Open Thread – Weekend 20 May 2023

Bedtime, Samuel Joseph Clark, 1881

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Boambee John
Boambee John
May 20, 2023 9:48 pm


The USN losses off Okinawa were horrendous. Thirty six ships sunk and almost 400 damaged would to any force other than the 1945 USN would have been a catastrophic defeat.

Recall just two of the damaged ships, carriers Bunker Hill and Franklin. Each was hit while preparing to launch aircraft, resulting in catastrophic fires. Bunker Hill had around 400 dead from a crew of over 2200, Franklin over 800. And Okinawa was still a long way from the Home Islands. Operations close to those islands would have been a far more hostile environment.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2023 9:49 pm

I have absolutely no need to be welcomed to country

I know a bloke who’s contribution to “Welcome to Country” was dropping a very loud, very long fart…

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 20, 2023 9:50 pm


I’m surprised that Frank did not mention the Nimitz comment in Downfall.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 20, 2023 9:52 pm

I like beans, but I don’t have that sort of control.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 20, 2023 9:55 pm

Digitally retouched – looks good and so does she.

I wouldn’t mind being the man in the very back row.

??????? ????? – ? ???? ???? ??? – ???????? ????? ???? – ?? ????????

May 20, 2023 9:56 pm

I think Stan may in need of an RUOK , im not being funny.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 20, 2023 9:58 pm

??????? ????? – ? ???? ???? ??? – ???????? ????? ???? – ?? ????????

= Deborah Harry – I Want That Man – Official Video 1989.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2023 10:01 pm

I’m surprised that Frank did not mention the Nimitz comment in Downfall.

Frank may well have – it’s been several years since I read the book.

May 20, 2023 10:05 pm

Rabz says:
May 20, 2023 at 8:30 pm

Modern life is rubbish.

There – I’ve stated it, Cats.

I actually liked it, until the vocals cut in, why do they have to ruin a good rhythm and tune with crap vocals nobody can understand anyway?

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 20, 2023 10:06 pm

I know a bloke who’s contribution to “Welcome to Country” was dropping a very loud, very long fart…

We should be thankful this talented individual chose to use their powers for good and not for evil.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2023 10:09 pm

We should be thankful this talented individual chose to use their powers for good and not for evil.

May I pass that comment on to him?

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 20, 2023 10:11 pm

A fitting song for covid when the MSM were running amok. These digital retouches are great.



Skyhooks – Horror Movie – Official Video 1974 – 4K Remaster

Skyhooks – Horror Movie – Official Video 1974 – 4K Remaster

May 20, 2023 10:12 pm

Apologies in advance – but see the Bombers fly up !

May 20, 2023 10:15 pm

For the serious military history nerd:
Winning a Future War: War Gaming and Victory in the Pacific War by Norman Friedman.

Free pdf download.

May 20, 2023 10:21 pm
May 20, 2023 10:22 pm
May 20, 2023 10:26 pm

and I want you … 🙂

May 20, 2023 10:27 pm

‘Goodnight, Muddy,’ says Muddy.
‘Goodnight, Muddy,’ replies Muddy.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 20, 2023 10:30 pm

Those five bastards need to be charged. Lying bastards … remember Smollet? Of course you do.


Mark Dice:


May 20, 2023 10:33 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2023 10:34 pm

My grandmother’s contribution to the war effort was raising five children, and managing two farms, when her husband and his brother enlisted. She always said that she was entitled to a service medal, as her contribution to the war effort was equivalent to that of any soldier.

When the news of the Japanese surrender was announced, she wrote in her diary that “I suppose this means that the men will be coming home, and praise God, can we return to some degree of normality?”

May 20, 2023 10:41 pm

BoN – James, She’s a Star

Featuring my favourite English Rose …

Louis Litt
Louis Litt
May 20, 2023 10:44 pm

I have just watch Stillwater on Netflix. Watch it.
I look forward to analysing this filum in French about fate, symetry of life and perspective.

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 20, 2023 10:53 pm

Following on from the Dice clip, all those D -heads asking for reparations wouldn’t have a clue about this bloke.

Brilliant mind.

You can be assured Y-Tube ( wankers ) has throttled this channel. 100% guaranteed on that.


Thomas Sowell:

The Truth About Slavery and Reparation | Thomas Sowell

May 20, 2023 10:56 pm
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2023 11:01 pm

“Wild Mountain Thyme” – Billy Connolly did the best version of this song, but this one runs a pretty close second!

May 20, 2023 11:25 pm

The best covers you will never hear – until you do …

Carolyn’s fingers

May 20, 2023 11:30 pm
May 20, 2023 11:31 pm

How rare, almost unheard of, that an artist has his best work at the end of his life?
And it isn’t as if he didn’t have many, many wonderful hits throughout.
Johnny Cash. Hurt:

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 20, 2023 11:31 pm

Welcome to the party, gents.

The clip they are viewing is from 1995.

Thomas Sowell VIEWS On Conservatives And Liberals Left Us Speechless!!

May 20, 2023 11:39 pm

For good ol’ Arks

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Arky says: May 20, 2023 at 11:31 pm
How rare, almost unheard of, that an artist has his best work at the end of his life?
And it isn’t as if he didn’t have many, many wonderful hits throughout.
Johnny Cash.

Apropos of morse code earlier in the thread.
… and up pops mention of morse code operator Johnny Cash, who worked as an interceptor of Soviet military radio traffic.
… with his place in history as being the first person outside the Soviet Union to learn of Stalin’s death, when the news was transmitted in Russian morse between Soviet army stations during Cash’s interception/listening shift & he picked up the importance of what was being transmitted.

Air Force Morse Code interceptor Johnny Cash also had a later, second career, entertaining by singing & playing guitar for money.

May 20, 2023 11:44 pm

I wish I could live to 500 just to see how the American story unfolds.
No one wants to endure hundreds of years of existence just to see what happens to Australia.

May 20, 2023 11:46 pm

Collectivists in 1980, thinking they just had kick in the barn door and the whole rotten structure would come crashing down … 😕

May 20, 2023 11:51 pm

I wish I could live to 500 just to …

… have gotten on down with as many beautiful bimbees as possible.

500 hundred years – that is a lengthy period of time, Arks.

Care to elaborate, mate?

May 21, 2023 12:01 am

Care to elaborate, mate?

Just reflecting on the importance of the States to unfolding world history.
And the magnificence of her culture at her best.

May 21, 2023 12:03 am

with his place in history as being the first person outside the Soviet Union to learn of Stalin’s death, when the news was transmitted in Russian morse between Soviet army stations during Cash’s interception/listening shift & he picked up the importance of what was being transmitted.

Very interesting.

May 21, 2023 12:11 am

As we move forward into energy poverty, I would advise that everyone here switch to a diesel vehicle.
Also, purchase a diesel generator for powering your home.

Diesel stores for 4-5x longer than petrol (around 12-15 months) this way, you can power your home and car from the same fuel source.

Recommend anyone who can store at least 500L of diesel fuel 🙂

May 21, 2023 12:11 am

Hey, Miss Personage – out of time, you are
You can’t come back
and think that I would want you
after the boobed one had done his deeds
and the BLM* had purveyed it screeds …

*braindead lamestream meeja …

May 21, 2023 12:12 am
May 21, 2023 12:13 am
May 21, 2023 12:15 am

Just reflecting on the importance of the States to unfolding world history.
And the magnificence of her culture at her best.

May 21, 2023 12:16 am
May 21, 2023 12:18 am

First they came for the women …

The Queers Versus The Homosexuals

May 21, 2023 12:20 am

Reel by Reel

We’re documented down like rats

While catching on every squeal …

May 21, 2023 12:23 am

<a Just reflecting on the importance of the States to unfolding world history.
And the magnificence of her culture at her best.

=””> Call

May 21, 2023 12:24 am


Last link didn’t work…

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 21, 2023 12:37 am

A bloke walking his dog. It’s the reaction of people that see Cash for the first time that is the fun part.

Cash: 165 pounds, 7 feet tall standing up on his hind legs and two inches shy of the world’s tallest dog ever recorded. I reckon other taller dogs exist but we have yet to see them.

I can understand if people find the clips boring. Not me. (:

He’s now cool amongst big crowds.


woof bark growl:

Cash 2.0 Great Dane at the Simi Valley Spring Street Fair 2023 (3 of 12)

Steve trickler
Steve trickler
May 21, 2023 1:14 am

“Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”


80s Movie Tribute (Don’t You Forget About Me)

Simple Minds – Don’t You Forget About Me

May 21, 2023 4:00 am
Black Ball
Black Ball
May 21, 2023 5:47 am

Piers Akerman:

One of Australia’s smartest lawyers has (inadvertently) nailed the utter absurdity of the blind support given by those backing the Voice to parliament.

Currently leading the inquiry into the ACT’s failed prosecution of Bruce Lehrmann of the alleged rape of fellow staffer Brittany Higgins, Walter Sofronoff KC – distinguished jurist, former president of the Queensland Court of Appeal and former Queensland solicitor-general – unwittingly laid out the most telling legal argument against those arguing emotionally for a Yes vote.

In probing the ACT’s Director of Public Prosecutions Shane Drumgold, Sofronoff asked of the DPP: “You could not possibly, as a barrister, say, ‘I’m prepared to give an opinion about this’, without proof from the man who made the document, could you? You would need some facts. And you don’t seem to have any facts, Mr Drumgold.”

That equally applies to every executive of a major corporation (PwC, Qantas are you listening?) which has been forcing one-sided educational assignments about the Voice on its employees; it applies to every sporting body from Rugby Australia, Tennis Australia, the NRL and AFL to the AOC, and it nails Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, his Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney and Teals like Allegra Spender, who last week scolded her constituents to “get informed about the Voice to Parliament”.

As Sofronoff told Drumgold, you could not possibly present an opinion without proof. You would need some facts, and you don’t have any.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a barrister or a barista, facts help in any argument and when Albanese says the details of his much-vaunted Voice to Parliament will only be decided after it passes a referendum. Lack of facts, alone, should kill this proposition stone dead.

Spender,the beneficiary of an education at one of the most expensive girls’ schools in the nation, appears not to have learnt much about logic.

There are 11 Indigenous MPs in the federal parliament and the number of people wearing designer-cut animal skin cloaks (chortle) in state parliaments has grown exponentially in recent years.

There are more than 300 organisations representing Indigenous people; plus the Coalition of Peaks, or the National Indigenous Australians Agency whose mission it is “to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a say in the decisions that affect them”.

Which would make the Voice totally superfluous.

Another issue not spoken of by the virtue-signallers is the lack of accountability for the $30bn of taxpayers’ money that is given to Aboriginal organisations – usually run by dominant tribal groups for the benefit of their clan – annually.

Who knows how many people will put their hands up to cop the NSW government’s $75,000 ex-gratia payment offered to members of the so-called Stolen Generation?

Applications from those who were placed in care by the NSW Aboriginal Protection or Welfare board close on June 30, though no court has found any child removed from a caring parent just for being Aboriginal.

The Labor states are embracing the notion of open-ended treaties with various Aboriginal clans which laughingly use the co-opted Canadian description “First Nations”.

The universally understood tests of nationhood require an acceptance of economic and social responsibility, and political independence and territorial integrity, neither of which existed on this continent in 1788.

That this continent has been home to just one nation, Australia, as symbolised by the Constitution, is self-evident. Labor, and virtue-signallers like the Teals, wish to change that same Constitution and divide us.

Don’t let it happen; we are all Australians.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 21, 2023 5:55 am

FMD. Hun:

Senior Wurundjeri elder Aunty Joy Murphy has lashed the AFL and chief executive Gillon McLachlan for a perceived lack of presence at Saturday night’s Dreamtime celebration at the MCG.

Attendees at the pre-match president’s function were stunned when Aunty Joy became highly emotional and said she felt disrespected because she believed no AFL Commissioners or McLachlan had showed up to the footy’s annual celebration of Indigenous culture.

Aunty Joy was on stage delivering the Welcome to Country when she noticed the front table was empty and believed the game’s top brass had snubbed the event.

She became highly emotional and accused the AFL of disrespecting her.

However it’s understood there were in fact three AFL Commissioners in the room as well as four members of the league’s executives.

The table was empty because the likes of Bombers president David Barham, chief executive Craig Vozzo and other senior figures did not want to take their seat during the Welcome to Country and were observing from the back of the room.

The Commissioners present were Paul Bassat, Helen Milroy and Robin Bishop while the executive attendees at the MCG were Sarah Fair, Tanya Hosch Brian Walsh and chief executive-elect Andrew Dillon.

It’s understood a timing issue forced Dillon to miss the pre-match function because he was completing the Michael Long Walk along with Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and Premier Daniel Andrews.

Dillon was seeing Marles off outside the ground when the function was on because the politician couldn’t stay for the match.

McLachlan was absent from the event for what was understood to be an important social event.

However with Dillon at the ground and multiple members of the AFL’s leadership present it’s understood the league was comfortable with its representation.

Commissioners spoke to Aunty Joy during the function as she calmed down from her earlier outburst.

Milroy and Essendon director Dean Rioli went on stage to console Aunty Joy as she broke down.

It was not the first time Aunty Joy has taken aim at the AFL.

In 2014 she unloaded on McLachlan and then-chairman Mike Fitzpatrick at the MCG for the AFL’s inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan because they had not acknowledged the traditional owners or elders.

“There is one thing that is remiss, not acknowledging traditional owners or elders or community,” Aunty Joy said.

“For me on National Sorry Day it kind of hit me very hard … I just wanted to apologise if I may on behalf of the Wurundjeri people to say that I’m sure this was an oversight, not meant to be, not intention.

“But when you do read the launch (document) could you please bear that in mind especially to those of your family that have gone before us.”

Ahead of the Saturday night blockbuster, Aunty Joy performed the Welcome to Country in the middle of the MCG.

“You are most welcome to the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people,” she said.

Aunty Joy made headlines in March after she was controversially dumped from performing a Welcome to Country during Barack Obama’s speaking tour in Melbourne.

At the time, Aunty Joy said she was removed from the proceedings for being “too difficult” after she asked for a support person and wanted to give Mr Obama a gift.

“I have been shocked and distressed by the way I have been treated by event organisers. I am 78 years of age. I have never been treated or spoken to in this way in the past,” she said.

Event organisers later issued an apology.

Thinking someone is a selfish bitch. Murphy should be counting her lucky stars that she is doing anything like this at all, since women were forbidden from doing anything like a ‘welcome’.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 21, 2023 5:56 am

Murphy is Langton. Langton is Murphy! (HT Ace Ventura)

May 21, 2023 6:01 am

Indolent, thanks for your gleanings.

From The Weekly Dish above, this piece by a gay man was most informative:

No one held a news conference and announced that from 2015 on, after Obergefell, the gay rights movement had changed its entire rationale. But they sure gave hints. The Human Rights Campaign, once a relatively moderate group, replaced “gay” and “lesbian” with the acronym “LGBTQ+” and expanded the word “queer” to describe anyone gay, lesbian, transgender, or even straight who defied heteronormativity. They changed the flag from a simple rainbow, to one that included some races (only black and brown — no Asians or whites) and transgender ideology. Their building in DC is festooned with a massive banner declaring their mission: “Black Lives Matter, Black Trans Lives Matter.” Their new head is a woman who calls herself “queer,” not lesbian.

Then they quietly changed the meaning of the word “gay” so that it no longer referred to same-sex attraction, but to same-gender attraction; and changed the word “men” to include people with vaginas and uteruses, and the word “women” to include people with dicks and balls. Checkmate for the gays! We are all now just bigots with “genital preferences,” just like the Christianist right used to claim. Just to add to the confusion, hundreds of new “genders” were adopted — because some teens on Tumblr once invented them and queer theorists loved them.

Gay hook-up apps now include biological women seeking gay men and straight men looking for chicks with dicks. “NO MEN” some profiles now say — on what was once a gay man’s app. There are fewer and fewer exclusively gay male spaces left. Lesbian bars? Almost gone entirely. Lesbians themselves? On their way out. Dylan Mulvaney is exemplary of the new queer order: a femme gay man who had to take female hormones to stay relevant. (Compare and contrast with disco icon Sylvester’s view of gay liberation: “I could be the queen that I really was without having a sex change or being on hormones.” We are going backward, not forward.)

Then the queers upped the ante and did something we gays never did: they targeted children. If they could get into kids’ minds, bodies and souls from the very beginning of their lives, they could abolish the sex binary from the ground up. And so they got a pliant, woke educational establishment to re-program children from the very start, telling toddlers that any single one of them could be living in the wrong body, before they could even spell.

Kindergartners were told to pick a pronoun, and thereby a sex, as soon as they arrived.

May 21, 2023 6:22 am

Martin Amis gone at 73.

There’s that number again.

May 21, 2023 7:21 am

Joy Murphy complaining about disrespect when she doesn’t attend anything without being paid a hefty fee.

May 21, 2023 7:21 am

Thanks Tom.

I’ve saved the German weather forecast image. Very hard to laugh at that.

May 21, 2023 7:29 am

Aunty Joy Murphy.

Not a happy Irishwoman?

May 21, 2023 7:35 am

It’s all so manufactured and phony. To further a nation wrecking agenda. Cribbed from Canada. Like multiculturalism.

May 21, 2023 7:37 am

Why have a sit down down dinner? Shouldn’t it be kangaroo round a camp fire?

May 21, 2023 7:40 am

Or isn’t that good enough for our effete elites?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 21, 2023 7:50 am

I’ve saved the German weather forecast image. Very hard to laugh at that.

Here you go Calli.

Hot weather maps show exactly when and where Britain will face scorching 25C blast (20 May)

Scorching! It’s a headline in the Express today that’s worthy of the WIP.

May 21, 2023 7:50 am

Diesel stores for 4-5x longer than petrol (around 12-15 months) this way, you can power your home and car from the same fuel source.

I have successfully used both petrol and diesel stored for 2 years, with the appropriate stabilisers.

May 21, 2023 7:56 am

Yeah, sad news today from my neck of the woods.

Norah Head locals calling for consultation period to be extended for Hunter Offshore Wind Zone (Ncl local news, 20 May)

A few people in the group are friends of ours. They were not happy when I pointed out that PEP11 which they also opposed would have had less impact on the coast.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 21, 2023 7:57 am

Climate change weather report.

May 21, 2023 8:05 am

Britain will face scorching 25C blast

As BoN says, that’s worth a headline in Week In Pictures.

Now you know why all those 10-pound Poms got on the boat after the war, craving a northerly blast of Outback summer at 45 degrees Celsius — no place for warm Pommy beer.

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2023 8:05 am

“Aunty Joy Murphy”

Not my “aunty”. But one thing is for sure, if da “Voice” gets up, I’ll be ticking the “indigenous” box every time I’m forced to fill out a government form. And that’s not lying, coz I am indigenous.

May 21, 2023 8:09 am

Joy Murphy has also published a bunch of children’s pictures books.
The sort of books you’ll find in public libraries and day care.
Nothing like having multiple profit centres.

May 21, 2023 8:12 am

After being ‘on the point of falling’ for weeks if not months, I wonder how true this is, and what comes next.

May 21, 2023 8:12 am

Sometimes I get the feeling that much of the angst of urban professional aborigines is they didn’t get first pick of the houses on St Georges Rd.
We lost our land.
A very non-spiritual view of ‘country’.

May 21, 2023 8:15 am
May 21, 2023 8:17 am

I hope the “blast” lasts. In in Wales and then Cornwall next month.

May 21, 2023 8:18 am

Cancel culture’s war on tolerance
By Dr Kevin Donnelly – May 21, 2023

That the tenor of public debate has been debased is beyond doubt, as proven by the number of personal and vitriolic attacks against those daring to argue “no” to the referendum incorporating the Indigenous Voice in the nation’s constitution.

The Aboriginal activist Noel Pearson, for example, describes the leader of the opposition Peter Dutton as an “undertaker” and the Liberal Party as committing a “Judas betrayal” for arguing against the referendum.

Even more insulting and offensive is Pearson suggesting the Liberal Party’s Julian Leeser, in arguing against giving the Voice the power to influence both parliament and the executive government, wants to force Indigenous Australians to be tattooed or made to wear a badge on their clothing.

May 21, 2023 8:19 am

Don’t think I’ve been in a public library for decades.

May 21, 2023 8:19 am

Any news on the compulsory acquisition of Calvary hospital?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 21, 2023 8:21 am

Those drag queen story hour stories don’t write themselves. Oh wait, now they do.

Striking Transgender Hollywood Writers Picket Outside Netflix Offices: ‘Give Us Trans TV, Not ChatGPT’ (19 May)

Striking transgender Hollywood writers and their supporters targeted Netflix offices in Los Angeles on Thursday as part of the Writers Guild of America’s ongoing work stoppage against the studios.

Dozens of transgender writers congregated outside Netflix’s building on Sunset Boulevard near the 101 Freeway with WGA strike signs reading “They/Them Causing May/Hem”; “Give us Trans TV, not ChatGPT”; and “My pronouns are pay/me.”

My pronouns are no/hell no.

May 21, 2023 8:23 am

I’ve only visited with grandchildren.
The curating is predictably green left.
The ACT one even had videos in the children’s section on child transitioning.

May 21, 2023 8:23 am

Why do these activists keep their British names? I don’t get it.

May 21, 2023 8:28 am

Getting rid of council libraries and cutting rates would be good. It’s like being forced to pay for the ABC.

May 21, 2023 8:35 am

Good article at spiked about the sharp suited, soft handed London lawyer ‘sir’ Keir Starmer.

May 21, 2023 8:45 am

If there is diesel, there will be petrol. Otherwise what will they do with the petrol fraction of the barrel of oil?

May 21, 2023 8:52 am

I love the way ‘Please Explain’ depicts Pocock as the brain shocked musselbound simpleton with his head still in the scrum.

May 21, 2023 8:55 am

My pronouns are (f^%$ you,) pay/me…

Ah yes, I too sometimes identify as Tommy de Vito/deSimone.

Perplexed of Brisbane
Perplexed of Brisbane
May 21, 2023 8:55 am

May 20, 2023 at 8:16 pm
I feel sick just posting this.

A wind energy company has pleaded guilty after killing at least 150 eagles

A conundrum for the green types. Save Gaia by fans. Kill Gaia by fans.

Maybe they will have to start putting grilles around them like domestic fans?

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
May 21, 2023 8:58 am

Aunty Joy Murphy.

I suspect it is pronounced Anti-Joy Murphy.

I presume the AFL spectators were similarly outraged – Welcome to Country ceremonies and QWERTY rounds being so close to their hearts.

May 21, 2023 8:58 am

Don’t think I’ve been in a public library for decades.
My back fence adjoins the local library .. can’t remember the last time I went in there …
always get my books from op-shops ……!

May 21, 2023 9:00 am

Has Parramatta apologised for ruining the Rabbitoh’s indigenous round?

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2023 9:02 am

“First they came for the women …

The Queers Versus The Homosexuals”

It was always about children and access to children. Andrew Sullivan says what another gay man, Andy Ngo, also says. However. there’s a difference between Ngo and Sullivan, Andy has the foresight to ask the hard questions that Sullivan really doesn’t want to ask, because Sullivan is still caught up in the rah rah of the 1970s and 1980s “gay rights” successes, but deep down I think Sullivan knows what started this and where it will end up. I heard Sullivan on Spiked last year saying that there will be a backlash. However unlike Sullivan, Any Ngo is prepared to state the obvious, that perhaps the push for gay rights helped ignite and foment this current “queer/trans” gunk, and that maybe this “queer/trans” gunk is an inevitable consequence of the push to destigmatise homosexuality, the push for SSM, gay adoption, gay surrogacy and so on. I feel sympathy for many older gay men and women, they fought long and hard for basic rights and now those rights are being steamrolled and eroded by drag queens reading to children and cocks in frocks.

I’ve been thinking about “gay rights” lately, specifically male homosexuality. The push for “gay rights” began in the 1960s and really mushroomed in the 1970s when many countries removed penalties for gay sex and so on. However, when AIDS erupted in the 1980s, many of us knew the obvious, that the disease was a direct result of promiscuous gay sex and gay lifestyles originating in bath houses and in the heady steamy gay cultures of San Francisco and New York…caveat….AIDS wasn’t started by lesbians, lesbian culture is not promiscuous and lesbian culture is not a threat to children. Gay men refused to take any personal responsibility for AIDS, although a few brave gay men such as Larry Kramer did speak the bleeding obvious about gay promiscuity and urged gay men to stop having sex. Whilst not all, many gay men are predatory, gay sex is brutal and animalistic (Mark Latham’s words are 100% correct) and gay men can have hundreds if not thousands of sexual partners. I remember speaking with a rabbi about this decades ago. As in Christianity, Judaism doesn’t hate the homosexual person, what it frowns upon and condemns is the homosexual lifestyle and particularly, the homosexual sexual act which is considered barbaric and animalistic, and given what many gay men do, that’s a tad unfair to animals. It’s fair to say that the 1980s and the AIDS crisis was probably the last opportunity we had to put gay militancy back in its box, instead various governments fell for the spin and lies of the various nascent gay lobbies and insisted everyone was at risk from AIDS. That has always been a lie. The gaslighting about homosexuality took off in the 1980s, to protect gay men from any blame for AIDS, even though most of the population knew who was to blame. I have often thought gay male sex to be fundamentally anti-nature and when you treat nature with such contempt, nature will reply in a very cruel way.

I remember a terrible argument in my home back in about 1991 or 1992, I can’t remember which year but I clearly remember the argument, I had a gay friend over along with a female friend, who was and remains quite a left of centre feminist. The gay man was quite insulting about women and our body parts, the plain truth is that many gay men are insulting about women, many don’t like us and many like to make casual derogatory remarks about female genitalia which is why I find Alex Greenfilth’s delicate perturbations about Mark Latham’s blunt words a tad hypocritical because knowing gay men as I do, I find it hard to believe Mr Greenfilth himself hasn’t said derogatory words about vaginas, vulvas and so on, but I digress, this gay friend made a comment that day about how it didn’t matter how you contracted AIDS, everyone deserves our sympathy in exactly the same way. I remember feeling the tension in the room and then it exploded because my female friend said that was ridiculous, her sympathy lay with someone who contracted AIDS via a blood transfusion, not someone who’d gotten the disease by shoving his dick up another man’s arse in some bathhouse in Darlinghurst. They nearly came to blows and both said to me later that I was to make sure that they were never in the same room again. But you see, my female friend (who’s still a friend, the gay man is not) was right, and therein lies the rub, we’ve indulged homosexuality for the last forty years, even during the AIDS pandemic. We let the genie out of the bottle and it’s running amok, and we are unable to contain it. However, as Andrew Sullivan at least recognises, there will be a backlash, there will will a reckoning. How and from who? Well, we can’t look to conservative parties across the West, they are utterly captured, a perfect example of this capture was last week, when the state member for Brighton in Victoria, a man named James Nobody, probably excited because he’d just managed to help expel a “terrorist” mother of four children from the party, was vewy, vewy upset because he didn’t receive an invite to the ‘drag queen reading to children’ event at parliament house in Melbourne. Yep folks, that’s the sorry state of so called right of centre parties across the west. I used to think the reckoning wouldn’t happen in my lifetime, but now I’m not so sure, perhaps I will see it given the way progressivism is causing the West to hurtle off the highway and down a steep cliff. And what will that reckoning entail? Well, it’ll involve a few factors but the biggest….Islam. They won’t kowtow to this, and for that they have my respect.

Apologies about the long rant!

May 21, 2023 9:05 am
Top Ender
Top Ender
May 21, 2023 9:14 am

Can anyone attending the footy or similar large gatherings where these Country ceremonies are held advise? Does the crowd shutup and listen?

May 21, 2023 9:15 am

Apologies about the long rant!

Kudos, not apologies. Very well put.

May 21, 2023 9:17 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 9:18 am

Getting rid of council libraries and cutting rates would be good. It’s like being forced to pay for the ABC.

Just use the library. The internet, your State library catalogue and inter library loans are your friend. There is usually a waiting period before newly released books become available. Just keep a list on your phone.

May 21, 2023 9:22 am

I said this in the previous OT, but Stan Grant’s hissy fit is somewhat ironic and completely self inflicted.

He was a well respected host and journo before pushing the blak barrow; now he’s reaped the rewards.

Suck it.

May 21, 2023 9:23 am

After being ‘on the point of falling’ for weeks if not months, I wonder how true this is, and what comes next.

It’s true. What’s not is the propaganda spewing from the west and Ukr, fully swallowed by many , that the (alleged) tanks, planes , rockets and ammo flooding into Ukr would make a difference. This much vaunted Ukr counter offensive was a sales pitch by Zelenskiy to get more money into Ukraine.

This “non-strategic” part of Ukraine was a slaughter house for the AFU. If they can’t hold Bakhmut, how would even be possible for them to take Crimea? Another Ukr fantasy bait held out to soak in more cash.

I’m reading that The Old Perv (TOP) Biden has been making noises of a “frozen”war, something like Korea. We had better take careful note of all this, how the US behaves in a hot conflict with a major power- before leaping to their aid should China make a move on Taiwan. Taking up arms against the one nation responsible for our economic prosperity would be utter madness. We cannot trust the US to act in OUR best interests.

May 21, 2023 9:24 am

While in Townsville a few days ago, I sought out a couple of the NQLD First folks to whom I contribute a pittance on an irregular basis.
Over coffee I mentioned the very large ‘Townsville- Capital of North Queensland’ billboards on the entries to that barren city.
Instant fury. Apparently none of the proliferating ‘Reef State’ campaign groups want anything to do with Townsville as capital of the proposed new state.
‘Brisbane North’, ‘Palasczuk’s Northern Annex’, ‘Public Service Town’, ‘Trades Hall Tropical’ etc.
They see the Townsville as the epicenter of the Left’s determination to divert, subvert and derail the separate state movement.
I had no idea, but should have realised that the Chook would go all out to undermine any push for choice.

May 21, 2023 9:24 am

Much of the world was turned into concentration camps but perhaps none worse than in nursing homes where the elderly were left to moulder in solitude, even if they were not outright killed. Totally heartless.

Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps in 2020, using Midazolam to kill the Elderly & Vulnerable so that you would Stay at Home, to Protect an Empty NHS, & Support the Pandemic Lies

May 21, 2023 9:29 am

I wonder what the situation is here.

U.S. Depression Rates Reach New Highs

May 21, 2023 9:31 am

Taking up arms against the one nation responsible for our economic prosperity would be utter madness. We cannot trust the US to act in OUR best interests.

Funny but I seem to remember Australia as a prosperous, nice country to live in before the Chicoms rose to economic and military power.

May 21, 2023 9:34 am

Of course. Holland was just the testing ground.

Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table

May 21, 2023 9:35 am
May 21, 2023 9:38 am


You should have your rants posted as separate threads. They’re truly excellent.

May 21, 2023 9:41 am

Kerry is an evil old waste of space. What is it with these foul geriatrics in the US?

May 21, 2023 9:43 am

The political class in the west are toxic trash with their BAs and law degrees and their economics degrees.

May 21, 2023 9:45 am

Kerry is one I have a particularly deep dislike. Remember when the old turd was pretending to be secretary of state?

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 9:45 am

The political class in the west are toxic trash with their BAs and law degrees and their economics degrees.

He he, two out of three. Perhaps I missed my calling.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 9:51 am

If the old thief, Pelosi and the rest of them were actually running the US it would be the first (albeit declining) superpower gerontocracy.

May 21, 2023 9:52 am

If an enemy with 1.5 billion people attacks a nation with 25 million people,

Unless we take up arms supporting the US against China over a Taiwan conflict, I can’t see China attacking us. In fact, I doubt that the US wants to risk escalation to nuclear conflict with China over an island they don’t even recognize as a country/nation.

May 21, 2023 9:52 am

Just in case you missed the tanty featured on Outsiders.

May 21, 2023 9:54 am

Sorry Bear didn’t mean to have a shit at you

May 21, 2023 9:54 am

Miltonf says:
May 21, 2023 at 9:43 am
The political class in the west are toxic trash with their BAs and law degrees and their economics degrees.

There are even more damaging people in the political class with STEM degrees and trades: Arthur Scargill, John Halfpenny, Yassmin Abdel Magied, Tim Flannery…

May 21, 2023 9:55 am

The worst economist I have ever met is an old crank with a Ph D in maths.

40% + ROI on infrastructure spending…sure buddy, just build another model, GIGO.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 21, 2023 9:55 am

Cassie earlier.
Yes, I remember Peter “Mussel-man” Slipper.

May 21, 2023 9:58 am

Sorry shot

May 21, 2023 9:58 am

The Aunty Joy female is apparently the leader of a clan that originally had 12,500 KMs of land where Melbourne now sits. The Wiki entry makes no mention of how many members of the clan now. Mentions a 10 person massacre.

So if VIC enters into a treaty with her people how much is it going to cost and how split amongst people?

The problem with all the treaty talk is there is no limit on the black cheque the Labor Governments seem to think they have. If you can’t define an Aboriginal, don’t know how many in their “nations” then it is going to be chaos.

May 21, 2023 10:02 am

Have a relative who applied for a job with a Qld Government energy entity.

Refused to allow work from home so went elsewhere. Reckons they are paying $20,000 over the outside private business market for entry level jobs.

May 21, 2023 10:04 am

These considerations are applied to targeting areas that may include civilians all the time before they take place you those doing the targeting.

pretending civilians are not at war is quaint … but wrong

and if the principle was that war stops when a civilian dies, then it’s utterly amazing that wars ever even begin

the problem is in the predicate and it’s a category error
again, post-hoc

the grand old Duke York is not marching 10000 men up a figurative hill while normal people sit at home making up nursery rhymes

the truth is that yourGovt took you to war.
all of youse
uniformed or not.

just because you’re not sporting chevrons and epaulettes while your’e manufacturing weapons it doesn’t mean you aren’t the enemy too.

so, in my opinion, the ‘civilian’ argument only rhetorically works after the fact, definitely not before the act, and categorically not during the act.

May 21, 2023 10:04 am

Big_Nambas says:
May 21, 2023 at 9:31 am
Funny but I seem to remember Australia as a prosperous, nice country to live in before the Chicoms rose to economic and military power.

Lol. We’ve fallen in a heap since the 90s. Poverty in Australia has reached astonishing levels.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 21, 2023 10:07 am

Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table

Yeah he’s gaslighting to eleventy lately.

John Kerry targets farmers: ‘We can’t get to Net-Zero…unless agriculture is front & center as part of the solution’ – ‘I refuse to call it climate change anymore. It’s not change. It’s a crisis’ (19 May)

It’s a crisis in the same way that 25 C is a scorching blast.

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2023 10:08 am

“Sancho Panzersays:
May 21, 2023 at 9:55 am
Cassie earlier.
Yes, I remember Peter “Mussel-man” Slipper.”

Yes, Mr Slipper’s lurid description of female genitalia is common parlance among gay men.

May 21, 2023 10:09 am

Local library support groups like local rag volunteer journos are often centers of amateur leftism and toughing.
A neighbour invited me to an opening at our local library. She overcame my reluctance by assuring me that the wine would be good (untrue).
The event was the unveiling of six banners by local daubers based on, of course, environment and first nation themes.
To my shock, the thing was tax payer funded organised by a local grant hooverer who has spent her life grifting from one local ‘current thing’ to the next as fashions changed.
When the glass tinkled, a woman got up and announced that she was the Department Project Manager for the ‘project’.
My disgusted neighbour library volunteer (support to illiterates) said that the Project Manager’s travel cost five times the value of the grant.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 21, 2023 10:09 am

If you can’t define an Aboriginal, don’t know how many in their “nations” then it is going to be chaos.

Well said – all those with an Aboriginal great great grandfather claiming their compensation and reparations..

May 21, 2023 10:09 am

There have been so many great comments and ‘news’ excerpts lodged here this morning. Good job, Cats!

Cassie of Sydney says:
May 21, 2023 at 9:02 am
… Andy Ngo…

As much as I moan (and whine/lament/grind my teeth) about the ineffectiveness of right-of-centre media outlets and individuals, Andy Ngo is someone who deserves credit for taking the risks few others do (not just physical, but that included). I had the same respect for Project Veritas before they dumped… well, just dumped …

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2023 10:10 am

May 21, 2023 at 9:38 am”

Thank you JC.

May 21, 2023 10:11 am

the truth is that yourGovt took you to war.
all of youse
uniformed or not.

And the term “enemy” applies to 3 year old children, cancer sufferers, old folks in nursing homes.

FMD, you’re an imbecile Trans.

Generally speaking, for the past 100 years and more we’re seen warring antagonists where people cannot vote, the system is corrupt and the kleptocrat is in power for life. What choice do those people have, you nutball?

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 21, 2023 10:12 am

In fact, I doubt that the US wants to risk escalation to nuclear conflict with China over an island they don’t even recognize as a country/nation.
The U.S. recognises One China, prior to 1972 it was governed from Taipeh, since then it has been governed from Beijing.
The latest proposal from Washington is that they will destroy Taipeh’s Hi Tech Industries in the event of hostilities breaking out.
The question is whether or not Beijing would retaliate over an attack on their Country.
I’d say they wouldn’t.

May 21, 2023 10:14 am

congratulations JC
it isnt even midday and youve proceeded to turn a normal discussion into a year-10 level clown-show

What choice do those people have … ?


Black Ball
Black Ball
May 21, 2023 10:17 am

duncanm I present you this:

On the one hand he claims to love the media, an industry that has elevated him to a position of authority and given him a powerful voice with which to espouse his views on the mistreatment of the nation’s Indigenous population, offered him incredible international travel opportunities, enabled him to launch a lucrative career as a published author and provided him with a generous income.

On the other hand, he has left the media in controversial and unhappy circumstances before and, as far back as the pre-Twitter ’90s, admitted to being somewhat “vulnerable” and sensitive to public criticism.

It was in 1994 after Grant lost his job as host of the Seven Network’s current affairs program Real Life that this duality was first exposed, revealing the first early cracks in Grant’s well-honed public family man image.

When Seven’s then news boss Terry Plane was asked to comment on Grant’s demotion on Real Life, Plane said 31-year-old Grant’s concentration at work had been “off the boil” following the breakdown of his first marriage to wife Karla, the mother of his three children, with whom Grant managed to patch things up after leaving her briefly for another woman.

After three years on Real Life, Grant and the program were unceremoniously dumped after the program’s ratings collapsed and his popularity took a dive.

Further eroding Grant’s credibility that year was the ABC’s comedy show Frontline, whose dumb fictional TV anchor Mike Moore kept producing a guitar, something Grant himself had done on many occasions, at a Perth telethon, during a televised interview with Johnny Cash, at the Logies, in women’s magazine interviews.

The ABC wasn’t the only broadcaster taking a shot at the current affairs anchor.

Seven’s own sketch comedy show, Full Frontal, lampooned the star courtesy of a send-up by Eric Bana. (which was brilliant)

The criticism, from executives, media and the public alike, hurt Grant but as an unnamed colleague somewhat presciently told Fairfax Media at the time; “If you’re there taking moral stands on things, you have to take the heat, especially when you are taking the money he was”.

That was 29 years ago and the heat, since the proliferation of digital technology, the advent of social media and the arrival of largely unfiltered platforms such as Twitter, has not subsided but become a raging out-of-control inferno.

Grant’s long career is peppered with departures.

After patching things up with Seven after Real Life folded, Grant chipped away on other news shows, 11am and Face to Face, before in 1999, older and “wiser” or so he said, he signed on to host the program that replaced Real Life, Today Tonight.

That glorious comeback would last 19 months and end sensationally when he was dumped by Seven again in August 2000 after his extramarital affair with Seven sports reporter Tracey Holmes was discovered.

Seven demoted the pair and days later they quit.

So began Grant’s long years in the Australian commercial media wilderness.

The following year Grant would join SBS as a fill-in presenter for newsreaders Mary Kostakidis, Lee Lin Chin and Anton Enus on the World News but it was CNN which offered him a full-time lifeline, via a job in its Hong Kong bureau.

He moved in to Hong Kong in 2002 returning in 2007 when SBS enticed him back to co-anchor its new one-hour World News bulletin alongside the revered Kostakidis.

That stint would prove short-lived and controversial.

In August, Kostakidis took leave from the broadcaster after 20 years.

According to reports, she was annoyed news bosses had started favouring Grant.

Kostakidis never returned to the job and at year’s end Grant had pulled the pin, opting to head to Abu Dhabi for CNN.

Following his return from that job in 2012, Grant bounced from SBS to Sky News to SBS’s NITV before the ABC finally came calling in 2016 with an offer to make him, somewhat broadly, editor of its Indigenous coverage and summer 7.30 fill-in for Leigh Sales.

The following year he was given a Friday night talk show, The Link, that was axed within a year but not before Grant had a chance to throw shade on his new employer for being elitist and “disconnected”.

In 2018, he tried his hand at another show, Matter of Fact, which also failed to resonate with viewers. It was cancelled within the year.

2019 saw him move to Qatar to work for Al Jazeera before he returned to the ABC in 2020 in yet another new role, as ABC’s international affairs analyst.
Grant would present a couple of short-run series on the national broadcaster before being tapped to host Q&A at the end of last year.

It was his big comeback — the role that could have propelled him back on to commercial TV if he could navigate both the controversial subject matter and his critics.

Turns out, he couldn’t — but at last his grievances have found a captive audience in an era of unquestioning modern wokeism when a good celebrity bellyache can generate enough clicks to make you believe you’re relevant again.

May 21, 2023 10:19 am

Perplexed of Brisbane says:
May 21, 2023 at 8:55 am

May 20, 2023 at 8:16 pm
I feel sick just posting this.

A wind energy company has pleaded guilty after killing at least 150 eagles

A conundrum for the green types. Save Gaia by fans. Kill Gaia by fans.

Maybe they will have to start putting grilles around them like domestic fans?

There’s an easy, though unfortunately expensive (but worth it) solution to this: Base a dedicated, taxpayer-funded (it’s the least we can do) Avian Trauma Team at the base of each wind turbine. The ATT apply first aid, the Transport Team drives the patients to the dedicated Avian Hospital where they are operated on, followed by another transfer to the Avian Rehabilitation Sanctuary.

Just look at the green jobs created!

May 21, 2023 10:19 am

Apologies about the long rant!
The only person anyone ever has to apologise to is their mother.

Never explain, never apologise.

May 21, 2023 10:21 am

The U.S. recognises One China

Fair enough- separate nation. , which is what I meant.

The latest proposal from Washington is that they will destroy Taipeh’s Hi Tech Industries in the event of hostilities breaking out.

WH bluster and bullshit. If in fact it is even a “proposal”. More likely hot air in a brainfart.

And immaterial. Taiwan just isn’t worth a risk of kinetic or possible nuclear war for the USG and the US people. China knows that too.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:22 am

Sorry Bear didn’t mean to have a shit at you

No worries. Would possibly do the same again anyway.

May 21, 2023 10:23 am

congratulations JC
it isnt even midday and youve proceeded to turn a normal discussion into a year-10 level clown-show

We should be congratulating you, Trans. At the very least you’re trying to sound somewhat intelligent and even though you fail each time, there’s nothing wrong with trying. It’s funny though.

There’s a good reason for the Geneva Convention, you worthless dummy, which is to prevent the murder of civilians. Now go place electrodes on each temple and give yourself a jolt. It won’t hurt that much.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:24 am

Just buy some eagle credits or get a stewardship certificate.

May 21, 2023 10:25 am

The Ascension of the Lord – 21st May 2023
Acts 1:1-11

Celebrating the Ascension

By the end of the fourth century the Ascension was celebrated throughout the Roman Empire.
From those early times until our own day, the feast of the Ascension was always a holyday of obligation, celebrated on the Thursday after the sixth Sunday of Easter, the fortieth day after Easter Sunday.

With the reform of the liturgical calendar after the Second Vatican Council, as indicated in the Code of Canon Law of 1983, the bishops conference of each country was allowed to transfer the liturgical celebration of the Ascension to the following Sunday and, if they did not transfer it, they could suppress it as a holy day of obligation.
In Australia before the new Code, the Ascension was celebrated on the Thursday and it was a holy day of obligation.
Later the feast was transferred to the Sunday to enable more people to participate in it.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:25 am

Gotta scramble a few eagles to save Gaia.

May 21, 2023 10:32 am

I’ve scrolled up and haven’t noticed this already posted, soooo…. via Tom’s WIP link:

If you had a life raft that could hold only one person and you had an FBI agent and a mainstream media reporter hanging on, why would you pop the life raft instead of saving one of them?

I guess we could substitute ‘Liberal politician’ for ‘FBI agent.’

May 21, 2023 10:34 am

People with trades make things, fix things, build things. Unlike economists. Still can’t work out what they actually do.

May 21, 2023 10:37 am

H B Bear says:
May 21, 2023 at 10:25 am

Gotta scramble a few eagles to save Gaia.

It’s a vicious slur that Gaia is a vegetarian.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 21, 2023 10:38 am

May 21, 2023 at 8:12 am
Sometimes I get the feeling that much of the angst of urban professional aborigines is they didn’t get first pick of the houses on St Georges Rd.
We lost our land.
A very non-spiritual view of ‘country’.

There certainly doesn’t seem to be great enthusiasm for living the “culture” on (actual) “country”.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 21, 2023 10:39 am

If in fact it is even a “proposal”. More likely hot air in a brainfart.</em
Okay, it's a threat.
The U.S. is not known for making baseless threats.

And immaterial. Taiwan just isn’t worth a risk of kinetic or possible nuclear war for the USG and the US people. China knows that too.

From my limited reading on the subject, the people on Taiwan don’t feel threatened by China and China itself has said they would only invade if Taiwan declared independence.
So, the stage is set for a U.S. False Flag [think The Maine], or a hoax
[think Gulf of Tonkin Incident].
The U.S. has been at War since 1896 without any blowback for residents in North America.
Blowing the shit out of Taiwan won’t change that.

Black Ball
Black Ball
May 21, 2023 10:39 am

Or maybe get people in on merit and then cease with the Labor Lite policies, Daily Telegraph:

A prominent Liberal women’s advocate says MPs must stop shoe-horning male political staffers – aka “nepo babies” – into seats at the expense of talented women if the Coalition is to win back government.

The term “nepo baby” has been used to call out the offspring – or nepotism babies – of celebrities who appeared to have had a leg up in scoring acting and modelling jobs over everyone else.

Charlotte Mortlock, a journalist, adviser and founder of the Hilma’s Network – an organisation encouraging more women to enter politics – said while there was nothing wrong with being a political staffer, the Liberal Party should not value it over and above other experiences, she said.

Speaking ahead of a Sydney Institute panel discussion on the Liberal Party, Ms Mortlock said this “boys’ club” mentality was contributing to the decline in the calibre of candidates contesting federal and state seats.

“We need nurses, lawyers, creatives, tradies, all at the table bringing their own ideas to our policy formulation,” she said.

“Male MPs seem to be particularly loyal to male staffers. Moving heaven and earth to help them win preselections and throwing their weight and numbers behind them.

“Female MPs have also done this, and female staffers have also been the beneficiaries, but undoubtedly it is more commonly men mobilising for men.

“It has no other name. It’s nepotism, or more colloquially, the boys’ club. And it is consequentially reducing the caliber of candidates we as a party are presenting to the public to try and win elections.”

The panel – which will also include NSW Liberal Party official Alex Dore and Balmain Liberal candidate Freya Leach – will focus on the pathway out of opposition for the Coalition, including the candidate selection process.

At the most recent state election in NSW, several key Liberal-held seats were contested by male candidates who had worked in the local MP’s office despite the party declaring it would be supporting more women.

In Queensland, there is talk the seat of McPherson, held by former home affairs minister Karen Andrews, will potentially go to a male political staffer.

Ms Mortlock said women could not compete against senior male MPs with established voting blocs.

“We saw this phenomenon in spades in the NSW state election last month,” she said.

“I can count five preselected candidates who had formerly worked for MPs. Some of them were the best people for the job. Some weren’t.

“Confirmation bias, loyalty or returned favours, who knows. The issue is that staffers are given an unfair advantage to begin with, often over female candidates with more impressive CVs.”

Ms Mortlock said while it would be “dumb” to completely exclude staffers, staffing nepotism should be examined as part of the party rebuilding itself.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:41 am

Economists are like witchdoctors for the modern capitalist economy. If you ignore the forecasting stuff and some of the whackier academics they’re basically OK. Possibly not mission critical, unlike somebody who unplugs your blocked toilet.

May 21, 2023 10:42 am

I’m just going through Powerline’s Week in Pictures (Thanks Tom).
Describing these in text is awkward, but here goes:

There’s a photo of Ozzy Osborne, above a photo of pResident Biden.
Ozzy: ‘They say I’m the most incoherent man on the planet.’
Biden: ‘Hoard my beaver.’

I guess you just have to be here.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:44 am

Female MPs have also done this, and female staffers have also been the beneficiaries, but undoubtedly it is more commonly men mobilising for men.

We need more people like … … well me frankly.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:46 am

Replace suburban solicitors, union hacks and ambulance chasing Senior Associates with mummy bloggers. That should do it.

May 21, 2023 10:47 am

Apologies if already posted — I forgot to post it on Friday:

Please Explain. Absolutely brilliant.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 21, 2023 10:48 am

Apropos of the WIP:

Anyone else realise the aliens DJT was hugging all had Darth Vader helmet-shaped skulls?

Coincidence? YOU DECIDE!

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 21, 2023 10:48 am


Apologies about the long rant!

No need to apologise, your “rants” are always worth reading.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 10:51 am

Speaking ahead of a Sydney Institute panel discussion on the Liberal Party …

There is not enough Shiraz specials or Colby cheese that could make this worth leaving the couch for.

May 21, 2023 10:51 am

There’s a good reason for the Geneva Convention

do you mean conventions adopted after WWII and ratified around 1949?

or the 1929 conventions ratified after WWI?

probably, you’re not talking about the Hague conventions of 1899 and 1907.

I am absolutely stunned that the conventions , all lofty and principled, did exactly ZERO to stem of ameliorate subsequent conflicts.

if only all it took was rhetoric and bullshit to protect your cancerous nanna from harm and stop wars.

seriously JC, world peace?
… if you were smarter than you are pretty, you could easily have been Miss Brazil

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 21, 2023 10:51 am

May 21, 2023 at 9:24 am
While in Townsville a few days ago, I sought out a couple of the NQLD First folks to whom I contribute a pittance on an irregular basis.
Over coffee I mentioned the very large ‘Townsville- Capital of North Queensland’ billboards on the entries to that barren city.
Instant fury. Apparently none of the proliferating ‘Reef State’ campaign groups want anything to do with Townsville as capital of the proposed new state.
‘Brisbane North’, ‘Palasczuk’s Northern Annex’, ‘Public Service Town’, ‘Trades Hall Tropical’ etc.
They see the Townsville as the epicenter of the Left’s determination to divert, subvert and derail the separate state movement.
I had no idea, but should have realised that the Chook would go all out to undermine any push for choice.

Old Liars trick.

Many years ago, when there was an active “New State” movement in northeast NSW, Nifty Nev Wran made sure that the relevant referendum included Newcastle as part of the “New State”, knowing that the strong industrial movement there would outvote the remaining proposed area.

May 21, 2023 10:56 am

I’ve finally worked my way through the Mere Simulacrum Conference on Sovereign Nation on YouTube.

God bothering aside, it gave me a lot to ponder,eg the subtle changes that have contributed to where we are now, where the language has changed out from underneath us,but the one big that I took I away was the Dialectic employed by those wishing for the great reset ie problem, reaction, solution.
1. Create a problem (eg drag story hour, inVoice, stolen election)
2. Wait for and even create the reaction ( eg the “Nazis” in Melboring, the “Insurrection”)… Use the reaction to demonise the wrong thinkers(ie normies)
3. Implement the solution you had in mind when you created the problem.

May 21, 2023 10:57 am

On the question of homosexual culpability for the current drive to normalise child molestation via drag queens and trans mutilations, I’m extremely reluctant to heed or raise up as ‘good gays’ those homosexuals who are against these trends. For example, Rita P – who I like and admire – interviewed a GG last week and sought to differentiate today’s favoured perversions from the somehow admirable ‘rights’ campaigns waged by homosexuals in the past – including for the ‘right’ to ‘marry.’

Sorry, no. The ‘good gay’ assault on marriage was every bit as evil as the trans-gay assault on children’s innocence – and, more importantly, was its direct progenitor. Likewise, while I now find myself on the same page as the Deemings, Rowlings, Wolfs and Greers on the immovability and inviolability of sexual identity, I also know that the pop-feminist war on masculinity enabled – if it didn’t cause outright – the attempt by mentally ill products of emasculated homes and schools and societies to simply re-badge themselves in the same way feminists re-badged women as footballers, soldiers and ersatz men.

I’ll make common cause with goodies (relatively speaking) to destroy the trans cult but, apart from that, I don’t trust any of them.

May 21, 2023 10:58 am

Black Ballsays:
May 21, 2023 at 10:17 am
duncanm I present you this:

thanks BB – the guy seems like a bit of a precious flake with that history of dummy spits.

May 21, 2023 10:59 am

It is indeed fascinating how the Vietnam era left radicals have retained control over the US Marxist sewer.
Will it ever be the subject of serious study? It would be fascinating research but probably very dangerous.
Angela Davis is quoted as a political commentators FFS!
Oh, and the most offensive characteristic of Kerry is the bouffant hair.

May 21, 2023 11:01 am

Funny but I seem to remember Australia as a prosperous, nice country to live in before the Chicoms rose to economic and military power.

That was before we offshored the productive part of the economy (production) and kept only the consumptive part (services).

Pro tip ….. if you cant eat it, shelter under it, use it for transport etc, you need someone elses labour to make it for you … this is why switching your workforce to provide aged care, disability care, childcare etc etc etc consumes wealth, rather than creates it.

May 21, 2023 11:03 am

You can legitimately target those facilities while civilian workers are there

well, that does it for me then, Hiroshima and Nagasaki had it coming
and bad luck if you happened to work there.

I believe CL posited that those bombs were ‘morally’ wrong.
correct perhaps, when yr not at war
but categorically not while you are at war.

i think the correct question is, “is war moral?”
is it moral to build a weapon of mass destruction if you never plan to use it?

May 21, 2023 11:03 am

Powerline’s Week in Pictures

Also shown – a snapshot of this:

Kaitlan Collins (born April 7, 1992)[1][2] is an American journalist who served as chief White House correspondent for CNN until 2022. She currently hosts CNN This Morning alongside Poppy Harlow. Previously, she was the White House correspondent for the website The Daily Caller.[3] She is currently owned by Donald Trump.

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2023 11:04 am

May 21, 2023 at 10:57 am”

Agree 100%.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 21, 2023 11:04 am

Ed Casesays:
May 21, 2023 at 10:12 am
In fact, I doubt that the US wants to risk escalation to nuclear conflict with China over an island they don’t even recognize as a country/nation.
The U.S. recognises One China, prior to 1972 it was governed from Taipeh, since then it has been governed from Beijing.
The latest proposal from Washington is that they will destroy Taipeh’s Hi Tech Industries in the event of hostilities breaking out.
The question is whether or not Beijing would retaliate over an attack on their Country.
I’d say they wouldn’t.

Brace yourselves peoples, Grandpa Cletus says no WW III, so it now only needs mUnty to support him, and it’s on like Donkey Kong.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 11:06 am

Go long iodine.

Cassie of Sydney
May 21, 2023 11:07 am

“I also know that the pop-feminist war on masculinity enabled – if it didn’t cause outright – the attempt by mentally ill products of emasculated homes and schools and societies to simply re-badge themselves in the same way feminists re-badged women as footballers, soldiers and ersatz men.”

As always, C.L. says it best.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 21, 2023 11:09 am

JC, Hairy and I met up with Bushie plus Mater and his family in Bendigo. It was a great lunch, I sat next to Bushie and I can tell you he is a really nice guy, a genuine countryman, a married man who is very polite to women, also a dad. He talks a lot of good sense here, and when you meet him too. He has a great sense of humour.

Spats online shouldn’t count for much as we are basically all on the same side here.

May 21, 2023 11:10 am

the truth is that yourGovt took you to war.
all of youse
uniformed or not.

And the term “enemy” applies to 3 year old children, cancer sufferers, old folks in nursing homes.

FMD, you’re an imbecile Trans.

Whether you like it or not, children ARE used as weapons of war. This is why Hamas places rockets in schools, then broadcasts the pictures of their broken bodies to the world. Its why the taliban used unwitting children as IED carriers.

Given that, what do you do if a 10 year old starts walking up to your position with a remotely operated suicide belt? … ignore it because hes a non combattant?

May 21, 2023 11:12 am

the one big that I took I away was the Dialectic employed by those wishing for the great reset ie problem, reaction, solution.

weaponised Hegelian-ism has been with us since Marx.
in fact it is Hegel bastardised which is foundational to all of Marx’s bull-dust

that the current ‘causists’ still utilize the concept is the biggest ‘tell’ of all

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 21, 2023 11:12 am

JC at 10:04.

Lol. We’ve fallen in a heap since the 90s. Poverty in Australia has reached astonishing levels.

Come on, man!
Not being able to flip the Beemer 7 Series every year is not “astonishing poverty”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 11:12 am

Once Groogs strays from his special subjects Grey nurse sharks, mutton, gluten and jacarandas it is best to check a secondary source.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 11:14 am

Not being able to flip the Beemer 7 Series every year is not “astonishing poverty”.

Start to worry when the dealer cappuccinos in the service area disappear.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 21, 2023 11:15 am

Pro tip ….. if you cant eat it, shelter under it, use it for transport etc, you need someone elses labour to make it for you … this is why switching your workforce to provide aged care, disability care, childcare etc etc etc consumes wealth, rather than creates it.

How would you define your career, generally?
Wealth creator or wealth consumer?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 21, 2023 11:18 am

H B Bearsays:

May 21, 2023 at 11:14 am

Not being able to flip the Beemer 7 Series every year is not “astonishing poverty”.

Start to worry when the dealer cappuccinos in the service area disappear.

I had a yuuuge win when we bought the last sporty Beemer.
Three free coffees, two bottles of Evian and I pocketed some stray chocolate royals.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 21, 2023 11:18 am

various governments fell for the spin and lies of the various nascent gay lobbies and insisted everyone was at risk from AIDS. That has always been a lie.

Yes, and some good epidemiology very quickly showed where the main problems of transmission were. And showed what particular gay practices caused heightened transmission. Whew. You had to go through a fast learning curve on gay life working in that field in the mid-80’s as I was. I did some epidemiological surveys providing numbers which were of interest to Stanford at that time which is why they asked me over. My paper was knocking the ‘everyone is at risk’ lie on the head. They were also astounded when I told them about Australia’s bowling-ball ad which totally ignored what all epidemiologists were pointing out at the time: that this was a male gay disease for the most part.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 21, 2023 11:23 am

Did someone say iodine?

The Courier-Mail:

One of the nation’s leading astrophysicists has confirmed that a meteor has crashed in Queensland, following widespread reports of ‘explosions’, ‘fireballs’ and a ‘luminous green light’.

People from across Queensland reported seeing a huge bright light flash in the sky on Saturday night, with hundreds of people taking to social media to share videos, pictures and descriptions of what they saw.


Keen astronomer and owner of Night Sky Secrets,Ian Maclean told The Cairns Post it is believed the meteor fell near Croydon in far north west Queensland.

“Clearly it’s exploded in the upper atmosphere somewhere in the Gulf region, west of Cairns and was felt and heard in Croydon,” Mr Maclean said.

It’s not a meteor! Don’t you see?

I waaaarned you all! I predicted this!

May 21, 2023 11:23 am

May 21, 2023 at 10:25 am

Indeed, dear P.

This trend – for it is now a trend – is deplorable defeatism. It would make better sense to assure practicing Catholics that they breach no obligation by an inability to attend a weekday Mass. I’m pretty sure that was already the case anyway; you can’t do what you can’t do.

May 21, 2023 11:24 am

I don’t think you can reasonably characterise either as a ‘facility’.

well ‘somebody’ did

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 21, 2023 11:26 am

Since we are still on the war against Japan, when will Grandpa Cletus post his link to the 1943 “surrender” terms that Japan was prepared to accept? Since Japan was hardly likely to abandon the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere that it had just finished establishing, would it be fair to assume that the first clause was on the lines of: “The USN will be scrapped immediately”?

May 21, 2023 11:26 am

I don’t think you can reasonably characterise either as a ‘facility’.

Give it up dover. Morally or tactically, the 2 bombs saved millions of lives and forced the surrender of war mongering Japan. It ended over a decade of carnage , oppression and misery in Asia. Brutal , yes but unfortunately necessary given our adversary.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 21, 2023 11:27 am

Re the dangers of Smallpox inoculation. All o/s travellers to Smallpox areas had to have this while the virus was still appearing, even if it was quite limited. Smallpox is a devastating disease and well removed from the planet now. If it comes back I’d recommend vaxxing. Nearly everyone had some significant Smallpox vaxx reactions, as also with the combined Cholera and Typhoid (which weren’t all that protective). A vaxx has always to be judged against the greater risk of the disease. Many vaxxes cause anaphalactic death in some people and other side-effects that may be long lasting. I’ve said here before, there is a death rate for the Yellow Fever vax, which I’ve had fairly recently even though at my age I could travel unvaxxed if I wished, so high was the risk. The Covid Vaxxes had extremely high risks of mortality and morbidity, and were on a dubious new platform, but they still went ahead, in spite of the risk being fairly low with the Covid virus. Stupid over-reach, just as with AIDS in the initial stages.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 21, 2023 11:28 am

How would you define your career, generally?
Wealth creator or wealth consumer?

An interesting question. We did some jobs that were clearly of benefit to the client – and more than a few where the benefit was less obvious. We also liberated tens of people from being in an unloved minor subsidiary of a major listed ASX conglomerate (before being swallowed up by another one anyway).

  1. I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x