Category: Uncategorized

  • This is what doctors are not permitted to say or permitted to do

    So much for free speech and open debate. First there’s this from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Registered health practitioners and students: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, and this is what they state (amongst other things). ‘There is no place for anti-vaccination messages in professional health practice, and any…

  • Guest Post: Vikki Campion – Let our PM be human

    Attacking ScoMo for visiting his kids sets a new low for Labor Are we talking out of our backside when we talk about mental health or are we fair dinkum? When a father — in this case the Prime Minister of Australia — follows the state-prescribed health orders to return home to see his kids,…

  • Mater’s Musings #22: What Risk?

    I’m going to keep this short and sweet and to the point. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has this on its website: It says: “We only register a vaccine if its benefits are much greater than its risks”

  • Who’s in charge of the asylum? A bunch of tyrannical fools, that’s who

    Surely this time they have gone too far: Now they’re confiscating alcohol delivered to locked-down Australian apartments if booze volume exceeds state-sanctioned limits.

  • Open Thread – Weekend 11 Sept 2021

  • Roadmap to a brave new enlightenment

    Under the Gladys Berejiklian’s lauded dispensations, “Only fully vaccinated people and those with medical exemptions will have access to the freedoms allowed under the Reopening NSW roadmap.” For example, the Monday after the 70% target is reached, retail will be opened. Drool in envy Melbournians. If only Dan was so enlightened. If you doubt that tune…

  • Mater’s Musings #21: A Metaphor

    I was sent this earlier by a long time Cat. He thought it was a bit of a metaphor for the new ‘Australia’. I agreed, except for the fact that three points of the Federation Star still appear to be united as one…tenuously. I wonder which three States they represent? I think we can rule…

  • Guest post: Hugh – A redraft of the Australian Government’s COVID letter

    Dear Australian, To protect yourself, your loved ones and your community, we urge you not to get your COVID-19 vaccination which is available to you right now. Australia has done piss-poor with the dual challenges of the alleged “pandemic” and its economic consequences because every gullible Australian has followed the “expert” health advice and “cared” for each…

  • The Zelenko Protocol

    I mentioned a while back that Donald Trump while President – and thus before any of the vaxxines had been developed – had had Covid himself and was over it within a couple of days. I speculated that he might have used Ivermectin or HCQ but did not know. Apparently, he had followed what is…

  • Interaction with a pleasant cop

    I was pulled up by the police this morning for not wearing a mask. Walking down a lane at the back of the apartment building in which I live, I spotted a police car. The policemen looked directly at me. Unmasked, I looked back thinking I might be operating within the NSW law. I quite…