They may be <70 but they are learning the political game very quick.
They may be <70 but they are learning the political game very quick.
External pressures will eventually lead to budget cuts if internal pressures don’t.
Of course they weren’t—back then, China wasn’t as contentious it is now It’s a bit bloody rich for you to…
As has the IMF.
Yes but the idiots don’t care. As they have no accountability or ability and swan off on Taxpayer Funded Lifetime…
On that, we agree. Trump is being increasingly open about his fascism. His appointees on the courts aren’t bothering to include logic or internal consistency in their rulings.
Many on this blog are in denial about what the conservative movement has become.
My problem with Q is that it represents the opposite pole of dooming. It counsels not worrying about anything because it’s all part of an unfolding plan.
A reasonable question. The answer?
I was going to say Team America.
Mass arrests! 10,000 sealed indictments! Army tanks in the streets!
Gitmo’s full!
It’s Happening!
The moronic Montifa is the gift that keeps giving….
What is the hot-take on our news about Putin’s partial mobilisation? Game changer or desperate move?
Oh yea, I remember now. It was around the time you tried to explain to us how GST is calculated on betting and subsequently face planted something fierce. The lesson you didn’t learn was blowharding gets you into trouble
Now I know what this “Chutzpa” means.
The dems have burned several cities near to the ground, applied the law unequally, have turned the FBI into a pretty fair imitation of the Stasi, have on the southern border done the equivalent of pulling down the barbed wire fence so the neighbours cattle can attack your nice paddock of lucerne, Made a couple of outright mentally ill trannies/weirdos into tsars of health, main roads, & so on.
And have a demonstrably ga-ga old galoot in the Oval Office, understudied by a what is arguably the most airheaded lightweight bimbo on this planet.
…. and then points to the conservative movement & says “see those people with jobs, mack truck caps, & wanting to raise normal kids, they’re actually anti-american extremists.
In any other world, M0nty would be forcibly sent for psych evaluation before being committed to the kookie jar.
Even winning will now look like losing.
You remember no such thing.
Link, or copy/paste.
Post what was said, not what you think was said. Or admit you’re as gaga as Biden.
Can you please spell it properly, it’s “chutzpah”.
Chut-spar, it means hypocrite?
A quick glance at PetrolSpy tells me that, in Brisbane, about half the servos have already put their prices up by the full 24¢.
So basically they made 24 cents on their inventory which is typically 200kl. $48k! A pretty big incentive.
Who was the fucking Mong that said prices wouldn’t go up quickly?
Dramatically raising the stakes. Once the referendums are done, attacks on the former uke provinces are now attacks on Russia. There is no limit to the response Russia can take. Even provisions of weapons to ukraine to attack these new Russian provinces can be legitimately seen as acts of war.
Putin has repeatedly stated he isn’t bluffing.
I’ll be here until the top of the hour.
Love youse all…
Aha, online dictionary says “audicious self-confidence”
English translation: “More front than a white shirt”
That was my backwoods understanding of what the Pyootster was intending to be read between the lines.
That would be financial & market economy expert Jim Chalmers.
I have to agree with you Dover. Everyone like to be “in” on Secret Knowledge. For some the desire is so strong they suspend every instinct that tells them “ this is false”, or “I am being manipulated”.
Whether it’s the stock market, or the weather, or politics. Most of it is harmless but certain pockets are toxic.
It may be that there is a Trumpian “Master Plan”. But for me, I don’t believe it.
He is like an orange Haile Selassie mon.
Putin running an Anschluss, lol.
It’s a huge gamble. And if it goes to plan, the war can drag on well into next year. Meaning Russia’s economy goes further down the gurgler and everyday Russians lives go back to the shitty 90’s. I can’t see how Putin can continue as Russia’s leader in that scenario.
Things are very loose in America right now. Fascism is on the rise.
Can we have the munty definition of loose and fascism because this makes no sense.
He is like an orange Haile Selassie mon.
You dickhead .
He jails opposition leaders on trumped up charges. Various high profile figures in Russia recently have died in unusual circumstances. In the long run I agree with you but it could be a very long run.
I know what’s loose in America. Regard for human life.
The latest is the murder of an 18yo for being a Republican.
Fascism…not so much.
Don’t expect a call.
I think a lot of Cats would be familiar with the saying Red October/Red Wave.
Fasten your seatbelts.
What a time to be alive!
Buy more popcorn!
“He jails opposition leaders on trumped up charges. “
No different to the current Biden administration which also targets and jails the opposition.
If AGW doesn’t exist then what should be done is nothing.
AGW doesn’t exist. CO2 is gaseous plant food / fertiliser. CSIRO has the data to show the positive impact on crop yield of increased CO2 levels (from before they became woke Mongs).
I totally agree with you about the data being filthy, but why is the data filthy? More importantly, who benefits from the data being filthy?
I can’t say with total certainty – and I don’t claim to – but I think some fairly secure inferences can be drawn that the vaxxes are contributing to the excess deaths we’re seeing. There is already good evidence that the mRNA vaxxes aren’t nearly as safe for young people as they should be. We know the vaccine adverse event monitoring systems are woefully inadequate. I don’t see why it’s so unreasonable to join some dots.
Now, over the last year, how many 40-50yos have unexpectedly dropped dead from heart failure – both public figures and friends/acquaintances/friends of friends? This is not normal. But if anyone dares to suggest that maybe, just maybe, the mass vaxx programme that rolled out over the past year could have something to do with these deaths, you will immediately be smeared by the institutional types as an immoral nutjob willing to exploit these tragic deaths to peddle your dangerous anti-vax, anti-science extremist ideology. The instant default to smearing and ad hominem in addressing those with legitimate – possibly mistaken but nevertheless sincere – concerns, is revealing.
There’s also the blatant and unrelenting propaganda campaign, the weaponised use of behavioural psychology (ie. ‘nudge units’) to manipulate the population and the eventual, brutal coercion of those who won’t be nudged. And I’m expected to presume the motivations of the people responsible for enacting the Covid tyranny are benign? I don’t think so. At best – at best! – they are responsible for this catastrophe and they are doing whatever they can to escape accountability for the carnage they have wrought.
When I think of what unfolded since the start of 2020, and I see the public health authorities adopting the Frank Drebin approach to crisis management when weird stuff starts to manifest itself, well…I don’t have a great deal of faith in them or the ‘science’ they worship. It’s safer to assume they’re lying or, to be maximally charitable, inadequately informed to project the certainty they do.
As you say, Calli, it’s at the core for the true believers, to posses knowledge they deem others do not.
Joe Rogan has a good interview with Mick West re conspiracy theorists.
Branches off into AI as well.
A good listen.
In other news…
If the Postojna Caves in Slovenia were as the Glittering Caves of Aglarond, then the Bled Gorge is the path to Rivendell.
Tolkien only visited here in his imagination, but I have had the joy of seeing them. New Zealand may by Jackson’s “Middle Earth”, but this is the place of the book.
It could. Sure. However, that time may arrive quicker than expected if his close power circle reach a joint conclusion that Putin alive is a far greater risk to them and their families than putting Putin in the ground. If Putin is deposed, I doubt it will be by any opposition.
I think the partial mobilisation is a game changer. Here’s why:
Partial mobilization will more than double its commitment to the war by introducing 300K reservists. It’s current deployment can then be devoted to offensive operations. UKR’s victory in Kharkov would have went no where if they had parity on that segment of the front (UKR had a 2.5:1 advantage).
If RUS hold what they know have, clear Donetsk completely, capture Nikolayev and Odessa, (and they will probably return to Kharkov) no amount of cope will be able to paint that as a loss.
As I said earlier, the world was in lockdown for 2 years, hospital service and administration was a complete abortion. The last thing data collectors would have been doing was making sure there was accurate data. If a group was advantaged by the circumstances it’s by accident. There were periods when cancer sufferers had to wait for treatment. Covid took out a large bunch of old folk. I dunno, but was there an increase in suicide rates during the time? And how about increased dangerous drug usage? Did that impact excess deaths?
Some rather silly (and cliched) takes on Putin and Russia. If you don’t believe the corporate media narrative regarding Trump and the populist movement in the US, I’m not sure why you’d believe that same corporate media’s narrative on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and Vladimir Putin.
Don’t wake a balrog Calli.
That would be bad.
I’m not having a go at custard, by the way.
In 2020, I must admit, I lost a lot of sleep and was daily watching the news for an uprising, or at least justice, over the election fraud. Nothing happened, apart from the murder (for murder it was) of a young woman at the capitol and a slew of confected outrage and rubbish, resulting in the imprisonment without trial of many well meaning people. The first fruits of what was to be a thinly veiled tyranny. It continues to this day.
When all this unfolded, I was reminded of the Psalm…
It was good enough for King David. It’s good enough for me.
I was imagining the “Human Fish” might resemble Gollum. It lives in darkness, at the bottom of the cave, pale and wan.
It actually looks like a blind lizard.
My view, and it’s an uneducated one, of any “excess deaths” is that it’s going to be complicated by all the factors in play. It would be extremely foolish to pin it on one, and one only, factor.
– vaccine injury
– deprivation of essential diagnostics and treatments during the pandemic
– tardiness in getting these essential services up and running
– infection from stupid “rules” such as masks
– mental illness exacerbated by lockdowns
– the great demographic “blip” that is the Boomers, now reaching the middle of the bell curve
Take your pick. It’s a smorgasbord.
Not sure.
Clearly he’s taking advantage of:
a) Having a big mate (sort of) in his corner;
b) Europe going down the tubes; and
c) Having the worst, most incompetent, least coherent, and most bizarre US Administration in living memory running the war on the contra.
Whether he really wants to feed his A-Team into the Ukraine grinder, or go full apocalyptic is anyones’ guess.
Personally, I doubt both.
It looks like he’d like it all to stop on politically favourable terms.
But then, I’m topping off the third flagon of McWilliams.
Estimated 20% of the Russian economy is now devoted to the war. Russia is likely going through a hiring shortage like everywhere else. Therefore add in the mobilization and their production becomes problematic.
Out of the mouths of babes.
As it were.
Well after Monty’s failed Malmo escapade, which he blamed on others mind, I would have expected him to be silent.
The fact he has explicitly failed to condemn a bloke, twice his age, of running down his victim in his car, is beyond words.
“He’s probably a nutter” Monty furiously typed, as he stroked his penis watching BLM and Biden calling for attacks against his political opponents.
A special kind of hell awaits for special kind of fuckwits
That is a heroic assumption. Again, I don’t know why you would attribute benign motivations to these institutions. There are some places in the world where accurate, comprehensive data was collected and used to formulate policy. In other places, it looks very suspiciously like data has been used to justify policy.
Yes, sure. I don’t think I have ever not been deeply critical of lockdowns. It has always been obvious to me that the unintended consequences of such drastic society-wide measures would likely be profound. I also think the unprecedented mass vaxx programs using novel and experimental therapeutic products that are proving to not be nearly as safe as was promised is also a significant factor.
I agree that there was a period of genuine institutional panic – the “complete abortion” period you mentioned. It didn’t last all that long, though, did it? A couple of months, max? Anyone with half a brain realised Covid wasn’t the existential threat it was purported to be when those USN hospital ships moored in NY harbour and LA didn’t see a single patient, when the Javitz Center filled up with thousands of unused ventilators rather than sick people, when the Nightingale hospitals were dismantled as soon as they were built. But by then, the money was flowing like a tsunami. Endless resources had been allocated. The incentives were in place to ensure the collection of data that would keep the money flowing. These were cold and perfectly rational decisions made long after the panic phase had subsided.
From the Daily Mail article that Bar Beach Swimmer referred to:
When they met, Mr Latham was a Labor MP and Ms Lacy was a Liberal staffer.
I think I have spotted the cause of their differences.
And that money has gone…somewhere.
Anyone know where it is?
And OCO, that tsunami of money may have just been an incentive to have the Panic Phase continue.
If it means you win earlier it’s not a problem compared to an attritional war that drags on.
The Poot’s semi-mobilisation has scored big dividends in Russia:
Obviously winning extremely bigly.
Why reach an assumption they win earlier? The conscript side of the Russian military that has fought in the Ukraine have been a disaster. Send more barely trained troops to fight and you potentially have a disaster.
China? It’s a big economic power – far bigger than Russia – but it’s the junior partner in the burgeoning Eurasian alliance. Russia has the strategic muscle, and ultimately that’s what counts in such a relationship. Shoigu is right when he says Russia is fighting the collective West in Ukraine. And Russia’s almost certainly going to humiliate the West there. I agree that Russia can’t afford to lose, but it also has overwhelming geostrategic advantages in that theatre relative to even the best Uncle Sam can put up. It’s the US that ultimately can’t afford this war. There is zero appetite for it amongst the US population, which is busily turning on itself. The US is far more restrained than many here realise.
And when the US inevitably cuts its losses in Ukraine, this will be viewed around the world as a Russian victory over what has been regarded for the last 30 years as an invincible military power. Chinese money can’t buy that kind of credibility.
All to be expected in any mobilization.
An interesting comment JC.
No I am not and never have been a gun owner.
I am more a “pen is mightier than the sword” type of guy. You know much like my typing fingers can make you look like a school yard bully who gets upset when somebody stands up to him. Oops, I just remembered you have previously bragged about your school days.
No why don’t you open a can of pet food and feed Sancho as he needs some reward for his efforts.
Now just in case you get concerned I have decided I won’t be posting for two weeks. Have things to do and quite frankly I know that when I am ready to respond you will still be up to your old tricks.
Sancho will be devastated by my absence but no doubt you and he will find other ways to amuse yourselves at the expense of others.
There are only a few dickheads as pathetic as you. You’re obsessed and it’s a little worrying. Are you a proud gun owner by chance?”
JC. I’m sure Bloomberg and FT are great for the financial stuffs. But you desperately need to diversify your news sources when it comes to Ukraine. You’re only getting one side.
Sancho was MIA while JC was getting his arse handed to him by Timothy Neilson.
Even Sancho the loyal labrador wasn’t going to be associated with that face-plant.
Sigh. Children, the grown-ups are talking.
Imagine the rivers of gold pouring into diagnostic labs, for instance. And PPE suppliers. Even sign makers.
They could name their price.
Why? Because they will increase their army in theatre by 150 percent. Conscripts haven’t been fighting. They’ve used contract, volunteers, and the DPR/ LPR militias and a substantial amount of the fighting has been done by the latter. They’re now mobilizing experienced reservists that will fill constitute the rear defense line and they will use some to replenish losses in the former, which will now be used as the offensive spearheads. In other words, going from having about 200K involved to about 500K will mean the UKR will have a much harder time achieving any breakthroughs anywhere any longer, while the RUS will now have the manpower to conduct offensive operations and probably at a larger scale.
Zombie Pussy.
Two words you probably never thought that you would see together, but here we are:
Consequences of Demonrat rhetoric:
In other news, I’m sitting on a balcony sipping limoncello spritz and watching the sun set over Lake Bled.
And trying to work out how to set up a still to make my own upon my return. Considering the usurious price of neat spirit in Australia.
Thank you government for sucking the joy out of life and taxing us for the priviledge.
I just reviewed the interaction with Neilson and I made a comment at 2.31 which I think may sound problematic. This
Just so folks realize, the comment was purely hypothetical . There was no suggestion Neilson was going after anyone’s wife. The comment referred to the way he went after Liz.
speaking of dead or dying tissue used to construct … you know… fake cnuts
imaging just how much rotting junk you’d need to make one a big as sancho
…the mind boggles
Also in other news…
There is a spa in this hotel. Apparently it draws from a hot spring in the lake. The Beloved and I went up to the top floor to check out the swimming pool and try to be tempted by its delights.
A blast of chlorine hit us upon arrival so we retreated fast. Not good for a chronic asthmatic. But there was more.
In front of us was a large sausage shaped human, tanned admittedly and clearly of the male persuasion. In a white g-string, buttocks wobbling in synchronicity. Now we knew what the chlorine was for.
I was informed this afternoon that the saunas in the spa are for nudists – no cozzies permitted. Praise the Lord and little fishes that we stopped at the door. Even a few years in the Highlands would not prepare me for the horror.
Good grief. I just realised. Dinner tonight is one of those “local foods” extravaganzas.
I just know it will be sausages and sauerkraut.
Sometimes “secret knowledge” of the future is a heavy burden. 😀
if it wasn’t for the typos
that would be first-class
Critical critic. Show me dem typos, knave!
Speaketh one who casts a stone yet isn’t without sin themselves. 😉
Capital letters! And period(s)!
Where is Deadman when we need him?
“Fossil Fuels” worth a look:
Never claimed to be. I don’t mind the odd stoush at all and find many of the long-standing grudges here a laugh. They add to the character of the place. People speak their minds.
I reckon my posts are maybe 95% non-stoush/grudge, 5% stoush/grudge. But when threadsters start posting with those numbers swapped around, it starts to feel more like Summer Bay.
Thanks rickw.
When I was a schoolgirl, I was told quite categorically, that oil came from the remains of dinosaurs. I still remember the graphics “describing” how it happened.
It was a lie.
Actually, I take a fair few swipes at m0nty, so probably more like 85% non-stoush. Does slapping m0nty about count, though?
Whoops. On “casting stones” I popped an unwanted and unloved comma into that comment.
All is forgiven Matrix. Fire when ready.
Okay. You’re all getting your beauty sleep.
I’m on the road to Ljubljana tomorrow. Next stop Zagreb.
Bears and wolves permitting.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Broelman.
Peter Schrank.
Christian Adams.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Ben Garrison.
Ginger and Whinger:
I feel sorry for people who are sucked into a new religion.
At least old religions have thousands of year of lore.
The whole Q charade never has a predictive metric.
Why wasn’t it “QEII will die & here’s why”.
Instead after the fact, “here’s why QEII dying fits our narrative”.
If you’re going to have faith, have faith in something that’s not carny level trickery.
$A at 66.4.
Getting my second payment from a PE deal next week from the US.
Perfect timing.
Fed raises by 75bps.
The Fed’s inaction during the second half of 2021 will go down in history as the greatest financial malfeasance in modern history.
All because of a politicised Fed.
Is everyone still asleep?
These dickless upticks won’t uptick themselves.
You are not making an argument at all.
Does Caroline Wilson expect people that she didn’t know what was going on at AFL clubs?
She was either incompetent or complicit.
She can choose.
Ah, Dot, good to see the libertarians up early keeping this place afloat.
This is as delusional as claiming retreating from Homostel airport/airbase was no tactical or strategic loss.
China clearly is screwing Putin in trade deals. Russia cannot even field a proper army anymore. They’re losing to a second rate Soviet bloc militia with western drones (they should have won months ago). China has 1.3 bn people and a properly maintained nuclear arsenal.
Custard would be better off spending his time reading the fan fictions in the Star Wars universe.
It’s more expansive than Q and a lot more enjoyable.
Scratch that.
We wouldn’t hear from custard for months.
It’s more having no faith is a recipe for needing to find something about which to crusade and believe in.
My father, when Bob Brown first burst on the Franklin Dam scene, said something alone those lines, that was well over three decades ago because he’s been dead a very long time but every time I see people fanatically taking up some cause, I’m reminded.
Buckle up normies, anon has taken you to the biggest roller coaster!
It’s happening!
1. Who recruited Trump? Don’t say it was Jesus Christ cone down heaven.
2. What is in the executive orders?
3. What is the significance of the Rich memo?
4. What happened to the 50,000 sealed documents for child abuse?
5. Remember when Annie said Trump had arrested Trudeau for moida?
6. When is “it” happening?
Actually, custard would combine Q & Warhammer and make Trump the God Emperor.
But I shouldn’t ridicule.
I genuinely pity those who get suckered in.
On vaccine injuries, statistically there are apparently no excess deaths among young people so pointing at vaccine injuries as a cause of death for young people seems a bit unsupported.
As for older cohorts, I don’t know, I still feel if its a vaccine injury it’s got to be something that gets triggered in the period immediately after being injected, not many months or years later, not based on what is currently emerging as the cause of excess deaths anyhow, covid, dementia related deterioration, cancer and diabetes.
The lores of Asuryan, Nagash, the Supreme Lord of the Undead, Tzeench and Nurgle are incredibly immersive.
Tzeench is probably the most interesting for something so concise.
Nagash is an epic tale unto himself.
The four main retail Spess Mahrines! chapters (Blood Angels, Spess Wolves! Dark Angels & Ultramarines) are almost classic literature.
A real shame GW never linked up with Wizards of the (Left) Coast.
D&D in Marienburg or on an Imperial possession would have been good times.
Dictionary needs an update under the definition of arrogance.
Incidentally if Andrews is building a cbd airport link what does that tell you about his belief in a climate emergency?
He is facilitating an increase in domestic and international air travel, or maybe just making things easier for a Chinese invasion.
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews defends decision to have an elevated station at Melbourne Airport as part of new rail link
Daniel Andrews has declared he is “not here to be told” by Melbourne Airport how to best build a train station at the site as new details emerge about the city’s airport rail link.
Dot, how could you leave out the Grey Knights.
One could spend months on reading about them and nothing else.
We should thank the makers of Adderall & Cheetohs for what they spawned.
Vote One Dan!
ABC encouraging illegal behaviour?
llegal investigation by animal rights activists uncovers pigs in sow stalls across Victoria
Also at the ABC
Investigator sued by Lloyd Rayney loses bid to remove Supreme Court judge from case
This is how weaponised US “justice” has become:
New York DA files 200 page lawsuit to try and nail Trump over property valuations!
Meanwhile, on the opposite tack, a Trump-appointed judge strikes down federal mask and vaccine mandates re schoolies!
How deep is the rot when a country has so many bad actors that it matters completely who appointed the judge or who funded the crooked pollie?
Australian founder of crypto start-up Wyre loses $267m fortune
Then there’s the MSM. We know how partisan most of the US media is, but add the Beeb, which took delight in counting how many legal actions were extant against Trump. They are all Lemons now.
Vote One Dan!
Opposition is invisible in Vic so certainly feels like that.
Currently on road to Wodonga. 3 way contest in seat of Euroa… Only sign of another party I’ve seen is in the country. What’s with all the lowered speed limits in this god foresaken state!
Kathmandu in trouble
Scott Adams is getting the treatment.
h/t Surber’s highlights of the news today.
Yeah, he married a lefty.
I don’t get this swallow thinking.
The vax was a first of it’s type, and design to fuck with our immune system in ways never done before. You can’t see how tinkering with it could impact deaths from dementia, cancer, diabetes and numerous other things…even other respiratory viruses, this season.
Our immune system stops external threats as well as internal. Everyone gets cancer all the time, it only becomes a problem when the immune system doesn’t kill it off. Diabetes has an impact on your immune system, it’s already under pressure. Dementia patients need their immune system more than most.
Let’s not even talk about the potential influx of heart transplants that may be required in the coming years.
Goodness me. Only those suffering from the most extreme form of guilt would reject such an obvious possibility, out of hand.
If these possibilities start solidifying, those who supported the expedited vaccines (mandated or not) and rubbished those who tried to issue warnings, will no doubt deny responsibility. But responsibility they will have, because they placed (or supported placing) aside every safe guard that had ever been installed to prevent such an outcome.
Tony Tardio
Vics should know Auditor-General’s report has found business cases for 3 projects including Suburban Rail Loop and Airport rail link DON’T STACK UP. Repeat DON’T STACK UP again DON’T STACK UP. Report released on Vic Parliament’s last sitting day before the November election
A Munkeypox Metaphor
Well after Monty’s failed Malmo escapade, which he blamed on others mind, I would have expected him to be silent.
The fact he has explicitly failed to condemn a bloke, twice his age, of running down his victim in his car, is beyond words.
“He’s probably a nutter” Monty furiously typed, as he stroked his penis watching BLM and Biden calling for attacks against his political opponents.
A special kind of hell awaits for special kind of fuckwits
yes a poisonous individual, a thoroughly nasty piece of work
The ‘vax’ was in fact a number of different types of vaccine using different medical techniques produced by several different medical companies.
A couple used mrna technology which was in development for decades.
Most older Australians, those over 60 received astrazeneca*, younger people mostly Pfizer, as I understand it..
There is no evidence of excess deaths amongst young people in Australia.
Unless there is I remain unconvinced about the big bad.
“This Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine uses the ChAdOx1 technology, which has been developed and optimised by the Jenner Institute over the last 10 years. This type of vaccine technology has been tested for many other diseases such as influenza (flu) and middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS), another type of coronavirus”
link re astrazeneca here
Seems a variety of people are finding this troubling.
How about stepping up to the negotiation table West and Ukraine?
How many more ordinary people need to die?
This is not a bluff’: Putin threatens to use nuclear weapons in a dark new speech
That’s not reassuring to anyone who remembers Charles in Charge or Alex P Keaton.
Didn’t think ya that old Dot.
That’s a bit of a silly thing to say, Rosie.
There’s a reason new drugs have up to a ten year period to asses both efficacy and side effects.
It’s the same reason all these therapies are still not fully approved.
Really? Just because you don’t have it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
From the RACGP story; “Why are more people dying in Australia”:
‘It’s really [about] trying to get to the bottom of this most recent six months.’
There is work that could be done to help work out what is happening, she believes, including using data that is held by the ABS but not made public.
‘They [look at] the number of deaths by cause, which is how we’ve looked at everything, and they also have a separate cut that’s by age and another one that’s by state,’ Ms Cutter said.
‘But we don’t have the two-dimensional split of age and cause. If we had that we could maybe get a little more insight into what’s going on.’
Cone on normies!
Ask anon how Q works!
Come on
Putin is doing the killing and threatening to kill more people.
Dot I was also thinking of the thousands of potential deaths from cold in Europe this winter.
Some goof had the temerity to ask men about feminine beauty.
And if it works for him then the Baltic states are next or perhaps even Poland.
Universal Basic Income Will Be Linked to Your Digital ID Which Will Be Linked to Your Social Credit Score – So Who’s Pushing For it?
FTB is off the pace.
restoring the engine of everything
why putting ethical filters on what questions may be asked by science destroys not only ethics and science but society as well
Now Dilbert is racist! Popular comic strip is canned by 77 newspapers after artist Scott Adams began incorporating anti-woke plotlines, including black character who identifies as white
I won’t answer for the next couple of hours as I’m listening to the Warroom and having breakfast.
Text me and I’ll call back if you want to chat.
Alleged Murderer of Cayler Ellingson Released on Bail
punctuation could be down to typos could be carelessness
but I’m blaming the two beers and expecially the bottle of Shiraz
ffs… no more typing without coffee!
Ron DeSantis: ‘We Will Not Allow Schools to Twist History’
How are they different then from deaths in Ukraine? Putin saw the stupidity of Europeans and American fecklessness and thought it’s now or never.
Whichever Republican wins the US presidency in 2024 Putin knows no such ambiguity would be permitted to him. At present Putin is in the driving seat literally due to the West’s obsession and delusion with decarbonising themselves.
Justice is dead in America.
41-Year-Old Shannon Brandt RELEASED on Bond After Killing 18-Year-Old Cayler Ellingson Over Teen’s Conservative Views
Go Ahead, Climate Scientists, Make Our Day
21st September 2022 Tony Thomas
Some stories I come across are so weird that I don’t know how to write them. No-one will believe I am serious. For example, in 1974 I attended a talk by Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Dr Jim Cairns at the ANU in which he called for the abolition of money and for Australia to return to barter along pre-Sumerian lines. He was in love at the time with a stunning Eurasian lass. I’m sure the Treasury and Reserve Bank were not in favour of a barter economy. It was 39 years before I mustered the chutzpah to actually report on Dr Jim’s proposal.
These days “climate science” has equivalent oddities. Try page 1 of the PhD thesis of psychotherapist Dr Sally Gillespie, of Psychologists for a Safe Climate. It’s about the dream that turned her into a climate activist:
These examples help me now to write about the recent peer-reviewed climate paper of three senior Australian-New Zealand climate professors titled “The Tragedy of Climate Change Science.” It’s in the learned journal Climate & Development and has undergone the rigours of peer review.
What’s in it? The professors call on their fellow climate researchers to go on strike from climate doomism and also scuttle the plans for a Seventh IPCC Report. This strategy, they imagine, will force Western governments to stop their shilly-shallying about emissions and finally get serious about the Year Zero agenda – not that China, India and Russia would cooperate. As winter looms, Germany and the UK are frantically back-pedalling to fossil fuels, so our Antipodean climate savants must be crying themselves to sleep
I was a bit taken aback yesterday with admissions that people are not who they say they are. Stunned and amazed. Names are only names but we have to draw the line somewhere, mine is a description. Soon I will have to change it to Grey, to reflect the current state. The biggest surprise was calli, a shortened version of callistemon. Is she really Myrtle? I just don’t know what to believe any more.
Crossie, I said ‘also’ implying that the West also have an interest and responsibility to end this war.
Not that western lives are of more value than Ukrainian or Russian lives.
It’s always someone else dying for people in no danger.
Have you got a breakdown on the deaths and which vaccine they took?
Do you think that the government and health agencies perhaps should, as part of the trial monitoring of a Provisionally Approved vaccine?
If such data HAS NOT been collected, we have witnessed extreme negligence. If such data HAS been collected, but is not being analysed to within an inch of it’s life, we are seeing extreme malfeasance, a coverup, or both.
Every combination and permutation of every piece of data should be being interrogated extensively. Every.single.piece. Yet, we can’t even see the seemingly routine, like the age distribution of deaths, and neither, it seems, can the members of RACGP.
The FBI may have just made the best case for dismantling itself
I can’t imagine there are really that many Americans left — outside of the FBI — who actually believe the agency is impartial, reverent to blind justice, or even adherent to the limits of their own stated mission, which is to “Protect the American people and uphold the Constitution of the United States[.]”
At this point, those notions would be laughable, especially after what we saw happen at Mar-a-Lago.
To add to all of that, Tucker Carlson recently covered some highly disturbing allegations, from what we’re being told, is an FBI whistleblower. If you missed the segment, watch the clip below:
If this turns out to be true, the FBI will have unknowingly provided two fantastic defenses for the ever-growing argument to splinter the derelict Bureau into a thousand pieces.
Constitutional law enforcement has always been a local obligation.
If the statement is accurate, and the FBI brass themselves expressly rejected their pseudo-authority, they just unwittingly acknowledged the fact their existence is unnecessary — it’s a disposable agency, and apparently its leadership agrees.
Here’s the funny bit champ – this has been the first comment I’ve made on this Open Thread. You instead have written or discussed me 5 times. You also complain that I have a sock called CMD. Which is incorrect.
Your claims are hallucinations – ask DB if CMD is me.
Go on, I double dare you.
Is custard only working the night shift? A little Q Anon wouldn’t really add much.
OldOzzie this shows the dangers of education with no practical experience in the real world. They are loons, not the bird type apart from the fact bird is a loon. I suggest they all get sent to Heard Island but fear the place is not big enough.
Fed Hikes Rates Another 75bps, Sends Hawkish ‘Higher For Longer’ Signal With DotPlot
As Bloomberg noted, “The higher median dot is a signal to us that the Fed is committed to its inflation-fighting mandate.”
Macquarie Island is bigger, but lacks a volcano for them to throw virgins into.
Iran’s president is calling for President Trump to “face justice” for ordering the assassinating of the terrorist, Soleminani.
He says there is little difference between the Trump and Biden admins because Trump’s sanctions remained under Biden.
Who’s in charge again?
AFR – Federal Reserve lifts key rate by 0.75pc
Matthew Cranston – United States correspondent
Washington | The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.75 percentage point for a third straight time, lowered its economic forecast for the US and increased its expectations for higher inflation and unemployment.
Fed chairman Jerome Powell said policymakers were “strongly committed” to curbing inflation and that there was no easy way to do this but to keep lifting rates.
The central bank officials now forecast the official fed funds rate to reach a high of 4.6 per cent in 2023 before stepping down to 3.9 per cent in 2024. The bank does not expect to be cutting rates at all next year.
“We’re committed to getting inflation back down to 2 per cent because we think that a failure to restore price stability would mean far greater pain later on,” he told a press conference in Washington on Wednesday (Thursday AEST).
The target range for the benchmark federal funds rate is now between 3 per cent and 3.25 per cent — the highest since before the 2008 financial crisis, and up from near zero at the start of this year.
Financial markets are pricing in the Fed funds rate to end the year at about 4.31 per cent, up from around 4.22 per cent before the latest policy meeting.
‘Strongly resolved’
Mr Powell said his main message was that officials were “strongly resolved” to bring inflation down to the Fed’s 2 per cent goal and added that “we will keep at it until the job is done”. The phrase invoked the title of former Fed chief Paul Volcker’s memoir Keeping at It.
The Fed lifted its median unemployment forecast to 3.8 per cent by the end of this year. It sees the jobless rate reaching 4.4 per cent in 2023, where it will hold through 2024 before easing back to 4.3 per cent in 2025.
These revised projections are up from June, which had unemployment at 3.7 per cent this year, 3.9 per cent next year and 4.1 per cent in 2024.
Macquarie’s global currency and rates strategist Thierry Wizman said the increased projections for unemployment showed the Fed was trying to manage expectations on some of the pain that will be felt in the economy where some expect a recession early next year.
“The new projections show the Fed is willing to ease people’s expectations on a slowdown in the economy. I think such projections are more symbolic than they are realistic,” Mr Wizman said.
In terms of economic growth, the Fed slashed its forecast to 0.2 per cent this year from a June projection of 1.7 per cent. Next year the bank expects growth to be a miserly 1.2 per cent, again lower than its June forecast of 1.7 per cent. In 2024, the Fed expects growth to be 1.7 per cent, down from its previous forecast of 1.9 per cent.
The lower forecasts reflect a bigger impact from tighter monetary policy.
All three major US equity benchmarks ended in the red after a volatile trading session; the Dow slid 522 points. The Dow and S&P 500 each fell 1.7 per cent, while the Nasdaq shed 1.8 per cent.
Following the rate rises from the Fed earlier this year, Wall Street had responded positively. In March, the S&P 500 was up 2.24 per cent on the day. In May, it gained 2.99 per cent. In June, the benchmark rallied 1.46 per cent and in July, the index gained 2.62 per cent.
With such historical results, Macquarie’s Mr Wizman said it was likely that bargain hunters were taking advantage of the early sell-off in markets.
Inflation to persist
The Fed also acknowledged that inflation had become sticker and raised slightly its projections. This year it expects core inflation – that which excludes food and energy – to hit 4.5 per cent up from the 4.3 per cent it was forecasting in June.
Next year core inflation is expected to hit 3.1 per cent, again up from the Fed’s June forecast of 2.7 per cent.
Inflation peaked at 9.1 per cent in June, as measured by the 12-month change in the US consumer price index. But it’s failed to come down as quickly in recent months as Fed officials had hoped. In August, it was still 8.3 per cent.
The Fed action is taking place against the backdrop of tightening by other central banks to confront price pressures which have spiked around the globe. Collectively, about 90 have raised interest rates this year, and half of them have hiked by at least 75 basis points in one shot.
I don’t get this inflation thing.
Bidens’s green economy and the war in Ukraine are driving up energy prices, causing inflation so the Fed has to make things worse?
Please answer with a simple yes or no.
Absolutely not and that would be the road to Hell for America.
Or, we could take the rosie approach and just operate using the ‘feel’.
“I still feel if its a vaccine injury it’s got to be something that gets triggered in the period immediately after being injected, not many months or years later, not based on what is currently emerging as the cause of excess deaths anyhow, covid, dementia related deterioration, cancer and diabetes.”
The Jab Put Me on a Journey I Didn’t Expect — Or Want
This is my COVID story, which is more about the vaccine than the virus. It doesn’t represent scientific evidence — but then the medical experts refuse to give us any real scientific evidence — only the prevarications of Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx.
For some background: I am a 66-year-old man. I do have a few comorbidities as I have diabetes. However, I am in fairly good condition. Up until a year prior to the COVID outbreak I was a diver for our sheriff’s department and passed the IADRS swim test every year.
I have never been an anti-vaccine nut, and have tended to trust the medical industry. That is a trust that has been forever shaken by the events of the past year.
I decided to get the vaccine in the spring of 2021. Almost immediately, I developed an annoying chronic cough. I didn’t think much of it because it was spring and pollen was in the air. After a few months of dealing with the cough, I was tested for allergies. Testing showed that I’m not allergic to anything. The doctor figured it was probably nasal inflammation and prescribed an antihistamine. Two shots up the nose every day and I should be fine. The medicine did improve the cough, but it never went away.
By the fall of 2021 I was beginning to experience shortness of breath when doing routine things like climbing stairs. My wife encouraged me to see a doctor. I decided that getting back in shape was a better idea. I increased my exercise routine. But every time I exercised vigorously my blood pressure would nose-dive — leaving me tired and lightheaded. I cut back my exercise routine a bit, and that’s how it went for several months.
In the spring of 2022, we attended our nephew’s graduation from the Naval Academy. We actually got to hear Joe Biden lie about being appointed to the Naval Academy and prattle on about his bromance with John McCain. That’s when I found out how useless the COVID vaccine is. Upon returning home from the Biden super spreader event, I came down with COVID.
I felt like crap, but it didn’t seem like anything life-threatening. After a week I was still under the weather and my wife insisted that I go to the doctor. Then when all hell broke loose. The doctor listened to my heart, did an electrocardiogram, and sent me immediately to the emergency room. I was in atrial fibrillation. Part of my heart wasn’t beating correctly. The condition was making my heart much less efficient and put me at risk of a stroke
I began wondering how many other people have had similar experiences. Over 340,522 people have reported negative COVID vaccine reactions to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). As of last May (only five months into the vaccine frenzy) 4496 people had died. Statistically insignificant? Maybe, or maybe not. But in 1976 the government pulled the swine flu vaccine after only three people mysteriously died.
A study by the DoD reported that among 436,000 military members, the incidence of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) quadrupled after the vaccine was administered.
In Italy, Franco Giovannini, M.D., Riccardo Benzi Cipelli, M.D., and Gianpaolo Pisano, M.D. did a study of 1006 people. They found that 94% showed the presence of abnormal microscopic structures in their blood after receiving the vaccine. This statement was included among their conclusions.
Officials at the CDC and NIH are still not being honest about the vaccine’s effects. We were promised that the vax would keep us from catching COVID. It doesn’t. They claimed the vaccine was safe. We still don’t know that. Now they’re telling us that the vaccine will lessen the severity of the illness. Says who? The people who’ve been wrong about everything COVID for the past 2+ years?
It’ll be a long time before I trust another government expert again.
PS: My cardiologist corrected my heart problem and I’m doing fine now.
Stop funding fossil fuels when Elbow and all the other elites stop flying.
Was Biden’s ride to the funeral in an EV?
Sanctions can work both ways.
The EU rejected Russian gas initially, now they complain that they are not getting it.
May I say the EU was encouraged, nay coerced, by the US to do so.
India’s Modi is a rising geopolitical force
The focus in Samarkand was on Putin and Xi. But it was India’s prime minister who played his cards most shrewdly.
John McCarthy – Former Australian ambassador
The gathering of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation in the Uzbek city of Samarkand last week focused heavily on the bilateral meeting between China’s Xi Jinping and Russia’s Vladimir Putin, dominated as it is by the course of the Russia-Ukraine war and the slower-moving crisis over Taiwan.
Unlike the “no limits” agreement between Xi and Putin at their last meeting in February on the eve of Russia’s invasion, there was not much advance on their relationship.
The SCO brings together China, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and India – 40 per cent of the world’s population.
And it was India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi who came out with his authority enhanced, while after his reversals in Ukraine, the Russian leader was in no position to press on Xi for anything.
For all the positive words from China expressing support for “China’s and Russia’s core interests”, Putin felt obliged to concede publicly that Xi had concerns about events in Ukraine. A few days later Putin sent the Secretary of the Russian Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev, to China to meet its top foreign policy official, Yang Jiechi. The idea was doubtless to explain some of the more awkward aspects of the Ukraine invasion.
China still needs Russia to bolster its strategic weight, to say nothing of keeping the West preoccupied with Ukraine. However, the relationship with Russia is now bringing Beijing far more minuses than it did.
Modi knows his voters well enough to understand that ignoring Xi is not bad politics.
For one, opposition in the developing world to the West’s reaction to Russia’s invasion is taking a bit of a dive. After Russia invaded Ukraine, thoughts of a revival of the Non-Aligned Movement began to resurface among the movement’s erstwhile members – not a bad thing for China or Russia, given the strength of America’s alliances.
We hear less of this now – at least as a serious avenue for policy-from the NAM founders such as India or Indonesia. After all, the movement had its heyday in a very different post-colonial Cold War world.
By most accounts, Putin did not have a helpful meeting with Modi either, with much of the time being spent on energy and food issues. Modi made sure to say “today’s era is not an era for war” – thus placing himself at a much more comfortable distance from Putin.
Indeed, the tenor of the Modi-Putin meeting illustrates how much India’s policies have changed over the past generation. During the Cold War period, China in cahoots with Pakistan was India’s most powerful enemy. The Soviet Union was arguably India’s strongest strategic partner.
Those days have gone. The Indians have a certain historical respect for Russia and have strong reservations about NATO enlargement. They still rely partly on Russian arms purchases. And they resent the application of sanctions on their Russian trading partner by the West.
But Moscow and Beijing are no longer at loggerheads. And since India’s agreement with the Americans on nuclear issues in 2007, which effectively gave India the status of a nuclear power akin to permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, the United States is India’s strongest security card.
It was never entirely clear whether Modi and Xi would meet beyond formal greetings in Samarkand.
Most of the Indian media and officialdom assumed they would. Although no invitation came from Xi to meet Modi , a Chinese withdrawal from a military post in the Himalayas – taken from India by China two years ago – was thought likely to be the sort of gesture that might work to pacify Modi and the Indians.
On one alleged count, 76 per cent of the Indian population not only dislike China but also think, a mite optimistically, that India could see China off should hostilities break out again.
Modi knows his voters well enough to understand that ignoring Xi is not bad politics. He also knows his Quad partners will be all the more comfortable with his stance regarding Xi at Samarkand.
And just to make sure he has his balance right, Modi is having Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar meet his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi next week at a BRICS meeting between Russia, Brazil, India, China and South Africa. Shrewd!
Modi may not be good for India’s politics. He is a blatant populist, a Hindu extremist and a political roughneck – not the nicest of men. But then the other main participants at Samarkand would not score so well either.
But at Samarkand at least, Modi came out the winner. Dislike him if you will, but as a practitioner of geopolitics, he is getting hard to beat.
Because you’re as dumb as a bag o’ rocks.
If the money buys even less today than it bought yest’dy, that’s inflation.
Biden’s a puppet.
Interest rates have been way too low, generating the real estate bubble.
Credit squeeze coming up, good luck with the mortgage!
A teenager brings her new boyfriend home to meet her parents. They’re appalled by his haircut, tattoos and piercings. The boy leaves and the girl’s mom remarks “Dear, he doesn’t seem to be a very nice boy”. “Oh, come on, mum! If he wasn’t nice, would he be doing 300 hours of community service?”
IL-1RA Antibodies in Myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination
Myocarditis associated with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) predominantly affects male adolescents and young male adults (14 to <30 years of age) and typically occurs after receipt of the second vaccine dose.1,2 In adults with critical coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and in cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), we recently discovered neutralizing autoantibodies targeting the endogenous interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1RA), which inhibits interleukin-1 signaling and inflammation.3,4
In this study, we evaluated the prevalence of antibodies neutralizing IL-1RA and progranulin, which inhibits tumor necrosis factor signaling, in 69 patients (14 to 79 years of age) who had clinically suspected myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. A total of 61 patients underwent endomyocardial biopsy.
Myocarditis was confirmed by biopsy in 40 of 61 patients (Figure 1A). Among patients with histologically confirmed myocarditis, anti–IL-1RA antibodies were found in 9 of 12 patients (75%) younger than 21 years of age, as compared with 3 of 28 patients (11%) 21 years of age or older. Anti–IL-1RA antibodies were not detectable in the 21 patients in whom biopsy ruled out the diagnosis of myocarditis (Figure 1B and 1C). IL-1RA antibody–positive patients with biopsy-confirmed myocarditis had an early onset of symptoms, which occurred mostly after receipt of the second vaccine dose, and a milder course of myocarditis than patients with biopsy-confirmed myocarditis but without anti–IL-1RA autoantibodies (Tables S1 through S6 and Figs. S1 through S6 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this letter at NEJM.org).1,2
SloJoe wonders How did I get here?
September 22, 2022 at 8:02 am
Stop funding fossil fuels when Elbow and all the other elites stop flying.
Was Biden’s ride to the funeral in an EV?
The so called ‘Elites’ always say – ‘Do as I say and do not do as I do’……………………………….
Say what you like about Queen, but there’s a Holiday in Queensland today, so she was good for something.
Indeed, Never a just war only necessary one’s to fix what narcissist started.
Who needs to read Star Wars novels when you can come to the Cat and read Red Star Wars fanfic from the tankie corps.
Putin may have announced 300,000 reservists to be called up, but I doubt that many will make it to the battlefield. Plus, the quicker they get to the front line, the quicker they return home in body bags. Mobilisation takes time. If they rush it, it will fail as a strategy.
Always a great sign, on the day you announce a mobilisation, when you have to ban able-bodied men from buying the first plane ticket out of the country. Patriotism!
You learn ‘em Groogs!
‘Classic.’ A book which people praise and don’t read.
– Mark Twain
I went to a graduation ceremony yesterday at a Catholic high school. At the end the principal gave a speech with some advice for the leavers. In the speech he cited some obscure Freud wannabe and Harry Potter for what to do in life when things get hard.
I almost spluttered that in a Catholic high school no less an official than the principle could not find anything from the life of Christ or any saints to recommend to graduating students. The Catholic Education Office should look at what is being taught in their high schools otherwise they are taking parents’ money on false pretences.
Someone got 100 upticks? Garnering the latter 22 within 30 min when the page had already turned?
I did not realise Joe Biden and his crack team (not Hunter) hung around The Cat.
The Queen’s Funeral Holiday and it is wet and rainy here in Sin City…………………
Elbow can’t get anyfink’ roight……………
Mother Lodesays:
September 22, 2022 at 8:15 am
Someone got 100 upticks? Garnering the latter 22 within 30 min when the page had already turned?
I did not realise Joe Biden and his crack team (not Hunter) hung around The Cat.
Maybe JC and others are roight after all and the up sticks are being Man Nip Ulated……………
It’s like this, making it worse is the point. If you have to pay more for your loans, usually home loan, you don’t have money left over to buy other things. Fewer people buy which means demand is down so prices come down to induce buyers. Prices coming down means end of inflation, everybody happy except producers and consumers.
No denial.
Comment, from the Oz, on the Albanese style of Government. Well said!
Biden’s Surrender of the Border has Become Democrats’ Biggest Liability – Opinion
For all his eagerness to repeal the Trump administration’s immigration policies, President Joe Biden shows no interest in replacing them with other ideas. His approach to the border crisis is to avert his eyes from it altogether. This jarring lack of leadership is a top issue heading into the midterms—well beyond Texas and the border states.
The statistics speak for themselves. President Joe Biden ended the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, and America experienced a 379 percent increase in illegal migrant encounters during his first year in office. The number of encounters has surged even higher this year. Reports of disputes and meltdowns in the White House over the crisis reveal a president who has lost his grip on his own party and staff.
Americans of all political stripes are paying attention, and what they see are record levels of illicit border crossings, overflowing detention centers, and migrants being released into the interior of the country or bused to liberal cities by the thousands. Suddenly, this isn’t a faraway problem affecting a few states. It belongs to all of us. No wonder only a paltry 34 percent of Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of immigration.
Of course, Democratic leaders aren’t letting pesky public opinion get in the way of their efforts to further limit enforcement at the border. Their latest strategy is to halt Title 42 of the Public Health Services Act, which delegates to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the authority to restrict entry into the U.S. during a public-health emergency.
You might think the Biden administration, which fired American workers for declining to get vaccinated, would agree with the rationale for preventing the entry of unvaccinated illegal immigrants.
Not quite. It filed a motion earlier this year to halt Title 42, which a judge overruled. Now the administration is appealing the decision until it finds a like-minded judge.
The rollback of Title 42 would be catastrophic, sending a message across Central and South America that our southern border is wide open. It would further intensify the illegal drug trade that is costing lives across America.
Putin’s speech turns my stomach.
Globally, if poor people thought they’d had a bad 2022, it’s going to get a lot worse.
The donor class won’t even notice.
Excess deaths.
Ed Casesays:
September 22, 2022 at 8:12 am
Say what you like about Queen, but there’s a Holiday in Queensland today, so she was good for something.
Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment. You are so charitable with your words. NOT, you Tosser.
“Anchor Whatsays:
September 22, 2022 at 6:30 am
This is how weaponised US “justice” has become:
Quite so, last night a commentator here wrote this about Putin, “He jails opposition leaders on trumped up charges”. I have to say that I nearly fell off my couch laughing. I thought about here in Oz, how the law is now being used by the left to target ideological enemies. Hellooooo, anyone remember the case of Cardinal George Pell? The man was targeted, tried and jailed based on “trumped up” charges that verged on the ridiculous and the fabulous. And then I was reminded of what’s happening in the US, the US justice system is now a joke, since the Obama years it’s been completely weaponised as a tool of the left to pursue ideological enemies, just ask Dinesh D’Souza (imprisoned), Roger Stone (imprisoned), Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and numerous others, and they’re just the well known names, ask the men currently rotting in DC prisons for the January 6 riot, whilst almost none of the participants in the US’s summer of peaceful riots in 2020 have ever been charged. And now watch the American left pursue DeSantis, on “trumped up charges”.
So please don’t point fingers at Putin for locking up opponents, yes he does, but it’s now also happening across the West. Any moral superiority the West once had is gone, long gone.
Oh and remember how Pauline Hanson was sent to prison, on “trumped up charges”?
Vlad is going to solve the EU freezing in winter issue.
They may not like the amount of heat though 😉
September 22, 2022 at 8:23 am
Putin’s speech turns my stomach.
Globally, if poor people thought they’d had a bad 2022, it’s going to get a lot worse.
The donor class won’t even notice.
You are so right and 2023 will be the year from Hell………………………
Not sure if this link works.
Hey friend listen up….
A young boy stopped by the corner store and read his list to the clerk “10 pounds of sugar at $1.25 a pound; 4 pounds of coffee at $1.50 a pound; 2 pounds of butter at $1.10 a pound and 2 bars of soap at 83 cents each. How much does that come to?” “Twenty-two dollars and thirty-six cents” replied the clerk. “If I gave you three ten-dollar notes, how much change would I get?” “Seven dollars and sixty-four cents”. “Thanks! That’s my maths homework done for tomorrow!”
Climate Change and the Resolutely Blind Eye
20th September 2022 Peter Smith
Graham Lloyd, the environment editor at The Australian, has a moderately good record of digging up politically incorrect material which dispels this or that building block of the climate scam. He’s never shy of reporting increased coral on the GBR, for instance. I’m not sure how he survives. Glad he does. Sure, his newspaper is part of the problem, but any port in a storm.
This time the ‘wayward’ material is a study which gathers and analyses recent evidence on the effect of climate change on extreme weather events and, also, on agricultural productivity. It’s by some Italian scientists led by Gianluca Alimonti, from the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics and the University of Milan. The study can be found in The European Physical Journal Plus. It was published online on January 13, 2022. Its conclusions undermine the daily propaganda that passes for news on the mainstream media. No, that flooding is not unusual; nor is that bushfire; nor that hurricane; nor that drought.
Finally, from the authors’ concluding remarks (emphasis added):
Since its origins the human species has been confronted with the negative effects of climate …Today we are facing a warm phase and, for the first time, we have the monitoring capabilities to evaluate its effects. Fearing a climate emergency without this being supported by data means altering the framework of priorities with negative effects that could prove deleterious to our ability to face challenges of the future, squandering natural and human resources – We need to remind ourselves that addressing climate change is not an end in itself, and that climate change is not the only problem that the world is facing.
How is Vlad the shirtless champion of Christendom going today?
I’m getting a little concerned.
Good luck recruiting for Special Forces after this.
I was just suggesting there are better ways to fix the problem than raise interest rates.
Like Biden stop throwing money around like confetti, stop pushing up energy costs through green tape, ending the war in the Ukraine, that kind of thing.
Yes the US is a fucking disgrace. It still shocks me what an evil old cunt that dirty old man in the White house is.
I never let schooling interfere with my education.
– Mark Twain
You’ve likely heard of Amos ‘n Andy, originally on radio, it translated well to TV, but was canned due to complaints about Racism.
Here’s one of the last Episodes from 1953.