The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
The Rector’s Garden – Queen of the Lilies, John Atkinson Grimshaw, 1877
Germany: Knife-Wielding Afghan Migrant Shot Dead by Police After Threatening Innocent Bystandershttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/germany-knife-wielding-afghan-migrant-shot-dead-police/ Special units from the State Criminal Police Office,…
My idea is still for the UN to be moved to Gaza.
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
Is Ponting in hospital with heart problems ?
Accused of…conflating harassment with rape…and as no formal complaint…and in a society where leering is “harassment”.
I don’t care about the Liberal Party monty but what you are doing with these smears is disgusting.
You truly deserve some of your own medicine.
It is sad you are so obsessed and fanatical about politics you need to bear false witness like this.
Pursuing power at any cost is not worth it. You are going to end up ruling an empire of shit.
Tried fusion cuisine for brunch at chez Roger this morning:
Shakshuka, with bacon (mea culpa, Cassie!), beans, Frank’s Hot Sauce and Mexican cheese.
Sourdough toast on the side.
Don’t mention the you know what.
First rate slap down, dot.
I thought daughter would have you on the borscht, Roger. Or the black bread.
Not yet, Jorge. But I had to go out and buy some Twinings Russian Caravan tea!
I feel a bit the bloke at the helm of the Enola Gay.
Judging by the amount of whining in the latest epistle, clearly akin to all the Poms in all the world when the temperature gets above 26 degrees, I was right over the target.
Sad, loud, irrelevant porky boatless screecher who dared compare himself to my grandfather and the other actual ANZACs.
For St. Ruth, ANZAC is a concept. For the people who do it and have done it (and I am not putting myself in this basket), it is and was reality.
Pompous little soapboxer.
Ed Case says:
December 3, 2022 at 11:00 am
In the current situation, even you could see how it would go.
Sue and you are a heartless bastard after money, regardless of damage to the damsel.
Don’t sue and you admit guilt.
You, as an all knowing arbiter, tell us what should he do?
Of course any prior allegations should have been suppressed. But they don’t need to be now.
He’s obviously a bog standard Young Liberal.
He wasn’t a Young Liberal at all.
He finished High School and headed straight into A/G Brandis’s Office at 17 years old.
If it wasn’t for Higgins blowing the whistle, he would’ve ended up Defence Minister Reynolds right hand man.
JMH says:
December 3, 2022 at 11:07 am
I’m using VB6 Pro on both Win10 and Win 11, that was supposed to be unusable after XP, works fine.
MS has a lot of stuff we can complain about, but they do maintain backward compatibility unlike Apple.
St. Ruth, Harbinger of Doom:
Much like conveying a message to someone who doesn’t speak English – being louder, slower, speaking for longer and waving your arms will not necessarily get the job done.
Still, you know what’s best for everyone. As usual.
Heh. A samovar is next on the list !
No surprise that the Higgins melodrama is being played out in Canberra, a historical anomaly and Australia’s weeping sore. Any word from the ACT town council’s Attorney General with their justice system is exposed to ridicule? Just shut it down and move it to Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart. I don’t care. Just close it. At the same time Pocock is effectively speaking for the nation. FMD
In the current situation, even you could see how it would go.
Until 10:43 am, the unanimous sentiment was that he was the greatest victim since
Lindy Chamberlain, and he should sue until the cows come home.
Now, it’s
In the current situation, even you could see how it would go.
What changed in the last 51 minutes?
Kanye Releases Brand New Album ‘My Struggle’
Jorge says:
December 3, 2022 at 11:32 am
But I had to go out and buy some Twinings Russian Caravan tea
Have one, glorified tea kettle don’t bother.
Ed Case says:
December 3, 2022 at 11:34 am
I’m not talking about comments and opinions on a blog.
United Nations Adopts Resolution Calling Israel’s Founding a ‘Catastrophe’ (1 Dec)
“The UN General Assembly this week passed a resolution to characterize the founding of the modern state of Israel in 1948 as a “catastrophe,” in what has been heralded as a major victory for pro-Palestinian activists.”
It’s how the Left rolls. They hate God, Jews and Christians.
Struth says:
December 3, 2022 at 10:39 am
And on and on it went.
Do you honestly not remember, or have you just decided to ensure you don’t?
Known side effect of jab jab booster……….memory loss.
Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State
Samovars, Adidas boxing boots. What a bunch of freaks. No wonder this place struggles. I expect there is someone who likes Earl Grey too.
English Class
American Slag
O sole mio
How long before SloJo is found wandering the streets
in yellowed Y-fronts and a tattered dressing gown?
H B Bearsays:
December 3, 2022 at 11:40 am
Samovars, Adidas boxing boots. What a bunch of freaks. No wonder this place struggles. I expect there is someone who likes Earl Grey too.
I puts me hand up Bear. Earl Grey addiction. Not Twinings, bleeaach! Madura, a great Aussie grown tea.
here is one for you
“Better to be pissed off than pissed on.”
December 3, 2022 at 10:17 am
Switzerland is considering restricting the charge of electric vehicles during this coming winter, also washing machine water temperature settings to 40 C.
“Unexpected” increase in skin infections in Switzerland over winter.
“Isabelle Mullen @ijmullen
Until now we haven’t been able to report that Bruce Lehrmann was accused of sexually assaulting and/ or harassing “a number of other women,” after Brittany Higgins went public in 2021. Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has since lifted the suppression order.”
Poor fat fascist fuckwit, always grasping, grasping, grasping, like some bloated puffer fish that’s landed on a fishing boat. These “allegations” were thrown about early last year, in the immediate aftermath of the amphibian interview. Allegations such as he “put his hand on a women’s thigh whilst sitting next to her at dinner”. Sorry, sleazy = YES, rape = NO, NUP, NYET. Whatever happened to smacking a man on the face? Whatever happened to verbal and humiliating smackdown? Now all women are victims, even a man staring or leering at a woman is a rapist.
And as someone wrote above, I do hope, in fact I pray, that one day the fat fascist fuckwit is himself falsely accused or someone he loves or is friends with is falsely accused, actually the fat fascist fuckwit doesn’t have any friends.
All of this demeans real sexual assault, as Rabz posted yesterday when he described what a Canberra woman endured when Rabz was on the jury for that crime.
H B Bearsays:
December 3, 2022 at 11:40 am
Samovars, Adidas boxing boots. What a bunch of freaks. No wonder this place struggles. I expect there is someone who likes Earl Grey too.
WATCH: Two Guys at the Gym Beat the Heck Out of Each Other for Nearly Two Minutes
Who do you think wins – Red or White? – Comments are good
Tea is disgusting.
the narcissistic metoo crowd want a piece of the action.
December 3, 2022 at 11:08 am”
Comment of the day. Thank you.
Matt Taibbi releasing the Hunter Files on Twitter
Goodbye my love, well it’s time to go …
It’s not as good as coffee but this is a bit extreme.
Trevor G:
Social Justice in action.
Right and wrong don’t come into it.
Welcome to our Radiant Future.
December 3, 2022 at 10:44 am
Isabelle Mullen @ijmullen
Until now we haven’t been able to report that Bruce Lehrmann was accused of sexually assaulting and/ or harassing “a number of other women,” after Brittany Higgins went public in 2021. Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has since lifted the suppression order.
Yet, out of all these accusations, Mizz Knickerless apparently had the best case to take to court? And it failed miserably.
PS, m0nty=fa, I see that the woman accusing Creepy Joe of being more than usually has asked the House to investigate her complaints. Fun times ahead. Tick, tick, tick. The walls are closing in.
And how did the mid-term “popular vote” go?
Think the energy market is bad now? Wait till Albo, Wayne Goosesteen’s Brains Trust and half a dozen State Premiers come up with a solution.
“the narcissistic metoo crowd want a piece of the action.”
They want flesh.
Translation…….you’re right and we have nothing left than to accuse you of other than “whinging”.
Where’s choo choo?
Is it time to add RIP when speaking of the self confessed liar and coward, Sancho of the Skidmark?
Tick tick tick.
As I say, you were told.
I’m here to remind you of your responses when you were told.
Disgusting and pathetic.
(remember I’m not talkijng to everyone here, they know who they are)
Now you want it all forgotten.
Of course.
Except it’s all coming true.
Struth, Indolent, and many others openly mocked were right all along.
I hope Sancho Panzy is still alive.
So the truth can smack him in the face as well.
Dying now gets him out of it too easily.
Sacré bleu, Bear. You’ll be badmouthing white Levi’s jackets next.
P.S. I’ve only just discovered what a samovar was.
Ed Casesays:
December 3, 2022 at 10:58 am
Such things are suppressed for good reason, monty…
He might as well of pled Guilty first up if a Jury had known that he had form.
They have no bearing on the case being tried.
He’d done it before …
Have any charges been laid?
Have any prospective complainants been paid off to keep mum?
Richard Cranium floundering, trying to construct a semi-believable “narrative”.
The trailer released for Ginger and the Whinger’s “Documentary”, is receiving a lot of attention, of the wrong kind. LOL!
I won’t subject you to a link, but will submit a short list of the type of comments received. again, lol!
Commenters are mocking the trailer with many posting sarcastic reactions describing how emotionally overwhelmed they are.
“The part where Meghan invented Penicillin…. So inspirational, so brave,” wrote one commenter.
“The part where Meghan tells Harry, ‘I am your mother’ and reveals her true identity as Diana brought me to tears,” wrote another.
“I loved the part where Meghan saves a woman’s life by giving her a bottle of water because the lady was coughing. Such a hero!” wrote another commenter.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
December 3, 2022 at 12:04 pm
“the narcissistic metoo crowd want a piece of the action.”
They want flesh.
Bulk Britaneeeeee has copious amounts of flesh.
They know facts can be ignored when they’ve conditioned the masses to be willfully ignorant. They know they can lie without implications, but even more powerful, they can stay silent about the truth through censorship, suppression, and cancellation of truth tellers.
— The Burning Platform
When I penned the vignette the other day ‘youre the farm’, many things were on my mind.
It wasnt just a funny observational muse. It did in fact, happen in real-life … more or less.
I just polished it a little for consumption.
There really was for instance, a Polish guy and I did look at him and make the the chicken noises.
It got me thinking about lots of things and I have notepad with many associated scribbles about mostly metaphor and ways of delivering information on something to a wider audience. It may or may not turn into a string of guest posts with a similar theme.
Food, farm, fields, fences, fascists and fuckwits … that sort thing.
I don’t want to brow-beat and I don’t want just be a clown.
There’s a time for both and I get why Struth feels the need to stir up hornets nest.
I know its giving some people the shits but seriously how often does he do it? once a fortnight? Yet we are graced with the mUnter and Ed almost daily.
Yet the latter has somehow become part of The Cat tapestry and the former seemingly cant be tolerated.
Is Struth not trying in another way to get people in a parochial little corner of the interwebs thinking again? The reason Im ‘leaning in’ is because I dont think Struth gets much value back in return and yes, I do think he deserves just a little more than scorn.
I also get his detractors are most vocal and his supporters often silent. That’s not enough either.
For struth, I’d like put that there are many people here who are in sympathy and that maybe channeling that firey energy in a slightly different mode might work better. Brow-beating them does not seem on the surface to be working all that well.
this joint has become polarised
it used to better.
Spoonerism-fed by the inimitable Rabz, as in … it just seems bass ackwards.
St. Ruth:
He’s referring to himself in the third person now.
Bahahahahaaaaaa. Ahahaaa. Openly mocking. Haha.
Spare a thought for any poor judge obliged to sit through one of Gargooglery MD QC opening addresses.
Senator Rennick Goes NUCLEAR on WEF Globalist ‘S-Hanson Young’ for Taunting Vaccine Injured People
Oh dear. That’s not good.
What? that he is aged 52?
You do wonder when the ACT DPP became aware that there had been many complaints that the Federal Police had received, but not actioned?
“Ginger” is probably mentally ill. Unwise to choose the giddy gusher for a wife.
Matrix, it’s also possible to be a silent detractor.
Not every comment deserves blowback.
Despicable. Evidently, Lehrmann must continue to be traduced at all costs.
Punter is 47.
Darren Lehmann is 52, saw him in the street last year, he looked terrible.
h/t (again) to Roger for highlighting Larry Siedentop’s Inventing the Individual (the Origins of Western Liberalism), got the Kindle version.
Here, in a grand narrative spanning 1,800 years of European history, a distinguished political philosopher firmly rejects Western liberalism’s usual account of itself: its emergence in opposition to religion in the early modern era. Larry Siedentop argues instead that liberal thought is, in its underlying assumptions, the offspring of the Church.
Informative, enlightening and thought-provoking. Highly recommended.
There’s also some recent YouTube videos (like this one) of Mr Siedentop. A much better use of time than watching FTA TV or some Hollywood shite.
“Ginger” is probably mentally ill.
No doubt about that, it runs in the family.
Unwise to choose the giddy gusher for a wife.
Not necessarily.
He’s likely to be a Freckle Puncher [runs in the family too], she’s likely to be up for that.
Johanna, I have no idea. Maybe forward the email you got. My webhost would cover security as its their server.
The Twitter Files are a complete fizzer. No FBI strongarming, just Twitter employees doing their jobs.
As with all Hunter Biden stuff, no one can point to anything specific, it’s all smoke and bull dust.
Our dear friend has an article over at Quadrant.
Worth a look.
47 is the new 52 … its the quickening!
Poor bastard probably got told his recent heart attack was due to ‘cholesterol’ (it wasnt) and ciggies (quite likely was), and that he needed to cut down real healthy ancestral food (beef. butter, bacon and eggs) and now exist off grains, carbs and seed oils. No wonder he looks like crap, he is malnourished now as well.
He may as well sue for damages – with his employment prospects it’s all he’s got left.
Sure they are.
Just because others don’t rant on and on about a particular injustice doesn’t make them less frustrated. Rants are not a substitute for confronting the authorities in person.
“Walking around in the rain”?
Anyone checked the BOM for that date?
The Twitter Files.
Watch the fascist MSM completely ignore the lifting of the rock showing the grubs (like mOron) crawling around beneath.
Anyone interested in the finally the Vic Liberal party is gone party?
December 3, 2022 at 12:19 pm
Senator Rennick Goes NUCLEAR on WEF Globalist ‘S-Hanson Young’ for Taunting Vaccine Injured People
From the Comments
why haven’t I seen more of this guy?...he talks 10 minutes, without a script, on a very complicated subject and makes darn good sense…more Senators should be like him…‘Govern Me Harder Daddy’…classic…
I see monty is desperately asking us to “move along now nothing to see here” re the Twitter Files.
I await a specific allegation of impropriety from the Twitter Files which is not just “Twitter employee doing their job”.
re: The Twitter Files
Taibbi’s tweets on that are collected here.
Unfortunately it is not displaying pictures inline, you have to click the little hyphen links to see them.
re: m0ntifa’s enfizzerizing of the story…
It’s only a fizzer if you were expecting it to be about the contents of the HB Laptop and how far the inappropriate tendrils of it reached. That’s not the focus, the relevant issue for Twitter is whether (and since the answer is yes, then why and how) the story was suppressed by Twitter.
Well, yes, of course you’d defend their thumbs on the scales as just “Twitter employee[s] doing their job”.
“Doing their job” aka nothing to see here.
The same abhorrent propaganda strategy that Goebbels deployed (and Nazis defended ) ’33-’45. Quite an effective tool while murdering 6 million plus Jews.
It’s not really illuminating that mOron thinks the strategy actually a good thing.
December 3, 2022 at 12:32 pm
The Twitter Files are a complete fizzer.
Sez m0nty=fa, after reading the first few dozen comments. But all of his fingers are still crossed.
Anvil d’ACME
December 3, 2022 at 10:44 am
Isabelle Mullen @ijmullen
Until now we haven’t been able to report that Bruce Lehrmann was accused of sexually assaulting and/ or harassing “a number of other women,” after Brittany Higgins went public in 2021. Chief Justice Lucy McCallum has since lifted the suppression order.
Normally similar fact evidence is barred from guilt proceedings but not sentencing; but this is not similar fact evidence because the alleged accusations from other women are just media reporting not prior convictions; you know the same media Mrs Bandana works for. Do better dickless.
Uh Makka, are you aware of Godwin’s Law? You just lost the argument.
December 3, 2022 at 1:01 pm
I await a specific allegation of impropriety from the Twitter Files which is not just “Twitter employee doing their job”.
Since “their job” seems to have been to suppress anything that might reflect badly on DemonRats, then it might be a while.
Did you read as far as the DemonRat Congresscritter raising the 1st Amendment, and her point being completely missed by the Twatter responding? She had to rub their nose in it, and even then, she did not seem to get the message across.
Umm, no mOron. I just called you out supporting a propaganda project , identical to the Goebbels effort. Enjoy it and you’re welcome.
December 3, 2022 at 1:19 pm
“Doing their job” aka nothing to see here.
The same abhorrent propaganda strategy that Goebbels deployed (and Nazis defended ) ’33-’45. Quite an effective tool while murdering 6 million plus Jews.
Uh Makka, are you aware of Godwin’s Law? You just lost the argument.
Does this mean that you completely and utterly lost the argument when you brought up the “88 million years” quote a couple of days ago?
Another bundle of rakes in Aisle 35 please, urgent customer requirement.
This is the key tweet in the Twitter Files thread:
He then goes on to detail how Twitter employees applied their internal policies against hacked materials, with Yoel Roth referencing “SEVERE risks and lessons of 2016”.
In other words, they got burned and learned. This is normal corporate arse-covering. This is how big companies operate when they aren’t at the whim of a narcissistic billionaire.
hahahahhaha mutley here is the first to jump on the nazi bandwagen, zero self awareness.
I have landed some serious body blows against old mutley over the years and best he can come back with is jumping head first into gdowin’s law every single time.
not very smart our old mutley.
the minor detail that the US gov used private companies to subvert the 1st amendment seems to have escaped his small brain
Zippy obviously hasn’t read the Taibbi thread. Or he’s too dumb to understand it. Or both!
You’re trying too hard mOron. Dial back the hysteria.
Elon is shredding the left and Biden in particular.
December 3, 2022 at 6:31 am
What is that nutjubs like Stew Peters ‘react’ to?
Could it be whatever gets the most eyeballs and profits for him?
He’s the guy that ‘broke’ the story about Australian school students collapsing and dying at a vaccination session at Homebush stadium in 2021.
So much more reliable than the msm.
Put the link up you Big Pharma / Facebook fact checking linker, bivalent vaccine awaiting pincushion and volunteer lab rat.
No one is immune from critique. Post the link.
What the right is trying to do here is to pretend that a Web publisher applying content standards to its own platform is somehow scandalous. This is plainly ridiculous, but they keep pushing this line regardless. It is not going to get much of anywhere except with the rabid elements of its base.
Stunning Takeaways From Twitter’s Censorship of Hunter Biden’s Laptop
Taibbi then returned to the matter at hand: the Hunter Biden laptop story. “Twitter took extraordinary steps to suppress the story, removing links and posting warnings that it may be ‘unsafe.’ They even blocked its transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto reserved for extreme cases, e.g. child pornography,” Taibbi noted before reminding that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany got locked out of her Twitter account for tweeting about Hunter’s laptop:
25.You can see the confusion in the following lengthy exchange, which ends up including Gadde and former Trust and safety chief Yoel Roth. Comms official Trenton Kennedy writes, “I’m struggling to understand the policy basis for marking this as unsafe”:
Despite the fact that Taibbi was told “everyone knew this was f***ed,” Twitter continued to restrict talk of Hunter’s laptop, citing “lessons of 2016” and deciding to keep “preventing this content from being amplified.”
Twitter’s former VP of Global Comms Brandon Borrman asked in another communication shared by Taibbi, “Can we truthfully claim that this is part of the policy?” Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel Jim Baker — formerly general counsel for the FBI — said it was fine because “caution is warranted.”
What’s more, Taibbi explained that the “hacked materials” designation — which that Twitter claimed enabled its censorship of the Hunter Biden story — “normally required an official/law enforcement finding of hack.” But the internal documents led Taibbi to the conclusion that “such a finding never appears throughout what one executive describes as a ‘whirlwind’ 24-hour, company-wide mess.”
Amid Twitter’s internal, flawed decision making, Capitol Hill was growing heated about what Twitter was plainly doing. Additional emails show warnings to Twitter that “a ‘blood bath’ awaits in upcoming Hill hearings, with members saying it’s a ‘tipping point,’ complaining tech has ‘grown so big that they can’t even regulate themselves, so government may need to intervene.’”
Even Democrats, who may have liked the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, were upset — but because they wanted even “more” content moderation to further stifle online expression by conservatives:
While all that was going on inside Twitter, supposedly serious and trusted former intelligence officials signed onto a letter declaring Hunter’s laptop to be “Russian disinformation.” But of course, it wasn’t a foreign op to influence an election, but their letter was allowed to circulate freely on Twitter despite the obvious truth that Hunter Biden was a bumbling mess.
Over on National Public Radio, their managing editor for news Terence Samuels said in October 2020 that the partly taxpayer-funded outlet did not “want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions.” Journalistic malpractice much?
there’s a reason I stopped arguing with JC.
because as fun as it was taking the p155 outta him, ultimately all I did was make it worserer
some people here should stop pretending that they arent just being antagonistic arseholes
trying to elicit a double-down from struth
… all so that they can they proceed to be antagonistic arseholes.
“but Miss, he hit me first” is stupid when it comes from a child,
its idiotic of the mouths of adults.
Take a Bex and lie down, mOron.
The game is up. Elon wins.
I pointed this out several months ago when the conversation was about restricting travel due to the COVID fraud – electric vehicles with their restricted range were another way of limiting peoples travel distance. About 150 km was the figure I quoted, double for return trip + range anxiety and aircon/delays.
Makka, you don’t have to go straight to Auschwitz to argue against m0ntifa’s dismissal of these “Twitter Files”. It’s a more general argument than that.
Until the creation of various Environmental Protection Acts and accompanying Agencies (in various countries) there was quite a bit of pollution created by company employees “just doing their job”. m0ntifa surely would agree that “just doing their job” would not imply the result of that job was good nor absolve the employees from their burden in it, at least in the environmental pollution dimension. But the reasoning is not specific to the environment, of course.
What is actually quite amazing is that you can get away with doing just about anything, up to and including murder, these days, as long as you can *truthfully* claim that you were “just doing your job”. Because somebody somewhere is paying someone to do anything and everything.
I think where your Nasty Germany example adds new substance to the argument is in addressing what to do about this behaviour. The Nuremberg trials were very much a case of the judges deciding a line had to be drawn somewhere, in particular that medical experiments carrying risk required informed consent, and that to deprive future tyrants of their power base it would be necessary to punish their followers and workers, not just their institution or the tyrants at the top. As Britannica summarises:
Having said that, only 24 high ranking members were tried this way, not the run-of-the-mill camp guards and Gestapo officers.
It would be another 20 years before Solzhenitsyn’s works would propose a singular origin of such evils and remind us that a bad society is simply the aggregate of bad individuals – the governments and corporations of the day are incidental to the process. Groups in hierarchies grant more influence to some individuals relative to the majority, but this is useful as an economic prioritisation for reform, not an absolution for every Johann Q Public. The tyrant with no followers is just one cranky guy. It’s the masses willing to follow their orders that make tragedy possible.
Mater’s Musings #64: A little hypocrisy, now and then, never hurt anybody
Well said Colonel.
Pip pip!
Finally giving up on Win7 – half the USB ports n longer work and Win7 refuses to allow new drivers to repair.
Currently trying to clear enough hard drive space for Vista, but I don’t know if it will load.
Also tried downloading alternate OS but system refusing to unpack them – welcome to the future where you get to buy whatever they want to sell you, but nothing you actually want.
My theory Colonel is that seemingly benign pleasant leftist grubs like mOron harbor within them a true evil at their core that occasionally presents itself publicly. And when I see evidence of that I want to draw immediate attention to it, and them. Like mOron’s love of propaganda and blanket censorship of ideals that don’t conform to his leftism.
So I wasn’t going “straight to Auschwitz”. I was identifying the “Auschwitz” residing within the likes of mOron.
Senator Rennick Goes NUCLEAR on WEF Globalist ‘S-Hanson Young’ for Taunting Vaccine Injured People
The greens reaction to vaccine injuries is completely aligned with their philosophy. They hate people, they want them wiped off the face of the earth.
US Embassy Warning: Do Not Travel to China; US Senators Warn China Against Violent Clampdown
00:47 U.S. Embassy Warning: Do Not Travel to China
01:50 U.S. Senators Warn China Against Violent Clampdown
02:56 Residents in China Forced into Quarantine Camps
04:40 Chinese F1 Grand Prix Cancelled 4th Year in a Row
05:20 China State Media Censoring World Cup Crowd
06:11 ‘Anonymous’ Hacks CCP-Run Website, Aids Protesters in China
07:24 Huawei CFO’s U.S. Fraud Charges to Be Dismissed
09:01 U.S.: Beijing Can’t Control COVID-19 w/o Western Vax
10:21 Afghanistan Pullout Used as CCP Propaganda: DOD
12:26 Canada Ready to ‘Challenge’ China: Minister
13:11 UK Delegation Talks Cooperation with Taiwan
14:24 Brazil’s Record Trade Surplus Boosted by China
A cry bullys end game is submission and it works way too often.
Might as well have been titled “About Munty”:
A neater and easy to follow layout of the Story
Elon Musk (and Matt Taibbi) help explain ‘what really happened with the Hunter Biden story suppression’ (WOW); Updated
From the End
8. By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: “More to review from the Biden team.” The reply would come back: “Handled.”
Elon Musk
Replying to @micsolana
“Handled” ???
Elon Musk
Replying to @elonmusk and @micsolana
If this isn’t a violation of the Constitution’s First Amendment, what is?
Elon Musk
Replying to @hodgetwins and @micsolana
Twitter acting by itself to suppress free speech is not a 1st amendment violation, but acting under orders from the government to suppress free speech, with no judicial review, is
It’s much worse than that. The left has lost one of it’s very big levers pulling propaganda. And they really don’t like that. Subverting the 1st amendment is the left’s core strategy.
mOron’s wailing here is millions of times repeated globally. He knows exactly what’s at stake.
Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
December 3, 2022 at 1:47 pm
Having said that, only 24 high ranking members were tried this way, not the run-of-the-mill camp guards and Gestapo officers.
Starting tomorrow – National Geographic
Nazis at Nuremberg The Lost Testimony
Nazis at Nuremberg: The Lost Testimony premieres Sunday 4 December on National Geographic
National Geographic uncovers shocking new details of World War II and the Nazi War machine with the premiere of Nazis at Nuremberg: The Lost Testimony.
Nazis at Nuremberg: The Lost Testimony grants audiences access to never before heard audio in the blockbuster premiere on National Geographic this Sunday December 4 at 7.30pm AEDT.
From November 20 1945 to October 1 1946, Nazi German leaders stood trial for crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
National Geographic provides exclusive audio from the trials.
High profile Nazi leaders were among the list of defendants. Hear the raw voices of Hitler’s criminal henchmen – such as Hermann Goering, Wilhelm Keitel, Albert Speer and Rudolf Hess – as well as the victims and witnesses who testified against them.
This never-before-heard trial testimony reveals shocking new details about World War II and the inner workings of the Nazi war machine.
Over the course of nine months, the International Military Tribunal indicted 24 high-ranking military, political and industrial leaders of the Third Reich.
The tribunal in Nuremberg was the first war crimes trial held in Europe and Asia in the aftermath of World War II.
The participation of the German defendants and of all of the major Allies made it an unprecedented worldwide event.
Nuremberg was also the first time that international treaties were used to prosecute individuals and was deemed necessary to handle the scope of the Nazi’s atrocious war crimes.
World leaders hoped that the International Military Tribunal and the subsequent trials of 1500 Nazi war criminals would not only punish German guilty of the horrific crimes, but also deter future aggression by establishing a deterrent and precedent for international trials.
National Geographic is available on Foxtel, Fetch TV and Sky NZ.
Nazis at Nuremberg: The Lost Testimony – 4 December, 2022 at National Geographic
Yep, I getcha, fair enough. You never actually mentioned concentration camps, I was just filling in some blanks there with the cliche.
Probably you know (and are alluding to?) the well known statement by Solzhenitzen about the good/evil divide going down each human “heart” (or mind essentially). Therefore there must be a little bit of Auschwitz-aping inside everyone which threatens to emerge occasionally (not just from m0ntifa) so the challenge for everyone is to always tame that nasty aspect of the human being.
Nothing to see here;
This never-before-heard trial testimony reveals shocking new details about World War II and the inner workings of the Nazi war machine.
Like what? They were very well covered at the time, and also later.
Probably has the stuff about Goering and how he was allowed by some guards to get away with his suicide by poison.
Yes the frequency of the dictatorial rants denouncing well known class traitors has decreased but they remain as hysterical, repetitive, untruthful, ahistorical and detached from reality as any by notorious ranter Fidel Castro.
I’m very grateful the author, unlike Castro, is not in charge.
*Some person I never met went overseas without my permission and ruined my life.*
How baggage handlers smash the stuff in your bags….
This is the key tweet in the Twitter Files thread:
Matt Taibbi @mtaibbi
22. Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence – that I’ve seen – of any government involvement in the laptop story. In fact, that might have been the problem…
No dickless, it’s not. The tweet from 50 ex-security demorat hacks would be a contender, where they say the crack-head laptop story was Wussian disinformation. And that’s the point; the whole corrupt edifice of the attacks on Trump were all predicated on him being controlled by the Russians. None of it was true but the evidence of biden collusion with numerous overseas countries from the chunks to ukraine to russia and probably the iranians.
That’s bad enough but obvious too and is only not promulgated because other dickless shits like you in the media, education, bureaucracy and gutless pollies stop it.
Now, in the spirit of Xmas FOAD.
Higgins mental health issues are self inflicted.
Janet was entirely right about how Higgins chose to go about things.
As for Lehrmann, I have no doubt keeping his eyes down was what he was instructed to do by his legal team, clearly the slightest glance would have been called out as ‘hostile’, ‘intimidating’ or similar.
He made a statement and pled not guilty, what else was he supposed to do, lick her boots and beg for forgiveness for not playing the role she cast for him in her grasp for fame and fortune?
What happens to the book deal now?
Goody! mOron will be having seizures by then. WABOL.
It’s official. In evidence released today by new Twitter owner Elon Musk, Twitter management in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election willingly censored information showing Joe Biden and his family were corrupt and in the pay of the Chinese Communist Party – information that a large number of Americans now say would have changed their vote if they had known it.
The US government and the security state theoretically threatened retaliation against Twitter if it didn’t use censorship to help Biden win the election, but the threats weren’t necessary as 99.9% of Twitter management was in the tank for the Democratic Party as we all suspected.
Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Looks like Cains has pickedbup from the COVID lows. Still not many backpackers though, mostly locals.
Picture of the future though, just about every EFTPOS attracts a charge from 40c to a % of transaction. We’ve been using cash everywhere to avoid. Another charge I have never seen but did today at Stocklands Earlville, Asian noodle outlet charging for the plastic containers. Profit margins must be horrible.
Itinerants everywhere round Cairns Central but early start to wet season probably flished them out of the parks…
Of course you did, dickhead. 95% of your comments are stoush related but you stopped with me because you were being helpful to the blog. You pipe soldering lying asshat. You dishonest waste of space. Go deal with your family matters. 🙂
Hordes of them every time that I have been to Cairns.
Aviation firefighters cancel plans to walk off the job at 27 airports, following employer agreement
Hmm. An aviation firefighter. When I think about it, that would be a boring job. Necessary but mostly boring. I wonder how many times the average aviation firefighter working in Australia extinguishes a fire on a plane in a genuine emergency situation.
Rockdoctor, small business is no longer forced to pay merchant fees to use EFTPOS as zero-cost EFTPOS is now a thing.
How baggage handlers smash the stuff in your bags….
I was on a flight that arrived in Dubai with various subcontinentals on board. Subcontinental baggage handlers proceeded to throw boxes of electronic goods onto the carts, objective being to maximise air time. Subcontinentals on board spotted this and there was a audible roar on board.
Deplaning via steps, hostesses did an amazing job of preventing pax going around and sorting them out.
I see m0ntifa wishes to focus on one choice tweet and leave the remaining smelly mess unaccounted for.
Note, the decision to block the laptop topic by all means happened first, the excuse of the Hacked Materials policy was invoked afterward only when Strom wanted an explanation – an explanation which not even the Twitter employees believed.
By the way, m0ntifa, what do *you* think Roth meant by “Given the severe risks here and the lessons of 2016…” ? What specific lesson did they learn from 2016, do you reckon?
After she went public? Mmmmmnah not buying it. #metoo drama seekers and copycats. If there were accusations that predated Brittany sliming him, that’d be more compelling.
Take one of those accusations at random. What are the odds that, after some cursory investigation, you’d find out that the accuser had never met – let alone worked with or spent significant time with – Lehrmann?
Also fleshed out thoroughly by Jordan Petersen in his early philosophical lectures.
Don’t get me wrong – I’m glad this number is low!
I spose it you wanted some excitement in this line of work, you could take a job in Africa (or Indonesia).
The greens reaction to vaccine injuries is completely aligned with their philosophy. They hate people, they want them wiped off the face of the earth.
They could always lead by example?
It’d be interesting if a few people called up the ABC claiming they’d been out on the piss with Brittany and she’d drunk way too much, spewed everywhere, ripped her dress off and then passed out.
I wonder if they’d report these allegations.
Think of it more like this.
There are arseholes here (the little gang of sneerers), who, during very serious times and during times where right wing people needed to come together, have kept the waters muddied for many different personal reasons, but with what can only be described as a contempt and a disregard for their fellow man.
Rosie does it, because she is stubborn and proud, but unfortunately gullible, stupid and just a frightened little girl with too much to say that would rather fight the truth now she’s been catastophically wrong, thereby showing zero concern for anyone else she may sway to be jabbed.
Fuck them, they can die, she’ll accept that outcome as long as she’s saving face and attempting to re write history.
Then being that evil piece of shit that unfortunately she is, again thinking only of herself, used her good Nazi pass to take herself on holidays overseas and left her fellow Australians to fight and make a stand.
And on this blog she gets applauded for it…..by some.
Why?…..because if you condemned her, those “some” would have to condemn themselves, so she gets a pass.
KD lost his shit right at the start.
He has hang ups about authority and anyone who challenges it.
He loses all logical argument and gets personal toward those suggesting it.
You should always understand cops aren’t real smart because governments don’t want smart ones and they must be compliant.
There are some other shits here , although less of them now as they die off…and I laugh directly at them.
I fight them because there are a lot of decent people here who are elderly and were scared and people like notafan’s and KD and Sancho’s behaviour has been to not care what message they are putting out, they sneered and mocked for two years what is now the obvious truth (and was the truth all along) and now people are dying from the jab in ever increasing numbers.
Self centred, irresponsible behaviour .
How many were swayed by Sancho the car salesman type that all is fine with the jab.
JC was no better and still isn’t.
I just think they are disgusting , selfish human detritus.
They have been wrong, yes, …so what….many of are wrong……but it’s not being wrong that is the issue here.
It’s decency and character or lack thereof.
I know when people agree with me but say nothing.
I don’t care.
If I’ve stopped one person taking the jab here, or brought to light the piss poor behaviour of the little gang of sneerers in doing the exact opposite, so be it.
There is a bit of this too.
They’ve been so wrong they can’t handle it.
They have acted so poorly they are ashamed but will never admit it.
And their being shown up by a “truckie”
I mean how much can a snobby koala bare?
So sue me.
An easy no. The MSM pursues a narrative not the truth.
I wonder how many times the average aviation firefighter working in Australia extinguishes a fire on a plane in a genuine emergency situation.
IIRC they usually have a Champion volleyball team.
It’s actually a Catholic run hospital. As Gray notes, the crucifixes and the statutes are the tell, but the ABC has to continue its jihad against Christianity so facts be damned.
Now look at this comment as a detached observer…..a study of her personality.
I know people will say nothing, but I give the many silent ones here more credit than have to explain why this is , well, just embarrassing.
Look at the dishonesty in the last line.
Look at the hypocrisy in the rest.
Picture of the future though, just about every EFTPOS attracts a charge from 40c to a % of transaction
OldOzzie says: December 3, 2022 at 2:07 pm
I sit corrected. The initial trial was for the top 24, but I had no idea subsequent trials had extended down the chain of command a lot further.
It’d be interesting if a few people called up the ABC claiming they’d been out on the piss with Brittany and she’d drunk way too much, spewed everywhere, ripped her dress off and then passed out.
Have no fear, Lehmann’s pro bono legal team searched hither and yon,but couldn’t locate the mythical critter.
I wonder if they’d report these allegations.
Well, they still employ Norman Swan, why wouldnae they?
Dr Faustus is over at C.L.’s, for those who have missed him and don’t know where he are.
Never submit to a bully. Learned that in Third Class. Ask me nicely, and I’ll consider it. 😀
Does Twitter have Publisher status now? I thought the argument was that it’s a platform. Did it change?
Hey Dover, please check your email, Squire.
Anvil d’ACME
Here’s twelve minutes worth.
Funny…most people would never have seen, let alone used one. Yet it remains a potent motif of…mayhem and severe punishment.
Yes, it was definitely a rhetorical question. Hell, Brittany could well be a notorious one pot screamer – no way it would be reported.
Dover a question if I may.
What is the point of having a dueling thread?
You claimed to want long standing personal ‘disputes’ off the open thread.
Yet I am subject to personal attacks by struth, sometimes several times in a day, whether I am here or not, and and on more than one occasion using language that was extremely crude and offensive, eg when on one occasion he demanded I never under any circumstances address him!
I almost never respond, is that the reason he’s allowed free rein when others who go tit for tat get their posts moved/removed?
Signed *class traitor*
Heh probably! It starts exercising less editorial control and some Obama appointed judge will deem s 240 doesn’t apply.
calli, for yours and everybody else’s sake, you should directly consult the planet’s most authoritative oracle on this subject.
I won’t bother given he has a very dim view of collectivists masquerading as conservatives. 🙂
Thanks OCO. I remember vehement arguments against publisher status, but that was BM (Before Musk). Something to do with taxation IIRC.
Funny how the narrative change just snuck in.
another test
Poor iampeter never read past the preface. But his stirring up JC was amusing.
Hmm. An aviation firefighter. When I think about it, that would be a boring job. Necessary but mostly boring. I wonder how many times the average aviation firefighter working in Australia extinguishes a fire on a plane in a genuine emergency situation.
They usually take every opportunity to get involved in anything vaguely related. We used to do regular tours at MEL JUHI with the ARFF guys. We’ve had the ARFF guys here on standby during the initial receipts.
Heeeere’s the Duelling Thread
Been stuck on 359 for a while now [November 7].
December 3, 2022 at 3:01 pm
That hospital is, on the surface, an ordinary public hospital in a big city. But like 20 other public hospitals around the country, it runs by a Catholic code of ethics.
It’s actually a Catholic run hospital. As Gray notes, the crucifixes and the statutes are the tell, but the ABC has to continue its jihad against Christianity so facts be damned.
Meanwhile in Real Private Hospital World
HCF patients to lose cover at major Sydney hospitals
A breakdown of negotiations between a health insurance provider and the operator of several of Sydney’s major private hospitals will see patients paying higher fees for treatment from February.
In an email to its 1.8 million members across Australia this week, HCF confirmed it had failed to reach an agreement with Healthscope, the company behind Norwest, Northern Beaches, Campbelltown and Prince of Wales private hospitals, among others.
“Unfortunately, following lengthy negotiations, Healthscope has chosen to terminate the long-standing agreement with HCF,” the email read, informing members they would not be able to claim for treatment after January 31 or for pre-booked treatment after July 31.
Patients in the Hills District and northern beaches will be particularly affected, with each region’s largest hospital operated in part or full by Healthscope.
Forgive me, but I tend to just scroll Struth’s comments. If you or anyone else has a problem with a comment because it is excessively crude or offensive, just repeats long-standing enmity, or the like use the report comment or email me directly. Point of the dueling thread was to draw the poison from the OT to a single thread. It sort of worked, then it appeared that an audience was required, finally, I think the fire burnt itself out.
JC used to refer to him as “plodes”, a rather obscure appellation, to be sure.
Something to do with explosions, JC?
Robert Sewell @ 1.54 pm
Thanks for your reply. Re. the quote. That’s the truth. I don’t WANT Windows 10. So far, I’ve had no problems with 7. As Gabor mentioned upthread – if I had my way, I too, would reload XP. At least my computer would run faster!
yet another test
Calli, my understanding is that the Silicon Valley social media monopolies successfully gaslit the US Congress into accepting the semantic nonsense that they aren’t publishers but “platforms” and are therefore exempted from liability for the content they publish which every other entity in the media business has to wear – washed down with ample bribes and inducements from their DC lobbyists.
It’s a crock of shit and evidence – as if US voters need it – that Washington politics is inherently corrupt, bought and paid for.
Needless to say, corrupt behaviour will continue forever if there is no penalty for it.
Oh yes. We are all mummers on the stage. But some take their craft more seriously than others.
I’m extremely reluctant to do the Report Comment unless the comment could be used against the blog. It always feels like tattle tale-ing and wasting your time. So my finger hovers…and freezes! 😀
The preferred method should be to remonstrate personally with an abusive person and appeal to their better angels. Or..this works well too.
With due respect, but the only time I’ve seen a “plode” of herculean proportions was the time Yobbo reckoned your musical talent was laughable. I’ve never seen anyone plode as badly as you did.
Marvin spends 95% of his time here posting attacks against others. If you think that’s worthwhile then i suggest you ought to “talk “to Yobbo again. Marvin is basically a useless cunt with serious issues he should be dealing with at a professional level.
Go take a look, most of the stoushes I’m involved with here aren’t started by me. There are a lot of battered hubbies I’ve had to deal with.
St Ruth’s diatribes continue to resemble a slow motion train wreck. I can’t help but read them out of a morbid fascination. The unhinged abuse, the (potentially fatal) blood pressure elevating pent up anger, the li’l fists a’ pumpin’ and the li’l footsies a’ stampin’ makes for an utterly ridiculous (virtual) spectacle.
Just give it a rest, you sad little man. Screeching angrily at people about matters they’ve long since moved on from, on a blogue such as this one, is quite frankly, pathetic.
In reference to NatGeo’s “Nazis at Nuremberg: The Lost Testimony” and such so-called “documentaries”.
Once the dramatic music and repeated-ad-nauseam colourised scenes wash over you, you realise that cartoonish pseudo-documentaries like this are an intelligence-damaging insult to anyone wanting accurate, detailed information on complex, prolonged processes such as those of the International Military Tribunal and the Nuremberg Military Tribunal.
Plenty of decent books have been written, as well as the available, downloadable full transcripts in the US Library of Congress. Untrammeled whetting of the appetite here…
As to that famous question of responsibility for war crimes by those that were just following orders, this snippet gives a good overview of the issues discussed.
The Axis History Forum website has, for almost 20 years, been essential reading for anyone interested in first-hand evidence of most aspects of WW2 logistics, bureaucracy and the countless atrocities, most of which are not even mentioned in the NatGeo or History Channel pap.
Highly recommended.
When the rubber met the road St. Ruth (for one) wouldn’t duel. He needs an audience to lecture, in an hilarious manner, because in the end it’s all about him and one can only monologue in front of the mirror for so long.
Not a huge fan of Microsoft since it treats it users as beta testers. Yet I don’t think it fair to expect them to continually update an os designed for antiquated hardware.
Lets see if this works
err, JC, I think you mean my musical “taste” being (allegedly) laughable – and yes, the yobbo was not one of my favourite commenters on the ol’ Cat.
An allegedly “big tall ozzie boofhead from WA”, existing in Thailand who was very touchy about any criticism of his beloved homosexuality.
Now just out of curiosity, why did you refer to iampeter as “plodes”?
Which is why middle America sent corruption-buster Donald Trump to Washington in 2016. He’s still the most popular figure by far in American national life as a result — and why the Washington establishment will do whatever it takes to block his return to the White House.
Why waste time remonstrating with bad faith commenters when you can hit Report Comment?
Thanks Tom.
Platform and Publisher Kabuki. Will InstaTwitFace join shoulder to shoulder to maintain the status quo, or does Musk’s entry into the mix change the balance? Going to be interesting to watch the contortions.
I’m really sick of stoushes. Perhaps it’s because I’m currently hopelessly in love and prone to posting hippee sounding comments here so as to prevent any arising, man.
Hopefully tonight’s radio show thread will see some posters donning the virtual boxing gloves and white leather adidas boxing boots and going for it.
Read it again, Ed. I said I don’t do it though sorely tempted to sometimes.
I picture Dover in his garret trying to work and seeing some old bat “reporting” people she doesn’t like. There are some things that don’t bear thinking about!
It appears that head of legal at Twitter who was behind the suppression of the ‘laptop story’ was given an executive appointment in the Biden Admin.
Chuckle. Ya will regret this if people took you seriously, ED.
Ingraham: Twitter moved to ‘stifle’ Hunter laptop story
Why? because he was easy to get him to Defcon 1 with a single comment.
For some reason, I think you imagine that I get explosive but I actually don’t. I actually find it fun grinding some lowlifes to a point of agony.
Albanese’s statement implies that she was raped, and defames Lehrmann. But there’s probably nothing he can do in response. The statement reveals how heavily Labor was invested in the campaign.
We are at a bad moment in our political history.
I read it that the Gladwrap did. Vijaya Gadde, “head of Safety”. She was booted on the first day Musk arrived.
Ya think?
Understatement of the century (so far).
I will not be around much any more.
I am being rounded up as we speak . Hopefully I may post from The CaMps before I am shot by the Nazi guards.
Or I could be off to Perth for a week or so to engage in varying pursuits.
Yesterday’s email informed us of this.
This morning I opened a new email from HCF:
As part of our ongoing support throughout the pandemic, we’re giving back an additional $130 million to eligible members in health insurance savings due to COVID 19 restrictions and lockdowns.
We’re delighted to let you know that you’re getting a giveback payment of $140.00.
The Musk’s punting of all those collectivist imbeciles from twatter has been quite possibly the most encouraging (let alone hilarious) story of this year.
Imagine the utterly bemused looks on the arrogant dweebs’ stupid ugly faces as they received their marching orders – and then envisioning their future in coding or burger flipping.
Just bloody glorious.
I disagree, Rafiki.
Elbow’s comment defaming Lehrmann was delivered on a Saturday far from the Canberra cowards castle: open slather and an open-and-shut defamation win for Lehrmann to help defray the cost of the unemployability imposed on him by Morrison, Elbow and the incompetence and malice of the ACT judiciary.
How do feel about the way some of these scumbags (and they are at the low-end of the human species) would pile onto Liz?
dover … can we please have a down vote button?
And anyone on this planet with a functioning brain is meant to give a rodent’s backside?
The irredeemable imbecile always “appears visibly sad”, in a Garfield* sense.
*First time I ever saw that three letter word used that way. See Fatty Trump for an impeccable purveyor of the term and context.
We are at a bad moment in our political history.
Yeah, if enough people start exercising Free Speech, it’s hard to know what might happen.
Oh yes..
Some Saturday arvo Blues, Cats. Just bloody magnificent.
H/T Adam Piggot
dover … can we please have a down vote button?
You’d crack the ton a coupla times a week on the downvotes.
Lol. Were that to actually happen, stand by for the recipient of constant downticks to throw a big sad (coz Rudd-style ego cannot process that others find them distasteful) & demand that downticks be deleted, coz ‘unreliable‘
Stop picking scabs JC, Ed will starve.
Less than impressed, JC, given I consider her a very good friend, who’s always looked out for me.
Got my first report on twitter, lets see if twitter acts on it
Lol. He stopped talking to me, but not about me and now asking for another way of getting at me.
Marvin, if I’ve ever been serious, I am now. You’re one of the most acidic, negative intelligent morons who’s ever posted at the Cat. You really appeared to be energized when you were attacking Liz in a group pile on. Now that you’re copping it ( and you deserve it) you go crying to the boss. Can you see why she did it? I can.
If he doesn’t sue, he’ll be driven to suicide.
And I reckon that’s the aim of these vicious bitches.
Oh look who it is, The busy non-publican, Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr stoush trolling at every opportunity.
Vijaya Gadde, “head of Safety” at the old Twatter, appeared with Jack Dorkey on a YT Joe Rogan podcast 2-3 years ago, Tim Pool also present.
As Tim, at the time a rabid leftard with a libertarian bent, detailed Twatter’s clearly outrageous bias against Trumpists and MAGAs, Gadde calmly replied: “Thank you for your feedback.”
A clear “f@ck you, off and die!” but with the gentle, warm, inclusive tone so beloved of these putrid psychopaths.
A well-used leftard method of hiding hate, resentment and contempt, while appearing driven-snow virginal-white and pure.
Yes, locally invasive, fungating Grade III Vulval cancer would be too good for her.