Open Thread – Tues 17 Jan 2023

The Strawberry Thieves pattern, William Morris, 1883

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January 19, 2023 2:42 pm

WEF: Yes, Nazis Were Bad But We Must Track Racial COVID Data

No, the title is not a troll nor an exaggeration of the argument made by the World Economic Forum (WEF), presented in its white paper “Prioritizing Racial and Ethnic Equity in Business” released on Tuesday.

If you’re willing to sift through the banal jargon of WEF papers, you can attain some humorous and telling insights about the sort of people behind these movements.

In this paper, the Schwab disciples are making the case that corporations and governments must “evolve beyond traditional DEI [diversity, equity, inclusion] strategies,” focusing primarily on increased racial data collection as the means to achieve this. They briefly try to address the “well-justified” concerns around government distilling citizens down to their race:

Much of the reticence around racial and ethnic data collection is related to well-justified concerns based on history, from the Spanish Inquisition of the late 15th century to the targeting of Jews and other ethnic minorities during the Second World War. Ethnically specific data collection in the European context is thus deeply challenging, and the very term “race” is mired in controversy. In the aftermath of World War II, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared “racial discrimination and racial hatred as unscientific and false, as well as ugly and inhuman.”29 Since then, most institutions and businesses have eliminated formal categorization around race across the continent.

Ok, good for Davos for acknowledging a very valid criticism of race-based policies. Let’s hear why we nonetheless need to implement the necessary evil of racial data tracking:

However, the need for disaggregated race data to help guide policy was highlighted recently during the COVID-19 pandemic, where the lack of data prevented several countries in Europe from getting a precise understanding of the impact the pandemic had on racially and ethnically marginalized communities.

That’s it. That’s all they offer as a counterpoint. I’m not cutting it short. Go read the paper yourself.

January 19, 2023 2:45 pm

It is now clear that with God out of the way, human life has little value

Eyes rolled abit reading that. Still overall informative. Cheers OldOzzie

January 19, 2023 2:47 pm

Less people died. Is that simple enough for you, ML?

Simple. And wrong. One word completely demolishes the idea that the vaccines did any good.


But since when did you care if more people die? Whenever you see a pregnant woman you think to yourself “Wouldn’t it be great if she murders that baby”.

Not to mention your clear support for the Holocaust.

January 19, 2023 2:49 pm

Combat Tank Fleet Strength by Country (2023)

Ranking total combat tank fleet strength by country, from highest to lowest.

GFP tracks frontline armored combat systems for each national power taken into consideration for the annual ranking. Track-over-wheel designs are factored in from all branches of service (Army, Marines). Vehicle examples include the German ‘Leopard 2’ (pictured) and Russian T-90 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) as well as light-class systems such as the ‘Stingray’ Light Tank of Thailand. Products currently under development or on order heading into the upcoming year are NOT taken into account.

Data presented on this list is through 2023. Estimates are made when official data is not available.

Visualizing the World’s Top 25 Fleets of Combat Tanks

January 19, 2023 2:51 pm

“Less people died. Is that simple enough for you, ML?”

That’s a counter-factual – there’s no way to prove or disprove it.
When people are involved doubly so, because people dynamically change their behavior based on perceived risk.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 19, 2023 2:51 pm

Less people died. Is that simple enough for you, ML?

Fewer people died than…

The models?

Anyone remember the projections Obama’s mob put out showing that his stimulus was needed because it would reduce unemployment? Then later the line showing actual data was added.

And lets not even get started with the warmies and the IPCC on AGW. It is over a hundred models they run, isn’t it? Selecting one to release and publish.

But here is the thing. If there is a valid scientifically cogent basis for choosing one model over another it could be incorporated into the model, so I would have to say the basis for choosing one model over another is not measured in degrees, or ppm, solar activity, or anything scientificalistic like that.

They do it for other, non-scientific reasons.

January 19, 2023 2:53 pm

society-wide effort to stamp them out

The government couldn’t care less about people engaging in activities that promote the spread of diseases. They just want people to be poisoned.

It’s a very important ritual and there’s a very good reason the obsession is usually with babies.

Once a parent can be convinced (albeit under a huge amount of bullying and pressure) to poison their baby they, emotionally, belong to the government. From that point they will always feel an emotional attachment to the government – no matter how many crimes it commits – because they themselves have joined in on it. Even to the detriment of their children.

It’s almost impossible for people to accept they could be so wrong – look at the bizarre rationalisations of Dot (an otherwise impeccable poster) because the thought he poisoned his own babies is too much to bear.

January 19, 2023 2:54 pm

No Idea might sit this one out. They did a feature two days ago on Carl and Pup being future brothers-in-law.

Two of the most useless creatures to have existed in human history. How the Pup is ever going to live down being beaten senseless by an enraged (female) fashion consultant remains to be seen.

January 19, 2023 2:55 pm

Can’t wait for DILF Manor.

January 19, 2023 2:57 pm

possible candidates include former NSW transport minister Andrew Constance, former Wentworth MP Dave Sharma and one-time Liberal Warringah candidate Jan Carbuncle

No, no and no. All clearly in the mix for other, non-scientific reasons.


John H.
John H.
January 19, 2023 2:58 pm

NT Attorney-General says government is listening to desperate calls for Alice Springs crime action

Mr Paech said the government was discussing a range of “realistic ideas and solutions” with the community to “reclaim the CBD at night”.

These included the introduction of shatter-proof glass throughout the CBD, and automatic bollards that would operate on certain streets at selected times.

I suppose arresting the perps is out of the question.

January 19, 2023 2:59 pm

That Chinese research is in relation to continuing to use exactly the same vaccines used as the primary vaccine as the booster shot, in this case Sinovax? , and the conclusion seems to suggest switching to either mrna or adenovirals like Jannsen.
Quote is from the end of the paper Dover linked.
Link is another study comparing using boosters from both the different types of vaccine.

The evidenced immune tolerance from repetitive dosing with homologous boosters in our study suggests that caution should be exercised when optimizing the extended plan for SARS-CoV-2 booster vaccination. Instead of continuous dosing with homologous prime vaccines, a mid-way switch to heterologous booster choices may offer a chance of improvement to the observed energy against Omicron mutants (Reynolds et al., 2022). Such vaccination strategy may take advantage of the otherwise unsatisfying immune response consequential to the serum phenomenon termed antibody imprinting or original antigenic sin (OAS), which has been an emerging subject in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, especially for children

Heterologous versus homologous COVID-19 booster vaccination in previous recipients of two doses of CoronaVac COVID-19 vaccine in Brazil (RHH-001): a phase 4, non-inferiority, single blind, randomised study

January 19, 2023 2:59 pm

The Rise Of The Single Woke (And Young, Democratic) Female

Soccer Moms are giving way to Single Woke Females – the new “SWFs” – as one of the most potent voting blocs in American politics.

Unmarried women without children have been moving toward the Democratic Party for several years, but the 2022 midterms may have been their electoral coming-out party as they proved the chief break on the predicted Republican wave. While married men and women as well as unmarried men broke for the GOP, CNN exit polls found that 68% of unmarried women voted for Democrats.

The Supreme Court’s August decision overturning Roe v. Wade was certainly a special factor in the midterms, but longer-term trends show that single, childless women are joining African Americans as the Democrats’ most reliable supporters.

Their power is growing thanks to the demographic winds. The number of never married women has grown from about 20% in 1950 to over 30% in 2022, while the percentage of married women has declined from almost 70% in 1950 to under 50% today. Overall, the percentage of married households with children has declined from 37% in 1976 to 21% today.

The Single Wave

A new Institute for Family Studies analysis  of 2020 Census data found that one in six women do not have children by the time they reach the end of their childbearing years, up from one in ten in 1990.

Single adult women now total some 42 million, comparable to the key African American voting bloc (46 million), while vastly larger than key groups like labor union members (14 million) or college students (20 million).

The Pew Research Center notes that since 1960, single-person households in the United States have grown from 13% to 27% (2019). Many, particularly women, are not all that keen on finding a partner. Pew recently found that “men are far more likely than women to be on the dating market: 61% of single men say they are currently looking for a relationship or dates, compared with 38% of single women.”

There’s clearly far less stigma attached to being single and unpartnered. Single women today have many impressive role models of unattached, childless women who have succeeded on their own – like Taylor Swift and much of the U.S. women’s soccer team. This phenomenon is not confined to the United States. Marriage and birthrates have fallen in much of the world, including Europe and Japan. Writing in Britain’s Guardian newspaper, columnist Emma John observed that, “Singleness is no longer to be sneered at. Never marrying or taking a long-term partner is increasingly seen as a valid choice.”

Rise of Identity Politics

The rise of SWFs – a twist on the personal ad abbreviation for single white female – is one of the great untold stories of American politics. Distinct from divorced women or widows, these largely Gen Z and Millennial voters share a sense of collective identity and progressive ideology that sets them apart from older women. More likely to live in urban centers and to support progressive policies, they are a driving force in the Democratic party’s and the nation’s shift to the left.

One paradox, however: Democrats depend ever more on women defined in the strict biological sense while much of the party’s progressive wing embraces the blurred and flexible gender boundaries of its identity politics.

Long & Intersting Article -Click on link

January 19, 2023 3:06 pm

I’m a little bit confused by the notion that all any of the covid vaccines only masked the symptoms.
Does that mean people were really sick but didn’t need to be hospitalised or die because their symptoms were masked in exactly the same way as say, morphine masks severe pain?
That’s not making a whole lot of sense to me.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 3:07 pm

January 19, 2023 at 1:31 pm
Yeah righto Figures, nice Godwin invocation there.

The Higo Boss cap fits you m0nty=fa, though the uniform is rather tight around the belly (not guts – you are a confirmed chickenhawk).

January 19, 2023 3:11 pm

MAID has now grown so popular that Canada has both anti-suicide hotlines to try and stop people killing themselves, as well as pro-suicide hotlines for people wanting to end their lives.

ie the administrative state is totally schizophrenic

January 19, 2023 3:11 pm

We need two pilots at the pointy end. The Qantas mayday shows us why

David Evans Former Qantas Captain

A Qantas flight from Auckland to Sydney declared a mayday on Wednesday after suffering an engine problem over the Tasman Sea from Auckland to Sydney. Eager cameras were there as the 737 touched down smoothly at Kingsford Smith Airport with a signature puff of smoke. Passengers would have been alarmed when they heard a reported ‘bang’. Those interviewed said staff remained calm and professional. Why am I not surprised?

Yes, an engine problem or failure is an emergency, but it’s also a drill practised over and over in the simulator, often up to four times a year, until it becomes second nature to a pilot.

Modern aircraft are designed to fly on one engine (in the case of a two-engine aircraft) or on only two engines (in the case of a four-engined aircraft). Engine issues are extremely rare, but they do not automatically present the disaster scenario the word mayday brings to mind.

I wasn’t in the cockpit yesterday, but during my 36 years as a Qantas pilot, 29 of those as a captain, I found myself facing several in-flight malfunctions and emergencies similar to the one encountered by the crew of QF144.

Most notably on the flight deck of an A380 as check captain during the dramatic in-flight emergency on QF32, which suffered an emergency when the No. 2 engine literally exploded, causing a cascade of system failures, before finally landing safely in Singapore. As a consequence, I was seconded to Air France after AF447 crashed into the Atlantic with no survivors. It was a privilege to share with the Air France pilots how Qantas pilots handled our overwhelming emergency and bring it to a safe conclusion.

So, let me take you through how a well-trained and experienced crew deal with a situation like the one encountered yesterday on QF144.

Imagine everything I have just described being handled by a solo pilot. Shared workload is essential at the most routine of times but even more crucial during an emergency.

More than 40 countries have currently tasked the UN body that sets aviation standards with making single-pilot operations a reality.

I wish the reporters who swarmed on Sydney Airport yesterday afternoon asked the relieved passengers their opinion of one-pilot cockpits. I’m confident they would have needed to beep out some expletives.

January 19, 2023 3:12 pm

Pressure on Marise Payne to retire from Senate
Matthew Knott
SMH -By Matthew Knott – January 19, 2023

Liberal Party moderates are agitating for former foreign affairs minister Marise Payne to retire from politics soon after the NSW state election, arguing the party needs an injection of fresh energy after last year’s crushing election defeat.

Speculation about Payne’s future has intensified after the death of Senate colleague Jim Molan, with potential candidates weighing up whether to compete for his vacant position or wait until Payne’s seat becomes available.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 19, 2023 3:13 pm

‘Expert’, ‘Scientist’, ‘Study’, ‘Report’. These words have been so horribly debased.

You become an expert not through expertise, but by some authority that lacks that expertise calling you one. Newspapers will latch onto a single scientist wishing to chastise us for having our freedoms without ever looking to see if this person’s claim is accepted by others in the same field.

Reports and studies are gamed. They once had an existence outside of the news cycle and in that other realm they were vetted by people with a professional interest in the truth. Now they are sent to the newspapers and are forgotten the next day with the edition of the newspaper that carried it. Just a less oil-absorbent fish wrapper.

But what really astounds me is ‘activist’. For some reason people have started taking activist as being equivalent to expert, that what an activist says must be true. Activists are people with a strong attachment to a narrow focus. Cranks. Typically young, without the patience to accumulate necessary knowledge, smug, chaining themselves to things, marching through the streets with laughably overwrought placards shouting out what everyone else must do – and with a lamentable history of failure.

Put a scientific report in front a few people. The activist is the one who gets shouty and starts exaggerating the opening paragraph while the others are sorting the information in their heads. Activists are sort of…anti-knowledge, analogous to anti-matter. When activists come into contact with knowledge there is annihilation and we are left with nothing.

Now activists are quoted as if they are granting insight. (Psychological, perhaps.)

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 3:13 pm

helping our side win seems prudent.

What is this “our side” of which you speak, m0nty=fa?

January 19, 2023 3:19 pm

We’re living in an upside-down era. Regulators detect danger only when a critical mass of citizens has become alarmed. Newsrooms report stories only when the embarrassment of not reporting them becomes unbearable. Universities teach lessons screened by students

It won’t end well
9:55 AM · Jan 14, 2023

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 3:19 pm

Less people died.

Prove it, m0nty=fa.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 3:27 pm

Unmarried women without children have been moving toward the Democratic Party for several years

I’m not sure that this is a viable long-term strategy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 3:32 pm

Boambee Johnsays:
January 19, 2023 at 3:13 pm
helping our side win seems prudent.

What is this “our side” of which you speak, m0nty=fa?

And when will you be enlisting in the service of “our side”?

January 19, 2023 3:34 pm

Iowahawk posted a story about George Santos being a transvestite in Brazil at one stage.
Is this new news?

Robert Sewell
January 19, 2023 3:35 pm

Unjabbed, not had COVID, family members x5 who’ve had the COVID were all jabbed.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 19, 2023 3:35 pm

Reginald Blandford

Lol. Snuff in pipe, tweed jacket type bloke.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 19, 2023 3:35 pm

In I Think I’m Going to Die of Surprise news:

Gas producers push back on ACCC’s assurances

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairwoman Gina Cass-Gottlieb said there was no justification for gas suppliers refusing to offer manufacturers new contracts under the price cap. She told ABC Radio that in its guidance released on Tuesday, the ACCC had provided enough information to producers to enable them to offer gas supply.

The enough information provided by Ms Cass-Gottlieb:

The maximum pecuniary penalty for a contravention of the Order or section 53ZQ of the CCA is the greater of $50 million, three times the value of the benefit obtained, or 30% of annual Australian turnover of the corporation in the preceding 12 months if the value of the benefit cannot be determined;


supplying regulated gas under an agreement at a price above the price cap of
$12/GJ during the Price Cap Period

The ACCC helpfully provides ‘guidance’ which pours murk and uncertainty over the major contractual provisions of a typical gas supply agreement between producers and purchasers.

Transfer Point 1: The producer is obliged to wear the pipeline haulage price to the point of sale at $12/GJ. So, if the normal transfer point is Moomba, and (for example) the gas is coming from Surat CSG, the producer has to pony up the pipeline and ancilliary services tariff for haulage from the field to South Australia;

Transfer point 2: Deep shit for the producer if the $12/GJ price is set at a transfer point which the ACCC deems to be avoiding the Cap;

Commodity-linked price: forget it if the future operation of the linkage takes the price over $12/GJ;

Take or pay provisions: forget it if they incorporate a penalty for the purchaser not taking gas at the contract rate and that penalty lifts the price over $12/GJ;

Peak Demand: If the purchaser wants a high peak delivery, that must be priced at $12/GJ and the average demand priced lower – because if a massive spike in demand (ooh, say turning on an open cycle gas turbine generator) occurs – with the attendant field and haulage costs – the price must never stray over $12/GJ;

Trading Risk Between Willing Parties: This little gem (verbatim):

Producer A carries on a business of producing regulated gas subject to the price cap. In the Price Cap Period, Producer A submits an offer on a gas trading exchange for the supply of regulated gas. The price of the offer is below the price cap.

Customer A submits a bid on a gas trading exchange to purchase regulated gas. The price for the bid exceeds the price cap. Producer A’s offer, and Customer A’s bid, are matched. This results in a transaction between the two parties at the price of Customer A’s bid in excess of the price cap. This is likely not a contravention of subsection (8)(3) of the Order as Producer A’s offer did not exceed the price cap

So, free trade between willing parties in Australia is “likely not a contravention“.

No, really.
These people are regulating the Australian economy.

January 19, 2023 3:43 pm

What is this “our side” of which you speak, m0nty=fa?

I thought nazis like banderistas, right sector and azov battalion where the bad guys, so apparently we are now the bad guys. go figure 😐

January 19, 2023 3:45 pm

Why not just regulate to ROI say 8% cash dividend B/T after a maximum 2/3 reinvestment rate?

Robert Sewell
January 19, 2023 3:48 pm

Black Ball:

Except monty doesn’t have the balls to do anything himself.

Just wait until government tells him it’s OK to help in a new holocaust.

January 19, 2023 3:48 pm

GPT4 is coming

January 19, 2023 3:48 pm

January 19, 2023 at 2:55 pm
Can’t wait for DILF Manor.

Just like my Japanese cartoons

January 19, 2023 3:51 pm

Dr Faustussays:
January 19, 2023 at 3:35 pm

We are ruled by people who think making a law makes things happen.
They think there is nothing on heaven or earth which cant be improved by them inserting themselves into the middle of it.

Underpants legislators.
They pass a law,
Industry scrambles to stay solvent

Real Deal
Real Deal
January 19, 2023 3:53 pm

Other possible candidates include former NSW transport minister Andrew Constance

Good grief, no!
A more useless, preening, maladroit flog you would never meet.

Trams that crack. Ferries that don’t fit under bridges or Manly ferries that can’t cross the heads in moderate swell, trains that don’t go through tunnels…the list goes on. Plus he is a dripping wet soy boy.

Real Deal
Real Deal
January 19, 2023 3:55 pm

On Constance,

Snap Rabz.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 3:56 pm

Less people died. Is that simple enough for you, ML?

More people died, not less.
That’s because ivermectin reduces death rates by about 75%.
And they banned ivermectin and forced people to get the ineffective and dangerous vaccine.

Typical that Monty is exactly wrong again.

January 19, 2023 3:57 pm


I hadnt seen this bit of the gas ca insanity before.

its … special.

ACCC chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb said deals would be assessed on an ongoing basis and final judgment would be made at their expiry to determine if the price had averaged at or below $12 a gigajoule.

If gas producers breach the rules, they will be fined $50 million or three times the value of the company’s profit from the deal — whichever is the highest amount.

An industry source with knowledge of LNG producers’ views, who was wary of criticising the government on the record, said the fact that gas deals would be assessed on a case-by-case basis raised the risk producers would be fined tens of millions of dollars for supply contracts they believed would comply with the new rules.

“This makes it difficult for producers to know specifically what might constitute compliance versus non-compliance until you receive the fine in the mail,” the insider said.

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen on Wednesday said while the producers deserved a chance to assess the guidance, he warned he was willing to enforce the gas trigger.

“The government’s strong and clear expectation and requirement of gas companies is that they will supply gas at a reasonable price to Australian consumers … we will act and do whatever we need to do in the national interest,” he said.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 3:58 pm

Carl, being a new age guy, shared the news with Mrs Carl 2.0 (the sister of the Woman Scorned).

What happens in Noosa stays in Noosa.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
January 19, 2023 4:00 pm

Less people died.

Other problem is that people who merely died while carrying covid were being counted as dying from covid.

There are actually no values for people clearly dying of covid.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 4:01 pm

They did a feature two days ago on Carl and Pup being future brothers-in-law.
Didn’t age well.

Family is tricky. Especially if things go all Tasmanian on you.

January 19, 2023 4:02 pm

Well, the Nayzee moderation machine won’t let me do the full post.

Underpants lawmakers?

Let’s see s 165-55 of the ANTS/GST Act.

For the purposes of making a declaration under this Subdivision, the Commissioner may:

(a) treat a particular event that actually happened as not having happened; and

(b) treat a particular event that did not actually happen as having happened and, if appropriate, treat the event as:

(i) having happened at a particular time; and

(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity; and

(c) treat a particular event that actually happened as:

(i) having happened at a time different from the time it actually happened; or

(ii) having involved particular action by a particular entity (whether or not the event actually involved any action by that entity).

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 4:04 pm

“celebrity accountant”

aka the guy paying for the cocaine.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 4:08 pm

Dot at 4:02 pm – think the Commissioner of Taxation already has similar powers. Steven Conroy would approve.

January 19, 2023 4:09 pm

I suppose arresting the perps is out of the question.

Wash your mouth out with soap! .. we isn’t talking ordinary folk here but 251s .. the chosen ..
your future VOICE … FFS!

January 19, 2023 4:12 pm

ACCC chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb.

Is chair it’s pronoun? so hard to keep up these days….

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 19, 2023 4:14 pm

Underpants lawmakers?

The Stephen Conroy doctrine

January 19, 2023 4:14 pm

How the Pup is ever going to live down being beaten senseless by an enraged (female) fashion consultant remains to be seen.

Several hours in the tanning pod can “orange” out any angst …….. Pup is too orange as sTan is to blek ..!

January 19, 2023 4:15 pm


There was some saucy article in the UK DM making out an old rich guy with a 28 year old wife was a pedo.

If women are children until they’re 29, then we know what to do with voting rights.

January 19, 2023 4:16 pm

I’m a little bit confused by the notion that all any of the covid vaccines only masked the symptoms.
Does that mean people were really sick but didn’t need to be hospitalised or die because their symptoms were masked in exactly the same way as say, morphine masks severe pain?
That’s not making a whole lot of sense to me.

COVID vaccines do not mask symptoms like morphine.

They lower transmission, but not to nil. They lower severity of symptoms, but not to nil.

This was the first serious global pandemic for which we had the technology and infrastructure to fix it quickly before it killed a significant percentage of the world population. No, we didn’t have the luxury of 5-10 years to fully test the jabs. Yes, some people had and continue to have adverse vax reactions. Overall, though, the vaccines did a lot more good than they did harm. Hippocratic Oath and all, fair enough, but public health officials also have to weigh up macro utilitarian concerns.

Those of you who want to free ride on risks taken by everyone else without joining in for the common good… deserve our scorn and rejection. Have a nice life.

January 19, 2023 4:16 pm

Dont worry dot, Turtlehead Bowen is in charge of Australias energy functions.

We are truly blessed.

He will move onto the evils of big zinc oxide next.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 4:18 pm

Dotty Dot, you are such a T.W.A.T…………………

More Martin Armstrong to come……………………

Joh Knee Rotten.

Black Ball
Black Ball
January 19, 2023 4:18 pm

Those of you who want to free ride on risks taken by everyone else without joining in for the common good… deserve our scorn and rejection. Have a nice life.

Phuck off monty, we are paying for your miserable existence.

January 19, 2023 4:20 pm

Yes, some people had and continue to have adverse vax reactions. Overall, though, the vaccines did a lot more good than they did harm. Hippocratic Oath and all, fair enough, but public health officials also have to weigh up macro utilitarian concerns.

So why was Novavax delayed approval? The delay in approving it was completely capricious and without merit.

Your narrative is desperate BS. COIVD was a political stunt taking advantage of a new virus strain and it attracted corruption like a dead horse.

Furthermore COVID has been found in Europe dating back to March 2019.

By November 2021, when the vaccine mandates “peaked”, there was a full 32 months that it had been in the west.

Complete nonsense.

January 19, 2023 4:20 pm

Overall, though, the vaccines did a lot more good than they did harm.

This pronouncement won’t age well.
The vaccines moved risk from the elderly to the young.
That’s all they did.

January 19, 2023 4:22 pm

More Martin Armstrong to come……………………

What a blessed existence. Non-stop Old Man Greta Thunberg Pokemon, 3 bn USD Fraud Evolution.

January 19, 2023 4:28 pm

Hippocratic Oath and all

Monty blithely dismisses the core, founding principle of medicine in favor of big government making medical decisions for people.

Because they have been so good at making the big calls in the past.

Miasma theory of disease anyone?

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 4:29 pm

They lower transmission, but not to nil. They lower severity of symptoms, but not to nil.


Yes, some people had and continue to have adverse vax reactions. Overall, though, the vaccines did a lot more good than they did harm.

Prove it.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 4:30 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:22 pm
More Martin Armstrong to come……………………

Lol Dotty Dot and some good reading for you if you want to broaden your horizons. That is from your right ear and the left ear where the gap is getting bigger………………….You plonker…………………………

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 4:34 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:22 pm
More Martin Armstrong to come……………………

Dotty Dot, you are an economic keynes dope and thicko’………………


January 19, 2023 4:34 pm

Martin Armstrong has no formal training in economics, statistics, finance or mathematics, let alone computer science.

His models are complete BS and he writes fake letters to himself. He cannot get economic history correct, his history of European coinage was riddled with errors. He asserts he advised Paul Keating, Mercedes Benz and he and Bernie Madoff were patsies, despite their epic 3 bn USD and 64 bn USD frauds. He merely posts ideas off Zero Hedge and so on 24 hours off the pace.

Delusional nonsense.

January 19, 2023 4:35 pm

If women are children until they’re 29, then we know what to do with voting rights.

try 89

January 19, 2023 4:36 pm

an economic keynes dope


Try this instead.

January 19, 2023 4:37 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?

I wouldn’t know, I only played play their stupid games once for an unrelated hospital admission. It turns out I had COVID but a course of Ivermectin once I got home cleared that up quick smart.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 4:37 pm

mUnty. The last of the true believers.

January 19, 2023 4:37 pm

They lower transmission, but not to nil. They lower severity of symptoms, but not to nil.


Therefore you’re disgusting and evil and should be in prison.


January 19, 2023 4:39 pm

why does Rotten keep pushing a scammer….. oh wait “Rotten”

Robert Sewell
January 19, 2023 4:39 pm


I hadn’t seen this bit of the gas ca insanity before.

And it is insane. The administrative State has divorced itself from reality.
Are they pushing for a gas strike by the producers who have no idea what the rules are anymore?

Hold that thought – ARE they trying to create a crisis in the gas industry like they are doing in the electrical generating industry so they can Nationalise it?
Would you put it past any Labor government to NOT do this?

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 4:41 pm

Those of you who want to free ride on risks taken by everyone else without joining in for the common good…

Spoken to The Internationale.

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 4:44 pm

Robert Sewellsays:
January 19, 2023 at 4:39 pm

I hadn’t seen this bit of the gas ca insanity before.

And it is insane. The administrative State has divorced itself from reality.
Are they pushing for a gas strike by the producers who have no idea what the rules are anymore?

Hold that thought – ARE they trying to create a crisis in the gas industry like they are doing in the electrical generating industry so they can Nationalise it?
Would you put it past any Labor government to NOT do this?

As Howard did with the vegetation laws, the Commonwealth will have to get the states to do the nationalisation. The Commonwealth is bound by the Constitution to acquire only “on just terms”. The states are generally not so bound.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 19, 2023 4:46 pm

Art Gallery of WA: Activists spray paint over iconic artwork in protest against Woodside Energy
Brianna DuganThe West Australian
Thu, 19 January 2023 1:18PM

Protesters deface century-old painting at Art Gallery of WA.

Activists have spray painted over an iconic artwork at the Art Gallery of WA, covering the colonial-era piece with a Woodside logo.

Two activists, who are part of the Disrupt Burrup Hub campaign, entered the gallery about 10.30am on Thursday before painting a bright yellow Woodside logo over Down on His Luck — painted by Frederick McCubbin in 1889.

The activists, Joana Partyka and Desmond Blurton, who both donned homemade t-shirts with the writing ‘Disrupt Burrup Hub’ — said the were protesting a fossil fuel project “desecrating sacred Murujuga rock art” up to 50,000 years-old at the Burrup Peninsula in the Pilbara.

Down on His Luck is one of the gallery’s most prized pieces, a classic Australian artwork dating back to 1889 depicting a swagman sitting by a campfire in the bush.

The vandalism stunt was caught on camera, with the vision later released to the media.

In the footage, Ms Partyka is seen spray painting over the artwork before super-gluing her hand to the wall next to it and reading from a piece of paper outlining her justification for the incident. A stencil of the Woodside logo sits at her feet.

Ballardong Noongar man Desmond Blurton was standing next to her with an Aboriginal flag laid across the floor, before making an Acknowledgement of Country.

Good luck with the referendum regarding the “Voice.”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 4:47 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:34 pm
Martin Armstrong has no formal training in economics, statistics, finance or mathematics, let alone computer science.

As usual you are badly informed. If informed at at all. Please go back into your cave and do more research. If you can that is……………………….

Boambee John
Boambee John
January 19, 2023 4:47 pm

Those of you who want to free ride on risks taken by everyone else without joining in for the common good…

m0nty=fa seems to think that a Ukraine victory over Wussia is for the “common good”, yet he is not rushing to join in by enlisting for that war, preferring to “free ride on risks taken by everyone else”.

Hypocrite much?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 4:49 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:34 pm

Whatever Dotty Dot says means SFU.

January 19, 2023 4:50 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?


January 19, 2023 4:52 pm

well Im completely reassured that this hand picked egg-spurt is just who we should be paying attention to about the in-voice.
However, constitutional law expert Anne Twomey says it would be inappropriate for the government to release draft legislation ahead of the vote.

“It goes completely against the entire point of the referendum,” Professor Twomey said.

“If you start putting out a detail with the bill, et cetera, people will think that that’s what they’re voting on in the referendum.” *

Labor has been consistent in saying those details would be covered by legislation if the Voice passes a referendum, repeatedly referring to the Calma-Langton report on the Voice as one of the documents that will inform eventual legislation.

Legislation leaves ‘flexibility’ for the Voice
Professor Twomey — who is one of the experts advising the government on the constitutional change ahead of the referendum — said there was confusion about what the referendum would actually achieve.

“The voting in the referendum is on the words and the change that you put into the constitution,” Professor Twomey said.

“So it’s the words that say — there shall be this body, it has the function of making representations to parliament and we have to leave parliament to decide the rest.”**

“There would be real problems if you did it in advance and gave them the bill and said: ‘This is what’s going to happen’ and that people would think that that is what they’re voting on. ***

“In fact, the process involves getting parliament to decide those things in the future and change them from time to time where needed.”****

* The referendum will make the in-voice eternal, so i think having 1/2 an idea of its proposed construction is entirely 100% and in every way the point of the referendum.
** Trust me, close your eyes and open your mouth is a poor start to any relationship.
*** Shes arguing against people being given information which will enable them to make a choice.
**** As a bald headed flog once said

January 19, 2023 4:52 pm
January 19, 2023 4:53 pm

Dot, mining & gas explorers always seen to be able to raise cash in Australia.
Makes me laugh when you see an explorer trading at a cent that’s raised capital hand over fist for the last 10 years.

Exploration is expensive, even more so now with the excessive green/red/black tape hoops. Mind you the company scenario you describe could seem a bit fishy.

January 19, 2023 4:57 pm
H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 5:02 pm

Professor Twomey

Yep, not there by accident. “Sound” as Humpy would say.

January 19, 2023 5:02 pm

Mr Paech said the government was discussing a range of “realistic ideas and solutions” with the community to “reclaim the CBD at night”.

These included the introduction of shatter-proof glass throughout the CBD, and automatic bollards that would operate on certain streets at selected times.

I suppose arresting the perps is out of the question.

May I suggest using the nightstick officer. A sober adult on every street corner carrying a big stick might solve the problem.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 5:04 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:36 pm
an economic keynes dope


Try this instead.

No Dotty Dot the World has changed even before you can get your 2 braincells together. Keynes never ever suggested that the Debt should not be paid back which he thought the Guv’ments would do. And they didn’t which is why we (Gov’mentys) are in this mess now. The Guv’ments will never ever pay the money back. You are an Economic Pygmy and a Plonker…………..Stay in your Cave and have fun playing with yourself……………………..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 5:05 pm

“It goes completely against the entire point of the referendum,” Professor Twomey said.

“If you start putting out a detail with the bill, et cetera, people will think that that’s what they’re voting on in the referendum.”

We know what’s best for the proles, and we won’t tell them what that is, in case they regrettably mistake our awesomeness for something else.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 19, 2023 5:07 pm

May I suggest using the nightstick officer. A sober adult on every street corner carrying a big stick might solve the problem.

Certain police officers, in South Africa, used to have the art of bringing down fleeing offenders, with a well thrown nightstick, down to a fine art…..

January 19, 2023 5:14 pm

No Dotty Dot the World has changed even before you can get your 2 braincells together. Keynes never ever suggested that the Debt should not be paid back which he thought the Guv’ments would do.

Is this insane gibberish courtesy of Homer Paxton?

. You are an Economic Pygmy and a Plonker…………..Stay in your Cave and have fun playing with yourself……………………..

I am a published researcher and I got a first.

Marty Armstrong ripped off investors to the tune of three billion US dollars.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 5:16 pm

Is this insane gibberish courtesy of Homer Paxton?

Harsh but cannot be ruled out completely.

John H.
John H.
January 19, 2023 5:19 pm

Dover Beach,

This may interest you:

The Secret Life of the Unborn Child

… an unborn child is a sensing, feeling, conscious, and remembering being at least 3 months before birth.

The quote is from another book by the same author: The Embodied Mind. Interesting read.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 5:20 pm

Yep, not there by accident. “Sound” as Humpy would say.

In truth you could pick any one of 95% of academic constitutional lawyers and get the same result.

January 19, 2023 5:22 pm

Anyone catch the senior NSWPOL wanker wanting to “crack down on hate speech” and when charges can’t be laid, he just wants to talk to the garage Nayzees, etc?

Basically he can eff off. If you can’t lay charges, get lost and consider getting a real job.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 5:23 pm

January 19, 2023 at 5:14 pm
No Dotty Dot the World has changed even before you can get your 2 braincells together. Keynes never ever suggested that the Debt should not be paid back which he thought the Guv’ments would do.

Is this insane gibberish courtesy of Homer Paxton?

. You are an Economic Pygmy and a Plonker…………..Stay in your Cave and have fun playing with yourself……………………..

I am a published researcher and I got a first.

Marty Armstrong ripped off investors to the tune of three billion US dollars.

3 billion dollars?????? You more that you crap on the bigger the number gets………..

Dotty Dot. Just go to bed and stop drinking the booze. You really are in Dotty Dot land………..You have no idea of how the real World and Economy works. Maybe you are one of these ACADEMICS………….Oh dear, we should now all now bow down to these tossers………………………lol

January 19, 2023 5:27 pm

We need a law called Gaegler’s law.

Every judicial decision, order or substantive point of a complicated decision of law needs to be no more than two A4 pages long.

The offending judges will be whipped on Michaelmas before Parliament by the Governor General or State Governor.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 5:30 pm

I am a published researcher and I got a first.

First in what? Shagging the Professor……………………….LOL

January 19, 2023 5:36 pm

Dot I’d prefer Festivus, made up like their judgements. As you say if it can’t be explained simply its bullshiite.

January 19, 2023 5:37 pm

January 19, 2023 at 2:30 pm
Hey guys. Do not feed to troll, or imbecile.
If you completely ignore their comments, act as if they don’t exist, they eventually get bored due to lack of attention and leave.

Sure; and the left play by rules; and there are rules; and the tooth fairy has big tits. Ignore the left and you end up with a serrated dildo up your arse. Every fu.king time. I don’t know, maybe you like that. I don’t.

The only approach to the left is to call out the dickless mongrels every time. Ideally the Dutton approach is the way but I believe there may be legal issues.

January 19, 2023 5:38 pm

I hate navel gazing, but…

There are plenty of good academics, you would learn something with some humility.

Tony Makin was the most vocal professor opposed to the Rudd-Swan stimulus.

You would be much better off reading Makin than Armstrong.

The Japanese claimed 3 bn USD of fraud in 1995 (?) prices. Armstrong ran a fund with 46 mn of assets, he reported 1 bn of assets to investors.

I did academic work on agricultural economics, labour economics, financial models and trade & direct investment.

I did private sector work for others on labour markets (Gillard quoted me, LOL), asset maintenance and infrastructure. Working for myself I have done very specific work on asset maintenance, but across several sectors.

Martin Armstrong has no value. Anything decent he writes is secondhand, derivative and stale.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 5:48 pm

If Someone is Charged with a Ponzi Scheme – It is Always a Cover-Up

And just to rev up Dotty Dot, Jerkoff Cretin, Mrs Stencho Pantyhose and many others……………….

And if you don’t want to read it then don’t do it. T.W.A.T.S

From Martin Economics –

“We always hear that some high-profile case is always a giant Ponzi Scheme. As soon as you hear that, you know the charges are FAKE NEWS! Why, because the actual legal definition of a Ponzi Scheme means that there was “no legitimate business” and the entire thing was a fraud. By calling it a Ponzi scheme, they do NOT have to prove each and every fraud. They then try to claim that everything was a fraud because they cannot prove individual transactions and that immediately cuts off any other investigation. That is why they are calling FTX a Ponzi Scheme to prevent any investigation that would uncover money laundering. The court-appointed lawyers are a JOKE. They will never defend you. They put on a show and that is it. In my case, they had to drop that because I knew the law. Every theory they would use, I attacked. They just get to constantly change the theory and the press never pays attention.”

January 19, 2023 5:51 pm

* The referendum will make the in-voice eternal, so i think having 1/2 an idea of its proposed construction is entirely 100% and in every way the point of the referendum.

The Voice could be eternal, but there is no guarantee that parliament couldnt legislate it so that it says it will consist of 2 representatives appointed by the Indig Affairs Minister, and they appoint Bess Price & Warren Mundine as the 2 reps

January 19, 2023 5:51 pm

An exciting new study has found a strong negative correlation (r = -.93, p < .001) between the number of times I accidentally read m0nty’s posts and my capacity for Christian charity.

The effect was robust, and remained significant even when controlling for potentially confounding factors such as the amount of booze I had consumed and the time elapsed since I last got my rocks off.

While a precise causal mechanism is yet to be established, the authors suggest that, out of an abundance of caution, m0nty should immediately be tarred, feathered, and run out of town on a rail.

Of course more research is required, and a whopping ARC grant has been applied for at tax-payer’s expense, for the common good I tells ya.

January 19, 2023 5:52 pm

We need a law called Gaegler’s law.

Every judicial decision, order or substantive point of a complicated decision of law needs to be no more than two A4 pages long.

Lionel Murphy wrote some of the shortest and best Judgments; and he was a crook. Go figure.

January 19, 2023 5:52 pm

If Someone is Charged with a Ponzi Scheme – It is Always a Cover-Up





There was no cover up. Why are you running interference for this fraudulent clown?

January 19, 2023 5:52 pm

Man drives electric Volvo 350 miles to see REAL cost and ‘numbers just didn’t add up’

Steven Smith wanted to find out just how easy it is to charge an electric car and what it costs but found that using the eco-friendly vehicle came with a hefty price tag

The development and demand for electric cars has been growing, but there’s still an ongoing debate about just how worthwhile the more environmentally-friendly vehicles are.

In an effort to find out how easy they are to drive and how the cost compares to petrol or diesel cars, Steven Smith set out on a real-world experiment to put one of the vehicles to the test.

He decided to drive a Volvo C40 Recharge Twin Pro on a 350-mile round trip between his home in Cornwall to Bristol — a journey he regularly completes in his 16-year-old BMW 318 diesel.

Steven said the trip usually costs him “around £50 at today’s diesel prices, assuming 55mpg and 173.9p a litre, which is the price at my nearest supermarket”.

While he usually leaves at around 8am and arrives in Bristol before 11am, only requiring stops if he feels he needs a comfort break, he knew that his trip was likely to be different.

Writing for Wales Online, he said: “I spent a fair bit of time in those few days mulling over strategy and cost. One thing I knew was that the round trip was impossible without charging.

“So I had to factor in a stop on the outward journey for a quick fast charge at a motorway services, then top up (slowly) as much as possible at a relative’s house in Bristol, before stopping again for a boost on the motorway on the way home to avoid the prospect of finding myself stranded somewhere on Bodmin Moor late on a cold, dark, January night.”

Steven set off for his journey with the Volvo 100% charged, which cost approximately £20 to charge at his home — although it’s not actually recommended to charge the car to 100% in order to prolong its battery life.

The Volvo has an on-paper range of 273 miles, but Steven quickly discovered that this didn’t seem to be the case as he only had 180 miles showing for the actual range when he set off with a full battery.

After driving for an hour and 40 minutes, Steven made his first charging stop at Taunton Dean services on the M5, where he arrived with 25% battery and 45 miles remaining.

He waited for 40 minutes for the battery to charge to 60%, costing £19.62 for another 55 miles.

Already, the price was struggling to beat his trusty BMW, which he said would use about a gallon for 55 miles, costing less than £8.

He arrived in Bristol just 30 minutes later than usual at just after 11am, with the car’s charge back down to 35% and at a 60-mile range.

He then charged it “very slowly” using a standard three-pin plug at a relative’s house, which was able to get him another 30 miles for around £5 by 6:30pm.

At 6:45pm he began heading back to Cornwall on 52% charge and a 90-mile range.

Aiming to stop at Exeter services, which was 75 miles away, to use their super-fast chargers Steven began to stress about the car’s range.

He said: “This was going to be tight, but I was determined to make it, rather than potentially having to stop twice on the way home – I knew the super-fast charger would sort me out, if I could get there.

“And, man, the next hour or so was stressful. I arrived – just – at Exeter with 7% charge, 14 miles range showing. I have to admit that the 20 minutes or so before arriving there were not a pleasant feeling, as the range seemingly got tighter and tighter.”

Upon arriving he charged the car for 45 minutes, which brought it up to 84% charge and 140-mile range, but the quick charging came with an eye-watering cost of £43.45.

Finally, he arrived back home at 10:20pm – 50 minutes later than usual, with 25 miles remaining.

Overall, the journey proved to be pretty stressful and costly.

Steven said: “The whole day had been a bit of a brain melt in all honesty, constantly working out how far I could travel and where the best places to stop were on both legs of the journey.

All in all I felt relieved to get home, but also like someone had emptied my wallet while I wasn’t looking.”

With a full charge at home, a fast top-up at services, a slow top-up in Bristol and a super-fast top-up on the way back, the entire journey cost Steven £88.07.

Meanwhile, he calculated that the diesel cost for the same journey would have come to £50.24, “assuming 55mpg and 173.9p per litre”, while the petrol cost would have been £53.28, “assuming 45mpg and 150.9p per litre”.

Concluding his experiment, Steven said: “I wanted this to work, I really did. But after what I hope you will agree was a pretty comprehensive real-world test, I couldn’t make the numbers add up.

“Whichever way I looked at it, the return trip had taken me 90 minutes longer than usual and cost me nearly £40 more. I certainly didn’t expect that.

“Helping to save the planet with zero-emission vehicles comes at a personal cost, it would seem, certainly given the spiralling cost of energy in the past year or so.”

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 5:53 pm

January 19, 2023 at 5:38 pm
I hate navel gazing, but…

Dotty Dot just go away and have a nice dazzzze.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 5:57 pm

January 19, 2023 at 5:52 pm
If Someone is Charged with a Ponzi Scheme – It is Always a Cover-Up





There was no cover up. Why are you running interference for this fraudulent clown?

I like how you use Capital Letters in your posts. Are you angry about something?


January 19, 2023 5:58 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:52 pm
well Im completely reassured that this hand picked egg-spurt is just who we should be paying attention to about the in-voice.
However, constitutional law expert Anne Twomey says it would be inappropriate for the government to release draft legislation ahead of the vote.

“It goes completely against the entire point of the referendum,” Professor Twomey said. Professor Twomey says doing so would confuse voters and limit flexibility.


January 19, 2023 5:58 pm

The just deserts would be if Rodney Rottenhead actually paid for Marty Armstrong’s bogus advice.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 6:03 pm

There are going to be specialist psychological practices who do nothing but treat range anxiety.
It’ll be a rising demand.

January 19, 2023 6:09 pm

The just deserts would be if Rodney Rottenhead actually paid for Marty Armstrong’s bogus advice.

There is a fairly hefty subscription iirc.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
January 19, 2023 6:09 pm

January 19, 2023 at 5:58 pm
The just deserts would be if Rodney Rottenhead actually paid for Marty Armstrong’s bogus advice.

I like it that Dotty Head of Dottyhead does not respond to my posts but just posts another ‘stoopid’ post. And she/he /it/whatever/ cannot spell. Were you talking about desserts or a desert? And you got a first? What in? Being a T.W.A.T.?…………..Or Shagging……………..

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 19, 2023 6:12 pm

Daily Mail.

Judgement day for Alec Baldwin: New Mexico DA will announce TOMORROW whether charges will be laid in fatal Rust shooting – more than one year after actor accidentally shot dead Halyna Hutchins on set

Halyna Hutchins was killed by a live round inexplicably fired by Alec Baldwin
The shooting happened on the set of their movie Rust in October 2021
The Santa Fe set was subsequently shut down and an investigation launched
A decision on if criminal charges will be filed against Baldwin or any others is expected to be delivered by the Santa Fe DA’s office on Thursday

January 19, 2023 6:15 pm

This is basic stuff, primary school civics. If you are too dumb and/or stubborn to participate then see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya

from the same bloke that champions the rights of access to kiddies by associated perverts and trannies etc.

in this forum the clown known as mUnty is outspoken and unapologetic.
because it’s risk free.
and any tosser can have an opinion

what’s the bet that in the real world, the clown is a little more circumspect about who he lectures on what’s right and wrong.

I’ll lay odds that his heightened civic sensibilities end at exactly the point where the ears of the fathers of other kiddies begin.

mUnty is mouthy here … he won’t be in real-life where his bodily preservation requires teeth to be able to chew.


January 19, 2023 6:21 pm

Tried a cafe recommended by my host.
Didn’t get a cake though they look good, and everyone else is eating one, 🙁 just a cappuccino, which tastes like a big cup of warmish milk.
Back to my Euro rule of espressos.
At least I figured out this place you pay the cashier first, then give the barista your ticket.
I actually bought a small jar of coffee with me because dragging around a packet of Italian coffee is a pain in the neck and if I don’t have one or rarely two coffees a day I get a headache.
Also I just realised I left about half of my euro cash at home.
Oh well, I can spend it next time.

January 19, 2023 6:22 pm

I wonder when montypox will do a 180degree regarding the old thief? Seems like the DNC-meja are finished with him.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
January 19, 2023 6:23 pm

In Bhubaneswar with the girls and they’re bangle shopping. This could take some time.
The hockey world champs is in town. Deciding which match I’ll go and see, hoping to watch the Dutch lose or we win.

January 19, 2023 6:23 pm

Monty is entirely wrong that anyone should get vaccinated as some sort of civic duty.
He didn’t, nor did any member of his family.
But it’s the sort of nonsense you’d expect to hear from someone who thinks they are part of the enlightenment.

January 19, 2023 6:26 pm

And she/he /it/whatever/ cannot spell.

Great, being lectured about autowrecked spelling by someone who can’t write using proper grammar.

The Homer Paxton Index (HPI) may have peaked.

January 19, 2023 6:27 pm

Do filth like Kerry really believe the garbage they speak? Or are they really stoopid? Def evil.

January 19, 2023 6:29 pm

That fat grifter gore goes Hiroshima at Davos:

Al Gore WEF Meltdown: ‘Boiling the Oceans,’ ‘Rain Bombs,’ a Billion ‘Climate Refugees’

The Hiroshima analogy has been around with the alarmists for some time:

The comparison between the alleged destruction cause by (Anthropogenic Global Warming) AGW and the atomic bomb dropped at Hiroshima was first raised by professor of geology Mike Sandiford. Sandiford compares the human effect on the environment to the atomic bomb:
To put these numbers into a more human context we need a new measure for our energy use. The “Hiro” is one. It is the equivalent to the energy released by detonating one Hiroshima “Little Boy” bomb every second. One Hiro equals 60 trillion watts. In these terms, our human energy system operates at a rate of 0.25 Hiros, or one Hiroshima bomb every four seconds. That is the equivalent of more than eight million Hiroshima bombs going off each year.
This is a disgraceful bit of misanthropy made nonsensical by the fact that the natural energy of the system on Earth is a million times greater than the energy produced by humans and that the energy produced by humans is incremental. We don’t set off atomic bombs when we walk out the door; our energy is expended over time.

Such is the insignificance of the energy impact of humans on the Earth’s system that if humanity were to disappear tomorrow all traces of our energy would be gone in a geological blink of an eye.

However Sandiford’s insidious metaphor has been picked up by another academic with even less pretension to expertise in the field of AGW. This time the Ivory Tower has let loose one David Holmes, a lecturer in communications, whatever that is.

Holmes outdoes Sandiford because now humanity is letting off FOUR Hiroshima atomic bombs every second. Not one but four!

As a taxpayer are you getting annoyed yet?

Holmes continues by saying all these Hiroshimas, Hiros for short, are going into the oceans which is accumulating heat or energy or Joules or something at the usual rate leading to the destruction of all life on Earth as we know it; in short the usual hysterical alarmism from AGW acolytes.

Is the ocean boiling. No.

A final point: radiation from CO2, greenhouse radiation, CANNOT PENETRATE THE OCEANS! So, even if Ocean Heat Content was increasing it can’t be due to CO2.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 6:33 pm

Gore needs someone to release his second chakra.
He’s obviously feeling uptight.

Delta A
Delta A
January 19, 2023 6:33 pm

If women are children until they’re 29, then we know what to do with voting rights.

I wouldn’t try that on (almost) 21 yo granddaughter. She is fiercely anti antifa, socialism/communism – in fact,she’s quite conservative. No one will take her vote away.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 6:35 pm

That one might be slightly obscure, but the story at the time was hilarious.

January 19, 2023 6:36 pm

No Bruce, I am a man of culture, I got it.

January 19, 2023 6:38 pm


Tuesday, 26 July 2022
Martin Armstrong: Putin takes Ukraine in Three Days
Martin Armstrong – always the smartest guy after the fact – reverses his forecast positions after his Ukraine war predictions flop

In World War III Beginning Stages Now Martin Armstrong writes (quote, emphasis added):

Feb 2, 2022
Putin has wiped out the air force and owns the skies over Ukraine. He could annihilate the country in less than 3 days, but he is not doing that to the West’s befuddlement. 

Martin Armstrong is clearly whipping up fear in preparation of the sale of his snake oil with the promise to profit from the unfolding events: At the bottom of his page, he advertises his new War Computer Report that he has not even written yet.


A few months later in WWIII is not Worth Supporting Ukraine in a Land Grab he reverses his position as follows (quote, emphasis added):

Jul 16, 2022
Russia has been unable to use its air power because NATO is providing Ukraine with all the tactical information needed so they only need to turn on their radar minutes before launching and as such Russia cannot destroy those systems which have been supplanted by NATO.

Computer never wrong?

I can’t report on one of his forecast failures without tripping over a bigger one in the process. Here it is:
Re-defines the objective of a failed forecast to match the new reality: War cycle high reserved for Middle East war (which did not happen) is re-defined and re-used for the Ukraine War

On Jun 12, 2014, Martin Armstrong gave us a lecture about conflicts in the Middle East driving his war cycle. In Brain-Dead Foreign Policy – Destabilizing the Middle East – Feeding the War Cycle he writes (quote)

The War Cycle is doing what it was intended to do. I have warned that this is going to be much worse that the previous cycles building in intensity and broadening to a global perspective.

On Jul 9, 2014, Martin Armstrong continues in Crude Oil & The Future (quote)

It is poised to rally into 2017 and it appears this is lining up with our war models..

On Aug 2, 2022, in It’s a Matter of Confidence he uses The Fan Email Confidence Trick to give himself credit for forecasting that some kind of war would happen between 2011 and 2022 (emphasis added):

COMMENT: Marty; I really do not think people give you enough credit whilst they all pretend to claim they called it correctly just a couple of months ago. I was at your 2011 WEC in Philadelphia. A friend bought the ticket and dragged me there. I have to say, aside from your prediction that war would turn up in 2014 which coincided with Ukraine, …

Computer never wrong?

I think I have made the point once again that his forecasts are complete bullshit. And he knows it.

If you really need further explanation of how these forecasting tricks work, please read:

Martin Armstrong’s Economic Confidence Model (ECM)

Economic Confidence Model, just a play on numbers of 8.6 

and Socrates Forecast Array Nonsense.

January 19, 2023 6:39 pm

what’s the bet that in the real world, the clown is a little more circumspect about who he lectures on what’s right and wrong.

Thought the same, Matrix.

January 19, 2023 6:40 pm
January 19, 2023 6:42 pm

Martin Greta Pokemon Armstrong also sells recordings of his old conferences for 1500 USD a pop.

Who TF is paying for this tarted up tripe?

January 19, 2023 6:44 pm

Monty is entirely wrong that anyone should get vaccinated as some sort of civic duty.
He didn’t, nor did any member of his family.

I’m sorry to hear that.

January 19, 2023 6:45 pm

They lower transmission, but not to nil. They lower severity of symptoms, but not to nil.

I think they lower IQ

but not to nil … mUnty cant form an argument but clearly he can still type

January 19, 2023 6:45 pm
January 19, 2023 6:46 pm

You in India Gez?

January 19, 2023 6:54 pm

Thanks Dot.
The best commentators are the ones you rarely hear from & you don’t have to pay for.
Howard Marks releases his memos for free and sometimes you don’t hear from him for six months.

January 19, 2023 6:55 pm

Find it hard to believe it’s true but I recall he’s a violent old f*ckwit.

January 19, 2023 6:56 pm

But there’s nothing wrong charging for content.
As long as it adds value.
All these subscription based trading schemes are scams.
Always have been.

January 19, 2023 7:02 pm

Howard Marks has been around for more than 40 years & reckons that conditions have only been ideal for investing for 6 of those years.
It’s how you manage the non-ideal years is how you demonstrate your value.

Delta A
Delta A
January 19, 2023 7:07 pm

Two activists, who are part of the Disrupt Burrup Hub campaign, entered the gallery about 10.30am on Thursday before painting a bright yellow Woodside logo over Down on His Luck — painted by Frederick McCubbin in 1889.

Now I’m angry.

Really red hot, bloody angry! Frederick McCubbin, my favourite artist, has brought great pleasure and, dare I say, prompted precious memories for innumerable people over the past century plus. With his contemporaries in the Heidelberg School of Art, he embraced the Australian bush to capture the essence of Australia in the 19th century. His enormous contribution to our history and society should be preserved for ever.

These entitled, protected little thugs have contributed nothing! They have no care or respect for all that is decent in society. But, as sons and daughters of our ‘elite’, they are beyond reproach. I just wish…

No. I’m too enraged speak further.

January 19, 2023 7:08 pm

I love the was Mr Rotten’s posts from Armstrong bothers youse

don’t even know why but it makes me chuckle every time

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 19, 2023 7:10 pm

January 19, 2023 at 4:34 pm
Martin Armstrong has no formal training in economics, statistics, finance or mathematics, let alone computer science.

But, despite this, he runs a pretty mean Ponzi.

January 19, 2023 7:10 pm
January 19, 2023 7:12 pm

he runs a pretty mean Ponzi.

exactly … I reckon it might be envy

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 7:14 pm

All the best horse racing programs are based on the Gold Coast.

January 19, 2023 7:15 pm

I envy Andrew Forrest.

I don’t envy Martin Armstrong. He’s repulsive.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 7:16 pm

Bai Lin tea anyone?

January 19, 2023 7:16 pm

Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’

Trouble at t’ mill?

January 19, 2023 7:16 pm

#8 Bill Gates announced digital vaccine passports during a March 2020 TED Talk interview.

The sentence on “certificates of vaccinated person” and “digital immunity proof” was edited out by TED producers, but the sentence remained in a full audio version of the interview.

This is comment 8 in a Twitter thread on Operation Lockstep.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
January 19, 2023 7:18 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?

Not me, nor have my unvaccinated protest-attending friends caught it a second time either.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 7:19 pm

Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’

Is that one of those nude calendar things?

January 19, 2023 7:19 pm

Mutiny erupts among WEF staff over role of ‘Mr Davos’

Biden does a mean hitler

January 19, 2023 7:19 pm


Comically sad

January 19, 2023 7:20 pm

Delta Asays:
January 19, 2023 at 6:33 pm

I agree.
It should be boomers.

Ed Case
Ed Case
January 19, 2023 7:21 pm

… in the neck and if I don’t have one or rarely two coffees a day I get a headache.

Sounds like a Liver Problem.*

I’ll do some research and see if there’s a Vaccine that might help you.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 7:23 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?

Unvaxxed and unCovided. With the exception of the odd trip to Colesworths, I lead a pretty low risk lifestyle. Most of my drinking is done in beer gardens this time of year.

January 19, 2023 7:32 pm

Blot expressing dismay about the latest “completely surprising and totally unexpected Wussian victory” against Ukraine to his guest, General Buck Keane of the Henry Kissinger Peace Academy.

The latter: “They’re all murdering mercenaries, I tells ya.”

January 19, 2023 7:33 pm

since HB is on the oriental juice, I’m just gonna post this …

oriental lillies are gloriously beautiful and can last for weeks in vase
sheilas love them, and the aroma

to me, they smell like cat’s piss

the whole house smells like cat’s piss … 7 days now and still going

January 19, 2023 7:34 pm
January 19, 2023 7:36 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?

Haven’t been blessed with it once. Everyone I know (except of course, Cassie) who’s had the jabs has been, usually severely.

But yeah, “safe and effective”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 7:37 pm

Try crushing some coriander and wave it around the room.

January 19, 2023 7:40 pm

crushing some coriander

you bastard … yr just trying to make worserer

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 7:42 pm

Finance Minister, Freeland, who was responsible for freezing peaceful protesters’ bank accounts says “people are smarter than their leaders

The Left, who appear to’ve stolen the Brazilian election, are now freezing protestors’ bank accounts.
We’ve all gone up a level in evil, boiling frog style.

January 19, 2023 7:42 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?

How would you know?.. I’m 75, unvaxxed, and have never taken any of these “tests”, in fact I’ve never even seen a test kit so no idea what they look like or how they are used, if you weren’t interested in the vax why would you test? ..
I’ve had a coupla heavy colds and one bout of bed-ridden flu since 2020 but nuttin’ I haven’t had before.

Robert Sewell
January 19, 2023 7:43 pm

Boambee John:

As Howard did with the vegetation laws, the Commonwealth will have to get the states to do the nationalisation. The Commonwealth is bound by the Constitution to acquire only “on just terms”. The states are generally not so bound.

This is what I was getting at earlier with the Federal Government losing the referendum, but the States deciding because it was ‘passed by a majority’ of say 50.5% to 49.5%, then they would put it in at the State level.
And why not? Plenty of Quango positions to put the bruvvas in clover for life.

January 19, 2023 7:44 pm

to me, they smell like cat’s piss

Most craft beers that boast of “citrusy” hops smell like cat’s piss to me.

Anything cooked with cilantro/coriander tastes soapy.

Apparently there’s a genetic explanation.

January 19, 2023 7:48 pm

cilantro/coriander tastes soapy

lobe the taste myself but I know people who just about dry retch at the the though

January 19, 2023 7:49 pm

lobe the

eh, multi-focals and keyboards should never be mixed

January 19, 2023 7:50 pm

Delta Asays:
January 19, 2023 at 7:07 pm
Two activists, who are part of the Disrupt Burrup Hub campaign, entered the gallery about 10.30am on Thursday before painting a bright yellow Woodside logo over Down on His Luck — painted by Frederick McCubbin in 1889.

Now I’m angry.

According to the 3rd nations couple their rock finger paintings have been around for 50000 years, which means, since the real first vagabonds, not the current mob, turned up 47000 years, their finger scribbles must have been done by the Mega Fauna which they helped make extinct.

January 19, 2023 7:52 pm

My good deed for the day, Cats. I’ve been back working in our new office three days a week and educated a new chick at work (who’s 38 and Slovakian) about the agenda of Standartenführer Schwab and the WEF, including the current Davros Dingbats Hoedown. She’d never heard of any of it.

She was horrified. “That sounds like communism!”

Yes, yes it does.

H B Bear
H B Bear
January 19, 2023 7:55 pm

As an aside,I had my bike stolen from outside the WA Art Gallery. Abandoned any cultural pursuits after that.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 7:55 pm

“They’re all murdering mercenaries, I tells ya.”

Some bright spark in Russia seems to’ve worked out that shopping serial killers to Wagner solves two problems with one stone.

Serial killer who murdered 80 women volunteers to go to Ukraine frontline for Kremlin (18 Jan)

Former police officer Mikhail Popkov was jailed in 2015 after carrying out a string of gruesome murders in the Russian far-east. The brutality of the crimes in Angarsk and Irkutsk between 1992 and 2010 earned him the nickname “the Werewolf.”

During an interview with the Russian news channel Vesti, Popkov was asked: “What is your dream?” Popkov replied: “To get into the army.”

The 58-year-old said that he recognized fighting in Ukraine “is not a computer game” and that “these are not fiction books about superheroes.”

Popkov suggested he “would not hesitate” to join Putin’s war in Ukraine. He told Vesti: “Realistically, how would I manage to live through January and February, for me the coldest frosts are the worst.

Other sources also indicate this recruitment of convicts, for instance, one Russian magazine has reported that Wagner is recruiting convicts from inside St Petersburg prisons, promising them 200,000 rubles (£2,400) for six months and freedom if they survive the conflict.

Maybe he hopes for an opportunity to desert. Maybe he really wants to fight. Maybe he just wants out of the Russian prison he’s been in. Russian prisons aren’t so nice as ours. Whatever. But if the Ukrainians shoot him dead I think it won’t be something the Russians will be especially sad about.

January 19, 2023 7:55 pm

Just watched season 2 of SLOW HORSES, the also rans of MI5 .. excellent! .. plus they showed clips from season 3 so it is a goer!

January 19, 2023 8:00 pm

Apropos the foregoing comments as to Covid not striking the unjabbed twice, my experience as a “pureblood” (yes I am making a bit of a joke) is that indeed yes you can get Covid twice.
Having said that, on the first occasion I was tested in a hospital when already there for other causes, I had minimal symptoms.
On the second occasion I was once again in hospital for the same other reasons and got mandatory testing and returned a Positive. At no time did I have any actual symptoms
So one conclusion might be that the PCR tests are complete and utter BS and that I never really had Covid on either occasion.

January 19, 2023 8:00 pm

before painting a bright yellow Woodside logo over Down on His Luck

Thanks for the free advertising, dicks.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
January 19, 2023 8:04 pm

None of you have had Convid even once. You’d think after talking about it all day every day for more than 2 years and every little bit of the lie has been exposed multiple times and every character involved exposed that, oh I give up.
Here’s your beloved leader getting a vaccine so magical that the plunger needs neither to be withdrawn (observing for blood) or being depressed (to inject the MRNA gene editing solution)
$50 if you recognise those hands.

January 19, 2023 8:05 pm

This is what I was getting at earlier with the Federal Government losing the referendum, but the States deciding because it was ‘passed by a majority’ of say 50.5% to 49.5%, then they would put it in at the State level.

Not sure there’d be much political advantage for them in pursuing such a contentious issue when it would have just killed Albanese’s premiership.

January 19, 2023 8:07 pm

Any unvaccinated Cats who have had Covid twice?

I tested positive for 5 days the week before Christmas so apparently I had it once. Not a single symptom though so I’ve no idea if I had it previously. How could I tell?

January 19, 2023 8:09 pm

So one conclusion might be that the PCR tests are complete and utter BS and that I never really had Covid on either occasion.

Snap Dragnet! I came to the same conclusion.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 19, 2023 8:09 pm

According to the 3rd nations couple their rock finger paintings have been around for 50000 years, which means, since the real first vagabonds, not the current mob, turned up 47000 years, their finger scribbles must have been done by the Mega Fauna which they helped make extinct.

I’ve got a copy of a book, on order, the author of which argues the case that the science is in – Aborigines have been in Australia 10,000 years, maximum.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
January 19, 2023 8:11 pm

H B Bearsays:

January 19, 2023 at 7:16 pm

Bai Lin tea anyone?

Apparently the pudgy little Pommy crook is still at it.
And still getting caught regularly.

January 19, 2023 8:12 pm

Permit me a gripe:

Based on recent experiences I can see why Fastway Couriers recently changed their name.

Australia Post is quicker.

Good on them for not falsely raising customer expectations, I suppose.

January 19, 2023 8:13 pm

Aborigines, maybe but there is evidence of human habitation of up to 170,000 years.

There was a widely accepted theory of at least three waves of human settlement prior to 1788.

Now that’s not popular because it interferes with the “Always was, is and will be” narrative.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 19, 2023 8:15 pm

Tonight- light up for Jacinda!
I’m into some Marlborough Reds on my way to the Dominican panatella for sure
Stay away from the Marlborough Sauv Blanc tho Cats, it smells like cats’ piss

January 19, 2023 8:17 pm

I’d be careful to denounce the Pope based on anything claimed by ‘Church Militant’.
I believe that is the creation of a Michael Voris who seems to be less than reliable.
Even the Catholic Herald qualified the report with language like ‘if accurate’.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
January 19, 2023 8:17 pm

Anne Twoomy:

“So it’s the words that say — there shall be this body, it has the function of making representations to parliament and we have to leave parliament to decide the rest.”

Quite true, they are the words being put forward.
Two hurdles, then:

1) Does the Australian version of Westminster democracy need a Voice to properly and fairly represent the interests of the Aboriginal population?

If A=Yes:

2) Do you trust the same parliament which has previously failed to properly and fairly represent the interests of the Aboriginal population to decide the rest – now and in the future?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
January 19, 2023 8:18 pm

Teal backs voice, even if it fails
Teal independents have told the Prime Minister they will support a move to legislate the voice regardless of the results of the referendum.

Political Reporter
8:07PM January 19, 2023
No Comments

Teal independents are rallying around the Prime Minister’s refusal to legislate the Indigenous voice to parliament before it goes to a referendum, while some have assured their support for the body even if the referendum fails.

Anthony Albanese this week would not rule out legislating the voice in the case of a no vote at the referendum, and stood firm against calls for legislation to be released ahead of question being put to the Australian people.

Nationals’ leader David Littleproud, who ruled out reconsidering his party’s position on the voice even if legislation was first presented to parliament, said ignoring a no vote would be “disrespectful” to the Australian people.

“If the government goes to the Australia people to ask them a question and the result comes back not what they wanted and then to go and legislate it, I don’t think respects our democratic process,” he told the Australian.

However, independent Zali Steggall said while the lack of constitutional recognition would be disappointing, she would be on-board with legislating the voice even without a “yes” vote.

“Enshrining a voice to parliament in the Constitution provides constitutional recognition of Australia’s First Nations’ people and it protects it from being repealed by future governments,” she said.

“If the referendum is unsuccessful, I would support legislating a voice to parliament, but it is not the same as it omits the very important constitutional recognition.”

Other Teals said they had not yet decided on what they would do if legislation was presented after a failed referendum, but made clear they were against a bill being presented to parliament before the question on changing the constitution was first put to Australians.

“I think legislation before referendum is putting the cart before the horse because I actually think the most important part of this process is that it’s a principles-based approached and that we are saying as a nation ‘we are ready to move forward’. Legislation doesn’t make that happen,” North Sydney independent Kylea Tink said.

Mackellar independent Sophie Scamps said the opposition’s suggestion to legislate the voice before a referendum and its push for more detail was “reminiscent of the republic referendum”, which she said was derailed by the debate getting caught up in the “minutiae” rather than core principles.

Member for Kooyong Monique Ryan said while she was “very supportive of the need for a voice to parliament” she believed many Australians required more information about the body.

The Liberals and Greens are yet to formally announce their position on the voice, but acting Greens leader Mehreen Faruqi said the decision for her party would be made early next month.

“Party room will meet early next month to discuss Labor’s plan and decide on our formal position,” she said.

January 19, 2023 8:18 pm

I’ve got a copy of a book, on order, the author of which argues the case that the science is in – Aborigines have been in Australia 10,000 years, maximum.

In relation to the current mob that may be right. But there were at least 3 waves of distinct peoples who invaded the joint before Cook dropped anchor (see Manning CLARK A History Of Australia (Volumes 1 & 2): From the Earliest Times to 1838, page 1; or the short version by Windscuttle:

As to time scales someone was here 47000 years ago because that’s when the first evidence of human killing the Mega Fauna occurred:

January 19, 2023 8:20 pm

Aborigines, maybe but there is evidence of human habitation of up to 170,000 years.

Such ‘evidence’ always involves human intepretation of physical data that takes place within a matrix of anthropological and philosophical assumptions.

We’re not talking about something as simple as blood types.

January 19, 2023 8:22 pm

Aborigines, maybe but there is evidence of human habitation of up to 170,000 years.

Where’s that Dot; or are you taking the piss?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
January 19, 2023 8:25 pm

My G-rated snap take on St Jacinda-
she’s run away because the media are no longer willing to muck out her stable.

Cassie of Sydney
January 19, 2023 8:25 pm

“maybe but there is evidence of human habitation of up to 170,000 years.”

Yes, in Africa.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
January 19, 2023 8:26 pm

Pope Francis who endlessly proselytizes for greenery says that proselytizing for Jesus is paganism.

Pope Francis Urges Christians Not to Try to Convert Nonbelievers (18 Jan)

ROME — Pope Francis said Wednesday that trying to convince someone to become a Christian is a “pagan” activity unworthy of followers of Christ.

“To evangelize is not to proselytize,” the pope told crowds gathered in the Vatican for his weekly general audience. “To proselytize is something pagan, it is neither religious nor evangelical.”

“This is not about proselytism, as I said, so that others become ‘one of us’ – no, this is not Christian,” he reiterated.

Amazing. I really am missing Pope Benedict and Cardinal Pell.

1 6 7 8 9 10 12
  1. No great change, then. Back in the early 1990s, elder son enquired about joining the RAAF as an air traffic…

  2. Are we then supposed to assume that the Muslim name of the Nomads heavy allegedly behind it is purely a…

  3. Charisma wins government. You have to win government before you can institute a correction.And then you get a Tony Abbott.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x