Expect this has a long way to go. As an aside, the level of service from many areas of government…
Expect this has a long way to go. As an aside, the level of service from many areas of government…
Yep. It was a roll of the dice. A pity that someone like him (along with others of course) who…
He stabbed a NSW bus seat? They are tougher than cement. This guy is too much
The problem is that some tumours are composed of different cell types and mutation rates can be high, hence a…
Is this the equivalent of the Irish bloke who went to the drive-in movies, and slashed the seats because he…
Err, you’re not suggesting he gets to add on some GST to the age limit if the kid moves into the house are you?
My concern for Mr. Chris Dawson’s legal predicament is not as is my concern for the judicial predicament of; Cardinal George Pell, Mr. Rolf Harris, Philip Archbishop Wilson, former police officer Derek Chauvin, Mr. Kyle Rittenhouse, et al.
Noted, Sal.
I’m familiar with armchair Generals, but what the term when it’s from someone hiding under the bed in the basement, wrapped in plastic film, shooting up with endless boosters because he’s got a 10% chance of dying from inhaling someone else’s breath?
Unicorn farts don’t exist yet! Weird that, innit?
Future of Kurri Kurri power plant up in the air (Ncl local news, 30 Aug)
Labor wants the plant to run on 30% green hydrogen next year. The tiny weenie little problem with this is there isn’t any. And as for 100% green hydrogen in 2030…good luck with that.
I love it when reality collides with lefty wishes and imaginary animals.
The official said it was “hard to explain, I guess” how the US was monitoring the situation around the nuclear power plant, Europe’s largest.
Looks like a tweet from Trump.
Much as I would like to see Kathy Sherriff get a proper chance to bring her accusations against the execrable Peanut Head, looked at in isolation one could understand (even if one didn’t agree with) the decision not to prosecute.
Kathy is best compared with the Porter situation where a dead, deeply disturbed woman made some unsworn accusations before she suicided and porter was crucified. Kathy made contemporaneous complaints, had witnesses and was very credible. That her accusation against tits was not brought to trial is a black joke. But its victoristan.
The Kherson counter offensive failed two days ago. It was one of four Ukrainian counter offensives launched against the Russian held territory (on a 1,200 kms long front). The Russians forced the Ukrainians back on three of those operations, and the Ukrainians reoccupied a formerly Russian held held village on the fourth operation.
The Ukrainian counter offensive against Kherson was just madness, they have been talking about it publicly for months so of course the Russians were prepared there. The Ukrainians had to advance over open ground with no cover leaving themselves fully exposed to artillery, they took very heavy losses there.
The West will fight this war to the last Ukrainian, this is just evil.
“Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity” is the FBI motto
“Famous But Incompetent”
Yes, the son and grandson of Labor Royalty was really going to charge Whining William….
Putin isn’t exactly a boy scout.
Telegraph your offensive. Opponent gives ground at what looks like a weak point. Advance, apparently pushing them back . Then the trap springs and they kill all of you.
He’s in western Sydney I admit, but at Brisbane prices he could rent a 3bdrm unit by himself, eat decently, and still have money left for Pokemon cards on that income, but he’s crying poor.
Oh, so their parents failed them.
Technically not a UBI/living wage, but only shades of difference between being paid at full rates for low skill and paid medium rates for no skill.
I don’t know what my venting was going to achieve, I just had to, it’s the Internet okay?
Boris travelled to Kiev in April and convinced Zelensky not to give peace a chance in Istanbul even though Putin might have been amenable at the time. How has that worked out for ordinary Ukrainians and Europeans, especially with winter coming.
Wait what, is this Rolf trooferism? LOL.
Unsure what the expectations are. Usually, you do what everyone else does:
1. Find one or more mates;
2. Rent a hovel, splitting the rent;
3. Leave all your shit everywhere in said hovel;
4. Use anything left over for pub money, dragging as many chicks as you can back to Hovel Land;
5. Repeat, until one tenant eventually finds one they think is worth living with, moves out and in with her into a nicer place full of stuffed toys, pot pourri bowls and Life Laugh Love wall hangings;
6. Get another mate in, who just went down that road and broke up with the one he thought was worth living with;
7. Repeat step 5 until everyone’s gone.
The way of the world.
Putin was amenable to a complete surrender and nothing less.
Definite stink of Chamberlain around these parts.
Fuck, I hate people who are not only unwilling, but completely incapable of putting their money where their mouth is.
Some people rave about how you can hire some poor sod to clean the oven for you.
so Sadoway looked where no scientism ever looked before?
my missus lost the bedroom TV remote the other day.
blamed the chippies for stealing it … spite apparently
I went upstairs and had boy’s look
yeah, was in a Kathmandu bag beside the bedside table and under some undies
I didn’t check if there were any Iron-Sulphur batteries in there
too late now.
Snap Mater.
I am reminded of the immortal line in Fawlty Towers, where an old woman asks Basil to close a window because the draught may affect the handbag dog she was cuddling:
‘Yes, indeed madam, the sudden movement of air could damage him irreparably.’
How was Sweden Monty?
might end up being the last european at this rate
Definite stink of Chamberlain around these parts.
More please! Enthralled with the wisdom of General Muntgumery!
BTW I was puzzled by osc response to me a week or so ago, regarding getting a booster before I travelled, yes I know you can still get covid despite being vaccinated but as far as I am concerned a booster just before I travel will decrease my chances of getting symptomatic covid in the short term.
I managed to avoid covid travelling in omicron infested Europe last January/February after getting a booster in late December and I have no qualms getting one again.
It might have been sheer luck but it might actually have been the booster.
This is medical science, after all, and all opinions are merely opinions.
Well said! Those who condemn Chamberlain usually have little idea of his situation.
he has several hats … United States Special Council Agent mUnty
Negotiations were possible yet the Ukranians rejected all dialogue, seduced by Boris and the promise of money and arms. Boris is still at it.
or the weather
What was outlined in the initial meeting in Istanbul was far from complete surrender but he would not have gone for it if it was going to be a repeat of Minsk 1 and 2, and like Gray wrote recently, this won’t end now until Nikolaev, Odessa, Krivoy Rog, and Dniepro are captured, and I’d add Kharkov into the bargain.
You have no idea what you’ve said there, do you?
I think Dawson threw a forward pass once in a game. He never owned up to that either.
“Cassie would you recommend the podcast?
I’m looking for something to binge on.”
Yes, it’s excellent Bern.
Methinks Elbow & Co. are primed for a precipitous drop in approval ratings come the first week of October after they’ve slapped the full excise rate back on fuel while persisting with hectoring the public on the inVoice. Two RBA board meetings between now and then too.
Boris travelled to Kiev in April and convinced Zelensky not to give peace a chance in Istanbul even though Putin might have been amenable at the time. How has that worked out for ordinary Ukrainians and Europeans, especially with winter coming.
BlowJob makes hookers seem principled. The big fat waste of space is still PM I presume. Seems to work for Washington, not the people who elected him.
“Definite stink of Chamberlain around these parts.”
Maybe it’s time to wash your pants, you and Jerry Nadler clearly have the same problem. Must be something about progressives and shitting in their pants.
Yes the main stink round here is the troll.
The 100 days of Albo passed largely unnoticed outside the National Presstitutes Club. Unsurprisingly. Being elected without a mandate has its downsides.
Wait what, is this Rolf trooferism? LOL.
m0nty-fa seems unfamiliar with the concept of back-stage “groupies”. In that era, they were everywhere.
One Australian former writer for Private Eye in London confessed to having what he described in his memoirs as a “hurricane fuck” with a “cherubic”, and clearly under-age, schoolgirl “groupie” there. Despite this public confession, he was given a job as a radio host at Their ABC, where he proceeded to invite three self-confessed peddlefiles on the show to discuss the subject.
There were no repercussions for the broadcast from their ABC, other than to delete the tapes and destroy all the files about the incident. Harris was almost certainly caught up in that fashion. He later paid the price, the other character got a job with Their ABC.
August 30, 2022 at 7:08 pm
Definite stink of Chamberlain around these parts.
Fuck, I hate people who are not only unwilling, but completely incapable of putting their money where their mouth is.
Are the Ukies still recruiting foreign soldiers? m0nty-fa might like to join the International Brigade.
Is that your opinion, or science?
“One Australian former writer for Private Eye in London confessed to having what he described in his memoirs as a “hurricane fuck” with a “cherubic”, and clearly under-age, schoolgirl “groupie” there. Despite this public confession, he was given a job as a radio host at Their ABC, where he proceeded to invite three self-confessed peddlefiles on the show to discuss the subject.”
Indeed, and let’s not forget that great Marxist from Sydney’s Northern Beaches, what was his name again….ah yes, Bob Ellis.
You can keep passing Russian war propaganda around.
I will stick with Team West, even if that leaves me on here with only Monty for company.
If America falls, we all fall.
Well said! Those who condemn Chamberlain usually have little idea of his situation.
Probably saved Britain by pushing for spending in the airforce as opposed to Churchill’s obsession with the navy.
If America falls, we all fall.
America fell in 2020 you idiot
SBS. 8.30 : ‘Takes a look at how a growing number of people are no longer using traditional pronouns.’
Whatever AHPRA classifies it as. That might change tomorrow, though, depending on what Dan thinks. But Dan will likely reconsider, based on Brett’s thoughts.
Strange times.
Farmer Gezsays:
August 30, 2022 at 7:52 pm
Well said! Those who condemn Chamberlain usually have little idea of his situation.
Probably saved Britain by pushing for spending in the airforce as opposed to Churchill’s obsession with the navy.
After the Norwegian campaign, the surface Kriegsmarine was a shattered force. Given that, and the relative ineffectiveness of air attacks on ships at night, and Sea Lion was never a goer as long as a substantial RN fleet was available. Turn up the Channel as night fell, plough into the German reinforcement and supply ships, and it was all over.
There would have been major losses, but look at the scale of losses the RN accepted to evacuate Greece and Crete, and then consider what they would have accepted to defeat an invasion.
That would be convenient.
You could opt out of the hard work of fixing anything and just curl up and wait to die then.
Good plan.
America won’t fall, at least not due to matters Ukrainian.
ICook v ImaCrook.
Great slogan to hammer the psycho.
I do work
and get my hands dirty
Indeed the Spitfire was pretty much due Chamberlain’s intervention with the pBritish Air Ministry
Barking Toad says: August 30, 2022 at 8:00 pm
I believe the slogan Ian Cook is actually using is:
Cook vs Crook
The US today– puke
Cook vs Crook
Correct. But allow me some poetic licence.
Go for your life!
It’ll all start now, a pile on against Ian Cook. Wonder will he be able to emotionally withstand the insults of the #IstandwithDan wankers.
Y’know, Ian Cook will be sneeringly referred to as “just a Chef” & told to “go back to stirring the soup” etc.
The Danbots (the party of the worker) will actually believe those to be shameful things to be called.
For the information of those with a skewed moral compass: Rolf Harris was done over by the system.
(This is not to be taken as he is innocent, or that he should not have been convicted or that he should not have gone to prison)
He was given very rough & unfair treatment, to ensure he was convicted, regardless of facts.
For this I’d use Kempei Tai methods on the skank who led the prosecution.
Remember that Vietnam vet who used to come on here going on about “The Septic Tanks” (Yanks) and “If it’s Boeing, I’m not going”?
All it took was one stolen election and some tranny story time hours in the library, and all of a sudden you are as anti- American as Bob.
And yet, even under President Bidet, Australia still enjoys open sea lanes to her North and the ability to make our own stupid mistakes.
Wonder will he be able to emotionally withstand….
Sal, I think he’s shown he is up to the task and won’t be intimidated or bullied by the Dan mob.
He hasn’t buckled so far and is getting more “silent” support.
The Democratic Party with its Critical Race Theory and Gender Fluidity is more dangerous to Australia and Australians than Putin. Remember how O’bumma was undermining Abbott with his lies about the Barrier Reef.
I don’t see how Russia is an enemy of the West. Whatever afflicts it, the problem is largely internal, and a product of our political elite’s ideological disposition.
So you’re agreeing with me then.
It’s a bit tricky to negotiate a meaningful ceasefire with a self-declared emperor who is still in the early stages of his planned conquests. You could argue in hindsight that Chamberlain’s appeasement was useful to enable the Poms to tool up for the inevitable, but I am not sure that is why you (or he) support “peace in our time”.
And yet, even under President Bidet, Australia still enjoys open sea lanes to her North and the ability to make our own stupid mistakes.
ok Polly Anna
Propaganda used to be an art. As for the present, no doubt aspects of Russian propaganda are a lie. Yet that is not what the msm reports on, for, rather, the msm is preoccupied with the telling of Ukrainian propaganda which in context eventually are revealed as lies – the ghost of Kyiv, eg, although that as an example is a bit unfair insofar as it is a positively pathetic lie. But, agreed, the truth is needed, even if propagandised.
August 30, 2022 at 9:47 am
Couple of tips from one who has been to VCAT and helped sack a OC manager.
If your management company is not organic from owners (like when I first owned) then some that are less than scrupulous, all about gouging owners. My 2c worth google the management agency & ASIC search them. May be eye opening like in our case we followed all the rabbit holes to an ex big 4 banker & his merchant mate.
Ok I had to get a couple dozen owners on board, all sus. If you are energetic then good luck, I was gifted by another owner buying in and doing a lot of leg work I couldn’t interstate. Need to get trust and word out.
The Vic OC Act 2008 will not protect you. I raised numerous breaches of said act to Government and Consumer Affairs. Their blow off response was for us to pursue civilly. Another owner contacted ASIC with the concerns and was paid off. Went to VCAT in the end with a phyrric victory but we caused them plenty of hell.
Lastly my experience with these sorts of guys. Examine who the contract has been awarded to, get alternate quotes as often the preferred are inflated and not above apparoach
All in all for me eye opening.
Be a fantastic outcome if he wins the seat, also if that publican & his “Vic anti-lockdown” party or whatever it is called, get up & win a few seats.
ALP needs not just voting out, but brutal punishment for what they’ve done to Victoria.
That is a reeeeeeeeeal fine needle you’re trying to thread there.
Zulu at 5:24.
In the unlikely event that a schoolgirl should move in to Casa Zulu and express a desire to jump your bones, I think you should get updated legal advice before you proceed.
I’m not saying that he’s an angel Roger, I’m not a Putin fan, but this war is so tragic because it was completely unnecessary.
Putin told Zelensky that Ukraine could keep the Donbass and Luhansk regions (formerly parts of Russia), and that Russia would gift Ukraine with 5 years free gas, just acknowledge Russian sovereignty of Crimea (formerly part of Russia, population 97% Russian) and keep Ukraine neutral.
Putin probably had a clause in that agreement that requested the Ukrainian para-military brigades would stop using ethnic Russian towns and cities for artillery and sniper practice.
The West wanted a war though, there is no place for nationalistic minded rulers in the planned new world, so regime change in Moscow was needed. This is what it was all about. Antony Blinken said before the war started that the Russians would make only a small incursion but it would be a long war. They had spent eight years building defensive lines through the Donbass and Luhansk regions thinking that they would be impregnable and foil any Russian advance.
These bright leaders of ours in the West thought that they would bring about regime change in Russia by drawing the Russians into an unwinnable war with heavy loss of life, which, coupled with economic sanctions, would see the fall of Putin.
Unfortunately for them it appears the Russians spent those same eight years stockpiling artillery shells to destroy those defences.
It looks like the last of those defence lines will soon be breached so there will be no defensive positions left, the Ukrainian army has wasted its men trying to hold onto positions no longer defensible, and western Ukraine will be wide open for Russian occupation.
None of this was necessary, it was all to advance some plans of evil men who will just shrug and walk away unaffected. Apart from the Ukrainians who have been left injured or fatherless, the only other people who will suffer are the Biden, Pelosi and Kerry families who would have lost a regular income stream from Burisma.
also if that publican
Paul Dimattina – Footscray footy club favourite and family with food outlets in Melbourne.
Between them they’ll pick up plenty of support.
Okay Mudguts, got a quick opinion on why only 11 of the 24 times he was charged managed to stick?
& why after the first flush of success with jury #1 nothing was able to stick?
Because subsequent juries realised it was a stich-up.
Almost all of the pre-trial publicity by the Skank leading the prosecution was a lie, & related charges were withdrawn in a hurry the day the trial commenced.
The Skank was throwing unsubstantiated mud, in the belief that a jury would conclude “there’s so much mud, the allegations must be true”
It worked – hence I’d use medieval techniques, refined by 20th century Japanese secret police, on her. Without losing one second of sleep.
trick question because every post-modern knows its a sliding scale
Sancho Panzer says: August 30, 2022 at 8:29 pm
Why is this scenario “unlikely”?
Not sure about that last bit.
Apparently Dan has shoved Brett under the bus.
Peace talks were rejected by Ukrainian negotiators on the grounds of unsubstantiated claims of atrocities at Bucha. Now, the Russians, too, could have used Bucha as a claim, given the unsubstantiated nature of the claims. Moreover, the fact that the Ukrainians were party to not just suspending talks but outright rejecting them was a pretty clear indication of Ukraine being unduly swayed by western influences to plight their troth against the Russians.
Putin, speaking of an Empire that murdered it’s own citizens and invaded Europe as far as Berlin:
Or read his Munich speech, the entire thing is an explanation of why he wants to rebuild a system that opposes the West.
By definition, wanting to rebuild an Empire that is a political, economic and military rival to the West, and one of the big three genocidal regimes of the 20th century makes him an enemy.
After the last two and a half years, I could almost guarantee that Brett would have enough to return the favour, but he won’t because…Mutually Assured Destruction.
Same goes for Jenny Mikakos. She was held down whilst the bus ran over her head, but for reasons ‘unknown’, she’s been remarkably tight lipped.
As for the current moral degeneracy in the West, these things come in waves.
The seventies was a particularly degenerate time socially.
But by the early 90s even universities were quite conservative in that they were orientated around the work of educating students instead of indoctrinating them. Standards were reasonable, especially in the hard sciences.
And it will come around again. The rainbow flags and hostile politics will become passé and people will want a degree that means something.
We are one really good, hard, long recession away from a positive change.
No, as I said, once hostilities had began, it was going to be very hard to negotiate a ceasefire if the Russians judged that the Ukrainians and its sponsors were going to treat the ceasefire as they did Minsk 1 and 2. Further, once troops en masse were committed, if it looked like they could achieve further advances beyond Donetsk and Luhansk, and land bridge to Crimea, they were going to be very likely to pursue them, especially since they had nothing to lose given the immediate reaction of the Europeans, US, etc. to go to eleventy from the outset, if there was little prospect of a ceasefire. That is just Putin and his circle recognizing the sentiment of the Russian public and the political elite.
The very first inklings of the Build Up, the three months or so before the Wet proper.
The sun had an extra bit of bite this arvo. Humid, a bit sweaty. Apparently supposed to get a bit of rain later tonight.
Too early in the season for this. Portents of doom, perchance.
amen … prepare accordingly
Yeah, Mater, I wasn’t suggesting Bretty Boy was going to become Deep Throat (good luck finding a journo to take the call if he did).
Just he isn’t in the inner circle any more.
I’m not anti-West, and certainly not anti-American, but I do have a problem with non-deployable, front bar urgers, like Monty, wanting to feed other peoples kids into a meat grinder.
I wonder if he’d be so keen if his kids were coming of age?
As for ‘The West’, how many of the energy, economic, education or medical policies of the western nations appear to be ‘Pro-West’…as we traditionally understand it?
If Monty (or Bolshie Bob, for that matter) support something, you can guarantee it’s designed to destroy, or has the possibility of destroying, ‘old Australia’, in favour of their chosen utopia.
The US today– puke
Some sick shit there.
Andrews might have a peek at pre-polling results in his electorate of Mulgrave, and in which Mr Cook is running against him, and dependent on the early numbers either Pinochet Hot Button Sutton over Port Phillip Bay or bring him into the fold again.
A country that imprisons political dissenters, that criminalizes political dissent and mutilates its own children is not a good friend. The election in 1960 was stolen too btw.
but I do have a problem with non-deployable, front bar urgers, like Monty, wanting to feed other peoples kids into a meat grinder.
me too- the lack of self awareness is breathtaking but maybe that part of having a borderline personality disorder
August 30, 2022 at 9:11 pm
I’m not anti-West, and certainly not anti-American, but I do have a problem with non-deployable, front bar urgers, like Monty, wanting to feed other peoples kids into a meat grinder.
I believe that the proper description is “Chicken Hawk”?
But enough about contemporary Australia.
The West wanted a war though, there is no place for nationalistic minded rulers in the planned new world, so regime change in Moscow was needed.
precisely- as I pointed out a few months ago, it’s not Thatcher and Reagan anymore, it’s blowjob and the old thief.
It was a geopolitical disaster for Russia, the collapse. He might have had no problem with the orderly dissolution of the SU. What he witnessed though was a fire sale and the loss of territories. And SU didn’t invade Europe, beyond the deal it stitched up with Germany, it was invaded for the second time by Germany and its allies in ’41.
You transitioned from sexual mores to university standards over time. If you look at both over that same time period it was, and remains, continuous decline. Uni standards were higher in the 70s than the 90s and sexual mores became even more liberal in the 90s compared to the 70s. And the recession of the early 90s did nothing to reverse either. Things are even worse now.
It’s interesting too, in a bad way, how the EU is bullying Poland and Hungary for not wanting to drink the neo liberal-open borders kool aide. Fuck Brussels and fuck Washington.
And what is this kool aide? It is a borderless world where working people have no power, no jobs, no safety.
maybe that part of having a borderline personality disorder
Popular opinion in Britain was bitterly opposed to another war, the British Army was not equipped to fight a major war on the Continent, the Royal Air Force was approaching block obsolescence and the Dominions would not have joined Britain in a land war on the Continent – they were the major reasons why Chamberlain may have supported “Peace in Our Time.”
“It was a geopolitical disaster for Russia, the collapse. He might have had no problem with the orderly dissolution of the SU. What he witnessed though was a fire sale and the loss of territories. And SU didn’t invade Europe, beyond the deal it stitched up with Germany, it was invaded for the second time by Germany and its allies in ’41.”
Well said Dover.
In 1939 the horrors of WWI were only 21 years ago. Little wonder people didn’t want another episode.
There are recessions and then there are technologically enhanced recessions. The latter is envisaged for the good of gaia.
The tide has been coming in for over half a century.
I like your sunny optimism, arky, but I don’t share it.
For me it’s not a team game, and I don’t line up with ‘The West’ just because I was born in it. This isn’t the country or the civilisation I regard as mine. It’s a scrofulous substitute and makes Russia look good by comparison. Which takes a lot of doing.
Roger one does not boil bolognese sauce. If I hear of a repeat I’ll send the boys around, capeesh.
This Week in Culture. I got 30 seconds in to the drag show with the young girls in the front row. The men standing at the back need to be bashed to within an inch of their gender pronoun fucking lives:
They weren’t their territories.
They invaded them opportunistically in the forties and proceeded to move entire ethnic groups from one place to the other and into the gulags.
It’s fashionable to sneer at the French as being “Cheese eating surrender monkeys”, but, having suffered the losses they did in 1914 – 18 – the highest casualty rate among the victorious Powers, 75% of all men mobilized became casualties – I can see why they weren’t chuffed to little green mint-balls at the prospect of “Round Two.”
The great thing about using the hypocrisy angle for this story is that it is quickly and easily understood, funny, and indisputably damning all at once.
Dems a fairweather friend of clinical trials.
Funny timing, I was thinking something similar today.
One thing you can say for Monty, he is indefatigable. Another thing you can say is that whatever motivates this exuberance is unlikely to be wholesome.
Black Lines Matter
as seen by Uncle Sam
Cry My Country
Above all else, I think it’s really, really dumb to give the Democrat’s six year long narrative of a Russian collusion among the Trump camp credence by being seen supporting an invasion by Russia of a country that wanted to join the Western alliance.
As if you won’t eventually be held up as an example of “See? We were right all along. They sold out to Russia”.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
August 30, 2022 at 9:50 pm
In 1939 the horrors of WWI were only 21 years ago. Little wonder people didn’t want another episode.
It’s fashionable to sneer at the French as being “Cheese eating surrender monkeys”, but, having suffered the losses they did in 1914 – 18 – the highest casualty rate among the victorious Powers, 75% of all men mobilized became casualties – I can see why they weren’t chuffed to little green mint-balls at the prospect of “Round Two.”
Around 100,000 French soldiers died in the roughly seven weeks between the German invasion on 10 May 1940, and the French surrender on 25 June. The Germans lost about 50,000 dead.
Ukraine Fatigue? British War Support Wanes Amid Energy Hyperinflation
The Sunday Times reported the UK’s financial support for Ukraine could wind down by the end of the year. London has already allocated $2.7 billion in military aid to the wartorn country in Eastern Europe as the conflict just recently marched into the sixth month. Public support is also waning, driven primarily by energy hyperinflation sparked by failed Western sanctions on Russia.
According to a source in the UK Defense Ministry, cited by the newspaper, the UK is running out of weapons and money for Ukraine — this will be a challenge for the next UK Prime Minister, who will face the difficult decision to continue funding Kyiv while domestically, the economic outlook darkens.
Meanwhile, UK citizens are starting to realize Western sanctions on Russia have backfired and led many into fuel poverty:
“I do support arming Ukraine but I’m absolutely bloody terrified by the price of gas.
“I do think we’ve been a little guilty of overly glorifying the Ukrainians.
“I feel we need to think about ending this but I can’t see an end,” said Karine Hyde, 59, a medical practice manager.
Discontent in the UK is growing as energy costs soar. The latest issue to anger Brits is power regulator Ofgem hiked the cap on electricity bills by 80% to a record £3,549 ($4,189) starting on Oct. 1 from £1,971 ($2,330) at present. That cap is expected to rise to £5,439 ($6,427) by January, and £7,272 ($8,594) by spring due to skyrocketing wholesale natural gas prices as Russian supplies to Europe dwindle.
Remember, we recently pointed out that data from Google shows declining interest in news about Ukrainian events
Well, colour me surprised. (coff, coff).
Austrac is investigating the Perth Mint (Gold Corporation) for non compliance with anti money laundering laws.
180 days for the appointed auditor to report.
From the Paywallian tonight.
On the first day of the battle of the Somme, 1st July 1916, the the 1st Newfoundland Regiment attacked from their second line of trenches – the communications trenches to the front line were already blocked with wounded and dead men. 733 men of 801 men were killed – six men made it to the German wire.
I’ve seen their monument – it features a Newfoundland caribou, bellowing in agony at the memory of those losses.
Round Two?
Indeed there are ninety odd year long cycles and there are cycles with much shorter wavelengths.
They’re still cycles.
To believe otherwise is to accept the progressive view of history, that there is an arrow going one way, a “side” to history that you can be on the right side of. Like the climate looneys who think it’s all irreversibly going one way and they can accurately measure it and influence it’s rate of change. Or people who up until very recently thought we were stuck with low interest rates now and forever.
The real world doesn’t work that way.
Everything is on a cycle.
Single Point of Failure
Ashley Rindsberg convincingly traces Anthony Fauci’s response to the Covid 19 pandemic to the biodefense institutions created by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney following the 9/11 attacks. “To understand the rise of Fauci, and his legacy as he retires this year, we must return to the first months of the 2000s … Bush’s interest in biodefence and pandemic preparedness is frequently traced back to a 2004 book, The Great Influenza.
The reality, however, is that the administration came to power with biological weapons and infectious disease very much top of mind … But if biodefence wasn’t already a priority for the Bush White House, that swiftly changed a week to the day after the 9/11 attacks, a mere eight months into Bush’s first term, when the United States suffered the most serious biological weapons attack in its history,” the 2001 anthrax attacks.
As the WSJ put it. “In public, Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins urge Americans to ‘follow the science.’ In private, the two sainted public-health officials schemed to quash dissenting views from top scientists. That’s the troubling but fair conclusion from emails obtained recently via the Freedom of Information Act by the American Institute for Economic Research. The tale unfolded in October 2020 after the launch of the Great Barrington Declaration, a statement by Harvard’s Martin Kulldorff, Oxford’s Sunetra Gupta and Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya against blanket pandemic lockdowns. They favored a policy of what they called ‘focused protection’ of high-risk populations such as the elderly or those with medical conditions. Thousands of scientists signed the declaration—if they were able to learn about it.”
But was too late. Fauci’s overwhelming response was en route.
Science is not cyclical. Nor is history.
But epochs come and go, true.
SU did not ‘opportunistically’ invade Hungary in ’44. It was at war with an Axis ally, Hungary, and pursuing the Germans through Hungary out of the Ukraine. Same is true re Austria, Czechoslovakia, and Romania.
And, anyway, these aren’t the territories I had in mind.
In terms of government, America has fallen.
I have a theory about people found guilty of a notorious murder where the body is missing.
Bradley Murdoch’s murder of Peter Falconio, for example.
If they maintain silence it:
– still adheres to them their followers who say they are in fact innocent
– gives them an air of mystery etc – if the body is found that disappears
– gives them the possibility they are not the bastard so many say they are
Worrying about how your enemies will spin anything has been a losing strategy forever for conservatives.
Internal server error.
Part of the tour of a certain French city, some years ago, featured a very good lunch, washed down with some excellent wines, followed by a tour of the town, including a visit to the “Monument Au Mortes.’
The archetypal loud mouthed Yank made a rather tasteless remark about the list of names under “1940.’
“1940? Yeah, right. Well before Pearl Harbor, wasn’t it?”
Oh, man. I really hope there isn’t a ‘little red car’ and a ‘jelly man’ in this story somewhere.
And Now, the Left Moves to Normalize Pedophilia
Wasn’t there someone who used to get on Dead Cat spruiking Perf Mint Trading Bank Gold Backed deposits?
Why would there not be?
If you find yourself arguing that it was the West that really engineered war in Ukraine and Putin was just an innocent bystander, give yourself an uppercut. What a historically dumb talking point.
Also if you find yourself arguing that Russia really deserves to reconstitute its Empire because it succeeded in ethnic cleansing, give yourself another uppercut.
Not exactly a novel form of argumentation to state that those having a different viewpoint should be bashed.
Monty using actual talking points against talking points no one has ever used.
You used both of those talking points, db.
“West Australian” newspaper makes a point about the Dawson trial – Lynn Dawson was supposed to have walked away from the matrimonial home, without so much as her contact lenses, or a spare set of underwear….
Ruskies are onto me.
Had to move devices to post a comment.
Thanks Putin, you spud.
mUnty’s real problem isn’t what gibber he tries to argue but the form he uses.
it’s pretty much always a variation of simplistic stand-point gibberish
eg: if you think x then y
the same sort of 2D seascape that Numbers Bob navigates
get some elevation mUnty
No, I haven’t. I’ve neither said Putin was an ‘innocent bystander’ nor have I said that Russia ‘deserves to reconstitute its Empire’. You always over-egg the pudding, monty.
Shorter Monty: so what you’re really saying is…
But that’s what is being contended, and what Putin himself says he wants.
You can’t seperate that from the tacit support you give him here daily.
It’s only about ‘empire’ if the Ukraine is not made up of Russians in whatsoever respect and degree.
And it’s not really a war between Russians and Ukranians.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
August 30, 2022 at 10:51 pm
“West Australian” newspaper makes a point about the Dawson trial – Lynn Dawson was supposed to have walked away from the matrimonial home, without so much as her contact lenses, or a spare set of underwear….
I know only as much of the case as the rest of us, but if I were of a desperately vindictive person ready to punish, that’s how I would do it.
What is being contended and by whom? I’m going to read the speech tomorrow so I’ll leave to one side whether Putin and the political class want to reconstitute the Russian Empire in whole or part.
Rita Panahi: There needs to be a reckoning for Victoria Police’s gross overreach
There needs to be a reckoning for the gross overreach that saw police handcuff a pregnant mum in her pyjamas over a social media post.
Sky News host Rita Panahi says Victoria Police wants Australians to “forget” about recent history after two years of “overreach and selective policing”.
Another victim of Dan Andrews’ police state has been exonerated.
Ballarat mum Zoe Buhler had the single charge of incitement to contravene public health directions withdrawn on Tuesday.
Vision of the pregnant mum’s arrest over a Facebook post quickly went viral and revealed to the world what had become of Victoria, and indeed Australia.
We went from being seen as an idyllic corner of the world to serving as a cautionary tale of how a free, modern society can devolve into an irrational, illiberal dystopia.
A place where hard fought-for rights and civil liberties can be lost when a populace is scared silly by hysterical, opportunistic politicians and a complicit media.
What happened to Buhler was a shameful episode but she was hardly alone in being victimised.
Quietly dropping charges against lockdown opponents is not enough.
There needs to be a reckoning for the gross overreach that saw police harass old ladies on park benches, force children off playgrounds, crash tackle people for being unmasked outdoors, hand out crippling fines to people laying flowers at a cemetery and handcuff a pregnant woman in her kitchen for a social media post.
Then there is the brutal treatment of anti-lockdown protesters who were dealt with like domestic terrorists while the hopelessly politicised Victoria Police handled BLM and environmental protesters with respect bordering on reverence.
Buhler’s arrest was captured on video and showed the distressed young mum pleading with officers explaining that she had an ultrasound appointment in an hour.
But Dan’s foot soldiers were not about to show the pregnant woman any mercy; they put her in handcuffs in front of her children.
Then, as she wept, they informed Buhler that her computer and all her devices as well as the mobile phones of others in the house, including her sister, would be seized.
And, all because of this post which she offered to delete: “Peaceful protest. All social distancing measures are to be followed so we don’t get arrested. Please wear a mask unless you have a medical reason not to. As some of you may have seen the government has gone to extreme measures and are using scare tactics through the media to prevent the Melbourne protest. Here in Ballarat we can be a voice for those in stage four lockdowns. We can be seen and heard and hopefully make a difference. End lockdowns. Stand for human rights. We live in a *free* country.”
That’s the post. That’s what led to a two-year nightmare for a young woman and her family. When Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius was asked about the heavy handed police tactics back in September 2020 he was unapologetic.
“I’ve seen the footage,” he said. “The members have conducted themselves entirely reasonably, they’ve been polite, professional. In this case we’re alleging this individual engaged in serious criminal behaviour inciting a public protest at a time when public protest is unlawful.”
Serious criminal behaviour? What does Cornelius have to say now that the charge has been dropped? And, can he explain why charges against other anti-lockdown protesters have been dropped?
Cornelius condemned those standing against lockdown policies as “batshit crazy”.
Let’s see him front a media conference now and justify his previous statements.
Buhler lived with the stress of having a criminal charge hanging over her head for two years. On Tuesday she said she was glad the ordeal was over and was unapologetic about taking a stand “for people’s human rights and freedoms” and hoped the police would leave innocent people alone in the future.
And, she had this message for Premier Daniel Andrews: “I hope one day you’ll have your day in court”.
Member for Western Victoria, and Shadow Assistant Minister for Government Scrutiny, Bev McArthur said Buhler’s plight was an example of the way this state was ruled by fear.
“Zoe Buhler was used by the Premier of this state as an example of how draconian and dictatorial he was prepared to be in his flaming of fears during the lockdown,” she said.
“He ruled by fear – and the police were clearly used as his tool to enforce abhorrent, largely unnecessary and undemocratic public health orders. This charge was wrong from day one. That it has taken two years for it to be withdrawn is a disgrace – a mark of shame on our political state.”
McArthur called on the premier to apologise to the “pyjama warrior” and thanked Buhler for fighting for freedom.
This state, and indeed this country, needs a royal commission into each jurisdiction’s Covid-19 response examining every element from draconian restrictions, border closures, elective surgery cancellations, school closures, mask and vaccine mandates, curfews, police response and hotel quarantine to name just a few.
It appears former prime minister Scott Morrison’s bizarre antics in secretly swearing himself into five ministries may motivate the Anthony Albanese government to call a royal commission.
But the inquiry must have a wide focus including examining the establishment of national cabinet and the conduct of health bureaucrats.
Rita Panahi
Herald-Sun 265 comments already with all in agreement.
The Sudentland argument.
By Moscow and Kiev.
That’s the thing being fought over.
The right of former parts of the Soviet Union to exist as states in their own right.
Be bloody careful of the “sphere of influence” argument,
You might not like the sphere we fall into after America.
Mustn’t disagree that bikes are sacred:
A city councillor opposed to further rollout of bike lanes in the CBD has been dumped from the City of Melbourne’s key transport portfolio.
Liberal Party member Roshena Campbell has been replaced by ALP councillor Davydd Griffiths at a council meeting on Tuesday night.
In June, Ms Campbell was the only councillor to vote against a compromise motion to pause the further rollout of bike lanes in the Hoddle Grid, arguing that it didn’t address anti-car measures in the council’s transport policy.
“It does nothing to fix the issues that exist … we don’t just govern for the people who (catch public transport) and live close enough to get on a bike, we are a capital city council,” she said at the time.
That sounds like a different contention to ‘deserves to reconstitute the Empire’, but lets leave that to one side and consider this new problem. Russia would likely agree that Ukraine can exist in its own right, however, it’s going to take back Crimea as well as some other territories the Russian Empire conquered, like the Donbas, Kherson, etc. which Ukraine inherited by its former association with Tsarist Russia and the USSR, or at the very least they are on the table.
Punish who?
How else do they reconstitute it according to a Putin’s stated intentions, other than by ignoring individual state’s rights to exist as independent countries?
It IS the same.
Unless you think there is an absolute majority in those states who are being held hostage somehow.
Which is absurd.
It’s not quite the Sudetland or the Sudetenland argument.
Rather, it’s that, as was the case with Serbia and Croatia, the combatants – the Russians and the Ukrainians – see their very own selves in the face of the other whom they are asked to destroy. This, alone, is enough to wonder why it is that they are at war. Which leads to the second point raised, that of asking about who is fighting WHOSE war; and to what ends.
the Black Sea is mine
youse can moan all you like
but the Black Sea is mine
They are at war because in 2014 Russia invaded large chunks that Ukraine rather need economically to remain a viable country, and which they would understandably like back.
Then early this year, using the excuse of the possibility, not actually realised, that Ukraine might join NATO, they tried and failed to decapitate the joint, and also too further territory, making the joint even less defensible or viable should it be accepted as the status quo.
Apparently Russia and China will soon be carrying out joint war exercises. (ticker tape under one of the Sky shows tonight)
Russia is fighting a war yet has the resources to engage in war games? Wow.
Very worrying that China and Russia are keen to demonstrate their political and armed force compatibility.
And yes, Putin is using EXACTLY the same “salami slicing “ tactic Hitler applied.
That people again think that they can satisfy some imaginary “final claim” is precisely the problem here.
Just a quick drive-by from Amsterdam. Hotel just off Dam square, the tram bells are sounding in the street below.
Basically no one wearing masks even though there are signs on the railway station requiring them. None in the airport. Dubai – required in the airport and on the plane but still many…many people ignoring it. The place looks pretty much the same as last time I saw it. There are no questions asked about vaccines at the border, it was simply passport as usual.
It’s 4:30pm, we’ve done over 24 hours in transit, and the Beloved wants a beer. His long shanks survived EC – we were up at the tail so there was a lot of movement and flexing just to add to the fun.
No, the war is a phoney war, bloody but phoney, enabled by a a puppet regime beholden to the edicts of the EU in turn beholden to the US, in turn beholden to the ancien regimes of the political class, perhaps mainly in the EU but in my ignorance I would say under the auspices of the UN.
Dissecting Fauci’s lies:
Steve Jobs pretty much nails what went wrong with education:
Sancho Panzer says:
August 30, 2022 at 11:45 pm
I thought it was obvious, the cheating husband, of course, but it was hypothetical, I have no idea what happened, and maybe a divorce was of no financial advantage to her or just revenge, who knows?
John Spooner.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Matt Pritchett.
Patrick Blower.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Tom Stiglich #2.
Bob Gorrell.
Henry Payne.
Things aren’t going to change by bitching and gossiping on the internet, DrBG.
The premise that if you aren’t balls deep supporting Ukraine & every part of the US taxpayer funded response to the Russian invasion that you are supporting the Russians and every part of what they are doing is infantile.
Beware of keyboard conservatives who view this as the great moral challenge of our time.
Beware of talking points regurgitators because if there is a management change in Washington, their narrative will change.
The Arctic Ice melting away is right up there with “what rain does fall will not fill the dams.”
Once again the media and activist narrative is contradicted by the Arctic Ice being above 2010-2020 levels.
Just one of many inconvenient truths that don’t make it into the public consciousness, being ignored by the mostly left-green leaning MSM.
Whether it is private jets or oil & gas shares, no one advocating on Greens issues actually believes in it or lives like they do. Tbf North Sydney is full of affluent hypocrites & Ms Tink here does reflect a certain spivvish demo that has infiltrated Bears territory
Tom, I just read your offer for help in Editing and structure for book as health issues took up most of yesterday, and yes I am struggling in those areas . I even had to borrow a laptop from my son as I now only use IPad .
Because I have not been able to set aside time to work on book and do it spasmodically I have written chapters out of chtinological happening . but easily enough to rectify this.
Names are all changed of course and the hero is Tom also .
So how do I get your help..?
Subscription model now
another advocate for defunding the ABC
a little early morning sarc
Reading some stuff this morning about how the US employment data is out of whack because of the magnitude of internal migration & the great resignation isn’t as big as what it has been made out to be.
Makes sense because if you are moving, it’s not like you leave one town/city on a Friday & start in your job in the next town/city on Monday.
There are periods where people drop in & out of the official stats.
If true, the number of people who have moved has been underestimated.
If the US internal migration is being underestimated how can anyone have any real confidence in polling data.
Gorbachev dead. 91, so in his prime.
Another one. When will the sheeple wake up?
I suppose Lyn Dawson could have been vindictive enough to walk out without so much as a pair of underpants, making no contact ever, with her children, her parents, her siblings, her friends in the hopes of her husband being successfully prosecuted for murder forty years later.
Gorby gone.
Mikhail Gorbachev dies at 91 (30 Aug)
It’s interesting that Shoigu said last month that he wants the Soviet Union to return. One should try to learn from history before one repeats it.
91, must have been that second booster.
“I suppose Lyn Dawson could have been vindictive enough to walk out without so much as a pair of underpants, making no contact ever, with her children, her parents, her siblings, her friends in the hopes of her husband being successfully prosecuted for murder forty years later.”
Quite so Rosie.
Fact – Lyn Dawson never left her home back in January 1982.
BTW…The Oz this morning has a piece on the twin brother, Paul Dawson. Worth reading although it makes for unpleasant reading.
You wouldn’t need ladies’ dainties as a trans man.
Nobody has ever seen Lyn Dawson and Tommy Raudonikis in the same room. Ever.
Probably not, but if they scratch around enough and manage to find a fragment of Covid in him, perhaps they can justify locking us down again.
Rosie at 6:57.
Thanks for pointing out how ridiculous that theory is.
Another one that didn’t listen to the Grate Oracle, Hero of the Couch and author of that grate tome, How to get lost in Canberra.
I’m quite sure that even the most vindictive woman on the planet wouldn’t leave home without her contact lenses and particularly, a spare set of knickers.
Gorbachev dead, he was a hero in the West but not so much in Russia. It’ll be interesting to hear what Putin says. Apparently Putin despises certain historical Russian leaders whose policies enabled the collapse of Russia, two names in particular, Gorbachev and Nicholas II.
In my observations, spurned, vindictive women go the opposite direction, and take 75% of the stuff, including the house.
Yep. Suspect this isn’t over yet. Would be a few nervous characters at the NSW Dept of Education.
I don’t get how people who can be so adamantly in support of the autonomy of Ukraine as a whole can also be so against the autonomy of the Eastern portion of Ukraine.
Are the borders that history has given us somehow magical?