Cabins along the Loing Canal, Sunlight Effect, Alfred Sisley, 1896
Cabins along the Loing Canal, Sunlight Effect, Alfred Sisley, 1896
This is unbelievably foul, yet you can’t stop watching. 😀 Where’s arky? https://x.com/OntWtf/status/1900348808690589867?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1900348808690589867%7Ctwgr%5E0eac7096d9dd30bef0594551254c79ef43326cae%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Face.mu.nu%2F
Re 1, no you didn’t. You just said my retort made no sense without providing any reason. Re 2, whatever…
A message for our time. 😀 https://ace.mu.nu/archives/dead%20people.jpg
Tip of the hat to Danger Dan. He played edits from this song in the clip above. I have not…
Bloggs Peter Cunningham • 9 hours ago Pay the rent? Just do it! BUT….. We pay rent on the land…
That’s interesting.
Everywhere else in Australia they write it off if you don’t vote, but in Aboriginal Communities a tally of Fines is kept and they take your stuff.
Ed Casesays:
December 29, 2022 at 8:11 pm
If someone is in my home, they surrender or die, or I die.
Just the way it is champ.
Look, … champ
Has anyone ever told you that you’re a total wanker?
Head Case and a Suitable Case for Treatment at his most articulate. Just right for a Libertarian Blog like this. We are surely blessed by his/her/its/whatever presence………..NOT.
Sovereignty matters, especially to the former Soviet states in teh west and the east.
Some people evidently find that to be a compelling cause for which they would sacrifice their lives. That’s their choice.
As I’ve repeatedly written here, Putin may have had a legitimate moral & political justification for annexing the Donbas provinces in order to protect the Russian majorities there, but the invasion of Ukraine was a massive neo-imperial overreach.
Salvatore says:
Headline should have been:
Are you a Green, Liberal Democrat or Australian Shooters Union member?
Here is a little test that will help you decide.
You’re walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a bearded terrorist with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, screams “Die infidel pigs!”, raises the knife and charges at you.
You happen carrying a .40 Cal Glock, and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?
Green’s Answer:
Well, that’s not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor! Or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack?
Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids?
What does the law say about this situation?
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind of message does this send to society and to my children? Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be content just to wound me?
Should I call 000? Why is this street so deserted anyway? We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day and make this a happier, healthier rainbow street that would discourage such behaviour.
Liberal Democrat’s Answer:
ASU member’s Answer:
Click.. … (Sounds of reloading)
Daughter: Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips or the Hydra-shock hollow points?
Son: Can I shoot the next one!
Wife: You’re not taking that to the taxidermist!
Out of Sight is a great fun movie and the bar scene between George and JLo is memorable:
Never said it wasn’t. If they happen to be Australian citizens, however, I don’t see why my tax dollars should go towards shipping their remains back here, or patching them up if they’re wounded, or on their NDIS plan if they return home permanently disabled.
Not our business.
I know people have spoken about. I wasn’t paying attention at the beginning and lost the drift. This letter caused leftwingers to go nuts about Bradman and wanted him cancelled?
FMD, we’ve come a long way when views like that are considered evil.
(Let’s forget the rules on handguns > 9 mm in NSW…
LDP member:
Rack off, I’m an aesthetic boy and will carry a 10 mm auto.
I don’t own any pistols unfortunately 🙁
Licence is too much of a pain to be worthwhile.
I’d like one of these though
LOL some quality dialogue there. He’s a right wing nut job! No he can’t be because he put up with a brown person visiting his home once a year!
Adams was always a nasty piece of work and continues to be. Seriously though who gives a f*** about a letter written over 40 years ago from one now deceased to another now deceased. And why is it being paraded right now? As another poster here said, it’s most likely another marxist attack on Anglo-Australia.
Go change your nappy Ed you’ve wet yourself again.
Actually Monty it’s the same false premise that places a much higher value on cash contributions to a marriage over non cash ones.
the fact chatgpt can sort of string some maths together solely on verbal concepts is surprising.
I asked it for the winning Lotto numbers and it said – ‘Que’!!. Does not compute apparently.
smutley’s path is to wear the pants on mon, wed, friday and his equal wife to wear the strap on tue, thur and on the weekend.
I wouldn’t believe everything I read, or I’d certainly take it with a grain of salt.
The author was working for them whilst I was there, and Blackwater was mostly used to guard buildings, escort conveys and body guards for politicians, bureaucrats and NGOs, etc.
Neither the heavy lifting, nor the discrete ops were undertaken by Blackwater. That was around the time of its first Iraq contracts.
It devolved into civil war because Obama washed his hands of it, and gave Maliki a free hand.
I think Adam’s claim was also that Bradman was a bigot.
Adams then responded by calling Kamahl an ‘honorary white’.
Phillip Adams has blocked Kamahl on Twitter.
Every exchange has been pretty much a self-administered uppercut by Adams.
This just gets better & better.
He’s got prominent Aboriginals of all political stripes getting stuck right into him.
Anybody know Adams IRL? Might be an idea to check on his safety & ensure he has limited access to prescription medication & sharp knives.
The exact opposite of mUnter’s actual life.
I met this dude through a friend about a decade ago. He’s screwed the firm.
BTC is currently US$16,600
Moran’s latest piece on the cost of going full renewable with battery back-up. Either no-one in government with attendant bureaucrats is numerate enough to understand the basic numbers or this is a commie plot:
Phatty did not read the room at all.
Warren Mundine is calling for Adams to be sacked from the A.B.C.
strangling your rights with red tape
They sound like sensible people. I don’t like that I’m forced to vote, either.
We don’t in referenda do we?
This is why I have kept saying. Teh Voice will lose. The key constituents that Labor are pandering to, the black fellas, have zero fornications to give. They are more concerned about jobs or if in the outback, sozzled.
It will be decided by white academic arseholes that have zero concern for blacks.
and from The Australian & anywhere else Adams is a commentator/writer.
Mundine has been quite vocal, however this has united prominent Aboriginals in a way The Voice can only dream of, they all want Adams sacked, strapped to a dunking stool, & put in stocks on the street in the CBD.
Popcorn. Mr Adams is a great advertisement for not subscribing to The Australian.
I forgive him though, because of The Adventures of Barry McKenzie. Beut fillum!
Barry Crocker is still with us btw, at age 87. Awesome.
Adams then responded by calling Kamahl an ‘honorary white’.
So Phatty is honourary bleck?
The Donald with some home truths about ideologues and how to win elections:
Preach it.
The whole article is worth a read, and reminds us of why he is a master political strategist.
If people feel passionately about something, fine, but mainstream political parties cannot embrace political suicide because it makes some people feel good. The equivalents in Australia are abolishing the age pension and banning abortion across the board. Never going to happen, and very damaging to conservative parties.
Hildebrand said Adams should not lose his job, but noted the left’s lack of outrage. He called the saga an “extraordinary” expose of “the hypocrisy of the left when something like this happens on their side of politics to one of their heroes’’
Not THAT Hildebrand?
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 29, 2022 at 6:50 pm
I am seriously impressed that Monty has managed to invoke an actual antisemitic WaPo article to smear Cats for being leary of the Covid vax. Well done son!
Don’t forget, m0nty=fa is the only one here who hears antisemitic “dog whistles”. Think of him as a flea on a large dog.
And since was Adams a ‘cultural icon’? Ahahahaha
the false assumption is that their is continuity of our current civilisation. the great reset involves depopulation, rewilding our farming sector, de-industrialisation and the elimination of the private car fleet.
Zippy: if I need a perspective on relationships from a bitter failure in life, I will ask you.
The FBI is a terrorist organisation.
charge for ~45-60m while i grab a quick brunch.
From this, can we assume that he usually sits down to a multi-course, many hour, lunch? Prat!
What he described were events that occurred in the course of precisely what you mentioned.
Huh? The civil war broke out (and was quelled) long before Obama entered office.
I realise the origins of the Iraqi insurgency cannot be attributed to a single factor, but a significant one was that the US went in light in terms of manpower. That, plus the political imperative to minimise casualties,* necessitated the use of heavy-handed, indiscriminate tactics to hold territory that inevitably resulted in excess civilian casualties. This generated popular resentment of the invading forces.
*also why mercenary forces like Blackwater were needed – they supplemented the inadequate invasion force and their injuries/deaths weren’t included in the casualty counts
Ed Casesays:
December 29, 2022 at 7:14 pm
And if they wanted to partake in a little opportunistic ‘rapey, rapey’ with the wife and/or daughter?
You’re sick in the head.
They were Sudanese Youth and were trying to steal a car.
Richard Cranium just “knows” that stealing a car was the only thing that they would ever, ever, have considered doing. Are his fingers crossed?
Next we’ll have the carlton creep weighing in
Andrew Bolt, back in 2010.
Ed Casesays:
December 29, 2022 at 7:19 pm
A confrontation in the house with a burglar usually ends up with a dead householder.
Advising people to carry knives, poke someone in the eye, kick groins is gonna result in dead people and is verging on criminal advice.
Dick Head always leaves his wallet, bank cards with the PIN written on them, and car keys by the unlocked front door, and always carries a white flag.
the false assumption is that their is continuity of our current civilisation. the great reset involves depopulation, rewilding our farming sector, de-industrialisation and the elimination of the private car fleet.
yes can’t be denied- the assault on farming in Europe (and here for that matter) is another ratcheting up
This is hilarious as various people find their rice bowls threatened:
“We are in a debt trap” – Nouriel Roubini on 10 ‘megathreats’ to our world and how to stop them
December 29, 2022 at 7:29 pm
Men, don’t often want to leave a marriage, Fatboy. It’s more often the sheila. When men do leave, it’s often because the sheila has caused it to be so making the poor guy’s life insufferable.
m0nty=fa married his way into the upper middle class, no way he is not the dependent one there. He knows he has to behave himself.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
December 29, 2022 at 9:01 pm
Two years ago a collective of our snowfield socialists – including the ABC’s Phillip Adams, propagandist John Pilger, the Greens’ Kerry Nettle and Kevin Rudd’s nephew Van Thanh Rudd – begged Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez to come teach Australians a lesson:
Every country has its own traditions and culture and has to find its own solutions, but what Venezuela has been able to achieve in so little time will be a source of inspiration and ideas for many in Australia.
Here’s the complete list:
I dunno Ed.
I reckon best advice to a female on the streets these days, is a) run if you can, and b) hit them in the right place if you can’t, preferably with the yawara stick.
Fairly sure they’re not illegal either:
Regarding the veracity of the events described in Welcome To Blackwater – they didn’t seem particularly unbelievable. They seemed like the kind of things that would happen to heavily armed people who weren’t subject to much accountability working in a lawless, chaotic place.
Some of the ‘shenanigans’ the author described were pretty tame, to be honest. The one he thought particularly craaaaaaaaazy – when some drunk Blackwater guys pushed a portable air-conditioning unit into the swimming pool of a former palace of Saddam’s that the US forces had occupied – well…that’s not really high jinks. At best that’s low-to-middle jinks.
FFS, you staggeringly stupid well upholstered collectivist cockhead, I posted a comment on the utter absurdity of the concept above very recently.
Once again, for the ignorant illiterate innumerate anti-scientific ahistorical imbeciles on this blogue – there is no such concept as a “conspiracy theory”, just as there is no such concept as “economic theory”.
But yeah, as “hypothesis” is far more difficult for the aforementioned dunderheads to spell, here we are.
It’s an outrage, I tells ya.
I thought we were talking about the rise of universities in the middle ages. The 1400s is at the backed of the late middle ages and we’d already seen over three centuries of university education by then.
Hard to tell, although I haven’t pushed ‘improvement of character’ as the primary purpose of university education in the middle ages. Rather, I suggested the transmission and extension of knowledge which would have attracted intelligent and ambitious students-scholars.
Certainly, I think this was one of the reasons for the notable expansion in their number across Europe in the 15th century, also the prestige associated with a university and the business it could attract, but that Bacon could write New Atlantis in the early 17th century suggests that this sort of instrumentalism hadn’t really developed until about 17th or 18th centuries.
Thanks for that one, cohenite – I’m bookmarking it.
No it’s not, Cronkite. I was on the list and they took me off the invite list for Huggy Chavez to come here.
JC Global Warming and Fair Pay Institute.
It’s ostensibly ridiculous I agree. But I’ve never seen it discussed anywhere other than when I’ve asked (hundreds of) immunologists and virologists. Their responses – obtuseness and insults – tell me that nobody’s thought about it. At least, they don’t want to think about it.
And let’s face it.
Not one person here has thought of it have they?
Certainly not Lizzie. She thought that referencing the first paper she found after googling “immunity chronic infection” would resolve the issue. She had no idea what the issue was.
Still doesn’t I suspect.
I’ll say it again.
Does harbouring a virus make a person more or less susceptible to future disease from that virus?
Whatever answer you give *must* demolish half of what we are taught about disease.
German Coal Consumption Soars
From Armstrong Economics –
“All of this anti-Russian warmongering that the West needs desperately to create a war to hide the total collapse of our Marxist-based Socialist Economy where politicians only know how to run by promising free programs for everything.
Blowing up the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany to economically undermine Russia has undermined the German economy as well – the heart of Europe. Pollution levels in the country have indeed at times reached those of the worst polluting countries.
The energy shortages that have been deliberately created have resulted in surging power prices. Germany has been compelled to turn to cut down trees for wood and to boost coal use. All of this has taken place while they are supposed to be committed to fighting climate change and the Greens object to any nuclear power.
To keep the factories operating and just the lights on, Germany is now burning coal at the fastest pace in at least six years. Europe’s largest economy is in serious danger of an economic crisis despite the EU’s drive to phase out all fossil fuel.
Many have asked why our computer has been so bearish on the Euro. Just look at German Real Estate. The high was in 1999 in both nominal and real terms. Then look at 2007. That was the real estate boom in the USA with the Mortage-Backed disaster. It never exceeded 1999 high. Now, look at the 2021 high. Once again, we see a lower high. Here we are 23 years from the 1999 high and still making corrections. Add to all of this the deliberate energy crisis and the rising costs just to stay warm are very serious.
Germany is the heart of the EU. Without a solid economic performance from Germany, the Euro is doomed.”
What could possibly go wrong? It’s not as though there could be any unintended consequences in messing with extremely complex systems that we have a limited understanding of.
In fact, I say we go the whole hog and block out the sun entirely. Let’s get serious about this cooling business.
Big Footy one of the greatest websites in history cohenite. Simply superb, discuss every sport and cultural issue.
Zippy: if I need a perspective on relationships from a bitter failure in life, I will ask you.
The titan of humanity speaks.
If I punch you in the face, can it be discerned I had a disagreement with a Nazi?
I worked out in 2006 that geoengineering was the cheapest answer. Although I’d use TiO2 pigment, not sulfates. For only about $20 billion you could offset any warming…except when I looked there wasn’t any. That’s when I gave the idea up. I sort of imagine how rich I’d be if I’d signed up for the scam, give the flood of money which awaits such people. But I am happy and have a sufficiency and am promulgating truth not lies.
Hypothetically, unless you are:
1. Acting like a dunderhead (this includes public soapboxing at concert pitch);
2. A serial pest; and/or
3. Obviously Radio Rental,
Nobody’s going to care if you have a pocket knife hanging off your belt. People will care if you have a machete tucked down your pants whilst in the dairy aisle. Apparently those two items are the same category of weppun.
Just don’t be obvious about it. Simples.
In any event, none of it matters if you’re in your in your own home or on your own property, you’re not getting pinched unless you’re in category (1) or (2) above and even if you are it’s a pissweak fine without conviction. I know what option I’d be taking if I needed it, in public and against a genuine threat to the life of me or mine.
The ‘Well I use it for peeling fruit, but I dropped my apple when I saw the bad man run at me and I don’t know where it went’ option.
Good friends of mine separated and divorced a few years ago, after decades together and two kids.
Sheila was devastated when, year after the fact, he reminded her that she did the initiating, announcing, distancing, wedging, gaslighting, well-poisoning and finalizing. He did all of the reasoning, pleading, appointment booking, and begging for a stay of execution. And their kids new it- the “narrative” they heard from their mum from even before they realized what was happening to their family was “divorce is normal”, whereas their dad told them- and showed them- how to be humble and fight the good fight.
She was particularly gutted when he told her it was a relief, marriage to her was no picnic. But his conscience was clean.
Iron seeding had commercial incentives of kickstarting fisheries.
We don’t need to spend a cent of taxpayer’s money.
Yesterday I achieved getting some podcasts on my phone. A first.
Tomorrow I will be challenged by how to plug said phone into the ute for travel. Another first, if it works out.
The struggle is real.
I believe the civil war refers mainly to the re-emergence of ISIS starting around 2011. Up until that point, they’d been largely suppressed and forced back over the Syrian border.
Maliki’s one sided, heavy hand removed the unilateral support that was at one point being offered by both Sunni and Shia. It created division, and plowed the ground ready for a resurgent ISIS.
Largely a narrative. Civilian casualties were surprising light, and avoided like the plaque. Much effort was expended, and sometimes US lives sacrificed, in order to minimise civilian casualties. The only even vaguely “heavy handed” activity I planned for, was the Second Battle of Fallujah. The reason being was that it was a heavily fortified, largely impregnable strongpoint, by the time it occurred. Civilians had been given every opportunity to leave. Even then, civilians casualties were avoided where possible. It wasn’t indiscriminate.
The anti-coalition groups, on the other hand, were very blasé when it came to civilians lives. Bombings, executions, ambushes, rocket/mortar attacks etc against civilians and US soldiers alike were everyday events for them. Collateral damage was a bonus for them due to CNN (et al) loving the opportunity to twist it against the ‘invaders’ as well as potentially laying the blame at the feet of the US ‘invaders’, amongst the local populace.
I know of what of speak. I was Chief of Operations for a US Task Force. My responsibility, and the operations I ran, spanned the entire country. I’m continually surprised at the willingness of people to swallow a narrative that couldn’t be further from the truth. Civilian casualties occurred, sure, but boy was effort expended trying to avoid them.
Heh! Among the signatories is Warren Mundine, the ALP’s national president.
Figures, what you’re positing sounds like pretty standard terrain theory fare. Hell, there are active communities of scientists who deny the existence of viruses (or at least claim there is no scientifically rigorous evidence that viruses exist). Virus Mania is probably their bible.
well, half the punters that were here for xmas lunch are now allegedly down with the spicy cough.
just found that out about 5 minutes ago via the Crazy Old Grapevine
they’re vaxinated too.
and some have apparently had the pox already so this is round 2
should I be worried?
… maybe I’ll have another whisky
Sorry, salient waffle filling i left out was, she’d thought she’d carefully laundered her reputation as a wronged woman and neglected wife through their social circles, but everyone- and their kids too- saw through it.
A Time for Choosing with Peter Thiel
Reagan Foundation
Fay Chester was a busy housewife with a demanding husband, six children and a large house. The only relief she got from her chores was the twice-a-week bridge game she shared with a dozen other women. The only flaw in the bridge club relationship was that Fay loved to tell off-colour stories and the girls didn’t want to hear them.
To teach Fay a lesson, the other women decided that the next time she told an off-colour story, they’d just get up, walk out, meet at another home but without Fay.
Sure enough, at the next meeting, Fay started “You know, girls, there’s a rumour going around that a busload of prostitutes will be leaving in the morning for that big gold find up in Alaska, and they say…”
just then, the women all stood up and started for the door. Fay was disconcerted but only for a moment, then she understood what was going on and said “Hey! Girls! Hold on, hold on! There’s plenty of time – the bus doesn’t leave till morning!”
If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.
– Margaret Thatcher
Said the woman who had never changed a tap washer or unclogged a dunny
Oh come onsays:
December 29, 2022 at 9:32 pm
Figures, what you’re positing sounds like pretty standard terrain theory fare. Hell, there are active communities of scientists who deny the existence of viruses (or at least claim there is no scientifically rigorous evidence that viruses exist). Virus Mania is probably their bible.
Just send them a computer virus and see how they handle it.
Said the woman who had never changed a tap washer or unclogged a dunny
Not true. Dennis gave her all the tough jobs. The Falklands, The Unions, the………………………..
As a 75-yo ringer was leaving the pub last year the Jacks tried to pinch him for drunk driving, when he tested under the limit they charged him for having a pocket knife on his belt.
The town: Chinchilla, Qld.
Okay Figures, this is probably pointless but let’s go.
Infection is different to vaccination. In the case of hepatitis B, the vaccine is a harmless portion of the virus’s genes combined with yeast cells. You do not get infected by the vaccine, thus you are not “harbouring a virus”.
The point of vaccination is not (generally) to insert a live virus. It is to produce antibodies.
This concludes your infrequent education in basic science.
It was for his own good, of course.
Whenever a country copper is copping a flogging from bikies, drillers, fencers etc who’re passing through town, while the locals all watch with folded arms, there’s usually a reason why they don’t intervene.
You cannot invade and occupy and keep control of the population of a country of ~30 million people with an invasion force of 150k (or whatever it was – not an especially high number), keep the body count relatively low (just over 3000 IIRC) and not use heavy handed tactics/strategy to degrade and defeat the existing regime’s forces, and then maintain the peace. Particularly a country with the underlying ethnic and religious divides of Iraq. It’s like saying you can have affordable, high quality, universal healthcare – no, you can have two of those three things. You can’t have all three. To say you can is akin to denying gravity.
I am not saying you were unconcerned with civilian casualties. I don’t doubt that what you’re saying is true based on your metrics. I am saying, however, that the average Iraqi civilian is highly unlikely to share your assessment that civilian casualties were light, as they would be factoring in losses that you are not. For example, the US destroyed a great deal of Iraq’s infrastructure prior to invasion as a part of degrading the Iraqi military’s ability to defend its territory, and minimise US casualties. How many Iraqis suffered because of this? How many died because of this? Would Iraqis that attribute the suffering and death of their countrymen to US action be wrong to do so? I say they would not be.
From the link, Sal:
Please do NOT mistake this for unconditional support of the jacks, but I reckon this ornery retired ringer fits into categories (1) and/or (2). No risk at all he’d have been running the trap all the way up to the test and generally being a dickhead.
If he’s being a repeat dickhead, of course they’ll find something else to get him on.
Interesting read, johanna. I took three things out of that: Trump thinks Social Security is a vote-winner with seniors, he wants to neutralise abortion as an issue by shifting to the left, and he thinks Paul Ryan is his biggest opponent for the 2024 nomination. No mention of DeSantis.
“Heh! Among the signatories is Warren Mundine, the ALP’s national president.”
I think Mundine has had a mea culpa since then and good on him.
Sal – here are some more details the Country Caller didn’t bother reporting on. The Courier Mail:
To get this repeat sex offender back before the courts, the jacks had to pinch him for breaching his suspended sentence. If this elderly sex offender was ‘well-known’, I doubt it was for being the world’s greatest bloke.
Running his mouth as well, the cops saw an opportunity to put him back behind bars and they took it – remembering, IMO, this is not something they would (generally) do with the average punter.
Believe raggedy-ass special interest ‘newspapers’ like the Country Caller at your peril.
Hang on a minute.
You told me you sold frozen dim sum.
What am I supposed to do with all these cat testicles you told me to collect?
KD: There’s usually a backstory to a petty charge being laid.
Though 75-yo should be old enough to not be bothering the Jacks much anymore.
“Minor criminal history” isn’t much help, as it could mean anything, from non-crimes (eg, running an SP book, playing poker, boundary dispute with a neighbour, pub or rodeo blueing) or petty crimes (eg, selling meat around town from a station kill) or actual minor crimes (eg, bush killed beef in his freezer that he cannot …er.. explain)
Not saying I’m any judge of faces, however I will say I made up my mind on whether he’d bloody well asked for it before I posted. (This whole event was discussed at some length on the Cat at the time)
I think Mundine has had a mea culpa since then
After reading his memoir, I think Mundine is a convictionless windsock… and a cad and a bounder, to boot.
Countries Impose Restrictions on China Travelers; China Calls for Scientific Basis to Entry Rules
00:58 Countries Impose Restrictions on Travelers from China
03:12 China Calls for ‘Scientific’ Basis as U.S. Weighs COVID-19 Entry Rules
04:56 Chinese Funeral Home Notice Bans Leaking Info: Report
05:52 ‘Covid-19 Not Responsible for Deaths’: Funeral Homes
06:32 Multiple Chinese Performers, Actors Reported Dead
08:02 House Bans TikTok, Lawmakers Call for Nationwide Ban
09:01 Australia Grants Extradition of Former U.S. Pilot
10:19 Russia, China Hold Joint Naval Exercises near Taiwan
11:10 Indonesian Criminal Code to Ban Spreading Communism
12:29 Japan Plans Ambitious Deep-Sea Mining Project
It was the handiest that confirmed the charge. (I’ll warrant he trod more carefully after that incident, heh)
Digging up the (minor) thread on the Cat from a year ago would have been more trouble.
My reading of his face wasn’t wrong.
Well, yes. Shit tin vested-interest publications like that produce pieces like that for clickbait, intending to (and creating) ill-informed outrage when in reality he was firmly in Categories (1) and (2) – a loud dunderhead and serial pest, and that was the minimum.
Unless he’s on a suspended sentence for sexual assault. Speaking of single-interest clickbait mags, this is how McLennan’s brush with the constabulary was reported in something called Over60, and again without mentioning him being a sex offender:
My ancestral seat had a Mr McLennan type when I were a young whippersnapper. The local plod paid him a visit, it is said, and after that he had to move to ‘the smoke’* for good.
*Anywhere over 10,000 populaiton.
The ‘current health emergency’ has caused quite a few people., myself included, to take a closer look at the ‘safety and effectiveness’ of vaccines – a therapeutic we previously accepted as of unquestionable benefit. That ‘closer look’ has caused me and others to seriously question what we were told. One particular revelation for me was that
1) the testing of said vaccines was scientifically questionable
2) even the said vaccines were effective at preventing the particular disease in question, that might still be not worth it *if* they *caused* other diseases – something which the testing regime never addressed.
I for one learned that the fall in *acute* infective diseases with vaccination, was also accompanied by a rise in *chronic* inflammatory/immune mediated diseases and that said rise may well be causal – vaccines might be stimulating the immune sysem to avoid acute illness, but also stimulating it to *cause* chronic immune mediated illness (asthma, sinusitis, T2DM, autism, AHDH etc etc etc.).
This turned me from an unquestioning supporter of vaccines (with over 60 stamps in my needle book) into a sceptic who will seriously question every vaccine in future.
A bit of an ‘own goal’ by the vax industry I think.
Elon Musk Stuns Hosts with His Brutally Honest Answer About Running Twitter | Rubin Report
If only the old codger had one more beer, he’d never have made the news & pocket knives would remain innocuous.
Some years ago (quite some years ago) a Jack up the Cross in Sydney gave me a hard time for having a “knife” – an Old Timer in a very worn horizontal belt pouch. He wanted to pinch me for it unless I could “provide a reason” for carrying the…er… weapon.
Until that moment, & if he hadn’t been so officious and serious, it had never occurred to me that a pocket knife was anything different to a watch – i.e. something all blokes had on them at all times.
Does the paper with that headline get their j’ismists from The Guardian or something?
He was fined by a Magistrate.
Sal, now I’m nostalgic for the Old Timer which my dad bought back from Perth army surplus when I was about ten. Man, that thing could carry a wicked edge.
Lost it for a few decades, found it again, now lost again. Now, like Bilbo, I yearn for it, and the whittlin’ skinnin’ wire strippin’ power it granted me.
Mundine is on record as opposing the “Voice” but, if it’s passed at referendum, he will make every effort to ensure that it succeeds. He’s also on record as lobbying for a separate treaty with each of the separate “First Nations.”
You can still buy them Walli, though Schrade Cutlery went out of business & with that so too ended the “lifetime guarantee”.
They’re now resurrected again as (confusingly) “Schrade.”
Still in Bangkok. Overbooked flight. Tale for another time though.
This is trending here and will be in the Australian news soon if what I have got second hand from friends up where we were staying.
Grand Hotel Diamond city casino fire Poipet Cambodia. It is actually located between the Thai border post Aranyaprathet and Cambodian border post Poipet, sort no man’s land that circumvents strict gambling laws. Anyway having crossed into Cambodia twice there I digress.
News state 50 injured, 10 dead. This number if what I heard through first responders but second hand will grow to over 200 dead. Mostly from smoke inhalation or heat related fatalities.
Thais midnight in Sa Kheo Province mobilised fire engines, full fire rescue teams, fully staffed field hospitals set up in buildings close to the border markets and offer assistance. Casino is technically in Cambodia. Cambodians refused till the fire had burnt itself mostly.
Casino has one entrance & exit (upstairs Patpong Rd style for anyone that has been there). Explosion happened at 11pm but no alarm was raised till it was too late in gaming room or hotel. Lots of Thai staff among the dead. First responders apparently pissed. Rumoured a Thai helicopter started hoisting people off the roof without clearance.
First responders pissed big time at Cambodia. Source my mate mum in law has diabetes and goes to a clinic near Aranyaprathet for checks, mum was late tonight as clinic opened late and one of the nurses there unloaded. He just emailed me the particulars.
pht …
if carrying a weapon whilst being a dickhead is a crime
then pretty much every copper is done
Seinfeld Puerto Rican Day episode. One of the better ones with titans of industry Pennypacker, Varnsen and Vandelay in the same room.
Annd page turn
Quite some years ago, two very bumptious Perth coppers gave a young soldier in the Citizens Military Forces a hard time for having a knife on his basic webbing…..
How lucky are we on the Cat to have the likes of Mater, who is on a par with Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, and Zulu who is basically the Arnie character from Predator.
The immunological mechanism of action for lost immunity, a shift to tolerance and autoimmunity from the shots
Have we unleashed a plague of IgG4-related disease on a subpopulation of humans?
Mater = Stormin Norman Schwarzkopf
Zulu = Schwarzenegger as Predator
Monty = Klinger
You have a point you wish to make? Take your time, on a single sheet of paper…
no one had a peanut allergy when I was at school… now its common along with gluten allergies and more
tofu dreg visitors
Nearly half of passengers from China to Milan have COVID: Italian officials
Immunologists I met through family reckoned asthma & peanut allergies were an unintended consequence of cleanliness – no more parasitic worms except in rare and short periods.
I’ll take the allergies thanks.
The challenge is to use improvised inappropriate tools not fit for purpose effectively as the tool you should be using.
If you are going to be doing mechanical work, you are going to fail and swear your head off anyway for all but the most routine of procedures.
Schrade now made in Chai-na. Labelled “Schrade U.S.A. Made in China”, stainless steel.
Good Old Timers were U.S.A. high carbon black steel. Big asking price for relics on the e-bays.
Driller after he cleaned the pool.
I don’t buy it. Something has gone wrong and needs to be looked into. Pity the gov is too busy trying to change the weather with taxes.
Mater is one of, if not the foremost commentator here monty.
Had the pleasure of meeting him, and mc a couple of weeks ago and he is articulate and a very high achiever.
I’d have him in the trenches before you, as you would put the shiv in before a shot had been fired in anger.
You despicable arsecrack monty.
You have a point you wish to make? Take your time, on a single sheet of paper…
Back of a postage stamp will suffice
This was nearly 20 years ago.
speaking of which not a peep from any gov about excess deaths which continue
Oh, that’ll be the reason there’s no longer a lifetime guarantee.
Palace Chook hatches crook chick crackdown.
I trust Luigi’s new Youth Steering Committee will be in constant communication with Qld’s new youth detention centres to avoid any embarrassing incidents of our youth being double-booked for important tasks.
The first doctoral degrees ever awarded, from the university of Bologna, were in Law and Engineering.. FYI. Both were considered highly practical subjects at the timetime.
Rita Panahi has an article up about big Tech censoring Dr’s in USA.
Pity she did not mention role of the media here.
Danno the Destroyer just hauled a fox onto the back lawn. Yow yow snarl, bit of fun as I’d locked all the firearms away, had to hit it with a kid size crickit bat for the mercy stroke. By moonlight.
7kg, allowing for loss of blood.
And just like that the pandemic was declared over . And covid, it was just the flu.
Isreal ends pandemic ,covid downgraded to flu
Article Israel ends pandemic ,covid downgraded to flu.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Peter Schrank.
Matt Margolis.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley.
Al Goodwyn.
Lisa Benson.
Thanks Tom!
The purpose of vaccination is to mimic natural immunity. That’s what we are taught right? Immunity comes from the live virus or dead/attenuated virus but the latter, we are told, is safer.
If you have an asymptomatic (chronic) hep b “infection” you also have a “harmless” portion of the hep b virus in you.
Or are you trying to say it’s the yeast that gives people immunity? In which case, why not substitute vaccination with bread?
So your answer Monty destroys the entire concept of immunity.
Well done.
Sky News:
Venomous snake sightings increasing each year.
Yes, when you make them a protected species that will happen. This year it will happen more due to favourable weather, massive grass growth and lots of mice & frogs!
I’ve long told you that regret is the only thing in this world truly worth being scared of. Death by a thousand cuts. It eats you from the inside, out.
I see your Malmo misadventures are causing you grief. Cowards experience death many times before their heart actually stops beating, usually over many years. You are a living example. There are worse things than dying.
BTW, I picture myself more like Eric Bana’s character (Norm Hooten) from Blackhawk Down. Your physique is more akin to Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. Sadly, that is where your similarities start and finish.
Oh come on yes it’s anti-germ theory but the terrain theory has its own irredeemable flaws. Just like germ theory there’s no way to explain recovery from disease as the body just gets weaker and weaker as the disease takes hold whilst the source of disease gets stronger and stronger.
Terrain theory also cannot explain how you get clusters of disease. These clusters are why the concept of “contagion” has been ever present through history even though it’s obviously wrong (because if it were true, a doctor office visit would mean instant death).
There is only one theory of disease ever devised that makes even a modicum of sense.
German New Medicine.
It explains recovery. It explains clustering (but why doctor offices are safe (well, other than their treatments)). It explains the specific symptoms. It explains the actual purpose of disease – every single one from bone cancer to hayfever.
You guys really should do yourselves a favour and read about it and learn. Amazing. You’ll learn why you should never panic about any condition you or your loved ones acquire.
Lizzie, Dot, rosie I hope you all swallow your pride and learn this. I’m happy to teach the basics but there’s better than me at the specifics.
Teach all of you except Monty that is.
He needs to get 50 boosters.
Jo Nova continues to do a sterling job. The piece on USA universities describes a nation in decline. The Frankfurt School came to America to introduce rot, and they succeeded.
The local news station was interviewing an 80-year-old lady because she had just gotten married for the fourth time.
The interviewer asked her questions about her life, about what it felt like to be marrying again at 80, and then about her new husband’s occupation. “He’s a funeral director” she answered. “Interesting” the newsman thought. He then asked her if she wouldn’t mind telling him a little about her first three husbands and what they did for a living.
She paused for a few moments, needing time to reflect on all those years. After a short time, a smile came to her face and she answered proudly, explaining that she had first married a banker when she was in her 20’s, then a circus ringmaster when in her 40’s, and a preacher when in her 60’s, and now -in her 80’s- a funeral director.
The interviewer looked at her, quite astonished, and asked why she had married four men with such diverse careers.
She smiled and explained “I married one for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go”.
Rockets are cool. There’s no getting around that.
– Elon Musk
A valid point of view, to a degree.
Two points I’ll make:
1. We had surprising levels of support within the Iraqi populace, even after some of their infrastructure was necessarily destroyed in the invasion (much of which was quickly re-established).
2. Your point above is slightly different to saying “the use of heavy-handed, indiscriminate tactics to hold territory that inevitably resulted in excess civilian casualties”.
Carpet bombing of towns and villages, it was not. Surgical removal of unsavoury (mostly foreign) insurgents, is a better description. Foreigners pouring in, from all corners of the world, to have a swipe at the Americans, made the job far more difficult. The locals didn’t like them much, either.
Should it have even happened? I’m torn. Saddam was an evil ar*ehole, but everyday that passes leads me to think that it’s arrogance to think everyone wants to live as we do, or that we can make it happen, even if they do. Either way, it was the politicians who made the decision, not the fighting men. Ruminating on that which you can’t change is not healthy. As the old saying goes:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.
Tyranny Down Under: Aussie Cops Demand Public Rat Out Neighbors Who Are “Anti-Government Or Believe COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories”
QLD cops show Victorian standard of totalitarianism.
First take the guns. Lula Da Silva is making noises about gun control. No surprise there.
Gateway Pundit
Of course, showing anti government attitudes is quite ok if it’s a conservative government.
(an increasingly rare species that should be protected)
“it’s arrogance to think everyone wants to live as we do, or that we can make it happen, even if they do.”
Most of the ME and underdeveloped muslim countries in general can probably only be governed by strong leaders (dictators?) or juntas, or in the case of Iran, sadly, by theocracy – hopefully not for much longer.
The world’s mostly left leaning media are ok with this as long as it’s not the former Shah, or Egypt’s al Sisi. Any other dictatorship is “Nothing to see here”, just the culture, no sweat. They were fine with Daffy Gadaffi for decades. Erdogan doesn’t phase them.
But Victor Orban in Hungary, or Bolsonaro in Brazil are hated by the media, and are targeted as horrible right wing beasts when they are sensible, valuable leaders.
Albanese in his Akubra at a folk festival announcing a referendum re The Voice!
That’s about the amount of gravitas it deserves.
ChatGPT has all the answers. Read about it at Jo Nova.
ChatGPT was trained on text culled from the internet and it creates the answer live in seconds — it writes it out in a conversation with you, and in Python code, Norwegian, iambic pentameter, whatever you want. It can do birthday suggestions, business plans, eulogies, speeches — like a personal assistant with a copy of the entire World Wide Web in their temporal cortex.
“Friends, Robots, countrymen, lend me your ears.”
Or gears!
The article also suggests that car manufacturing by Big Car within China will focus on their domestic market.
I guess they’ll get ICE and the rest of us will get electric.
From News website:
Influencer with 1.7m followers reveals face!
From what I’ve seen of these “influencers” they usually reveal a lot more than that.
How a scrappy African startup could forever change the world of vaccines
From SBS Punjabi
New visa opportunities for Indian skilled migrants, international students and visitors in Australia
Munty show us on the dolly where the Ze’ touched you.
“Albanese in his Akubra at a folk festival announcing a referendum re The Voice!
That’s about the amount of gravitas it deserves.”
Yes, and I note how Sleazy the word slusher doesn’t take kindly to criticism. I watched him scowl at the heckles he received from the feral Green protesters in the festival crowd. It’s clear Albo, so used to a gushing and fawning MSM, expects similar from everyone. He’s also clearly swallowing the current Newspolls, forgetting that they can and do turn in a day. It’s sweet watching it, because this arrogance will be his undoing. I always like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
Oh and I had to laugh at the MSM descriptions of how Sleazy was at the folk festival to honour his “hero”, Bob Hawke. Since when was Bob Hawke Sleazy’s hero? Sleazy’s antipathy towards Hawke and his policies has long been well known. And talking of feral protesters and how Sleazy didn’t take too kindly to them….coz….coz….coz…he’s the PM doncha know it, it’s worth remembering that Sleazy himself, when he was a proud “Trot” (I hate to break it to everyone…..he still is a Trot) spent the 1980s and early 1990s turning up at ALP conferences and branch meetings to heckle, shout at and intimidate people. He was good at it too.
Oh…oh….note the priorities here, attending a folk festival? Imagine if that had been Abbott or Morrison, taking time off to go to a folk festival?
Mater is one of, if not the foremost commentator here monty.
Had the pleasure of meeting him, and mc a couple of weeks ago and he is articulate and a very high achiever.
I’d have him in the trenches before you, as you would put the shiv in before a shot had been fired in anger.
You despicable arsecrack monty.
I wonder if at any time munty thinks: F’ck, maybe it’s me?!
New visa opportunities for Indian skilled migrants
Maybe Australia wouldn’t need so many skilled migrants if Government didn’t treat skilled Australians so badly? How many skilled Australians lost their jobs as a result of vaccine mandates?
Probably not, such things require self awareness and the ability to analyse your own thoughts and actions.
I think the idea is to eliminate anyone who objects to government and replace them with willing drones.
Even if they are useless at their job, they will say “yes sir” without question.
A feature, not a bug.
You don’t fit the bill.
They are looking for a Helot class to do the work.
Snap Plasmamortar!
Aussie Cops Demand Public Rat Out Neighbors Who Are “Anti-Government Or Believe COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories”
Australia: Consistently Shit.
Two facts that should make people realise the entire edifice of vaccination is a criminal enterprise.
1) There were only 1,500 iron lungs in all of the US at the supposed peak of polio.
That’s right. 1,500. The Smithsonian actually counted them. And they’re kind of hard to miss as they cost hospitals as much as a house.
That’s 1 per 100,000 people in the US. Remember it was the US that people thought was hit hardest by polio.
All the photos of wards full of iron lungs that you’ve ever seen were staged photo ops.
You were brainwashed into believing polio was everywhere when in fact it was extremely rare.
2) Andrew Wakefield’s retracted paper *never* said vaccines caused autism. Indeed, it explicitly said they never tried to evaluate the question.
So why on earth was it retracted?
The reason of course was pour encourage les autres. “Don’t even report what parents say about vaccine injuries to their children or you’ll be struck off the medical registry like we did to Andrew Wakefield”.
Of course Dot believes it’s because the medical community never ever lied before the covid vaccine came along.
Indeed, Dot actually thinks the old medical practice of ingesting mercury was a good idea.
You forgot ‘handsome’, BB! 😉
So a *reduction* in immune stimuli (less exposure to infective agents) is the cause of an *increase* in activity of the immune system?, NOT the vaccines, which by their very nature are immune stimuli (they even contain ‘adjuvants’ to make the immune system sit up and take notice).
I hope the immunologists you have met were ‘experts’, otherwise I would find it hard to believe them.
‘”This” is my safety.’
Whilst waggling index finger. Heh.
That would explain the widespread insurgency which followed, and eventually lead to the defeat of the US and its allies on the ground ?
And if you believe that, you have not been paying attention over the last 3 years have you?
Exhibit A: Quad Vaxxed Fauci has COVID for the 2nd time
Exhibit B: Vaxxed and boosted Albanese has COVID
Exhibig C: Quad Vaxxed Biden has COVID again….
The longer it lasted, the more unpopular it got.
No one wants to live in a war zone indefinitely.
How popular was ISIS post 2011?
So. I’m ‘ranting’ – and 17 upticks. Meanwhile, figures happily states that measles never killed anyone.
I’ll take Cohenite’s lead to Figures and tell him – and a considerable number of others – to [sod] off.
Duk, there may be some case of this sort, but it is also a very long bow and in the case of autism it has been shot down substantially. Additionally, so many aspects of modern life may give rise to auto immune responses, including the simple one of a lesser childhood exposure to a range of common pathogens due to excessive environmental ‘cleanliness’. There is also more exposure to chemical assault. Also, some of the conditions you raise above are clearly more than unifactorial. They are associated in many known ways with other aetiologies. I too am cautious about ‘new’ vaccines and mRNA ones in particular and also immune affront by too much vaccine overload. However, it is something I would discuss with serious immunologists and not with someone like Figures. Being on a site where Figures is treated with any confidence at all is pretty unbecoming. It disturbs me anyway, for childhood immunisation of the basic tested vaccines against known killers (one mwy escheq the latest shots for rarer things) is still something that halts epidemics and saves children’s lives.
“Albanese in his Akubra at a folk festival announcing a referendum re The Voice!
That’s about the amount of gravitas it deserves.”
Luigi the man “for all seasons” .. no “houso’ ever would dare show up anwhere wearing an Akubra ..
We may also note, Duk, that diseases such as the chronic cases you mention are vastly more well-diagnosed these days than in times past when they were masked by many other more serious illnesses or simply ignored, seen as part of life’s burden, representing the variety of human expression and human suffering. Local ‘healers’ had their herbal cures and people muddled along somehow.
“How many skilled Australians lost their jobs as a result of vaccine mandates?”
My brother lost his job as maintenance manager with a YMCA Camp, it’s really hurt him. Recently applied for a casual job at the Hop harvest in Myrtleford, won’t have him as he’s not vaxxed. Surely this is now just blatant discrimination.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 29, 2022 at 3:14 pm
Demolition of the monument to Catherine II began in #Odesa.
Sad. Catherine was a fine German lady. Liked horses.
Catherine the Great: Massie (2012)
Bruce, I saw what you did there. 😉
My military career, encapsulated:
Expectation – Barnes from Platoon: ‘Barnes ain’t meant to die. The only thing that can kill Barnes, is Barnes!’
Reality – Tugg Speedman from Tropic Thunder: ‘It’s just corn syrup you guys. Just… blood flavoured… corn syrup.’
December 29, 2022 at 10:05 pm
The Donald with some home truths about ideologues and how to win elections:
Interesting read, johanna. I took three things out of that: Trump thinks Social Security is a vote-winner with seniors, he wants to neutralise abortion as an issue by shifting to the left, and he thinks Paul Ryan is his biggest opponent for the 2024 nomination. No mention of DeSantis.
Shorter m0nty=fa:
The way to victory for national conservatives is to appeal to the working class, which has been abandoned by the so-called “progressive” modern left in favour of rabid internationalism.
Now where have I seen similar sentiments, which m0nty=fa derided as a dead end? Could it have been here? Is m0nty=fa an idiot, captured by the “narrative” of the so-called “progressive” modern left?
Rio Tinto were advertising a whole back saying COVID vaccines are no longer needed.
Good lord AAPL spackwrecker has gone knuts.
December 29, 2022 at 11:03 pm
How lucky are we on the Cat to have the likes of Mater, who is on a par with Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf, and Zulu who is basically the Arnie character from Predator.
Whereas m0nty=fa belongs on the cast of Dumb and Dumber, in the latter role.
Who was leading the insurgency, and what was his nationality? (Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Jordanian)
Who was his 2IC, and what was his nationality? (Abu Anas al-Shami, Palestinian/Kuwaiti…and no, he didn’t die in a rocket attack on his car, despite what Wiki says. He WAS, however, headed to Abu Ghraib…to attempt an attack and jailbreak).
The west isn’t an setting a good example not evan as faulty but aspirational idea it wonce was. Time for it step back clean its own room.
Find some parents in Australia who can prove their kids had autism before and after the MMR vaccine.
The Wakefield Paper is beyond awful. It is incompetent, dishonest and malicious.
didn’t before and did after
I would urge everyone here to drop by C.L.’s blog and read his piece…”Sunshine Tate”.
Speaking of tropic thunder, I found Elbows next campaign ad here
Please do go on.
That they even ask is against the law – he could take action under the Commonwealth Privacy Act, 1988. but then again it’s Victoria so I don’t know if all health orders have been lift vis a vis crop harvesting.
I knew that was coming!
The polio vaccine was a Jewish plot!
Oy vey!
Jeebus, Pileoshit is a piece of work.
“Courts have to do their job”
FMD it wasn’t the courts that removed breaching bail as an offence or introduced presumption for bail, or removing the law that 16+ would be treated as adults for violent crimes a year ago.
I see your Malmo misadventures are causing you grief. Cowards experience death many times before their heart actually stops beating, usually over many years. You are a living example. There are worse things than dying.
Didn’t Shakespeare have something to say on this subject? Oh, yes:
“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once. It seems to me most strange that men should fear, seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.”
Stay down in the basement, m0nty=fa, you still have a few hundred deaths to experience.
Or like US Pediatrician Paul Thomas, who analysed the chronic health conditions in his vaxxed vs unvaxxed patients (thousands of them) and was shocked to find virtually NO chronic illness in his unvaxxed patients. The response of the establishment when he published this this? – They pulled his licence within days and had the paper retracted.
This is strong support for the hypothesis that, even if vaccines DO prevent acute illness (eg measles) , they nevertheless have a net disbenefit overall because they also cause chronic illness. It is noteworthy that the overall health effects of the vaccines is NEVER investigated, only the narrow effect on the disease they are supposed to prevent.
This has been the pattern with the COVID vaxxes too – the ‘all cause mortality’ reveals the NET effect, but is largely ignored by the authorities – all they report is the effect vs COVID (which is increasingly negative also).
Is Canadas suicide program diverse enough?
I lost ALL my jobs, voluntary and otherwise (Trauma Doc, Volunteer fireman, Military Officer), but still managed to hook up my fire trailer and put out my neighbours grassfire yesterday after he hit a rock while mowing. I had it contained to about 1/4 of an acre before the CFA turned up to do the mopping up. On a brighter note, I spoke to the Captain onscene and the CFA have dropped their vax mandate apparently.
Also, my (fit, single, motivated, electronic engineer) son mentioned yesterday he was considering spending a year in Antarctica so we went through the job advert together. He ticked all the boxes up to the ‘must be up to date with COVID vaccines’ part, so he will be a hidden employment stat there.
Two observations about trolls: a) they’re not very bright; b) because they’re not very bright, they have no capacity for self-doubt or self-reflection.
Number is inversely proportional to the number of shotguns in use.
Exhibit A – Figures: ‘I am the only person on the planet who’s worked out what’s really going on.’
Rip Tinto maybe Dr Duk.
Also highly processed & bleached grains? The physical chemistry makes sense. As a partial explanation for obesity & chronic inflammation & illness?
I got brainwashed by a Dr Jason Fung. He backs up pretty much every claim he makes.
Immunologists I met through family reckoned asthma & peanut allergies were an unintended consequence of cleanliness – no more parasitic worms except in rare and short periods.
Remember when kids playing in the dirt were described as “building up their immunity”?