• WolfmanOz at the Movies #83

    Tears in rain. Released in 1982, there were high expectations for Blade Runner. Directed by Ridley Scott it was his next film after the hugely successful science fiction horror classic Alien. Anticipation was extremely high but Blade Runner underperformed in North American theatres and polarised many critics; some praised its thematic complexity and visuals, while…

  • Closing the Gap: The Never-Ending Story?

    What is the so-called ‘gap’? It’s the gap in wellbeing (across factors such as income, shelter, health, lifestyle) between those Aborigines living in circumstances offering no possibility of employment and everyone else. To present the gap as a difference between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians seriously mischaracterises the problem. And I suspect deliberately so. The Yes…

  • Suicidal Power Planning

    Has AEMO lost the plot? How this situation has been allowed to proceed this far is an astounding failure of political leadership and, quite frankly, common sense. Furthermore, it is a plan to transition our country from a safe, independent, cost effective and reliable NEM to one that exposes us to almost complete dependency on…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #82

    They fought like seven hundred. The Magnificent Seven (released in 1960) is an American western directed by John Sturges which is a remake of Akira Kurosawa’s 1954 Japanese film Seven Samurai, which in turn took its inspiration from American westerns. Seven Samurai is often hailed by film critics as one of the greatest films ever made but I’ll will…

  • Beware of pink and green Liberals

    Using nuclear power as a trojan horse The Liberal Party has been plagued by pink and green rats in the ranks since the first emergence in the 1960s of the self-style “moderates” in NSW fighting the so-called “Uglies” for control of the party. Possibly the most destructive blow struck by the rats was the assassination…

  • Rafe’s Roundup 4 Sept

    Reminder Coming soon The Free Speech Union of Australia! Sign up here, don’t delay, Get your free speech while there is still some left. STOCKS LIMITED The usual suspects THE LATEST ADDITION TO THE LIST OF DEPLORABLES The Conservative Political Action Conference CPAC Classical liberalism rebadged as bohemian or hippie conservatism. Inspired by a long lost…

  1. Very good, Kneel. And this is why years ago with four young children I struggled mightily every Monday morning at…

  2. Vick, Unfortunately the pharmacologist you mention did not get much mainstream media coverage. Even now would be lucky if 5%…

  3. Jim Rickards provides another great analysis: I. The Steal Begins: Secret Service Put In Charge Of Counting Votes Democrat efforts…