Leaders too Dumb to Think Deeply
Do you recall years back when Syrian president Bashar al-Assad’s and Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro’s days were numbered? They should be well gone by now according to the luminaries that run or influence the western world. Since Russia’ invasion of Ukraine began, we have heard from numbers of quarters that Putin has already lost; that…
Time to Move On. Will they let us?
Anyone notice the NSW department of health has changed their weekly Covid surveillance to “a new succinct weekly overview report,” which suppresses vital and embarrassing information. Knowledge is power and the apparatchiks know that, if little else. The last old-style report was issued on 3 March. It covered the period from 26 November to 12…
The Greatest Fraud in History
Came across this: Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’. This is the point: Dowd and a Wall Street insurance analyst with whom he has teamed, concludes the CDC data show the Millennial generation suffered a “Vietnam War event,” with more than 61,000 excess deaths from March 2021 to February 2022. That is more…
In The Ukraine there are apparently two sides to the story
I went looking for an analysis that would provide something like the Russian perspective on the events in The Ukraine, and by coincidence the video was sent to me at the very same time. The vid is from 2015 but once you watch this bit of history many bits fall into place. This is the…
Meme of the Day #26
Double helping. This is too good to wait for tomorrow:
Alongside him Antionette Lattouf is a voice of reason & neutrality. He’s been quite vocal about “Palestinian genocide” and “Israeli…