A very long but informative article. Excerpts follow. Utterly beyond the comprehension of the malicious Pong and Airbus Elbow. The…
A very long but informative article. Excerpts follow. Utterly beyond the comprehension of the malicious Pong and Airbus Elbow. The…
What thoroughly repulsive people they are. Not a touch of integrity between them all.
The RAND Corporation in the U.S. has been researching ‘Truth Decay’ for some years now, presumably at least partly taxpayer…
Link on the old thread on USAID funding a UK organisation called the “Centre for Information Resilience” which claims to…
I really don’t care, Margaret.
Wodger nails it.
Vax was fine for people with high risk factors until more was known / tested.
To mandate it and force it on kids is a crime.
While itmay have helped us with reduced symptoms (wife and child both positive), I fear long term consequences on us all.
re booster – wife will get it because travel – just trusts it. I will not until novavax is available.
All you do BoN with your constant negative references to the Pope but never a protestant leader is confirm that you are anti Catholic while inadvertently perhaps, that it is Catholic Christianity that is the real deal because it’s only what Catholic Christianity says and does that matters.
What does the leader of your sect say about migrants?
He’s invoking Titus 3.10 on both. 🙂
Is the Pope off limits to criticism? I hope not.
Same with all the Protestant leaders who are given a shellacking from time to time – and deservedly so.
I want to feel free to voice dismay and disagreement without having to “balance” it with an equal measure every time.
Just like I did in the first two paras.
It’s what they HAVEN’T done that gets up my nose.
Eyrie – Accelerator.
Here’s an interesting NASA paper. That’s D-D fusion in an erbium matrix. You can extrapolate to other ion pairs. The paper mentions titanium, which I know has an affinity for hydrogen (or deuterium) and has excellent engineering and heat transfer properties. Not expensive and rare like erbium.
So you can hypothesize ideas like Li+ accelerator bombardment of Ti-D targets to do the fusion in a controlled and engineered way that’s not possible in a tokamak.
There are a whole heap of other isotopes with fusion potential too, which could perhaps be cracked if the conditions are worked out. Boron is common for example.
And JC, God isn’t mocked. Bruce is doing the right thing in ignoring you when you troll him.
I did the same with the Sockmeister for years. In the end, there’s no point in arguing.
I remember when Boeing had cracked it and where going to start selling fusion units…
I think I found the swampiest deep state media organ, with the dumbest editor who knows nothing about the topic.
“Duh, Larsen is wrong…”
Yep sure….and what would NASA know, right?
They deserve it.
They know what they did.
As much as I detest the royals, I detest the ex Knox boy fauxfacts germalist even more. Maybe even more than Trumble.
That’s LENR. P-P fusion in Pd.
The unvaxxed are really just the Trojan Horse here.
They are riven with hatred for the private medicine/insurance model, and their end game is Social Justice Medicine.
They don’t really want to distinguish between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed. They want to be able to put their thumb on the scales of medical services and reverse discriminate against “old white men” in favour of more deserving groups.
We saw this during the last LockDan. Elective surgery was cancelled in private hospitals. When it resumed it was to include public patients to “free up the public system to treat Covid patients” (all fifty of them).
But here’s the thing. If two patients presented with precisely the same condition and precisely the same severity grading, the public patient had to be given priority.
Class envy, pure and simple.
Do you really believe that if the unvaxxed patient in ICU was a Somali immigrant she would suggest they get bumped?
@ Dot-
Some folks I know are mightily pissed off with GM.
They were supposed to have cracked nuclear fushion in 2020…
The ‘Pope’ is a nasty little apostate man. He’s also probably a hard core pedo.
Scraper Drivers?
Calli, which ones are given a shellacking? There are no Mainliners left, unless you mean Bob Brown and Adam Andt who now represent all mainline protos in the newly reconstituted Church of Gaia.
Nothing much nice to say about that evil old man polluting the vatican.
Well, no.
When I read some of the stuff attributed to Pope Fonzie, I have no trouble visualising it being said by Al Sharpton.
I see stuff mounted on these things which looks suspiciously like laser equipment.
Doesn’t Frankie have some form regarding the dirty war?
But of course. Stops the guy holding the staff from being cut off at the knees.
Before some idiot chimes in about ‘da cold fusion, it’s been deboonked, IFlove sciencing’, Fleischman and Pons were Oxbridge Professors of physical chem.
They were not idiots.
Mike McCulloch theorises their system was random. So they really got heat output, but it cannot be used reliably.
“Maxwell’s equations don’t explain space time, they’re invalid anti science!”
it is about refinement.
Caption: Evidence of possible flash boiling of palladium that had solidified quickly in a 2003 experiment at the U.S. Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) in San Diego. Credit: Charlie Young/SPAWAR Used with permission.
I’m not trolling the doofus. He’s been treated with little kiddie gloves since he’s been posting at the Cat because he’s little Brucie and wouldn’t hurt a fly. Little Brucie has been caught time and time again peddling bullshit and you don’t require an science degree to realize. When a person peddles himself as a voice of authority and subsequently gets caught out, he’s history in my book. That’s it. He’s done.
I know you my find it hard, but treat him as a grown man and treat his opinions as you would others.
In my book, there’s nothing more horrid than an incel who attempts to pull rank as it’s against nature and the good lord himself. I find it repugnant.
If you want answer questions about biology, ask the Dot as he has a degree in that area and is well versed on the subject.
Aussie Cossack
QLD Police arrest innocent woman at Cafe in Hervey Bay
Well, if you were building it from the ground up, you probably wouldn’t create what we have.
But we are where we are, and it works.
The Monarchy (so far) have been smart enough to stay well clear of politics, and that tension works.
I can’t imagine any of Poyrate Pete’s dirty dozen candidates resisting the urge to stick an oar in.
Ironically, Bandana Man is advocating we move to a Republic at precisely the time when we are within a year or two of having a monarch who is most likely to weigh in on political matters on the side of Pete and his Chardy Socialist mates.
Well, I was wrong – it is heavy water.
Here is the best post McCulloch has.
Interesting stuff!
Just an aside, but Hervey Bay oysters are really good.
Good to see pete m back, looking as suave as ever.
Hope life is good for you, pete.
No. Absolutely not.
I think you mean John H.
The bloke on the digger.
Dot, it’s not just the consortium working on fusion but there are several startups in the US doing the Lord’s work. Gates has, I believe, several investments in gen 4 and fusion.
More importantly, a Rassi poll came out, according to a podcast that shows 59% of those polled favor nuclear energy. What an incredible turnaround in the space of a few years. a majority of demons now support nuclear.
Rosie – I am quite fair in this respect by likewise criticizing Archbishop Welby from time to time. He’s worse than Francis. And yes I’ve attended three Anglican churches in the past. I’ve also been critical on the previous Cat of at least one Baptist Union church (I tried it out, the singing of choruses twenty times in a row whilst waving your hands in the air wasn’t my style, nor the lack of much actual Bible teaching) in the past too, and I’ve attended two Baptist churches.
The model actually outlined in the Bible is of a grass-roots church, per 1 Tim 3. That, in view of the propensity of human organizations to form elaborate hierarchies and attract power-seekers, is a very wise thing, but one which is not popular amongst mainline denominations for some odd inscrutable reason (/s).
Please return to your travels and your excellent reports! I should add I have Catholic family members who I’m on good terms with, and we are doctrinally on the same wavelength since the common denominator is God’s Word.
Yea, he’s pretty decent.
Fully Vaccinated Australians In Hospital With COVID-19 Surpass Unvaccinated
Who was surveyed, I hear you ask.
Ahhh, so if you think you know how this will turn out…being largely full of old, metro hens, with a higher than average proportion of ‘minorities’.
Unfortunately, you’re right.
Not a very representative panel, but it got the answer the government wanted. No harm, no foul.
Dot, don’t you also have a science degree ?
“Is the Pope off limits to criticism? I hope not.
Same with all the Protestant leaders who are given a shellacking from time to time – and deservedly so.”
Quite so, I don’t think the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury or any Jewish leader should be off limits to criticism….especially when they happily pontificate (excuse the pun) rubbish about trendy social issues…be it climate change, SSM etc. When they veer away from theology they deserve to be rebutted, criticised and scorned (if need be).
I particularly loathe reform / progressive Judaism rabbis…..especially female reform rabbis….something I regard as an abomination. They don’t believe in God, they don’t believe in Kashrut, they’re frequently anti-Israel and so on and they only pursue “social justice” crap. They deserve to be smacked down at every opportunity.
I think religious leaders should stick to theology…..and if they veer off and spruik “trendy issues”, they need to be very careful and they need to expect blowback.
As an aside, I was particularly fond of Pope Benedict……he was an intellect and a scholar…and a conservative.
The church is a grassroots church. The Bishop is the boss and the Pope is just some academic for the most part.
NYC and L.A ones are just shockers.
I have a degree.
Of scepticism that the Day of the Ranga is upon us, mentioned this morning.
I will not be ruled by those soulless abominations.
Waiting For Godot: US Inflation Jumps To 7% YoY As Real Hourly Earnings Growth Crashes To -2.32% (Taylor Rule Now 17.84% Versus Current Fed Funds Target Rate Of 0.25%)
I’ll never vote lieboral again but I would probably hold my nose and vote against an Australian republic even though I would describe myself as a republican. Just not a Point Piper-Neutral Bay Knox Grammar one.
There would be far less criticism of him if he simply stuck with his knitting.
“We Failed”: Danish Newspaper Apologizes For Publishing Official COVID Narratives Without Questioning Them
“Doesn’t Frankie have some form regarding the dirty war?”
It’s interesting, there’s one country he hasn’t visited since becoming Pontiff…Don’t cry for me Argentina!
I read a very good piece a few years ago…I think it was by George Neumayr, an American conservative Catholic (and someone who was resolute in his support of George Pell). It was basically about how Bergoglio was not popular in his native country. Oh and Neumayr is the author of “The Political Pope: How Pope Francis Is Delighting The Liberal Left And Abandoning Conservatives”
To be fair to Francis, he did stick by George Pell and kol hakavod to him for that.
January 13, 2022 at 6:17 pm
I particularly loathe reform / progressive Judaism rabbis
NYC and L.A ones are just shockers.”
Vomitous…..absolutely vomitous.
What’s Going On? Parts 1-3; Mass Vaccination Injuries Caught On Tape
As an aside, I was particularly fond of Pope Benedict……he was an intellect and a scholar…and a conservative.
So was I and it chilled when he was removed. I’m not a catholic but I’ve always been a great admirer of BA Santamaria.
If the new Archbishop of Sydney did or said something in the monstrous “woke” department, I’d be ashamed for him but not interested in stopping debate about the content of his words/actions.
Like that drip from Gosford, who seems to have slipped below the radar of late. And the reason I don’t step inside a Ncle diocese church here because they tolerate and encourage him. And don’t get me started on the Uniting mob. But I don’t need to because they are mentioned in dispatches often enough here anyway.
I had and still have plenty of time for the retired Archbishop of Sydney, Glenn Davies. He was the one who got together with the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, and his Orthodox counterpart to write that letter on the ethics of the vax. The one Morrison ignored.
So there’s good and there’s bad. Just like in the world outside the church.
“He’s also probably a hard core pedo.”
Nope…..I don’t think so. I should add that it’s precisely that kind of “belief” that led to an innocent man being hounded, vilified, smeared, charged on ridiculous and specious grounds, subjected to a judicial lynching and then spent sentenced spent fourteen months in jail for a crime he did not commit.
Mater says:
January 13, 2022 at 6:14 pm
Results of Australia’s Health Panel survey on COVID Vaccine Passports.
I’ve got a survey question.
Is Scott Morrison?
A – a useless proselytising windbag
B – a fat useless proselytising windbag
C – a clueless fat useless proselytising
More info on Hervey Bay’s very own mini Djokovic situation from above:
Acting on information from members of the public, officers attended an Urangan cafe
So they weren’t targeting her when they arrived, they were targeting the Cafe which I guess is a free-choice sort of a place, because some karens have dobbed them in. She happened to be in it being evil and criminally having a coffee without a licence when they arrived.
Or save an ancient church. Been hot on the internet track today for that.
Gives an uplift to the day.
There’s a non-conformist church in Lancaster that I know of that could also do with a save. Quite a big place, early eighteenth century, spare in a formal sort of way, and definitely no Popery. Last time I was there it closed and was left as a pigeon roost. Sad. Might check that one out too.
Oh and I can’t recall ever being critical of George Pell or Pope Benedict. Maybe I’ve disagreed a little with the latter from time to time, but he’s always been clearly concerned about serving our Lord.
The trifecta of death.
At least they surveyed Australia’s ruling class.
I’m not buying into anything else but the link shows the battery range of assorted electric vehicles. The average is 315km. This is a UK list so many/most of the vehicles are not available in Aus.
Separately, many Cats will recall that I have posted about electric vehicles previously but perhaps I should also now include hydrogen powered cars as well. Honda, Hyundai (inc Kia), Toyota, Volkswagen and BMW are all having a serious look at hydrogen (meaning they are investing $millions). All are going hybrid>full electric in the beginning but Honda, Hyundai and Toyota, at least, reckon hydrogen is the most likely solution to zero emission cars in the long term. There are plenty of reasons for that and numerous issues to resolve, but having an ICE car may not be permanently wiped – the motor vehicle ICE may yet return in another form.
‘Nope……. I don’t think so.’
Neither do I, and the reason is nobody’s presented me with any shred of evidence to suggest he is, other than he’s disliked.
Which, in a Captain Obvious moment, isn’t evidence at all.
He’s a pope. If you throw various medieval antipopes in, there’s been about 300 of them. Statistically then, there’s a significant chance he’s a cockhead.
If you start throwing that sort of shit accusation around, back it up or dial the squealing down to 7 or 8, because it’s that sort of baseless finger pointing that gets people banned. Amirite srrsrsrsss?
Still – perhaps this sort of thing goes around unchecked in, oh I don’t know, Japan.
“Or save an ancient church. Been hot on the internet track today for that.
Gives an uplift to the day.”
A noble pursuit Lizzie.
Speaking of old churches, it seems like St Bart’s at Prospect is finally getting the treatment it deserved. I thought it was being smashed up by vandals for many years.
Can’t be true.
I read on this very blog that inflation like that was not going to happen.
A lovely turn of phrase for the pool room there, Mater.
I seem to recall you giving him a serve over something he said about refugees, calli.
May have been on Sinc’s Cat.
Is that the one you could see on the hill from the Old Western Highway?
Old Christian churches are very special places.
I hate it when they get turned into mosques.
Hi Delta – lovely to see some familiar folks around too. I’ve been lurking a bit but not bothering with too much reading as usual stoushes going on that have been the same for too many years.
Family good – 2 positive covid both almost recovered. I’m waiting on my results but even if negative for hwen take pretty sure I’ve been through it this week nontheless. Bugger of a thing but as I have not had the flu in decades can’t really remember feeling so rundown before. Must be getting old!
My sincere wish for all is that 2022 sees some return to same old lives – no more lockdowns / border BS or mandates.
We have over 90% Aust wide and don’t need to keep making life hell for people who will not change and good on them.
I’ll take C thanks gez
Mass formation psychosis is real.
Wrongology on the Cat. What next?
‘old, metro hens’
Great imagery as well.
Boooooooaaark boark boooooark boark buk buk buk bu-KAAAAAK!
yes it is Lizze. I love the old Georgian churches in Sydney- St James, St John’s at Parra, St Luke’s at Liverpool, St Matthew’s at Windsor.
dover is right.
Speedbox, that’s a car you keep in the freezer? What the hell for? 🙂
Speedy – I’ve mentioned methanol fairly often:
CO2 + 3 H2 –> CH3OH + H2O
So once you burn it you are just regenerating the same CO2 you originally started with. So it is net zero emissions. The plus is methanol can pretty much use the standard ICE equipment we have now (slight mods) and can certainly use all the service station logistics we now have. Indian servo guys would love it! And it doesn’t explode quite so easily.
The only reason the greenies don’t embrace methanol is religion.
I personally se no reason not to stay with petrol, produced from coal-to-liquids conversion if conventional or fracking crude isn’t available. CO2 does nothing much on the data I’m seeing. But methanol is cheap to make so I have no especial animus against it.
Wow that tweet is full grade “how many fingers am I holding up Winston” level.
The ABC never misses an opportunity for Christian-bashing, does it?
JC says:
January 13, 2022 at 6:49 pm
Yeah JC. Its called the Suzuki Ignis.
I’m dead from laughter, fear, disbelief and the horrors of living with my fellow man.
and their end game is Social Justice Medicine.
Feraldton has race based triage at the public hospital.
If you are pale stale male/female, with illness you will not be seen until the Aboriginal family group has gone through first.
Reasoning: Too much shouting and breaking things if not seen immediately.
They are in effect training people that being violent, entitled thugs is a winning way to get what you want.
Necessity is the mother of all sorts of invention. Take fuel for cars, which people have been discussing here.
During the civil warning Bougainville in the 90s, when fuel imports stopped, an enterprising local mechanic kept cars and vans running on coconut oil. It worked after a fashion, so my contacts there said. The main problem, I gather, was corrosion on rubber hoses and gaskets.
Roast me
Bought another “adulting”* 2nd hand car.
VW Jetta TDI. Goes hard, had to top up coolant, does get an overboost condition, I merely wipe the pesky code.
From the Princess Padme School of Mechanics.
It won’t blow up, will it?
Will it?
*Used extremely ironically, but everything now will be Toyota or Volkswagen, or is a toy if it isn’t made by the former Axis powers.
Awesome work McClown you blistered badgers ballbag.
The ban on RAT tests means we cant secure any (via Sanax, a rather large medical supply group) until 1st week in February at the earliest…
The magical thinking of these mongs is amazing.
As long as you scan the relevant news service on a daily basis looking only for anything that be given a negative spin, you can say what you like.
I’m just commenting about BoN’s great commitment to bring the negative Catholic stories, and nothing else.
I think he’s given away, many times, what motivates him and will comment about that.
I think it’s intended to undermine Catholic faith and to discourage any who might think of conversion.
The walls of the Vatican were build to repel raiders, all sorts, not just Muslims btw.
I do believe that their inability to conquer Christiandom by force rankles still.
I’m sure we can be spared all leaders, religious or political that think Islam immigration into the west is benigh.
I am crossing a border today, wish me luck.
I wonder if an investigation into what’s happening to old Aussie churches might not be in order.
A charity like the Friends of Friendless Churches might be one to imitate here?
These places that dot the cities, towns and countryside are our special heritage. We shouldn’t let them all fall to disrepair. So many have been sold off and turned into dwellings, or perhaps worse, given over to other religions. Something gets lost then. Same thing for old post offices, unwanted public buildings and old school houses though there if the dwelling is well done it’s not too bad.
I notice that the 1950’s Anglican Church in Wentworth Avenue overlooking Vaucluse Bay has been sold for a dwelling, but at least heritage has ruled they have to keep the external look of it for it is a modernist feature on the landscape. I went inside it while it was still a church before the sale, and the pews and layout were integral to its architecture. I wondered then why the State Government didn’t purchase it for a few bargain million and they would have a ready made Museum of Australian Federation there for the taking, as it sits on a hillcrest up some steps from William Wentworth’s tomb and stone’s throw from Vaucluse House. It could have become part of a day’s expedition into our history for schoolchildren.
No imagination amongst bureaucrats.
Bruce of Newcastle says:
January 13, 2022 at 6:50 pm
You may well be right but nasty methanol is unlikely to get a widespread nod (due to Greenies applying pressure). There is some research into methanol power and the Chinese are definitely interested and researching (via Geely, who control Volvo and Lotus). Others are also having a look but it is the ‘poor child’ of alternative car power at the moment.
A young friend of a family member had the Covids, did the isolation and fronted up for work. Kept failing the RAT day after day and then informed that the test can show positive for ninety days after infection.
Both PCR and RAT can’t differentiate between dead and live Covid fragments.
This back to work RAT plan has the genius of Wile E Coyote.
The high number of vaccinated people in intensive care in NSW may appear concerning but it actually shows the jab is working.
The high number of Casualties in the Somme in France may appear concerning but it actually shows the strategy is working.
The high amount of water in the passengers cabins in the Titanic may appear concerning but it actually shows its not sinking.
The high number of mongs in NSW may appear concerning but it actually shows the great reset is working.
The high number of terrorist attacks on civilians in the Middle East may appear concerning but it actually shows the Religion of Peace working.
etc, etc…
You are trailblazing, Rosie. I and others are watching your progress with interest, and checking our calendars to see how much longer the world has to straighten up before we too set bravely out.
Good luck, rosie.
I have never seen that in Bruce’s comments. Why would any Christian want to stymie conversion? And if one is carried away by the great love that can’t be denied, puny commenters here don’t stand a chance.
My view is that we’re all equal opportunity bellyachers. I know I am.
how can you forget a mask on your face?
I can hardly breathe with the damn thing on.
Bush, don’t believe what anyone tells you as it’s always better to come from Missouri as Americans say. Kansas is the Show-Me state.
Look, the bond market, which supposedly has a PhD in economics is not predicting inflation getting out of control. It’s predicting around and inflation rate of around 2.50% over a 10 year period. The 10 year bond is around 1.7% and the 10 year TIPS bond around -.77%.
If markets are a discounting mechanism, which they are then all the current news about inflation is discounted in the 10 year bond and TIPS. Out of control inflation is not showing up.
“Oh, they’re all it. A bloke at the Lodge knows a bloke who knows a copper in the Big Smoke who reckons …”
Always good to see you, Pete M.
Glad the Ms are doing well.
Still, it’s good that the red shoe pizza nuts out themselves.
Imagine saying: The high number of polio vaccinated people in intensive care in NSW may appear concerning but it actually shows the jab is working.
Country churches in these parts – which usually means timber a-frame neo-gothic but sometimes stone – can be had for a song when they come up. Sometimes the hall is still extant and could be used for a home based business. I was always on the lookout for one when we were moving but the wife couldn’t be convinced. You’re essentially getting a blank slate inside – to be tastefully filled, of course – and the structure gets preserved for posterity. Win,win.
It’s predicting an inflation rate of around….
Rosie – You need to read more carefully. Firstly I have actually (yes, actually) commended Francis a time or two when he has said something good about the Gospel. He does that sometimes, amidst the four or five rubbish press releases a day that seem to come out of the Vatican Press office these days.
Secondly, as I have said I have Catholic family members who I am in good odour with. They moved to the Catholic church because their local Anglicans were maniacs. We agree on almost everything, and the areas we disagree are moot until we come before our Lord and find out what the real answer is.
Thirdly I have had a good friend for many years who was a member of Opus Dei. He was a work colleague for over a decade and he and I would attend a work site bible study together. He did a PhD with assistance from me. I’ve lost contact with him because he moved to the states and now teaches chemistry in academia. I never had any issues with him and he didn’t seem to with me either.
Fourthly – Have you ever heard me to be critical of P, who converted from protestantism to catholicism? Her comments about attending an Assembly of God camp in my suburb were fascinating and led me to do some fun history research. I’ve defended her against relentless attacks in the past. She’s a tough lady. And no I don’t know who she is and I have never met her.
I am especially irritated by Francis since he does have some basic science training. But obviously not enough to work out that the climateers are lying to him. I would be very happy if he’d lay off the Gaia rubbish. He certainly doesn’t have the wisdom of Benedict or JPII.
If you see an old church, buy it if you can.
Otherwise – if history is any judge – it will be snapped up by a couple of old pouves, filled with throw rugs and impeccably matched cushions and have nouveau Tuscan balustrading installed on the mezzanine level.
You know what the problem is nowadays..?
McClowns irresistible fascism boner.
Proof of COVID-19 vaccination will become mandatory to access a wide range of venues and events as of January 31, WA Premier Mark McGowan has announced.
Key points:
Mr McGowan expects the requirements will be in place ‘for years to come’
He has warned the unvaccinated will be shut out from many public places
WA has recorded two new local COVID cases overnight
Mr McGowan said vaccination would be required for visitors at hospitals and aged care facilities and hospitality venues, including restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars, nightclubs and where dine-in fast food is available.
The requirement will also extend to indoor entertainment venues, bottle shops, the entire Crown Perth casino complex, gyms and fitness centres, music festivals, amusement parks and the zoo.
Mr McGowan said double dose proof of vaccination would be required for those aged 16 and older.
“These will be the broadest proof of vaccination requirements in the nation and they will not be removed any time soon.
Mr McGowan expects the requirements will be in place ‘for years to come’
Considering these restrictions are only legal via the emergency powers is McClown intending to reign as effective dictator for a few more years??
Lol. My brother switched ships too. Mum was horrified, poor pet. She had been brought up on the usual sectarian nonsense and Dad’s uncle was a loyal orangeman.
My response – thank God! What would you say if he’s joined the Scientologists? That put things into perspective. And I have two grandchildren baptised into the Catholic church, which was a delight to witness.
One family member disappeared into the murk of Islam leaving everything, including children, behind.
Families. Never a dull moment.
Fed Cops find a backbone at the New Parl. House today:
Re Churches
A new religion replaces the old
Not far from where I used to do a lot of harvesting.
Finally, a win for the unvax’d. I’ll take any wins anywhere in the world at the moment.
Canada will allow unvaccinated Canadian truckers to cross in from the United States, reversing a decision requiring all truckers to be inoculated against the coronavirus, Canada’s border agency said on Wednesday.
Missing all that nice fresh produce and those delightful consumer goods?
That’ll do it.
Er, yes…be assured, KD, when I said “tastefully filled” I didn’t mean nouveau Tuscan (!).
We have mostly Australian 19th and early 20th C. timber furniture, which would have been in perfect accord with neo-gothic.
Lizzie – Our church picked up the church building we meet in from another denomination, who kindly sold it to use cheaply. We were very thankful to them as our finances weren’t great. Another Australian church in our email circle was able to buy a church building in their town a couple years ago with the assistance of the few remaining members of that church, for which they too were extremely grateful (and I hope the old church members attend the arrived congregation, although I don’t know whether that is the case or not.)
A church nearby I know of who has some friends of mine attending is in a school. For some years another school nearby had a banner on the fence from a church which met there. Our church used to meet in a school before lucking on the building offer.
So there’s a substratum of churches under the radar, especially independent ones, which do get the resources to purchase buildings in a sort of hand me down system. And I know once they are able to obtain an established building they are grateful and look after it. None of this though is visible to the powers that be nor the historic buildings people. Christians are invisible to all of them.
That’s D-D fusion in an erbium matrix
That’s LENR. P-P fusion in Pd.
aka Fleischman-Pons cold fusion. There may be something in it but nobody has cracked it in 30 years.
ITER. Nice toy for plasma physics people, not anything like a powerplant. Note built in south of France. Scientists aren’t stupid, just like we buy military equipment from the Frogs because trips to south of France ensue. I think Bussard said something like” we’ve spent 15 billion dollars on tokamaks and they are no damn good”.
Hydrogen cars – hydrogen is a battery with about 35% return on a charge discharge cycle. LOL!
FMD did you all sleep through high school physics?
WAR ROOM: O’Keefe joins Bannon to discuss Veritas #ExposeFauci Bombshell
Read the McCulloch articles. You will find them interesting.
Farmer Gez says: January 13, 2022 at 4:31 pm
The ultimate theatre of the deranged would be a walk on court arrest .
Never mind Slomo’s tin ear, Border Farce are of a sufficiently … non-gregarious nature … to actually go & do just that.
They would not need any prompting.
Read the McCulloch articles. You will find them interesting.
I follow him. He’s interesting and I like his theories that do not require dark matter which seems to be plucked out of someone’s nether regions and is reminiscent of epicycles.
The Simpsons got another prediction right.
No Eyrie. An accelerator supplies the initiation energy and the target is chosen, in the case of the ErD3 one, to maximize the concentration of the fusion isotope. It’s a very good idea. Although the target is at room temperature initially the actual nuclear reaction is a function of the accelerated ion energy.
But the benefit of the accelerator is you can tune the energy flux so that the target and the energy extraction equipment post-fusion can be designed and built practically. Which I’ve yet to see for a tokamak.
Maybe call it warm fusion. 😀
dark matter which seems to be plucked out of someone’s nether regions and is reminiscent of epicycles.
I hope the JWST sees things that utterly confound astronomers and cosmologists.
“I remember how controversial this episode was in Australia back in the 90s, due to the scene where Homer disparages the boot.”
Yahoo Finance:
What we need is a return to 160 000 + migrants per annum, eh, Scotty?
It’s quite sad when a Commo can’t be criticised on a discussion forum concerned with issues of culture and politics from a Right perspective.
But here we are.
Been a few papers recently suggesting that dark matter is black holes.
Black holes and dark matter—are they one and the same? (4 Jan)
Plausible to me. The buggers at the centres of galaxies are so enormous that I can’t concieve of how they could grow to be that size during the age of the universe, since they’d have to digest billions of stars to do so. The radiation from the accretion disk in such a scenarios would blow away the galaxy. But such massive black holes make much more sense if they were there to beign with and accreted galaxies around them.
But I’m not an astronomer nor cosmologist so take this with a dose of snuff or something.
Some of my best friends are Catholics?
I asked to get roasted and all I got was likes???
You people…you lot…
Never seen one conversion yet that wasn’t a five-star disaster.
Key word … mezzanine.
A mezzanine floor running through the middle of double height Gothic windows.
rosie says:
January 13, 2022 at 5:40 pm
I’m a bit sick of the constant refrain Peterw
All I am/ was saying is in the face of a pandemic people’s behaviour changes irrespective of government imposed lockdowns.
The poor were always going to be hardest hit when that happened.
Those dependent on servicing the international tourist industry is just one example.
And what did you and Tony do to ameliorate that suffering, other than yesterday demand western governments do that and this?
I don’t do third world travel btw.
Well, for starters, I’m quite sure a woman of your obvious high class and standing in Society would never “third world travel”- how disgusting…some little brown person may accidentally touch or breathe on you.
And as far as what I have, or haven’t done, I can’t really see that it is of any of your business, Witch-Finder General.
So Rosie Notaclue, take your vindictive nasty spite and shove it where the sun don’t shine. And make sure you visit some “holy places” and tell everyone about it.
You are too earnest.
Sneakers is going down with a bang. In addition to the cafe it looks like I am banned from the casino, the zoo and bottle shops. Now I know what life in Turkmenistan is like.
Just for that I’m not giving the codpiece a rub next time.
Heh. I thought that as I typed.
Only they’re more than friends.
For shame, don’t you know our great leader MEANS so well?
Oh, Bush. What a beautiful little church. That is criminal destruction, in my book and the sort of thing I rather had in mind to work to prevent here, as well as in the UK. Denying a wind farm an opportunity would be an added bonus.
Don’t disagree; better than demolition too. But one day there won’t be even one of these tiny little country churches left for anyone to wander into, sit down, and sense a congregation from an Australia now long ago and far away, but still there. Some few of these churches should should become public monuments, with perhaps occasional services or other uses occasionally allowed.
Some of the best ones on the Friends of Friendless Churches site in the UK are not restored, but just left for poetry to intervene.
From Dover’s twitter sidebar:
Sadly I see the aphorism ascribed to Michaelangelo isn’t his:
Always loved that idea. I could just imagine how you could do that but sadly my skill is not in sculpture, art or life drawing.
So Marxist McGowan announced a whole heap of clampdowns today trying to make my life “difficult “ .
Admittedly I’ll miss my favourite bars (will they enforce the passports?)
I can’t go to the caravan show. This will definitely cause a workplace issue for me.
I can still play golf.
Our state premier is a cunt.
I hear the faint echoes of tap dancing, after McGown became a laughing stock.
Make sure to pay in cash. They can track the transaction and know you didnt QR 😉
I’ll have to take your word for that, JC. My economics learning finished after HSC 🙂
So what if the Bidency keeps tipping money into the economy at this rate for another year or two?
However, Aboriginal Interpreting WA chief executive Deanne Lightfoot said Mr McGowan was being the opposite of racist by speaking in plain English.
Her organisation vetted his script and rewrote parts of it
Well, that’s a win-win then!
I fully expect jab compliance between Carnarvon and Kunnunnurra to jump up into the 90%+ rate.
My cook and chambermaid is Catholic.
Nothing wrong with that. Admittedly, I have come out as a fan of holy places recently.
As for visiting the third world, it’s ok as a tourist but it’s hard work as a mere budget traveller or temporary local resident. I’ve done it all ways from stuck in the thick of it (Sri Lanka for a year with my first bub) to five-star treatment (Scenic Tours Africa a few years ago) and at time in my yoof as budget traveller with philosophical husband and first bub in backblocks Europe and the UK, both of us on post-grad scholarship money, which was tight.
Rosie does budget traveller well still, and tells it from the local bus stop which in parts of Italy can quite third world. Very interesting, her intrepid adventures, I think.
or was Catholic.
Can Catholics make dream catchers?
Bush, President Brandon is a corrupt, disgusting demented clown. I want to see Brandon and his son behind bars. He hasn’t really caused the “inflation” if that’s what people are calling it.
There’s been a significant supply side shock to the system, which as caused a change in relative prices. Aggregate income didn’t fall during covid because the government kept incomes afloat somewhat. Supply of goods&services has been relatively scarcer and therefore the price mechanism has done its work by raising prices. That’s a good thing s that is a signal to supply more.
Brandon can of course get the blame for the oil price going higher as his policies caused the hike but that’s a minor part of the story.
Just hope the Fed takes it easy and does not overreact like it did during the financial crisis.
Oh have I excited some haters?
Haven’t read any but Lizzie’s comment.
Sorry if after eight years I’ve come to a certain conclusion about motive.
I’m on the Corsica ferry, a handful of passengers mostly travelling with cars, lots of commercial vehicles including one with a load of rocks, which is surprising as looking across to Corsica, it seems like they have plenty of their own.
And yes I’m a budget traveller, as should have always been obvious.
Not as knowitall twostix once claimed ‘wealthy and privileged’
And I will mention “holy places’ and where I attend mass, because that’s what I do most days, one of the reasons I travel in what are supposed to be Catholic countries.
Definitely plan to go to Lourdes by the way, I have some very specific intentions.
Pulling the legs of gullible ‘whitefellas” is considered fine sport by certain of the indigenous…
In my book too.
I spent a couple of great evenings there as a guest of the couple who owned it, way back when.
I think the subsidy miners knocked it down quickly to avoid any future hassles.
It’s not like they needed the space!
I drove the Skipton to Beaufort road for the first time in 12 yrs last February and it nearly made me cry to see whats happened to the place.
Razey – in reality only the cafe ban will affect me. A trundle down to Albany Hwy and a decent cup of coffee is my daily outing. I will have to check on whether my sister (also unvaxxed) is caught by the visitor restrictions. We can always go to a local park.
Fuck them all to hell.
So long as it is light enough to mix well with air and be ignited by the sparkplug, any fuel will work in a petrol engine.
It is easier with diesels, since you just need to get the compression ratio right. Fuel-air ratios can be further tidied up once you get reliable combustion.
The best is steam- If you can burn something, it will produce sufficient heat to boil water. The challenge then is just keeping the burn rate high enough to meet your power demands… 😉
Saw the new Kingsman movie. It was like the curates egg.
Missed seeing Dune as I was in hospital. The missus took her mum. They walked out bored. So I won’t be going to see that. Obviously.
As you know, Sardinia is right next door. We were in Porto Cervo a few years ago and wifey wanted to take the ferry from Sardinia over to Corsica. I couldn’t be fucked though as lazying on the beach seemed more fun at the time. I kind of regret it now though. From the beach resort where we were, I was told by one hotel staffer that the village we could see across the water was where Napoleon was either born or lived as a kid. Can’t recall.
It’s fun when headlines on the same page of the same site explain each other:
Desperate For More Recruits, Army Offers $50,000 Signing Bonus (12 Jan)
Americans May Finally Be Losing Confidence In The Woke Military (12 Jan)
GWGB. On the other hand if you join up you can get a free sex-change operation!
A lot of little people getting smashed in the short term, JC.
Bring back a cup full of holy water for Cassie’s knees, would ya?
rosie says:
January 13, 2022 at 8:41 pm
Oh have I excited some haters?
No rosie – you are a bigoted fuckwit. You are nasty, vindictive and spiteful.
Go fuck yourself.
The cafe has quite a hipster clientele and I doubt I am the only one in this position. The staff have all had to be double jabbed for a while (including a few who I would have thought would have walked). Hard to get a read on this.
If you can’t preserve the building, do as I did and preserve it in posterity by writing a book on it.
Erroneously. Sorry Rosie you are not correct in this one. I wish you well and enjoy your commentaries but I’m somewhat bemused by your animus in this matter.
Cold fusion is an odd thing. Brillouin Energy Corp. of Berkeley California, have as good a credential as anyone, having had their results replicated at different locations in transparent conditions. It’s odd because hot fusion is definitely bullshit; if you’re talking about usable power.
Some of my best friends are vaccinated.
RE: Comrade Sneakers-
I think he may well believe what his Mandarins, bugmen entourage and the West Australian are telling him about his allegedly stratospheric popularity.
This Anger firmly believes that reality will mug him on Feb 12th, 2022 in the same way it did to all the other States at Christmas time. Except that the degree of retardation in response will be a full Eleven on the Grigory Scale.* Unmitigated by the rumblings of a pissed-off populace, and the great nothingburger that Omicron has been Over East.
We may even see a snap lockdown on the Australia Day long weekend.
*A measure of Public Stupidity in the face of an unexpected and potentially deleterious event. Where 0 Grigs is the populace and its leaders saying “Meh” to something overtly nasty. Think being a public witness to a particularly brutal murder, or a car driver wrapping themselves around a streetlight in front of you and your children. And 11 Grigs is a mass herding of people into the bunkers and snapping the key off in the lock, in response to a magpie farting loudly.
: )
I Know What I Know
She looked me over
And I guess she thought
I was all right
All right in a sort of a limited way
For an off-night
She said, “Don’t I know you
From the cinematographer’s party?”
I said, “Who am I
To blow against the wind?”
I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
She said, ‘There’s something about you
That really reminds me of money”
She is the kind of a girl
Who could say things that
Weren’t that funny
I said, “What does that mean
I really remind you of money?”
She said, ‘Who am I
To blow against the wind?”
I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
She moved so easily
All I could think of was sunlight
I said, “Aren’t you the women
Who was recently given a Fulbright?”
She said, “Don’t I know you
From the cinematographer’s party?”
I said, “Who am I
To blow against the wind?”
I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
I know what I know
I’ll sing what I said
We come and we go
That’s a thing that I keep
In the back of my head
I know what I know
I know what I know
I know what I know
I know what I know
I’m on the ferry from Sardinia to Corsica.
Beaches here seem few and far between, I was wondering how they manage with the crowds that must come here in the summer.
I’m sure yours was very nice JC.
Any more info on the woman getting arrested in Hervey Bay?
Sent the clip and backstory to sister (who’s a tacit supporter of all this crap) and got the “I bet there’s more to this story” retort.
Is this meant to be parody Tony?
‘Fat Tony’
I never read any of Rosie’s comments, except all of them.
Cassie – any physio/OT?
I highly recommend low bar squats.
Not only have they done my knees a treat, I can actually squat pain free and without risk of my knees freaking out when loaded up.
Okay we are on the move. Time to enjoy the view and the mild seasickness.
People raved about it. It looked great. Fairly pedestrian otherwise. Seems like whether it is set in space, with swords and sandals or as a Western there is no difference in films apart from the costumes, the mechanics remain constant.
Anyway, here’s me on the beach.
They are playing time to say goodbye over the intercom.
Reading Rosie’s comments is akin to attending the Freak Show 3 or 4 Generations ago.
Yeah, you know you’ll be dumber afterwards, but the curiosity factor is the clincher- someone that weird really exists?
Apropos of weight bearing soldiers.
Some slight Asiatics had a surprising power to weight ratio.
But the PIR were tops. They would have carried all my gear and myself around all those big hills if I though I could get away with it.
Missed seeing Dune as I was in hospital. The missus took her mum. They walked out bored.
Somebody really needs to make a movie of “Glory Road”. As long as they don’t fuck it up like they did “Starship Troopers” or to a lesser extent “The Puppet Masters”.
For Rosie.
Let us know if the boat ends up doing a Costa Concordia, eh Rosie? 😉
Sancho Panzer says:
January 13, 2022 at 8:58 pm
No rosie – you are a bigoted fuckwit. You are nasty, vindictive and spiteful.
Go fuck yourself.
Is this meant to be parody Tony?
Sancho Panzer / Professor Higgins / Leigh Lowe
No it is not parody – it is my honest response to her years of bigoted nasty spiteful shit on the Cat.
Sometimes, I get the impression that you are a 20-something Arts student, sitting in your mum’s basement, being a smart-arse putting shit on everyone you don’t approve of.
Then occasionally, someone hacks your account and posts sensible stuff. Or the other way round – dunno.
We ask ourselves this every time you log on and your keyboard starts screaming for mercy, Grigory…
Sucking it in by the looks of it.
S.M. Stirlings “Drakon!” is written like a movie script anyway. Would make a great movie.
Custard speaks for all Australians with this comment:
Nobody’s all bad though*.
Rosie got Sal* a beauty on Old Catallaxy.
I’ll try to recall the exact details, Speed Dating was involved.
Fat Tony
Is Glory Road the one with Oscar as the hero?
I’d pay good money to see the Igli scene. 😀
We stayed here
Hotel Pitrizza,
Really nice digs and the beach was great. Food excellent and rooms fabulous. The beach access was closed and only available to patrons so there was no riff raff.
James Bond*and his fat wife were staying there. Wifey was tickled pink because one day they crossed paths and he said Buon Giorno to her, theoretically making her a Bond girl, right ? 🙂
* Pierce Brosnan
Custard, you won’t know till you try.
Went to four “non essential” shops in Ballarat today, of course all the signage was out the front along with the rest of the bullshit. Apart from one enforced sign in (Winston Smith 0427 198422) not one asked for proof of vax.
Anyway, here’s me on the beach.
That’s the great Frank Zane, Dot, you bastard. This may be more your style.
Gee Drills , you’re frequently complaining about my language and now this?
This is keeper for next time.
I got that one on Facebook when the copper at Flinders St spear tackled that bloke into the concrete.
A simple question …
“Good. Can you get back to me with your take on the circumstances which would justify that response?
Oh, and still comply with the Police Force’s arrest protocols.”
McGowan really has no opposition. The Liberal Party of the likes of the Court family is a ghost of it’s former self.
Bob Shaw’s “Who Goes Here?”, which is glorious.
His “Other Days Other Eyes” is creepily accurate, if you read to the end.
I really liked his first one “Night Walk”, although yes, I admit, it has a bird in it.
Is Glory Road the one with Oscar as the hero?
Yes. Vietnam veteran, but from when that conflict was building up.
bespoke says:
January 13, 2022 at 9:12 pm
Fat Tony
bespoke – I’ve told you before – you do not even write my name (you can whisper it privately behind your hand if you wish)
We’re all gonna die!
Hillsong megachurch has been told to pull the pin on a youth summer camp currently underway in Newcastle, after organisers were informed the event is in breach of strict public health orders.
It came as Health Minister Brad Hazzard declared he was “horrified” at videos posted to social media showing hundreds of teenagers singing and dancing during a rock-style evening worship service.
It’s understood the organisers of Hillsong’s Wildlife summer camp, for schoolchildren in years 10-12, have been told the event is in breach of a public health order banning singing and dancing at major recreation facilities.
You seem upset Tony.
What is it about Rosie’s travels which has upset you so?
Now that the red rage has subsided, I can see that Creepy Sneakers’ plan for statewide fascism has a major hole in it.
ie, he can exclude the unjabbed from all public spaces, schools, shops, gyms… but if he cannot sic the filth onto separating the proles within their own homes, it’s all for naught. And the home dinner-bbq-gardening bee is where a hell of a lot more cheek-smooching, cup-sharing and handshaking goes on.
But, pointing this out is as obvious as saying a 100% “mask order” is 100% useless if there are exceptions for eating, sitting, or children. It doesn’t mean anyone with traction in the media- let alone the anaemic political opposition- will ride the point.
At any rate, I can see an immediate chink in the Fortress WA armour. Community sport and school-based events will also be exempt. And so I’d like to invite all Cats and Kittehs to the Marybrook Speakeasy. It’s an intellectual community, rather than a strict list, so as long as you’ve got five cents (CASH ONLY!!!), rock on up for your life membership.
Razorfist has a new video rant on Fauci. He seems more excitable than usual.
Had a nice pile of stuff selected in a shop this afternoon.
All piled up on the counter, some shop selling kitchenware (just domestic grade semi-crap, presented rather well)
Staff rang it up on the register, a few hundred bucks.
I opened the wallet & started peeling off from the roll….
…”Ooooh, we’re card only, our owner went cashless two years ago with covid.”
Me: “We can’t go any further with this then, I carry only cash”
From the resigned reaction, she was well used to it.
Apparently the place is part of some mega-chain, owned by a “Victorian”
From several minutes of chatting to the staff about the card-only rule, I’d say the owner has a serious staff loyalty/morale problem on his hands.
Was the guy in Glory Road called Oscar? I forgot that. Long time since I read it, although the scene where he meets the Empress is memorable. Also Igli.
Bob Shaw’s Oscar is the Oscar, although his guy starts off with the name “Warren Peace”.
So Brad Hazzard is a puritan.
Puritans rounding up evangelicals.