• Your welfare is not what political leaders have at heart

    The video is titled, “PRESS CONFERENCE-EU PARLIAMENT OPPOSES MANDATE AGENDA 30/10/2021. She is dead on, and she has never even heard of Daniel Andrews. People in government, she says, have agendas of their own. Political “elites” could not care less about your personal welfare. Listen to it through. She explains why she will not be…

  • Guest Post: mem – An Advertising Conundrum

    Did anyone see the advertisement in the Herald Sun on Sunday, 31 October thanking Brett Sutton CMO Victoria and team for keeping us safe? The text of the advertisement ran as follows: “To Prof Brett Sutton, Prof Ben Cowan and A/Prof Deb Friedman Thank you To you and the team of people you lead, For…

  • “We are arguing for proper accountability and oversight”

    It’s about Daniel Andrews and the totalitarian laws Labor is trying to introduce into Victoria. The text may be found here. I particularly like that she quotes Edmund Burke, about whom you can read more about here. The Irish philosopher Edmund Burke said, ‘The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.’ Those…

  • Perrottet’s New Puppeteer

    “Once every single person in this state has had the opportunity to be vaccinated then we should open up for everyone… I want to see more unity and not a two-tiered society… It’s not the government’s role to provide freedom.” Dominic Perrottet talking to Joe Hildebrand on 2GB on 24 September 2021. The Berejiklian date…

  • All Souls’ Day

    The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.-G. K. Chesterton In the OT today, Calli made the following astute comment, We seem to be in a perfect storm of physical and spiritual (or, if you like, moral) degradation, without the will to tackle it in the simplest of ways. That is, starting in the home. Our telescopic philanthropy…

  • PM Mandates Military Service

    By political editor Tow Mater in Canberra Posted 3 hours ago, updated 2 hours ago Fresh from saving Australia from Armageddon in Glasgow, the Prime Minister yesterday announced the re-establishment of National Military Service, with the call up of all eligible individuals between 12 to 59 years of age. “In light of, and in response…

  • How Daniel Andrews became Australia’s most popular premier

    This is taken from Nick Cater’s article in today’s Oz: Victoria: From a state of emergency to a state of tyranny. Daniel Andrew’s level of incompetence is astonishing, but the high regard so many still have for this utterly stupid buffoon is more astonishing still. Here is the story as told by Nick. The Andrews…

  • Obligatory ignorance

    It is a curious thing that in the midst of a mass vaccination program of heretofore little used en masse vaccine delivery systems that OSHA adopts the following policy: This left me thinking, what does OSHA’s antipodean relation, WorkSafe Victoria, do in this respect? Does it require employers to notify WorkSafe of any adverse events…

  1. Reality bites. Hun: Extending a deal that keeps Victoria’s dirtiest power station running to 2028 is likely to be considered…

  2. Muslim group targeting Labor seats launches campaign in BroadmeadowsThe Muslim Votes Matter group is aiming to win over Victorian Labor…

  3. Fair whack of publicity in the media over Brucie (of Knickerless fame) claiming “dole” whilst Channel 7 paid big bucks…

  4. Sky Outsiders has just reminded me I forgot to post the latest Please Explain cartoon on Friday. It’s very good.…