Open Thread – Weekend 11 Sept 2021

A Lion attacking a Horse, George Stubbs, 1765

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Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 12, 2021 11:00 am

Bruce in WA says:
September 12, 2021 at 9:34 am
Wow. The Victoriastan government certainly doesn’t like some of its constituents, does it?

Victorian shooters to face 10 year gun bans for stepping out of line

The Andrews Government is making more bad changes to Victoria’s gun laws.

One of the traitors in the Vic Upper House is a rep from the Shooters and Fishers Pardee, and this may well be a threat by Talidan to secure his vote for a permanent extension of the emergency powers.

September 12, 2021 11:01 am

Yet some people no doubt do get the flu at the doctor’s. That’s the nature of real life probability and risk. If you take a 1% risk to reduce another 50% risk to 25%, the 1% risk may still materialise.

I think you’re missing something else.
You are assuming that for everyone at all times it is better to not get the flu than to get it.
Which is not true.
Let’s say one year you get the strain of the flu going around and the next year you are hospitalised for open heart surgery. You now have some updated immunity from getting the flu while recovering from having your chest cut open.
And who knows what other functions irregular infections with colds and flus have. For one, they might cause fevers that burn off other infections you don’t even know you have which as you age might become more serious.
I think the idea of ridding humans of colds and flus is stupid one which might have unforeseen consequences.

September 12, 2021 11:07 am

Bush compares Trump supporters to the scum who did 9/11: Salty, 7 minutes:

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2021 11:11 am

Cate’s prolly one of the vaxxed – condition of employment?

As usual – wrong.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 11:11 am

No doubt broken bones and all the other sporting related injuries are also way down.

Ha, I suspect the opposite!

Clear to me that gulagged Aussies have embraced this thing called “exercise” with a new religious fervor.

The wobbly kids and adults on skateboards, bikes and other mechanical contrivances that I see on the previously empty shared path and local reserve suggest a large submerged iceberg of injuries hitherto uninstantiated. Instead of strained fingers from Playstations now I suspect numerous strained ankles from falling off new-things-with-wheels.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2021 11:11 am

To outdoor pursuits!

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 12, 2021 11:12 am

1262 for the Gladyator today.
Flatlining cases.
The epidemiological Madam Zeldas need to buy another deck of tarot cards.

September 12, 2021 11:13 am

He’s seen by the sheep as “keeping Western Australians safe from the dreaded virus.”

An attitude that can perhaps be explained by Western Australians being one of the most isolated populations on the planet, a fact that affords them the luxury of imagining they can be “kept safe” from the dreaded virus forever or until 95% of the population is vaccinated, whichever comes first?

Geography has always been a profound shaper of cultures.

September 12, 2021 11:15 am

My second is to burn down AFL house

should provide better tv viewing than what they are doing.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
September 12, 2021 11:16 am

To outdoor pursuits!
Grubbing out an old apple tree in the garden that’s rotted out. Only shoots off the root stock growing.
My wife observed that we don’t want old suckers hanging around.
I raised my eyebrows.
How we laughed.

September 12, 2021 11:18 am

Ain’t multiculturalism just grand. From Rotherham on the Yarra:

Three men who seriously sexually violated an 11-year-old girl have been jailed, with one of them claiming he thought she was an adult.

Noor Hasan, Rahamutullah Rahamutullah, and Mohammed Nuramin were found guilty by a jury earlier this year of attacks on the young girl.

All three were convicted of the same charges, including sexual assault and sexual penetration of a child under 12 over separate attacks on the girl.

They were acquitted of sexual offences against her 12-year-old friend, but found guilty of giving both girls cannabis.

(AAP wire)

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 12, 2021 11:19 am

Bruce of WA @ 11:09pm

Bruce, I nearly put that up yesterday. It’s a great song with a great message and I don’t think at all sentimental.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 12, 2021 11:21 am

You’d think Coke would have learned their lesson.
And staff in front line medical facilities rarely catch what their patients have. Occasionally there might be an outbreak of norovirus or similar but it’s usually a small minority and that’s where people share toilets and other high risk areas. People coughing, sneezing, spitting, bleeding on surfaces and people, contaminated PPE stuffed lazily in bins – rarely a case despite proof of high transfer. Things really do exist without research being needed to prove it.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2021 11:22 am

September 12, 2021 at 11:01 am

That’s true Arky. Short term rational (reduced risk of the flu this year) may be long term irrational. That’s the main reason why I don’t usually get the flu shot myself.

September 12, 2021 11:24 am

First time at my alt cafe I’ve been asked to mask, not by the owner who often wears his as a chin protector.
I was cross but just mildly said I’d wait outside and went back to my car.
Coffee and cash machine came out to the car.

September 12, 2021 11:26 am

What about hospital staff giving their patients golden staf?

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2021 11:26 am

“Instead of strained fingers from Playstations now I suspect numerous strained ankles from falling off new-things-with-wheels.”
Quite likely. The parks near Studley Park Bridge used to be very sparsely used. Now there are hordes of mountain bikers all day every day riding off near vertical cliffs for thrills.

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 12, 2021 11:29 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
September 11, 2021 at 10:57 pm
Chief Minister of the ACT disses the idea of a vaxx passport. It won’t be operable as it is too open to manipulation and fraud and it won’t work anyway, because the vaxxed can also transmit Covid.

It’s a dead in the water idea, as anyone with any sense can see, so all kudos to him

Lizzie, I must say that I was both pleased and surprised by this announcement. But being a bit of a sceptic, I wondered then if there’s too many politicians and public servants in the place who don’t want their connections and activities traced.

Of course, the by-product is that all the residents of the ACT get to maintain their anonymity because of that concern. Though, I would argue that almost all of the residents of the ACT see themselves as the beneficiaries of Big Government.

And as far as the higher echelons of the state governments, I bet there’s going to be exemptions. How could Gladys’ movements and meetings be treated in the same way as the local tradie?

“Yes” for the plebs but “No” for us.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
September 12, 2021 11:30 am

September 12, 2021 at 11:18 am

Tim Blair occasionally ran a game called “spot the Mohammed”, where he’d list precis of four news stories and invite readers to guess which one had a main protagonist named after Mo. Nobel Prizes in the sciences never seemed to come up trumps.

September 12, 2021 11:30 am

If Cricket Australia’s support for women’s cricket is so “unequivocal” – to quote their own words – why are there no women in the national team?

Sounds a bit like Talibanish segregation to me.

September 12, 2021 11:33 am

I do wonder if we are going to see a ‘sicker” in general population of younger people from the lockdowns.

Quite apart from the obesity/lack of exercise/mental health/stress/fear factors there is another very important physical bodily function which may be atrophying or not doing what it should.

If this organ isnt being “taught” what its supposed to react too by everyday doses of pathogens what are the long term effects?

I suppose we will find out in 20 years when there will be a mystery “why are 30 year olds immune systems so shit”??

September 12, 2021 11:33 am

Something that never comes up at the BAT FLU daily waffle even tho there are multitudes of ace reporters to ask the pertinent questions .. CRIME STATISTICS .. Why hasn’t crime gone thru the roof since 90% of plod are now working as BAT FLU surveillance operatives?
Shirley, you’d expect crime to be skyrocketing with very few plod assigned to keeping it in check yet no mention of higher figures coming thru ……
Which, of course leads to the obvious question .. If crime isn’t on the increase due to plod being elsewhere … WHAT WERE ALL THESE PLOD DOING BEFORE BAT FLU?

Bar Beach Swimmer
September 12, 2021 11:38 am

On the Outsiders this morning, Rowan referred to Mark Latham noting the form to complete to keep immunisation status private. If a completed form has been submitted, Latham said that even a doctor may not access the information.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 11:43 am

Nobel Prizes in the sciences never seemed to come up trumps.

Odd that. Although they do have some ability in chemistry, making white powdery stuff.

Anyway this topic gives me an excuse to say that the Ig Nobels are out!

Ig Nobel Prizes awarded for chewing gum research, upside-down rhino (10 Sep)

Sept. 10 (UPI) — The recipients of the 2021 Ig Nobel Prizes include researchers who experimented with upside-down rhinos, analyzed the bacteria in discarded gum and studied the ways cats communicate with humans.

The prizes, awarded by science magazine Annals of Improbable Research, were announced Thursday at the 31st annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony.

The Biology Prize went to Swedish researcher Susanne Schotz, who analyzed the variations in cat vocalizations while communicating with humans.

The Ecology Prize was awarded to a team of Spanish and Iranian researchers who used genetic analysis to compare the different species of bacteria found on discarded chewing gum recovered from paved surfaces in various countries.

The Chemistry Prize went to a team of researchers from Germany, Britain, New Zealand, Greece, Cyprus and Austria who used chemical analysis to test whether bodily odors created by a movie theater audience could be used to track incidents of violence, sexuality, drug use and profanity in films.

The Economics Prize was presented to Pavlo Blavatskyy, who led a study that suggests the obesity of a country’s politicians can be used to indicate the level of corruption in the country.

Not sure that last one is accurate, given those unforgettable videos of Bill Shorten jogging. But the nicest thing about the Ig Nobels is a complete absence of anything to do with climate change. Which is obviously too holy for any silly projects to be done in.

September 12, 2021 11:43 am

Boris the pig goes mad.–to-15-year-olds-set-to-start-in-weeks
Plans for Covid vaccinations for 12- to 15-year-olds across the UK are to be announced by the government this week, with a mass inoculation programme beginning in schools within two weeks, the Observer has been told.

New proposals for a Covid booster programme are also expected to be set out on Tuesday, but it is thought ministers may be backing away from plans for Covid passports in confined settings such as nightclubs amid opposition from some Tory MPs.

For health reasons???
Nope because of damage caused to education by the governments lockdown policies…
Last week, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) said children would receive only marginal health benefits from a mass vaccination campaign but did not consider the potential benefits to children’s education.

September 12, 2021 11:46 am

I’m surprised that number is so small.
There’s about 1 million temporary residents , many of whom are likely disillusioned and itching to get back home.

In 2020, approx. 600,000 temporary visa holders went home from Australia.
About 50/50 split between students & temporary workers.
This is why unit prices in some Sydney suburbs cratered 30% last year.

September 12, 2021 11:52 am

Plenty of doctors and nurses, younger ones too, have died of Covid caught while treating their patients

yeah but

were they diabetic boat-builders?

September 12, 2021 11:53 am

Who would have thought the ACT would exhibit more sense than every other state government.

I would have given that longer odds than Sweden coming to the fore as a bastion of liberty.

September 12, 2021 11:53 am

As usual – wrong.

As usual, prolly right over the target!

September 12, 2021 11:54 am

Emma Raducanu won the US open today.
A lot of people are saying the big thing is she’s only 18.
Nah, the big thing is she had to go through the qualifiers to get to the tournament which according to twitter means 3 additional games in the 6 days before her first round match.
Just wow.

September 12, 2021 11:57 am

Joe Biden was the worst presidential candidate since George W Bush.
Today’s pandering, smooth brained speech by Dubya confirms this.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 12:00 pm

I would have given that longer odds than Sweden coming to the fore as a bastion of liberty.

It is a bastion of liberty!

Swedish No-Go Zone Local Says Area Like ‘Wild West’ as Shootings Continue (11 Sep)

Well, sort of.

September 12, 2021 12:09 pm

What could possibly go wrong?

NASA is going to slam a spacecraft into an asteroid. Things might get chaotic.
Later this year, NASA will launch a mission to practice how we might deflect a future Earthbound asteroid. The Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is targeted to launch as soon as November 24 (or as late as February 2022) and will take a year to reach its target: Dimorphos, a stadium-size asteroid that is orbiting a much larger asteroid called Didymos.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2021 12:10 pm

‘right over the target’

Wrong target.

And wrong. Sunny in Darwin. Maybe rain later. Not the knock ’em downs that signal the start of the Wet, but anyway.

Any pretend engineer could tell you that, though.

September 12, 2021 12:13 pm

Went for a walk down the street.

Half people masked, walking around like zombies. One masked, clearly having lost his mind, raging at the sky.

Walk into a shop (mask free). See! He’s awake! Mask free woman points at me. What these bastards have done to this country! Then regales me and the guy behind the counter with a story of a guy who hung himself from a freeway overpass and of a teen suicide pact involving 4…….

September 12, 2021 12:15 pm

Assume Nov 24th is the launch date.
12 months to get there.
Then it goes wrong & part of the asteroid then takes 12 months to get to earth & impact.
Put November 2023 in the calendar to be on top of a very tall mountain.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 12:19 pm

Good news, Bern, is the James Webb telescope is due to launch on 18 Dec.
Really hope it goes well, as if it does the results will be amazing.

September 12, 2021 12:21 pm

Bruce, doesn’t matter.
NASA will Fauci the asteroid mission & last time I looked Bruce Willis is too old to save the world.
Ben Affleck is too busy treating J-Lo like an amusement park to care.

September 12, 2021 12:21 pm

dover0beach says:
September 12, 2021 at 11:46 am

Chief Minister of the ACT disses the idea of a vaxx passport. It won’t be operable as it is too open to manipulation and fraud and it won’t work anyway, because the vaxxed can also transmit Covid.

The shame of it. Who would have thought the ACT would exhibit more sense than every other state government.

Depend on it, the real reasons are otherwise.

The ACT has been a surveillance state to the max for the last several months, with requirements to check in to the few places people are permitted to go, restrictions on movement, most businesses closed, yada yada.

You can be sure the real reason is buried in the privileged status of senior public servants, academics and politicians somehow. The proposals must impinge on them in ways they are not prepared to tolerate.

Watch this space. The real reason(s) will emerge in due course.

September 12, 2021 12:24 pm

To Fauci.

To sneakily oversee the misappropriation of taxpayer funds that leads to the outcome of the very thing you were trying to avoid.
And then to lie about it.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 12, 2021 12:28 pm

“Who would have thought the ACT would exhibit more sense than every other state government.
I would have given that longer odds than Sweden coming to the fore as a bastion of liberty.”

He’ll get bent over and change his mind 🙂

September 12, 2021 12:28 pm

‘right over the target’

Wrong target.

Shirley, Cate is bluffing.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2021 12:29 pm


You can be sure the real reason is buried in the privileged status of senior public servants, academics and politicians somehow. The proposals must impinge on them in ways they are not prepared to tolerate.

There is an essential need for research grants and private meetings with citizens in Fyshwick or Mitchell?

September 12, 2021 12:29 pm

Cate o’ t’ Frankenvaxxed.

Enabler of Big State Plod.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 12:30 pm

last time I looked Bruce Willis is too old to save the world.

Clint Eastwood isn’t though. He’s made a new western…21 years after Space Cowboys.
Amazing guy.

CRY MACHO Trailer (2021)

September 12, 2021 12:33 pm

The Chemistry Prize went to a team of researchers from Germany, Britain, New Zealand, Greece, Cyprus and Austria who used chemical analysis to test whether bodily odors created by a movie theater audience could be used to track incidents of violence, sexuality, drug use and profanity in films.

Um…that is beyond pointless.

September 12, 2021 12:34 pm

Nope because of damage caused to education by the governments lockdown policies…

Maybe not…. I just saw the NAPLAN averages for the little blokes school. A 15% improvement on last year. Basically home schooling works given that most teachers are shit.

I can’t wait for this Home Schooled / Red Pilled generation to come of age.

(If I can get a couple of years of data it might be worth a post that shows how shit our educators are.)

September 12, 2021 12:36 pm

Clear to me that gulagged Aussies have embraced this thing called “exercise” with a new religious fervor.
In that era ..long gone .. pre-BAT FLU lockdowns .. I ride the same bike tracks I do now the difference being that back then i could count on one hand how many folk I’d see/pass in a week now it’s every 20 metres ….. Tho that it is down on the 1st lockdown .. then 100s took to the tracks walking & biking but after 6 weeks or so it dropped right off .. methinx, it dawned on many folk that exercise takes effort as the novelty wears off .. this time it increased again but not by a great deal lot more walking than riding .. the worn out lesson learnt! LOL!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
September 12, 2021 12:39 pm

Wrong on all counts.

Again. Yet again.

Keep flailing, fatso.

September 12, 2021 12:40 pm

Just alerted by a mate in NQ on the below. There something natiowide planned next week or just NQ?

Freedom Rally in Townsville next week. September 18, 12pm meet at Strand rockpool then a march to the amphitheatre.

September 12, 2021 12:41 pm

The tardiest tard in tardtown polishes the turdiest turd in turdtown to a high sheen….

Click on the link for the full impact of the tardation.
Be prepared for the image of Michael Moore simutaniously gargling both Bidens wrinkled gey sack and the curiously Bovidae scented sacks of the Taliban.

“I’m still flabbergasted that he pulled this off with such grace and precision and safety. Everything that we’ve been told by the media, the mainstream media, by pundits who did nothing but spend weeks criticizing his exit from Afghanistan. I don’t get it,” Moore said while appearing on Hill.TV’s “Rising.”

Moore argued that the U.S. was able to successfully negotiate the evacuation of thousands of people from Afghanistan with the Taliban, an enemy that the U.S. has been fighting for 20 years.

“We did have loss of life with a random, vicious terrorist attack by ISIS. But whatever Biden negotiated, everybody kept their word. We left on the day we said we were going to leave, in fact we left the minute before that day, and the Taliban stood by and helped us leave,” added Moore.

That quote is only a fraction of the fellating in the filmclip.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 12:46 pm

Shatterzzz – Most of the family groups I have to dodge are moseying along at snails pace with phones and kids and dogs. As I said: “exercise”.

September 12, 2021 12:46 pm

I can’t wait for this Home Schooled / Red Pilled generation to come of age.

12% of all US school kids are now in registered home schooling programs.

September 12, 2021 12:46 pm

Nope because of damage caused to education by the governments lockdown policies…
One of my grandkids starts High School next year so it will be interesting/worrying to see what effect nearly 2 years of non professional schooling has had .. a very, very bright kid right up until they shut them out!
Both Mum & Dad working full time and siblings home as well so most of his home schooling via computer … he did go to school for awhile under the essential workers ruling but very early on said .. enuf, it’s only kid-sitting they are doing not proper lessons …..

September 12, 2021 12:49 pm

To be fair to Moore, its a lot of flab to be ghasting..

September 12, 2021 12:50 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 12, 2021 at 12:30 pm
last time I looked Bruce Willis is too old to save the world.

Clint Eastwood isn’t though. He’s made a new western…21 years after Space Cowboys.
Amazing guy.

CRY MACHO Trailer (2021)

Eastwood is 91.

September 12, 2021 12:50 pm

Wrong, wrong, wrong…


September 12, 2021 12:51 pm

Cate o’ t’ chaff.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 12, 2021 12:53 pm

What a great man is Clint Eastwood.
I think his only mistake was hooking up with Sondra Locke. Her character in “Play Misty For Me” turned up to be a bit close to real life I suspect.
Who can forget him addressing the empty chair Obummer at a Republican convention.
From Rowdy Yates to Dirty Harry and beyond as an actor his movies as director are legend, Unforgiven being my favourite.
Looking forward to Cry Macho – thanks for the heads up BoN.

September 12, 2021 12:53 pm

Throws up chaff defending Plod.

Now that’s “deplorable” on a deplorables blog.

September 12, 2021 12:54 pm

“New South Wales
Vaccination will be compulsory for more than half of NSW’s public sector workers. But not for our parliament

“Why would the vaccinated, like me, worry”

Because those forcing the experimental Jabs (that are not vaccines) on others, are given & taking other choices, such not being drugged at all.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 12:54 pm

I most respectfully disagree with the upskilling part*.
At the start of hostilities, one thing we need to preserve is the integrity of the infantry units and immediately hiving off parts for a different role (unless the responsibility is within the parent organisations area of ops.) doesn’t help.

Winston, the historical pattern of Counter-Insurgency operations has been to use conventional military forces as both sword (to disrupt the belligerents) AND shield (local protection). SF were and are used only in limited instances, and even then their capabilities were not always available. The reason all RAR Battalions now have a Reconaissance Platoon, is because the SASR could only perform so many recce and surveillance patrols at a time, and in 1966 CO 5RAR J.A. Warr found their information so useful that he did not like going without. So he fought for and created his own capability. And what grunt CO will willingly give up the Recce Platoon, the best trained and motivated troops in his Battalion nowadays?

This was the pattern that we followed using a Brigade in Vietnam, and what every last one of our Allies effectively did for 20 years in Afghanistan. Albeit often with Infantry Battalions they deemed higher-tier. For example, the UK made a point of frequently using the Parachute Regiment and Royal Marine Commandos in Helmand Province in Afghanistan, in addition to their other line units. The Commandos and Paras alike had dedicated small groups of men who were more skilful and trained in raiding and other near-SF tasks (e.g. Pathfinder Platoon) who could be used locally where SAS/SBS etc. were unavailable or kept in reserve for more high-value tasks at theatre-level.

The use of SASR and 2CDO and SOER on conventional infantry operations to hunt insurgent leaders and distract groups of bad folk from trying to beat up the main effort (and/or help the US DEA teams burn opium crops, etc.) in lieu of sending out Infantry subunits to do it like our Allies did, is ahistorical and runs counter to SOCOMD’s actual doctrine. It was done purely and simply because AusGov and Defence alike were acutely scared of casualties, and the perceived tantrum-throwing from the populace that they felt would result from large numbers of Australian infantrymen coming home dead. This fact has been repeatedly admitted by all sides in the last few years.

So, to take into account that Army only really sent Battalion groups into Afghanistan for 8 months at a time between 2008 and 2012-14, having a Raider/Ranger/Pathfinder company equivalent in each RAR Battalion would have allowed for a certain degree of disruption operations to be sustained as required, allowed the other Companies to perform their security and stabilisation tasks, and kept the individual SASR Squadron and 2CDO Company sent on each SOTG rotation ‘free’ for targeting specific individuals and theatre-level special operations tasks.

After all, you don’t need to use a Raider Company for raiding. They can still do all their usual offensive and defensive infantry tasks. It just gives the Battalion CO and his Brigade and Divisional commanders in turn more useful assets and tactical/strategic flexibility.

September 12, 2021 12:55 pm

From rory on twitter.
As at last night.
78 days of NSW lockdown.
11500 deaths in NSW.
177 from/with COVID.
1.5% of the deaths in NSW since lockdown began are from/with COVID.

September 12, 2021 12:55 pm

Former Professor of Ethics Dr. Julie Ponesse provides essential lesson on courage and integrity.
Full link here:

September 12, 2021 12:57 pm

I memed…

comment image

Pray I do not Meme again.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 12:57 pm

But another Commando regiment would not have hurt, either…

September 12, 2021 12:59 pm

Trump’s lost weight from the footage I’ve seen today.
Definitely dropped some of the pounds he really stacked on earlier this year.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 1:00 pm

Cafe Bruce local entertainment keeps me sane in lockdown. Southern male magpie was going off just now, so I went out to see what he was so unhappy about. A channel bill cuckoo! Orbited in next-door’s tree by several of the Cafe noisy miners as well as the magpie. So I decided to have some exercise and commenced throwing sticks and rolled-up junk mail catalogues at it. It decamped to next tree in slight confusion, why don’t they like me?

My aim was terrible, but at last got a bunch of catalogues near enough to register, whereupon the cuckoo scarpered…and landed on the branch where the southern magpies have their nest.

That was fun! But not for the cuckoo, who was last seen heading rapidly north in a cloud of noisies with a magpie actually attached onto each wing. Ouch!

September 12, 2021 1:02 pm

Toad, Locke was the weirdo artist in Eastwood’s “Sudden Impact”.

The weirdo in “Play Misty For Me” was Jessica Walter.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 12, 2021 1:11 pm

Thanks for the correction Calli.
Age must be making up memories for me.
Hope your dad gets well.

September 12, 2021 1:11 pm

I liked the Eiger Sanction.
I liked the cinematography.
No CGI back then.
I liked how it didn’t tie everything up in a nice little bow at the end.

vlad redux
vlad redux
September 12, 2021 1:13 pm

Yes, for fifty years Our Masters held Sweden up to us as a model for everything we should be doing – until Wu Flu hit and that was the end of the “Sweden of the south” idea.

September 12, 2021 1:19 pm

Thanks Toad. He looks better, his eyes lit up when he saw that cake! Also, now he has a diagnosis, he has something to work towards. Mum is a great nurse.

So I’ll keep a discreet eye on them and help out as and when. The Beloved sneaks peeks in their fridge and pantry to make sure they have everything they need – naturally both are bulging with good, healthy stuff. As my daughter says, they are the youngest old people she knows. 🙂

September 12, 2021 1:20 pm

September 12, 2021 at 9:35 am

To the deep state, the last two decades have been anything but wasted.
Just like from FDR onwards, the Cathedral hasn’t wasted a minute.

Yep, and one of their greatest investments has been the ‘gift’ (fittingly, German for “poison”), of The World Wide WEB of Deception and seeding it with countless professional propagandists.

Some, like David Icke, pushing 12 foot alien lizard BS, in order to suck others into tin foil hat conspiracy theories.
Others to then brand the sane people digging into & exposing actual, global conspiracies, as ‘nutters like Davie Icke’, and so, dramatically slow the spread of understanding of what ‘Global Bastards Incorporated’ have for so long been up to.

September 12, 2021 1:23 pm

Thanks Dover. I’m reminded of Jim Elliot:

When it comes time to die, make sure all you got to do is die.

September 12, 2021 1:24 pm

These college games where they doing the “F*ck Joe Biden” chant is really short sited.
Biden is one of the most vindictive, thin-skinned creatures to have every been in Washington, let alone the White House.

September 12, 2021 1:29 pm

Biden is one of the most vindictive, thin-skinned creatures to have every been in Washington

Yes, but in the good side of the ledger: He’ll soon be dead.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 1:29 pm

And a warm welcome to country to the latest Dash-Cat refugees.
Please enter through the de-contamination shower, collect your nano-wriggler repellent spray and read our rules on standards of decorum.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 1:32 pm

Yep, and one of their greatest investments has been the ‘gift’ (fittingly, German for “poison”), of The World Wide WEB of Deception and seeding it with countless professional propagandists.

So knowing all this, srr, why did you fall for it? And why do you continue to fall for it on a daily basis?

Could it be that, just like the rest of us, you have a preferred ‘flavour’ of propaganda and misinformation?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 1:34 pm

And why do I have a sudden, compulsive urge to go order a pizza? And then sit in a tunnel, eating it?

Damn, I hate it when my microchips start itching…

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 1:35 pm

Could it be that, just like the rest of us, you have a preferred ‘flavour’ of propaganda and misinformation?

I remember a t-shirt slogan from a few years back:-
“What if Google is Wrong”.

September 12, 2021 1:37 pm

Apropos of nothing, Possums, which have a lifespan of 15 years, can carry deadly diseases easily transmitted to humans, including Lyme disease, leptospirosis, rickettsia and mycobacteriosis, which can cause abscesses, fistulas, headaches, vomiting and renal failure.

Their faeces can carry the gut parasite cryptosporidium and their urine can cause breathing problems for asthmatics.

Possums were known to spread superbugs such as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, said an infectious diseases expert at Canberra Hospital, Peter Collignon. ”Allowing a wild animal, which scavenges far and wide, to contaminate gloves and surgical equipment is obviously a real problem.”

Winston Smith
September 12, 2021 1:39 pm

Victoria – tyrannical one day, and tyrannical the next.
New laws for gun owners.
No right of appeal for 5 years, warrantless searches of your house/car whenever they feel like it.

September 12, 2021 1:40 pm

September 12, 2021 at 1:29 pm
Biden is one of the most vindictive, thin-skinned creatures to have every been in Washington

Yes, but in the good side of the ledger: He’ll soon be dead.

He is dead; that’s the worry.

September 12, 2021 1:41 pm

Went out with a hedge fund dude this morning for a coffee and a walk in the park. He gets a economic update from a firm of consulting economists. Their prediction for the Victorian deficit this is is that it will hit $40 billion. The accumulated state debt will be around $130 billion.
Victorian debt is also going to be downgraded in a big way. Just wow!

September 12, 2021 1:42 pm

Winston Smithsays:
September 12, 2021 at 1:39 pm
Victoria – tyrannical one day, and tyrannical the next.
New laws for gun owners.
No right of appeal for 5 years, warrantless searches of your house/car whenever they feel like it.

This mob are challenging the laws; check out the cow minister bringing in the laws:

September 12, 2021 1:43 pm

You can see NSW & Victoria upping property taxes.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
September 12, 2021 1:47 pm

These last moments are breathtaking.

Sadly, my family can’t reconcile my utter admiration for the gay rugby player Mark Bingham who was one who stormed the cockpit, with my antagonism towards SSM.

I’m pleased that “Let’s roll” has become a synonym for courage.

September 12, 2021 1:47 pm

Pure evil.

As a young fella, I had nightmare after reading about Moria.

September 12, 2021 1:48 pm

While you are here.
From The Australia Safety and Compensation Council, and posted on the Safe Work Australia website.


Work-related infectious disease
Work-related infectious disease is infectious disease that is caused or exacerbated by occupational factors.
Organisms capable of causing an infection in humans are ubiquitous in the environment. This is true for both the occupational and the non- occupational environment. Infections that may arise from workplace exposures, but that could just as easily arise from non-workplace exposures, would not usually be considered work-related infections. An example is the common cold. The likelihood of catching a cold increases with a person’s proximity to others, and so would be higher in a busy workplace than it would be if the person stayed at home on their own. However, this increased risk arises from interaction with work colleagues, rather than from some specific exposure related to work, and would be similarly increased if the person travels to or from work on public transport, or walks around the local shopping center.”

Extra ammunition when the issue of OH&S and Workers Compensation is raised. RTWT.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 1:48 pm

“What if Google is Wrong”.

Applying values statements to a valueless, manipulable algorithm (Which- Without any further nudging by its programmers- Is only going to produce results as accurate and precise as the searcher’s chosen parameters and keywords) was only the first people have got wrong about Goolag…

September 12, 2021 1:51 pm


Victoria has already upped land tax.

September 12, 2021 1:53 pm

Then it’s Hans Gruber time, JC.
Hit it again.

Old Lefty
Old Lefty
September 12, 2021 1:53 pm

Plibs declining to comment when asked if she supports Nobody’s Girl being parachuted into Fowler. Mmm ….. I wonder why.

September 12, 2021 1:54 pm

September 12, 2021 at 9:58 am
We’re living in a sick society.
We need to think deeply about the inputs that have got us here.
Schools. Media. Corrupt political process.

And countless ‘shot messengers’ left rotting at the doorways of understanding, lest the small, weak & frightened, enter, see & be healed.

September 12, 2021 1:54 pm

Love that “what if google is wrong” slogan – I would add “and how will you know?”

September 12, 2021 1:54 pm

The contrast between the reception of Biden and of Trump are instructive. We know who really won 2020.

It’s such an underwhelming administration. Even the leftoids must be despondent at how it’s turned out.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 2:00 pm

We know who really won 2020.


BEHOLD, MY SHOCKED FACE: Door-to-door canvas of voters in Arizona finds extensive evidence of vote tampering.

Pretty much explains why the Maricopa election engineers have been so foot-draggingly uncooperative. And the only reason why we know this stuff is the Republican have power in the state, unlike places like Philly, Wisconsin and Georgia. It’s clear as dog balls, but the Dems and the MSM will lay smoke forever. Then try to steal the mid-terms, since they dare not do otherwise.

Top Ender
Top Ender
September 12, 2021 2:01 pm

The Eiger Sanction was a fair book too.

Followed by The Loo Sanction featuring the same character of Jonathan Hemlock.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 2:02 pm


September 12, 2021 at 1:43 pm

You can see NSW & Victoria upping property taxes.

Already talk of some sort of annual “poll tax” on property.
ALP shill Nick McCallum on 3AW a few months back running the party talking points on it.
“What about people who just paid stamp duty?” asks an opponent of the tax.
“Oh no”, says Nick. “It would only be on new purchases”.
Then he throws in the glib SJW one-liner. “And issues of equity would have to be worked through”.
So a government is going to give up an annual current stamp duty revenue stream of 6% of property sales, for a slowly building revenue stream of, say, 1% of sales, but levied every year.
Hmmm. Six year break even point, probably longer.
Pull the other one.
So, what next?
Oh, you won’t have it levied if you bought your property and paid stamp duty in the last 3 or 4 years, but older purchases will have to pay.
It’s the CGT you’re having when you’re not having a CGT, except you don’t have to have any “G” and you don’t have realised proceeds to pay it.
A lovely way of levering self-funded retirees out of their houses.
As for “equity issues” read rent controls to prevent landlords recovering the property tax in rents, and a “progressive” sliding tax scale aimed at the leafy red-brick suburbs.

September 12, 2021 2:03 pm

Don’t know if anyone has put it up:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 2:05 pm

Even the leftoids must be despondent at how it’s turned out.

No JC they aren’t. They are dismayed by the stuff ups, but absolutely love what Biden is being made to say: globular worming stuff, gun control, personal control via the vax mandate, persecution of white males and Christians. It is the Left’s wet dream.

September 12, 2021 2:07 pm

My money would be an increased land tax on resi property investors that would step up the more properties you own.
Then they’d wheel out some wealthy couple with 10 investment properties & tell them to pay their fair share.
Then Andrews would sit back & hope it didn’t blow up the investor class too much.

September 12, 2021 2:07 pm

I’ve read, In Cold Blood and a few other things by him. Capote appears to have been a nasty, nasally little faggot, but boy his word “smithing” was near perfect.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 2:08 pm

Victorian debt is also going to be downgraded in a big way. Just wow!

Socialism works until they run out of other people’s money.
Every. Time.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 2:11 pm

My money would be an increased land tax on resi property investors that would step up the more properties you own.

Including Industry super funds?

September 12, 2021 2:13 pm


Sure, but it can’t last and this is the reason, I think..

For the moment at least, left and right are pretty evenly matched. The lunatic left of the demonrat party wants to move all sorts of shit through the house&senate so demented can sign on the dotted line. The lesser loons – the so called moderates aren’t going for it. What gives except that he will be considered a failure by his own party. They may also be loathe to run him out through article 25 of the constitution because giggling idiot is just as unpopular and unpersuasive.

September 12, 2021 2:15 pm

Including Industry super funds?

Oh how we laughed.
Keep in mind, the current Vic government could do whatever the fuck they want.
No opposition.
No media push back – does anyone think the Hun is going to waste time saying extra property tax is a killer.
And if it fronts the some Victorian based court, no judge is going to rule against it.
It’s pure Illinois.

Who knows what they will do, but I would expect the punters in Victoria to be hit with a range of punitive taxes/levies/fees.

September 12, 2021 2:19 pm

I may be in the same spot by month’s end – some colleagues are critical about it

Good to see you here, Egg.

Also Struth.

September 12, 2021 2:23 pm

Good to see you here, Egg.

Scrambles is here?


September 12, 2021 2:30 pm

JC, when you look at the data showing what happens to the obese from COVID, you’d be thankful you had the fish & skipped dessert (times 1000) over the past 20 years, wouldn’t you?

Hopefully you are dropping care packages off to the obese one, who should be walking around in a Hazmat suit if he had any sense.

September 12, 2021 2:46 pm

JC, when you look at the data showing what happens to the obese from COVID, you’d be thankful you had the fish & skipped dessert (times 1000) over the past 20 years, wouldn’t you?

No, times a million. 🙂

It’s like culling season for land whales.

Hopefully you are dropping care packages off to the obese one, who should be walking around in a Hazmat suit if he had any sense.

Bern, He’s never allowed out of the basement again for the rest of his life and also isn’t allowed to fraternize with anyone in person. Basically, he’s in solitary confinement. Serves the fat fuck right. We were telling him for years to layoff the donuts and crap. Didn’t take the advice and now he’s in solitary.

vlad redux
vlad redux
September 12, 2021 2:51 pm

I’ve read, In Cold Blood and a few other things by him. Capote appears to have been a nasty, nasally little faggot, but boy his word “smithing” was near perfect.

He also beat Humphrey Bogart in arm wrestling, JC.

September 12, 2021 2:52 pm

So just how many vacancies for radar/ speed trap operators advertised in Sicktoria?

They had better bow down before sneakers rhinestone studded rotating codpiece and pray the eye of Ironn gifts them with some of his glory….

September 12, 2021 2:52 pm

Chief Minister of the ACT disses the idea of a vaxx passport

I applaud him for some rationality, but I’m disappointed that Canberra couldn’t be used as the pilot site for the idea when parliament re-sits.

September 12, 2021 2:52 pm

cohenite says:
September 12, 2021 at 2:03 pm
Don’t know if anyone has put it up:

Noice. Thanks. I like the one where assault rifle bullets were found in public. That has to be a p!sstake, though. Surely no-one could be that …?

September 12, 2021 2:55 pm

Every day when NSW releases the age of people who have died with/from COVID, the only constants they also release is the age & sex.
Since the vaccine roll-out in NSW began they should be releasing a raft of data.
Thing like:
BMI (it’s not perfect, but it’s going to show what all the US data shows);
Vax status (none, one, both & how long ago of the shots);
C0-morbidities (especially diabetes status);
Were they hospitalised because of COVID, or did they contract it while they were in hospital already.

The fact they don’t or only partially release some of the data on an ad hoc basis, shows they are trying to hide the full data picture.

September 12, 2021 3:04 pm

A man of the people… (and the usual MSM bull)

September 12, 2021 3:06 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 3:07 pm


September 12, 2021 at 2:23 pm

Good to see you here, Egg.

Scrambles is here?

Surely not?
My intel is that he was bagging this place up hill and down dale over at Dash-Cat.
Of course, my intel could be awry.
If it is, I will apologise and move on
I don’t want a month long stoush with egg_ster.
No-one does.

September 12, 2021 3:11 pm

September 12, 2021 at 2:07 pm
My money would be an increased land tax on resi property investors

You’re right – but I never understood why pollies (and others) push that. It surely is the definition of envy.

If I was a property investor and such a tax came in, then all I need to do to avoid it is to form a Co. who’s purpose is residential property investment.

September 12, 2021 3:11 pm


That’s not out of the ballpark.

Bogart was born in 1899. Nasal nutz in 1925.

If the arm-wrestle occurred in the 60s, bogart was 66 in 1965 while nasal nutz was 41. No matter how effeminate, a 41 year old should/would win.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 3:16 pm

I like the one where assault rifle bullets were found in public. That has to be a p!sstake, though. Surely no-one could be that …?

Welp, as Cohenite posted between Birdstrikes at the DashCat last night, THIS is illegal in Sandgroperstan. Somehow. Cos it looks meany and dangerous (and is 9mm).

And I pointed out in turn, that irony here in Sandgroperstan tastes like .22LR. As you will see in the 4th entry of the linked page

As the ad says: Compare the pair. Same make, same model. Same basic type of (slightly-impractical-and-cheekily-yet-legally-category-stretching) semi-automatic handgun. Slightly different calibre. Yet only one is criminalised…

September 12, 2021 3:17 pm

No matter how effeminate, a 41 year old should/would win.

Especially when Poo-man told him what the hand Bogart had hold of was doing 5 minutes before..

vlad redux
vlad redux
September 12, 2021 3:18 pm

Bogie died in 1957, JC.

But I take your point.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 3:18 pm

I don’t want a month long stoush with egg_ster.
No-one does.

Dover0beach is not AdamD.

And no carpet-staining is tolerated lightly…

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2021 3:19 pm

September 12, 2021 at 2:07 pm
My money would be an increased land tax on resi property investors that would step up the more properties you own.
Then they’d wheel out some wealthy couple with 10 investment properties & tell them to pay their fair share.
Then Andrews would sit back & hope it didn’t blow up the investor class too much.

I wonder what proportion of the Vicco Liars backbench has investment properties? Who was that Liar luminary who “forgot” to mention a multi-million investment house in his statement of financial interests?

September 12, 2021 3:20 pm

Thanks. I like the one where assault rifle bullets were found in public. That has to be a p!sstake, though. Surely no-one could be that …?

Believe it; the filth wanted to introduce legislation limiting the quantity of ammo you could have to the capacity of the weapon you had. If you had a single shot target .22 you would’ve had 1 bullet.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2021 3:23 pm

September 12, 2021 at 2:52 pm
cohenite says:
September 12, 2021 at 2:03 pm
Don’t know if anyone has put it up:

Noice. Thanks. I like the one where assault rifle bullets were found in public. That has to be a p!sstake, though. Surely no-one could be that …?

Yes they can.

During the early days in Iraq, some j’ismist was waving around an (unexpended) .50 round and case, claiming it was given to them by locals, at whom it had been “fired”.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
September 12, 2021 3:28 pm

During the early days in Iraq, some j’ismist was waving around an (unexpended) .50 round and case, claiming it was given to them by locals, at whom it had been “fired”.

Oh boy… 0_0

September 12, 2021 3:29 pm

If the arm-wrestle occurred in the 60s, bogart was 66 in 1965 while nasal nutz was 41. No matter how effeminate, a 41 year old should/would win.

You idiot head prefect; the great Bogart was dead in 1957. Even so I don’t believe he was trying against little Truman who was as gay as a gold-fish. Bogie showed how he dealt with queers and perves in The Big Sleep. Watch it; it’s one of the best movies ever made. More generally you know I’m the expert on the old and best movies, so just ask me next time and don’t embarrass yourself.

September 12, 2021 3:35 pm

Some wag did an awesome video I think it was called shooty- no shooty on the unfired round.

It was great, seems to be a little hard to find after all this time though.
I thought it was the no Parasan bloke that did it.

September 12, 2021 3:37 pm

More benefits of Ivermectin (hurr durr, horse paste).

In this review, we summarize the in vitro and in vivo evidences demonstrating that ivermectin exerts antitumor effects in different types of cancer. Ivermectin interacts with several targets including the multidrug resistance protein (MDR), the Akt/mTOR and WNT-TCF pathways, the purinergic receptors, PAK-1 protein, certain cancer-related epigenetic deregulators such as SIN3A and SIN3B, RNA helicase, chloride channel receptors and preferentially target cancer stem-cell like population. Importantly, the in vitro and in vivo antitumor activities of ivermectin are achieved at concentrations that can be clinically reachable based on the human pharmacokinetic studies done in healthy and parasited patients. Thus, existing information on ivermectin could allow its rapid move into clinical trials for cancer patients.

September 12, 2021 3:40 pm

Jimmy Dore on ivermectin.

From the 20min mark he goes off.
WHO has ivermectin on it’s list of essential medicines.
NIH has ivermectin on it’s list of COVID treatments (but needs more data).
4bill doses to date globally, but Big Pharma steps in to stop it.

September 12, 2021 3:40 pm

Thank you, Mater.

September 12, 2021 3:41 pm

Dot, Jimmy refers to that NIH advisory.

September 12, 2021 3:42 pm

demonstrating that ivermectin exerts antitumor effects in different types of cancer.

It doesnt cure all cancer.
It didnt stop cancer killing the patient with stage 17 full body ebola cancer.
When we gave then the drug at a rate of 10gm per 20gm of body weight it poisoned the patient.
Orange man bad.

Therefore we ban it from being given to anyone and pronounce anathema on anyone prescribing it, they will be disemdoctored and their medicare provider number burnt in front of them.

September 12, 2021 3:42 pm

There is an interesting extension for browsers that shows where a product is made and where the seller is based. works on amazon and others.

it’s called cultivate and works on most browsers

worth looking at

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 3:48 pm

Finally, it took the brave lutherans.

Sad a denomination which is named after a guy who preached the Bible now no longer believes the Bible. They wear the skinsuit whilst demanding respect, as Iowahawk is wont to tweet.

September 12, 2021 4:00 pm

There is more than one variety of Lutheran.
This one would be the Episcopalian version.
The others are more conservative.

Cassie of Sydney
September 12, 2021 4:10 pm

September 12, 2021 at 1:29 pm
Biden is one of the most vindictive, thin-skinned creatures to have every been in Washington”

He’s a Democrat.

September 12, 2021 4:14 pm

I’ve got my Ivermectin horse wormer ordered.

One packet does 700 kg of horse or ten 70 kg humans.

Apparently it tastes a bit like All Bran.

September 12, 2021 4:17 pm

Why thanks, Wilburrrrr! May I have mine with a dash of oats?

*one stamp means…yes*

September 12, 2021 4:20 pm

The Bandannaman interviews the Junkies missus about decorium in parliment, heres a few of his derp insights.

Fitz: And so to the ALP topic of the week. Kristina Keneally and the factional warfare that saw her position as No.1 on the NSW Senate ticket placed at risk, and possibly pushed to making a run for the Lower House, despite being popular with the public and a very strong performer. I can never understand the ALP factions, but surely that is an example of the damage they do, when they risk pushing out good performers, to serve the needs only of their own faction?

Locals you aggravated hippos hemorrhoid, the word you want is locals…

Fitz: And yet while you don’t feed the trolls on social media, you still regularly go on the show of the most infamous misogynist of the lot, Alan Jones?

I wish Jones would take the cockhead to court over that accusation.

Fitz: If Albo got hit by a bus and Kristina Keneally was in the lower house, who would be best equipped to take his place, Keneally or you?

I think its obvious we need to ban rugby. The damage done to Fitzsimians brain is evidence of the awful toll it takes.

September 12, 2021 4:21 pm

Biden is one of the most vindictive, thin-skinned creatures to have every been in Washington”

He’s a Democrat.

Even among Demonrats Biden is a stand out for mean spiritedness.

Someone from his inner circle has reportedly warned Boris Johnson that the “special relationship” is in jeopardy because Biden feels slighted by the UK parliament’s condemnation of his Afghanistan withdrawal.

How about that…you stand by an ally for 20 years in a futile war only to have relations deteriorate because the President feels personally slighted.

September 12, 2021 4:25 pm

I saw the tail end of Outsiders today when Rohan Dean presented Ice Age Watch. He showed an article in which it was proposed that, as people were now getting used to vaccine passports, in the future it would be possible to connect this to individual carbon quotas. There is absolutely no end to the control measures they want to impose on us.

September 12, 2021 4:25 pm

Rockdoctor, protests will be held around Australia on Saturday September 18th at midday. I’m praying there is an enormous turnout. The political narrative needs to be broken.

September 12, 2021 4:26 pm

calli says:
September 12, 2021 at 4:17 pm

Why thanks, Wilburrrrr! May I have mine with a dash of oats?


That’s horse food!

September 12, 2021 4:32 pm

y. I’m praying there is an enormous turnout. The political narrative needs to be broken.

I shan’t be there. I don’t want to be associated with anyone dumb enough to design that stupid web page.

September 12, 2021 4:35 pm

…despite being popular with the public and a very strong performer…

Her greatest achievement being leading the NSW ALP to a defeat of historic proportions in 2011, losing several “heartland” seats in western Sydney with swings of up to 20%.

I think “the public” here means Mr. and Mrs. FitzSimons and their circle of friends.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
September 12, 2021 4:38 pm

From George Christensen today.

In a move that is equal parts idiotic and deadly, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has banned doctors from prescribing ivermectin to their patients as a preventative or treatment for the Wuhan virus (COVID-19).

It’s a move that we must fight and so I’m declaring Monday, 13 September 2021 to be a national day of action against the TGA’s decision to ban ivermectin. People should phone the TGA on 1800 020 653 to demand they reverse their decision to ban doctors from prescribing ivermectin off-label.

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
September 12, 2021 4:38 pm

Wouldn’t it be awful if that “F**k Joe Biden” song was sung in Aussie stadiums and at protests. Only not a US pollie. And

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 4:44 pm

He showed an article in which it was proposed that, as people were now getting used to vaccine passports, in the future it would be possible to connect this to individual carbon quotas.

Yep. Softening up.

Journal Nature: COVID lockdowns are key to begin ‘personal carbon allowances’: ‘Restrictions on individuals…that were unthinkable only 1 year before’ have us ‘more prepared to accept tracking & limitations’ to ‘achieve a safer climate’ (4 Sep)

September 12, 2021 4:48 pm

Just sent the form letter to Dickhead Dan’s police minister regarding their police state gun law changes.

Don’t think it will make a difference, police state gun laws are exactly what they’re after.

September 12, 2021 4:53 pm

It’s not the best, Dr BG, but at least the details are there. I’d imagine any form of information for the protests is being deleted by FB and Twitter.

September 12, 2021 4:59 pm

The backbench revolt must have been impressive.

Yes. They waved their papers and tossed them furiously into the air.

The pen still appears to be mightier than the sword. For now.

September 12, 2021 4:59 pm

Tucson halts COVID vaccine mandate after Arizona threatens funding

The Arizona attorney general gave Tucson 30 days to reverse a vaccine mandate or losing up to $175 million in funding.

September 12, 2021 5:00 pm

20+ Republican states exploring lawsuits against Biden’s ‘outrageous’ vaccine mandates

Dozens of Republican governors and attorneys general slammed new COVID vaccine rules announced by Joe Biden, which would force U.S. businesses to require vaccination or testing for millions of employees.

September 12, 2021 5:02 pm

Journal Nature: COVID lockdowns are key to begin ‘personal carbon allowances’: ‘Restrictions on individuals…that were unthinkable only 1 year before’ have us ‘more prepared to accept tracking & limitations’ to ‘achieve a safer climate’

gosh, who could have possibly seen this coming. /sarc

health passports morph into climate passports morph into social credit passports

fascism with chinese characteristics is a magnet to our elites

September 12, 2021 5:05 pm

Chuckle. That pen and sword stuff reminds me of one of my favourite movie fight sequences. 😀

September 12, 2021 5:06 pm

Ain’t multiculturalism just grand. From Rotherham on the Yarra:

And we’re locked in here with them.

Yep, our gaolers still have plenty of sticks to beat us into submission with.

September 12, 2021 5:12 pm

fascism with chinese characteristics is a magnet to our elites

Odd, isn’t it? I’m sure most of them have been to China.

In action it’s…unimpressive. Unless you are a sociopath and consider your fellow humans creatures to be belittled and crushed.

I’ll never forget watching a poor hotel maid in Beijing sluicing up raw sewage* in her bare hands and thinking it was all a-okay. In shame and pity, The Beloved gave her what was about a fortnight’s wages as a thank you. She looked startled, and then tears came to her eyes, poor woman.

*the hotel drains backed up and poured out their contents into our shower recess. I knew exactly what would happen moments after I turned on the tap. Pity help those on floors lower down.

September 12, 2021 5:19 pm

Gab, always with the hate speech against possums. LOL.

September 12, 2021 5:20 pm

During the September lockdown when skate parks were closed kids just skated around Williamstown Town Hall.
No school no sports no skating no sick
looks like a lot of people are ticked off at the concrete barriers at the Glen iris skate Park.

Boambee John
Boambee John
September 12, 2021 5:21 pm

Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 12, 2021 at 4:44 pm
He showed an article in which it was proposed that, as people were now getting used to vaccine passports, in the future it would be possible to connect this to individual carbon quotas.

Yep. Softening up.

The climate scam was proceeding too slowly, so they have latched onto the Kung Flu scam as a means to speed the process up.

But what are the odds that the world’s biggest emitter, China, will agree to anything? These arrogant fools will destroy the west economically, to make no difference to the climate.

September 12, 2021 5:22 pm

Other “adventures” in Beijing…being watched outside Mao’s tomb and my conversation with a very anxious guide listened to by an observer.

I didn’t want to see the embalmed body of the murderous old reprobate, so elected to stand on the edge of the square and wait while the others queued up and filed by. The guide, torn between the group and this old maverick, stayed behind. Clearly a red flag. I knew the bugger standing behind him was listening, so I made sure I said nothing to get the guide into trouble.

This is what awaits us if we’re not careful. Spies and other deadshit informers listening to everything and reporting. We see it in its embryonic stages right now.

September 12, 2021 5:24 pm

the hate speech against possums. LOL.

Wait until the roses come into bloom. Then it’s WAR!

September 12, 2021 5:30 pm

Sacré Bleu! The Wolf Alice Chick is seriously out there.

– Is exquisite
– Can sing like an angel (or a demon, if she chooses)
– Can play the guitar (Fenders only, err, sorry Rog)
– Loves adidas

A dream Goilfriend. 🙂

September 12, 2021 5:32 pm

..and for your covid checkin needs:

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 5:33 pm

But what are the odds that the world’s biggest emitter, China, will agree to anything?

BJ – The fun thing is all these elite types who point to China as a model of how to get things done are being stonewalled by China over the climate rubbish that they want so dearly. The very epitome of “useful idiots”.

COP26 at risk of ‘failure’ over China’s refusal to slash emissions, official warn (8 Sep)

It’s a mystery!

September 12, 2021 5:33 pm

Can play the guitar (Fenders only, err, sorry Rog)

Good guitar for a girl.

September 12, 2021 5:35 pm

A black Tele

September 12, 2021 5:35 pm

Having seen the way Australians reacted to seeing their most fundamental rights cruelly taken away could be at it’s most generous described as supine. I understand that there are some exceptions to this generalising, but it is basically true from an outside perspective

In my circle of family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances it’s the education level that seems to indicate the level of agreement and supine compliance. Those with university degrees are all for lockdowns and universal vaccinations. The rebels are tradies and workers who are not employed by the government.

September 12, 2021 5:36 pm

“Instead of strained fingers from Playstations now I suspect numerous strained ankles from falling off new-things-with-wheels.”

When I’m out with the dog I forget the more than 6 decades under my belt and feel like a 12 year old kid again, climbing the steep, wet, slippery hills, banks & rocks with him, adventuring like a child.

Sometimes I slip and have close calls, and he seems to know it, while never being out of sight & sound of me, coming to my side to be my, ‘4 legged walking, walking stick’, until I shake it off.

I think that’s pretty cool but I realise he’s no, ‘Rin Tin Tin who’ll run home to tell Timmy that mummy’s fallen down the cliff & can’t get up’, and so I should probably be more careful, but nah, like with the Jabs and other bad medical care that I only survived by some miracles, there’s some levels of care that take the life out of living and life’s already too short to do that to yourself.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 12, 2021 5:36 pm

Hahaha Calli @5:05.
I might might watch that movie again.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 5:37 pm

A dream Goilfriend. ?

Why one when you could have two?


Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 5:40 pm


September 12, 2021 at 5:33 pm

Can play the guitar (Fenders only, err, sorry Rog)

Good guitar for a girl.

Gittar wars.
This could be bigger than trains vs trucks.

September 12, 2021 5:44 pm

Here’s another one, Toad.

Yes, yes, I know. It’s been “fact checked” by the orcs and found wanting, but it’s good all the same.

September 12, 2021 5:44 pm

But what are the odds that the world’s biggest emitter, China, will agree to anything? These arrogant fools will destroy the west economically, to make no difference to the climate.

The chunks have told that dumb monster kerry to ??.

The japs also won’t be there; or India. The problem is that scumbag biden and his swamp. Scomo has no balls, or really tiny ones which I don’t think will enable him or his fellow neutered cats to resist biden, although biden has no goodwill after his refusal to scomo’s request for Pfizer.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 5:45 pm

They play both kinds of music. Blonde and brunette. On Fenders!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
September 12, 2021 5:52 pm

Rabz, please.
The Flash-Cat committee have requested that popular dance hall music not be played in the member’s lounge on Sunday afternoon.

September 12, 2021 5:52 pm

This could be bigger than trains vs trucks.

Nah…with guitars it’s horses for courses. I’m just messin’ with him.

And the Tele is a very versatile instrument in any case.

Not many people know that the early Led Zep albums were recorded using mainly a Tele. Not bad for a guitar designed in the early 1950s with country music in mind, although the paint job on Page’s Tele is a bit dodgy.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
September 12, 2021 5:53 pm

Sorry couldn’t resist.
If pressed I might put up one with four ladies playing three Fenders.

Not Uh oh
Not Uh oh
September 12, 2021 5:53 pm

Rather liked Rowan Dean’s quote this morning in regard to getting the jab. “Never say yes to something you can’t say no to.

Barking Toad
Barking Toad
September 12, 2021 5:53 pm

Popped into Aldi the other day for random shopping – masked and did the QR bullshit in front of the security guard (looked like one of Dan’s & just as bright).
Ambling up & down the aisles I spied a pack of Jaffa Cakes – reminded me of something.
It hit when I got home and have been watching clips on YouTube of Derek & Clive for the last few nights (Dudley Moore & Peter Cook).
Beautifully obscene and politically incorrect – perfect panacea in this lockdown bullshit 🙂

September 12, 2021 5:57 pm

To give this contretemps proper Title:

Fenders V Gibbos

They both have their place in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Cannon.

September 12, 2021 6:01 pm

Gibbos simply are not yart, like my Strat is. 🙂

September 12, 2021 6:03 pm

This is what awaits us if we’re not careful. Spies and other deadshit informers.

My first hand experience says we’re there.

September 12, 2021 6:04 pm

More from the wacky world of islam:

Grateful Migrants in Pennsylvania Send Thousands of Dollars to ISIS
Relax: 44 Afghan Evacuees Could Be Jihad Terrorists
‘We Have Won’: Fort Hood Jihad Murderer Congratulates Taliban

  1. James Patterson giving home affairs a rough time live: Legal and Constitutional Affairs | ESTIMATES particularly on citizenship ceremonies…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x