Open Thread- Mon 11 Oct 2021

Antigone with Polynices’ Body, Sebastien Norblin, 1825

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Top Ender
Top Ender
October 13, 2021 10:29 am

Is the Prince of wails really that stupid or does he secretly wish for a reversion to feudalism?

Yes he is, as commentators above have explained.

Pity really. His mum showed how a monarchy could be done, even though she has had to put up with the gradual erosion of responsible citizenry upholding it – where are the greatest generation, the Allied war machine of WWII now?

Charles will be the greatest driver towards republicanism Australia has ever seen. Unfortunately the model of how we will structure society here is far from settled. Who will save us from President Turnbull or El Supremo Rudd or Popular President for Life Kylie ?

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 13, 2021 10:31 am

Oz breaking news:

Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court over his sacking by James Cook University, in what was seen as a test of academic freedom in Australia.

The court ruled against the Townsville-based academic who was sacked by James Cook University in 2018 for breaching its code of conduct over critical comments he made about the work of a leading coral scientist and the trustworthiness of research bodies such as the Australian Institute of Marine Science.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 10:31 am

And now, I am in stife at home again with Hairy for letting my distractions here this morning miss the doorbell for Keiko to join me in a dance class. I do have another life and only pop in here now and again. I have had to send her sincere apologies for that.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 10:33 am

And now, I am in stife at home again with Hairy for letting my distractions here this morning miss the doorbell for Keiko to join me in a dance class. I do have another life and only pop in here now and again. I have had to send her sincere apologies for that.

What is this. Your personal diary?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 10:34 am

I’m looking forward to life under President Warnie.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 10:36 am

Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court over his sacking by James Cook University, in what was seen as a test of academic freedom in Australia.

I am so very sorry to hear that.

Sadly, it will come as no surprise to Hairy, who did advise the IPA during a personal interview that from his considerable experience in this sort of matter the academic freedom route was not the best one to take in this appeal and that the employment conditions in the enterprise agreement would have provided a better basis for appeal.

However, making the stance on academic freedom has drawn far more publicity and that in itself is a good thing. I hope Peter Ridd can still be gainfully employed by some research body more interested in truth than academic protection of vested interests. That was taxpayer money this self-promoting Vice Chancellor was using against this good man.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 13, 2021 10:37 am

Oz breaking news:

Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court

Well that blows big time.

October 13, 2021 10:38 am

Are you sure about that? Limbrick doesn’t mention that here:

Yes Dover.

Heard it in person, and is documented as the second point (under Temporary Exemptions) in this document.

It gives you up to a six month reprieve. It indicates that everyone is going for six monthly boosters, one way or another.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 10:40 am

“because the sun is always shining somewhere’

These are the sorts of people who think a great idea is to generate solar in Oz, then take it by ginormous cable to Singapore across a deep ocean trench which regularly produces large earthquakes, then through a large muslim country full of people who just love stealing copper and who hate Singapore. Indo still ban exports of sand to Singapore, what are they going to about an electricity line going their through their country eh?

The idiocity of all this stuff is beyond belief right now. Nothing is too fantastic, too uneconomic, too silly or too technically infeasible right now to stop vast amounts of taxpayer dollars being chucked at it.

October 13, 2021 10:41 am

It’s only a matter of time before this idiocy presents itself here.

there’s a diesel fire pump in almost every commercial building.

bet he’s not turning them off

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 10:41 am

Oz breaking news:
Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court

Add it to the list. We aren’t winning the battle of ideas.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 10:41 am

Knuckle Draggersays:

October 13, 2021 at 10:06 am

Boomers ruined my life.


Needs a separate thread.

October 13, 2021 10:42 am

Charles will be the greatest driver towards republicanism Australia has ever seen. Unfortunately the model of how we will structure society here is far from settled.

It’s sort of settled.

The political class will never put the matter up for a vote whilst the electorate insists on a popularly elected head of state.

October 13, 2021 10:43 am

The Guardian happily explains that the new world order is here, so Ha!, stupid bigots:

Despite a small but noisy group of domestic protesters, cheered on by conservative media rallying audiences to “save” Australia from its draconian public health policies, most Australians are preparing to transition into “Covid normal” life.

‘most Australians are preparing to transition into “Covid normal” life.’

I mean, what else is there to say? The Guardian is openly celebrating that there is a new mode of society and they’ve harassed and cajoled ‘Australians’ into accepting it.

Crackpot conspiracies from early last year that are now reality and official government policy:

– Mandatory vaccinations
– The childhood vaccination regime expanded to adults
– Vaccine ‘passports’ aka a licence to be in public
– No vaccine no being allowed into public
– ‘Two week’ ‘lockdowns’ will be used forever and become region and suburb specific and will be used to force recalcitrant areas to behave in certain ways

I mean, it’s just on and on and on. It’s all so obvious, there’s not even much predicting involved. Here’s the secret: All you have to do, is read the bugman class’s literature and media and social media, and believe what they’re saying they’re going to do. Nobody has ever hidden or shied away from any of it, they’ve been totally honest since day one.

October 13, 2021 10:43 am

However, it might eventuate that some might have to submit in the end: two granddaughters working (one to pay her way through uni) and it seems likely that their jobs and future might be finished if they don’t comply.

I will not blame or censure them if that happens, just as I will not blame or censure anyone on this site who has accepted the jab. Quite simply, neither I, nor Twostix nor anyone else, no matter how noble they perceive themselves to be, have the right to direct or judge other peoples’ decisions.

Twostix often calls on his Christianity to illustrate his point. He conveniently overlooks, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.”


Intel is accepting proof of having COVID as an alternative to being vaccinated.
Science actually winning.

In Victoria, you get a ‘Covid Passport’ exemption if you’ve had a PCR proven case of Covid. Doctors won’t give you a jab.

I’m turning my approach to getting a test everyday until I get one of those inevitable false positives. I might even score $450 in the process.

By now surely someone can articulate what is wrong with both these lines of thought?

October 13, 2021 10:44 am

johanna says:
October 13, 2021 at 3:43 am

srr, ‘tired, rushed and careless’ and ‘too many tabs open’ are not excuses. Nobody is forcing you to be a martyr who barely eats or sleeps in the Quest to Monitor the Internet and Save Us.

And that’s where I stopped reading because I already read made up shit & bad faith, but I will address that delightfully bitchy opener.

Statements of facts are not excuses, nor offered as excuses, as you well know.

They are simple explanations, like, ‘spell wrecker’, ‘fat fingers’, ‘not awake yet’, ‘clicked Report instead of thumbs up’, ‘posted send too soon’, ‘urgh!’, and every other perfectly acceptable explanation for every post error every other poster is allowed to offer, and very many, very often do.

Also, when you have an active life in the real world, it’s normal to have a lot of tabs open as you communicate with other real people in the real world & bounce from one real world task to another.
Which of course, you all also know, but it doesn’t stop you trying to pitch it as some sort of net crime.

Then you break into yet more making up shit.
Oh, your arthritis makes shopping so hard for you, fine, we all accept your telling us often enough.

Well I have my own battles with health that I don’t cry about like so many others do, constantly looking for & getting sympathy.

I have however mentioned recently that I’m one of the countless also having hospital treatment constantly pushed back due to the Wu Flu BS (you know, cos it’s kinda seriously topical at this time), and before, that it affects my sleep which, along with my real life commitments (things that make my life full & happy), is why my posting times are all over the place.

Even then I’ve only mentioned the sleep thing on some of the occasions when those who do desperately monitor others, decide to declare I must be, I don’t know, whatever their fevered imagination is trying to pitch at the time.

This trying to nail a ‘martyr’ tag on me, then bullshitting I seek it, is simply pathetic.

I find a lot of things on the net, worth sharing for various reasons, so when I can I do.

Sometimes I take a break from that to present my case against those compelled to bullshit about me, because I am a real human being and entitled to a right of reply against libels.

October 13, 2021 10:44 am

Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court

the courts have been captured by the left and worn like a skin suit

October 13, 2021 10:44 am

I will not be silenced by ill-wishers such as you.

They’ll pop an iPad into the coffin just in case

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 10:45 am

What is this. Your personal diary?

No. Just a comment from which you may judge that I might be less around here than previously. It is interfering far too much, when I am attacked, with the normal course of things I have to do as well as those things I really want to do.

I am a literate and reasonable commenter who has been on the Cat for many years.
There are many in that category and I am thus nothing special.
Some, by no means all, might miss me if I was away permanently, which I will not be.

So why not lay off me, if I make make ‘a Suggestion’?

October 13, 2021 10:45 am

The idiocity of all this stuff is beyond belief right now. Nothing is too fantastic, too uneconomic, too silly or too technically infeasible right now to stop vast amounts of taxpayer dollars being chucked at it.

Heard an expert on the ABC just yesterday predicting Australia would become a green energy exporting superpower via that cable.

Dismissed nuclear as too hard.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 10:46 am

may make

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 10:47 am

They’ll pop an iPad into the coffin just in case

Are all the commenters on here bitchy women?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 10:49 am

The court ruled against the Townsville-based academic

Well there you go. Telling the truth is now not a defense before the HC. Lies are the only acceptable mode of discourse in this country. We’re screwed.

Here’s Dr Ridd’s recent article:

Great Barrier Reef experiencing ‘record high’ levels of coral coverage (27 Sep)

That’s what the data says.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 10:49 am

The idiocity of all this stuff is beyond belief right now. Nothing is too fantastic, too uneconomic, too silly or too technically infeasible right now to stop vast amounts of taxpayer dollars being chucked at it.

Yes, it makes me just want to hunker down and hide away for years, doing my own thing.
These fools are ruining the last good years of life for many of us older generations, to say nothing of stealing the futures of the young.

I will travel with Hairy for as long as I can, ignoring the limits they try to place on us and help my children and grandchildren through this economic holocaust as much as I can.

October 13, 2021 10:50 am

Winston Smithsays:
October 13, 2021 at 6:02 am

Sadly you can say what you like around the kitchen table at home.
Gillian Triggs – Human Rights Commissioner.

She’d be happy with Scotland then –

Hate crime bill: Hate talk in homes ‘must be prosecuted’

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill passed by a vote of 82 for, 32 against and 4 abstentions. The Bill became law on 23 April 2021.

October 13, 2021 10:52 am

Are all the commenters on here bitchy women?

gets a bit cranky around this joint at times

October 13, 2021 10:52 am

Well there you go. Telling the truth is now not a defense before the HC. Lies are the only acceptable mode of discourse in this country. We’re screwed.

how very post-modern of the courts. truth is a social construct, or is that a socialist construct.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 10:52 am

No. Just a comment from which you may judge that I might be less around here than previously. It is interfering far too much, when I am attacked, with the normal course of things I have to do as well as those things I really want to do.

I am a literate and reasonable commenter who has been on the Cat for many years.
There are many in that category and I am thus nothing special.
Some, by no means all, might miss me if I was away permanently, which I will not be.

So why not lay off me, if I make make ‘a Suggestion’?

I will, when you stop posting your PRIVATE life details.
Please however, keep posting your views and ideas on the China Flu and other public issues.

October 13, 2021 10:55 am

Hate crime bill: Hate talk in homes ‘must be prosecuted’

hate crime, anything that disagrees with the socialist fabrication of truth

October 13, 2021 10:58 am

how very post-modern of the courts. truth is a social construct

yes, the courts all the way up are not only captured by the the idea, they embrace it.

Gramsci, the nasty little prick, was correct

October 13, 2021 11:00 am

Apropos of this morning’s discussions:

1) We should welcome all opinions on a blog like this, otherwise we might as well move to Hauptsturmführer-monitored blogs like skepticalscience, the ABC, News or Nein.
Delusional, possible psychotics like Bird need help, but not on this blog.

2) Unlike many here, I appreciate ussr’s contributions, some added salt is also good, but her heart is in the right place.

3) I miss Anne’s decent loopiness, learned a lot from some of her links and, as many have already pointed out: today, the difference between looney-tune conspiracy theories and reality is approximately two years.

4) Calli has my utmost respect for her decision and, especially for her utter decency in informing us.


October 13, 2021 11:00 am

hate crime, anything that disagrees with the socialist fabrication of truth


October 13, 2021 11:01 am

Remember barristers are essentially highly paid liars or at best twisters of the truth. The legal ‘profession’ is a very nasty hangover from the Norman conquest.

October 13, 2021 11:01 am

it’s the new Pravda

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 11:03 am

Well I have my own battles with health that I don’t cry about like so many others do, constantly looking for & getting sympathy.

I think in many ways you are a real trouper, srr. It’s hard when one is older but keeping up, and tiredness can set in, as can sleep problems of various sorts. I woke this morning thinking of relative risks and realised that this cannot go on. This is just a blog and it is silly to get too het up about what people think of you here. I don’t agree with all that you say or even your approach, but I do defend your right to defend yourself, as a woman, as a human being, and as someone is doesn’t just sit down like a poached egg and remain unthinking in this world. Have your say. People can scroll if they wish, so your only care should be that you do not do what happened on the old Cat, and over-post and over-link or engage in irrational conspiracy theories. That causes a disturbance to the flow and this is not a conspiracy site (well, not much anyway). You do have supporters here. I may not be one, but I am not an uncaring person about grandmas in my ambit. 🙂

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 13, 2021 11:04 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 13, 2021 at 12:14 am
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 13, 2021 at 8:59 am

Most of what you’ve written is just distraction squirrel stuff, so I’ll focus only on a few relevant matters.

A query was raised concerning the apparent denominator of 827 completed pregnancies against which an RR had been placed and it was agreed this figure could not indicate a risk estimate rate of spontaneous abortion,
Yes, the authors agreed with the criticism that has been made all along. See below.

If Timothy would like to put up his original link and the comment he made accompanying it and my response at the time I would be happy to explain how I analysed the single summary page presented there
I told you before upthread that I didn’t post the original link, someone else did. It’s up to you to track it down since you’re the one who claims it contains the Lasseter’s Reef of so-called “confusion”. But if there’s any basis in reality to your assertion, finding Lasseter’s Reef should be unnecessary. If there were actually any such conflation of numbers as you claim underlying what the critics said, you’d be able to point to something in the critics’ “827-700=127” which has its provenance outside the authors’ own sample numbers.
But having been asked a trillion or so times to do that, your only response has been hand waving and distraction squirrels.

I do not accept Timothy’s critique of the mode of this cohort selection, as the method is quite appropriate
I’ve never critique’d it. I’ve just said that it’s a distraction squirrel because it’s totally irrelevant to what the critics actually said. If it’s “appropriate” to explaining that the critics’ “827-700=127” is based on something other than the authors’ own sample numbers, please do elaborate. If it isn’t, my “critique” is 100% valid in the context of your derision of the critics, which is the only thing I’ve ever commented on.

But they also refer to 104 spontaneous abortions, a figure which is now agreed to come from only 204 of the participants vaxxed prior to 20 weeks of gestation and it seems from my reading to come also from participants not necessarily found only (if at all) in the 827 women who ‘completed’ pregnancies, as they now say that figure is not the denominator for the 104 spontaneous abortions.
Two points:
So now it’s the authors’ fault? Even if you’re right about that, fine, so when do the critics get their apology?
Second, you’re still either misunderstanding or misrepresenting what the actual correction to the denominator was about. It’s spelled out clearly in the very letter the authors expressly accepted as a valid criticism. The 104 number isn’t mentioned at all, and is clearly irrelevant because that’s the numerator and the correction is about the components of the denominator – as the critics said all along. Here’s what the authors expressly agreed with:
As stated in the article, among the 827 participants with a completed pregnancy, 700 received their first eligible vaccine dose in the third trimester. These participants should be excluded from the calculation because they had already passed week 20 when they received the vaccination. The risk of spontaneous abortion should be determined on the basis of the group of participants who received the vaccination before week 20 and were followed through week 20 or had an earlier pregnancy loss.
827-700=127. Funny that in the whole of this thread to date no-one ever mentioned that, isn’t it? Oh, wait…

In this preliminary report they had to recognise that completion can be either by live birth, by spontaneous abortion, or by some medical intervention (ectopic pregs, intentional abortion) and I’d say they just took the figure of 104 spontaneous abortions and used it because it was the only one they had.
Once again, even if you’re right that doesn’t support your disdain for the critics – if it’s correct it’s an authors’ error.

In summary, your two lengthy emails are a very long winded way of attempting unsuccessfully to avoid the obvious conclusion that the critics you derided were right all along .
827 was the wrong denominator as the critics said. 115/827 was wrong, 115/127 was “right” [or 104/127 focussing only on the spontaneous miscarriages] within the parameters of the study itself, and it’s the authors’ fault, not the critics’, that those parameters were badly thought out.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 11:05 am

Glad to just read your post re srr too, Gilas.

October 13, 2021 11:05 am

By now surely someone can articulate what is wrong with both these lines of thought?

Perhaps I should have added a Sarc tag, Struth.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 11:06 am

Remember barristers are essentially highly paid liars or at best twisters of the truth. The legal ‘profession’ is a very nasty hangover from the Norman conquest.

Yes. All appeal courts should be presided over by 12 citizens picked at random from the populace for the duration of the trial. Obfuscation by lawyers should be outlawed.
We should end the “Legal profession” monopoly on “judgement”. Just like we should end the “Medical profession” ability to override peoples rights.

October 13, 2021 11:11 am

Great Barrier Reef experiencing ‘record high’ levels of coral coverage (27 Sep)

Entirely due to the Australian Institute of Marine Science deploying boatloads of nubile marine studies students to plant baby corals.

October 13, 2021 11:12 am

Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court

This news is about as unsurprising as the sun rising in the morning (or the ALPBC lying about everything).

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 11:13 am

“3) I miss Anne’s decent loopiness, learned a lot from some of her links and, as many have already pointed out: today, the difference between looney-tune conspiracy theories and reality is approximately two years.”

There was nothing “decent’ in much of Anne posted. Her Rothschild/Lizard posts were both offensive and absurd…unless of course you agree with the lie “that Jews control the world”….a lie that led to pogroms, persecution and genocide.

October 13, 2021 11:14 am

Why Is the GOP Refusing to Look Into Fauci & the Origins of COVID-19? | Truth Over News

fauci is a benedict arnold and useful idiot rolled into one. that so much of the US congress is captured by the CCP should alarm every citizen

October 13, 2021 11:14 am

#MarxistMcGowan @MarkMcGowanMP is celebrating how he retrospectively changed the law when a businessman who was acting lawfully took legal action he was entitled to take. A disgraceful chapter in West Australian history.

Clive Palmer loses high court challenge.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 11:17 am

Are all the commenters on here bitchy women?

You mean apart from the cranky old blokes and general nutjobs?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 11:19 am

For the record I probably do not make the old blokes list. I am usually cranky.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 13, 2021 11:20 am

Why is Chyna doing all the war preparations?
Shirley, it would be easier and cheaper to just buy the countries that you want to takeover.

October 13, 2021 11:21 am

Fully Vaccinated Are COVID ‘Super-Spreaders,’ Says Inventor of mRNA Technology

This aligns perfectly with the charts linked yesterday showing an almost uniform surge in cases in multiple countries shortly after mass vaccination commences.

October 13, 2021 11:21 am

srr says:
October 12, 2021 at 10:42 pm
The Vortex — Grave Papal Sin

Thanks for this link srr. I’d call it Michael Voris unleashed.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 11:22 am

A bit torn on that one, custard. I would hate to see a matter of principle enrich Clive Palmer.

October 13, 2021 11:22 am

incoherent ramblersays:
October 13, 2021 at 11:20 am
Why is Chyna doing all the war preparations?
Shirley, it would be easier and cheaper to just buy the countries that you want to takeover.

That’s why the Chicoms have no plans to invade Africa.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 11:22 am

The risk of spontaneous abortion should be determined on the basis of the group of participants who received the vaccination before week 20 and were followed through week 20 or had an earlier pregnancy loss.

Yes, as I said, that is what they said. And we find now that group of participants were in another now indeterminate sub-cohort of the major original sample of those vaxxed prior to less than 20 weeks gestation; So 827-700=127 is irrelevant. Others took that number and ran with it and in the original two column data sheet I saw they were conflating the two columns to try and make sense of this number, which is one of which no sense whatsoever could be made.

Yes, the cohort of 827 ‘completed’ pregnancies was poorly described in terms of spontaneous abortion. We do not know how many of the early trimester vaxxed were in it. Probably not many. As I’ve said from the start, promulgating the figure of 82% spontaneous abortions in a group of vaxxed women in gestation <20 weeks was promulgating something quite implausible which clearly was not happening. Obviously there was an error somewhere and errors feed up errors. The error was in the confounding 104 spontaneous abortions figure.

I have unravelled this can of worms for you and you should be satisfied. I am.

Now fuck off and stop wasting my valuable time.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 13, 2021 11:22 am

Are all the commenters on here bitchy women?

It is hard to beare.

October 13, 2021 11:24 am

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
Yes, it makes me just want to hunker down and hide away for years, doing my own thing.
These fools are ruining the last good years of life for many of us older generations

Wrong way to think of it.
Think of it as giving the last years of your life MEANING as for once we have some very real evil to stand up against.

October 13, 2021 11:25 am

You are a good woman, Lizzie.
However, you are also weak.
Hairy should have stopped you taking the she- jab.
However you have done so, and although I understand why you have taken the jab, as you were told, and as has transpired, you are in a worse situation because of it.
Which you continue to attempt to justify.
Notafan just abuses people and calls names as she cannot for a minute justify her actions, and as Two stix so eloquently pointed out, has decided what is done is done, and fallen to the dark side, trying to tell people taking the jab is no big deal, while trying to kid herself her it wasn’t and is safe.
An untested, new genetic concoction that has already killed thousands, and it’s injuries causing suffering on a scale unprecedented, with many a credible doctor saying that those that have taken it will end up dead within four years, and those that don’t want that message getting out just closing that message down.
So who do you trust?
I did not know Calli had submitted, and am sorry for her, and it won’t make her life any easier in the long run.
To suffer now as a nation is a lot better than the suffering we will all go through due to submission to tyranny.
Covid is a like a yearly flu at worst.
Losing your job now………………………………….do you think taking the vaccine to keep your job will allow you to keep your job?
Did you think taking the two jabs would give you back your freedoms with the same level of naive, gullible stupidity?
How is that working out for you?
How many people are you jabbed “freedom experiencing Sydneysiders” allowed in your home again?
Are you allowed to stand and drink alcohol?

Can you not see this basic fact…….a jab is a vote for a vaccine passport.
The passport is a social credit scheme.
It won’t stop with two or three or four booster shots…they are going to keep injecting you until you are dead.
One way or the other.
Your white western capitalist presence on this earth can no longer be tolerated.
Once the cash is gone your credit system card will be set on carbon credits.
(not me saying this, it’s Klaus telling us).
No meat for you this month, it’s fried insects for you.
When you are finally pushed to breaking point and rebel, which they are pushing you to do, you’ll get a free holiday in the concentration camps they were building from the very second this coup d etat started, even though they apparently knew nothing about covid, but magically knew it would still be a disease requiring permanent state of emergency powers, at least two years later, as concentration camps would take two years to build.

You don’t get a choice.
You either stand and sacrifice, and fight, and maybe get your life back, or you die a pitiful submissive failure, trying to kid yourself that you submitted for your job, or for your dog, or your need to see people overseas, blah blah…..while none of that will be achieved by taking the jab and in so doing voting in tyranny.
You’ll be eating your dog Venezuelan style, and your job will only get you nothing no one else gets on the basic living wage everyone will be getting.
Talk about the slow boiling frogs of denialism.

The very best thing you can do for yourself and your future is lose your job ans sue the bastards that sacked you.
See, and here is the reality.
You are going to lose your job by submitting to tyranny anyway.
The jab is not a choice, and will not save you from anything.
In the long run , if the jab itself doesn’t kill you, the system it will set up will totally destroy you and your countrymen.
Notafan calls talking about this the same old boring subjects……
You can either be as self deluded as that, or face the reality.

October 13, 2021 11:28 am

Oh give it break rosie.
You’re all over your failed shop –

rosie says:
October 13, 2021 at 6:25 am

And notice how ussr’s excuse was ‘very tired’ at 8 pm last night but still managed to keep commenting throughout the night.
Valiant effort.

First you lot decide I don’t sleep because I’m “monitoring” you all, then you decide I can’t possibly be very tired when I haven’t had more than a few hours sleep in days, while also obviously being out, away from the cat, doing yet more tiring, real world things.

I and anyone else who reads whole threads, do notice how there are a regular number of you who care diddly squat for the content of what some post.

You do, however, care way too much about being seen to agree it’s a grand thing to smear some individuals.
Individuals who actually point out how professional propagandists manipulate perceptions, conspire & collude to sell the false narratives.
False narratives constructed to lead the world into making heroes of Covid Stasi Karen’s For Unpersoning Real People From The Net & Everywhere Else In The Real World.

October 13, 2021 11:32 am

More fact free invenctive.
I just pointed out your ‘tired’ excuse was tired .
The only one that seems to be monitoring for future reference is you.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 13, 2021 11:32 am

The High Court has fallen.
On HC current form, George would be serving an additional 700 years.

October 13, 2021 11:33 am

Otherwise why the constant complaints about Notafan notafan Rosie rosie?

October 13, 2021 11:35 am

BTW any updates from Australia One about which rumours are true, and which are not.

October 13, 2021 11:36 am

How many times was Trump asked to disavow the KKK?
How many times was enough?

That’s right.

Repeating the same lies cos ya think they’re winners, only shows what losers you, JC et al are –

Cassie of Sydneysays:
October 13, 2021 at 6:43 am

“Also, Bird’s most diabolical conspiracy theories are about the Jews. Where are you on that?”

I note your question from last night remained unanswered JC. Perhaps she was too tired.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 11:37 am

today, the difference between looney-tune conspiracy theories and reality is approximately two years.

That’s what Adam said in an email early on to me re my concerns about leaving Bird on the dash-cat. He wanted the dash-cat to be a genuinely free site for all viewpoints He later emailed me that I was right in warning him of Bird’s modus operandi, but not until the damage had been really done.

A line has to be drawn regarding the level of looney toons any site can tolerate and still remain live for most of the centre-right.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 11:41 am

Dash-cat is saner than this women’s collective of invective.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 11:41 am

““Also, Bird’s most diabolical conspiracy theories are about the Jews. Where are you on that?”

And the question remains unanswered JC.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 11:43 am

Always order your Comet Pizza with no pineapple.

“Your pizza. Your way.”

October 13, 2021 11:43 am

Clive Palmer loses high court challenge.

The High Court has now made it legal for a state government to retrospectively pass laws that capriciously target an individual.
This is really troubling.
So apart from the 7 zip ruling in the Pell case, the High Court doesn’t really adhere to the law.
ScoMo has appointed two of these jokers hasn’t he?
Or is it more?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 11:43 am

Why Is the GOP Refusing to Look Into Fauci

This one was fun when I saw it this morning.

Matt (Boarding Group C) ? @statomattic 8:51 AM · Oct 11, 2021
I just finished the Fauci documentary on Disney+ so you don’t have to. Here is what was, for me, the defining image: Fauci at work in his home office, beneath a larger-than-lifesize oil painting portrait of himself.

The man sure has an ego.

October 13, 2021 11:43 am

Thats a great meme about conspiracy theories.

The New World Order one has been circulating since the 1920s.

and the blood libel one, in various guises, since the 12th century

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 11:44 am

“Dash-cat is saner than this women’s collective of invective”

Misogyny from the resident Stalinist.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 13, 2021 11:44 am

Dash-cat is saner than this women’s collective of invective

Getting close.

October 13, 2021 11:45 am

In this day and age, some people should not be talking about bird’s lunacy as much as his disgusting racism.
He understands what is going on more than many here.
Lunacy is in the eye of the beholder at this point.

And haven’t we all been a little “tuned” to be more disgusted with racism than murder these days.
Racism isn’t bad until negative action is taken in it’s name.
Unless people are not allowed to discriminate anymore.
I wish my teeny tiny white man’s 8 or so inches was a big black twelve.
Does that make me a racist coz i wanna be Blak?!

October 13, 2021 11:45 am

Another Veritas drop on YouTube… Nothing earth shattering. Just a senior Clinical Researcher – who does work for Pfizer and the other pharmas – suggesting that he’s sceptical of how fast the data and vaccine approval came, and that he had to be vaxxed to continue with a normal life:

“Cause the government’s going to f-ck you if you don’t get it”

But more condemnation … 3m all up.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 11:46 am

Misogyny from the resident Stalinist.

You wish to be a victim. So let it be written, so let it be done.

October 13, 2021 11:50 am

If you’re not black pilled after today’s High Court you should be.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 11:51 am

The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association echoed the firm’s denials that vaccines and walkouts caused the weekend crisis.

Pull the other one SW bugmen people.
That flag ain’t there because of the weather.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 11:52 am

“You wish to be a victim. So let it be written, so let it be done.”

I’m no victim…although given your preference for Communism and Stalin, you’d love to make many of here “victims” because of our ideology……..what’s the estimated tally of victims of Stalin’s terror?

At least twenty million

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 11:52 am

I will, when you stop posting your PRIVATE life details.

Goodnes.. We all post private life details here to some extent, although nothing specifically identifying, often in the process of discourse upon major events of the day. Live with it. It’s how we come to know each other and to share experiential knowledge, which makes this blog rather special, quite different say to simply commenting on events of the day on the Australian: and I guess too this is how sometimes mistaken views of each other can emerge.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 11:52 am

“A line has to be drawn regarding the level of looney toons any site can tolerate and still remain live for most of the centre-right.”

Correct Lizzie.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 11:56 am

your preference for Communism and Stalin

Got me there – idiot.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 11:59 am

We all post private life details here to some extent

No we don’t. Only narcissists do.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 12:01 pm

“A Suggestionsays:
October 13, 2021 at 11:56 am
your preference for Communism and Stalin

Got me there – idiot.”

Only an idiot and someone totally lacking in any humanity supports mass murderers. But it’s nice of you to admit it – idiot.

October 13, 2021 12:02 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 12:03 pm

I can tell we’re all grumpy today. I am. Horrible watching a Decline-and-Fall sequel in action.

October 13, 2021 12:04 pm

The Ridd summary:

Today, the High Court unanimously dismissed an appeal from a judgment of the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia. The appeal concerned the scope of the intellectual freedom protected by a clause of an enterprise agreement of a university.

Dr Ridd was employed by James Cook University for 27 years. From 2016, the University took various disciplinary actions against Dr Ridd for conduct that it concluded breached the University Code of Conduct and constituted misconduct and serious misconduct under the University’s Enterprise Agreement. Dr Ridd was issued with two censures (“the 2016 Censure” and “the Final Censure”) and, on 2 May 2018, his employment was terminated for serious misconduct under the Enterprise Agreement. Dr Ridd brought proceedings against the University alleging that its actions and the termination of his employment contravened the Enterprise Agreement and s 50 of the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (“the Act”). Dr Ridd did not dispute that the conduct occurred and that it would be misconduct or serious misconduct. He submitted that all of his conduct was an exercise of the intellectual freedom protected by cl 14 of the Enterprise Agreement and could not be a serious breach of the Code of Conduct. The primary judge: concluded that 13 actions taken by the University were contrary to cl 14 of the Enterprise Agreement; made a declaration of 13 contraventions of s 50 of the Act; and ordered the payment of compensation and pecuniary penalties. A majority of the Full Court allowed an appeal and concluded that none of the actions of the University were contrary to the Enterprise Agreement.

The High Court unanimously dismissed the appeal. The Court held that the intellectual freedom protected by cl 14 of the Enterprise Agreement was not a general freedom of speech. The exercise of intellectual freedom was subject to constraints contained in cl 14, including some adopted from the Code of Conduct. These constraints upon exercise included respect for the legal rights of others, and required that an expression of disagreement with University decision making be in accordance with applicable processes, including confidentiality obligations. The exercise of intellectual freedom was not constrained by other Code of Conduct undertakings, such as respect or courtesy.

The 2016 Censure and part of the basis of the Final Censure were unjustified because they related to the expression of honestly held views by Dr Ridd within his academic expertise. The Final Censure was justified only insofar as it relied upon expressions of opinion unrelated to Dr Ridd’s academic expertise, and findings that he repeatedly failed to comply with his confidentiality obligations. Since Dr Ridd ran his case on an all or nothing basis, the termination decision was justified in its reliance upon conduct of Dr Ridd which was the subject of 18 findings of serious misconduct which were not protected by cl 14.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 12:05 pm

That’s what Adam said in an email early on to me re my concerns about leaving Bird on the dash-cat. He wanted the dash-cat to be a genuinely free site for all viewpoints He later emailed me that I was right in warning him of Bird’s modus operandi, but not until the damage had been really done.

He had plenty of warnings, and chose to ignore them in the interests of “free speech”.
But, it is a market-place of sorts and people voted with the keyboards. So, instead of a “free site for all viewpoints” he’s got a virtual men’s shed comprising a handful of nut-jobs and the disaffected.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 13, 2021 12:07 pm

If I talk about myself too much it is only because I am the most fascinating person I know.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 13, 2021 12:08 pm

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
October 13, 2021 at 11:22 am

I note the neat segue from:
As they still had over 900 ‘early vaxxed’ to enquire about and as the 104 figure is very high against only 204 ‘enquiries’, I’d suggest a major confounding bias in this piece of data: that the 104 figure likely represents a considerable number of women from across the enrolled early trimester vaxxed who had self-reported a miscarriage by calling in to notify them of this.
And we find now that group of participants were in another now indeterminate sub-cohort of the major original sample of those vaxxed prior to less than 20 weeks gestation;
We “find” no such thing. The authors do not, repeat do not, anywhere recant from the 115/104 being part of the original 827. They just say they’ve updated the whole dataset. Having ditched both 827 and 115/104 their revised data in no way casts doubt on 115/104 being part of the 827.
But this is still a distraction squirrel anyway. The authors used 115 and 104 as their data for the numerator and the critics you deride never commented on that, they commented only on the denominator that the authors themselves had stated. Thus 827. 827-700=127 was a perfectly valid criticism of what the authors themselves had presented, and the authors accepted that criticism – they just then segued immediately into explaining the revisions they had made later, well after the criticism had been rightly made.
As for your continued claim that the critics were “confused” about other numbers, for the trillion and first time you’ve failed to show how that can possibly be when their entire equation, 827-700=127, used only the authors’ own sample data.

October 13, 2021 12:09 pm

A Suggestionsays:
October 13, 2021 at 11:59 am
We all post private life details here to some extent

No we don’t. Only narcissists do.

You’re forgetting my excellent and much acclaimed ingrown toenail series.

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 12:09 pm

He had plenty of warnings, and chose to ignore them in the interests of “free speech”.
But, it is a market-place of sorts and people voted with the keyboards. So, instead of a “free site for all viewpoints” he’s got a virtual men’s shed comprising a handful of nut-jobs and the disaffected.

As opposed to a womens gossip column and a bunch of wannabe intellectual saviours.

October 13, 2021 12:11 pm

MarkMcGowanMP is celebrating how he retrospectively changed the law when a businessman who was acting lawfully took legal action he was entitled to take.

So thats the standard of the law nowadays.

Ok, all bets off, lies and deceit it is, followed by retrospective changes if you lose then.

Thats definite banana republic/ kangaroo court stuff right there.

October 13, 2021 12:11 pm

Great Barrier Reef experiencing ‘record high’ levels of coral coverage (27 Sep)

Perfect set-up for the next cyclone, which now will absolutely certainly damage an enormous amount of coral, unprecedented in fact. I can see the headlines now!

October 13, 2021 12:13 pm

Cassie of Sydney says:
October 13, 2021 at 11:13 am

There was nothing “decent’ in much of Anne posted. Her Rothschild/Lizard posts were both offensive and absurd…unless of course you agree with the lie “that Jews control the world”….a lie that led to pogroms, persecution and genocide.

Always with the accusations Cass..

My previous post was about keeping perspective.

I agree with your point, but I didn’t see much of that delusional stuff in her overall contribution. IIRC, she mostly provided a lot of useful links, on crazy stuff that now looks prescient.

IMO, the useful and/or good outweighed the bad.

You’ll probably disagree. So be it.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 13, 2021 12:15 pm

October 13, 2021 at 12:04 pm

Thanks areff.
At the risk of finding that the full judgement says something different than the summary, it looks like a “Pyrrhic defeat”.
It seems that he would have won on the actual reef discussion, but lost because of the public way he subsequently brawled with the Uni.
But it really seems to have hinged on the specific terms of the contract so we probably shouldn’t read too much into it either way.

October 13, 2021 12:15 pm

“A line has to be drawn regarding the level of looney toons any site can tolerate and still remain live for most of the centre-right.”

free speech is not absolute, but we aim to maximise it, up to the point but not including the point where it becomes destructive to itself. The left constantly try to minimise it due to the unreality basis of its ideology, wherein free speech naturally erodes post-modernism and marxism.

It’s essential to have a clear picture of the above to have a solid foundation for action.

Delta A
Delta A
October 13, 2021 12:16 pm

You’re forgetting my excellent and much acclaimed ingrown toenail series.

And that eternal favourite, The Apricot Diaries.

October 13, 2021 12:17 pm

novavax apparently still hadn’t been submitted to the regulars for approval

This Novavax approval delay is a SCANDAL of the highest proportions. They were ready to at the beginning of the year. The tests have all been done with tens of thousands volunteers in many different countries [rather than a couple of hundred as for Pfizer and other pharmas]. And they still can not get approval for something that is based on true/tried process.

Watch this space – the Merck gene-therapy poison will be approved in a month. And will be rolled out by the billions whilst Novavax will be delayed and delayed again and again.

And why?

Novavax is a startup and not in the big boys club. And Merck surpassed Ivermectin to have Pfizer J&J and Moderna get the big bucks [if there was a treatment the Emergency approval would NOT have been given]. It is now Merck’s turn to get snout into trough. The vaxx is leaky? Well have we got a solution for you … by the billions at a $1000 a pop! Get it now!!!

They can not have Novavax in the game. Why? EVERYONE would opt for it. AND it likely provides real / longer immunity as it uses the whole of the virus protein shell to stimulate immune reactions [rather than having the genetic poisons hijack host’s cell to create just the single spike protein]… so Merck Thorhammerpiratevir not needed [or not needed in vast quantities]

October 13, 2021 12:17 pm

That’s the way I read it, Timothy.

October 13, 2021 12:18 pm

October 13, 2021 at 11:44 am
Feeling a bit like this guy at the moment.

Which one are you Dover and which one would you prefer to be?

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 12:18 pm

“You’ll probably disagree. So be it.”

I do.

Oh and my name is Cassie.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 12:18 pm

Before I am off to do other things, a word about my Currawongs. Such an important part of my ‘private life’, lol. 🙂

Mum is looking older and more careworn this year. I noticed this after she was hanging out in the Jacaranda, taking five. During the recent rains she was doing sterling work as an umbrella for hours on end, even though she had taken care this time to situate her nest in a far more sheltered spot. Meanwhile, her perky little toy boy partner, a new chap this year, is very demanding for food to feed the two little fledgies, of whom he seems very proud. She does the sitting, but he is often there fussing over her and when she is away he’s a busy little sleek biride shoving food into those two open mouths.

He’s an improvement on last year’s choice, I say in converse with her. She lets him feed first, for he larders it away in their secret spots, and it mostly gets to the chickies. Only then does she slowly come down, her legs looking much older now than his shining newish ones, and take her meat, eating some and then joining in the feeding.

There’s been a lot of chatter online this morning about how tired some of us get, I tell her. She turns her head to one side, fixes me with her sharp yellow eye, and I know she’s agreeing that the haul is long and hard and sometimes we wonder why we do this, but we do. Tell it to the birds, some people say, but there is wisdom in that. Currawongs are songbirds too and they sing at the descending dusk for the last feed of the day. Then, while Hairy is out, I take my evening drink into the new terrace room, light a scented candle and watch the dusk myself knowing that less than a metre from the window a warm little nest nurtures the next Currawong generation.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 12:20 pm

“free speech is not absolute, but we aim to maximise it, up to the point but not including the point where it becomes destructive to itself. The left constantly try to minimise it due to the unreality basis of its ideology, wherein free speech naturally erodes post-modernism and marxism.

It’s essential to have a clear picture of the above to have a solid foundation for action.”

A very good comment Zipster.

October 13, 2021 12:20 pm

Miss Anthropist says:
October 13, 2021 at 12:07 pm
If I talk about myself too much it is only because I am the most fascinating person I know.

😀 With a name like that you might be the only person you know.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2021 12:20 pm

WA anti-bikie laws: Names of gangs written into new legislation
Headshot of Peter Law
Peter Law
The West Australian
Wed, 13 October 2021 2:00AM

Australian politicians love to talk tough on bikies — the problem is their words are rarely matched with action.

That’s not to say police don’t throw considerable resources at these gangs, which authorities consider the distribution arm of South American drug cartels and Asian triads. But, until now, cops have simply not been given the legislative weapons to fight back.

It’s been nine years since then attorney-general Michael Mischin unveiled what were thought to be some of the toughest anti-bikie laws in the country. We were promised gang members would be banned from associating or phoning each other. But the much-hyped laws were never used.

That’s because police had to apply to the Supreme Court and it was up to a judge to determine if there was sufficient evidence for a gang to be declared a criminal organisation. If successful, police were then expected to go back to court to apply for so-called “control orders” against individual members to restrict whom they can associate with.

The High Court struck down this system in South Australia and NSW, leaving it unworkable in WA.

Ever since, the Barnett and McGowan governments have talked up another looming legislative crackdown on these gangs. And while we waited, bikies thumbed their noses at cops, bringing their national runs from the Eastern States to the roads of WA.

The assassination of Rebels boss Nick Martin at Perth Motorplex late last year then put bikies back on the political agenda ahead of the election.

Attorney-General John Quigley now reckons his Bill is, as much as possible, “impregnable” to a legal challenge by cashed-up bikies.

That’s because the names of the gangs set to be targeted are literally written into the legislation.

It’s not the first time he has tried this tactic. It’s the same method the Government used to reappoint ex-judge John McKechnie as Corruption and Crime Commissioner a few months ago.

Quigley yesterday pledged the ban on publicly displaying gang insignia, giving cops the power to quickly break-up bikie gatherings and finally passing anti-consorting laws, was just the beginning.

What police top brass really want is to prevent methamphetamine flowing back into WA at pre-pandemic levels once the interstate border finally reopens.

Future legislative initiatives will focus on firearms reform and extra police powers that try to replicate the disruption to the drug trade seen over the past two years.

The devil will be in the detail and the challenge for the Government is to ensure a police power grab doesn’t encroach on the lives of law-abiding citizens.

In the meantime, gang tattoos and clothing that were once a badge of loyalty could soon see some of WA’s most notorious bikies thrown behind bars.

Make no mistake — bikies will hate these laws. And that means Quigley isn’t just another politician talking tough on bikies — he’s sticking his neck out to destroy their lives.

October 13, 2021 12:21 pm

Interview with Craig Kelly – United Australia Party update 7pm tonight!
He is certainly saying the right things.

In case you missed it, RDA Party has joined forces with the United Australia Party. With UAP in the driver’s seat and every single one of you by our side, we will restore our country’s God-given rights and freedoms. We will not rest until we are all free!

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 13, 2021 12:21 pm

October 13, 2021 at 9:13 am
From Bruce’s link:

This is beyond serious. Imagine trying to fight the fire approaching your house, only to have a low battery light start flashing on your fire fighting water pump. Or someone who requires powered medical equipment, like oxygen generators or sleep apnea devices, struggling through an extended power outage without proper treatment for their health condition.

They’ll kill people with this stuff, of course.

And preen themselves as they do it. It’s for the planet.

Calli, First, thank you for your post that you were previously reluctant to put up. Well said, plus lots and lots.

Second, many years ago I read a novel about electric power supply in Calistan, which included a conclusion exactly as you describe, people dying for lack of emergency power, the principal one being a paraplegic dependent on breathing support. Unfortunately, the effluxion of time is such that I cannot remember the title, but I vaguely think it was by Michael Crighton.

October 13, 2021 12:23 pm
Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 13, 2021 12:24 pm

The Prince of Wails was a Naval Officer.
There is the problem. Right there.

October 13, 2021 12:25 pm

Australia’s judiciary slowly got cutoff from the protection of the british common law and their brethren in anglo-judicial class over the last 40 years. People posted stories of small goings on inside the legal world in Australia – the crown disappearing off documents, etc as republican fags tried to convert us to a banana republic through the backdoor was small warning.

So now in 2021 cut adrift from their greater body of protection, like a finger cutoff from its hand, Australian judges are just isolated political cucks sitting in a room in some shit brutalist building being asked to face down the entire apparatus of their neighbours, media, political class, geopolitics and military industrial complex all by themselves.

“Say ALP appointed Justice Cuck from Penrith, can you just kick one of the legs out of a world wide revolution that’s backed by all of the above on Tuesday thanks? Let’s have a beer afterwards”.

If even christian pastors who are pre-primed to stand against authority and have large institutions and cultural apparatus to do that, won’t, as if these hollowed out individuals will!

October 13, 2021 12:27 pm

free speech is not absolute, but we aim to maximise it, up to the point but not including the point where it becomes destructive to itself.

The paradox of tolerance.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 12:28 pm

I love Lucy.

NASA’s Lucy spacecraft poised to launch Oct. 16 (12 Oct)

Maybe she should’ve been called Helen, since she’s off to see the Trojans.

October 13, 2021 12:30 pm

The subject of free speech has come up. Adam Piggott has an interesting essay on why he doesn’t believe in it.

Worth a read.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 12:30 pm

“The paradox of tolerance.”

Yep…Karl Popper…

“Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal”

October 13, 2021 12:32 pm

I wish my teeny tiny white man’s 8 or so inches was a big black twelve.
Does that make me a racist coz i wanna be Blak?!

Top Tip: If you put an elastrator ring at the base of your todger it will turn black over the next few days.

No need to thank me, Im a giving person like that.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 13, 2021 12:35 pm


Hit your landlord with the Commonwealth Privacy Act and Information Privacy Principles.

October 13, 2021 12:35 pm

The Court held that the intellectual freedom protected by cl 14 of the Enterprise Agreement was not a general freedom of speech. The exercise of intellectual freedom was subject to constraints contained in cl 14, including some adopted from the Code of Conduct.

Be interesting to see Clause 14 of the Agreement. See exactly what it restricts and proscribes.

On face value – the Court’s ruling that intellectual freedom is not same as general freedom of speech – is oxymoronic. (esp in an academic setting) [i.e. Emphasis on the moronic]

As has been strongly argued here and elsewhere with respect to COVID “freedoms”: There is only one Freedom – the right to do anything you want that makes you happy. And then there are restrictions that prevent you from doing some things [things that infringe other’s freedoms and social contract etc]

We are fast moving away from the above … where rules and laws are less proscriptive [you can’t do XYZ – but everything is OK] to more proscriptive [you can do only ABC – everything else is forbidden].

DANGEROUS … and the High Court ruling seemingly supports this.

If I was god emperor – I would set a posse on to the laws of the land and strip out and otherwise revoke any such laws that FORCE / RESTRICT activity.

October 13, 2021 12:37 pm

The assassination of Rebels boss Nick Martin at Perth Motorplex late last year then put bikies back on the political agenda ahead of the election.


Bikie gangs whacking each other is a self correcting problem, provided there’s no public collateral damage.

October 13, 2021 12:37 pm

The subject of free speech has come up. Adam Piggott has an interesting essay on why he doesn’t believe in it.

A good starting point for any discussion of free speech in Australia would be that we are not the USA.

We have no equivalent of the first amendment.

Our constitution only implies a limited freedom of political speech.

That being said, it looks as though Adam has stumbled upon the above mentioned paradox of tolerance. We have, indeed, ignored it at our peril since the cultural revolution of the 1960s.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2021 12:39 pm

Unfortunately, the effluxion of time is such that I cannot remember the title, but I vaguely think it was by Michael Crighton.

The novel in question was, indeed, by Michael Crighton, but I’ll be damned if I can remember the title..

local oaf
October 13, 2021 12:40 pm

Can someone give me a concise explanation of exactly who or what “Bird” is?
I was just an occasional reader of the cat and very rare poster for some years of Sinc’s rule and I don’t remember any bird related activity.

Since then I have seen some unfortunate person posting drivel at Nilk’s discord and the other cat site about false Canaanites and so forth and others talking about Bird and “Birdstrikes”.

I take it that Bird was a regular poster back in the day who had been banned by Sinc? I presume his offensive posts must have been before I first began reading the cat.

What’s with the Bird thing, an old screen name?

October 13, 2021 12:40 pm

Then there’s Milton’s Areopagitica. Own what you say and be prepared to defend it.

Can’t apply to an anonymous blog, of course, which is more akin to pamphleteering.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 12:42 pm

Yes, in these straitened times, we should cut Bird a bit of slack.
What’s a bit of good old-fashioned anti-Semitism and Neo-Nazism between friends, when we’ve got this fight against Global Socialism to … oh, wait … that didn’t come out quite right.
What I mean is, well, Bird attacks the right targets, so he can’t be all bad, hey? Why not let him have his head now and then with a bit of Jew bashing. It doesn’t really do any harm.
Does it?

October 13, 2021 12:42 pm

Maybe she should’ve been called Helen, since she’s off to see the Trojans.


Totally. Love it! But Damn! Just looked it up… I assumed that the L inLucy was something to do with Lagrange and the rest some usual acronym gibberish. Being named after the eponymous Lake Turkana relic is so MEH.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 13, 2021 12:43 pm


and Australia should just pave more of the continent with solar panels “because the sun is always shining somewhere’

I wonder is the idiot aware that the time difference between Sydney and Perth is shorter than even a midsummer night, so the sun is NOT always shining somewhere in Australia!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 12:43 pm

What’s with the Bird thing, an old screen name?

Yes, just one of many screen names.

October 13, 2021 12:45 pm

Just had a call from boss, being stood down without pay on Friday, but will be allowed to take leave.

Will take leave until the 21st. Plenty of reshuffling going on because I won’t be about. Plus reshuffling of the front line rosters because a reasonable number are sticking to their guns.

October 13, 2021 12:46 pm

The Mongfrence* in Balmy Scroteland may as well pack its tent up and go home now.

China’s plan to build more coal-fired plants deals blow to UK’s Cop26 ambitions
Renewed commitment to coal could scupper Britain’s aim to secure global phase-out pact at climate summit

China has previously set out plans to be carbon neutral by 2060, with emissions peaking by 2030, a goal analysts say would involve shutting 600 coal-fired power plants. President Xi Jinping has also pledged to stop building coal plants abroad.

“Energy security should be the premise on which a modern energy system is built and and the capacity for energy self-supply should be enhanced,” the statement said.

“Given the predominant place of coal in the country’s energy and resource endowment, it is important to optimise the layout for the coal production capacity, build advanced coal-fired power plants as appropriate in line with development needs, and continue to phase out outdated coal plants in an orderly fashion. Domestic oil and gas exploration will be intensified.”

Beijing’s ambitions for carbon dioxide output are seen as critical in the push to achieve global net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and fulfil the 2015 Paris agreement to limit average temperature rises to 1.5C. But Li said Beijing wanted to gather new evidence on when its peak emissions would be reached.

Heres Molestradamus’s prediction.
China will attend and make encouraging noises to enable the “west” to commit economic self harm while they scoop up more industries that rely on base load, reliable or energy intensive inputs.

* Any group gathering where window lickers gather in great numbers to “solve” a problem by raising taxes, wrecking industries or reducing individual liberty.

Also heres the end plan for the mongfrence.
Alok Sharma, the UK’s president-designate of Cop26, has said an agreement to phase out coal power is a key aim of the summit.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 13, 2021 12:47 pm

Is this the unvaxxenenenated thread?
Any jabenenators here?

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
October 13, 2021 12:48 pm

Very amusing.
Please accept a tray of my special Halloween chocolate covered Brussel sprouts.

October 13, 2021 12:49 pm


I prefer the caramel ones, but chocolate will suffice.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 12:50 pm

Currawongs are songbirds too and they sing at the descending dusk

Nice story Lizzie. They really do knock themselves out in the breeding season – last year elderly lady kooka vanished after the chicks fledged. She always looked battered, but she’d hooked up with young male and reared two chicks. She had a great time then laid down her burden, I think.

Sadly this morning the magpie kid who fledged yesterday is nowhere to be found. I’d collected kid off a lawn across the road and put him/her back into the nest tree, but it vanished about 6pm. Mum and dad can’t find it. Nor can I. Always a sad thing when that happens.

As to currawong singing, they have different songbooks depending where you are. I suspect my lot sing very different songs than yours. Here are the local Cafe Bruce hit singles:

Chew a cheap chop, cheweeeeee!
Wowow or wowow?
Wickerwack, wockerwack, weeeeee!
And the old favourite of course: Currawong currawong!

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 12:53 pm

Thus 827. 827-700=127 was a perfectly valid criticism of what the authors themselves had presented, and the authors accepted that criticism – they just then segued immediately into explaining the revisions they had made later, well after the criticism had been rightly made.

Yes, they did segue into explaining that the figure of 104 spontaneous abortions came from another incomplete dataset. The problem lay with their tabling of data, I have no argument there, and I have no argument with querying it as the letter to the NWJM did. But to insist that the dataset referred only to the 127 had by then become irrelevant, because clearly it didn’t.

How various commenters then treated this disparity became error upon error. I saw one set of commenters in the link made by you or whoever some weeks ago shrieking that 82% of vaxxed women were aborting. They actually were trying to combine the study data with the ‘contrast’ population data to explain these numbers. Maybe they were more complete loonies in doing that than most. I don’t know, but clearly one had to return to the original paper to ascertain what was going on; as I have done. More sensible heads merely queried the denominator and the source of the false and unbelievable numerator. That hardly matters now anyway, as the researchers have corrected what was obviously compromised spontaneous abortion data.

Now will you please fuck off? I will not be here to listen to you yelping any longer.
You are getting fixated and I have no truck with fixated people.

October 13, 2021 12:55 pm

rickw, if you’re about still, did it make any difference for you declining the vaccine or not telling them either way, whichever route you took?

I took the decline vaccination route, I advised them a while ago, mainly due to the company harassing unvaxxed.

I don’t think it would have made any difference to the consequences and the company response. They would still need to respond in the same way to be fully compliant with Dickhead Dan’s rules.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 13, 2021 12:56 pm


October 13, 2021 12:57 pm

Please accept a tray of my special Halloween chocolate covered Brussel sprouts.

Bitter dark chocolate?! Count me in!

local oaf
October 13, 2021 1:00 pm

What’s with the Bird thing, an old screen name?

Yes, just one of many screen names.

Can only be recognised by content of his posts I guess. Good to know.

Monty Busby must be the latest incarnation then

October 13, 2021 1:01 pm

I wonder who he thinks did the “sending”.

I hope he means the electorate. The other explanation doesn’t bear thinking about.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:04 pm

Why did Sinc ban you, ussr?

October 13, 2021 1:05 pm

I wonder who he thinks did the “sending”.

Uh oh…messiah complex.

Methinks the corruption investigation is starting to play on his mind.

October 13, 2021 1:06 pm

This is a war. Make them pay for it.

In other words we stepped past the boundary of tolerance into self-destruction. The nature of this war is now being thought with money and power, through censorship and exclusion. The left know, once it turns kinetic, they will be eradicated. A base of unreality is not a foundation to rally into a real war.

China will either force this war on us or we will all become purely vassal states in a century of techno-totalitarianism.

October 13, 2021 1:06 pm

See, and here is the reality.
You are going to lose your job by submitting to tyranny anyway.
The jab is not a choice, and will not save you from anything.
In the long run , if the jab itself doesn’t kill you, the system it will set up will totally destroy you and your countrymen.


October 13, 2021 1:07 pm

I have to make a declaration one way or the other today and I’m vacillating between the two, although I’m tending to saying I decline the vaccine.

Just say you are waiting for Novavax. Australia has ordered 50 million doses and Greg Hunt says it’ll be here in November…

When is Novavax coming to Australia?

The federal government has said it expects Novavax to begin arriving in Australia in November.

[That is what I use to justify my kids not being vaxxed – which is my hill that will kill me I expect]

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:07 pm

Methinks the corruption investigation is starting to play on his mind.

Oh, yeah.
That is why he and Sutton are issuing a dog’s breakfast of “roadmap” shit on a drip feed.
He needs five weeks of distractions to keep prying eyes off IBAC.
Of course, their ABC don’t need any incentive to ignore it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 1:08 pm

DB…can you please get rid of this comment..

“You chose to defend Cassie’s lies when I said it was behaviour like hers that riled arseholes up against Jews & made things more dangerous for them.”

She’s telling me, a Jew, that I’m to blame for attacks on Jews.

October 13, 2021 1:08 pm

ha f’ing ha …

rosie says:
October 13, 2021 at 8:38 am

And I like the identification of being ‘here’ on a daily basis as a crime.
It’s social media and people can post as often or little as they please.

So now I’m not “people”.

There’s been many a streak of you & Cassie getting up in the morning to bitch about me posting at all, let alone when you lubberly lady gatekeepers & your simps weren’t about to bitch at each post.

Anyway, it’s NOT about you or me, it’s about people like you actively unpersoning people like me & celebrating how successful all the little Covid Karen Stasi are.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 13, 2021 1:10 pm

From the Nt News:

NT Police Assistant Commissioner Dr Narelle Beer has tendered her resignation, adding to the force’s internal management woes.

Dr Beer is the third of the NT Police‘s executive leadership team to resign in the last 12 months.

It comes as a damning new satisfaction survey reveals more than 70 per cent of Territory cops are unhappy with the direction of the agency and believe the leadership of the force is responsible for the exodus of staff.

Dr Beer was appointed to the role of Assistant Commissioner Regional Operations with the in September 2018.

October 13, 2021 1:13 pm

The missus just got informed the her PhD supervisor put his hand up for the voluntary redundancy.
In their area 3 Assoc Profs were culled down to one.

Not sure about other schools but this probably looks like a cull of about 50%

Because they’re Artsy the school has always had a decent number of post-everything-ists
(post – structural, modern, colonialism, gender, truth etc)
The single remaining Assoc prof ?
Hmm …. let’s just say that he isn’t a class enemy of the cultural Marxists

October 13, 2021 1:16 pm

In a way, the worst possible thing would be if the vaccines are, or can be made to seem as having done some good overall.
Then the totalitarians will be saying “See? We knew better than you all along”.
Those who resisted will be made to look ridiculous.
Now, I personally don’t give a damn about looking ridiculous, but I do care about the fact that such will allow them to justify whatever the next move of the ratchet will be.
Am I hoping for an awful outcome for the billions who have had these vaxxes?
No. Hopefully something relatively harmless like chronic bad breath, erectile dysfunction or sudden onset dandruff.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 13, 2021 1:17 pm

I saw one set of commenters in the link made by you or whoever some weeks ago shrieking that 82% of vaxxed women were aborting. They actually were trying to combine the study data with the ‘contrast’ population data to explain these numbers.

Are you sure they weren’t doing simple arithmetic?
Like 104/127?
Comes out to 81.8% as best I can calculate it.
And that’s what all the critics were saying.

October 13, 2021 1:21 pm

You DO Know what You did here, right.
Delta A says:
October 13, 2021 at 9:48 am

From Twostix bitchy post at 8.18 am:

Woe betide the woman who confronts and mixes it up with them (which is why none ever do except one or two permanent social outcasts).

Twostix often calls on his Christianity to illustrate his point. He conveniently overlooks, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged.”
It’s O.K. if you don’t.
Everyone other literate person here does.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 13, 2021 1:27 pm

Why is Chyna doing all the war preparations?

It what they are doing is part of a plan there will be an optimal time.

They have built up their military, for example, so that much of it is new. But what they have built will from now on start its slide into obsolescence. A few leaps in technology by other countries could slash their advantages and they will be stuck playing catch up with everyone else.

The Germans entered WW2 with the most modern Air Force in the world. Why not. Most of it was brand new and so very up to date.

For the Chinese their sabre rattling has a use-by date.

October 13, 2021 1:28 pm

How curious.

Almost word for word their ABCcess’ report this morning.
And i mean very close to word for word.

‘Tyranny’: US rightwingers portray nightmare vision of Australia’s Covid response
The feedback loop between US conservative media and Australia’s fringe right has intensified as New South Wales and Victoria have struggled with outbreaks

For instance this is near verbatim except they played Cheery Kant saying the words.
Days before the New York event, Tucker Carlson devoted the opening monologue on his nightly Fox News program to the proposition that Australia “looks a lot like China did at the beginning of the pandemic” and painted lockdowns in the darkest possible hues, connecting them with the 2019 Australian federal police raids on the ABC.

Carlson, whose show is the highest-rated news program on US cable television, according to Adweek, also seized upon the use of the phrase “new world order” by the New South Wales chief health officer, Dr Kerry Chant, at a press conference.

Now what the odds of the Malcolm Gruinaid being plagiarized by the ABC???

October 13, 2021 1:30 pm

The missus just got informed the her PhD supervisor put his hand up for the voluntary redundancy.

My missus has one, I couldn’t think of anything worse nor more useless! 🙂

October 13, 2021 1:30 pm

Top Endersays:
October 13, 2021 at 10:31 am

Oz breaking news:

Physicist Peter Ridd has lost his appeal to the High Court over his sacking by James Cook University, in what was seen as a test of academic freedom in Australia.

The court ruled against the Townsville-based academic who was sacked by James Cook University in 2018 for breaching its code of conduct over critical comments he made about the work of a leading coral scientist and the trustworthiness of research bodies such as the Australian Institute of Marine Science.

It’s like the Dems stealing the election for Biden and all the happily volunteering Covid Karen Stasi, keep emboldening all the Anti-Christ infiltrated Institutions to step up their Long March … and bring those Jackboots down on every face…

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 13, 2021 1:30 pm

Vaxxed pilot dies in-flight. Airline companies should rule that either the pilot or co-pilot remains unvaxxed to ensure passenger security.

Link here.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 1:32 pm

Local Oaf – I think Cat participants may be sensitive about revealing too much about anyone, including Bird. He is a blogger too, and while a pest still deserves the courtesy everyone does.

It was interesting recently – I put a search term into DDG and one of the first-page results was Bird arguing with another well known Cat, but on Bird’s own blog in about 2007. He’s been doing this stuff over and over and over since ‘way back then.

October 13, 2021 1:33 pm
Rex Anger
Rex Anger
October 13, 2021 1:34 pm

Struth parks the mighty 18-wheeler of his august opinion on the level crossing intersecting perception and reality:

In this day and age, some people should not be talking about bird’s lunacy as much as his disgusting racism.
He understands what is going on more than many here.
Lunacy is in the eye of the beholder at this point.

The Cat:

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:35 pm

“You chose to defend Cassie’s lies when I said it was behaviour like hers that riled arseholes up against Jews & made things more dangerous for them.”

Classic wife-beater defence from ussr.
“Look what you made me do!”
I blame an explanation excess of open tabs.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 13, 2021 1:36 pm

Guess what, it’s even harder for others

But Enough! of all that about you shit, before you drown under all the slobbering

if you die from heart attack, stroke, slowly from something worse, it’s because of him

How does it help him to know his Grand Dad also bullied you into it

lies when I said it was behaviour like hers that riled arseholes up against Jews

deranged screeching

arrogant, racist company

My God you’re a bitter old nanna, aren’t you? You give grandmothers everywhere a bad name with your unique blend of prophecy, martyrdom, crybullying, insight and victimhood.

Attributing ‘deranged screeching’ to someone else. That’s a belter. You are to deranged screechers what Walter Lindrum was to billiards.

Pro tip: If you open up enough tabs, and watch all of them for long enough, you will see someone somewhere eating pizza.

October 13, 2021 1:37 pm

The alternative version “leave them to stew in their own shit” wasnt an option??

G20 leaders agree to involve Taliban in distributing Afghanistan aid
Leaders agree in principle that funds can be channelled through UN agencies to avert ‘humanitarian meltdown’

G20 leaders and ministers have agreed they will have no option but to involve the Taliban in sending humanitarian aid to Afghanistan, but say that this stops short of political recognition of the Taliban as a government.

The consensus view came at a video conference on the Afghan crisis at which the EU stepped up its aid to a total of €1bn (£850m), and it was agreed in principle that the IMF and World Bank could provide aid. Nearly $9bn of Afghan assets in overseas banks have been frozen by the US.

Aid agencies such as the International Rescue Committee say Afghanistan is on the verge of “a humanitarian meltdown” since it has been 75% dependent on foreign aid to survive – and support has dried up since the Taliban seized power in August.

Why is a man with severe brain injury in charge of the UN?
Seriously, hes either mentally handicapped or just a liar wallowing in his lies like a pig in its own shit.

The UN secretary general, António Guterres, said the country was at a make-or-break moment. He told reporters in New York: “Respecting international law and principles, we have to find ways to inject liquidity into the economy for the economy not to collapse. If we do not act and help Afghans weather this storm, and do it soon, not only they but all the world will pay a heavy price.”

He said the cash could be injected via UN trust funds, and other instruments. “I am particularly alarmed to see promises made to Afghan women and girls by the Taliban not being honoured,” he added.

October 13, 2021 1:40 pm

My missus has one, I couldn’t think of anything worse nor more useless!

Was intended to be a pathway into teaching at the Uni

My missus wan’t tolerate a shit-talking cultural Marxist for a supervisor.
They will try pushing the radical feminist gibber and make her read Foucault.

She knows too that if come home with post-modern crap in her head there’ll be a divorce

If she quits … I’ll have to send her down the mines

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:44 pm

If she quits … I’ll have to send her down the mines

She’ll need a vax passport …

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:46 pm

He understands what is going on more than many here.
Lunacy is in the eye of the beholder at this point.

If the eye of the beholder isn’t totally infested by nano-wrigglers.
The company you keep.

October 13, 2021 1:48 pm

There is a ray of light in the Ridd decision:

The 2016 Censure and part of the basis of the Final Censure were unjustified because they related to the expression of honestly held views by Dr Ridd within his academic expertise. The Final Censure was justified only insofar as it relied upon expressions of opinion unrelated to Dr Ridd’s academic expertise, and findings that he repeatedly failed to comply with his confidentiality obligations. Since Dr Ridd ran his case on an all or nothing basis, the termination decision was justified in its reliance upon conduct of Dr Ridd which was the subject of 18 findings of serious misconduct which were not protected by cl 14.

If Ridd had separated the 2 issues he would have had some success.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:52 pm

The other problem is I’m not sure how you can indicate this on the company website, the drop-down menus don’t offer’ Waiting for novavax’.

Is there an option for “not yet vaxxed but intending to”?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 1:54 pm

If Ridd had separated the 2 issues he would have had some success.

Looks like a tactical error by his legal team.

October 13, 2021 1:58 pm

Looks like a tactical error by his legal team

More of a concern is the key part of the ruling is that if you sign an EBA, you must abide by it no matter what.
So an EBA supersedes common law & legislation according to the High Court.
The High Court went looking for a fig leaf & believe they found one.
Unanimous too.

Bruce in WA
October 13, 2021 1:59 pm

ZK2A says …

Future legislative initiatives will focus on firearms reform

Using “bikies” as a shield to screw over law-abiding WA firearms owners yet again.

Here’s a heads-up, numpties … patched bikie members don’t give a flying fig about your “gun laws”!!

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 13, 2021 1:59 pm

rickw says:
October 13, 2021 at 12:45 pm

Just had a call from boss, being stood down without pay on Friday, but will be allowed to take leave.

I salute you rickw, and others in your predicament. I’m not taking the vaxx for moral reasons but that decision doesn’t impact my life in any way as I’ve been retired for a long time and don’t have concerns about meeting mortgage payments, putting food on the table, family pressures, etc. (my wife is more adamantly anti-vaxx than me) so I haven’t faced the same pressures thousands of other recalcitrant objectors have.

October 13, 2021 2:02 pm

When the AWU got members to agree to an EBA with Coles or Woollies (or both, I can’t remember) that Fair Work rubber stamped (PS Coles/Woollies gave 100k to an AWU training fund, totally unrelated of course), it was subsequently challenged by a non union member.
The Federal court said it didn’t matter what was in the EBA, common law & legislation (where appropriately applied) stood.

The High Court today in the Ridd case has said because something was in an EBA, it stands.
Big business gunna love this.

October 13, 2021 2:02 pm

Check out the ratio. If you think you’re alone, you’re wrong:

A Suggestion
A Suggestion
October 13, 2021 2:03 pm

Looks like a tactical error by his legal team.

Or all he could afford.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 13, 2021 2:07 pm

Attorney-General John Quigley threatens to seize Clive Palmer’s jet over legal costs owed to WA
Troy de RuyterThe West Australian
Wed, 13 October 2021 10:09AM

WA’s Attorney-General has threatened to seize Clive Palmer’s plane — and send him back to Queensland by train — if the billionaire does not pay up for legal fees owed to the State.

John Quigley said that the mining magnate owed WA $1 million after his failed High Court challenge to the State’s COVID hard border — and he would probably need to pay another $1 million in costs after his unsuccessful bid to extract $30 billion from the State in his Mineralogy lawsuit.

“What worries me is he challenged our border … then went down to the High Court in Canberra, then we won that case,” Mr Quigley told The West Live this morning.

“Then we put in our bill for costs to Mr Palmer, he owes us $1 million — he just won’t write out a cheque — so he owes the State $1 million for the border challenge.

“And this one will cost him another $1 million in costs, that’s $2 million.

“If he doesn’t promptly pay this $1 million … this $2 million … the next time he flies to WA as soon as we lift our border restriction, I’m going to have the sheriff arrest his plane — seize his plane and sell it and he can catch the train home.

“This is outrageous that this man keeps on taking us to the High Court and then refusing to pay the WA taxpayers bill.”

Mr Quigley then doubled down on his threat.

“I’m serious, if that plane comes into WA, I’m going to ask the sheriff to seize it,” he said.

October 13, 2021 2:09 pm

Normally this is a post that I would delete at this stage… However “,”

What’s with the Bird thing, an old screen name?

Graeme Bird. A longtime poster on the Cat and other forums…

That being said, it looks as though Adam has stumbled upon the above mentioned paradox of tolerance.

Tolerance is inextricably tied into Liberty. Assuming that I have the right to do whatever I want to do to make myself happy (freedom), then it is not unreasonable to accept that everyone else would have the same freedom. This creates a potential of conflict in freedoms and this is where tolerance comes in.

Where anyone else’s exercise of their freedom does not prevent me from fully enjoying mine – as much as I may not like it – I just need to suck it up and tolerate. Only where my freedom is restricted somehow, then I don’t need to tolerate and can act to restore my freedom. [This is where the social contract comes into play and we accept that our freedom must be restricted where its exercise will reduce / take away someone else’s]. And this is the second part of tolerance – I need to accept (tolerate) that my freedom will be restricted.

In the case of Adam’s blog and birdstrike … We have Graeme exercising free speech. I fully support Adam’s position that we should suck it up if we value freedom. Free speech is an inalienable right to express an idea. BUT importantly the right to free speech does not implicitly contain the right to be heard… In the case of a street corner, people can walk past; if published, don’t have to read the book; or in the case of a forum / blog, are welcome to scroll past and ignore. Tolerance.

We have been conditioned to emote and react. [We don’t need to react to everything dear people / Karens!!?] Reaction in Graeme’s case however, feeds him and encourages him. He is mentally unwell and part of his problem is that – in a perverted sense – whether good or bad an interaction is conflated with recognition/reward [I mean who else would interact with him!].

I know that the best way to deal with trolls is to prove them wrong and ridicule them. Make them a joke. But that assumes the troll is sane. Graeme is not. IMO – The best way to manage Graeme is to ignore [tolerate]. And if you can’t resist the temptation – don’t engage on topic. Just tell him to get back on his meds. [That tells him he is sick and his b brain is damaged – and as he is a VERY clever man – this is something he hates to hear… and you never know, it’ll encourage him get back on his meds and become interesting again]

Of course… the BUT! Whilst this may all be fine in theory – the blog owner is responsible for content [and Graeme is dangerous in that regard]. So – banning / censoring [which I would normally deplore] is unfortunately a necessary evil. [However – it’s not all bad. This also increases our enjoyment / happiness so there’s that! 🙂 ]

October 13, 2021 2:09 pm

October 13, 2021 at 10:46 am

Andrew Bostom, MD, MS
1/ ICU doc letter to FDA: “I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the C19 vaccines… my sincere hope reaction to this letter will not be to focus on me but rather to focus on addressing the serious safety issues with these products”

Wouldn’t it be ironic if what was really stressing our hospitals was mass vaccination of experimental COVID vaccines.

Remember AIDS was a Fauci thing.

Remember when they told us that in the age of AIDS, the blood bin and countless other restrictions are “the new normal”.

Vampires are NOT real, Fauci won’t live forever.

God Does.

October 13, 2021 2:10 pm

I am very disappointed in the outcome of Peter Ridd’s HC appeal too, but it might be helpful to read the entire judgment before expressing broad criticisms of their Honours.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 2:12 pm

Palmer sells Qantas shares..from The Oz

Clive Palmer has sold his Qantas shares in protest against the airline’s mandatory vaccination of employees policy. Picture: David Clark

Billionaire businessman Clive Palmer has sold all of his Qantas shares, in protest against the airline’s vaccination policy.

The former federal MP tweeted to his 81,000 followers on Wednesday that his Palmer Group of companies had sold its “entire stake of Qantas shares, as a result of the airline’s stance on mandatory Covid vaccinations for all staff”.

Mr Palmer revealed the decision to sell was “financial” because he believed the share price would eventually be adversely affected by the vaccination policy.

“I believe that (Qantas CEO) Alan Joyce and his board have taken risks which could result in possible future legal ramifications,’’ he said.

“I believe the financial risks Qantas is taking over mandatory vaccinations of its staff leaves them exposed to future financial damages by staff who suffer side effects or worse.”

Mr Palmer didn’t disclose his stake in Qantas, and it was unclear if Mr Palmer was also planning to sell shares in other companies that have adopted similar mandatory vaccination policies for workers including BHP, Rio Tinto, Telstra and Medibank.

A Qantas spokeswoman said the airline had received overwhelming support from its employees and customers for vaccination requirements.

“All domestic airlines in Australia and many overseas have since introduced similar requirements for their workforce,” she said in a statement.

“Having a fully vaccinated workforce will safeguard our people against the impacts of Covid-19, as well as protect our customers and the communities we fly to.”

Qantas has set a deadline of November 15 for all of its frontline employees to be fully vaccinated, including pilots, cabin crew and customer-facing airport staff.

The remainder of the workforce was expected to be fully vaccinated by March 31 with Mr Joyce suggesting that those who do not want the jab should consider a career outside of the aviation industry.

The vast majority of workers have complied, with only a small percentage opposed to vaccination or seeking an extension to the deadline.

They include a group of cabin crew hoping to be given the opportunity to be vaccinated with Novavax, which is due to start arriving in Australia by the end of the year.

Those with a sound medical or religious reason for not being vaccinated are expected to be granted an exemption to the policy.

Virgin Australia has adopted the same stance, and Rex has set a deadline of November 1 for its frontline workers to be double jabbed.

Qantas is also insisting any passengers boarding international flights be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

The sale of Mr Palmer’s stake in Qantas made no impact on the share price in morning trade on Wednesday.

After opening at $5.46 a share, the price rose 0.2 per cent to $5.48.

Mr Palmer and his United Australia Party, headed by former Liberal MP Craig Kelly, have positioned themselves as the country’s most high-profile anti-vaxxers.

In September, their texts to thousands of Australians attracted a warning from the Therapeutic Goods Administration to stop distributing misleading and incomplete information about Covid vaccines.

The one-term MP has some history with Qantas, having used his political clout in 2014 to block proposed legislative changes that would have ended the airline’s foreign ownership restrictions.

Then Prime Minister Tony Abbott had sought to “unshackle” Qantas from the rules, which capped foreign ownership of the company at 49 per cent.”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 2:12 pm

Vampires are NOT real

I dunno. If you started waving a bunch of garlic around Parliament House in Canberra there just might be a stampede for the exits.

October 13, 2021 2:15 pm

Qantas shares, like the honey badger says……

Palmer sells Qantas shares..from The Oz

Clive Palmer has sold his Qantas shares in protest against the airline’s mandatory vaccination of employees policy. Picture: David Clark

Billionaire businessman Clive Palmer has sold all of his Qantas shares, in protest against the airline’s vaccination policy.

…. I don’t give a shit.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 13, 2021 2:16 pm

A Suggestionsays:

October 13, 2021 at 2:03 pm

Looks like a tactical error by his legal team.

Or all he could afford.

That would be a ten minute submission.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 13, 2021 2:17 pm

I don’t suppose Palmer’s selling of Qantas shares comes near $1 million…

October 13, 2021 2:21 pm

A clever article which does ask a few good questions…

The word “Oriental” was banned in federal law in 2016, and race is now considered merely a social construct. Nonetheless, in this pandemic, countries with overwhelmingly Oriental populations have a fatality rate per population roughly 1/600 that of Caucasians and Africans.

Does anyone know if this is likely to be correct??

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 13, 2021 2:22 pm

I don’t think I’d want to own Qwerty Airlines shares either.
The leprechaun should stay out of politics, and his airline also.

Cassie of Sydney
October 13, 2021 2:22 pm

October 13, 2021 at 2:10 pm
I am very disappointed in the outcome of Peter Ridd’s HC appeal too, but it might be helpful to read the entire judgment before expressing broad criticisms of their Honours.”

No…no….tis best to judge and then find out the facts….surely?

October 13, 2021 2:27 pm

Are anti-viral meds all very specfic or at least not as general (to some extent) as antibiotics are to bacterial infections. Does anyone know this for sure. My hunch is that that are lot more focused than antibiotics.

October 13, 2021 2:27 pm

“This is outrageous that this man keeps on taking us to the High Court and then refusing to pay the WA taxpayers bill.”
Considering what the case was about I wonder if he kept a straight face whilst waffling ..
At least, now all CLOIVE has to do is NOT use his own plane if he needs to go to WA .. nothing like an advance warning to catch someone out .. LOL!

October 13, 2021 2:29 pm

So an EBA supersedes common law & legislation according to the High Court.
The High Court went looking for a fig leaf & believe they found one.
Unanimous too.

Indeed – good observation. Particularly where signing the EBA is essentially compulsory if you want the job. The EBA [or at least some of the conditions therein] may not have been entered into willingly. [I would expect the EBA be same across all the Unis – so Ridd essentially did not have an option but to sign if he wanted his academic job]

October 13, 2021 2:30 pm

“Just in time” global supply chains are breaking down.
Will they untangle and prove ultimately robust, or will shortages cascade through the system and permanently break things that can’t be unbroken?

October 13, 2021 2:31 pm

I don’t think I’d want to own Qwerty Airlines shares either.

They’re almost a macro trade. Buy them when they’ve had the shit kicked out of them and sell them when the world is one big sky.

Having said this, brucie, if were in the old movie, in which the world had no Chinese bioweapon to contend with, Qaintarse would would be looking at 9 to 10 bucks a share by now. The gay Irish midget is the best airline CEO in the world. He’s had some luck on his side, but FMD he turns luck into multiples. He’s only good for one thing and that’s running an airline.

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  1. One exception was the Tiwi islanders, who refused. One of them actually captured the first Japanese POW taken on the…

  2. The Socialist Left’s KGB Keystones in the Victorian Police Farce will be down on the vandals at the Doomsday Clock…

  3. There’s no excuse for this. It is deliberate intimidation of a citizen by a Fascist Government.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x