Boulevard Montmartre – Spring Rain, Camille Pissarro, 1897
A few Caber tossers are needed to settle the ranker parts of the crowd.
Boulevard Montmartre – Spring Rain, Camille Pissarro, 1897
A few Caber tossers are needed to settle the ranker parts of the crowd.
I thought it was more of the space cadet mould sans spacesuit
The Australian economy is mired in regulatory ropes. Ant of them that are removed are replace by others so that…
“We produce more than we can consume, and farmers and manufacturers rely on markets in Asia, Europe, in America, to…
Have you thought of going to FM Classic or Classic2? The latter eliminates the pompous bimbos.
I don’t know how my comment ended up doubled and both versions with a spelling mistake.
Mutley went out voting in his gimp suit then popped in for another booster to celebrate the cuckold state
As Dan is about to win again at least this gives the Libs a chance to give Guy the flick. Anyone else may be an improvement.
It must have voted for Dan.
Yay, Dan the Slug Man has just crossed the 45 seat event horizon according to the ABC.
Kowtow peasants, the Stazi will be around shortly.
Dopey Matt is going backwards in his own seat.
The dumb bastard has no clue why. I’ve seen smarter rocks.
Laugh it up mUnty. It will be Cain/Kirner time in a couple of years. I expect fantasy football subs are typically discretionary spending.
Inner west, aka Labor royalty terrority.
Williamstown so far
In good times both NSW and Vic float along on a flow of Stamp duty revenue. Until they don’t.
As someone who was just out of school at the time I agree…
The first refugees will be over the border by morning!
Monty, you soft twonka.
The Libs “hangover” glib shit hardly amounted to attacking the man.
Andrews probably could not believe his luck that the Libs were so wet and limp.
Not sure about that calli.
It’s certainly an endorsement of what Dan has done for some people. Those who made bulk cash from worthless private security contracts, from endless taxpayer money booking out entire hotel complexes for months, and from pointlessly expensive and potentially counterproductive construction ‘projects’ for a start. They loved it.
You can’t tell me influential people didn’t make squillions out of bottled water, hand sanitiser, covid test kits, masks and the Federal Government’s endless cash. They loved it.
Those anti-social people then able to work from home and hide productivity drops loved it. People who didn’t want to work at all were given cash to not do anything. They loved it too.
Minor, mediocre bureaucrats were elevated to godlike status with unlimited budgets. They, and everyone they gave advisor jobs to loved it to bits.
The list goes on. There’s not enough pixels. It’s a stark contrast between those who voted for the free gravy train to cover their own shortcomings and those who had their families and businesses unnecessarily destroyed by vainglorious imbeciles.
The sad fact is that Victoria’s betters are still in control of a system that isn’t yet quite corrupt enough to self-detonate.
And the grate universal theory of inevitability sees the gliberals go down the Hindenburg.
Magnificent stuff, again.
Thank you Groundhog Guy, thank you the imbeciles who resurrected him.
I feel for those in Victoria who hate that grotesque deformed jug eared hitlerist imbecile as much as I do.
After all you’ve been subjected to, you deserved better.
And now it’s off to watch the Schlockeroos surpass even that pathetic display of mediocrity … 😕
The SFL are as soft as munty’s dick.
There hasn’t been a strong conservative pollie in this shit-hole for decades.
Vale Menzies
In which case, Knuckles, they can’t be the minority but the majority. No elites as we understand it, just enough on the teat to secure a vote.
The majority want Dan-style government.
Wow, the country is so screwed if Andrews can get back in. Especially as Liberals may have gone backwards in seats.
Not seen any Freedom type party wins.
Green just said Labor may get majority.
Looks like the consolation prize of $50 for Labor to win will come in handy…
But wait! There’s more!
Looks like the Libs are going to need a Special Needs bus to get around in!
Here it is.
Lockdowns and clotshot mandates in coming.
No-one seems to care that Hunchback is corrupt. So Victoria will get more, lots more.
That’s the logical conclusion.
The only mitigation is that they do so on the basis of well delivered lies. Lies about Covid, vaccines, lockdown effectiveness, climate change, electricity, gas, nuclear, Aboriginal history, Australian history, etc.
A portion of the voters aren’t evil, just too trusting and/or too stupid.
If you want to know what could have been, look at the swings to the Nationals in Shep and Morwell.
Moderna production facility going to be built in Melbourne and Andrews is a big fan of the “vaccine economy”.
“Lockdowns and clotshot mandates in coming”.
Greens Deputy Leader Ellen Sandell has huge tits, whereas the ABC presenter next to Speers doesn’t appear to have any.
Excellent observation crotchless. And more pertinent than all the crap coming out of the Sky commentary for the last 2 hours.
The Light on the Hill is Andrews lighting hit own farts to the cheers of the paid mob.
His not hit.
That’s it I’m off.
And just to reaffirm not only is victoristan full of fucking idiots, the latest highlights from Jihad Watch:
Khamenei chants ‘Death to America,’ mocks Biden as ‘poor, demented’ man
UK: Charges dropped against ‘Palestinian’ Muslims who screamed ‘F**k the Jews, rape their daughters’
France: Muslim bus driver plays Qur’an verses over loudspeaker on bus for entire 40-minute trip
VEC web site says it is updating Mulgrave every 5 minutes but the totals have been frozen for the last 45 minutes. As Juice Media might say… “cool and normal!”
Three hours of counting and they’re up to 33%. So over 50% in another 1hr 40mins?
Just prolonging the agony.
H B Bearsays:
November 26, 2022 at 8:50 pm
Laugh it up mUnty. It will be Cain/Kirner time in a couple of years. I expect fantasy football subs are typically discretionary spending.
Four more years of Talidan/Labore, and Victorians (except m0nty=fa) will look back on the Cain/Kirner years as times of great economic gains.
Interesting that Labor is picking up seats in Liberal heartland areas. Without Climate 200 doing as much to promote the teals, the Libs are still very much on the nose with their base.
Can I call Victoria stupid CUNTS? Might as well just fucking become a dictatorship. Govern me harder bitches.
The Stupid Fucking Liberals are heading for WA Liberals territory. They hold only 21 seats in the 88-seat Legislative Assembly and will be lucky to retain a dozen.
They are being eaten alive by wealthy, mainly female fools who don’t believe in the stuff we fought two world wars for.
I was a graduate at NAB. Pyramid had just bitten the dust flattening Geelong. 303 Collins was about 1/3 finished and already in the hands of receivers along with practically every other skyscraper under construction in the CBD. Anyone who could had picked up and left.
I’m back briefly.
Oops Ed
The deputy greens leader just had a baby.
Feeling a bit pervy now Ed?
Watching the Schlockeroos is so excruciating I can’t. Hopefully the guests won’t notice …
Oh wait – they’ve just scored! 🙂
Twitter has provided the best answer to the term “cooker”.
Careful. A few people get a bit wobbly when that conclusion is reached.
Which state is the least Fucked?
You’ve convinced me to turn it on. On mute but it’s there in the background.
Still barracking for the Poms though (even though the fuckwits took a knee).
Equally interesting is that they are doing so largely only on preferences having had a significant swing against them.
What is it with the quality of picture? Is it shit for everyone, or is it my tele is on the blink?
Anyone who could had picked up and left.
I went to Brisbane for a bit but came back to do my degree in Bendigo. I left permanently a couple of years after graduating. My recent experience of Vic reinforces my view they need what they are are going to experience and it will be worse than anything Cain/Kirner’s maleficence will be.
Florida. Which isn’t in Australia unfortunately, or I’d move there.
Why is Australia in black?
That musta taken a fair bit o’ Googlin’, Farmer Goz.
But, yeah, if she wants to wear a top that emphasises her gigantic tits, who am I to quibble?
Looks like a 7% swing against Labor, none of which goes to the Liberals.
Holyshit I’m disgusted with this place. QLD is probably the best bet at this stage.
universal suffrage, the gift that keeps on giving
Tucker Carlson: These are lunatic policies
The LNP never stood a chance. The Queen of wrongology (Monty being the king) put the hex on them.
Can someone tell how Sicktoria can pay off its $200 billion debt bomb?
My better half is back from Electoral Comm duties at one of Mulgraves booths. Dan got 3 times the number of Ian Cook. Ian Cook got the same or just above the Libs.
Dan was positioned at the top of the ballot paper. 10% of Dans vote was numbered 1 to 14 top to bottom. Reflected the high number of people who did not have english as a 1st language.
Or it could be as a once Dan was picked as no1 they didnt care about the others.
Either way position 1 on ballot paper is high value real estate.
sticks and stones …
I note that Igor Kolomoyskyi isn’t on that list, he left Ukraine much earlier. He was the Ukraine oligarch who owned the Ukraine TV network which employed Zelensky to play the role of the honest politician in the series “Servant of the People”. Kolomoyskyi also started the political party by the same name, i.e., “Servant of the People”, which propelled Zelensky into the Presidency.
Kolomoyskyi would have been in the driver’s seat for deals with the U.S. State Department but they didn’t want to deal with a middleman so Igor packed his bags and headed for Vienna, leaving his many and varied business interests behind. His faithful servant has since nationalised his former boss’s assets, theft as a servant has taken on a whole new meaning.
Zelensky has many enemies all over the place now, not only the oligarchs who have been robbed of their ill-gotten riches, but also the U.S. State Department if he becomes too embarrassing, and the Ukraine ultra nationalists like the Azov guys and the Right Sector who would not hesitate to get rid of him if he considered a peace treaty with Vlad, or if the western aid fountain ran dry.
Zelensky’s best hope is to get political asylum in Russia.
Just vote harder
jupes, I commented on this last night – fifa are f*#ked and the picture quality this woild cup is quite possibly the worst I’ve seen for at least two decades.
Inexcusable. Unless you’re a WEF corruptocrat.
Knuckle Dragger says:
November 26, 2022 at 8:55 pm
All this means is an endorsement of what Dan has done to you. And opened a door for more. Some people must have enjoyed it.
Not sure about that calli.
Appreciate your comments KD but if I may expand on the point Calli raises…..there would be Premiers all around the country breathing a sigh of relief. Andrews has very severe lockdowns, brutal enforcement etc and yet the LNP, for all kinds of reasons, have failed to capitalise. At first pass you’d expect that a brown dog could beat Andrews but the LNP may even be lucky to retain their prior total number of seats.
My point is that Australians were threatened, cajoled and over 20m were injected with an experimental drug whilst being denied all manner of freedoms we previously took for granted (not to mention our jobs). This has been discussed ad nauseum on the Cat and although many of us are angry about it, demonstrably, Victorians have taken it in their stride.
What does concern me is the precedent – leaders like Andrews, McClown, Palacechook (and future leaders) have been given the green light. Australians are meek and will acquiesce. Sure, there were pockets of protest but the MSM also showed their true colours.
I think it has wedged the door open to the suspension or overriding of other ‘freedoms’ as/when the elite feels the need in ‘the public good’. Politicians do not fear voters and the result in Victoria shows they don’t need to.
Rabz, I can’t watch it live. From past experience, any team or player I cheer for will lose. This goes for any sport but particularly tennis.
This is the Victorian Libs next assignment, find candidates with surnames starting with A.
Scary times.
On one hand im dissappointed Dan is back as bad as ever.
On the other hand i am excited about how wonderful another 4 years of socialism can be.
…and in the other hand is my …
I believe I saw the treasurer on tv earlier tonight telling me they’d be back in surplus by 2025
New World Odor™
‘Horrific’ leaked email from Fresno hospital reveals shocking increase in fetal demise & stillbirths. Nurse Michelle Gershman blows the whistle on the situation.
Dr James Thorp, OB-GYN adds that the vax ”has never been tested in pregnancy and violates ever rule in obstetrics”
Thank fuck. That tele was not cheap!
Pity I wont be around to see it, as it will never happen.
webley ?
As mentioned earlier my better half is back from Vic Electoral booth duties. MBH was amazed at the number cocks drawn on ballot papers. Some were very impressive with their artwork, creative flair and detail. Unfortunately the pollies dont get to see them.
New World Odor™
Here’s the trailer to Dr Peter McCullough’s book.
Written by John Leake, produced by Daniel Hancock, and foreward by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
i keep saying
that the problem isn’t politicians
it isn’t even j’ismists
the problem is your neighbours
your friends
your family members
the people you can hear over the back fence
they’ve been seduced by what they reckon is sexy sounding bullshit
men can be pregnant
climate change is real
your standard of living does not rely on heat-machines
the list is endless
the only way outta this is to accelerate the decline
faster baby
Elections have consequences.
Those who didn’t want the SFL got what is the consequence of this, more shit from Dan for 4 more years.
You have to flush the turds or democracy dies.
What is it with the quality of picture? Is it shit for everyone?
Nope! .. I’ve got great reception on SBS .. picture excellent .. and it’s a $400 Kogan 55inch TV so not top of the range ….!
One Liberal Policy was to privatise the Sewerage System.
Hard to believe they expected to win any votes for that.
I believe I saw the treasurer on tv earlier tonight telling me they’d be back in surplus by 2025
Dan campaigned on that – his election ads said it: he’s bringing the budget back to surplus with no cuts or closures.
So now we’ll see that happen. Er, yeah.
jupes – things are getting so tense here we’ve had to deck out one of my best mates’ son in the classic “black” Schlockerooos strip from many moons ago in the hope that we’ll blunder to a win.
Here’s hopin’ 🙂
Should have added the TV picture might be great but the game standard is AWFIE! .. LOL!
just drive she said
Why vote for a cheap imitation when you can have the genuine article?
Samantha Ratnam, is this a dude?
She’s denying that Liberal Preferences have helped them win a lot of Seats.
Watching world cup and it brings back many fond memories. Whatever happened to that country that made such a big impact Vuvuzela?
Such loser talk, lol. Keep losing.
No words.
Justin Bieber: Facial paralysis is ‘punishment’ for exposing illuminati pedophilia
Congratulations to Emperor Xi for cementing another satrap in place.
Daily Mail
Blundering is going well at the 77 min mark.
Cruise turns back to Australia, abandons Bali leg after coronavirus outbreak
Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth as seen in a file picture.
Indonesian authorities have requested that a cruise ship carrying about 2100 passengers and crew abandon the Balinese leg of its 17-day tour, following a COVID-19 outbreak on board.
#MarxistMcGowan has just tweeted congratulations Daniel Andrews
Waits patiently for IBAC to report on its enquiries into Dan Andrews corruption in 2027.
At the risk of jinxing them, with their mighty incoherent play, the Schlockeroos may just be about to possibly blunder their way to a famous victory …
Watch furious Peta Credlin’s withering election night tirade: TV host rips into the Liberal Party for ‘losing SO well’ as Daniel Andrews wins a third term – as she lists why her side of politics lost
Yeah right; wet lettuces could have withered more. She should have got up and kicked kroger in the cods.
Schlockeroos! 🙂
Go Socceroos!!!
Inner Party member has just tweeted congratulations to Inner Party member.
“UK: Charges dropped against ‘Palest”inian’ Muslims who screamed ‘F**k the Jews, rape their daughters’”
Oh well, the slug Monty will nod his head in agreement with this outcome, after all, according to the slug, Palestinian Muslims who scream ‘F**k the Jews and rape their daughters have “legitimate grievances”.
If he has any!
your problem mUnty is that you don’t know how to fight
too much weight on yr front foot
Dan: “OK, Kath. Let’s go home. You drive. Floor it, they’ll get out of the way.”
I had a feeling this would happen, I did write a withering comment this morning about this. I’m not surprised. And it’ll be probably be another freak show in the upper house, so there’ll be nothing to buffer and temper the dictator, coz that whore Patten will probably win bigly. Victoria is our Oregon, Melbourne is our Portland.
I do think Ian Cook should leave Victoria asap and my message to the Victorians here on this site*.
* Apart from the slug.
Thats it folks from Shitholistan. My fellow Victorians have voted for four more years of Marxist Woke Climate Dogma. My plan now is to leave this godforsaken place in 2023. Im done. Well played Dan, victory is yours …along with the debt.
And I note how the slug has been missing in action for a week and he suddenly appears tonight. Nice that Dover tolerates him, I wouldn’t.
David Southwick is ahead in Caulfield…so he’s fighting off Labor and the Teal skank.
Libs are like Tunisia… the only shots they fired went straight to the keeper.
Wasn’t the one time leader of the Palestinian Muslims the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum? He visited Nazi Germany during World War Two, was given a guided tour of an extermination camp, had tea and bikkies with Adolf Hitler, and received a guarantee that, in the event of Nazi victory, “The Jews of Palestine will be yours?” Why he wasn’t hanged as a war criminal, I’m damned if I know!
As I said this morning, the Victorian Liberal party, so supine, so cowardly, so craven when it comes to opposing Labor on anything but particularly on climate, are being eaten alive.
And it will be replicated here in NSW next March.
Looks like making it personal by attacking Andrews didn’t work for the Liberals.
Never heard Andrews speak before, he comes across as genuine, even when he says “Believe the Science and get Vaccinated”, which he couldn’t possibly believe if he saw Undertakers pull foot long pieces of fibre through an incision in the carotid arties of corpses.
Died Suddenly on Rumble
“Wasn’t the one time leader of the Palestinian Muslims the Grand Mufti of Jeruselum? He visited Nazi Germany during World War Two, was given a guided tour of an extermination camp, had tea and bikkies with Adolf Hitler, and received a guarantee that, in the event of Nazi victory, “The Jews of Palestine will be yours?” Why he wasn’t hanged as a war criminal, I’m damned if I know!”
All correct. No doubt a hero of the slug.
unfortunately …
“Victoria is our Oregon, Melbourne is our Portland.”
Andy Ngo, a native of Portland, who is now forced to live elsewhere, has said that the problem all down the west coast of the US but most particularly in Portland is that there exists a Democrat progressive political homogeneity that is now impossible to dislodge. I’ve long thought similar about Melbourne and the results tonight confirm this.
The basic analysis of the Vic election is that the Libs got a massive swing among working class north and west satellite suburbs, as befits their descent into racism and cookerism… but in seats that Labor will hold anyway due to them being ultra safe. Meanwhile Labor, the Greens and independents are picking off their former heartland seats.
The US-sourced tactic of abandoning normies in the suburbs and appealing to low-educated cookers is a pathway to electoral oblivion in Australia.
You can’t build a majority between cookers, landlords and franking credit moochers. There are too many normies who see through the bulldust.
Please explain?
“Libs got a massive swing among working class north and west satellite suburbs, as befits their descent into racism and cookerism”
The slug thinks that working class people are racists. How very progressive.
The National Party won 3 Seats to take their total to 9.
Because, for all their faults, they’re the Party for White People.
Trump won in ’16 by being the Candidate for White People.
He lost in ’20 because he spent his 4 years in Office kissing Black bottoms, promoting GloboHomo in Africa, and breaking all his promises.
You asked for this, Victoria!
Again, zero blowback from COVID lockdowns. No one who wasn’t already voting against Labor changed their vote over it.
You lot should probably drop it as an issue, since clearly no one else cares.
Sure. Paid for by the fairies at the bottom of my garden.
gibber about cookers has zero to do with law
landlords dont make policy
and franking credit moochers are a set that obviously dont include the mUnt, despite his self avowed business acumen
it is amusing to watch a clown who thinks he’s the rodeo star
The inner – inner suburbs are feral greens.
The next layer inner burbs are nobs insulated from any damage the green shite will do.
The middle suburbs are Chinese migrants. They majority vote ALP.
Then a layer of tradey types displaced from the middle suburbs as the wealthy CCP migrants bought their old homes 15 to 20 years ago. They still skew Labor by tribe.
Then you are out among the mosques/ displaced losers / ex inmates / meth labs and assorted lunatics where I live. Further- further out at the end of the zone three public transport zone you are back into a layer of feral greeny types even nastier than the inner suburban ones, but in nicer surrounds.
There is no natural constituency anywhere for the Guy liberal brand.
As mentioned here endlessly, a completely predictable outcome. The SFLs have no idea how they got here ketcalone how to get out of it. Michael Kroger has overseen this descent into irrelevance but somehow is never made accountable. Useless Guy, who told a potential local voter recently while the Prince was listening in, that he wouldn’t attack DickDan because you catch more flues with honey etc deserves to lose his seat. He’s not a leader’s bootlace.
‘Let alone’ – autocorrupt never works when needed. Provides crap when it’s not.
“Libs got a massive swing among working class north and west satellite suburbs, as befits their descent into racism and cookerism”
Yeah, the ABC panel sorta noted that, though David Davis and Tony Barry drew the conclusion that Quotas for Women and Minority Inclusion is the future for the Liberals.
The slug thinks that working class people are racists. How very progressive.
He’s right.
Trump proved that with his Build The Wall [to keep the blacks and browns out] slogan, a racist dogwhistle if there ever was one.
Then he did the ole Bait & Switch and spent 4 years kissing black and brown bottoms.
He did manage to assassinate a White man though, General Soleimani of Iran.
Flues=flies. See previous autocorrupt comment.
That’s it from me.
Kroger. More destructive than Peacock. The CA of political operatives. Chalk up another loss. Ho hum.
Wow, what a ridiculous take. Leaving aside the nonsense about ‘racists’ and ‘cookers’ in the West, the idea that the Libs and in particular Guy was “abandoning normies and appealing to working class voters” has no basis in reality. If Guy exemplifies anyone from the US it’s Mitt Romney.
Leon L
Yep. Bad governments must be punished. Hasn’t happened.
and that HBB, is what worries me.
Seems he likes vaccines a lot. This is not good as will encourage those morons in TGA and Albo.
From Daily Mail.
A jubilant Daniel Andrews pumped his fists and declared ‘vaccines work’ as he celebrated his historic third term victory on Saturday night.
Mr Andrews, whose party were predicted to win 49 seats and an outright majority, took to the stage with his family at a party in his Mulgrave seat in Melbourne.
In a triumphant victory speech, he trumpeted his controversial Covid policies, which included a 263-day lockdown, the world’s longest.
He said: ‘Friends, these last few years have been incredibly challenging. We have had to make some very difficult decisions, some very tough decisions, and Victorian families and businesses right across our state have had a very difficult time.
‘This was a one-in-100 year event. And because of the tough decisions that we made, and … the fact that Victorians stuck together … we went out and got vaccinated. Because vaccines work.
‘As a community we were not, as some would say, divided. We were instead united in our faith in science.
Meanwhile Labor, the Greens and independents are picking off their former heartland seats.
Those independents likely are former Liberal Voters, the Greens are now dependent on Liberal Preferences to cannibalise Labor Seats and Liberal now know how to appeal to Labor’s White voters in the North and West.
The Liberals have just got to stick to what they do best and never ever speak of privatising services ever again.
Privatising Sewerage?
It’s a natural Monopoly.
The idea is nuts.
Others got 17% of the vote but not seats.
Greens and NATS between them got 17% but got 5 and 9 seats.
Something to be learnt from that.
Mitt Romney at least had a successful business career.
Mitt Guy is just a loser. His weakness has allowed cookers and cultists to take over the party.
David Davis is from the old school, which makes him also weak in a modern context, but at least he knows which way the wind blows. The Libs don’t look like modern Australia. They look like an RSL committee.
Others got 17% of the vote but not seats.
Greens and NATS between them got 17% but got 5 and 9 seats.
Nationals only stood in 20 seats, Greens won on Liberal preferences, something they’re publicly in denial about.
In the Upper House, Andrews has lost seats, PHON has picked one up and Legalise Cannabis 2, according to Antony Green.
Who cares if the Greens won on Lib preferences? The Libs don’t own those voters. They finished third in those seats, deal with it.
Woman driver joke (the Hun):
No indication as to whether she was parallel parking at the time.
Guess she’ll never run to catch another wedding bouquet again. Not with a glass of champers in her hand, anyway.
Crudlin should have got up and kicked kroges in the cods
He would have enjoyed it, which is why Victoria’s foremost j’ismist is not considered a j’ismist.
The place is a wasteland, Cats.
In other words, embrace the suck, you imbeciles, or else mUttley and his not so secret police are a coming a blunderin’ after ya … 😕
The Szcenee!
Hey, Miss Emily – I don’t seek your foolish kiss … 😕
You’re just repeating your earlier nonsense.
Oh, Victoria.
Not surprised, bcos like WA, there was solid Uniparty unity, and the devil they know held on easily.
But, after a life of lazy neutrality, I now feel really sorry for you.
Just watched the Fifth Element with the kids. A little bit too frenchy raunchy, but goood fun escapist entertainment.
I was surprised how much it predicted for the future, just 25 years ago-
centralized driver’s license penalty enforcement
3-D printing… of femmes, but you know
robot vacuum cleaners
uber eats- actually a rather charming airborne noodle hut that docks at the window, but close enough
Heavily armed and armoured police gunning for the citizenry
gender fluid influencer, Ruby Rhod
every wry ex-champ role Bruce Willis played for the next century
-Education by watching a video database
Sure is quiet on the prairie tonight, comrades
Okay waffles, let’s talk tractors. You know want to.
Week In Pictures.
Thanks Tom.
Having recently escaped Viktoriastan after living there for 22 years, I am totally unsurprised that most inmates there appear to have voted for more communism. I hope they get it good and hard and often, though I do sympathise with my friends and others who are opposed to it but are stuck there. The policies and their implementation of the amoral, diabolical creature that is the Diktator, who should be in gaol, will, I suspect, embolden other Liebor state premiers to adopt the same agenda. I no longer understand this country and, as the Liebors and ‘Greens’ – passively and sometimes actively aided and abetted by LINO’s – continue unchecked to spread their communist tentacles across all levels of our society, I feel my love for this wonderful country waning as my fear for my grandchildren’s future waxes. I see no substantial source for any optimism that this bleak scenario will change. Poor fellas in my country.
Pretty dismal. Must admit I held my nose and voted lieboral in the lower house. Voted PHON in the LC. Just repeating what others said here, the official ‘opposition’ wasn’t any such thing. People still starting new businesses in Vicco though, people I know, shops I see opening.
Mak Siccar says:
November 27, 2022 at 6:15 am
I hear you but what is the solution? Some advocate emigration, firstly, that would be the same as what the immigrants coming here do, abandoning their country instead of fixing it, secondly, even if all of us could do it, where to?
I can’t agree with you, this is where we live, we have to change the political landscape, but how is the question.
I’m not living in Vic but NSW is in the same boat.
That’s the thing Gabor, more than a few posters here like to slag of about Vicco but at least last federal election Vicco sent three conservative or nominally conservative senators to canbra. Unlike WA.
Doesn’t really matter which major party you vote for, you get the same rubbish. This has been the case at least since Fraser. The problem is the political class and the meja which feed off each other. Interesting that Murdoch has been threatening Trump. Now that is someone who makes me ashamed to be Australian.
In NSW they threw out the vile Carr-Egan-Iemma regime and just got more of the same plus worse! eg abortion and selling off power stations to grifters.
Agree too that the dicktator is the worst. Interesting too how the fat marxist parasite lets slip its hatred and contempt for the working classes. What I was on the tools I couldn’t wait to get into the office, now I regard getting your hands dirty as a badge of honour and very happy to be on the tools.
I’m so over politics and politicians this morning…
These ones are better
An album with a gardening song…and it’s in my record collection too!
The informed voter is a concept of the past.
Our Cat crew is generally older, well read and up to date with matters economic and social but the same cannot be said for the generations now making up the baulk of the electorate.
They don’t read newspapers, they don’t watch the TV news, they’re glued to their devices that are feeding them selected information that supports their interests or biases without balance.
I can’t count the times I’ve chatted to a twenty something and brought up a big news story only to find the chat stopped dead because they have no knowledge of the incident.
Those who control social media feeds control the thinking of these people and their vote.
Being informed means questioning your assumptions and seeking alternative information or opinions that others use to form their opinions.
They vote Labor and Green because that’s all they know and will ever know while their media information is gardened so the progressive mantras are always first and foremost on the mobile feed.
Look at your phone and read the top ranked shit that passes for reporting and analysis and you will know what they know.
We worry about inflation, they don’t.
We worry about big debt, they don’t.
We worry about freedoms, they don’t.
Reality will hit them like a train but they won’t hear it coming with the earbuds in and their eyes fixed on the screen while the world around them distorts into a Faustian vision without them even realising they’ve made a deal with the devil.
Dan’s social media team won the election along with the ever willing MSM who support his edicts and agenda.
There was something dodgy about that vote count. I can’t believe the majority of Liberal voters in WA preferenced Labor over One Nation. Particular given the HTV’s said otherwise.
They don’t read newspapers, they don’t watch the TV news
well that’s a good start- but yes agree with your general thrust.
A big part of my interest in politics is protecting the country from the psychopaths, narcissists and grifters who are attracted to politics.
Those have been captured also. There are a few alternative shoals of information on the internet, but they are rare.
We basically have wall-to-wall curated coverage. Sound bites, grainy phone film, eyeballs on screens. If there’s no film, it didn’t happen.
In Vic, the young fellow who was run down and hospitalised can kiss any enquiry into the incident goodbye. And the police involved can breathe easy.
I commented recently on the LDP preferencing Animal Justice high on their list way above the other freedom parties.
Speaking to a senior member of the LDP, it seems that the LDP would rather get a seat and have Animal Justice get a seat before letting one or more other freedom parties get a seat if that means the LDP would miss out. They really would prefer to have one LDP and one Animal Justice member rather than two freedom party members if that meant the LDP would miss out.
The Libs are much the same and prefer to promote their enemies rather than like minded parties as this could cost the Libs a seat at the expense of a freedom party. I’m hoping for an upper house that has conservative/freedom parties holding the balance of power, but the LDP and Libs make that difficult.
The lower house, well a pox on both sides.
Guy’s big pitch to the electorate was not to wake up Sunday morning with a Dan Hangover.
Well, they did after binging on debt and socialist promises of a good night out.
Strangely predictive from the LNP team and about all they got right.
In Vic, the young fellow who was run down and hospitalised can kiss any enquiry into the incident goodbye. And the police involved can breathe easy.
yes that is sickening
credit where credit is due to the HUN
I won’t do a diatribe about the Libs. It has all been said before. Menzies’ “forgotten people” have been forgotten again, maybe this time for good. Younger generations want it soft and socialistic, and they’ll get it.
When the money runs out and they actually have to work hard physically, they might get it in a different way. Time and circumstance are the only way out now…no good looking for a political saviour.
I do. I put this story up yesterday:
Over 70 Per Cent of Children Aged 7-12 Now Afraid of Climate Change – Survey (25 Nov)
The far-left have been in control of the school system long enough now to thoroughly indoctrinate anyone under 30. And critical thinking is no longer taught. Just look at some of the swings to the Greens in the election. Massive ones. Now we have the covid scare on top of the climate scare and the sheep are stampeding.
Yes but when I was in primary school they were scaring us with nuclear anihilation
I’ve long commented that the only way now is to wait for the climax. People will only begin to see, when the lights go out. As the T-Shirt says: “Science doesn’t care what you believe”.
Prepare as best you can, use it as a lesson for the kids, and try to make the best of it. If the 20th century has taught us anything, it’s that no matter what happens, others have had it as bad.
When you get to the end of your time, and your life flashes before your eyes, at least it won’t be boring.
no good looking for a political saviour.
true- I once thought it was Howard. How wrong I was. Left the country in worse shape than he found it. He venom against Trump really gives him away.
His venom against Trump really gives him away.
First Sunday of Advent
Christian Art – Gospel Reading and Art Reflection
Given you lot are going to spend the day insulting the intelligence of the entire electorate, I will take criticisms of my comments last night under advisement.
Farmer Gezsays:
November 27, 2022 at 7:03 am
Summed up well, Gez.
Quite so, milton. At school it was a half-hour segment called “Current Affairs”. That was all. We had to take clippings from the papers and glue them in an exercise book and discuss the stories.
Now the “stories” permeate every single text book, whether it’s environmental, racial, political, sexual.
The permutations of the Cold War are nothing compared to the saturation of Woke that out children receive in the classroom.
There was a worldwide poll published a few days back – “Is your nation headed in the right direction”. Yes I know. But, Australia showed that 57% said yes.
Basically, the dominant political sentiment in Australia is mOron.
Being imprisoned and brutalised, fed lies and propaganda shows how much Govt cares about us. Govt handouts and profligacy comes from a bottomless well of money we never ever have to care about. Our great green dream will result in cheap pure electricity.
And the mOrons look no further. Think no further. “Sounds good to me!” The Vic LNP try to shoe horn themselves somewhere in between Labour, Greens and Teals and pretend they are an alternative. The SFL’s have long since ceased to be an alternative. They are dead to me.
The problem is the Left whipping up fake scares. Nuclear annihilation was pretty real. Avoiding it required pollies to be sane, which in our recent experience is not a justifiable assumption.
Covid and climate change aren’t real threats, or at least no more so than flu and bad weather are.
That Medicare surcharge for the uninsured did it for me with Howard.
Country people were being punished for not accessing private services that weren’t available in the bush anyway.
How that got past the Nats is a mystery.
One thing is clear: this idea that the Libs can become the voice of the working class is insane. It makes no sense at any level. If Labor had thought up a way to fool the Libs into writing their own death wish, it would look like that.
The Lib strategist last night on the ABC talked about female quotas, and David Davis said the party should recruit more Asians. Man, that is going to be a painful conversation. So many mediocre white men will have their political futures written off.
Ed: “Dan is done and dusted”.
Just stfu Ed.
Labor is stuck with the CCP hostages of our suburbs, not a constituency to be courted without consequence.
Agreed. It seems fairly clear to me that elections are not providing a way out of this mess.
In my view, a good start is to get out of the cities. I do not find them to be especially pleasant places now, but they will get a lot uglier when the zombies cannot charge their phones.
Mak Siccarsays:
November 27, 2022 at 6:15 am”
Agree wholeheartedly.
There was a worldwide poll published a few days back
and what was their methodology?
The “working class” are now soft people with soft jobs. The stereotype of “working class” bib and brace holding a shifting spanner is a mirage.
Who is in charge of education in NSW? Plibersek’s husband. Who gave him the job? Liberals. So voting for Liberals will change that?
Does your little hovel have any ability hook up a generator to power your fantasy football when the government soon dictates when you can have power?
How many rabbits are running around your inner west suburb that might provide sustenance for your ample body when things get lean? Don’t think you’re coming north to get mine, your EV won’t make it on zero electricity.
With equally soft heads.
To those inhabiting this blog that have (peer) reviewed academic papers, or had their own papers peer reviewed, this is a long read but, as always, thought provoking. Well worth digesting imho.
LOL now you’re attacking the working class. Beyond parody.
The end of the arc is Venezuela, where the Left stole elections, lied to the ordinary people that they would be cared for, and ended up a subsistence level kleptocratic mess. Unfortunately there’s no way out of that mess because there’s just enough money for the regime to control the people by force, same as in North Korea.
At least the poverty stricken Venezuelans who wanted to get out have been able to. We won’t have that ability, being a nation with a natural Iron Curtain all around it to keep us all in.
Incidentally when it comes to breathtaking hypocrisy this story today is right up there.
Biden Admin Reverses Trump Ban On Chevron Pumping Venezuelan Crude (27 Nov)
The “working class” are now soft people with soft jobs. The stereotype of “working class” bib and brace holding a shifting spanner is a mirage.
Rubbish. Not where I work,
Who cares if the Greens won on Lib preferences?
Labor cares, since they’re never getting those seats back.
Greens bosses care, since they’re in denial over how the seat was won.
The Libs don’t own those voters.
All they want is their preferences, 50 -60% should be enough to destroy Labor.
Labor knows what’s coming, hence the huge number of fake Parties preferencing Labor.
They finished third in those seats, deal with it.
After distribution of preferences, clear second on Primary vote.
“I’ve long commented that the only way now is to wait for the climax. People will only begin to see, when the lights go out. As the T-Shirt says: “Science doesn’t care what you believe”.”
That’s my feeling too. When the blackouts starts, when the power rationing starts, when the jobs fall away likes leaves, and the privileged entitled and very progressive young won’t be able to charge their phones and computers, the shouting, the complaining and the whingeing will be audible in another galaxy.
These young indoctrinated puppies aren’t stoic, many lack any character to withstand deprivation. A few days ago, in my workplace, I heard some some people complaining about the cost of airfares. I was chuckling whilst making my tea and toasting my bagel. One of the complainants reads the Guardian website and votes Teal. I raised my voice (nicely of course) and I said to these young sprogs, well, you all better get used to it, it’s only been in the last thirty years that airfares became affordable.
I actually now do wish hardship on the young.
As I said late last night, the result does not surprise me. I feel sad for those Victorians who didn’t vote for this. I think Rowan Dean’s words on the morning of 22 May 2022 (and it was later published in The Speccie) are sadly once again pertinent this morning, Sunday 27th November 2022…
Scott Morrison and the Coalition did not lose government last night. They lost it on November 1 last year, when Scott Morrison stood in front of an adoring crowd of climate cultists in Glasgow and committed Australia to the ridiculous pledge of ‘Net Zero by 2050’.
Attacking and resisting Climate Change alarmism had been the secret winning weapon of the Liberal and National parties at every election since and including the landslide win in 2013.
The most pathetic scenes in this election campaign were watching Liberals and Nationals stand impotently by as they were attacked on Climate Change.
Rather than going on the attack by pointing out the energy crisis in Europe and the spiralling inflation in the US are all the result of climate alarmism, thanks to Scott Morrison and the bedwetters within the Liberal party, they played along with the pretence that we can close down our coal mines and still maintain our prosperity.
Scott Morrison, through his cowardice on the climate issue and so many other issues – in particular the abandonment of the nation during Covid to the outrageous human rights abuses of the Labor premiers – and cultural issues such as religious freedom, has decimated the Liberal party.
If you stand for nothing, you lose. That is the message from this campaign.
If you betray your base, you lose.
If you follow the siren calls of focus group researchers, you lose.
Whether you like or loathe the Teals, the point is they fought from a position of conviction. They stood for something and they won.
It is time for the Liberal party to rediscover its conservative convictions and stop pandering to the woke, touchy-feely left.
As we now know in no uncertain terms, appeasement is a sure path to defeat.
“LOL now you’re attacking the working class. Beyond parody.”
LOL, the slug last night smeared the working class as racist. Read up thread and see. The slug is beyond parody.
95% of people are as dumb as dog shit.
Hardly. I happen to be “working class”. It was the middle class kids at school who got stuck into me. Mum and Dad, like so many from their background, voted Conservative.
Now most people are “middle class” and vote socialist. This is no surprise.
“That’s the thing Gabor, more than a few posters here like to slag of about Vicco but at least last federal election Vicco sent three conservative or nominally conservative senators to canbra. Unlike WA.”
I don’t slag off any state, I do slag off the Liberal Party and for that I make NO apologies.
As for what happened in WA in May in the senate, that was due to Liberal HQ deciding to preference Labor ahead of PHON. Most likely Morrison was involved in that decision….but the stupid fucking Liberals never learn.
Henry goes to confession and says “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. Last night I was with seven different women”. The priest says “Take seven lemons, squeeze them into a glass and drink the juice without pausing”. “Will that cleanse me of my sins, Father?” “No” replies the priest. “But it’ll wipe that silly grin off your face”.
Canadian Government Pushes Psychiatric Medication for ‘Vaccine-Hesitant’
The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.
– Lily Tomlin
And a warning…the result yesterday will embolden Sleazy and his government.
Brainwashing is more like it.
Evidence Grows Proving That Transgenderism Is a Social Contagion