins and Porter. He allowed the MSM, social media sewers and the progressive left to control the narrative. All he had to do re. Porter was to stand in front of the various MSM hyenas and state that the police had decided not to pursue the matter, the matter was closed and that if the MSM hyenas wished to pursue the matter further, then he’d also have to talk about the Bill Shorten accusation. But that would take courage…..and Morrison, as we all know, is NOT a man of courage.
ScoMo IS Jim Hacker.
No. Jim Hacker was a well meaning jellyback. ScoMo has deliberately and knowingly sold this country out. The only word for that is traitor.
Cassie, on courage:
If the other virtues are not present, courage won’t be there either.
This is the template of the modern man.
Indolent – I think you are giving SloMo too much credit.
We should not overlook SloMo’s role in giving us Lara Bingle. Australia is now Lara Bingle.
the problem with Scumbag Morrison is that he also has no courage whatsoever
Asked the other day if he is inclined to intervene in Victoria to foil Andrews’ plan for a dictatorship, he replied that it is (slight paraphrase) ‘entirely the business of the Victorian parliament’.
That’s his style, the reason he dropped the WA border case: matter pushed aside on the principle that he doesn’t have a single guiding light in any shape or form.
And yeah, Palmer is an odious creature, but he has deep pockets and Craig Kelly to keep him honest. I can set aside my reservations and support that.
And who can forget that fighting the ‘culture war’ — a nasty euphemism for ‘just plain wrong and stupid too’ — doesn’t ‘create a single job’.
No backbone, no principles, no core belief, no courage. Soon, ideally, no job too.
Is this the America we want to leave for our grandchildren?
Stop complying!!!
A war veteran is denied a meal in a restaurant on Memorial Day.
For all Howards many faults, he didn’t mind getting into the trenches. I guess with Keating in the Parliament he didn’t have much choice.
A video of his first visit to centrelink after the next election would be comedy gold.
November 14, 2021 at 8:38 am”
I think you’ve said it best.
Scotty took your advice in Question Time earlier this year, including threatening to revisit the Shorten story.
Bill just laughed it off and that was the end of that.
Porter was a poor minister, the Government has been better off without him.
He thought he was headed to the Lodge. Never even considered that a barking mad woman he couldn’t remember was going to derail that gravy train.
Such is life.
We were talking music.
The only topless sheilas I remember seeing were in their 60s with skin like leather.
I am not pulling your leg, but as a donor to the LDP, I have seen the latest (draft) manifesto and it is gold.
Focused and strongly anti authoritarian. Some snippets. I can’t give it all away!
I can’t wait to see the political establishment tetropoly (ALP, Greens, Liberal, National) get mauled in upcoming elections.
Amen !
That’s not actually true.
Cowardice that goes so far to complicity.
Where’s Novavax?
The TGA should have full public scrutiny now. It is not the time to be having 3 hour lunches on Fridays and be working half days.
Hence his pass-the-parcel National Cabinet.
Which has resulted in biggest policy failure in the history of the Commonwealth
being the fault of someone else.
“Scotty took your advice in Question Time earlier this year, including threatening to revisit the Shorten story.
Bill just laughed it off and that was the end of that.
Porter was a poor minister, the Government has been better off without him.”
You’re not called Dick Ed for nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Porter, but we can’t let ALP shills spread their filth and dishonesty here, some of which is quite actionable.
This should be a sin to be removed from this blog – her recollection of events, made years later in unintelligible scrawl, as a poor suffering mental illness patient, which she refused to sign off on as an affidavit multiple times, was physically and chronologically impossible. She even described physical features of the building she alleges offences occurred at that never existed.
FOAD, Grigory.
That may be true and it may not.
Any Minor Party going to an election with that as a headline policy is wasting it’s time.
Recording Of John Howard At 16 On Jack Davey Quiz Show
“He thought he was headed to the Lodge. Never even considered that a barking mad woman he couldn’t remember was going to derail that gravy train.”
The problem is that we have a biased MSM that is very selective about which barking mad woman’s story they’ll push….because it all boils down to the political side.
Believe all women? No, only those women who have a story to tell about right-wing/conservative men. The MSM have never ever been interested in Kathy Sherrif’s story.
Alas, I suspect we’re going to have to get used to the theatrical histrionics of Daisy Cousens om Sunday morning’s Sky Outsiders, now that Rita Panahi has been given Alan Jones’s poisoned chalice at 8pm on weeknights.
Listen up fuck face, my only interaction with you ought to be observing a lunatic behind several sheets of Plexiglas as you are entombed in your straight jacket, but no, “Freedom from COVID hysteria” is actually the headline policy.
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Porter, but we can’t let ALP shills spread their filth and dishonesty here, some of which is quite actionable.”
This should be a sin to be removed from this blog – her recollection of events, made years later in unintelligible scrawl, as a poor suffering mental illness patient, which she refused to sign off on as an affidavit multiple times, was physically and chronologically impossible. She even described physical features of the building she alleges offences occurred at that never existed.
FOAD, Grigory.
Yes please.
Rowan Dean just used my Pontius Pilate take on Scommo.
And Covaxin, which the WHO gave emergency approval for about a week ago. It’s already widely in use in India.
But but but, she’s so cute! She’s a 1950s housewife!
I agree Bruce but I don’t think Covaxin have lodged an application with the “all knowing” TGA?
Elly Awesome enthusiastically and unintentionally highlights the big problem of charging EV’s.
She needs more lithium than the car.
He’s like Homer Simpson, actually.
‘Can’t somebody else do it?’
Tony Abbott made the Captain’s Call as P.M. not to go after Bill on those allegations.
Remember that?
So when does that insufferable pommie twat get the gig – or was that just a rumour?
Aunty Annabelle Crabbe rang – she wants her image back, Daisy.
Cousens is useful because this is what makes lefty heads explode, Dot.
I want to watch a young John Howard the same way I want to bite down on a size 8/0 treble hook really, really, really hard.
Micallef said it better in his skit where he Alec Baldwinned himself.
Mother won’t like you talking like that. You don’t want to upset Mother do you?
Mother gives Grigory the silent treatment. Grigory can’t throttle her any more because the pandemic has seen the price of epoxy glue and embalming fluids go through the roof.
Jack Davey was a radio star with a one in a million voice.
John Howard did well as the 16 year old Straight Man there, i’ll bet he’s a pretty funny guy in real life.
Ed knows his endorsement is toxic.
She’s a 1950s housewife!
Nah, she dresses more like Miss Kitty from Gunsmoke
The CDC Finally Reveals Its Estimate for How Many Americans Have ‘Natural Immunity’: 146.6 Million People
I wonder how many of these people have been bullied into taking the vaccine, and what effect this will have on their natural immunity.
Actually, didn’t the Ruby Princess and the American battleship outbreaks prove that around 80% of people already had natural immunity through contact with prior corona outbreaks? This hideous race to vaccinate actually has the net effect of reducing immunity, as shown by the ever growing number of “breakthrough” cases.