• There were a lot more than 20,000

    The headline in the Sunday paper today read 20,000 rally in CBD. There were a lot more than that, as I did my own count as the procession passed by on Flinders Street. This was my calculation. There were approximately 16 persons in each row of the procession. Each row passed by at the rate…

  • The Kafkaesque process of Vaccine Exemptions

    This is an incredible story. This lady is being put through the ringer here in Victoria in order to obtain a medical exemption even though she clearly deserves one given her previous anaphylactic episodes with other medical interventions. Her GP refused on the grounds of ‘legal liability’ but I think its rather fear of an…

  • “The task of the Marxist historian”

    I’m all for de mortuis nil nisi bonum but there are limits. The obit for Stuart Macintyre in The Oz certainly is heavily weighted on the bonum side. And what is perhaps worth noting is that there is plenty in what was written even there that should make someone just a bit suspicious. Let me…

  • The Continuing Nightmare

    A chap writing for Breitbart thought that the new strain out of Botswana might be called nu. Why not mu, which comes before nu, I thought. As it was, I don’t believe we had gamma before the health gurus plumped for delta. I think there was a flirtation with a new strain lambda, but that…

  • Guest Post: mem – Amongst the political fall-out in Victoria are we witnessing a rising star?

    I watched the recently appointed Victoria Shadow Attorney-General, Matthew Bach, being interviewed by Peta Credlin on Sky News. He spoke calmly and authoritatively about the current impasse in Parliament concerning the Andrews pandemic Bill. It was the first time that I have heard him speak in his new position. It is also the first time…

  • Weekday Reading #12

    Where’s the Attorney-General on vaccine mandates? (Spectator Australia) This week much attention has been on Coalition MPs and Senators hearing the vox populi following the ever-increasing demonstrations around Australia and demanding that the government do something to stop state premiers and territory chief ministers threatening people’s livelihoods and their ability to participate in everyday life with vaccine mandates…

  • Understanding conservative thought

    My article in the November Quadrant, Conservative Thought in the Time of Covid (Part II), has now been put online where anyone can read it. It is strictly a discussion of political philosophy from a conservative perspective, or from what I think ought to be a conservative perspective. This is not everyone’s interest since this is…

  1. Also learnt today that my SIL has Jewish “descent”, if that is even a thing. Apparently her maternal great grandmother…

  2. So many promises being made why not throw in Gladiators as well. Could be a 2nd career path for NRL…

  3. Our American guest lives in Portland, which has been traditionally Democrat country, blue as blue, and I had thought them…